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no of as wou Irk Imw ad" ftr to mdb"~ V Al, Ii - at a4lin ftW%&v A- OddLUagr 14 jWs ftM 49 L'ZWU%t FROMI" AIA = 0 T4 no a lot wo It ub4sn. 9MR7 ACM LM e4 - jbw SO 9 an am .9409 $4~zr~e On the Pomatian of Cubic Ce2O- in the Wdation of .5 Ceri-%-ja and Evidence for It Fron Electron Diffraction, by Robert. Comtel, Jean 14riers. vm-~r, Compte3 rcndus, 10"',0. '~-)07)631 ^~EC r 5 Nov NCH-201 382 Field 1111. 21G QqM[kl, R.; Elernelto, it.; Larbre. J. CONTRIBUTION TO THE FUNDAMENTAL STUDY OF DETERGENCY I% DIESEL ENGINE LUBIUCATING OILS WOWrtbudOu & VetudO Ffin"MMWO do Is Dftergewe dans lluiles pour Molour Diesel). Tr. by D. A. 5twImir. 1"S. l6p. 10refe. NRC-TT-l 192; NI(C-C-5465. order from NHC.- S1.00 as C-5485 1. Nxtiocw Research CouwII of CAJtA%. OttAws ((fturio) Trww of Hanw de L'tastUmte Frawats 0& Petrels et Ammics do* Combustibles Liquides, 00 n5 p4"-66 1t55. !.~Ilcctron Diffraction of Coitain ard .1jurflacc St-,=t=a in A CQDC by Ilobortt. courtels 406, pl) Ull!"w2slFilzi arreclon., Vol PC-. I Metawt et C Eral to !U'. London) ac-Ir 15 1-55-0 1950P pr borroug,h Tr '5 '0! ~, ?a 7 crs Labrigou as i Sond ft --- -- -- bomooft A" as ft go& 40 noon"& - - - ---- 4" IVOU00% IF aww" sod me am A cowwo SA N ... - .jL - EccL'-og:; ard It3 Scope, by Albert Courta=alhe, 12 pp. FMCH) per, Revue Deminicad , Vol UU, No 1, 1955, pp 230-237. wA 6o-i6654 g C)-~ , 11~1- - :13 sci Jul 62 voi 4, blo 12 The Itolling of AugUsp by J. C 9 pp. ~T-ntb"Mlp I I III -I , per, Coutre 6* Documatation SidnWgiqw. CLroulairs alinformtIons ToobDumes Val izo so hj, *52p vp 53k-5k2. SIA 60-IM sai 14,00 Apr 61 Antibacterial Spoetrum ct Colistin on 12W Strains.. tV A. L. CoUrtiCup Jo J- Homier, P. do IAjudiej, Francoise I ouil3-4--Mt,, 17PP- pers ImptitAs ftoteur Paris tv Vol U )o NO I. ~Alp yp 11,31. CF9TI 4-Oi-lW5 3pl$~~3 8C I Bioloa Mar j7 Rem ke on the Distribution Coefficients of Free Cyanamide Between Aqueous Solutions MA Orpaic Oolveutep by ArmwA Joe* Courtlier. "WW"MW~ NUMM.. perk in Ift.* 800saft coudalede leftmri I.Z Frame NO ;-rp~ Sciffl3tific - lbacirle do (0C-3"'01 COURTIEU REPORTS TO THE FRENCH COH-UNIST PARTY CUNTRAL WIVITTEE 0h EDUCATIONAL WRK, BY PAUL KKR COURTIEU, 11 PP. FRD.'(~-ilj IIP, L'HUMIANITE,, 0 iu.,q 1~62p P 6. JPRS 142067 WEEUR - FRANCE POL ~ JUL 62 jw ~~tatistivll mi~ i:t. CIO. ic ,i4L,. 62-14890 CauxtdL Guy and Le Clarc, Pierre. IWROVSMENTS IN RADIOACTIVE SOURCBS. 119621 1. Title: Pyroceram t4p. I .Courtots, G. Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 62-14M It. Lo Clerc. P. in. Patent (BeIgum) MM Trans. of Belgian patent 6OD665. by Commissariat IV. Pateat application (Franco) a I'Snergie Atomique (France) 77 Feb 61. priority: 821 W France. W. appl. :;I - 1 1" %lar 6D under PV $21,656. DESCRIPTORS: *Radioactivity, *Sources. Radioactive isotopes. Lalveled substances. *Ceramic materials. The radioactive source. particularly dsaigned for use under high mechanical stresses. at high temperatures and/or In corrosive atmospherm is characterized by the fact that it W a radioactive wurce costed Oth or Incorporated In a special ceramic mass, purally known by the no me "pyroccrome". witch to made up of a composition which is similar to a titanium glass. but under a crystallized form. (Author) 04,40 7"~_Cl (Nuclear Physics- -Nuclear Engtocering. 'I-1, %. % ii 1. -) , #PON= van m FAIM4 in WIN& %1' 3-% job& IV WWML* 33,%, ad 67 sw",-ut ?ru.'ratis in the Laruumtol;rapaic Ideati- ticution of u3cs aud jli,;osbccdriues, by J. L. Lourtois, J-. Perwerm. rt.L'sGi, .Cr, Urvouitu-ramic byulosiuu 11, druswis 1)620 .A. CC- Tbomy of @a ftWLftetat IktMd Of St"We 61 Dst*=L"tiom "Wag So Acewato Kmwl' of the Noftlus of 21"tteftyp by A. CW&Umbo. 25 pp. FROM9 port, tat Ass. Aridft B-tT mot AK U40p Vol 79 1909 pp 33-103. AgC-ORJU.-tr-2121 Sc i4bcb Oct 7%) iDec 61 Gonaml Patbdogy of Schistoomiasis, by A - -B .,-- qqu&I" 14 pp. POR?JGUZBB.. Beruta amnamirs do anst"mterologias Vol UP 1957) PP 5-16. Km 13-16-& / 7S, 0 11ok Sci - Wd Alcobbl l mi D*ntzyo by N- CwaU2bD- irwom M ~16 perp Bmwa WA p % Im * 800 2"o CROOD/ IV. C. u Ll Tl,~l h () " so gkoom idy 1,967 (Dc-ugl) Hm Agrarian Refom In Prepared and Carried Out# by Joee Artur Blos, maxles HostwxMip ibse Coutinbc, 6 pp. XSZ,p per, Amo Doom Vbl mo No 25P am 1013, pp 9-u- im 8836 IA - Bmil ftl &T 61 Soma Applications of Sbort-Lived Radioiaotopou In the French Gas TrAm try by C. 11"allier and G..2o~ 1 36 py. RMIAN, rpt., Production Use Short-Lived Radio- isotopes Reactoraj. Proc. Semimr., Vionw, 1962, No 1, PP 357-382, 1963- AEC-tr-5899 Sci - Fbya oct 63 '240,3100 Franoe Now Considerations on the Use of Inosital in A. ValeutLuo# Me MaLtres 6 ppo RENCH, per, Sam Hospital, Vol XXV,,No 72,, 1949o a Therapy# by UNCUSSIFIM Paris., 30 SOP Na7Y Tr 120/tuMed 7212 I : I" f? The Phosphwic Eaters of the lwsitol, tW J, Cour- toicio 70 pp. PMSCR# per.. SM do la Soc do CUm Diols Vol XlxM,, 1951-P pp 1075-1122. 123-7 sci - 050e~3 - 7,VS Apr 57 CTS/dex 010" MWC"N4-nfrrAS3. 1. COMPAILATIVIR ILF- 1. TUSK bdo*4b FECT or YARN" FIERMENTATIVII PRBPARATXM L Tight rayon C4 11,K)SMICUMOSPUT11 AWD SODWM L Tight laillimm, Slipow 9- GLYCHROM,106nUTE. (196317p. III raft. PA"b- Available bran SLA an lows 63-16766 chrorlds. Trams. of WAQ do ChWIll IMS". b0alm) (Frame) Ilid Iv. 271 p. 411-413. 09"IFTORS: *tawuW. *U*m groappieft. *Plecop"t". ectycerwo. HY&VIFfte, BUIGM. F Me. Mospbur ic oncredger " a" Thorklarthakadthophygasepirgemage, it 006 1 'nCftgYWAdIlOSOMMOOPbO~OMWAW- ONWOOM; WAD*rWA FrCrIST611441% whiCh Ore 401V9 an glyeareplecoploces we devoid jef 9 c or we vwy 2116ftly onocave 46 modgm (RaWaillclomm-Mcwhoolmiry. rT. gain IN %a" Research on PtTtial WdAtLon ot A(Wala FOIVU by Periodic Acid) bW J. 1. Coxtogs, X. Cuftv*t- I bk BuU Sao Cblm, No ".. PrelMs M7) pp 139-zt~i- Teti see Cm=ilp Cam" TI go 755 Sci - Chm Alw 6o 11,2 !~ 33 Stiodien -4n Natural OliZwF-,cchxridev of Origin Coatoining Galactose Aesocitted jltb Suerme, by T. E. Courtois, 10 pp~ IC-imi por, Biokhin~ Vol -nil, Eo 11 , 2, %:Pn-t%zr 1957, PP 248-258, Convultint!1 Burewup zci - chemi5try Apr 58 (a-UM1854) Tle % Mai**, by VMSIPW -Cmrt4l*) 5 PP' "gum, pwp jkg"we ap"Wo VOL my$ so 2, Or imp w w4h. im I*" Afrim Sao he -1, ?'6 4 ar 62 A ftudy in the Flulvem Sarin, by M Com-tot,, 31 PP. I I j, pa4 Am do Cbluq Vol IV no 9,, IX2j, pp 58-136# Vol Vs 1;20 pp *-lW., 19"Ink. B*L,A. Tr 107 WNW - rZon" 9121 .7 71 saimtIfto - obodstry -&-- aC AmUw AOMW od l~WUNWrOWW Cc Pow Fo4popts4" 6t waladmi uqd& in. Anim Acid *ad PWUA~i CC Vw Urlwj, bw ?a NORNINWO Go Ono ZZEM saimum - mods"y 2nmuted at ftr* owaum auto odup 0 exx /I* f/ On the Calculation of the Coeffialent of Diem ti= of hve Atme, by C1*wnt OU Sqq!!!rj Z% 3 pp. I In N I . port emwtes am&= 0 Vol CMTM, )b 15., 1959j. pp 2179-M&. MA W16999 Ul A?7.. .2~9 $/ Vol III Ib 9 *r 62 ccatrituil:~. t,,~ the study of the Ilron ore a Fr-Qn 14 -. i., by U. Uoqurty. per, baUctia do la Soclot4 C--ologique de, Fratce, Vol 1, Series 7, 110 5, 1959, PP 500-15110- BIZOIX 1872 J UIL 61 Al Effects of Supp~y System Disturbances on Industrial Establishments., by G. Courvoisier. UTUMOWN,, per, A.S. E. Bull,, Vol LINYI-196T-1 pp 63o-632. *10/3385 jun 61; PhLrmacodynxmic Prop=rties of*thc Ch1cwhydrate or ChIcrc-:., (Di=t-%W1azIzO-3 ftWYl) -- 10 Pbwothl&ziue (4.540 R, P.).Irperimntal SUdy of a Rev Compomd UBcd in Potential An"th"Is MA AAMOW friberwtiont by 64 Cognisiero Jul4en Fournel, Rene Dticrot., WeIIM%-5UtyO Pierre Kc3tacbets 61A. pp. part Arch intan Ow=04waies, v 19531 Pp 305-361. kicutific - Kedicine Chemistry AW Tr 2088 -4 Mr 55 CT8/bEX - ----- f40 - ~ -1 -111 ad tww IL C0644 5" va Mi" me ~ YA *0 Imom a 3D W04" -I . ,i11,,, -)))Z, - :( 14-&, ad - Chm JWW 67 30%M I P. 0 ME M, -;.o ,,~ T! 0 gki & pe MiO,Dr DIvIrg br rdvirg qAt -. prorA a M-AGNII r r 2 at todrt Baum L=s ive MUt&7WbV*ft" ony tr 257/odbus X0 DWIOM t)~j--~ LJA. thu iwbur,.tA,-41, ill ~.6 .4-tur, 01 iA, 'it w, Arti~icioa itouice At Virivas Lits "ot" A rl~ rammum an Roman at commum -, !,~- ft"Wo lw #. ftwg% & allfto. Ron 1^ U"b WOO Is w A" man 9002M , c 0, tqu -t Odin" MAW 6o 016" 6tuay nnd -;,,~velopment of a Higii Frequency Irin GIMY by J. About the Del"s of the Appearance and Evolution of atoctions of the Skin and of the Micous YAmbrams of Us Ybuth and of the Pbarynx, Caused by I-Mpg by H, Coutard, 3 pp. FPMCH, per, Comptes Handus Ibbdmadarles do la Sft do Blol. Vol LMMVI, 19MI pp 1140-1142. Nm 12-36 Sel - Jbd 'j-7, 9/4 Jan 58 D2vice for Zl,--ctrop'Lating Maos-Producea Articles, I by I~w: C,3utcli!~:, 4 pp. Mt-AIN, Patent No 2177-r123. Patent Of.fice S!-, - Oct, a2,7-1- Autuatic WgktW -Lab - Devi" Watering ftreau =11 o &a a - p 1w 3. couten.5p. lln:lzp W49- RZ 30, 9U IT-66-60256 ~ ~~Y- I 1~ ~ - C7 act-mw ika 66 306o= I Determication of sW isomers of Heimcblcro. cyclogexate vith the Aid of Partition Cbromstogmpby, by 1. Coutier., H. Andre, J. Prat. m Documat Servies L. C. R, ABsoc Teeb Ov 5223Y Set - Chtm Aus 58 Doteadmum of G~ MA Alft ISO== or rAx&cbIMc7dA*ftw Vlth ttw RIA of P&rUti= abrmatftaphyp by L. OmUer, et ali 7 PP- I Dol,~h ft""ev L.41.]L selaum %W 6 1007 IL" tr 390AW 9" - Mandstry ~~ "o-4-0, oat 56 a" ib~-AWZM OF THE INODWCE AND PRO- nffLUIS OF TOUCCOISM AND ALCCHOLIWI AMONG 1226 WORKERL [1962) 7p. Order from K-H $21-23 K-H 3449-a Trans. of Revista Rmiletra do MMcLas, IV54 v. 11. no. 9. r 633-635. DESCRlrr0RS!'Vr0tWCC" *AkdoUlm Per- loweL Prevem1we modicuwk. 62-17904 I - C&Jtb" k U. K-H S449-s IU, Kresp-Hocker Scima LUwuy Alsoclum, Detroit. MIch. c9no,09 Aw tkgci.~,pcsi ,cianzow-Pathology. I-T, v. L mo. 6) bjf r. tic koft crewvy ':q'Uc 't" -.4 Ito I'A-,ko juw. Cc S ri aftemule ot smum 30*1vw as at ri W' swabor Mons IV IL eaumik IF- ego"" Vow% ywv so=* so- %A C $e I uo, " y"W- - - - -- a vii 6A ( ,, t 7-~ t A! 4- Jkl 0 JO& 67 304" Observations On the Behavlotir of the Comm Chafer Kelolovalk, M6103onalt L. (colomtens Scarobsoldas)s by A. Couturlev,, P. Robert. '110 ISt pers Rayug do Zoolode Aalcole Vol Q, No 7(9 p lwppp 991- CSIM/ND 767 fi , C e, &~~ t? / t le-- Sci - Jul 67 M194 Obserntions of the BW=Iour of the Caman Chaftr &&agog& valaks&ba -&.(coleqpum) Scambeeldse) - tor A - Cmhwier,, P. Bobert. I ~ min, pe &= de EggigSk Aarimk-et Amliggo 'r,,,1. 61, Mo. T/g, 1962) pp 99-1W MM-kTako. TOT4 /; Sci - Aug 6T 335-560 The Brovu Bearj by Oouturier. F.LIIL-*r-cejl ... ~ , 4~& L'oure brm, Growb3A j 1954. Dept of DUTIor 41 V78 1b 2k sci - Rial / 73, -Pz / Nov 61 MeUod or Mmaing C6111M ywous by H. AlrtUp R. Cmtie~PA, 4 PP- ymm, patent No OT'ns. ar,pyl.m.uvo SCd LVAWY SCY aw. mw 62 d6mL.UAW pow - ':., ~4-- - ... ,, * '".u. A Scrological Study of the Epidmiological Role or a Receatly Discoyered Respirata7 Virus: Straft SA 102 of Typo 3 Nyxovirus. Pw,"Muenma, by C. M=y, P. Robbe-Fossat, J. Couvrour.. 9 pp, FROM, manxiscript, 9 pp. KM 9-30 Sci -W Sep 59 Reaulta of Testa on a BBC High-Speed Be- clobIng Circuit-Breaker in the Clineby- -~0,2n-Bois 11"Wubutrttlcn, by M. C. Couvrier. P.MCHi Bull Soc Franc Rlec,, Vol 11, go 21, 1952% ;;P 533-536. ABLIB-GB43 sc! Aui, Am*lm or ruel Ptadwtim &M UrAmotice in RMs W 4b. C&MI, 26 PRO -IMAW- ;art Loom 60 cums so 4, Dwibmgt,, -F 1900 " 99-0. to nalw-L-10ho nor - Rummala teas ~ 1r3 ~ -7-1) ot the Beat of fljdratloa ov Portland Cecevts~ by L. Santiwallij, 1.7. -ijellip C~,Vovilli~ 23 PP- "r, Rcvuc~ den Materiauz de Coutructicn ot df., I,,rnvn= Publiev j Vol C, No 533,, Feb 1960 Dept or Co=erce Dr. Henry Bimbnum %rds ftr of :~fnrjd Sc! - Fn:zr jun 60 (LY-~;294&) Mc ILSluence or Dmulln cr. Choliacaterme mal gwculnr How-tivity, by A. Crcdnicavnu G. =5m strmaeru, ct a13 fum=Kn per, Staiiii ai Ce-motarl de FlziaL-41e, Vol V.. W 2., 1960# PY 405-5,V, iPirp 9643 Sel - J*d Aug 61 3 PharmcoloGical Propcrtica of nn QKI= Pljox"yloxtm Pyriam Woride lioteIV. Actioc (x UT--Lated hiscle. Felatima vith Cho-inc- atemse aM T=Icity, by L. Chloss, I. HwAlcn, Z. QnNMCoM&6. at c1,$ 6 pp. , per, Studli si Ometarl de F12iologio., Vol V, So 2, 19W: PP 3a-325. JM %43 "6*.? SO - I*d 3d6 k-k; o1 --CmwHc6-jAwto and Serra. Corio. THR INFLUHW8 OP SMOKING ON TH13 MUSCULAR ACnON POTWMAL IN CA59S OF ARTARIOIFATHY. 1 Ift2l 24p~ Order from K -H $30. 00 K -H W73 -a Trans. of lCtornals ItsUaw 0 ChirarStal 1939. v. 14, no. 6. V. 691-711. DESCRIYTORS- 40prou". *Tobs=. *M=Wa. "Arters", *Dwamm. Todwy. 62-IMS 1. Covelio. L U. Serra, C- M. K-H-1973-a IV. Kromp-limkor Science Ukmsry Associates. DKrott. Wch. (Rtoijocal kLetwco, -hihowa, 1-" V. 6, no, 0 -:nor 'ar !.o Jr-11 I Acentler-da delle ~;r c Z),R 43 61 A 63-M248 Covelle, Marie. FRUAR)MON OF 3-AND 5-IODWAUCYLIC ACIDS. 1. 71tlc: CryTX(XoMc tn&-z CRYPTOTOXIC POWER AND PHARMACOLDGICAL 1. CoMle. M. CHARM-n-MITTICN. 11963112p (formulae omirw) 21 ref a Ortk-r from ',1A SI.60 63-20248 P-irtial trans. (p. 2M-245) of [Annall di MmIcal Utaly) [1911! v. 31. p. 235-1254L DUSCRIMM: Dr~v, Andgens and antibodies. "'Toxins and araltoxins. OloLlides. OS&IlcyUc ackW, Offlulogical assay Antibiocks . , Sc~,-ncrs--Pturniarology. IT. v. 10. no. I boa d -,.Of linones irr - 0 a :)elle -cic:,,::e i~wl.d krictitm ihjrlnl~l #*avy ~Aisculaw tq Oro 4AXlein/Av Arthiv Physlul. LU%l 1,):Z, I~i~ 21-57. -.-nkpp"o u1 FO Q* c4v&ml& 90 U. KORDers, GEMM, per, ISk=dWv Archiv PhX!iol Vol LXXV,, 1936"O"~pp 21-37. *NASA TT F-100205 Sci-Phys ~ ~~I - ("~,) 'C"I 't L, Aug 66 Supwrmdo WAIM of L4ght ALlwo, by M=do Coylawl 10 pp. yam# per# ntze- A So 980 pp 9-3A- 8.L.k. ?r 707A956 $at - MsAbWs . awlj 316 Dot 56 CTS *j-,je 1-conwic ',.c3ults of Tochnical Pmgress in the "mati v iall Putrulumi Ludustry, by ", Covrig,, T, lianciulescu. 18 pp. - iier, Patrol Si Guzes No 8, Aug 1964, 427-4S3. -"7s56u i.con 271009 (Sy -5502) E . . Cells (1955) by if. T. IWkblin, Ca=e_ Cmdry) 5 99- go 5, 1960. ROSSUB, perp Tattolog'"t Vol 11, :M 7M ~44" go 3 Sci - *d Apr 61 TOU1 IO.C=nt of Mbblon4na by nine in WProteins of Racharichia me, cobans Dean so C-O-WLGI 5 pp. Sole thio Caii-,%y aeorcen rpmwrq yper, C"cm-yt-~-a 0--rd-nme CC=JV: PP 680-683- WIN 5-3 Sci - Wd jm 4;9 .0 Ows'&-ratlms an the Berrlag Flsbm7,, by J. J. Cowl 14 pp. !n"t PRESM, M., SuMlement to Fisherles StatisUaa,, Bulletin So 1. Fidwiss Res Dowd of Cana& Dia sbation St. An&wsj, N.D. Sal Fab (A , 04' A ' krvatrestivd Tit!c ' for T. i ~o _ th-'~y, J~_ Stz4bilizat:on of Ban Structures, by It. w CoYne, 31 pp. FFENCE, S.L.h. 'trans 917 Sci - Engineering ,;) q, L:I- 4;)- ~' of the R-12 Tvxrot Lathe Z=ugh of ProVazzad Controlsj by Ica Stawiuiu.. K(;xbert Cu4inj. Ale=dru Colivta,, 13 pp. per,, Ustalurgia ni Caastructia de "Asin-1) Val XM., No 5., 1961,. PP 424-429. JPRS 1M9 .;c;. - Eogr. An Peb 62 (DC-1689) Ten Years Since the Proclamation of the R=uuiaa People's Republic., by 1. Cozma., 9 ppe LqCLASSVM UUMMIANs mo per,, Problem Agricola,, Vol IX, So 12'. Bucharest,, Doc 1957., PP 7-14# US JPRB/DC-L-423 Ow-~430) NATIOtAL CONFERENCEOF COLLECTIVE FAI,14ERS L~y 104 *ZMA, ION' I-W4ESCUR 14 pp. R~WAA%j PEFRp AGRICULTURA tJOUA, NO 7,).), 24 DEC I 'I, PP 3~ 7. - ~it JPRS 124c. EEUR RUMANIA FEU u2 -,.4u The Poluvgraphic DoUrsimtIon of Cerjump by G. Crmwip D- COS-sto 13 PP- ILUJAN.. perp 0". di Chim- Itals Vol U=# 1941p yp 3U-O~-- S.L.A. Scioutific - Choodstry = 6olwy 55 mobstrial m at pm QFOMM OV29 by Zan AToW YMNS, no, parp Odal *t loftirl*p Vol LVI p Doe 70 5007. ~ 114" A, tr 0 3 7ei' Comparative Aotions of "Dian=", Potassium and Thai_- Combinati n on the UrInM Exoretion of Eleotr(llv~- P ~ a! t! on (AI Llo Avcwon I =vz~_ -. ~_ 4-1, du_-M r& -'. , I 1 0 P q two ' MR "~M wr*~W=ff vbmi. INC.) by A. Falbriard, k. Muller, J. Crabbe, and Puckert-Mulbetech, A., ..wwww"k& GJZ!Vitlit wrl ~Ilelv Vvd Aotd, Vol )all, Nov 1955, T)l 495-501. SIA 2990 Sai-Mediolno M3X 58 oppop) owimmmy MOMM Min M SOCIAUST "IOAAU* W IMIL MMi% 6 PF *jai&* Pat sn"m of "MCA& va x I I It to go 1^0 sp 54&- m mp MA 0 IMMA Ecom FU (0 fts" Dm Broks for MW MA Rldl VWdel"s by VWX ~ cmmrp 4 pps G=ux,o onion ftbout No m,,OA. go ft" at omm"m pstsvt atfice Sal Llb (gL:rt) Sol 4& l6da 1-14 46 7s Apr 57 M ecmmid-nea on th", Vu-,.Ao oL i~!)c ab -6 ji~j f i-nniv ill-631.. by H. 1~71, 3, PI) 145-157. OCM 53 ~J7 T icientific rd*&W Plactic lootropb and Orthotrople PUtes with FWU MULutton of An llmwftst br A. er"Mr. OCIABOVIM Gamy: We lWo AMbp Vol MIli N 3j, M5# vp 151 Lks. DOZR/320/Ct act - SW Oct 58 74-, -2 $,a 62-10129 Ci jeracr, Karl. rH,-' I~I(AqrlCAL Lmfoa,rANCF. UP OtSPERStONS t. Cramer. K. ci; sy*;rw;,rjcs im nig FIRLD OF LEAMER S11:1-311 I'UrF.S. 11941 3p. (I table ornitted). Order frtxn SIA $1.10 62-10129 Tr,ni. ul Ku4mthru're(Germany) 1940. Y. 30. P. 337-3-11. 01:"C;~11701,1: 14'.111wr. Scublututca. o jf v. 7. no. 9) 1-41- Nov ReParlowto with TAm4a4 TelOphOft Oab- MrIM CaMus by P. Oftbor and S. )bUer; ie pp. Acusmul =WAS p pw p ZL&uv%QQb Z. 0 Vol XLYI 0 no 42s 15 Oat 1925j, MA Tr 57-2M scl - KLOC fta JUI 58 World Wireless Comwnicatione Its Development and Sconamical. aW Cultural SignUicame, by P. 19 rp. GEMNP Wrj, Blektrotoch Z. Va LO 4 Jul 19290 pp 959-963- MA Tr 2153 Sci - Electronics 13-021 7 7 ~ SeP 57 PAIC=t =at$ With LaWad ftlopbow Sub- mrim Cab] as, by P. Cmmr ond Z. aglers 32 pp 0 Q~o Pus Moliftx0to0ob Zoo Vu ]MVI* ]b 43) Oct 1925. MA Tr 57-2M Sai - Else AW Al 58 4 '71 The Geographical Implications of the World Telephone Network, by P. Cramr- " pp. UMMOWN, per, World Engineering Congress, Paper No 2o6, oct-Nov 1929. SIA 57-1569 Scientific - & 3 '?T~ (rifo,rd, A. fl. Frik irki othcro, VRO('P~A OV MANUFACIVRING FILLED TITRAJILDRAL 1---NVELOPLS (FrempripmAte ved Freinstilling at VitiltOylte Tetracder Formete pakmager). IL96ij6p. Order from AC S5.W Trins. uf Norwcgwn ptent 89 489 (54). DESCRIPMRS: *Containers. vcalo. "Liquidm. Packaging. Manufacturing methods. 62-12258 1. Tit le~ Liquid filled Lovelope. I. Crafoorti, A. If. E. 11 - PAtvi'A (%orway) 89 48111 U. CapeLo. A., Hollywood. Calif. (Enjincenni-Ficcirical~ TT. v. 7. no. 4) 1 - ,-0$11- .4 V.A." Us ladmotpul am* OC fossew madlatim *Mmeo twu"Imar to Qw4w PTOOMM% V To L x4slill A 1960, ,pwi awn 2o vp am-We Acal J-" Z3- ZZWMI,468 Ayr 351*2W 'u'sys of Increasing the Plarformwe and Xxtending the reap of utilization or juverful DujUrsp by 1. 0. LMSIU, par,, Tru# V"s Ak Sellskokh Sauk Imoul V. 1. Lmdnq# fiekts ZssMh Rast, Vol 1XI, 1953 j,p 8T-100. CIAO U020 USSR Veleatific - 31010a loomode (I"Y-62YVU") Me laflucrice of Innulti on Choltnestc:m= md Msaulwr Ikactivity, by A. gu - Jaia-kwLxl Z. Covnswauuj G. MUM Stranam) et all pp. MMIANO perl Studii si Cemetwrl de Fiziolo4e, Val V., No 20 1960, pl> 401;-p8, ipli j- 9643 3el - Med Aue 61 > 01 Ac,-brodesi;3 of the Fc)ot b:i Astragaleutomy bi P~.irtial oi~ Total llt!planting of th.2 A,; tragalus - uy S~' Ivio Crainz. USDA per NC state CtDll,-Q-t~ J-~;l .~9 VW win PUMA low% W-~blw 0 1 1 'w Clio% ft WIWU -il~ "Im 4 14 felft I so owfa *W& i,*t.d.:n aa~ , Pum WA tho 40140" of t4mxtAe iAUU=* with FandM COW&AM4 IV (ion "s-iMMUs U X)e 120 aw 616 PP 34** J1r,L3 2rj7? 276vWA (SY-4-85')) Involved in FInancing the on of 'Jew TochnoloU, by !on N. Craiu, I Lj ?rob., eme Ec onrvd c c I Vi~il XIV, No Im 18-30. JM 11540 Rumania 7~ 75? ;wi 62