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LeWLing of Lead Through the POU Alring its Productim and Refining, W V. Cihal, K - mm= CZEM, per. RuU. Malbr,- Vol. 19, No - 3, 1964p Vp 195-2D1, OB T2 c,,, c / h 4 1- sci - Aug 61 337-472 WAIW - - ~~ -_ , . A -. -- AL,,. -: . . Ttw *WADIoa cof Pmelpitates In TIt"lum 8UbillSed St"Ia# by Malt Jank. MM T- - C=R, pr, Butatelm 1AGtY,, 19%,, go 3, pp 151-154. bfttlob Iran wd stool Ild 1082 so t - MID/wt F*b 59 .2 4 (o 63-12563 V Prazak. Lt md MwbLLra. J. E ERTAIN ALLAMM ELE- CH OF 1. caul. V. MEM ON TWE PROPERTIES OF CORROSON-RE- U. Prazak. &L SWANT AL67ENMC STEEI-S. Doc 62. U1. Meebura. 1. Ordw from MT $21.25 MTTrazw-289 IV. MT Tram - 289 V. Tollemache, ht do 0. 1'rame. of Strolireastvi (Czachostavalds) 1962. v. 12. am 4. p. 283-287. DESCRLFrORS. Alloys, Corrosion resimarch. eCorro, ilea resistant alloys, Osted. 4AUsterilte. (Mctallurgy. 7T, v. 9. rxL 6) "W ol TKwai Urom 10 952 Fr- I CIIIAL V.. PILkZAK M.. 11OLINKA M. Use of the putentiostat in metallography Ettiploi du potentiostat en m6tallographic lititnick(', IA.~!y, 13, No. 6, 496-501 (1958) CEA-XE 118 - French F u r a t o in C(,.rv,.Acn in Heterogeneous luclear Reu-L,Nr.1 b,.- II', Cihal, 1. 6ekarka. CZM.. per,, Rutulcke Uoty,, Vol XIV, 195~i, o 978-9% - MUM Sci - ctem jun 61 /,S,- 015-- The Problem of Intergmmilar Corrosion of Austenit', 24CR-19xi Stcaa, by V. Mal.. et al. CZ"-, per, Uutaicke Usty, Vol XV, go 7v 1960, Pp 5,18-524. Itr 137 Sci - Chem jan 61 "/ g (~, W, 0 t- "ho Prohl" & the DL&tributi= of Prwipitates in c ion-S""tNO Aust6altle 8-t"14,p by 6 V. cto J. Jawk. UXM C=38 pri SAftlam Ustyp No at W91 pp 695 -7W. Mx 15U (L5.58.OA.) //0077 fict - Xia/wt w 6o Tho Strwtura of the ?"viya Film on Cbrcmium Steals, by M. Praftks T. Px"akv n. Ciball 10 P. OWO, p4r, telt Maktrochap IVA, Vol UZI p 190 6/7.. PP 7D-745- M-2&330 sci var 60 /a r jvdr Vol 21 No U S*V-;UC3 of the 1crfect of TjtADj (M tht RM is tAMCe of Stainless steel containintz 20% Cr aW 9% 21 to Inter -Cryntalline C*rrosicn,, by VladtmdLr CjhsL,, RtIdOlf POOPtsilo 13 PP- U,=, paro Hutalake Listy, Vbj Xjj, 1956., AM Tr4232 Pbys 9 jan & Lio t 46 A Contribution to the Explanation of Intergranular Corrosion of Chromium-Nickel Steel, by Vladlmlr_~~ Milan Prazak, 11 pp. CZECH) per., Ifutnicke Listy, Vol XIt no 4, 1956,, p 225. siA 6o-10312 Sci MS, Vol III, No 6 Sep 60 A Tbv Vathod 0t lbasuring Pbst Are Ctm"nts in HV emd VRV Qtmuit bmakerep by V. Hheal J. CibeDm. 1;21H., W. M*Atroteehrdeky Obmw, Vol XLV, No 10, 3.9%.. VP 510-513- ASM aB 10/13 1555 Sci - Blectron Ayr 62 /,Or ,g( i~ arallel Aw) d fvm Trandow by ju*m" awm VACUT F ult CIF"MLLMIE ONLY C~ E(,H, E)okguktm Gbaw. Voi LJU* ~4D 6, IWA, pp %Msu. VCV*M f 0b Table of Contents, libliopsAW and gwmmwl*3 or sequirmnats ror olidw ;= pilot Astbo, Isigasummsm "-son$ CIJ&nf 1 pp. WW-CRWtUv Us V& Jedrillearstre, Mel to OALrA. &U-I -- AF 60905T BelvatIftc -- AervomftIcs Poesibilities of tbing Exbwast stem in )btALbnUlc4 and Nwhim gmf:fwari,28 Opm%UU=, J. M&arto R. OeMs et alp U Vp. olu czam MW=BUk'*,v Val 322 3b X 9p 2961o pp %-Q, JM 22MLO Ice= do CZ R= *r 62 ,Jvard & Pecili)wr) ii. t'ileviiAl Coi,jtructioi, of ur ;,nectrojt-atic Accelerator for IN U'Ctur V"li Ae Gral-, . per., J. 3tefarl Ilistitute, 11,057-., -2) figure5/,;.T./ pp 21-26. Ar-tc;r-lcs, Vcins and the Dccretory Syct= of KiCLity of the Polar Bear (Ircimlarctos M&ritil:21S)p by T. cili-,-a, U. Bego, pp. icr, Biolozkd Glas-Iii-1, Vol XV) ow 62-11762/3 FL-WO Z,'~3,107 Factors Causiog Fatigue vZ Military Umito in Opera- tions; 0asualtiso During Ibrobes, by L. Izards J. des Cillwals, Poll tranalation. - WI PH, I*r, ReLuL d 197itag! st go WICIBS Wimpt-inA Vol LUXI Wjls yp 731-1%2. AM Tr 1477 W&W - France PLO Scientific - waicinev tatlipe't operationso casualties Military - fttigue,, opwatiocs,, casualties jaim 53 C26/m im 6o I jilt 07 '- -, ,. Ion. lj~~r _1 . 1,.- 4 MIME (Dri-3 (49~. Problems of Balanciag Budgets of Natioaa'L Co-a- mittees, by Ivan Cima, 16 pp. CZECH, per, Fin=ce a Uver, JM No 10, 19591. pp 572-5a0. JFR8 2922 FXur - Czechoslovakia Econ - )?in-ance Jul 60 Effect of Tvapersture an the Pbuvacological Action of Mlaropromnim,, by T. Bartl,,.E Mm-,_ 2 pp 12AI.IA 0 p"# Arch. Ital. 61, Sol Yavmcol,, Vol N. So It 1954A 99 M-214. CIA/YM/.t-26W . Scientific - Medicine AV 55 C26 0) 0 AP-407V OKI Vw Influence of RacUoprotectars an the ToxIcity aC Machlorethamine, by L. Clsj4 F. Pbzra. 14 pp. MLALM,t per, La Rloarea Boar, Val =0 go 5., 1960., pp 68o-W5. NZ 3-35-61 Sci - Jbd /Y~ ~o Maw 61 t1 ijulck Method for Paper Chromatographic Sepm-ation of TetracyclinU AntlblotUrs,, by T. Be-rtL, L. CLm,, 9 pp. ITALIANs biao per, Alalletti"O Lb.m. Val AU111 ho IIAL)s 1:64, PP 6h3-CA7. MIR Tr 93 scki - BioloLy s0.317 helationship Betveca Ctwm;.cal &rid I.ntibecterAisl Pction or thL Tetracyciii,ic tintiblotics, by L. Cimaj, T. Berti, 15 pp. 1TAL14?i, bizo per.. Bollettino Vol xxxivs No 3A, 1955s Pp 186-191 NIH Tr 5-4 OCI - Blology Distribution of Mnotblaslas -helms la the Anl=tl Orvalsvi; is A 80* with or$, too and Dieth"Im in tw Un"S ppp by T. Bertis L. Clies. Ivii". per, Arch. Materus Pbwmcodv TO& XCW1136 20.40 19%,p Vp 452-458. =/=/X-3396 4, ?$a y Vedlelae~ Age " CS ,t=fonvAtion of the Czechoolovak Uniform T-.-'L-3nometric Net Into the Intermational System, by .UlAm Cimbalnik. CZECIIp per, 6bid'a GeoplWaica at Geodaetica, Vol W.. No 2-A., 1960., PP 133-150. (call no B 662.71M., Eng Tr.) AMS EE;ur - Czechoslovakiu Geo ~"Cpt 60 /00 (FW 20850) An Addition to the Study of Geoftay In Czechoelovakiap by Mlloe C !!alp 11r# 20 PPO mmcg photoautat rietvie No 7,, 8,, JU/AuG 1953s, -109. OWMA"'m NNW Czechoslovakia scl Physics# GeO&MY hi A:-parunt cirm,-s-as in the velocity of Light as a :;c.-i 1~,,lmrdc Element On Dete.-Tuning the 'oef,"icient of 11 lerre-tt-ial .'refraction, by Slavko Cimernan, 13 pp. A' 's Tr Nodun CIU40 . lb I In I ~ ,-frads In autro. Duadeftl Udifts, by-T-0-8-0-rWIMS me or pp. - -M SIIML- -V-qpAm v POP* PAMMUU PzojX%ad An Jk&AdIWj, Vol Ivne no go j~%. IM 2r UW/GU A439 Shortcomings at the Construction Materials ZAx Baze, by D. j�mjdtjnr,j, 3 pp. 1,10,610OLV-71) np, Unenj, 9 Aug 1962) P 3- JPRS 15571 RX FE - Mongolia Econ Oct 6-2 Rt2scaxchn an the Synthcaia of Fblic Acid by Lacto- bacilluo Ar-abinosus) by S. Ciminop G. Provitera, 6 1,yp. Full trawLation. ITALIM,, per, BoU.Soc.ital.biol. spar., Vall XXVII,, r10 3) 1951) Py 491-493. 11 1 H Tr 62 Scientif1c - Biology Oz 1A I r Oct 55 Bactw1aI Grupith =1 Correlations Bat-rcen A=ino Acids - 1,. Relatiorwhips betwwn tryptoPhuM aDd cygtims by S, Cini I G, Previtem, 6 pp. Full tz-,11--1--tion. ITALIM, j;aj., Bolj.SDc.ital.biol-gRSE-O Vol XXVIIP 110 3~ 1951, pp 494X36- Ij I H Tr 63 Scientific - W010MI '10 AF/ IP(II/ Oct 55 (DC-2200) LERTAIN PROBLEMS IN PARTY GUIDANCE OF IDEOLOGICAL WORK, BY MIRCHO CIMITROV, NIKOLAY MLADENOV,, 17 PP. BULGARIANO PER; PARTIEN ZHIVOTp NO 9) JUN 1962p PP 12-18. jpRs 14846 EEUR BULGARIA POL ,kuG 62 208083 Synthetic Analap Of Curare Alkaloids VII. '1VO kv Nodols of ?Ubocurarft* mA Tito Otber Bia- qaatornw7 Amwafts FAItst by Klroslav Pratlva,, Miles Borcvicim,, Um Cluler,, Zdmek Wivyj 22 pp. C=H, per,, Chm Llety,, Vol L, No 12, Pragae, 19561, pp low)-Igo. to ims/be-L-WO Sci - Cbm-Utry - I-,,- p " ;7Z, / (9F-1512) ft*WAM Of thS mmt v muca of Art and *mUty in the Davia ago of, doolaUst Am m br pwra CUWMMP 18 pp. xxww oweetwi ftlomoilmo vbx vnj, so aqwmt tcow a%-PT. RM403 saw - amom" 2800 Apr 61 glaw jj~-. - at"lov Bodomw- bhdd* Ad tawtago by Jgi*dff ~~w V.* 19620 C7-- --# - =. Alboinumm pp 0 ACSI 1-24" ED 7. 3 sa - EUN=M Doc 64 2691M Fn=n and S-vim BaUntidinalej, by Drs Attillo, Cincinnatil, Giulio Denesp 17 PP- 17- lull translation. ITALIAR, perp Ann di *4 nay 0 cobn Vol nj, IW9,, rp 17-25. BIB 'Icientifle - WdIcIne SOP 53 CTS Polorographic Rapid Atalysto of ftoophating SolUtIoUlo by D. Digallip 0. Cluggloop ---------- GERM, per, Korroolon u WUllachutz, Vol XIX, No 10) 1112 1943P pp 282-284. (00101 All Bruteter W* 2087, $3.30 Scientific - M/metals / 5", 'P o ;?- ACIIiVVdWUeIC3 ill tho 'NOCItailigad "ploitatialk of O"aw)a ocit;k t,oad Ouriug the Last IU Ycars, by L, Uoi.'imiu i-'.UAAAX%, por, Cululoza si hirtie, Vol XIII. ,%c, Au- L)Wg pli 266-278. JNS Z7,666 Uur-.'.u ..~Laa Lcu;i 2720v22 Relutions Betvcca -Rumnift Liberated Natioas; by Whail Ciobw~,',l per, or up, Probl=c lutcruatloaal-.~, JPRS 1wig hum=i a Econ Mov ':')-l / 7 (IN-2700) II-PROVEMIENT III OPERATION' OF TRA~Mfl STATION-S-AN IMPORTANT FACTOR IN THE DEVELOP- GF -ULLECTIVE FA.01-13, SY V. - "'A 14 pp. .,Lii'.:A' IM, PER, FIPANTE SI CREDIT, W 1~021 pp JPRS i 4u,"; EE ktJ,.tA:4A ALIJ u2 20-5) (IW-22DO) Dannt Prablm Of CON0301 WOW In Fmm&WLa,v br W14 An Cidbotaru Tral= Bev*=$ PPO HUMNIANO pews Mmmitmml 6"tws Vol UTs No 27(63:L)o 7 Ad 202* P 9- im 13ft Vktr - RMNCLaU Wa out 6e SCALE-MODEL STUDY ON THE GATEWAY OF A RIVER ~OC A. SPATARUp 12 PP. PORTj,8Y D~ C RUMANIAN, PER HIDROTEHNICAp VOL 111j, NO 11/12., 1958, PP 41~:419. (CALL NO. TC1 H63p ENG TRANS) I AMS EEUR-RUMANIA ECON. OCT 62 212,102 esearch thtbod of Mercury in the Body (Urinej, Focal atterp etce)s by T. Clocultn, 3 pp. UKUMMW ITMOs perp pgmpu-a rendue Societe g2 B101600 1-01 Cxn, 1933P Pp 621-622. ientif lc - y4dicive QW 439 Oct 53 CS llyp~crmia in Cardian Surger7,, by Be Clomtto,, 2 pp. dl translation. w ITALIAIT., par.. Rifoma mod-,o Vol LXVIrI., Hav 13t 1954.- pp 2269~-mo. Nm Tr 63 5 ScientIfic - ~~clno ;~?x Oct 55 CTSAEX Ifew DerivatiYes of 4,,h 1 -Diaxiwftpb*cA Oulfotw,, by Baldo CIOCMP Luu, Comal"'o 9 pp. =ALUX,, per# Chlides * jelftu-" Vol zwo lgkkt pp B~L*Ao ScUftific - MONW27 pa MY c" 681*Y 55 V An Equation for Calculating the Beata of Formation of Sleetrolytes and the Beats of Ionization of Cbmical Ueowntes by I. N. Clochinas 5 pp. RMIANs perj Mur Pit Was Vol X)Mj 1956,, pp 2441-2443- SIA B-2139 Bei Aug 58 (lq.6430 rau;w Atpccrt; of Rcon=ic Efficiency in Fhlulti,v fAvestock, by Fl. Clocolu, 1; PP. .................. I--- ~U-WiiAX, per, Agricultum Noun, Voi VIII, 766, 29 Aug 1961, p 3. JFRS 1(*lg Im 'R C ~; v 61 (2203-3/c) ow Falat=mblv b*Vnm Woxbbp owd *a-bqu cc wawuve ftims tw n. Mocclus 6 1v. XMM=s pwo ftvbIm awtdoice si veterinues Ib Ill K~~* ]Ws VP U47- W JM 2239-N zbw - BAND" jbm F* 59 Y-/, 70, NCH-M 30 (P,267-2621 Field ?A Ct*CVIQ. 1'.. rfte*M. A,; I)IMSCU. IL. Godard. Ir.: PREPARATION AND APPLICATION or MOLECULAR 1. AmoricaftlasUbuteg SIEVES. PREPARATION OF GRANULATED MOLECULAR Cbealwal Enenm" SIEVES FROM KAOLIN. Apr $5. 13p. l3refs. New York.N. Y. Order fmm ICE in InternAUwxl Chen3Jcal Engin"ring. TS B2 1 H. Title- Pre"rutioct ... Tram. of Revista de Chimte (Runanial Y15 0 p404-8 1964. Mw Distribut.Lon In the Organism of Fata 2:- .1 4CZ t&d %I 3trectly intc the moodetream, by G. Per3tti~ L. ?.tale, L. I-1091.La., 3 PP. IM!", por, RLvista di Patologia Sperimentale, Yol *P-~, ~!o 7p 1932P pp 73-98. SIA 60-LoWig Sel e) 72-41 OTS, Vol 1-71, 5o 7- Sov 60 About Hish Energy luterecUms in Nuclear Am"Icass, by P. CLOkp T. Cogm, J. aanlevekn~ J. Gierula, 8 pp:-- PM,1r 8, rpt.. publ by Institute of Nwlear Resea=h Wareav and Institute for Physics of Czechoslovakia AcadftW of ScLemess ?rogue. CIA/Fm X-nU Sci - Nuclear Physics Apr 58 c2 6 4 ry -Wide o." !IN-oriance on tbe jj"qjtjt,!j W-!, C 10 L'a c41.7 P P. per, Revigtt P"urllr)r, V.~'! pp 55-61. afLj' 85 11 :u1 61 0l 'Wd*W Ot OMPAUM Mtft at PZO&WUan copmdtuw at I%w widi'm ate% tv u 16 C103AMS 34 no =maw& pwo calm st -9M&6 Vol 1% so U* do"Mbw 2964 DO 43400 JAN 2=2 mul-um" Bom 'AL I ^ 145 276o497 7, cc-5* CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PROUXTION OF A PORCELAIN TOMOID FOR A KTATRON* BY EUGEN STOICOVICIp NICOLAEMWONT!~_-5 PPo MUNIAN PER, IMXWRIA USOARAv VOL VI 11, NO to ll;~l PP 7-9- jpRs 89ol ECON 173s 113 NOV 6L by I. Boeriu., Timeanut Qi!i=3 H. Bredt, T. Marginemau, 1. Prodan~ Problem Agricole, Vol XIIp No 10, .T.Ra 662.i 2E= Econ -- ~ so alp"t owsa summm- - - 46 or's pw"06 W oft iiwo c OPO ~* a kit 0 A 9 ov 1*0 , an fts am. w Ka am - molt 63 USA AN. - - - - A m - -- - ftaftaft ~ t -- & - - lop D. cipallatu Gooft-ld of the umaqpmt in series of the 4-not" at a ColowuLal Body. rmjmp Be" Go-U&Wrlmae daue SMIMEMS 41 a=mmxwze jj 2M4M. AV val NASA TT T lhpWA Oct A Contrlbution to the Diagr4sis of Acute Infectious LyvVmytcelso by A. Cipra~ l. flnik$ 4 pp. ~'.IZSCH,, per, PadiatrieM Listys Vol XII., ND 4, -1957~ PP 3Db-3U- Nn 2 -6 -62 /w., ",/4/y ;al - Mad Apr 62 W-330)- POIUb BducmtiM md Fed"Mm ky Ktroalff CIV*j .U pp " p por) PodqpglMp %I Us Jb 4j, Pregni, 1?5'7- pp 513-539. 7 am Ahi 98k= - Poland //O~ 8w x AVr 60 On Further Development of the Rebool System, by lfiroelnv Cipro, 21 pp. C=118 =o per, Novs, "1,, No 9,, Prape.. Sep 1958, pp BC~4-817. U8 JM/I)C-L-952 SE - Czech SOC Nov 58 /,7,3 - gdr 1~ (Sr4m) ELIMINMON Of OKWWINQ FIOCIAL CONMW IN RUMANIAS BY T. Clmwv 4 pp. WMIAN* ISIMS LVIWffA GWASIL4, ND 4, ig6e, FF 19,93. J40 151 oe EM - RLMNIA ECON - up 6e ': 040 A)m vulan fA : 4100 S' OV VU,. WOV, ~Scrvawys Atom m y IV" I Jon vr# A Vo,A,:)y C , iwawao"J* 44. (uotawvd ft ah 4~i 11 1. .. ~Ai 91"FT . z I (( -D) Xster= Intomto and BMW MorwUty,, by Vladimir Ci3t*B,p 5 pp, MDM$ perk Predwjp Vol 2p So 50, Bntislava,. 11 Dec 19,-wp py 22. JPM L-1543 -D % f-J.) k.--9 I Sam Accoamic and *mMixotJoal AspecU 0t L-Nm Wlicticap by C., 12 pp. U-& FwJftANj pwo rm Vbl is ft no A m qb ~ 1p 0 ~ 0 319580 pp 9" am 2207-X =v w RON" Avatuble lwmdu ew Imm" ma Tdw-w of V"gAm Abomets b7 :. P. V6810% 2. Gino YO OffICIA16 un a= fammt ftl fte (A Influance of Materwa Age on the Aneamce of Ympli am, by M. Torre,, S. F~relli j- 5 PP- ITALIAN, per, Bollettim da3la Socista Italiana di Biologic fteriment-ale, Vol =(VII, Ito 7, 1957,, PP U42-1145. NiH lo-e8-6o 3Ci - YA~d Doc 6o .1 ef ;*xbolJ.tblc BousU,4 C4mtzuctdon ftutm, by P. QSjMASAW_, V. psx, atmi (A- leea Rpt an Mr, 0-40) MAMMO per, rovista CoustructLilor ai a Mte.-ItIal r de ConstrtmtLis Bmabamst, Jm 1959,, pq 3-17- CIA/rW Cm 2L93 %umnia *Y 59 flowas ukoft3m"16" " mw A&ruws "Unual iatsilites Made at UA SddmW*st Altfs""W *Aservatoryo stausa SLUO ague" I JSWAMW mw 31 LaceAst A963s, by Calls papiwuAv uss"14*6 UTWAIVS ot 44 24 rps kLo-WIAN per $UAL U cor"tari As Astm=ki*p v(JI 90 M: 1. 0199T. pr -mr.111. P13w= MOTT-6so4l" bep 66 3110440 am%" LAegral Pkmim in the theory of Buildina IndustriLlization,, by 0. Cirlbini. am", p Ed4livi Pbpolaro,, No 52 ap/46/q AN4.12248 0 C: / k! / 6,/ 4, ; sci - Jul 67 334,P983 --m6 "JO La westulu tua"=Lar ciric, 16 CMk"., LT. , r., Ta anik Z&L%"Oda :a Geol oa ka ist-razivanjai Berlea A, No 20, 1962, m 6L,,-U756/1 MiOR 'Al"-polaviz 75L G-;---V Feum of 1,ew-vAk Wenr -~A)kamioj by ALikaandar Ciric., 10 p-j. vir. Vevaik Zavc.U -.~a GwloL-lu. Serles A, No 20" MS 62-2.1756/1 Ora thL Probli.,,i of th-- Yo4ocian Fbl&lag in nXa,6rojlavU,, by BmIclav Ciric) 9 pp. par.. V*uL4.k ZavvU ju,, Geoloalm I NLof:LwdcR-q istnzimje, Series A, Bo 20t 1`62 pp OrS 62-D-756P, Gooc .You 64 (Nr-6450) Stc,!ks in the FwtWear Induatry, by Jo= Ciric, 7 PP- CROATUM, per., Privrefti Wo9w) 26 oct 1961,, p 6. JM M70 R~,- - Yusoalavla ::Con Mar 62 14 pq, . ?J/ (My-ft) OWGING PMMTICN FATTMIS IN THE FURNIANK imxwwo ay joyAu qitic. 6 pp. I CWTIANS Mo FRIYMN) PU"Mo VOL X118 No i8i6s 9 jAm i0s p 4. JPRS 13* MA a YUMNAVIA Em - lay 61 ig3vii6 (DC-5635) Spreading of Drucellosis in Cattle On Large Farmo it VojvWioa and Planned Pleasures for Ito Control, (1956-1959)o by P. Markovic, L. Ciric,, H. Petrovic 4 Pp. BMW-CROATIAX,0 per., Veterinarski Glasnik, Vol XIV, No 5,. 1960s VP 323-326. JM 8386 Sci - *d .15'8' 0 V-3 jun 61 (D-1-505) Spreading of Brucelloain in Cattle on Large Far= in Vojvodina and Planned Measures for Itte Control, (1956-i959), by P. Markovic., L. CL5-F, M. Petrovic 4 Pp. SIM-CROATM,, per, Veterinarski Glaenik# Vol XIV, 110 5, ig6o, PP 323-326. ipw 8386 Sci - Ned 15-8- 09,3 Jun 6", 1111F CIIAHACII It Is HCS 01: '111 F PR(XT_,." OF PODAILIZATWN 01 'A)ILS IIN Y HOLN [AND) -rlll~ I-MMIA M 01 (TAS~WICAHON OF P()IYZ0HC anp Z, ml A )11,s (Km ikt, r i,tik, Pi, K Or%.Jz,plp~ ji.,m u Sibip 1,indl Pnohkm Kl.i~ihkacsjv INOI,oij,tih /t mlp.-Ja) I i, h IYum-,j Ajr'j~),Jk.j,j~1jt. 1!1,j %fUl jj_j Wpgx U. 1146.11 14~jp. 126 rtt,. PL Oil Agr. Ofkio r It"m (W, ~J). -~~ bf) Nhih I rd I I I. iii I Jg(F Ili I ~( (I ~kl I Dru~t vo li Pro KwaVJ11 I, Ztmlp-ra. [L, Lanit I 116b, Do. 4. 73p. and Nanxim -g- i vvt) I Y i ~, v. 12. rvj. I/ % p. 48 , ~8. .oil,, Cli-ifikamin. Chmsr,-, GL~J 11gN, Pi Stlf-, ~1~ MIL31 Ploqo if[, '. yup),lavla, W - 2161 b I . SK; I I 11.1 J it IV: 1. Ciric, M. 11. Tviv- pi t'h1cm (,I 111. Tir It :Prublern K LtAikadjv, IV. Pir- IND 'Nit (60 ljf~jfl) V. Nali'ln-11 Nk-jo-1wt. F"luji'lanim, 'A k,hingl"n. 1). C. VL N) canct-Ilt"! ( Agi 1, kill I; r ,I'Lilit Ctjjtjv~1114ofl, 1-1 . 1. 1,4, rkl. it)) Office of Teshakel Sow-Aces Primary PwtlcLes lin the Pod-zolic Soils, toi pli. ciric, SKEO-CAWMA.11, pQr, k,*',Uv ~~a V-3 . V, ::o '(, 1 -)2, PL-loo Sci - Sul, 112 11'r~Drl-em ot Classification of Pod:-o.i--4c Soils, by SEHDO-CROXIVIIi, b1:, Tiarodrul Sizuar, Vol X11, Ao ii 61 oa-s PL-48c, Lei 2 A-zation cf Cl.aracter-,'Gtics of '11e PrOces'j 01, pod coi-s Jr, Serbia, b.-.- I.- Ciric, '1'6 1,~- ~tBU-C.'JuATJA;11, br-l JuGosiovensho D.,-Istvo Sv zejia~iztu, 141c) T3 pi~- PL-4-3j A Viev on the Ommals of Tierra Rmss, by M. Ciric) M= D. AlWomdrovic., 12 PP- SEM-CROATIAN,p porp Zboralk FAAOVS ism Pajogrivrodwg ftbatOtA (DeoWrod)p Vol VIlo No 277) 195.0s PP I= 1-12- 909M ois 6o-21677 FL-4ft sai - Goofis i= 6e 4 V~ j : e 1, U- c:.. the Ge.,&-ii.; of Terra Ross Zbornik RL-IN" 1", llol~opriverednug Fakulteta u ze;:ILL.U. 1.-': 5. urs 6o-2i67','