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j-w* t.Im ci~' 'k-c -,oratixiu -jf i (,.irri,;.- c4i 4icotioil fit, Stp Ick. Zbyszko. OW'ME USE OF ME HANUUMN PFtDKVLE FOR DMUVDIG MIE EQUAMONS OF BMMWG VP BRATIONS OF A WAM TAIMC WID AC=Jlfr SMR. (1963) 1 1p. 5 rds. Free copies sysilsbis from Sciertift Reewich 00*= tAbs. Ljbrw7 " Tram IPR45L Is whausted. order trom SLA $1.60, 6SOV66111 7~vm. a --awy bwXrAarWU P%W4 am 2. p. 203-210. DZSCRW7M: *Bearns (Swmcnw* 4YUmdom. eMaerer4al equations. 9b"r suvams,6 M-ddw. Hwaftical Waysis. 63-16631 1. Tide: HeadhmprUciplis ':"I, - I Boeing Trans-R54 M. S-d- MAW& Reensch iw&. Santa, WaL OAsdmkl6 Tr. T. 1% ft 7) 80. d %*ad bb. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PLASTICS INDUSTRY WITH SPECIAL REFERECNE TO PLASTIC CONTAINERS) BY KOSTA STOJI.C4 15 PP. CROATIAN'j, PER) HDIIJSK INDUSTRIJAI NO 121 DEC 1~',12, PP 2345--355. L JPRS 171~~' EEUR YUGOSLAVIA ECCXI' JAN 220,1157M (DC-5131) Use e. Lmp-Sum Pagmat for Health Services In tbo Peoples RepibUc of 3arblap by Brunislav Stoj1CeV,iOjj 6 pp. S&MAR, per, Soctjalm L Wravetvans Politika., Vol XM,, No 7/8., 1960, IPIP 34-39. im 6989 EBW - Yugoslavia )Iatbw =4 Dmulto Mtor Fftm*0111" Serbia Uxler F14M D. StO4108TIC, 11 Of InvestdoLtion Of Boll Of tbO Win 3011 TYPOO in D=Uticwt by =W. pp- 0M.30MMO pal TWmItsta (Beograd), 9086739 VX=U M4*va Poljoprivrednog Vol Up 1955, pp 185-194. on 60-zv)29 PLAW 14?41.1 441z sci - Gwiz join 62 On the Road to SatUlme ComIltions in Aslap ').4 Dreem fto,,W)wv1c. MOATIM., - r, N= St-mmoct, Val XV.~ So 3., 1~~, pp jr9-353. JPW DC-3,359 M.r - Y4Cpalavia Pal - International F-alatIcnx/Aulm J,:-q ~~) (MV610) IWMARCE OF THE BALiniALnWA Or TK PHARYNX IN CAK Or ACUM 31VIMTIC PSYOMD9 By ms JEKIC, XSGUUB UNILLAAAWOMMV DIHITIRJE HILOVAMNIC4 0 ALs 7 PP- CADATIAN PERs MMICINSKI GLASMIKip NO 1;91m, pp SCI MED FEB 62 18%669 Ph I LC;SQPdY ,A 5" :'j~~fj'v 1 "11) PP. 12 JPIIS 1~'7'lj IN m MAN mosm 00 leml) M W IN Y4100014.0 WOMMEO PP. UWL Jm 18147 63 .-.L~ Zroductivi y !a the Iligoslav Wool 15&. by- %litc--ar ,~RtWllkf, per, Pro&v-kt!lvno9t, Vel T.Tl, No -T 9 !.-r 6n- The Output of Blooming Kill, Tmins and Their Maracteristics, by P. Stakar. GERK%N, r, Stabl una Risen., Val LM=,, 2 )br 19ris PP 2%-20. =1 21V Oervany scon mar 62 .1 iat 119 Uranium so a Flseions Material In Atomic Rcactors., by K. Stollandj H. C. Neeb. NORWEGUN,, per, Foray Forakn Inot Aft, (3)v 1950- 19.51., pp 17-27. TPA3/TIB Tr So h055 Scientific - Cheniortry,, uranium, flooloas atomicp reactors, Index AeroucLuticus M d)- JJ C T-5 /0 e;N N'xtraction of Uranium From Or* Concentrate, by P. C Neebj K. Stokland., 13 py. UDCLT2SLFM Full translation. M.,0=100 yearbook, Forr4arets Forskaingelostitutty Vol 111, 1930 - 1951P Tr 722/= 1151 NoEur - fiorway I - e F-Conomic- Ming, umnlus on cWcentrate Sdentific - nuclear fteics, m$oerale Mar 53 CTS/MX V"~ Nothad Of Rolling Bimetallic AlumilItts- Itoguesium $boots, by L. 1. Stoklitskiy, yu. A. VOr0b!YqV RUSSIAi, Patent ;0 IL61~4. At tv F ic I - "Iech APT 69 .AUL1105 CIA Lie baluol-mc Of LOW Frequency :-Icclizutivil Li eic Lalood of ~,litv llat:;, by ,cr, Acta ~lj,jsiolo..icx. 101"lica, ~01 MV, 272976~ ,I ftl I v 0,0~22TURREW vo**/ 7 " 9.:146 2 Q=ft- -- Vdim, " wo Idabdifilft" On" wift -"f ~~, A cr,* the Dispersity of the Original Flastqr an Fcp~mdtian in Hardenina of Icium Z.t:1rate Hemlbydrste, by Z. W. Markinia, E. S. 3r,zalclu, Ezhi stcklol~ap 4 pp. per, Kollold Zhur, Vol XXII, No 2, 1960, 21'1-?16. CB S C. may 61 316 SuperWuratioa Kinetic and Tendency to Form Concretion Contacts in IWdration Hardening of the a- and 0 -FOM of Calcium Sulfate Rem1hydrate., by 9. E. Segaloval 8zbI Stokloaa, Z. N. Markina, 4 pp. MUSSLU, per, Kollold Zhur) Vol MIT., No 4, 196o, pp 464-46b. CB Sel S-3 A) 7-S- Jun 61 .1 of slajt.?%xraa~ 256-257. aritish Iron awl OILQel INI (w au--b-.r al-mn) sofa lp Macao Th~~ Problem of Blkarchh4q Cher-ical Abat.ra.cts by 711t1a, by D, 0. TAkhuti, N. A.- gtokolovr., 8 pp. RUSSIAN, moaoVrqbj D*I*Ay a& Wiftrentaii p0 Obrabotke Informtsil Nwhinuous Perevodu i Avtomticheskonu Chteniyu Takets, No 1, ig6i, pp 1-7. ipm 8479 sa, i - Chem A System of Recording and Se=ching of Chenical Compounds, by M. A. Stokolova* 11, - ~L- ~ 2r, RUF2L'I, monograph, Doklady n& Konferentsil' i~o Cbr-,a--)tke Informatail. Mohinu= Perevodv 1 AvUrr~.tiches,=a ChUniyu Taketa, No 1, lqbl~ ins b4ltq ju_-_ 0a Fla "ISIT72Q lT)ftzfjcvvj ?rim. OU'PalzrA &a on 47 mw "N vwvm I ic upri- r*x)o 16 TIOTN" JOIT rWI41, z,; Tw*ix4" Pw I 11-N-Ma V, indu3trial Complcx~2s to Socic-LL15f, cciuuitz,i,:~,i, by Jiri. Vrany, Vladimir Stola, 12 D7~ -ahrrnical ObchuO, 11o pp '-Y, -2- on JONAWO in tm c4yam of &- -.AamkA&nAm- by h Kamm"be , 11 Ipp POLMONSO -Vm-& L; 44"i ~ OTS WU%"O PL480 scl - ma & mod Sci Now 64 AVRH FrOM Ly/5"l&W 269MO BOW AIVROU of ROKOU06 MAVIS" lu Aquwm 801VU0=,, by B. XL=o L. MIUVarko 11 ppe - -- -------- ~ oomm Irm POLZON mm 0 Vol No lb 50 197)f ~Pxsne AV,.Tr.415k 8a Jan 63 22D,,519 Methods of Nm=lng Fast Neutron Multiplication Factor# by G. He 6tojp6r,Qvj L. V. Xomionarev, V. P. Katkavs V. V. Nikolsky., pp. YLLU tmuslation. RUSSL411, bk, Conference of the Acad of Sci of the *JSSR on the Peaceful Uses of Atomdc Energy, 1-5 JU 1955P Seanion of the Div of Pbysico-MoUmUml Sciences,, 3 A V - u th Btv Z~Oo~rk Sci - Nudkew Physics *87 rpts for $350-00 Le lmimLm den MM poud=13 Mt&MqWG., Ir., s. stoiarz,, L,,4 pp. PoLf.,,T-ES -ma=.. per, h~~ i met mozelazzw Katowice V01 VI, IND 9., 19Glp PP 3W-3W- 5ft-verac rllxr~latian CFA-X-5*10 0 f~i :.,0,,r SluUreG RUctric Contact listeriaUj ft. M - luf i1tration ot Porms T=pten With CopW &W Slavers by W. Butkankis B" stolmm, m M perp Ift Ptue 03-vosw 2iwt MMml,, V03L IV; No I# 19X* VP 676ft- attdwr Tr 34k 404 49'.80 .,f ~ & Scientifle - Ub/*tain JU 55 CIS Course =g on ArtMery. Book 81 Law of ProbabiUty. Mr.parsion During FIxing., by A. P, Stolboahizmky, 192 ADS= Pull trawlation. IRMSIM, book, MI Publ publ by Kin for MUj, USSR, Db=, "W 19491 284 py. Aw U= - Mlitary - Artillwy., -he&' CIA/= Z-1 M 10, Sw 36 Wy 52 CM (Ir-30W) bpr*'~ of the UsMwtm CWw"Or b&mrt47,, 7 F-,,~ 4 ppt RMIM) PWp MU-0d Owz Mmakh, No 10, 1961, pp %-56. JPRS 12M Lem ftou /00?/ 4~ /o Mar 62 Reveraible Orientation F~~tadichroivn in Viscoua 0~:Iutiona of Complex Organic Substancen 3y B. S. Reporent and 0. V. Stolbo va pp. 5 RUSSWI, per, Optika I. Spektrol, Vol XIV, No 51 1963, pp. 624 - 633 OSA sci Aug 63 ,-~Rcoranf, Via Radto of tilt ~", Ooe d of 'Di f- --UUC t-;ave tix a Freely AOvIah LudAvidual, by r.. M. ~tolbm, V. 1. 'WSIM) part _11.M.Mtun' iIsp&jLvwtxI'nOv biolagil I ~bditsivy, Vol 58. 'i(, 10, M4. ~~!- 116-119. 1 -zw .Air The VKU-3,5 Pneumtic Wind CompreGaIng but Up, hy N. A. 8-tolbushkin-p, RU.-;Sl", perp Sellkhos, No 10, 1954j pp 21-22. Co-op Tr Sciww No 168 Sal - gngineering g 0~ T'T 9- m Coll"ted Works. Vol M. Introduction to Acmatice *ad Mmt Tb"971 b7 At go owkw) no Alawylve MWAN, V"kh Pis, Rusks, VbI =aVo So 2p 1"S. An F.".73ke ftl*ntlflc - rwica /P?, 7 7 z/ V03 Polarization in (pp) scattering at 635 Mevp by No G. Neseberiakov, So B. Wmehevs Go Do Stoletovp 7 pp. RUSBIMj perp Zhur Maqmr I Tooret nzp Vol mmin" No 1, 1957,, pp 37w46. Amr Iast of Ph" SOV Phys-M Vol VI, No 1 Bel - PhYsIcs JkY 58 acm motbodo3adma plabum at congtiolls tv To a. fivautalro 33 lop amuop ywo 0 - o d I mv - I gals mkm atft, WORN" _Noao. ft 60 19mil VP lb-95* Me 99VA UMII &A-0 AW 0 mow i'y P. 4relov, e3r. D. Stolatov, 7 pp. AWS.iAh,, par, zhur Zkoper i Teorat Viz, Alk EaWk SESSR, Vol M= (9), No 3j. 1959, pp 658-668. JSTP Oct 59 ~7 of 660 my F=t4m Smttered by lkaleis by IL G. Mausbeva 0- D-, StOlOPTj 9 yp* Rwqwj, so per., 2bur lksw I Teortt PUP Vol XMf lb 20'As PY 361-370- Amr mat of pbwcs godot piwalas-M Vbl No No 3. SOL - pbpias r. (BY-IM) 7to Hloer Sohool at a N" SUP, bY V.-Stolotovo 14 PD. fmaim, per, Kammist, So 2, := 1962p -up 59-0. JM 133% USSR 191., -q 7/ sm Apr 62 Higher Education in the RSM on the Upswing, by 'V. 1q. Stolotov 7 pp. RMIAN, per, iestnik Vymbey Shko.41 No 11, 1960. !&-erutl Arta & Sci Press 8mlet uhmatlon Vol in, No 6 USSR Soc jun 6i Wath 3)mt*rwtiogugl 0006M8 an Genetica, by V. W. 9014km- i nF 3: ins per$ Vogt sellskokhm A%wkp Vol IV, No 2. IM.0 pp Wi-Agi. cu goho617 um sai - Bicum JU 59 ~~j ///) en the Queotion of Salections by V, H. Stoletay. per,, Dok At.,-Xwk 68R. Xz ga llglr I So 1~ JaD/-Vib IM, PP 32-35- 511 Ea 2 B USDA TrAw 281 U= -A;.con=ic - Agricultwo, pUnt bleWing 5"5w-41 Scientific - Bloloap pl=t bloWIM a" ~;Stlhomcdcod- - PabUas In aNWA~so tir v NO, e f. 9!21!!~rv 33 ispe FOSSM& pwp me"= imam alft dg" ,;* 4 1%40 w 264% JVRS 29M , ~-' 7 t Sol-Aal r,,, ",%d -:w 65 2%02% t,tect of Pres3ure on the Polymerimbility of Ar- ';bstituted o(-Xffblq3atVrouw. Cemmication 2. ) &*~atltute& c(-VmtbylStjreUodp W T. V. KoreMki, L. X. Polyukova., L U. ftolotmo 3 Vq- 19591 ,,S6LN3,, perp It Ak V%uk SMr W-el ML No 8 IATI-1-479- tv 61 fffeft n? Prw3ure cm the PolyawUAbUlty o-f Ar- aawtituted 4(-x%tb7utvrwm* FolycarL-mvim of V-SubstitutrA Wd Pmourep 17 V. V. K=bsks A. X. P040=, I. IL stoletams 6 PY 0 mo=v pw,, Is Ak Ibuk SSEMj, OULol MUm AL"j, no 8;, Im., pp 1471-1476. ca Sal - wy 61 5774 The Approximate Theory of Ferrite resonant Isolatorep by A. K, ~~~Y 34 pp* HUSMA, per, Radiotekh i Zlektrm., Val V., No 5., 1960, pp 7%0-76L PP. sci / 4; 7, J- 4P 7/ Sept 61 Tradw PbsnomM In CAMPrOMd GUM& 11, Em3pixic4 13amadnft for the RGIMIM Det~ft the Heat Candudvky of smood G~ and Teavera- ture &W Pressovs by Es A* 22M RUSSLA pwo ZbIW as .6 NO 39 1950, pp 279-291o 9229216 AEc-LA-Tr-65-7 Scl-Cbam M* 63 mom The SponUnenus fission of Thoriumt by A. V. Pod- gurakelep V. I. KelashnIkovap G. A. Stolierov, E. D. Vorobley., G. B. Flerov, RUWIUp b1mo per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol XXVIII., Apr 1955., PP 503-505. CIA C 40846 American Inst of Physics 57 East 55 St. bew -fork 22.$ H. 1. Scientific - Physics 3 /1 ~O 17/7 i'CYC.Itotlar3j I(C.J~Lca o. i,k;. -, t: -,A PublisW Dwing 194-0-1956, by i. V. bcriihchikov, 0. V. WIlarov. ~;X'M'Ukq, per,, Zhur ftvropntol Palkhlat, Vol T,711,, Moscows ign, pp 1044-1050. M 275 SCP 58 An Attempt at Forecasting Tftmperature by kdrodyn=Ic Hethoday by A. S. Diabov, and 0. V. Stoliarovs. NMSW, per, TMy Glamol GeofIx Obaerv, ND 76, 1958, P.P 30-39. Amer NoWrol We Sci - Geophys lo 3 71~ Doc 59 7 11 Iii ".-!-,:;.y Spectra, by L. 1. K. I. E. Konstentirn.,)v, V. 'I. I-Axevev. PP. =o per lz Pk f7auk SSSR, Ser fiz, V,A XX,. Y-5 Cohu,~,bla Tec!i The A. S. Popov "&*chnlcal Society of Radio togimering and Telecomtdcatlow *4 by L. 0. Stoltarov, 3 PP. &rOA:Q RMIAB,, perp Raftotokh.. Vol XV., No 7;, 1960, PP 75P 76. PP lVri set Apr 61 gm The a f fectivesess of mosic 7~pfs of AdJustable Inlet Guide Vmss an ontri- fusal CoWwassmso by N6 T. Staliarsky. kL6SIAWV per* casov. Proa. go 4, 1"4, py 30-34, 07 6190 8HRA TUS SrA-ftys Aug 66 30504% L-,mvt!zml.i=o c--. Un Orlt5Lu wA Orowth of PittULS fti&s, by P.-J. ftSaUl W. D. @tones. OXWj par,, lW-xcslcv* No 13p 1960j, pp 14-P.0. CMB a631 ~k-i - ;~I;; .", C- ^k 1; a-l'i 10 1, 3 7 7 L!vestigation of the Natural P~mqueM Opec- --m- of a I*so=tor Contalning a Aignetized .-rrites by A. L. Mknyeliws A. X. -StoUyarov, A. Vasilyev.. 20 pp. ------ ASTAI 0~, - . per, Redlotekh i Moktimp Vol V., No 1., 1(1,60., pp 27-38- pp 61 intrdhwtion to the chodfu7 of the ff"Ins'o by Arthw ftoU, 97 lp. am., per, bm"Isatial ws Val IT, No it pp 6-M. MA 60-UI383 set Apr 60 Val Mi go 3 /// Of A ~ 'Y t, are of Nrgot=U) by Arthur Stall, 9 pp. GEWAX, doe, 19540 Emal to Report No R-707-55, OARMA, 12 Jul 1955, CIA D 276904 ID 1284318 v s " ~ / ~ e i 1'. , '.~' Scientific - I-Sedicine, Nov 55 CTBAM Lysergic Acid A Afr Aseptic Induction of a Vegetable Tm= (CrOwrL- gall), by P. mwApult, Cb., stall, 3 pp. rptEm$ per) Aawles do I'Iwtitut Puteurp vol L==,, 1958.. pp 793-795. IM 12-5-& sei - Wd //w/, 42 f I*b 62 The Vapor Pressure of Magmalum Over A1=1num - Wmai= Alloyep by A. Bcbmiderp 9, & Stoll, 13 PP- GMUM, ro Z Elektrocbemp Vol XMI, 1941,, 'PP 519-59. ASO Tr 3047 Set - ftsicaj Min/Wtals .4-i1 2 9d w '7,# Oct 57 Vr,lr,fj*l/trAlrt In ~ltzaaamlc isattic by ca of a ;rl,n ,'rena-Acer ;.Amd, bw is AoU. &WrIence With the Depocit Weldirg of Steel ftolls or ""looming -Slabbing Rolling Mills by the Submerged Aru Procesu, by H. Stoll. MOM, per, Stahl und Hiseu, Vol LXXX, 14 Apr 1960, pp 483-491. RUI 1831 Sci - Ragr *iy 62 lict 126 - Of UMM" GUMM in Die"I smines IW N. MUS 2. Imams 24 p. 04"', p"j, Mp IMP YCL MlT$ no 5" pp 474-31. MA "-l.7ft Goi Jo je Apr 6o ///, Z, 6 voi nis No 3 Cks 00 8WdO4W CC 00 AUmMSm MW - - umo *09 3v &Wb" a go wil 11 ANINyUNA DU-1 zz=sl Z""4 WA : C%ft 0 I;y Cz~ U.-, i'l 4 14 m-s. ; lw,l I[. k-', N. I'll. M ~, -, ;%,-I A I-S - -1 N~-; I IV. A--',v-: 1cf*m.~-,il '110willi-li Vt~l (Swilivrimd) N. J. I"", Is 't'. ,'- V *v Method for the Determinatic% Cf MA j~. taU .1.4valcut and Trivalect lrcar.-BearloZ Mpterials, . 2tcill A. Wwar. FRKWH, par) Revue Uaiverielle, don 141-res, !io 2.0, Q1, pr -'136 , M 3. ~Jsl 2m rj rr-63-3D504 MrHMATIC QUAMY THSTI%: THE BASIS OF 1. Stau. R. DVROVDC THE UTILIZATICK VALUE OF OUR n. Title- Basis.. TE)CME MATERIALS. 119631 13p 4rds Order tram SL A St. 60 TT-63-2D5D4 Traw ot WILLaW Tgnibericite (Gemany) 1943. v. 24. p. 211-21S. DESCRWrORS: wrextfles. Q"Iltycontrul. Priction. Meclunical properties. Test amethods. Rayon. Wear TT, .t,4ejl Of ulwi'm by t,"W Ar2algam -Tr-W41 K7 Lle Second Serpaall Syxposium at the Psychiatric Clinic Burgholzli of the University Zuricb.. by W, A. Stoll.. 8 pp. - - GMIMNO per., Scbftiz Med Wocbschro Vol L"XY, 7 May 1955o pp 439-M0. SIA Tr 2124 J-~?j 577~1 Sci - Mediciw Sap 57 Lysergie Acid KethylasiAes a Waluciao- 61 gomic Agest of the blot GwWs by V, A. sitout GERMM#~ per, Scbw*Ls Axcb Newol MO."t IN w llll~ p Vbl Lis 1047a 0 IILW KIII 447*67 SCI-844 Way 67 3260~91S U r#fec' Of L7z--.C!o ~Zsollll 55 Redults of Nov studies We With Open- Heorth Furmces, aW ParticuLwly With Those of tba YAarts Type,, by Uske, Stollberg, GOYA"; per.. low Futte, Yeb./Mar 1957, p 157. Co-op Tr Bch tr 616 sc,"i, , Kw Jan ~a 7'. r'A-Occoo for -Producing -b,, by Stoliu, .., Soluble Starc Kapket I p%, GMiMs GO=a4 PQtent Uo- 199,1153, 8 JU 1906. S.L.A, No IM119ck .0 Sciantific 0 &d gerlm 3,~ ;- 7~ W18310 Stolle. RmkAL BUSSEMEK SHOP PRACIICL 1july 4611* 1. Steel-prodictwo Order frum SLA tru$2.40. ph$1 30 60-18810 2. ntle: Beasciner-Shop 1 1. Stolle, R. Trans, af Gicsscrcj ((;vrrnany) 1942, v. 29, It D&-. tx 413-41Y. ON" ed 7.9bowd S..i-. (Unanrkwn, W) 'rho %juartz-Crystobalite T~formvion,, by Scbwiete, Stollenwerk. ."M-Now WRW, per,, Arcb Sisenbuttenwesen, Oct 1955, Rp 583-587. Cooop Tr Och Tr 595 42-5-0) scl - Mtn/mt .:$-7 ~p Jac 58 Diolorual-itft mcbe-nicco. ana ,,e6inical ~~crt -,--,,-,ion lood, by W. Klauditzj, 1. St4llc,,, 9 Y.V. T, ~ d - we~~ I GrYWI, per., gazfws Vol 9, No lo 1555, YP 5- TLC-hunoo 10. S.L.A. Pr 1372/1956 sci - Enci Feb 57 M/dex hn'Virtmats of Large-Block O=Bt=ctiori LEwt C15ramy), by HuVA Voblpmtbj Oubard St*Xlmwher., 00riurd Paten.. (Vk Rpt on =Ar~ 234). OMM.11p r BM"Witmg, East Darlim, Due 1958, m 567- A.$ CtVFM &Z 2073 mur - Gorm1w Ecan rcb 59 Food Fbisoning of Stapbylotoccall Etiology In 7he Now, by A. 1. j~p~~j A. P. PiukovaWn, 3 pp. RUSSUN per, Vftcbebwye Dalo, No 8, 1957 pp 84&652. MA 60-IT637 sal Vol V, No 7 If ,L &.~ 4 Ajpr 62 j