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On the Distribution of Sphagnum Libricatum, by S. N. Tykiromnov. RUSSIM, per, llyjlll-MnSXQY-D-b*-ilg-h-llpylatelc!l._ Prirody Otdel lliolo~, Vol LXVIII, No 3, 19b3$ -FP '98- 109. NLL RTS 2409 (loan copy) Jul 64 Tr-63-23182 Korklm. Ym Ya. ON THE MUrA'nON THWRY OF AGM (0 1. Kerkis. Yu. Yo. Murstsionnol Toord Starenlys OrgantzmwO. Reported H. Ttabs-A-1 J9111 at the Joint Conference of the Section at Genetics and U1. T.tW. Joint ... Gerontology. M01P, 18 Ott 61 1.9 July 63. Up. 14 refs. Trans. A- 1398. Ort:zr from OTS. SLA, or ETC $1. 60 TT-63- 23132 Trans. kmkoc Obsbcbeat e el, mten ologicheskii (USSR) 1963. p. DESCRIPTORS: *Mutations. Genetics. TL4ory. *Aging (Physiology). *11adiation effects. (Biological Sderwes. TT. V. It, no. 1) U: Kwkls, Olk the Jktatim TbWy at AgIWV b7 Ta. MUN, per, Vmk Mob& Z 'it 3 2,0 1%3o UM V A-Up 63 tm of Col af the ft-taomv bv A. V. UUokw. 28 pp.- IVWWA 'Nook =MUMS PWP Obsbob IsArtata P212n- 1 Mal Wal- TOIL t*p No bi, 1903, pp Iff-us apt Of utwiar DMNM of Oamorala Fishal" nff of YO&VISM ruftwl" A-3NJWY 19694b 83 or, TAM sa-mm Noy 69 3VvWT 2w a go a ftkl~iu at MW 3mW ta tw ran 1w To lb# Pow MMUAW# 1w, -43p$fto ell! 0 - Oka I 7AU. L 4Z~-~-- va ]9b% I Dapt of Pub =d VUdLift 8wwjA* so* DMM 4t 7=04P pub"Ift um mum Sot 6T 3N0261 C80-18T8 Activity of theBection of Matology and bibryoloa of the Moscaw Society of Naturallsts for the Second Haaf of 1963 and the nrat uu or 1964. (AP =SU,Nj pers Wull Moskov Obshch v& to Prirodyj, Otdal Bi*Ug., No 6., 1964., pp 137-140. *JFps sai M Apr 1965 Comparative Craniology of Recent Representative of the Genus Bison, by K.K. Flerov. RUSSIAN, per, &QQ- mosk. Obshch. ISPY-11. Prir- . Otd. Biol. No. 70, No. 1, 1965, pp 4o-54 Ric -C-57 8 Sci - Aug 67 -3-37-101 E. A. Fallkova Froj 1367 . C.D. Cance3led 4718-1D RD Trans on Me in Bs 45T26 combrion Formdtdfwa of ykatak, by B. A, ROU1196"' Lsj&tasi dwat"- Rmuls :pw., mu-m-w-m prinuo 04 Weas va Irml NO Wo 1~4vv YP M PJ-2365 SOL - jull 99 fo,e 7,2"/ Dewaan BiostratigrVby of t the Rigosa Coral IP&un*.$ by 1. Mral by Way of Boshkim. RMSIM,, per, bya Moak--qb*b* Impytatelsi ftlrody, Mel Ocaog, Vol " by 'V. P. Maclov. UNCL IrJ.o6IAN,, .,por,, ;~,?,Ytatckiay PrirWy,,,,ft'txfx , Vol XXVII., No ATS RJ-1805 Sci - niol; COOPIWO Jan 6o /OA 45 The Development of the A Contribution to the Hadreocrations, by N. RUSSIAN, per Society) 1955, PP 5-~b. CIA D Pachelm Sx~ructural Basin: Comparative Tcct3,dcs of S. Shatskly. (ALI-tract) 0 94 C 4 :1. Mark E. Burgunker Tr Development and Possible Origin of the 'Black Sea Deep, by M.. V. Muratov. (Abstract) I- r- vull A0514 CIS[, i,(", I e - ~/ C -0/ RUS3IAI,, per, Ew-I,,--tjn nf~~- iezatirav, I - - 14 . M---- :r IM i i ol AJU - - "Ghte "'Pt V . No I,, 1955, pp 27-50. CIA D 197045 Mark E. Burg=ker Tr The Scuttrward Plunge of the Urals Folds) and t-he Tectonics of the South Emba Uplift, by A. L. Yanshin. (Abstract) PY, RUSSIAN, per., Vol Mi No 5, 19551 rp3r---74. CIA D 197045 Mark E. Burgunker Tr The Contribution of the Namurian to the Stratigraphy of the Carboniferous of the USSR., by S. V. Semikhatova. (Abstract) A, D~g RUSSIAN, wr No 1955) PP 75-1011. C TA D 1 o -(0 5 Mark B. Burgunker Tr Changes in the Rates of Deposition of Prtmary Dolomite, by D. S. Sokolov. (Abstract) T' ;r r"cR RUSSIATI, per, e.- Mos~~~ IIiqtQPy--SIMie+yr) Vol XXXI No 5) 1955,- PP 105-11.5. CIA D 197045 Ilark E. Buxgunker Tr (FM 2"42) MinuUs of the JIDIF DitlaptwA Code"Wep 4pp. RMT4N# bim lprp It's " FO&A%'*t A10. , 1 11.1 ,Prlrsiz- MI Rug 14 up No 6v Ybump 1 Nw/fte IMP op wo M CU/M V-923% scl - Ooopbpuoo savUa Ij #/,~Of N" lo/ow +yj (FDD 28943) 2be AetJV14-y CC the (WO306eal SWtloft of tM mn pm r soclau at Maim B114"s 32 vp. Rai own nVIL MOUNI mut IWO pr 7ya Lis No 6s .Goa 440- n"Al" MMA)m 19"s PP wm'Vup gel - aeoftsicas 99010a Sm M6/C2B BYULLUMNIMM OAMMICUBM- foullatIn ~of tho fte" $WA 04W,VW-:-. Natuml Re Tramla tion 6tiio~ Val. 33 Only - Or4*r t va: Wtionai ?** idoal Uftnaiiami Sardas 5m ftrt *wsl RD" sprI M04 Ivirginu NIP sox 0 Iusim NEW BULLEIIN OF M WSOOW SOCIEW FOR NAWRAL RESEARCH. GEOLOGICAL SECIWN, 1956, VOL 31(61) NO. 1-3. 1961. 444p. rots. PL-480 Int. I order from $c 50 61-t1402/1-3 XD9 TrAn& If A"~IVS Obshchestvo e 11yulleten'. Otdel Geologi 11 CJSSR) 1956. Y. 31(61) no, 1. 2. 3. DESCRIMRS: 'Geology, Periodicals. History, Hydrology. Soils. Crustaces. Ecology. Sulfur, De~ i posits. Geological time, Determination. Aothra- cenes. Microstructure. Se&mewatim Dolomite. Paleoccology, Geography, Earth. Surface am. Roc',, CalcIte, Clays, Minerals. Plants. 1. PL-40 lat (61-11402/t-3) U. Hationd Science Foundation. wasungtoC6 a C (Earth Sciences- - Geology. 7T. Y. 7. m 7) Bulletin of the Mosam Soclet7 for HatUrsa Resewch, Geological aectl=~ "4 pp. MMUNO Us Upytatelel H(Utions I., Ox Ow 61-uhwi-~ PLAW Usm A I - el, d t,41 Geog ;bv 6g PST 443, 444;1,445 solisua at am Mbm 5 ftdgv rw k - 81 Regoolke, fiqmdamf~2 ow""o w# VOL 320) MLMUWV Iwo MOVE" odshou I ---- rlL Tectonics md Orlon a the Central Polar Basin, W D. G. ftnov. WMA"M . per,, bak Mqb& U .1bullAkik Ob -IWh T_Aff W v0dyp 04 A-el 0001cle; Vol ==p W~ Io 107P 9L-- 37. m camad& T 359 R Sci - Earth &-VA$tm ;um 63 7:T 0 r Title Unknown. RUSSIM, por#;Byull Moskov Otdal Geolog, Moscow, Vol 19S7, IV 479 pp. Obshah lapytatelai Prirody XXXIIO Nos 4. So 60 Ro"' 11 A) 07-S 4 *PL-480 j (Possibly to be done during Fiscial Year 1964) Sci - may 03 Bulletin of the Mosecow Society for Natural Research, Goological Section. RUSSIAN, 4per,:Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshch Ispitatelai Prirody Otdel Geologicheskiy, Vol XXXIII, Nos 1, 2, and 3 *GPL-480 OTS 65-SO093 Sci Sept 64 62-10209 Botvlnkiu, L N. THE QUESTION OF 71dE CORRELATION OF RIVEF 1. BWdWdna. L K DEPOSITS AM COAL BEDS WM TRANSGRESSION OR REGREMION (K Voprosu o Svyazi Rechnykh Otlozheny IU jol'nogo Plasts a Tranagressici III Regressici). 11961) (23)p. (foreign ten IncludeM 5 refs, Order from OTS or SLA $2.60 62-102D9 Trans. of Moskovskoe Obahchwtvo Ispytatelat Pr1rody. Byulleten'. Otdel GeologichaskH (USSR) 1958, Y. 33[611 no. 1. p. 97- 103. DESCRIPTORS: $Coal. *Deposits, *Sedimentation. OCeological time, Determination. The study of paleographic maps prepared by the author on the basis of awnerous core-samples taken from a fixed part of the Donets basis showed that the formation of the alluvial layers was connected with (Earth Sciences- - Geology, Tr. Y. 7, nm 10) (over) 61-15881 Petelln, V. P. and Ostroumov, H. A, CERTAIN PECUIIARITIES OF THE DISTRIJIUTION 1. Petead. V. P. OF IRON IN THE SEDIMENTS OF THE OKHOTSK 11. Ostroumov, H. A- SEA 10 Nekot3.-ykh Osobennostyakh Raspredelenlya Ill. Geol~40cal Survey of Zheleza v Osadkakh Okhotskogo Moryal. (1961) 14p, Canada (4 figs. I table omitted) 3t refs. Order from OT S or SLA $1, 60 6t-15881 Trans. of [Moskovskoe Obshchestvo topytatelei Prirody. Byulleten'. Oidel Geologicheskill (USSR) 1958 Iv. 33(63)1 no. 2, p. 93-(1021., DESCRIPTORS: *Okhotsk Sea, *Sedimentation, Otron, Abundance, Distribution, Sources, Geology. The major bulk of iron Is conveyed to the sediments from the firm land together with the fragmentary material and with thr products of the modern igneous activity. The highest content of iron is in littoral regionq. while the central zones of the sea are 91'roqbmw $WVk4% (Earth Sciences- -Geology, TT, v. B, no. 3) (over) *not wA RAOMW JAW,v by To 'A. AWAtMro l2we -law# Vbl mmus im OM Nor 66 On the Couvinian' BtW Od SOW ROMArkS 00 the Lover DaTMIM Deposits In Onamls by NikOlAl LQZaXeVich ubemkop 36 pp. NJMM, per# Otdal G*44P mv P NO pp Dept Cd hftriar 0070) DWAk Yeb 63 pa a; ";.!5 9 Bulletin' of the Moscow society for Natuml Reffarch, Geological Sectims, 537 pp. RUSSIMO bko B all Mask Obshch Ism Prigody. Ot&TC0010SICUOSITY Am NORM, 50 oa lqii,~O --- I - ==ZLO Vol Ila CFST1 IT 66-SIO41/4/S/6 USSR Geol Jun 67 3260027 Some Regular Formation Patterns of Buds and Shoots in Meadow Orassas, by T. SerebrJakova. RUSSIAN, per, Byul. Kook. Obahch. Isgktat. Prir*dY Otd.-Bii.., vol 66, No 4, 2961, pp 42-52. asiRo/xo. 6856 Sci - kug 67 334.871 The BIOIDSY Ckfj Dobo (MWoUtd") and FroopocU em an in c4mtml 0t ja=m" .-14f Md ve S* "d-O SMO&AWAAMP Russia$ loks, Ir Val -VO&A ot 500 9439 pp 24479 NLL RTS 33A3 Sa-,B and X Nov 67 3"A0 ss~au Dow~ to fAw ar Im ftdftdque by Pon= GMk Xdb4 b7 So A. %gumdwo 3$ PP* RMIANP Dw, Amusto, - -- (UM)o lb 2p 2996a wA im-6o-16686 sai - odt 66 OP. 50, 9 -.1, - 1131 l-, 3-54069 Experience in 14--chanization of tho P(,%cci,,.)A. .,nd Proce3sing of InC jorrration at the Centrml Culpiiter Station of the Central Statistical Administration of tho USSR, by A. SaIInIkov) 9 pp. pc ) Byal flauch Info.-=ta.#-,_Trudy Zarabalt-Maya Platzil-NO-3; :L959-j,-pp 34-4:L. JWS-L-114o-,-i Sal - MiGe Jan 60 5-51199 (DC-3096). Conference on the Scientific Organization of Labor Held in Sveramk,, USSR.. 16-49 Doe 1959p by V. MkwWnj, 8 pp. MWIANp perp Byul Usuab Inrqi~mta -TrA-l All Scl - Mod Nov 59 S-270/60 (NY-3943) Cbanges in roms and System of Wages in Connection with the Introduction of Now WaV Scaleso by A. Arkbipov) 11 pp. =810, per.. Rnal Nauch InfoMtsil; Trud i !A!~botpaya tA&,, No 6-P%9W-*M-3z9-- 7PAS A817.r Eeon - labor jun 6o /,Jolf vsa S-270/60 (]NY-3943) Statistical Method in the Tiin Stud~y of a Worker Hwtling Several Mchimm Olmultaneously,, by X. Nutepova, G. PobedftskV.. 11 pp. RMSM, per, vull-la=h Infbrmtslli trud_j p 19%--16~ft'- 1VO 6 q pp JM 2877 UBSR Econ TAbor A Study of Losaes of Vork Tim In DwbaeB XiWS Due to Tuizoyerj by lo M038no NMIA, per.. MIfOYNAULi Tr4d-;I. M ZarabotMa Mtao 25-31. CU/M Sm 2331 um 30= -LGb= Oct 59 17 Q40stions of the Utilizatlon of IOor Rummes In KoMozoss, by A. Ool'twm. MMTM, per, ftul swch PRt -MMA-i - 4-Ma Urmbptnays pjaii-,* 60 ]boom.. pp 35-"- CV*/FW Sm 2331 um B= Oct 59 7 S-P70/60 (NY-3943) Sclentific Confarence 3n Problem of the Personal Service Industries, by V. Krywhav, M. Markaviebp 5 pp. RUSSIAN,, per.. MAI,- Much 1= Trud M : I ZarqbqEM-NLa A!AA no 60 1959P JPHS 2878 P1 USSR Fcon - LAbor Jun 60 ROM 4 Of lAbcT Tlmp b7 D* CWO%bM# Nr sheimc TAN- No 7v 2M# pp ml~,36. IOU scoomic - tAbor In coq - tImbor pi 0 apouvitr usis at NIP* Mt adpito. B48kbwm# To Me lk" 0 40 0 sudbacw fatc 0- M- A RoUtlonablya AMW VarloW tWiCatore or IMW ProdwUvityp M. DaMbakop Ywi llmqnl2atano 4qxmLMvmC= -V Mus No Ijp YAWWO M90 -pp 9-=p (ROMINNIMB) an =AIM em &OWN0 w LOW DUTW into& g4 ftm-l ... BMIWR pers-, Ap - I mm"Mme am k yka"s MAUS 30 lot 2mi " 5943. am 3w " - abim //O~ 4f // I= Apt 60 On tha Probles,of a ow fbr Coqputivg Ewa Xncom wA Real Wages at UM Warbers,, by S. Figursov vull RMIO,, per., B unstaft amtmoy 'o 1*11W --, Trod I &a 2W7 USSR Be=-Vage* Apr 60 (NY-3000/13) Organizatioji of Labor in the Automation of Petroleum Extraction# by A. Smirwv.. 9 pp. RUSSIAR, per, TI -ul Wa n Zarsbot No 1, 19 JPR9,5331 WSR Econ (MY-4681) Sam Reculto of WW ftgulation in Irdustry in the Ruftdan PeopUle Ropubllcp by P. Wovs 9 pp. RMTAIR; pers Pyul Imh Id Zarabot is p PP 6~43- im 7" saw - Rumnia soon ;P'XO6 111v4 ipeb 61 (a-4681) Ika Rertaica of WMO WA G3dII IWbofta in the A. ..0ple's Republic of CbIn&j by V. 0*10brass 4 pp. AUSSIM; pars ftul lamb Utwmtellt WW I &imbotn"a PUtal No is mm im rZ - CUra ?.con Fob 61 (u.468i) Formtion of a Bom ftW in Baborprises of the --r-mn Democratic RepubUoj, by 0. Obyuttep 6 pp. PUSSW, per,, Bye Naimb WonstsLl: Trod I Zarabotmwa 0 0 50-- pp 46494 am ?Q8 Ml Mur - OeTamy E2on /4e Fab 61 (ff4661) The IstabllsbAeut of Wap OWUMate In lr4uotry in the R=aalw Foople's RopublIap by P. WOVI 3 pp. RUSSM,q per Aml -Nmwh s T*W L zamwt I%- a No 2* mosp VP "1 50. JM 7Q8 Raw - Rumn" Em Of, 77.~. Fob 61 w4al) State Social lasuraws Is the Albanian N-:rpUss RtIPUbIIO,j by V. PUipVoftv 9 pp. R=10., por*,B-vul JkwJhL-WcmtsII& Trod I Zuvbot Platas No 20 =8 7QB Z2w - AlbauW ECOU Yeb 61 Concerning Measures of Labor Productiftty in the Motor ithicle Industryp by V. RmbrathenWmys, Z=L4N# pa# Dyul Umbotno4m. Plate, fro 3. 1960, VP 790 CZA FM &= e682 usm Ecou - labor -;, .9- a ,F.' (DC-4729) MW ROgMl&tiQaD On BMUO NYWAQ t0 EV49LUMS Mnd TechnLcLaas at IndustrLA1 Buterprises Lu Poland$ by H. Farberova, 6 pp. RMIO., per, Rvul Nauoh Liformts Trud L ZarabotoW Platas No 7. 1960j. pp -72-53. am 6342 23ur - Pol-nd Econ 'Tan 61