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Reseamb on the lkture of the Vasoconstructor Factor of platelous by M, DMCO) r, C, Cuu) 16 pp. ITAIJAN, per, IrAtItuto di Patolcoa Nedim dell Univmita dl 81=&o, Vol MMVU,, 1953; PP 7M-735. ATIC F-16-10128/V Sci - Biol, anatcW %:f-~ / ~ .$ s Oct 57 Yaw Mmaurivg ImtmonnU In VAmsmlU* Vddalft for Tahlou IansUpUM4 by 1. V. -CM-U=. a ommx,, per, in-"Wimbo SaM14 Igo,, pp 219-02. UM41ft sel A34 " &?-T 'o v Ir Cenealogical Congtributions to the Etioloa of Amyotropblc : i.-teral Sclerosio., ~y F. Curt~j~!, aad K. E. Passj, 19 PP t,amst pel., z. f. ges. laurol. u. Pischlatri*p IPM %ol CIMalls 1941p PP 333-336 Nn A,ruC11116 Eclentlflc - 6*06M mar 54 CTS/M Al) / 011) ?If c,4iec: of Carbonylasidee Coft6l ca Aromatic, Berthc,, 30 :,"1 by Tr QDILuL, A per, Chexische derichtep Vol LID, 'G-532, 9689438 DOC RSIC-93 hyarolysis 2, 4, S-Texrazirls-5.6- gar, ChocisciNt Vt,! IN, 1907, pp 1176-1193. 9689434 DW Sci Nr pp r, .7 chominho a~richtc, Vol XXIII, DDC RSIC-94 5CI Own Dac Tr-6 1- 22947 Cul Clenmi. R- )YN11U.T. 01, 1. I-DUMINCI)II(A)AN9 AND I Titic: Subcrit &CW 1. FROM GurrARIC ACID I cufllw, 1'. A,%D'!*M;AlC AGID, RLSPFC-TIVLLN- [10114) IL ClnT 1j,, It. A I W,(7 1 G Ill. A 1-5 - "Q7, I C IV. A9tKKiatv%J Tvhm,:&I )~ourngi fUr I hattlwtie) Ctmullel Servicei., In, " (Cwrrnary) 190U, v. 64, w. 2, P. 189,'11. EjNr0range, N. J. Ph5CMi'TURS: 'Ammeu, TrAmneo. "lleums. 'Glutaric acids. Dibabis acids. 4 v. it, no. Hydrazidec and Azides of Or(puft AcIdas 17 - Syn- thesic of 1.3 - DiaminopropaM arA of 1.6 - Di=ino- hexane froo Mutarlc and Suberic Acldo,, by T. Curtius, H. Clem. GERHAVO peq J wa!-t Cbew Vol LUIv 19W.. pp 189-211. R.AJ., F=bwougb Tr 110 4 lo Index Acronauticus se', - /111 Sutrition and Fertility# by G. X. L%wto. LANOUAGE UKOW, per, International C299"s ou Animal Reproduction and-ArUflcial Lwadustlon, i0. 5o Vol. 2p Sept. l9b4f pp. 91-46. rx 70-17045-M - I (-I /.P. (!,)k To ITuti'luou aw IWwti3lty$ by 0. DAU. Malm, W. -c-OROM RimuWzlone Amtmale, e la Fvcomd=iom Artificiale. 1_964., pp P.T-46# no 2 CSIRO/110 7465 scl - AuG 67 336,,148 DQUW PAL= Azm* ATUtan, by J. Ctw"LU*, r, swao", r. smVe". 9 pp. ==--, - - PIUMAS Pfro LO 00901M A*rC*zuttqft,, ftl Xnp No L 1957a Pp 249-256. AF U"M gas. - w ow 59 1 71,r~ 6 .1 Ir IT I DMIR K. 28' 1 ~="tjr4 With y ',:'r of Steel 11 K. Roarer; by (). CuscOlocal per) und o1 Lx%n, US T-3242 IJIte 501 - gin/met jun 61 cob", A. THS NrrRff 9 GR". lords Ord" trolm S" S& do 11"31 &V op ammo I J': =: A'. IT-65-3mi M. "NNW Tr%u. of lHu&mA du MmrbummBm (Cormaul) I M) V. I I P. w1ai.- oEscitirrom. emutems. ovammmed" avow Mod Ve"" 0*014cal sdacm--rmnmwdoa. TT. 1. 11. am :6 On d TS*Akd bnbm MUNA=7 -1 fig MAL t , - - 1,64 a Xamurob on H&GmqAdW an of Addt tjp wA FowUa Type in Nonial Cbll&en and Cbildm AtfOoted by O*oUW"a IX*oan,, by fto~p Oamow, IULW# pars DaUettim Ow rtA'io= di DI Ah~f 19w) IV WIRD W - lbd Jul 62 Horizontal ChroWatography; ww Method far the a,tudy of the Types of FWaxoglobin, by G~ Spusomj r. Cuumm. rl'P'I,IAX. per, Boll Soc rWIana di Biolog Sparimintale., Vol XXVrI., 1951, pp 1369-13'[1. calao Wad jui 62 ;2 .0 I allZ I 141 troc o - LL ulan i A;~'~19" or EM.L-=,Y- Note VII, by M. Ruccla, G. Nataic, 3. cus?w-,lej., 7 x; - -0-4r, Gazzetta Cbemica Itallana, Vol UM, 1960, pp -41-,37. NITI 9-4-61 f And Tnersamed on at a mlow a" rffd"Mw D7 Wtor r. cascht VWP Val 50a, 1956p Vjp6 1064-71 C& D. 178 wC4A4"35 11, . , v. ~ , 1 W* r 551 Cal, F. al)d Strafelda, F. ROSMANCE ?.LFCTRJ~tTE, ERRFVR SOOF11T. rf.N-r(El ASYNItTRW~Uf--, FON(fruw in'bRo. M. IRf.-SIS,rAS('F CHMIX)l T DES PI.E(7TRO- OKOL UPASYNSMEllekirk, DES I N VERKF DE S i% OtIpir. Sixtru Chy1m, A,,4ymcmcky PconcLal, V,dii,pva Funcke:i Chernicka Odolnoht Skelnych I:lCkTT,kl za S~la S(*o1ov-,i a flasynskeh) (Flectrical It"i,tance, cv%lium Error, Asymmetric P(tent"l, Ilydr,vn Fumion awl Chemicil Resistince of ,,,,krAfsv-Pa,qn.-;kii Glass Electroxics). I lp. Srefs. c.m(s-vift 6ii 4"j. Order frrqYl 4 ffS, FWtrCNHS$I.f0 TT-62-2N,41 'I r,jn4. in I-rerwh 4 Chernicke ViRty (Ctech(milo.I V,kkw) p. IN14-1-07. *(Ut,-4, 'Flectr,itle.-i, Flectrical Tr-62-26641 1. Qut'l. F'. it. Strafeldj. V. 'NRS-VIII bb; 401 Ill. C IV. CentreNatimil tit I i Retherche Scientifique, hri, 1- 1-0- C_ 62-3043 =4 straCK P. UA IM CONSTAWT DE ixszm7wm w 1. cum. P. LI'ACM Cmtsomqkm VMTRIE 606 - "6e MU6 a. SIFAW P. DlmmU64 Konstams KywHey Mrtlti od 6W do M. CWFI NW4001 do I# 9000(ne second masoclatsoacma4matce RochrrOws'l Acid betwes 60 and WQC~ 1 10 refs. T (From) Im So 62-36M Order from aM ETC or CNA Tram. in Eruc of Chemicke Uay (cqmchos6wAW 1934. T. 46, P. 1306-131L DESCRIFMRI OC&rbnk wide. 0jXs@wj&dM H Lit"n Im I I P ratIM4 H*QP 41 P I m , li 0 d M 2 d e ectro sperimend uL im isery. (ftydca--Ybrnmdmmk% TT. V. 106 am 7) MW d labbd bMw Relationships betwom Mmooln w3d iysowym,, trf c . cutiwUi,, 7 vo- ML=4 per, Son am Ist b1cl xPr, 24, p 449-455P 1948- MA 58-h07 Bel Aug 59 flel. frfe~ MmTbdoooalqand Chadoal NoMmUova of the pneumocaccus brOUGA INSCSM "UM,, by 0. Cutbalt Na TA ft=p a pyt 1"=,t PWA, lbu an lul-na owt Ta XCMP 19k7p pp U4-3133- BLA 9840 ftl Avg 99 gjpAAIV a V~V BobavW of the Rmlow of Vw v owmxgxxm in the to" v to Oro 1 0 VA. od"320 tAumt u PP. 2hump pwjftz Zot Sl"l*w" Itas va xxv, Iwo pp 1-8. X& gejao &d Avg 59 OA?w 0+,v 3 ,,material Imcui aM tysts by Illes by C. fttl"Illy 11 TM- !M I pwo uw u& uw*Mp Iva# va Mvp .4 1099 pp JR-W. OIA 58J4 set Avg 59 .f 014R 9%% CUTRON, R. Vibra'Aon of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete e Part II. Tha Vibration of Non-xvinforced "Oncrete. Chapter 1. Internal Vibration* vibration Time and Hal' Hus of Action. Di3tance between ~ibr;ition 1,01nts and 6fficience of Vibration. (W Lib. Uom. No 247A) Laboratoire do Recherches et rrofeszlo. el des Fabricants cial de Belgique, DuUetin x 78, firussels, 1944. DSIR/405/CT de Controle, Groupe-ment do Ci:-ent Portland Artifi- technique, No 38, pp 140- coewitatim " vw "w4r of 3ftelarus ad t=ome In stesup by L. sAbrawas - lWp 26 pp. P. " YAMP prj, YAAM (corm"n-lou)v Vol M=s lwp pp W-U5, AM tr 9553 act - Kim/mteu A / if (NY-3505/3). He.uwguud 1.958 work Paparto by Qt;w,, 49 vp - UP m 'IWO llellun#-iang Ju-vsoi mublas 25 Jan 1959, DR 1-3. JM-1878-* Irz- Chim Zeca Sep 51) 17 7, ev2 rz y "OTOCO"Damc JAC31 or I. Cahk NU)DnMC LUU Di GRMW TOMACM fltq 11P. U. MINUM D6 Ordw from K-H $13. 73 K-H3lWb M. K-H-SlWb IV. KrNWHO*w Sdswo Tire". at tw4tem) 20(wrimulta 6j) Tobsoc. Ubr"T Associates. Amm(slw) (Praw4 1952. Y. L am 3. P. 61-0. Dwoll MI& DESCRurrmL. rMacbmwistry, ecowrimomr "droll. *Ncaw% OTWOCM Mwrmdylu. (Cbsmistr7--Ama4yUc:s,L TT. v. 9. m 6) T".'w Cola. J.. Fady. A., Cadm". M.. GM scbvaml D. MOCHUMAL DETUMON OF WX)Dr= 5Y ABADDIG THS nMIC ARACrM DI 7HR POIARIZ- D40 MKMOSOQMt n=CUMOCIRAnW AIM=. (1"41 top Ordo &m K-H $6.00 Z-H-2316-b Tr~. of bMW Ignotooftl IQ Was. A=dn W-U-In" 1. CWdI6 J. U. Fordy. A. M. Codmods. M. IV - Schwan. D. V. Tklo-. rhatowAcrogm0k.. VI. K-M-2398-b Va. K"W-Ho*m SvWrm ubray Assod"", Tr, 9. 12. m 1) Cutil. J.. Fudy. A., and MUM 1). MKIMAGWAL TRRATMBWT OF TMAOOO SUDS: TBCW= AW FMIT IMUS. (1%41 np Omer K-H SISAO K-H-23t" Tre". ON lostim Itzpartassucal tdtt) Tab". AMW4M Wroom) M, W. 1. me. 2. P. WIM. rr-64-12W t. Oxcls. U. Pardy, A M. &*"M: D. iv. K-H-nis-i V. Kraw-Ha0bor seldom uhra? Associated. -APUMVW11--PUU Odtlradft TT, Y. 12, m 1) ME T'll LIVUWF OF EXMItNAL FACTORS ON 1. callu TIIF coir~%drr oF ACTIM PANCIPLES IN IN- L(,srK(AL PORAC00S. 1101113P. Or-Ict It.)m SLA $1.60 61-202451 Tr3nst. ~.' Pharnuccutisch *,ekblad ("herlat4s) 1957 ly. WIp, 77S-751. *'rv~co, *Alkslolds. PlAnts, IN(co- tine. f) -'s': i;- C ilts rr. v. 7. vo. 10) U-17912 ,J. L SW othAn. ,Q%b ift SKI= MAGMS CP M & L t. T. A. I Cat% J. 1. LUL 119521 Up. a. K-H-1149-b o9der hmm K-H $16. 25 K-H 114"-b m Knop-Hocker edema lAhwr Anodow, Tnus. d mwo. bstsw4l"j Scqadncl U(sawl ostrok. MI& ressl oba. 2) IMSOU (3-15 k" SL F l=npfp. 3 3-5= DESCRIFML. c4arou". wrobacm 20*91, wwdjnm. C 42. -2. 3 446) 3 620 (chon3j ury- -AMIYUML 7T. T. 6. M 1) 006. .1 T.A4.4 S..4,w. b2_17911 10% SIA If 1111, CIGARE)l 1, 1 Cw-~ 5 1- It. K-H-ItHllt t' 0 K I -g- I iL. ~tk " ; -, . !-,, ~ 1 l1wrm A-, :-v, I I A. t L t". r $2, 0 .1 T77,TfNW(!N (11 AN-111RACENE, l'YRI-:Nl--, V,. CONDENSNIE's 01: I*WACCO '1,4' 21 -YPV,. V%7 Cfgarvltes. C 11, K-If-1145Y I c h 4~,- - I h k,k ~ r St i o t abady of Wbacco ftodw by alectr= Xtcxwcope and Kisetmuic DUfmatimy by J. J. frillAt, J., C%mipi L Wbamp 13 PP. per, Ikilletin de Meromeopie Plerian 2, Vol VMP No 3, 1958, 9P 64-7o. MM 7-26 SU - Ik"Cum., M*qtZVQIa* Mg 99 W1600 A%ACWOM= OF TfM LLI.T. A. an&fxg M"wm OM 166AA It 0 418 vocurrom "Wobw C*Uvmo% "WAMO~ chulmd am*sda. =C"6:a=LAw9lswft d do LLLZ& VUM*TdWWMWMP*16 AN"Mis 4~ *A do hwmwsmi~ d dw slavolawma mumml I -- I ag 6w dombal momom ~9 do Owimp- = 7T. w. W w % (OMO I Oft d TschdLd Urom &0116 1. L 4"c" ;' WSCVIC ACr C 94CKDOO. ANALYM OF A L = p ow IFARAmErrom om % ubareD GRotr cr AaI a s&a=gM& f19621 170. TnLmL of ciaox lawrawkmjj gdf*W ITSWMI coldn"I (am 4 kvmls I$- ts Iml SL lhomd. 521-33L b l p. p A -1 nsa& Is o"Ibbb fts K-H $2L 25 as X-M-11433-a 11962) 1* DOSCRWrM. VrOMOM C49toNk SwhM 10do- 47737 A4 am &MIY" A F"Smdm Is MM& of do d of 5 pm- = , (riff bmetb. wwmimd . a" omw pomme roacbs* Wkwe 0 oftus at , I , of tin sm" b , ~ F. d 93 Fno& *GW&W SmdwM 10 - Ildwan-46dmft, Tr, 9. 1% 06 two ON d %A" bn6w wiam A%;oa6omuAdT=rA 91 = clamurm 1. OAio6 & L Wilm aA 0.60 ;-!WWI Cvvdn"] 0" 2) k-ww 18-15 Awl SL ewings). Ano&w am& Is mallabk bm K-H $3MM w K-H-WQl b, Doe 60, 1* DES=& 'c4ulass. vy. Tw. TNVWWAI. A prommoulan is no& of a &= sumoWt at carreltuon walyab of do colmdow - I I cm be wdmd I , dw uwdr&u tompftvwo b do 00oft wA% do op" dooky of dw wo wA do =tmml a lowW pummmootche I, I PromL A% cum= Is Sim of a two of do darma mm=rgoAd pvdm In the Omft '61,47736 (ChudW =4"L Tr, (ay.145i) mxe Dal-se-61onship Betwom the xologLc&l OvA the Swla in PsYehiAftTo IW Jin 2M 4 pp. armim. wx ozz =Ms per, ACUTItu agwiw; va n. so 4., 1960.. pp 4$8459. im " Bed - Jbd Apr 61 / 4 e pjr s o/ to." C aL:, TIlures, -,ii,,orf~--iiylene Irmt~.!C. TT. -J)c c mi 1r., x- + by J,, C~ve 1-o,,r L~: .)c -v; V. V. Voc-vo'-, 17 C2- c~ 11, 1"'59, (Sr-19856) PractAcal Application t of Ripriewes Gatbe"d by Vxperts Bout Abroad for SpectalAzod MmInings by Mvi*o MMMMOt CVetkovICj 12 pp. CROATM# per, Tshydkap Ib 4# 19611 pp 2266-2270. JPRS 131W War 62 40~6-/ Steady Growth of Yugoslovian Railroad Transportation; Principal Exploitation Interest for Locomotives, by Borislav D. Cvetkovic, 19 pp. --j1jr--j . , .. L, -- , o-' CROATION, per, Zeleznice, No 10, 1957, pp 1-11, IM 24-27- ACSI H-4659 EEur - Yugoslovia Econ Mar 60 ow It.-P A Sd-udlkmmsd Aw" Dun Combating Cattle Piroplasmosis In Kladovo District by Eradication of Tickey by V. Devenico So Sibelicy L, J. 8 PPO am-MOLTM, per, VetWIMPokI Msaik (Beopad), vol vni., No log 1954., pj? 623-631- 9086732 ow 6o-zL624 FL-4w Sai - Ned JLm 62 mnollours"SANSK. a I JAS 3" 1 . ~s v-- doil on " 31"m Structural Cheaps in YugooUv Foreiga Tra&, by VlzdImIr Cvotiovic. n-o- 1-80 anwmm,, pm .~ 13" Treovine i Kon4unktW* B&Igr&&* N"-J= 1963t 1 24P. FM awmM 5058 mar - yawaiaTia Rom oat 63 3 Sumimtim and BvuUmtiou of Bactoria Air rollutdon, bv,B. Netqwvico 6 pp. CMAMMO pars HLgijmaj, Vol 3X,$ Nw 2/3., 1M., IV 2W-M5, A= I-la ID 21%532 Sal - Mad M, to 4 5 Ap r &i Rureranco to the occt,-r- renco of Tick Paralysis, by V. CYJAIPovic, SSR301-CROATIAM, per, Voterinaria, 19S6, Vol IV, PP 599-594. NRC/C-4076 Sci-Diol ~Ll -Fl or,, 'iait 11 1 polaluls i)Y /44to4i cuicm, io 9,p IXAV 23 SMAISE (NY-2630) Tanke of the Ntrolc= Industry in Accordaace w1th Rosolutions of the X11 Pleaum of the Party, by Antoni Cwlerz, 18 pp. POLLSH,, per, flafts, Vol XV, No 2, 1959, p.p 29-35. JMS-1762-N Egur - Puland &on - Fuels wA Fowrp Petrolem JL11 59 DACMIC PMM $MY 11 TA OWN PM LM Lowift M aw cW&UMP v PP. FCL^ Pm.* a I - --- Ift zo No too 1*; 0- f am two 00 a POLAW VA - WA 63 t =%~Iol btrej)tococcal Poly-,Iucosidases. II. The iiffect ol' ime Factors on Enzymatic Syntliesis of I)extran Fro.m, Sucrose in Cell Frec i-fedia, by J. Cybulska, 1~. r-akuia, 12, pp. PO*iLIS'l, per, .11cu)-cyna Doswiadczalna i Akrol)iologia, Vol :.~v, ..Q 1~)U3. UT~ u3-11-111/4 VL-48U ~;Ci Jan k).-) 2 72 m Iitreptococcal Polyglucosidases. III. Cuncentration :LiL llurh'icatlun Of tl~c Enzrmc, by J. Cybulska, ,cr, .:cdyc%-iia DosidadezzaIna i !Iikrol)iolu,;ia, Vol XV, ;,o 4, h)63. OTS 63-11,111/4 PL-480 6ci Jaii tS) 272,652" Tanta on the ftrety of Peradtted ftimlyes in Fixvdmpp AccordimS to the IsIbw of cm-triaps Pired INnUmmuly or with Delqed Actlono br'W. CYtUUU. FRMM,, per,, Bevw do 11 Lodutri* Idmiles 19570 pp 4&-487- cam sci - Ew / ?,~e jim 62 %acareb on tM Wety of l3gg"Iyea in Ommatiou With UndlatmObed Coal Dwtj by W. Cybuls:d. IMM; pw,, Beyue do I'lobstrLe YlnuroaA. 197-7., pp 493-497- CSIRO 301 - mo/at H 6 " V-5-.3 YAV 62 ~Lfet: of 'I"Alz plosives i. i'CL1,3i." cv, Frace Glow,;ego I-.3t.;-tutu Gorrietwa) nr YSI: 0~'tzlii.ogrod, *11 4W cfP3 61-11346 C,'bulsld, W. of the Development of Firedamp E)q2osioll -i~ ~el~AiDnship to Explosion Initiation. Prace Glownego Iust.,tutu Gornictwa, zleri'~ ~:oriu~ ikat rx 134: Katowice, 19'~'-', 41 pp. _j *PL 430 cf,-6 61-11346 studies in Explosibility of Coal Dust in Relation to the Initial Uplo&ion, by W._R)~#jk~i ,70LISH, per.. Prace Glowmgo inetytuto Gornictwa, ,qc 117, PP 1-30. NCB A-1837 ~ci - Ingr Aug 61 16--?, -~-ld ~. List No 41 -Poulm-aw Behwlow andBlolca of the W%d- dastmyiAg Beetle PUllon pectWcomis L. - - id~ ~-s bar B. Qpank. GROW, pov Verb. Iut- 5M. Wt.2 Ilths Wien Vol 2s, 1960s 3~33 5- 3V - csuto/po. 8a2 S, CYP70RZ4 sci - Jul 67 333,664 Tc4tiag or Wood PresamUves ou MmLr Efftetiveness In the Control of AwUum ZMctatum De Geer, by S. Cymoteaj D. Dauer. GM4.3, pers Holz Ra-u. Werkstoff, Vol 22, No B., 19641 pp 304-308. csj,qo/lqo. 80306 C Sct - jui 6-r 333P917 The Problem of the BiocheudatrY of the Th*j,,,Tt,. Glard, by I. Pcytop, E. Felixj E. CjOcirdYa, 7 P. n,issu-n, per, IM.ckhim, VnI XXTV; 110 -163. '157 CB S A y LI an 60 - '029 /9 F~~ .IL ~~ 9 0 ~ --- a= KPW ".8moud" 300 On a Synthesis Of Savled D&t& System for Open and CJC$ftd L4DOP Coatrol., by J. S. .93?klo. FMW, rpt,, cmderowe cm coutrol Tschniqftm, Heidelberg.. Sap 19%. R.RORIBI Tr U* Or/,? 2 f 7 Sci ~ 57 pbroics i1a 'o, sam-Mv am4nam fwl - Rmftw 1.11 camps"Nuorw and %dz awwwo in ID&U*Kqm jusUlUttow, by OEM, part zu*trudw% to Sao=* 39302 VOLVO SOUP VP 4290 mA 60-UXLSM sai Apr 60 11g, 134 val W., No 3 Speech by Premier Josef CZank~evicz at 31 May 63 session of joint planum of Central Trade Union Council and main board of the Chief Technical Organization (NOT) Warsaw, Gloj P 1-2 June 1963 Poland Daily Report USSR & East &=ope No 111, 7 Jun 63 (nD 20%6) Spectscip phic Analysis of fberium and Prepsntloa or Nuclear Pov Tbarim OxIdep by it. C"vem, 22 pp JIMICIl bull ftll*tln do Centm do PtqslMw ftelantre Mdversitt Mtn do 3nnUsep no ho., am"Iss, Jun M31, pp 1-19. CU/m/0-5909 8clentiric - Cbms"U7.. thwim 71 ' FW 196 IT) Preper4tica of Graphite pare Enouo for Ifuclear Use, by 14. L. do Koyser, 25 pp. ?U11 t=a8lation. YRWCU,, bulp Dallatim dc Centr-- de ftnique nuclear1ro de llftivorsite Li-Wv de Brgpllasp No 25, Druzaelm, Zun 1952. Gm mjv-~~ WrEur - Deigium ScIvattric - Nuclear Physics, gmphite Feb 54 (FDD 24834) ,,,,4,,a-vwtSwaogical PrediCtions by Dr-lild cymnj, 4 vy- MUW, d up, Prw-h*="'Qr ine 0 Frankfurt 2 5. gm/m/u-lw waur - S'j - Y'adicine, evidmioloa OW, O?d? c% 69/Jun 55 ;e (DC - 5 J, lit ti-,e Poll pp. p np, Unen, L,4 Jul. 1"Cl, PP P, The March of History, by Cyrankiewicz. RUSSIAN, np, Izvestiya~ 8 Nov 1962. FBIS WIM USSR poi Nov 6'? '~y Cvn nl`- "nit. 21 1y'1. i- T rjlo.Alom Fifteen Years, by Cyrsnklewiez. ?T--:',IAN, np, 12yes-11 ys, 22 Jul 1959. a TBIS Daily Rtport tr>cll Fo'.,&; Econ Jai 59 f ,7 4~ Z 9 7 -,e Gpeveb by Vice Cbeirwo of us Coodl of Ministent J. Cyrautevics at tb* Cereaw of SMrIug the Oath of Allegiance to the Polish People I s 11opublic by %he Minh Episcopate co 18 December 1953, by J. Cyr*rJdevlcso, 2 pp. MASS "0L=, ftel to Desp 228,o Warsaw, Dept of auto nur - Poland SotIologIcal - XCISSOU M DIX I - 220" Abridged version of speech by Premier Jozef ~~~~ecs at 29 April May Day meeting of U-akow railwaysent (appo:Ltf?r railmay improve- Warsaw, Tr-ytu= , M April 1993 Poland Daily Report U33R & East Europe No 87, 3 May 63 Cermic Boclics of (.Xest ;1echanical Stronyth for High Voltage Insulators, by K"Warz Cyranowlex, CUM, Ivor, Siklo J Caroni",, Vol 13, No 12, IM's pi, 574--Wv- Sci-LIOC Aug 69 Asr*t*Uc &"Wi=W Of tM MASI Di$- tributba RUGUM In Liqddso br PO Crrot-LadumeN6 FUNO(o DIUS74 AEC JIP-Tr-LUO "v~t-'Oj _J'~ I SCOMatlear Set Ruictional Symmetry of the Cerebral He,,aispLers in the Light of Chronaxie Determina- tions, by J. Cy+Awa, W. Stazka) 11 pp. P0=11, per) Acta Physiologica Polouica, Vol XIV, No 3, 1963, PP oTs 63-u407/3 rL-46o jiln 64 260,905 W186M and On", A. AW-71M OPFRATION ON RLJN-CW-MM ORE 1. Bbm hnmw--Opemdoo OF A LA$CM FUNM BLAST-FLMXAM WITH A 2. Can trow-Ptodijoan HRMTR 0. 50 MMRS DI MAMEM. [Oct 511 lip. 1. QOW. J. (3 4p. %4U4. 13. D=ye, A. Ordw fr%p SLA n2i$2.40. phS3.30 60-IMM Trans. at Revue do Wtallur& (France) 1951, w. 49 [no. 21 p. M84. cob-.I P*Wlwf.-FWTWM motaw. Yr. V. 3. as. 7) 1 W"+i,an of No a hwq oil ttr the hamila TMM on Two 4jaA Fmvaou of 6*5 a Mmoten at Wr~ Valaqienn"p bV Jo 98~*rq Ae ClAmse FUM,.# rptt Gafte do DoatmwdaUca dwmrgiqno 0 do TwIndapes-, 1964 Jan ppl63-,174. UM 37 59 sci - Ew Feb C9 273oW5 I Vw liturc of Ilemorrbagla Disorder in Experlwatal Badlation Eckness of AnInla., by B. A. NOryuhm., G. V. Andrevunkof P. D. Ulitiomp Q. 0. Bazaslyaa,, v. u. i)astorova, V. P. C T. M. Xalismkayaj, ja 2, Le. num7m) 10 pp. IMI-ILS rp I per, rrvalaw Gavantol I PeveL zkcyrL, Vol 11) 59 6) IVTI FF 3-16, PUVLMQ Sci Med Apr Ole PhAyiOlogie&L Effects Of Y-aMlWbutiYic Acid C by 8 - 0 - VOreWmhagino I - A - CYtIDWUYi 7 PP - RUSSIO., per,, Fiziol am Sm Imni I. M. Seaheooft, Val xLVI,, no 10, 1960., pp 1287-1M. R Sel Apr 6j. /#,~p vgj (DC-4887) ;-'cono4ic and Stattatical DlLrLalon in a Meal Praneb a tbf latLonal ftak of Polands by D. CyvissUs 8 pp. ,,oLjs#, per,, WUA=osat ftrodwago Panin, Polsklagoj .r'01 Alit'la 30 3# 1-960P PP 1.50-153- JM 6749 awaftostlou of Cumst Carrion by A.Cnebor. Wmpver, Fosbm RN2& Vol. ;i5p no. I., lok" pp. 31-45. W TO-269M-= '. ( i, I 1 11 /- 11 ~(- k- I- I I " -016tomum W owro" cwrun In# // ) - on't bw & Cauftrp J. pf !op d1la 9L n. o qLn -00 OL xvp !bit w$ vbs"Wws; a m - /' I - ; i. J- -. sa - IRMO Aw 65 Mom Of- I -U~W) ~US '4ETALS Ti--T! AI~MVERSARY Ti-iE [10t~-FERRC I' STITUTE, OY VIACLAW ^ZACHOP,5KI, 'j PP. TJDY I MIETALE 1'.IEZELAZNE) p jpRs i 4~42 E-z.u,l PCILAD 201/11 2 lavest'iPtions MMW the ratlew W"4viow at OwiWas Ch. ?Ahrbw%, N, asaija, pp 1~5-136. BTU 253 sa Xod Jha 63 0, 0,0 ioraK 1 A km low" = OMWM so MR pwmm w =wit NOR% W " pooWD6 16 CIUVA* Qv#w4 P06 mm a-dmft-,& VOL 40 16 19w,o PP UU4138- ME al" SO 0 out mom m (a oww ac me a" me" ow wd !*m Am"I AmmM6m=k tgl&406 *A 1b 0 WON sibs we Wear xBro"t UM w# TM, so UPON relow oswuwtlsn (NY-5757) Coostruction of a Ym Tire Planto by IAch C.Z00~MkL)i 4 ppe PC)i,Mx,, Pero PriagIM Uabdc=w, M So 47, 23 fty 1960) p ke im TO Elm - PoIA rwou JOAOr, a (16 my 61