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Mwn.*-,re Advrace a-C Smnlt-at-.-'~jn WoiiL Tuuwd FLral Areaw, by Ch'Um flxiu-c:i-awj (&*) jeor pp. 36,0 per, pp, I-). JPNS 3") IbAg-~V.Wt; go 13, DOC 1AY5, Neon Jan CA, AO Vehicle a um' stggion% by Ch I" (6-geg O=)v 09 I". v part 2s 7 Fob 1,965t jW*- "ARL30 34378 FZ-Cblm Bel-Aero mar 66 296s706 DIV Oevelopsont of 0 bombers by- cAlian. &an&* QUXESL, per, tft KII!ft Chih Shiho Vol 11. No 6. 196S. pp 9-10. *M)-~11-67-166 (L ~ -L , I c, I)I~< i~ tj Sci - Avranautlc3 Mar 67 -7=1-w ---~ -I d- ---A- , i-,, "-. U F" UA A" oft 70 Ly FMA).- SOL- 'limit -AX p Our New FmNurd Stop Meam Mew -e~~ of ftwwp by Cid" TbRUF4 3 pp- VMn?KMM,, ups Rag Dol Mm -,km. 1i Nay 1963,, pp 14. JPRB FF.-Sorth Vletmm rol Sept uoom cmmnts " a ~juv*-Awndoml Frobq lsd4 by Chlin Tworg4mot 20 pp. QURL~- ;Or& ihj:= ru ftshisto Vol 59 a0 49 19650 pp 2850M. Jftzi 50235 N~ sci-6w 3(d & ucomm A;r 70 4059432 w ,-. it Iw~ufftrial i;evelopmmt Imim 1968, tw )uwt-hmgo 45 ppe Tidpcdo 10 im 1969, pp 66-". Jam con Apr 69 3?90344 7 Lvestigation and SUOI of Ibmtric Pover ludustr7 of Commlst Chim., by ChIlen Yumi- hen& 18 pp. a per, Fei:SMM Yen-dd ib. 4. Apr 1967, pp- 7447- JPTS 41515 Rem Aug &I C, "I 333s,242 -olar :~poctrographg rUrple "bmtain Cbservotory, by lu. l-'hien-chliq iinu Un-lin, kli pp. ~- I Il,. z; I , no r, jljM-yM 11 ip~ lils'd", 'Vol 10, jW. .-0 1. V~162. pp 34-.3a. I U., - 53,~O~i -ay 71 1- I I A I o -:. . . I I - , - I I *AlO P~l a I . v v* M~A~W_ 1~- ---Iw W--wj w zw4w m 71-wri-a ht " L& hi ftr 71 IV:;-Ile ."X~a C7 JS 4:1 -.0 66A- kz~ i'A Intervim mith EUmo Senat AldwAts, by OdU odfflotto 5 pp. clovmxw,T USE W" Si-AFWnq npv !L&Mhb Mantuddoos 24 je&r Igns p U. JrW/L 4141 PAY 72 so's MMIROW uw ow SPAMIls Jpfts/L TA/grugtay Edto Fob 72 .. . 1, . . - .... . a~. il - -., " - ei- ,-,, ~ ~Jmjj" ~ .1 7 D"%Ay 64" TuPamu" QWM~~Uworgtwuuftf by (Aviut. Cwflal 8 PP. GodmMim USS ow L'eAnSiip npg ZWv .j _jg, ~Umtsvidooq 17 tar 1972o pp Bg 24. JPP,O/L 4119 Apr 72 W*.m a. ., pXA The White Beat of the Pre-Election Fevero by N. Chigirl, (DC-U235)- SOVMMYA LArfMp nPo Riga., 5 mhreb 1965., *JM LA - Chile pol Mr 65 Structure of PeptLdyIdLpbo*pbmtLdyIStyc*roI ft= the Lamellse of Been ChIsroplastst by V. S. ChLaLrev. RUSSLARI, part Dak A dauk SSSR& Biochm$ Vol 13tt So 3s Jul 196be pp 741-749. CB 4 f'- Oov yo -cammot4a" NOW of Dotemodag Lmg- lim ftra am corwa va" as the wertlea ul gbvrdflob Is the FWUU O"Ims tW A* I* mol"P pwo 1b so X967i, w *Dspt or Intwim ftsh nod Wildlift MorwUM my# Dwrm or ftnto nmw:L" usn left Doe 67 He.,V*Wugt4a Ngtbod of vatawfift JAMWq Fam and Cortals Data as the V*rtlftl DIaWbu- tim of Tam mod Swordftmh In the Pacifte Oason, b,l A* I* a 699. RMIPJI, per, pq IeJA. JPFS A12VA SCL-W Ewe Oct 67 ,tructtav x !lu~jr aii-;j-iuinf,2rcau I~Iantic us luin 1.-i YL **rf Vol 30 J, 11;6i-t IL, 130-134. JX) #151 lnvest~gation of the Relationship Between Conv arter Lining Life and.Stee2making Practice and Refractory Quality, by I. D. Chi ii gra RUSSIAN, per. Stal No 9, 1971~ pp 798-801. BISI 9890 jarects in caumms cadt (stag) 44w of Avoldine-, Ilbom. tor it. a A 9 AlpvdU A4 IL,'* We Vol 139 up 17-19* J%M 61,10 3.58*223 ii% ~ - CX~ vw bat""Ofti I" D. 1, O"Okfwo NNIAN. Vol 51 loo is l" ofty n w,'tft Mil-D :sc L Cootzta Jbffdtmrft of It ~ t cis ox BUS - - cas" In a suave* BMW* 2w am"W omt"4 55 bW Odb%m Cpms b ri s% as JAPAU310 %I XIVS SM Itma 5310AM~J= SAW2 mw 67 325VIT3 . I - S. Sixth Fle4t I~qvrted an ~W_Iterrmcan alboweres bo, lie Odktachov# 3 ppe 1'russ=49 pnr# -lotp U -Ffk, LkorJujolo bw ow 0 fio 4 0 Apr 1,A)t pp 4GJa, J It 4 AN699 / I x d(UCPL-Trano--10570) ITHIRD REPORT ON THE IN- VESTIGATION INTO THE ACTUAL CONDITION OF IRRADIATED PERSONS IN YAMAGUCHI PREFECTURE. ChlkaxAw~j Keltchl; Funazu, El; Yamaguchl~ Hisroraitsu. jgTram a or Univ.- (if Califorris, from jlColled. Treatises Fac. Hum., Unly. Fukuoka; 2: No. 4, 871-(Mar 1971). 2j62P. UDOP. NTIS. ublorned; tr"latlonfi 1106 U%I%-Ib UP NSA ASA V-1 Mg-"W BOARS, G~q- Calculation of the DIMUon of Operation of Im-lichwo Reactors In the Becolm4zation of Refinery Syrups., by G. A. Cbdkin. RMIAN, Per, Uftruga Emaimm-D.Ost, so .1o, 1969, PP 14-17 - wzc 72-14107-07A -, o- hst~;Ii i"Ith ofneul Dimmms ~4w Draft IAW~ by :j , Odking 5 ppe RdSSIAiss perv ASMIM OM~o it* 24a 1969t pp 27-296 ,*:Ls 490 1 I.,,I ( ~- t " Z)ei-tA, - r-, --l ;.At ?o 4W62% A am MnCIPU iA W Tnlnb* SM f"MM spoo"Umuon of ph"dolowo V S* U* QdIdne 7 pp* ausslows PW* dLvo ft&wwhdL ft"014 w % 109,6 pp 3AFT W-m 4w 1 11 ,!:; ~3 I sd.s4wAjsu A ad UPS" Sept 69 vpj,4~4'i aftlt'i ivhl-nro In V" ext "ivo-Year Allne inJ? "To n r r"'611C flulth In cs9Qb=lovsdl% by so Ta. Cbtlr4no 5 yo. ;1OPPIP m f- ) /~ M 8, Pero zdmpoqkhrwm ?Oft -, Val go so 11, bw 1965P ppo 31- --to JPM Div soc ion (-A4 2-95o135 Tmining ot ftw"cum to males, R LI I slumuoulu Uloutuu=w at tbb mmo 1w a. is$ Chjkln =1 B9 M. cholmvp 599- MUMS -;Or,-, &JOCUkAmosim affI&Ift rommullp No 2s ftb lAbs PPO "0 JPM 34915 Apr uU .4addov Avensses RvmW Influence cn Jabok Development. by V. Md)dn. 13 pp. A f~OWOW, U hWSIAJ*, ftp, lr(2s -jV 1-2. ,j i t-.5 56,L63 Jme 72 as Quisw se bow% Qc am tr TO A. Chadus am ~& J~ MAddift ft job" Mb a& J#* i946-19T, n WON ,a, ou ti,( I~vm AD"7-703 ftl 40 Aim Aar 67 Plmt Indicators of Soil p Rocks end &2b&n-faee waterss Wited by A. G. CbWebeT.' RVBMNR. bko 190j, 209 pp. Coumatants an"WO N. T. EL Scl-E Sci jul 66 304..419 An lateMrotation Rmtine for Tranalation Prob- iaw (B=-4), by 0. B. Chikoidse. 6 pp. RUSSUJI, per., QkAdgga Mmk 2CMdalkay SSR, Soobdr&"Z& Vol 54s No 1s 19(o9$ pp 37-440. Al?,/rn)-Irf-23-527-70 *ar 71 Ora* cathod of 'I tatima of A14pritIrs of spr"m atloa* by d. B. ChUMidg4b. per, Ali OMMS410 Vol 48. ho 2. 196% Wwm% Ond ~;O'O '.*i Interpz*AAg Prqpm for Probl~ in (O=-4),, by 0. B. Qdkoldw 6 MISUMS pwo Vol 54) jo %MM~ Soob*Wwd" Jo 1. 1969s pp 37-Wo LUVP"-24-156-70 ZWW SLUO CIS" Is NO Ngl%Wdww ftUnew P,aevv"ro IW To so chlbaft. loo"s pro Ta to0 lb is# 1w" p W, D"t of latutm FLsk mt vu&Uft S~wjW, Be, ban at vou as" Oft 67 343olft To Ftt=e Rhq-,ineers - 2commic rmawlekv, by M. Chilll--in,, 5 Ivp. j-- R-M-ba-, np, :25 Jan 65, p. 2. JPRs 2VA UMR ECO., bbY 65 ,-tg..,i76 A,uto.-*Uon 01' . lbctriC Ad,,;e vd; 4AW.s :,art DO 4~li cop J ttly 6 3C-3.12? Alv kpplientlan of Computer Tecbxdque for too Autocation of Selective Make-Mv by C. V* Dut- ke4ch, Me Go Chilikin No A. Dow-b-Oomolovskly UrA Vo Fo 3mbators 5 ppe MWIM., per., Imbawt-a-ba 4 atmMIzatil Proizvodstva,, Vole 210 goo 2a XWq pp- 49-50- ip"m 4.10eO I K UWR jot June 6-7 ;-.xilod !Akonwn ~,*"rm (1v* Aaw, tw oadm ~-Adlljl U pt.. t L-l" -,Jt;~, ~jj-A part gagusp :io 349# 17 zop 1967, Glj,~ 2602 00 01 The ftrtv Poucift a* camusme with Lev #ad Order "t be Nffoctiv*4 Lvasomtedi, by G. Odsod, 12 pp- "M=j", per" ftwn An so 90 sovt 1965o pp. 7-16. JP1" 33960 POI YO Now4atim at *Dgauan WOM pfttsw. 1-1~ k6 Chiraftowwo 6 W. tv MXGOLILUO PWO -bb Mm Batcr. % 4 19690 PP 33-36 apfis 5D542 S- (! ~ / /)~ e ol t Se- no /V Uam- r, & Pal ifty ?o a, Oscar Last: Nothing New or an Intensification? be a .~asscr as Lrakemit in the Intra-Arub Conflict by ltudul'Pll~ ch~~ rm"-=;f vz~, Tu!~cs-Anzcigcr a) 19 .ov 66, b) 5 Dec 661 J i C I- i 0 1. IC 1 1219 2 7 .Jan 0 010 W AaGOMbl, I)y Aan -t0? .0 L' 1~ J 4 P, smUUst 'mp&tAtim l*9WM Wd"" I- - I - tV D. MldAdWjo 5 PP- M004OLW* Pwo heMM, Man %tart so go 1968a Ipp - - JM 4?9256 P. (- ~., , -%) I ~ ., I - I , I I j ! USSR LOW Jan 69 3?3o6?6 .- -~AA4AJ. fty forrIAMMIWITil IT chi-41% slpp~-- ~ kiflAW-2 I i dow" AOAI 72 'D )--rose tho ,_,OArwl ~~atmml -wrolutiw-. =%%3 Iv to be -OW4Ar-qswlutl*n*ry, by lisivy: i 4453), 7 ec r-roblems of the Chinese Corivinist Stato Oo-xnell Raviowed, by Chin Ch~ion-li, 27 pp. np .111sing-tao Jih Ifo- - ~'on.-, - -EAO, 5 e- -, l1 Jan' 72, ~ 1~; 12 ;Tan 7?-,, in 4; 13 Jan 72, p 4; 15 Jan, 72t p 4; 17 Jt-n 72, p 4; 18 Jan 72, D ~; 19 Jan 72, p 4; 21 Jan 771, 4; 20 Jan 72, n It. ~?RS 553?1 tier 72 ,.!,a vietrAce" P"14 vlu Trlwvb in lllbvl,~ c.,. os or iiemdst~~- Us AwAvontou To Owe 1~- Cautry., Ly Q-lLn Clu'l A L e 10 CuDiMp tort IM 2-5 Ap~ . I~P)p aefc 05o 4,9-atim Soc '71 V~ porsist bk CA lAmej, by Chin CHIMEr pore scivotions Ch Atil 72 A jo.* chin Rug-pim Case of Corneal Abscess Caused by PS. Aerugiuosa, by V, Chinaglia. ITALrAVv perp Migg&Z& KUW12gloat Vol 10, 1968v pp 200-208. RTC 72-10946-069 May 72 11 klrorlki~, Automobilo Imt lrprmug iva,'Maucing b5 7 ppe per. L*S14ri*--o-trqtaXl., ~*Scawq No Us pp 2,-J4, !art cotio'-.14, robl"v by 14 7'towr Atom In the Lbaft at Agrl=IULxvl 3CloKl*-lA"# tq Cblu Ut-= ('1166 0035 1329), 6 ppe JF-8 3M) ec'Pt 65 , Ittati m of ~ rsomi.., old ireas in Solath L j(%t- b.-,, -~Anh E*.ds, 17 poo 2 1 22' 23 Am~ 24 ul I j; iat ct 6? 340,735 -3h'4'r,3) mid C: -14%. % W Co=amlst China Is Nwlear Base at Lanchow,, by Chin I-hung and Huang Jun&-ahengo 20 ppe C T1 . per, C149-jih Ta,-lup No, 241p 1 Oct 1965,, pp. 8-15- JPFS 1+1810 FS-China Sci-Nuc Sci Aue 67 333s.343 11-144bionm Vth r 4.Q Ct4 rl!as ~io 49 CL C, N I &I e, o A- It Is Necessary to Carry out rdooZogioal work Pemtratinl.71y and Meticulously, by Chin ou, 6 pp. HUIIG-CEII NO. I, -ran. 1, ron Selectio fron ChinaUmd MainUmd AVazinos feb. 60 1973. Fe!, 73