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63-18119 "Wm^ IL POIRMUM OF KAUMOVs nocas cr Am 1. lulft KAOM's pracm UQWACnDN (Amokbm dm 1. K vamm vu Klotma. 119M 113-9- -owsip me 09dw &M SLA IL 60 M-19119 Thm of Uftchft Or di* Goolmuml Uke-bWksale NummW 1941, v. 4L mm Z P. U-IL DMCMMIM. *Air, nAVA" pm. TWNN^ R=Uow,% MmAwftim mabods. COO,& (HqOmvw&g--Cbwnlcsk IT. v. 10, ma 11) oft of T.Cmut U,*. The Influence of the Levis Coefffelent an the Separation of Upours From Gaa-Vapour Mixtur*a by Frcvv-in&, by H. Hauaan OrMAX ,, per, Anaev Chems Vol XXB, Fo T. 10 pp 177-1e2. MeRst. Harwell 11/3/5/315 OT/5W P 7-.7 Scientific - Chomiati-j CTBAUM Cbmlstry ad chadcal - at the 19% On"m ledustrial ExbIbitlon Is Eaaawftr,, by Dr Josef Reuses W 30 pp. OEM"# per$ Chm W Tahs Vol XMII# 1956; pp 441-472. IM rdIZASRM To FOIMW UTIMALS CIA)ft XI-318 Scl - Chmistry Aug 57 iRc nnwm u9z am I -- -- mw wwwomr a* low"tril is Nab" , 6 ff Pm-m- a WIL bom - WI amm- 42 TA * ) smommomm I* vs; low-* -I.- Im, ,,, mw 1666 ff. Baum " - Mw" Now 67 (DO-1682) Helium - Methods of Obtaining It,, by H. Hausen,, 18 Irp. UNCLASSVIRD =VAN, per,, Z des Vereines Deutseher Ingenieure,, Vol I=IV., No l5v 13 APr 1940P -PP 248-252. US JPM/W-L-245 Scl - Chemistrys San deposits or Drop end Heat T=azfer in t-be case: of iufo4Qu4 Nua-loutbarml Plowo by 11. Hauccu or-VVIII, per, = Z.V.D.I., Vol LMV, Vo 15p 13 Av~r 1940, pp 258-259. TFAVM T-1410 Scientific - Engineering F"17 The Calculation of Brick Tvmperntures in Air vre-heatiXe, by H. Rausea. GERM4, per., Archiv fuer Wanhattenwasen, Wa X-117, No 2.0, 1938/19309, = 473-480. BIEM =5 set - P*s Jul 61 16 // 0 2d lit I EV -liANG1, 1% RL- C-i N! N I A 4) V) I d. l"Al lr.v.~ 1:1, it 1~1 it 71, ill I(It I Aj11gL%%,1r)d!t-J Mlothmank %%k 1'024, 47 t :!.) i)jl Ijj ji.111 17 ~ I I q,!!, I M Num. i j- ~kl w i I Is. Dk I It, ttiltia I tqmmon~. In rt gr.t I 1,.1 r1 I W I L Lill Cl~) .1 r Lbe Apatites, Their Cbemical Ca*osltlon and Meir Relation to the Fbysical and blu-pbological Properties., by if. Hausenj PT(Mp perk Acte AcaaeWae Aboensie,, Matbemtica at PhPica, Vol III) Im. Dipt Interior =7 1957 NO 385 Sal - Chm Al M4 may 61 v Reawla"Um at TWOUT xLxtwu* swouavi NgAvm wxkwut 1w IL 16 ipp, 14 dr%mmimeRwafowd Vbl vio vwb At imp MR amblow 6W saff"Sumseas WAVA ~ evi of heat Transfer in a 'irtural or rorcef-i rlow, ~,v ". 4"lauser. ~:,; !,,*.Wk~. ,.ocr, AIIS t~acrvm-nch Vol. 9, -o 4-11., Pjrc,j, //~ - -, 75-79 0 :Z=lp ')-I fi. oamscj~j 4e i -IF.". . A u -. (,. U, I I(,;" I When the Cell No Longer Hospires, by J, H=en,, 7 PP. Full translation. 'y p GM-MIS 4,c:~'p Dar Taguappiegel, Vol WMEIV,, My 29#.,,L_ 1955P p 6. rit 7 41 SciaaUnc - 'Biolow ,Oe 55 /Z/14 4, CmAt 0-.~,-Aete C~Ocalaticil of licat h-nch~-inrc ir, Re i,r;-'. ovi F, - 31 PP - 7, Ver deut lng~ 31 3. APA" tl* -J~), jan 6o Pressure DiStributlm VAmwuwmU an t. Turblue Rotor Blade Passing Behind a Turbin~ IF.-.Ie lattice., by Ukuwabl" OMWM~ Beriahte der GittertqM In ImUtut for motcrord"Weah"a 4sr LuftfabrtV=- C Uumm 00rulge ZT* U, ILr ItAkI Br.B. No IM5/%p PY 95-IQOs G.L.A. Tr Pool sc:Lent4fle - AevxwAMAn CTS/m Sci/Aeronn-ltics calcid.A.Lon o-' "ields o-f' Chwacteristics of Turbines, 7 by Hausenblas. ......... .... Teciminuc et Science Aeronautiq:~es, Vol IV, 1A8. NACA 3103, 404t MT: Le 'almil de Champs de Caracteristiques de TurKnes ? aur., cts Design of Spinning Discop by R. RftweubUsp 12 PP- %..... VA-00 .. mm- MM, per, Konalzuktim, Vol VM, 1956,p PP 18-22. AM IGRL-T/CA-92 Sai - Phys, Eagr im 59 P/ Iqlp z Light Absorption emd Bouble Bomb I, Problems and W.'- ods Kuh 11h by Hausser Smakula. ==La-l ORKAH) per) Lichtabsorption und Doppelbindung I Aufgabe und Methoden. Dept of Modern Languages North Carolina State College Sci Feb 63 Results of Fertilization Experiments on 50 to 70 Your Old Spruce Strands Gnving on Upper New Red (Triassic) Sandstone In the Wurttemberg Black Forests by K, Ustus"r. GERM, per, Allpwine Forst. und Jagd-Zeftungp No 11, 19619 NZDIA sci Fab 63 Faectron and ihm1ear Resousm as a Method of 1, M olecule Research, by K. H. Hausser. GEEMO., perp AnSevenite Chemie. Vol U=, No 23, 19~6~ pp 729-746. CSIRD a//, g -7.2 Sci - Nue Rip Aug 62 so as rmuowl~lmvw ag, mll PMENO&ARM A14, p I N i if i i arA Bm at NUMNWM muds& st d4 X GERUM4 pwo j I - - ~~ DN60 pp 2"-3W --3 1~ AEC-ORNL-TT-Be F Sd-Nud Sd Jan 65 272ON3 62-18326 -UAUA.!J~D- - SURVEY AND COMPARMN OF KNOWN PROCESSES 1. 1111114SIg, D. i-ut Pit., pri-R-1-ION OF PERIODIC PULSES IN fill. PHY.SFNCT; OF NOISE. 11962141p. (figs. I)MIT- ud) 9 1 cf, 0r,k-r trom SLA 54.60 62-18326 TIMIS. of 110CIATC(luunz1vchink und Eicktroakujqtik (EaS; 19N), v. 69. ru). 3, p. 94-103. DESCH111FORS: *Signai-to-tumm: ratio. *Radar signals. l(ALL11- Noise (Radar). *IX-tectloti, Puke intv- grator s, Coi z,+itlon icchniquvs. Statistical function, Siat tm~: Airl, v, r~ general conditions. itanxly that a 'IgIvil mixturk of the form )it) = s(t) * r(t) I* ' t p~~[; 111 01, timL intcival 0111.1 , where 40 1% Thc ~ipmt lormiori oid r(r) is the disturtunce furwrion (nok, ) ,I I %vionarv sro~chaslic prm7cms with the "Itilf (RUIL.1101 Mt lhotk- - Commanicar Ion Thcory, rr . V, Oft t qd T Smim T), .. Q) ( (v1 lawalrusations OR Uw NuMple wa*114% Qf 5*CWAI&" alutramp by PoUir ilawsUr., (;L*Wo mo Wts4hreo. !, Wap %I Iwo bb4a pp 27b-294.o P911066866 -1".C L"'Lo-ti-1267 Oct 60 311,4-11 Wthods for the W.9surement of HWIdity, by W. Haussler. GRAM, per., Wis"nschamda Z der flochachule fur Maschimbau Karl4krx-Stadtwal xw~ 1, no 1, 1956/19598 Yp 77-85. colm Tr " sci - Geop / 7/, _q 'J/ Oct 6L A New YAThod for I*asuring Glosa, by H. Hausetch1j, K. Hwmnn., 13 PP - pert Farbe und IAakp Vol 1XIVj No 121 1958, pp 64-349- siA 59-i56c-f6 sci - 11cm 59 Vol 2j. Mo 3 /a/ Pl~.' ReWts of PartilLsation Rx"r1muts an 50 to 70 Year Old Spruce Stands GrowIng an Upper Now Nd (Triassic) Sandstone Ln the Vurtteaberg Mack Forest, by L Hausser, ORMO, per, Aumim Emt-M 1961, vp z6g-gi. NZDBDAftf- No- 783- v Sol Aug 1967 334-724 TT-66-WW PROCM ?Olt THE nMX7M OF FAR M- lb~% IL FONC ACWS FROM UNSATURATIM ALBMM a. bmwowumo w 3a Olt HYDROARMATIC HYDROCARIM OR MCI DRAWATraM 11"41 3p Ot6w bm CM NA w SM $L 10 TT-64-UW 8.4, owl" or "@&*am Scm QLmtiom of Remomic Analysis of S,~ientiflc- Todmiml Progreeas by IL D. Hautelng D. Krafferto 6 pp. =wN,o w, Dar unchioubwo vbLi n., so 8p 1962., pp 313-315. BE- Bwn oot 6e Process for Preparin(S Tricyclic Compounds; Uy Arnold) Hawwailer) Klaw Schvarzerp 13 I)P- BLIZIM.. Patent 580,P479p 8 Jul 1959- sLA 6o-1447o ld"~, .2 37,9 Feb 62 Study of UUica Cxysts4Usa" bY tM JYJW "Btbgdlo by go P* 14"at"1149 Fmoit POTO Adis so" Im mi"re -crut No 1,, Apr 1979., pp 1-1% P911OZOI67 AEC SC-T-6"769 A p sci/materia" Mar 67 The km Preparation and Properties of Ti-tanium (IV) Iodide by 14. P. 11autefeuMej 1 p. Partial Translation FRUCH8 per, Bull. Boc. Chim, France,, Vol Up No 7. 1867, pp 201-202. CIA/FDD/XX-7 ~r IAC Interal Use Only A4 Scientific - Chemistry Nov 55 CTS an Mocumm" at Um no =~ so of & *UWWLOD vo ustraftwoo at rd~ 4a Wo ra" at a P120% tw IL P. - vwjo ImAtAm"m --A aj, Fab 70 %O3vU3 On tho ReproducVlan of Phemcite w-a -'Df.!~rul ~,11 nUtAfoull1ap A. PerzWs, 5 pp- MMH per, cowtas Randus, Vol CVI, 2.8.98,1 pp 1800-W3 - SLA 59-lc&pi Sol v Cbm S&P 5~ Vol 20 NO 2 aleachinglaut Under the Influenee Of LISht i the FoS Formed by Lisht or Cheideal I A Sensitizers, by A. Hastot, U. S&VVOBISJF. GEWIAN, per, Photagrgphische Kenlow!"as's Vol 96, No 1, 1960, pp. 3S-9. HTC 69-10650-142 4. ///'~( t, I-vt Sci-methads Jul y 69 386,S68 HAUTD4M, A. Stahl Und Eisen, Vol. $1, 3 diagrams, 1 table; 1400 Words; 1931- Heat Resistance of Aluminum Stools and Aluminum Coantirigs on Iron. Brutcher Trans., Order No. 9, $1.40 /4 I-i - .,-" B=tlng Tests on Strintml Stools I-Ores From Britt2a Pvwtwe, by R. Sauttmm. GUMP jwr; acbWetafftechniko, Val XMI, Vab 19590 pq 13-19. Box 24" Sol - fto /00.2, 4 4/,/ Fob 62 Wt n7 61-18321 jouttmann, litAK-rt. HARDER BASIC 1IBSEWR STRUCIURAL MEL 1. HAIXIMann, H. KII.I.LD Wl'ni SILICON AND ALUMINIUM. Rept. It. Title: Verein no. 532 of the [Materials Committee I of the Verein Dvutschcr LisenhUttynieutc. 119611 [231p. (42 figs. iminted) 16 refs. Order It orn 51 A $ 2. 60 61-19521 Trans. of Stahl und Fisen (Germany) 1941. Y. 61. (P Peb, p. 129-136 and 13 Peb, p. 164-IM DESCRIPTORS: 'Steel, hiechanical iropertles, *Silicon. *Aluminum, Metallurgy. Applicability for Ntructural purposes of a steel with a tensile strungth of at least 48 kg. per sq. min. Dis- advantages of the old steel St48 and their elimination by lowering the carbon content, by deoxidising with Kilicon and aluminium, and by raising the manganese content. Examinationof various rolled products de- 90w (Metaliurgy-Perrous Metals, TT, Y. 7, no. 1)(over) Hauttnumn, Hubert. BASIC BESSEMER STEEL KILLED WITH SIUCON AND ALUMINWM FOR SHIPS' RlVLrrS. 119611 (1 11p. (, figs. ornitted) 4 refs. Orde r f rom S LA $1. 60 61-W;64 Trans. of Stahl und Eisen (Germany) 1941. v. 61. 28 Aug. p. 801-806. DESCRI[PTURS: Open hearth furnaces. *Steel. h1echwill cal properdes. Silicon. Aluminum. Deoxiiiation. OReinforcing steel. Blast furnaces. Blowers. Che-icall analysis, Metallurgy, $Ship plates, *Rivets, Sheets, Metal screws. 61-18564 Title: Bessemer process Haurtmann. H. (Metallurgy. TT. v. 6. no. 12) Office of To"CA Tito Coadition of ;~httcr at Bigh Teryeraturen and High VrCSXLI'~'CO) by ."'. flautzache, L. w. wicezorrA, 14 pp. RUSSIAN; pcr, Priroday Vol XLM) ,.'0 10, 1953, pp 41 -47 - ~,9A/CDC-59-9-11-8 sci jaa 6o le.~, 11f B"an Masident JammLUab latertWm.. CMn Y,, by Arno3 d M!M!dl ~9 FEMMO np) I^ vaft ft Petwis" so 2ki-im 19&P pp 9. JPRB 254U- POOL jui 64-t 263 I w .7 i1 4,Y ~ Opan Letur Virtm a A"10 Riulaut to IfuLita KhAwlich by A. "auwaart . ::==:;7 R"I'liGi wr La Vuix du Pauple, No 6., Dac 196S. lip 2. ej-lpl~-ISF-302 0/!;rt!C I A'- rol r,vb ox 3V Nev Radlo Astmmical Ob"rwatory at Amsterelfel.. by Rmt 9. Haux 40 pp. !-==I GEMN.,;por, Elektro-AuelM. BI-7-99-974. USMIA Tr 8% Sci - AstromW A/ f Al &M .Or Ezur - oftuaw j Geoff Jun ~7 mialrig Iridustr1al owen 1n tha Atx)j;pIiwv., by jL LeMarc,, R. Um. wlkmi~u, P", Revue Qiive"elle &,b ;autip, Vol M, 3D 7.- 106, pp 293-298. W of BAcdor W Bur of ItInw Central Experimmt stati" Pittmburgb,, Pa. Tr 36 Oeorhys XV 59 .(DC-3360). Pharmooloal"I Symposiumij by R. cwkj,.K$-MA"j-, J. V~oek., 19 IN. Cf=s Perp COMBIOMAM Uacglep Vol VIU) No 6) WNW# IMP PP i74 im IM MOLT 60 & Y Process for the Treatment of Bones and similar IMArialf 17 To Is Huvutoo 4 PPI FMMH, Patent, 1,1%0..6%. 1 WA 60-16319 Sci wr 62 Vol IVO No 2 IOU,, JOW/Op (NY-64OT/3) Tac==l DUNIOPMt Pia&M of MM=c Powr ECOMWA by Bela Bsm-.* 32 pp. rm") pw# ''IM"No Val UP No 1-3,t 1961m pp 93-31. im 9941 /6 dp, J zr mum geon 3ep 61 (N-4300) Ratlowlization arA Faactric Punr Nawgamutp by Bela 1~~Tu-p 9 pp. WRARM,, r., Villannsogp Vckl VM, So 2/31 I 196o,, pp 33-41. JM 7410 XZw - Runvm7 137.79-1 zoom j Jan 61 W-1857) The Future of Electric Powar, by Bela How, 12 yp. Hmmvj) per, TLLI=osmp Vol rx, NO 11, 19&, 3W 323-330. JPR8 13538 Ecur - amwiry /Vz, ds/ Ecm Apr 62 szm (NY-4,063). so laterutiama Tmas of tAm smuaist CUV.. by DM Vajfto *8 ^= Am-m-t 49 Pp. MnKmpjms bk, Noufttkogi ftMj*dQkMq Mm 7, 1959, iv A3-04- - m ~W nor - Runeory /al? f. WI-4111 B= - Forelau Trmo oot 6o (NY-5625/3) Coordinst1cm of Paver ManNwmvtj by Bela Havas, 16 pp. RMMUJ.o pert IPWI saw &~%wA- 2.0 Vol I I ,.96C). No 1/4, Ad/Oet , pp 39-39. am Om 5 lzw o sousery /jj Pi 2, Bcoo Jul 61 o.MamifactmIng Gelatin F"m Produeft, by Bodre Navasp .10 pp, UummVm MMMUH, perp Mmzesi LEE (Food llxhwtry)p Vol V# Ao 21, NOV 1M. C1-29 OSM 0-2012 &oncmic P,pr 54 MS/M /0?, on I-lietaUn-ei, IV F. 8 F'tV.'-,00 10 pp. GERMO, per, Ber 19131, pp 342-347. Dmtrch Ohm C=, Vel XLVIp am T,.b~ 11-10 Sol - Chwafitry Dec 56 CTS , Ilf yv i'a4ic4l 6u6 FimsmiaF tuen~ a &AA , Inve a Varlon= Soctjiliat Cwrtriez-,. by T-x4,!-r~ 6~i pp. r-PoAl JL od i6lujitasok 'J'buinvur 111) 11159) pp 333-351j, isms 5!iri I (ri -6333 The Activity of the International Department of the D%nrian 6ociety of Rconomieg, by Janos -Baus... t, PP - IMARIAN) perp Kulkereskedeles, Vol V, No 3) 1961, ~,p 19) 20. JPSS 9430 k?.ur - Hungary Luon 5- 61 rdg 4000L UM m -&"~ IVWW M, IMMUIV w pow m" "& lsw. =wag I , 411101W wits X% I*Aw ".t" amwimom am - ft:llr M 63 (SF-2600) THE DIVERGENCE OF PRICE AND VALUE RATIOS IN THE PRICE SYSTD41 BY PETER HAVAS, 21 PP. !-.-g & qcpqmm-- &w HUNGARIAN, PER~ KOZGAZDASAGI SZEMLEj VOL lXj NO 51 1962s PP 537-551- JPRS 14-953 EEUR HUNWY ECON SEP 62 210t283 W20194 BULL sami". WNW OF MEPARM PERACEM ACID BY 1. Ulm Pumodc acme OXIDA71ON OF ACETAIDEIME. (19631 7p 1. HrfoL & Oidw ftm 07S or SEA $1. 10 63-2DL94 a. (C=d=WFW* 10D 3" Tr=& of Czwjmbmakim ps= 100,329 cL 12 o 11. pg. mW hvm 7 )d 60, appL 7 JW 60. gram! 13 )a 61, pub. 13 M 61. DESCUMM *Acemidthydes. Oddadm 'Acedc addi6 PfobmU (OwnlotrA A MA brfuw*m foratv" a mediod d prqputg pwwsdc add by dA asidedw at acot&kWbydo wilb um7 or so -1qua-contgaft Sm c&Wyxod at tougamurm d -4D to 42DOC by Co. Cu. Cro M or Ve make. or ukra- vWa W cc mm, charamrtmd by do fM dot dw rowtka mk= PWS 12 dA PWWW Of AUPbUk Mcoms. (Audm) (chemiS07--orpsic. 3T, V. 10. am 10) wa w Ink" I PraWation and Properties Gf Orpaxic %racids.. ; by S. gavel. I CZ=, pery Cbeadake lAsty, Vol L111, ,L959, pp 8U-820. cano Sci - Chem .2 03 34-0 b Tun 6p- Prcpmtlon and FrapwUes of Orpzda FermAds.. by 8 - -Ra"l.- MWE" per., OmWoM Lila*, Vol Lln, 1959,, pp 811-820. CELIAD sci - chtm .2 0.3" Jq4-v jun 62 "D:. and. -Ne ~j 928-cl~ho. AM Cj--~:1.111rh 3ci - Ch= may 60 IW ft4 ftbar nor 10 At S7~A lei (,V /i!~t VC The Stmwtum of TUn Irm Fl' Dqpsited by EVSPGMUM in IL Vema., by J. Brm,, V. Synseakp W; Oxech JOW, Pbp.. Vol VO No 4j 1955j. Morris D. Madun pa) scientirle - Pbpiao j= 56 cs/&m Concept of Political Opposition in Czech- oslovakLa, by Vtelav Havel, 10 pp. USSI (IMLY CZECH. par,, 14tgrial-M&ty, Pr", No. 6, 1. ikmril 60j, p. APAS GUO 2779 C., ~. (4;zech. PoUtICAL May 68 355,960 A Reauk an the Wstence of Finite Graphs, by Vaclay flevel, 3 pp. aBall, per, Casopis pro Postamd Matematiky,, Vol LXXXv No 4,, 19SS, pp 477-479. Navy Tr 3620/NRL 948 Sri - Math & Data Process ~-4 2 ~ 4/ 2_ 7 Nov 63 (DY-5689) Into the Third F%vo-Yaar Plan With the Nev Ad,bwtment of Wa.-kers I Enterprise Funds,, by Josef D-jahek,, Karel Hmv-e-la~c., 5 PP. CC-1-FICM LISE =1 CZECH, pers Prace a MWa., Vol VIU,, No 12s 1960, vp 532-535, im Egv Czechealcvakia ECOU 141Y, SS Contributim to the RL Of the cmump by mavi xauwao sob=U !!~Mmv 22 ". czKxp pwo -FaWks *rfaogoj, Val me ib atl*35P PP 337-167- atm Em 5-26 Bei - Ned IPM 59 y f, 42 02 ~4 , A I'law N'cn- Des truc'r.' ve Electro-Magaetic Testing by F. Favelka. GEWN, per, Wisannschaftliche Z der Hochuchule fuor Schmermschimubm Magdeburg, Vol III, Dee 1959) py 189-193- BISI 2D30 set - &Iqr 14, '0 '~ 0 am 61 1 , . , Z- ~ , - i.~; I , ; I . -, 1. 1 r.,, : "!.., -_--1%1. - -,_ I I a, .. -Z Ccztcntc and X&Aez of Machicoup ta) 15 P."l- IUMCLOSSiMID -ubl in PraZuep 1952,0 Pr=yallc" Vydavatelctv G-2j CpGLSA G-2730 cuchoolovakla '2',,onomic - Food induatry Conveyorgi, Systemsj, Rmpap Vent!Utors, and Pipe Lines; by Jobn ]hvelkas 30 PP., (ID 1282487)- UWCLASSIFDN~ 1 bk,, Kioaservareaske StrOJes Px~, 1952P pp 13-M. 0-2,9 GMSA 043M ~Mur - Czechoslovakia Econcmic - Food Industrv Jun 55 MOM (IMJ"3) Swe lufwmtion an the Onabolank ftate Budpt., by B. Havolkovas K. lboolp 5 pp. . I------- , . C23CHO, per# Statistlaky Obsorp No 5s 1960,p IN 35 236-238. JM 7598 Boom te b 61 Havema= ILK. THE SOUND-PROOF KMDtNG AT HAMWRG- FuHLsB&rrEL ALUORT C. V. AmcroikW cr. 13p C&CA Llbutry Tnm& ro. 100. Order from CmDew and Cowrom A-ooqi-ri- 5 Crorvemorcardsom. I andan SMIl Trans. d So= und SohUntowbou (Wee Cocamy) I%% Y. 57. am f. p. 97-104. 1. Hit"amm. IL K. a. CACA-Lib-Trans-108 M. C40M "d coacroto Assoclath3a. Lad= (Rmgkno (ErCLnimorlog-CivIL Tr. Y. IZ am 1) Measurements Of RIOngStIOn On the Pre- stresued Concrete Bridge Across the .."Ollimnal in Homburg WIMw1wburg,, by H. ::cmr and K. Havemann. G-EFOWs I*z. Baton u Stahlbetonbaup Vol X=. 1954t PL. 1.65-171o 188-193. i&:=-Ti74i " 1742 Sci Aug 58 NCII-201 883 Field 149. 20C UU=&NL R. A NEW MAGNETIC BALANCE (Eine Neue Alagnetische 1. National Researth Weagel. Tr. by C. St. Hurd. 1965. IDp, 7refs. Council of cewds NRC-TT-1194-. NRC-C-6489. Ottaws (Ontario) Order from NRC: $0.50 as C-5489 I Trans. of Zeltschrift fuer Chemle (East Germany) v4 M p121-4 1964. CR 61/64 Natural Scientific Aspects of Philosophic Problems - Lectitres , by R. Havemann. (DO-lo429) GER W , rpt, 1963, Pp 1-108. *JPRS EM - Germany POI Apr 64 Me Photochmical po&wtim of 2b4aug . Thg Bovez Pbotoobudeal Be&aatlm of W1 aW MA Whylso Blue by NO4 I= in w Agism AftUm SaUUM4 by R. Saymm. 1. Piots&m U pp. 0=408 pw,,i z roAr AM olkLuadw Chade., Val ccvlu pp 93L9. 9mm AC8jL 1160 &d - rho Ajpr 61 The Soviet Union Opens the Aas of Atomic Pover., byDr Robert Rav I . LMMM- MMM) Pero The SC22M Val 1XII.No W) 1954P pp 1s 2* Im tam CTS 681*Y HAVERS) A. The Correct Design of Fillets on Shafts Subjected to Torsional Stress, DVL Rpt 830, by H. Deutler, A. Havers, 22 pp. UNCLASSIFIED GEMW, Doc F2 2218-50 Navy Tr 254/BuCh`Ps 388 Die gunstigste Gestalt der Hohlkehlen bei verdrehbean- spruchten Welken Nov cts TesUas No**& Aw ftsisUMM." WOUbs 77, by Ke ""no CROW q Pero Teda, wLtt, Vol 56,0 Rw D-Ot pp 199-M. Itsi "IS 3"-Nw Jul 66 30692U Oil 09 Qpk" at 230" good" pwlousmll~ IV T. P. &T34 30 P. MENHEM Imm- sma at" MME6 96 1996 iv ( ~Fl p 12 An UM an Val UU4 arr 2 *d4kth Am 66 301737 Two Clams of Bxtromel hvbUm fbr Folyowlals " Nowr&Aj, by a. Jam ftdw-Mp 38 P- WMAN, Per., Ine" AkadonU - BE* am,, swUs JkUmt Vol ZXVP XqUj pp 557-590. Am )kth fte Vol =v', ofir 2 -Mec, Sci-Math i=t 66 302,665 Analytic Capacity of Sets., J*Lut ft1rivislity of Varims Manses of Analytic FtmtUm " the SQhvWZ1emCA In AbritWy DQW11Ap ly So A- flavinson 52 P. Russzo, W,, ustAmat sbwuikt va Lv(96), 19611 pp 3-506 Am Math Soc Vol Ler 2 jua 66 012 Apvr*%iMtf on., with refer*nw to the Size of the cooncial*8 of the hap, dMate, by S. U. lhvlnaw 12 p. Rmux~ pw,, Mmift lktoftt TMALtuta iudamp Vol Lx: 1A PP 302-3M- AM lbth we V03. U"j, Sw 2 sci-math jun 66 -IC9.,6a M f5a= Extre-il Problem af the Meory or Auslytic riumtiong, by of jot 1111VIAMO amino C;j VdWWO ZIjAdd JbAIMw dosudwat"MMW gay sw ustamt.. To, IT* MI, vp lu-JA3. jww Oft fte Sol-Moth "Tan 6; Havinson, S. Y&. TT-64- I Z45 (p. 139-154) ON SOME EXTERMAL PROBLEMS Of THE THBORY 1. Nevinson. S. Ya. OF ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS (0 Nekowrykb U. America Mathematical ElistrCIASI'DAII 7AdKbg" Teoril AVAIttCheak" Society. Frovid"kee. Funkull) R. L Allen Shield@. tr. 1963. 16p 22refs Order from AMS J~_ America Mothemallul Wety Translation#, 1963, ser. 2. Y. 32(p. 139-154) Trans. of Moscow U. Lkbesys ZspiW (USSR) 1951. M 148. p. 133-143. OBSCRIPTORS: OlFunctions. 417unctional analysis. IsteMle. Taylor's series, *Complex variables. (Madwmdtics. 77, V. 11. am 9) em" so G-. yn wnl- vi- Ak A"Vaxl:,- SSSIR, -~ox 1;-6, --,961.. Q 3 jov !.~Nth 17-2 / 6 tl 9; cbsutantdA Determinatim ce Lead in mepicalves, IV J. Trestals. A, jilekp J. 9xvirw My. P.M. per# OWN prm Vol VIS So 2l 19%.p yp P-520 , WUM m so Imm set - Lfs/ (go R-2to54 Off-.180) IncreasiD9 the Assist&D.70 01: the 36ate Bank to nrelp Tmd* (Caeuboslovakits),, by Jlrf Havienu, 7 pp. CZXI, per,, Plnam* a Uver, No k# Pmgwp 19571, pp 159-]b3 95 JRM/ft-L-3W ABur - CxechoaluvakU Scan - Trade aW finame FIT '0 0 d- -7 t at'll r,C Oct NovIny,