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by A. U. -Ir~ lol,~~ "F=sof iw=AK at sc I miltm -- p . MCE ma."wo I Sb%ft-t IL VOL Aso &YLN av Irs - Sd/"M MAY 65 279#463 Mikol'skil. A. M. FAUXA OF RUSSIA AND ADJACERr COUNMES: AMPHUMANS. tr. by P. Por. 1962, 225p. rds. PL-480 Smi. Order from OTS $2.25 60-21813 Trans. of mono. Fauna RossLI i Sopredel'aylb Stran: Zemnovodn ye, Petrograd, t918 (314p. ). DESCRIPrORS: $Amphibians, Classificadon. Morphology, Anatomy. DistrIbution, Pcology. Bibliography. W21813 1. Ntkol*d:U. A. M. H. Tide- Amphibians Ill. TRW Zemnovadaye IV PL- 490 SMI (W21813) V N600VAI SCW= PMD&tign, D. C. (Biological Sciences- -Zoology. 7T. v. B. no. 11) Fams of the U.,3.34,0 L"ddel & 0 rtamvAw- ID- m ou"I AMW M, fts 'Pume-ambaft b7b a. 40 -omwo LOA .. - Ve ', WE 11 MU T? 67-51342 0 0 Mdlaw Noy 68 370,281 Luk'Yanovick. P. K. and Ter-Minseran. M. E. (GRAIN SEMES) (BRUCMDAn M. BRUCHNAE. 1. Title: Bruchidae tr. by R. Erl . 7 Aug 38. 2p. (tip. rds. omitted). 1. Luk'yanovich. F. K. Order from arS or SLA $1. 10 61-19189 Il. Ter-Misasym M. E. Ill. 71de: brucitinse Trans. 4 Psuas-S-LUL (Novaya seriya) 1937. v. 24, no. rp. 31-33 and 143-144. OESCRIFTORS: OCOMIS. *Coleopters, Reproduction. Seeb. Tuonarny, Plants (Botany). Inwts, EcolM. (Nowgical Sciences --Zoology, rr, V. 9. no. 12) son '0 1"6&w 60-21822 Makarov. V. V. CRUSTACEA, VOL. X, NO. 3. ANOMURA (FakW- 1. 71 de: Aawwra braznye)tr. by F. DL Por. 196Z 28* ?L-MSnd~ 1. maimm. V. V. Order from aM $3. 00 60-21522 U. PL -430 Smi (60- 21 S22) M. National Science Trans. of Fauna SSSR. [Novaya Serlyal 119381 v. It poundatkC4 (337p. ~ Washington. a C. DESCRIMRS. OCrustacea. Aquatic anitnals, 11krine biology. Shellfish. "ClasaitIcation TUs volurne de Is %ith one of the large taxonotric divisions o( the Decapada. viz.. the Anotnum. the !ivs im, ,ral, In the introductim a short anatome- morpbologiml outline and also very succInct data are given on the biology and zoogeography of the Anomurs. Owing to ittj opecitic claramr, the data an the funily Paguridae are preceded by a special Introduction. In i t -z i :a--) Is exmined in grtuter detail, while 1,11 1j)1C-1ki, tw,k. di, . ~"Ivl 1-111114). ~.lf,.d (Biological SCiCnCCS - -943010gy. Tr, V. B. 110. S) (I-, v! ) 63-11071 Svetovtdov, A. N. FISHM VOL K NO. t CADIPMMES (Ryby: Treako 1. Sveto"v, A. N. obraznyc) tr. by Walter J. Waltvrs with Vladimir Walmrs. 11. PL-490 Smi (63-11071) 1%2. 304p. 150 refs. PL-480 W. III. National Scleme Pounds- Orck r from OTS $3. 00 63-11071 don, Washlopm D. C. IV. Title. Gadiformes Trans. of Fe (Novaya Serlysl 1948, v. 34 [221p. L Lna_L~ DESCRIMRS:- *Fishes. Classificatim Distribution. Morphology, *Anatorny, Ecology, Geography. Paleo- ecology, OCod, OMarlne biology. A rnonographic survey of the gadolds of the world. Special attention Is given an osteolo&ally based morpholo5y, taxonorny to ft species level. sid world- wide distribution patterns. Notes are also Included on such topics as the lower taxonornic levels, commerclal importance. Biology. and synwymy of the grouP. (Biological Sciences- -Zoology, T`T. v. 9. rm 4) Ofte d faCk" Unt" Rylow. V. N'L CRUSTACEA. VOt- III, NO. 3. PRMIRVATU CYCLOPOIDA (Raboobramyr. Cyclopoide Prftuykh VbO tr. by A. Mercado. 1963, 314p. 292 refs. PL-480 Sad. Order from OIS $3. 25 63-11163 Trans. of PawU S&SR. [Novaya Sarlyal 1948. Y. 35 1320p. L OESCRWMKS: *Crust=". Rivers, 0%wilfisk Taxamny. ONUrine bloloa. Aquatic mumals. 63-11163 1. Thle: CyckwoM- 1. Rylm. V. M. U. Title- Prealmaer --- M. Title- Cyclopolds ... IV. PL-480 ~qml (63-1. t 163) V. National Science Foundulak wasidtl"p. 0. a (Biological Sclewea--Zooltgy. Tr. v. 10. rim 8) Some Charticteristics of the Sub-Fczily Cantantopinne by L. L. Mischchenko. RUSSIDUT, per, Fcuna SWR - Hasekoraye pricwkrylye No 2, 1~-521 pp 27-31 IIZDlf% sci - Jul 67 334,216 STatovidov. A. N. FISIMS, VOL. 2. NO. 1: CLUPEIDAE UM HER- RM) (Ryby, Y. 2, no. 1: Clupoidae (Sel'&M) tr. by Z. Krauthamer and E. Rolfer . 1963. 428p. FL-450 Sini Order from OTS $4.25 61-11435 Trans. of Fauna S. S. S. R . Novaya Serlya. 1952, v. 48. DESCRIPTORS: OF19hes. OTaxonomy. *ClupeidAe. Morphology, OAnatorny, Ecology. Distribution. 61-11435 1. Svelaridov. A. N. U. PL-48OSmi (61-11435) PL-4WPST-126 tH . National Science Foundation. Washington. D. C. IV. Titic Cbjpd&e (Biological Sciences- -Zoology, TT. v. 10, no. 6) Me d Isdabd brdm _pg Arwlmoidea; by A. A. 2achmtkln. RMIMs bk. rAr"'ho or the Umt Vol VIP ND 1. --1-- m raw i= 6o ." I : - .- :-, - I I -, ; - ~ -- 7~1~ 11 --- Arachni"s by B. I. powimtsey. ) bkj Yam of the U=p Vol IV# 1b 2. Fm Jun 60 L. L. ML;hchenko. MSSWI; b,,., Fat~zia 830, 1952, Vol LIV, ~~-10 pp. *FL-43o Sf-, i Jul `3 Pam& of the u.s.s.R. (coleopters), -. rmilies - Amphizoidaes Hygrobiidae,, Rallplidaes Dytiscidaes Qyrinidae, Vol IV, by P. A. Zewitsev, 401 W. RMSIAN, bk, ra=a MR. (Larjmw zheAtN2]gj2n)l -(Plavmtsovye i VertywMio Vol IVs 1953- NTIS TT 70-50174 APr 72 - -- Vol 5 6 0 An ksm-l- IV 36 As 30be MMV4 per# F~ 84 I= IbL at;-Im 3w aWft'665i-wo 333# OX aid aA 67 N"kay. 0. A. CARNIVOROtS MAMMALS 11(hishchaye Ulebrinits. yugbcWe) tr. by A. Birron and Z. S. bii_ _14_2~28, rds. PL-490[nt. Order from OTS $3. 00 6i-114W Trade, of Fauna S. S. S. L [No"ye SeTlyaj I9W v. 6L DESCRIMRS: *Mammals, 9CUxW1c*dos. *Aostowy *Ecokw. economics, Bones, SkUU. Twill, Cro"111 Age. Body. Meesuremeat. Pur. Agricukurv. 61-114M 1. NodkDv. CL A. 11. PL-480 lot (61-114M) M. National Sd e Pounduka. Wasmagwa. D. r- The present volume Is an attempt to pwavide dw resdm first of all. with a practical aid In Identifft pfeduwy animals and, secondly. volth basic dam an their wor- phokW. distribution and blokW. to tamillariZe the reader with this subject. and at the @am time to en- courage Idm to acknowledge the as yet unsolved protr lei" on which attention must be focused. To (ACWCate ow" of Te&'Imw (Biological Sciences - -ZoolM. TT. Y. 7. no. 7) (over) I hesh"ter Cplo*&t W T- K- Wwp 3A Py' lm j, bk# ftmR-9Lujj6&l, va =p lb 30. 1W., pp 1-3]A- PLJO W 63-"3 sa . Rua a ad ad RH3j 4tb Do* 63 I-Iresh Water Vyvlopoids., by V. M. Rylov. RU.-;Io'jXi, b1,., Fauna S30, 1953, V01 z ~kUV, 23 '12C' PP- *FL-430 Se -, JLLI ~-3 Seal, ~al&n, Parasites and Protection, by R. Vik. 4p Oil w IRUSSIM. bk No 2. 1959, pp 91-96. GB/241/570 Sci-Diol & mad Sci Mar 63 17 ~ 5-. -a ~ v 'v 1%, ?aum of WM; Mask D&W md Dnrv by L L Yiemp 957 pp. RUWWp I Mods Imt ore 60-M356 ZAW POT im Doe 6o Some Characteristics of the Sub-Fhmily Catantopinae) by L.L. Mischchenko. RUSSIAN, per, Fauna SSSR - Nasekomye Priamo?-rylye, No. 2, 1952) pp 24-31. NZDIA Sci - Aug 67 335-976 Table for the Determination of SAM Species of Pognophora by their tubes. ki RiJISSIAN, bk, Fauna SSSR, Nova12 Seriia No 75. pp 263. 1960. , I,I -- -, -I' C ( I.- - I 1.- 1, / - (--- t~ - -~ -NZOIA Aci-Biol & Med Sci M a e~, q 42 Mar 63 V'~ -',. 0, hmm, A. V. room4omm (pogm*ri) a L OuU" tr. Ift M*x,hvm API ti,,,= e"m Smawsuis, 1"06 om 73. 7T-64-136" 1. hum. A. V. L Acideck Pme. br-, N" Yak sclerims-5may. Tr. v. 1Z, am 4) 1 offigo of T-"&..l 60-218tS 30~ ~OL. 2.- NO. 3. CHARAL)RUFORMES 1. Title: Charstirilformas S "OER ALCAE. (Ptitay. torn 2, vyp. 3. 1 . Kozlovs. F. V. W R7bank,vbrjzaiyc Poktryad Chisti"o) tr. by U. PL-480 %I IW-21813) R. Ftliager. 10,T6111,10p. SO refo, PL-430%1. Ill. National Sdem Foundation. Or&-r from (frs s v So 60-2111t5 WasIdnoton, D, C. 'rrans. of Pjwnli 1), 5. 1. R. Novaya Seriya. 1961. v. 65. DESCRIPMRS: 41%rds, *ASC, OAnstorny, Pechora. Underwater navigation. L-te-gy. *Classification. '%Oetun. 111rd navl;atton. Like the f(xr prcco.Ung parts (published bemoan 1937 and 1947 and tlevoted to the ~hld~ tot lunk) the Present Volum'! Is ba led mainly on Investiptions 01 collected material kq4 At the 7oological Institute of the AC&dmy of ScWnces of ft~~ i "'SR, Attention is paid to functional- morpholoocst awi' ~ i -i as well as to an elaborate (Biological Sctencus, -7oology. TT. v. 7. no. 4) (over) N',+ AJ PArt Y-) L Fauna USSR. Orthoptera, by G. Ya. Boi-Beinko. RUSSIAN, bk, Fauna SSSR. Pryamokrylye, Vol II, 19S4, 385 pp. *PL-480 OTS 6S-SO014 Sci Sept 64 yam at fte IWO Anwaso Mow"% 1w TO To Admwo mumoomplmom mill I lot go osom NW Fm= of USSR. Crustacea. Anomira., by V. V. Makwov, . 99 283 pp. RUSSL4fij, bk, Fauna SSSR- Hakodbrazwe., Vol X., No 3., 1938. oTs 6o-21822 PL-48o Sci - Biol Nov 62 Ill. PST 225 ~ / ~ 1 11 1 03 -W - 4 , br A. N. VnftVl*Wo 40 92- IMSSM UP P4MQWA9-SJW&&v %140 NO Is IMO VP :a NO-M an &.13*" ftl - Kol h lbd Md RN 3j 4 4? Doc 63 3"taviday. A.Y. 1952 ;l9pring (Clupoldso) 3*168TY0 (01upol"1111) ftum 3338. RYbis I(I Ual. LASt. Akad. nauk SM, Nov&La sorila. W )). isd. Akad. nauk &M Moscow. 331P. 'An HU111111114no Trwal. by IM tar 1137 and SmithSonion Inst-, 1763 428P.. monag. Avail. RTIS " TT 61-11435, price 13.00. Tvo traml., one excerpt of pp. T3, "Fish behavior in an electrical field.* and other of section r nova &%A" and MY A." I&EM292 WMAA Elanat b0 M 3. Laukashkin, Qst~ and NOT- 19536 trai Zptasecond 16p., tfposcrIpt. Another transt. 6f pp. 14S-166 clumm blurtiua tell"L 1959, avail. Dr. Norman V. wIlI;;vsW# U*-t. for FWh. Itts., Univ. of BrItish Columl a, Vancouver. Avail. an Loan - NMP3. Wash.. D.C. AP Original Article Ch*ckedN.N 63-15L56 Bru"LU. K. A.. cd. 1M C(Wl!kX) FAUINA (CALkNOUM) AND 7DOW.0- 1. Brodskii, K. A. GRAMUCAL MMONS OF MIE NORM PACIFIC AN '11, Vi-h and Wikitife -icivice. ADYANING WATEMS; SM.L~-D PART.% tr. by Wamhi~ D. Q Donald A. Miomeon. 1961179) p. 297 rds. Order froin OM or SLA $7.60 63-1515% PmrtW trons. ot mom. Faum YssjmqjLMjWd*x DESCRIPFORS: OCrustaces. ftlartne btolM. Plankton. OPwUlc ocean, Anslysta, GoopiMy, Matrilmdon, Oceanography. A new of wpmpbicikl mdymb of the pwrly on-Med grot" Is presenmd to which CAINOW at* Wtogicul Scimcs--7ooloa. Tr. v. 9. m 9) (0"4 1 Nice of WNW swom sqprsft ----A,& 4c vabdus sm ad in G"ft* Be Be shrismOm ad z "# W To so F=dlwft ~~# at ho= AWJIS JkA I ~ IW-- " 0 m 21- 1b 2U9 Sol Warlau im 69 369oWt MW lAmba, A, L Mmm aqvMMIA IN WJLTKXA"wr sn- TOAL IM, 43Dp Ocdw tmm ScrVm TocWco. br-. IOW Vurw4m Ava. K W"MmSM 3, JX C. N Tram. d im vmowwnffvsaiw v PMOMyth na= lm *tbuw 63-2M43 I. lukr m4ttcmpopm I symomm rabalk. I- S. ti. LAN&w. A. L ScdpuTodwca. 1W.. ftsbiwgum. D. C. Wo Af ?N**Id ur*n Vb7dc*--TbK-*drmuw~. TT, V. 10. EL 14 pblaft cowd hm lki POU lor by To N. AN&1% c 29 W FOR OFnCM UM OM RtMbbko C&.*.Wom 91 mumm LM"- I no= IN ssslk- -" I FM 3IM79ZIC 5d ;~~ Pb" Jan 279&04 (M grm) Im 320up W 00 go. 9 NO , ~ t,--6 lb so *now* A-v-w*.iftL%dm - , F = "W w 4 ...- - 0 GOO140 0 64 - uladmp Pdoom Aloft 3r St Ar azorq"tc romp by S. R. Sbapiro, S. N. lktcbas 1. A. Thiaburg. UNCUBS AWIAX,, per Fal'dabor i Akusbarkas So 9v 1 Sep 19520 publ by 99di;hcal Publisbars, ILucow, U=v pp 28-31. a SOT 22 Scientific - NWiciae logy 53 = 7,:? 9 0 (PD'D MM) Doutdout of VAUcA Cotou'Llatiout %matim wA A=wm)s by 1, Dt. fttWw* 5 rp. RULSMA, m Vwp RD np %*CWS Nov 1952., pp 56# 370- MOMAT-"w mm 4l,-5,- -401 set - Wex Ora* .10 my 54 = I ftthlpsidep a Fav Ruseian Cbeadml Antltubercular Agent,, by 0. A. Bumbatov. MMUS per, P&I'Ashe 4 Abuborl? So Bi M3,o pp Res Info By R.713 Sal - Nedicine UNNOPM a 0~ 'r/ S' im m6/m No 77 53 Pusau St. v Im York $0 N.Y. S-967/63 Controlling the Hibernation in Flies, by B, A. Kaver. (DC-10071) MJSSIAN, per, Felldsher i Akusherka., Vol M, No 12, 1956, PP 32-33. *JPM Sci - Biol & Med Sci Nov 63 Public Ezalth Aebtftments in tha Ragulan POOPIG's Pepublic, by Lyuban Stoywwv, 4 pp. MCIASSIPM) ..MXO~ no per, F0114sbar L Akushar, Vol E=M WO 4 Apr 1957, -45icov"-w32 - v-3- wos/Dc-L-67 23 - Buldaria 6 19 Ot 39'. Mar 58 Increase In the SkIlls of Workers of Sanitary- ltpldemlologlcal Stationsp by B. P. Kasprovskly, I Y. uyCmSSv= RUSSIAN, to per,, Felldsher I Musher, Vol XM, No 4. Apr 1957, i 41 US JM/DC-L40 Bel - M04 6 0 war 58 " / 9x/ (OF-1592) Chlef Fat Polms; precautimmy Xowjm =d --rgftg Aid in CAM OC P014901fti, IW A. L. Yofrawvp 8 pp. Aim assm, per.. No 1960', im 2.5-3D. JM 4513 Sol ~ Ned IX #7 61 7 e~; Alo lz 4~ 18 (DC-4110) All-Ruosian Congress of Pediatricians# by I. Ye. Shakhbazymn, 3 P7- RUSSUB, perp Folldher i Akusherlm, No 3j 1960, pp 54p 55. JM 3702 Sci - Yv--d - Pot-diatrics 'hug 60 97 7 (07-1m) First Neftcal Babool In Usbakl2t4kno by X. ra. RUbluovs 3 pp. RUBOUS" per) ftlldabw I- --- -~qq. So 2.9 1961,, py %-5t 6 JFM W usm leo 7 4 40 fta - &A - Ned Rem)trLs un the Al'-Pu3aian ,'orfcrcncc!! C~-,L, I*rcullouia, by V. All-Union and for the Control F. Cbernyshev, pcr, Fellrirber 4- Akush4grke, "7,d A., I Ve d 2he Iffeat of an Abortion on the Fewle OrpaiMp by I* Be ROZOVskIlo IRIEMNS p"S lamb I Akushorka, 1963,, vol M., No -% 3;p J6.39. XIL M 2W (On Loan or Purchase) Aug 65 2W3,821 2bmle;lw air Ukndn~3 Statess by V. W SargaVerr A% A, Pionvuklyp U pp, HISSIAN per Felfil I Aku fiberUs lb 80 19&o 3PV 41-0- ' -- im 1%193 .. li ftl - Xbd Y." '? act 62 Phenoxyl Radicals, by V. D. Pokhodenko. RUSSIAN, bk, FenoksilInye Radikaly, Naukova Dumka. PLEINMt PRESS - Sci/physics Aug 67 336,632 ~bcllunisu and LUeUcs of 00 Fomdon Of Farrites . by 6 As B=Wwvs 31 ppo PJR OFFMAL tM MLY WISSIANO bk, PerTiti i SeskontakazyY-0 glownu. AACOWO 1%3, FP SMO. 9698484 INTC 581-T65-Y)6 1-7721 10 2204031465 Sci - Mom Noy 65 z9laU6 61-22430 Ockw, K - P. and Uvitin. R. Z. MAGNEMELAS71C PIIFM&MNA IN AN71FERW- I. Beim. K. P. MAGNM. 11%11 5p. 9 refs. U. Lxvitim. R. 2. Onjer f rurn MDF $ 3. 50 MDF B. 193 IU. Tult- F"tco IV M 111- 193 Trans. d rrk)w. for rity (Ferrites) IMask) 1960. V: Pri;F0~4tris D.. P. 76-62. 1 toc., Went New . hbso. OMKIrMAS: OAnu(vrrorn~gMilm.*MlUdty. rll,,~ L,4Q-7 I 4 T.&Ad b."." I?hy,s ic s - - Wgrwu i m, TT, no - 3) Marpetic Spin Resonance in Conduction Faectrons in Alkaline and Ferrmagmetic Metalo, by Yu. A. Izyumov, 0. V. ftmteakiy$ 6 pp, Ms Akad SaUk SSM, HUSSIANj bks &IT~l miti-ki 11,1600 Yp 513-516. mw I-L28 9WP-803 Sci 4A4 NOV 67 rioltation oA" -the Planj of Polarization or EIC~Z-Uc Wavez IL Mz9m-tically-Polw-i2.ed MkqaeLo-12astic Mc&ia~ by K. B. Illneov; B. Kh. lohniukhametov, 9 pp. luk, rerrity Auk '34u!; =-,,t rzc.-,OQ- 19" 60, pp 41-49. h-oF v-156 9093214 Sci v 6', li~aal,-pams,---Mrc Perr I to,! in an O~d6i-ing' At=saore-, by Ta. E.. Sakbno-Iteb, B. f(h, 11 fj-,~) Lfl~ FIT, nk, Y.---"rity Alt thuk BSSR jlr!~U; , '3 pr,, pp 170-173. tw L-142 olr)92~72 izov 6i. On Gyromagnetic and Gyroelectric Propertlee of Ferrites, by G. S. IV~cbik, M. V. Cbetkin. RUSSWi, bk, Ferrity Ak Nauk BSSR Press, Minsk, 1960) pp 57d - MDF K-250 9092871 Sci 110V61 (NY The Effect of Elect= Wignetle Resouance on the Optical Properties of Ferraw4petla and Paramgnatia Dielectrics,, by P. S. Syrjanov., T. G. lz=vm, G. V. Skrotakly., 19 ;V. MWrM. 4. 7*=;LtVp P'LlIa&eMn and Elzi4aumlabeakiye Syguotmaj Iwo pp 505-512. JPHB 9853 Bel - Pbo Aug 61 Ferromagnetic Semiconductors at Ultrahigh Fr~~queacics, by A. G. Gurevich, T RUSUAN, bk) Ferrity na Sverklivyasokikh Chaztotaa, -19-60----~- *CB Sci Aug 6.1 0 Ferrography: Iligh Speed Magnetic Printing) by M. G. Arutyunov,, V. G. PatrunOv. --' - F ' RUSSIM, mono, Mahnitnaya 3korost- na)T. Fechat') Moocow) -.. --- *CB 3c ~ -WRA May 64 'I/C NM bit miw Fort la Nktarla"* Buie SM7 of ucwcbi ApHesUces, by K. So %Uvewro 10 IV. MBUIs bks ENWMNMMNW 59 PZIMMIY* 1957v le"s Ub ft Bee Alr Wo Dlvo Ub OM Avg 58 Ferromagnetism, by R. Becker, W. Doring. RUSSIAN, bk, Forromagnotim, 1939, pp 371-382. *NASA TT F-11,721 -- oft Wo V -- - --- .7 - RU v 228 m. OT 11019 Sd/Cbadstry May 65 2"#4A2 Tum. E. A. PECULIARITIES OF FERROMAGNETIC R&SOMANCE IN MLPTALS: INFLUENCE OF CONDUMON ELEC- TROM ONTERROMAGNETIC RESONANCF- 11963) zp. SL refs. Order from 075 or SLA $2.60 63-14463 Tram. of mow. Perrr-A-it-d Rlw~n,- IYAT lj(p~am--W-m Pbamonmemon of Remonance Aboorpdan at a Mgh-Prequancy Electromag oddc Fteld to Farromagmatic SWNMN=)] " by S. V. Wasovskil. Moscow. 1961. p. IU-214. DESCRIPMRS: *Metalm. *ParronuWwdom. Ferro- 63-14468 1. Tum, E. A. U. Vommovsklis S. V. M. Mr. Influence ... IV. Tide Y&VIede ... V. Titim Parm"Pede VI. Title: Pbanoamoom ... mapadc materials. *Reeonswe absorpdM H41b frequency. ElactronmWwdc fields. Electrons. Madw. matical amlysim. rl, V. 10, no. 7) No d loci" kr'yakkar. V. G. &WK&pwv. K L INHOMOGENEWS RESONANCE AND SPIN WAVE& 11963119p. 14 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 63-14469 Trazk& offnam F!222tfttn IY&vknk Rawn"10050 ropostomys yy camstatnow cauro- "OKIP Iblyo v FerromaVdtayft Vesbcbcwvakb (Perromspetic Resanum Me ftnamem of Row name Aboorpiou ot a HI&-Prvqmwy Mecuvmpeft Field in a Ferroampefic Substaoces) edL by & V. Vmwnkll. Mmcow. 1961. p. X6-2114- DESCRIPMRS: *Perromapedc materi" Mqpedc mmess. 0 Reganame, Mectrampetic flew Elllpsoldi6 Resonme absorption. 63-14469 1. ast."Wmar. V. a It. Kqpw. M. L Ill. TItlm Yavletdc ... IV. Tuk- Farroampeft V. -ndc Pmoome~ ... (Phyaka-MMpetISM, IT, V. 106 VAX 6) d TUN&W Ferrome.gnetic Resonance) by S. V. Vonsovskiy-13OZI, MMJAN bk) Ferromagnitay i Hez=aas, NOscOwP ig6l; 3~3 PP. *FL-460 Sci - Phys 14 jun 63 Per phone call with bUt. Fullmer from OTS. Re'-o'lance (Table ,f Con,;eawl-s), 4 pp. tj& - J;~~ MU. Fif ty Years of Soviet Mathematics, 1917-196T, RUSSIAN, bk, 50(PYst'desyat) Let Sovetskoy Matemat 1917-1967, published by the Academy of Sciences of the ussR., 1967. *American Mathematical Society jan 68 ~ A R z il CU- . . . ....... 30 MalkR- 64 ;~ waum at am , Xo3qW- 784Y mmums tka Bloloews 1963s 47029 Fl=wbt'"v rM-TT-65-l',231 Sci-BU4 i= 67 316o377 i ( DC-4700/5 Technical Progress in the USSR and the Elimination of the 4orher's Occupational Limitations, by L. N. Kogan, V. :,. Kiseleva., RU3SLkN, per., Filosofskiye Naukij, No 4j 1960., pp 12-21- *JPRS USSR Leon - labor 19 Jan 61 DEVELOPMENT OF COMIST PHILOSOPHYO BY M. T. IOVCHUK., L. V. SKVORTSOV, 45 PP, RMIAN2 PER, FILOSOFSKIYE NAUKI., NO 3~ 1962., PP 3-21. jpRs i6o2i USSR POL Nov 62 216,612 COMNISM AND SCIENCE: BY M. N. RUTKEVICH) 24 PP. RUSSIAN., PERi, FILOSOFSKIYE NAUKIp NO 3., 1962., PP 3o-46. jpRs i6o2i USSR POL Nov 62 216,613 SOINE ACHIEVEMENTS IN CYBERNETICS IN THE LIGHT OF NIARXIST-LENINIST TEACHI W2 ON NATURE OF CONSCIOUSNESS., BY E.KH. GIMEL'SHTEYjo 13 PP- RUSSIANo PER., FILOSOFSKIYE NAUKII NO 3, 1962.. Pp 68-T74. jpRs i6o2i USSR POL Nov 62 216,6A SOME PECULIARITIES OF HUMAN INFORMATION PROCESSINGv BY A. N. LEONT#YEVo YE. P. KRINCHIK, 7 PP. RUSSIAN, PERo FILOSOFSKI.YE-NAL%lo NO 5p 1962., Pp 10g-114. -,- JPRS 17803 USSR Soc MAR 63 224P300 philosophua Problem of ELementary PILrU0168 PhysicS., by I- V- KwmgtBOyj, 300 P. risiti RUSSIANJ, Monov sofskie hniim MAMentax-TM Ch"tits - 1963- VST-2107 aci-Pbys 3C4,p491 jui 66 q 0-24/6L 00 10&41mmbqml ftdamn at Aw - IW A6 Ao ft 13wo lo-aw bad"%* ADMOMM ZEN= ~ ~v 0-244C6 $01 lo " Avg 61 s-613/6o (NY-4891) Opeving Spmb of the PmalAout of the Aaadaq of Sciezocr, of %bc MMs by A, lesuMumo 5 ppl, RVSSUNp bks , rilo"fWc~r _ProblW Sommonogo Yestestvosftniyap Tftir TWO07mi6W Smsbob&Wp po Mosofskin Torrmw leaUstyosawdpo Mg, PP 5-8. JM 7038 Nov 6o LD: Tez) i IJ. 77-7 JTITZ 10951 s -61 i&o (4/y'/~-~( Cybernetics and Natural Science, by S. L. Sobolevich, A. A. Lyapunov, RUSSIAN, bk, Filocoffskiye Problemy Sovremermogo Yestestvozrmniya, Trudy Vaesoyuznogo Soveshchaniya po Filosofskim Voprosam Yesestvoznaniya, 1959, pp 237- Sci - Philosophy "MIS 12 Sep -0 s-613/Oo A/~ "/ Concerning the Roles of Physics and Chemistry in the Study of Physiological Problems, by G. M. Frank, V. A. Frgel'gardt, RUESIAN, bk, Filosof jkiye Problemy Sov-reme Qzo Y,--stq~;;tyo;wan.,L_TrL!~y_.Vaesoyuznogo Soveshchantya po Mosofskim Vopr9sam Yesestvoznaniya, 1959, pp 291-?2~'~. Sci - philoeophy S-613160 Lenin's Theox-j of Reflection and the ContemPorarY Physioloq of Sense Organs) by N. 1. Gruhchenkov, RLISSIAn, bk, Filosofskiye Problemy Sovremennogo Yestestvoznanlyi-.-Tiu.~--Vsesoyuz-nogo Soveshchaniya po Filosofskim Voprosam Yesestvoz-naniya, 1959) PP *JPRS Sci - Philosophy 1-2 Sep 60 (Dc-6,n-o6) I Philozophiccl Problc= of C~~zwtico, Ny 302 pp - FUSSIAII) b1z., Filooofakiye Voqrq~;r Xibernetiki., 19G1) pp 13 1-392. .1 . .. .... -.. - JPIG 11503 SO - tk~d /7 q, .2 d f C%jbolwao-tier, i - ~ T, (..,,