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ByEtenatic Drifts of a Trizial Gyro Platform Due to Its Angular Oscillation, by V. A. Zinenko. RUSSM' ', per, Iz Ak 1.1auk SSSR, Otdel Tekh liauk.. 11 ~Lckh i Masbj pp 79-86. *FTD-,lu-64-536 GOV'T USE ONLY Bci Nov 64 7j=jar,,h, A. M.. Kozlovskays, A. A.. and Gorshentna, 0. 1. 1. Zinevich. A. M. ASPIlALX-F`OLYhll'.R INSULATING MATERIALS. 11. Koziovskaya. A. A. 119611 (9111, 111. Gorahenina, G. 1, Order f roni OTS or SLA $ L. 10 62-10602 Trans. of St roltel'slyo Trubaprovodov (USSR) 1960. v. 5, no. 12, p. 12-15. DESCRIPTORS: *Abphalt. Bitumens, *Polymers, CoatIngFi, Plasticity. Shock resistance, *Insulating materials. ed with polymers Results of the study of bitumens mix, "w %ays to Improve the structural-mechanical properties of bitumens for protective c=lngs. The plastification of bitumen coatings with polymeric materials brings about stabilized viscosity at in- creased temrcrature and Insures grcat'piasticity and (Materials. TT. v. 7. no. !0) (over) :.nsu-'l:ItLm- ov u Tcmr~er:Aures, Yol'j, -,,I-sm-f:.-.ce lipelines A Low j - - Zinevich. Neft Khoz, Vol 'UXIII, No l.C.9 Tech ~Lnd "orn ',7r-Lns vuels c,, '17 --c (NY-5100/4) Ust I -Donets Port Todayp L,,~ T). Zinevich, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Vodrqy Transports 22 0,.z '-r.An. JFRS 7999 USSR Kean ,~4 ~f V'l d Apr 61 1, rf, (.,Orn D'Iring Ont-yern-, Zine7ich, 4 Vol VII, hl~, 2, Ame!-, lns~ Bio.", Sf'l independence of Cimi-Polynomial Statintles fUnd Analytical Proporties of Motributions, by A. A. Zin8w, 19 pp. RUSSIMv r-w, Teoriya VwWwt=fteyI Yc7e ?rtmnr-,-iYa- Vol In o No 3: 1958. Bel 47 lie Apr 6e On Indepondent Samples from Normal Populations# by A. A.-Zin : 7 pp. - t HUSSIANV bizo per, "Us khi thte d Nauk., Vol vil No 5, 1951t pp, 172-175p 1 Scl Tr Center RT-783 Scientific - Mathematics / 0) (0 j CP -olecular tqdmgen in W dissolved in waters of .,il-gas fields, lower Volga Region By A.S, Li%er pp$ *:,khimiya, No 10, 1964 Geochen Soo 5ci Zap 1 63 Ilk'A115 L O~ ilau Geoluf~ (rr,-562T) Tnmeform-ation of ~he &)cio-&onomia Stmcttule of the RepilblIc of Guinea, by Harry Zingar, 11 pp~ G,ittArl, p,-,r, Dzutsche klssezpolltlk., No 1) 5 Auc 105,60) PP 155-165. JFRS NE/A - Guinea 9 &on Jun 61 cu4pm a IfflodlOw , :-- -, I? ~w~, - IV awo, VVIN14wiv ~," -. imsm Determination of the ~Ilwber of 64w'x- and %--UfsQas in Coffmic ftya at Tarlow Altitudess by Kb. P. Baboyanp 1. 1. 21Wr, V. A. Mmtyan RuSsIM, thrice-so per, Dok Alt fauh BSBR# Vol XCII# No 2. 19531 p 263. MY Tr 184 Scientific - Pbysice 61.319 CTS/DEX ZMaleirt wA PbUabls CommicsUou Servias for the VDAY Crftted Party " Owlet Orpni- zations by )L Fs Ursow and L Yes FAnmr- 8 pp. . Taww- 0, MWIM, per, Ventaik 9vyaxl,, ib 6 , 1,963, a 24-p-3. ipBs 21245 150A - out 6~ :2 A// - ^2.1 ~2- I t My -4853) 1 1 Experiame in Hadi0fication of Xruaodarokiy Lray, by M. F. TamsevP M. Ya. ZIWr, 13 w. FU581"I por, Vestuik Svyusij No 51 1959. JPRS 5968 Bel /'5-0667 wy 61 Dintortioc or tba. Lembb or Ttl~9r"h Dral"s War US ACtion of nUftMtltw NDime it On IN M'9tfts bY A* Ke !t~A~ Ippe -&~# awl b1m) vwp va no No I vp 70-00 ~11 8 *Orr" Meam" 47.00 Sol 44~ A/,P~ INN I IL ulae Distortions in Voice-Frequency Telegraphy Chavne2_9 With Phaae Modulation During the Action of Inter- by A, M. ZingerenkoL-15 PP- 1,MGIA17, mo rcr, ElettroLm.,,mm', No 2, Feb 1957, 3 3 - 4 Z ('FO w" T /v ~ ATIC F-TS-915411Y Llectronic5 Apr 58 of Rise Time of vansient Functions by A!:;plAudO Frequency Cbamcteriatice of Tranamittin8 by A. H. Zingerenkol 17 pp. HU631AN., mo perj, Hadiatakh-aik a,, Vol X, No 7, Jul 151,55) pp 8-20. ATIC 1?-M-W3/v - 0 V 5~: i;cIctornics Fair 1957 CTS of tbe T6Lgraph 1j. tha Freqtmacy "'hmwl f~anpt by A 1.4. L 12 pp, (AP"1031214). /-b;aiFiH4- be a PuUe~ p,- 6., 1956., r.T 63-70- 6335.%3 ATIC V-W-9157/V Oci - .1viectronies lay 1958 Tb,-. Dependence of Cathode Erosion on the Imngth of the Discharge, by A. B. Zinprmanj and D. A. Kaplan, 4 PP. RUS31AN, per, Zhur Thkh Piz, Vol XXIX, No 7 1-)5')., PP 8T7-883 Amer Inct of Phys Sov rhys-Ttch PIWo 701 M No 7 Sci Feb 60 The Plotting of Volt-tim Chmeterlstics of alat"an., by A. S, Ziapzumv 20 pp. I 3T . per, Maktriab"two, Vol VI 194% pp 30-35. SLA B-1491 sai Aug 58 -7 XL".tro-&-oslcnal Propertiw of Wtals, by A4 S. 7 RMJ'XASt, Per? Piz Wt%l i Vol Vi, No 1# 195-7.# pp 5ZZ- 7. 7c: r pbv 58 Oa ths MAICtusItiMs In DISObwas Chsawaso by A. S. Ziapmup ID, A. Molp3sus 7 pp. RUBM# pus Zbw tdib nap Vea "It !I - w, No 6, 1958s, pp 1267-1274. Of fty Pkm - took fts VOL U4 1b 6 eel - fts ftb 59 The Effect of Therml Conductivity Upon the Slectrical Erosion of Metals.. by A. S. Zinger- ,,,,A n ) 14 Pp - RUSSIAN,, mo per,, Zbur Tekb Fiz, Vol XXVI., No 9, 1956p pp 2008-2020. Amer last of Pbys Soviet Phys-Tech Ph" Vol I, No 9 Sci - Fbysics Oct 57 1-nqe~qiv~kj of the M%srnux at 'the Frwt of a 64=k vave Vp= the StwPnese of the Inergy-palse usn)n+ , T-_eL a-- Plihea in a Ldqo4d) by A. So ~~~ 2 pp. wj,,-sD-Nj, ao per., &nir At,, Vol ;CCVI,, No U., i4oy 1956, 7v 2539* .~Wr lust Of Myu 6m pb,-41 oe~ %!C-1 T, Ti-- -,l. :let Nov Proj^gatiou of a Disebarge Colum, by A. S. Zingex= 6 pp. RUBBIANj =D perp Zhur Tekh Fizy SM., Vol XMP No 5.- -1956j. pp 1015-10M. American last of Physics Vol 1, No 5,, Soviet Physics Tvchuicul Physics .~/- r. -3 w" /4Z Sci - Physics Jun 57 Electric Fxasion of an Anode " a FUnction of lntereloctrode Distan ep by A. S. Ziaprman,, Do A- MPlezr 7 PP- MWLU,, per., Zhur Teth Pis,, Vol XMIIX, No 2,, 10, PP 387-393- Amer Imt or Phys Boy Phys - Tvch Fbya Vol III,? No 2 Sci - Phys Doe metromaguet V:Lth a adfam aw staus )b9Wtlc FlOld for Matralogimi Work, by V. 1. ZJFPOrMRQo, 5 PP. MMLAN POri, lzmwltcl 7W(h, No 2, 1964, pp 19-id. ZBA sci Oct 64 267.qrkg Cathoan-, by ';o.. 7. zoltj. -P i 2dectron., Vol L'o rm 1512-1518. t 59 An Invwt4ptUm at the Pg at But= pwW%Mtolm throqo *a opm2lqp of a ?a Nqtal-tlla CathoM (L-caftoode), bY W- P- Sin- - - I V. A. Mcs m m 1 13, 3.0 99-4 . ..... . PMUMs pw., ftdiotak I MAMMA* %I Ms 0 81 195S., Im IM7-lM- ftl qj~ spiry Aug 59 Electric --alssion of Cathodes Hade fram- Poro,is Metal,FA by Yas P, Zingerman, 13 pp. I~TlQqTAM Y%o%- trOv- iA-v T~v+ YP4 ip AV Vm,-,L- Me" C"~ZTJ 7 pp 24-34. .9."> Asc Tr-4176 Sci Mm~ Phyc OL t 60 The Therml Conductivity of an Oxide Cathode, by Ta. P. Lingermn, WL IDWIMp Verp Mwalnskiy Fix Zhw,, Vol Ij, 1956, No 3P PP 30-311. DSIR Uji m 1030 106. Od. So i - Cbm M; Me Y. f/.- ~ ~ --? ~ z Sop 59 On Sam Proo*so" In an QKU*-Ccated ThnumetbWe During FMIODW opratiout by Ts. PO 4299M. umm FaSamp perv Wm~%InWdy Tls Zb%wp No 2j lMp Pp 183-1W. DMM UM M 10W Sol - Cbm Jul 59 5940~1 46 OJ .1k -1 " ., i.-, V .1 -.:id Rate a.' Tlzrium i_,v-,ll-,cl7f'l !C- Tr,-7I rnrC;,~17 Cathodes With Ctldc fV-1--rj b% Ya. P. ZAinlenr-o-n) V. A. tiadlotukh I ilcktrou. Vol j!) No 12, lip, 1536-154-3. M 'r-ni-. Mir 19 XLectronic imd AdmorptIve iVtcms ca Tunefftmj, lw It. V. A. Propwties of FJ I of Darlu P. Meem4p V. A. Ishebi*y RMIMO Wg Fic Tfwdw Tela, Vol np No 9.. 1960, pq 22T6-2M6. AD Sor ftgm - SoUd ft" vol n v No 9 sci Avr 61 intmiction of Kolocular Oxvpn a Tungsten Surface BY Ya ~ ?,, ~~~d V. A. Mwozov--kiy pp RUSSIM, per, Flz Tverdogo Taa, Vol IV, flo 7 lc,-52, pp Amer Lwt of Pkvs Sov Phys .. ;Bo)Ad Stato Vol IV, No 7 34' , Jim 6-; 'Mr,,tlaod P-- Studyir , -".:z 7'?: -rt-* k6sorption ..'rocesses on Uit Surfacu of SoLid D)6os, by Ya. P. Zingerwri V. A. Morozovskiy., 5 pp, I':)FI-AIN) pe&-, Fiz I'verdup Telas Vol IIIj Ni; 1; Ai P Sov fts-Solid State Vol III~, 110 1 ell ~.tar-, of th'. ALe-41i by Y'~~ 7 AIP Sov Metallurgical &W Metalvorking Problems of 12-11% Steel, bV~~,UnM deegm Geiger, GEB&AF, per, Schwizer Archiv, Val XXIII,, Apr 1957, PP 121- 7 1,27- Tr 606 SCI - Kin/mt JOU 58 Scattering of Fast Electrons,, by P, Urban, H. Zingl, 34 PP. OMMI, per, ForUchritte der Physik, 2 Vol VII, No 120 1959# pp (Al-67k. 92032~ A=-tr-5465 get - Pho Jan 63 1 / et v ?3 Etude stir les Tubes en Beton Precontraint dans 1'Etat Elazto-Plastique, by Go Zingoney 6 ppe ---- FFOTCH* 9069328 cEA x-478 Reverse 11'rmslation Sci Dee 62 -ri:uLe,--t'Ivt: CwatxuUILI.I~~i In Geivacij, 11-y DIr Willy Zinhan, Hermann Leutz. GIYMAN, publ by C. H. Beek Publishing Co, Munich, part It T9 pp. Navy Tr 1525/0PI 1338 Germany -;7 Ycon j ~ '. Ags.1n on the Distribution of Netwhromtlc Substames, in the Reml Tubules of the Gulum Pig in the State of Experimental Systacatic Hm' a is,# by F. Z-AnI 9 pp. ITATICANp per, Lo, Sperfumntalov 19 Vol CIIIv Mt pp 131-135. NM A No 2-34 V.2 -T Sci - Medicine; Bloloa Apr 1957, ON/dex Distributim of Metachrcontle Substames, Oxidizable With PerIoW Acid In the Kidneys of Sme, SpecZes of AnimmIsp by 0. Bomalp F. EW, 12 pp. A=h di Sci Siolm Vol =Vs IL951a Rp N3R Tr No 2-30 Apr 1M Mfdox "4/190 -M I a - 4 Of IMMMORting Rodiowaves In the Ts iWai AWM, by T. A. Zinidwra Ya. A. Ryabovo 0. L Lad4up 3 PP- Rmirm) per., Is V~smbilrb Uchob Zand PmUofi&im,, Vol Iv.. so 1, 1961, PP 17T-178- MW Z-135 909396 sci Nov 61 61-22429 Zinichcv. V. A., Ky-ztov, Yu. A., and Yudin, 0. 1. MEFHOD OF INVES11GA'I'ING RADJOWAVES IN TIIE 1. Zinichev, V. A. FROPOSPHERE. UNDER LARGE ANGLYS. [196113p. 11. RrLtow, Yu. A. Ill. Yudin, 0. 1. ffw-.1 MDF $'--,Q Jff)I- Z -1' 61V. MDF Z-135 V. FriLx1nmn, Akirris D.. 'I rx:, VIYSS111khl Utchetm.41ij Iw- West Newtm. Mass. Zjavcndcm~j. l1Lt,fi,Jizika (USSR) 11;61, v. 4, two. 1. p. DE 'SCRI Ill ORS: *Radiuwa~v,,. Atnx)sOit-rc, Angle (it arrival. 0111m J T-chwcd low~ic.% (PIJOIL'I W,ivt- I'mixigation, TF, v. 6. no. 2) system for tho RegulaUca =a cmntrol of the Parawters of Eloctrou Be"is in the VhP-1 EUctrawoElectran AccAmulator, by to 1. linint 9 pp. RUSSIAN. per, AtMIL& haelliya 1966, pp 220-223, DGPt of Navy Tr No 5154/0fil 2299 -7 t'141 Ni SCI - Elect & Eloc ERAr tar 67 320.507 . ~A .v F -0~ -- *Wor ma-ftv"wow*- w CIO= 0 lw 4~0 N6 T*- sm" lit w ow rd w~,# TC 6;'s# 71 m &C' kb aw an and ,A : as, Td v St. 1 5 4W obl6makm OAPSOM fid-Nd&Unbd fho " lwwqm" w OWT (FDD 26595) Tasks of the Cadastre in CzeaboalDvakia) by 4iuk*-3 PP. GMM, mo per Venftsagwteabuik, Vol 111, No 8y Berlin Aug 1955.# P 15b. CrA,'FDD/'U-7'983 E&'iw - Czechoslovakia Sci - Geophysics, Geodeoy Geo - Sco Arp 56 (FDD 26610) Setabliobment of Planting Areas in Agricultural Cooperative& (If rmany), by Zinkl 2 pp. GXRMANp mD per., Varmes!RBUtecbmik Vol III,, so 6, Ber1ft, Jm 1955# pp U9# 1w. ciA/pw/u-r#3o Mur - Germny 31 773~ 1 &on - Agricultum - I Chanocs o.P Hi,-hcr I 'lerva runction ia People Orvar 60 Yearn of Age., by L. B. GaXkel V. Zininas 14 pp. RUSSIAN, bim per.. Fiziol Zhur SM 731 XX)=p No 5) 1953v pp 533-539- ocientific - ~L-dicine CTS 70/Jul 55 lZolse In Ocar Wiv" md the Manufwtum of JAW Solft DrlVees by 1. Zdj* GRAMN., pars 0 AE-U&t-*# No It7a, 1961s pr 83-W. ILL Set 6075.4U (1931) Sal4laterUU July 68 360pgTg investigatioua of Boise in Toothod Gears, by 11. Zink. GEMN, per, Z VDI,, Vol XCVIII$ No 6, 1956, PP 297-303. DSTR/28140/CT t~- e-1, L -i Sci - Engr r, I-rw Feb 58 Undulating Deformation of Roads and Tracks an Tropical Co=tries., by H. Zia. H. per,, VIA, Wo lIj 1950,, pp 23-V- ASLIB OB 29 Sci Aug 58 6 z ~' Pawer-Supplied Dipole-Groups me Longitudinal 'Rsdi-Aora for P Bropid FreNuency Ftenge, by J. Zinke, 13pp- rv(; Joura3l Sci V Jul 59 su q,,-o6 Z;." / /, 1~11?zl ft LIPI at JAW m I -An=d US BWU4 %w ufts, 330 WDAM6 swi Emma Val is 194TO No 10 3926-92 = zr-&-n623 6 Cl/ ftl - as ow 67 326#667 Logarithmic Line-Diagram. by 0. Zinke. QSIMN, per AK9h,*lekt,-ftkdCt-v*l. 18, no. 6. 1964, pp 331-3Y) PM/ENG C, - /" , , . t- scl - Aug 67 339-545 M~wk LNSTALLA71ONS OF BROADUND ANTUMNAS (Cnmdlagcn der OrcitbanUmenvetwdaps). 119631[22~. 3 refs. Order from OIS or SIA $2.6D 63-1444D Trans. from nxxw. AuBgcwgxhe Progm Uber 7beogtv und Toctuilk von Anterausu Ildt 2:18rdfbandnnte~ Tra;nsformatoren und Y." (Selacted Quosdavis Regarding 71heory and Aram= Tedmiqws. Book 2:[Broadband Antewuu. 'rransfarnwre and Cable,D n. p. (Fob 43 ~ (Pil-89013) DE5CRIPMRS: *Dros&and antano", AwAuns4 Direction fladin& butallAWL 63-1*W 1. 7tnke 0. It. Mde- Rrei"ndwxt=m.. M. 1we. Selected ... IV. 7UW. Brvadbwd... V. M"013 e% 6gr) (Engbeering-PlectrAile. Tr. v. IC~ am 5) JncreasinZ the Effective Height of Aircraft Trailing Antennas, by F. Eisner, 0. Rudeck., R. Schroer, 0. zinL-e, 4o pp. per, Jahrb Drahtlosen Telegraphie u Telep.zaie, Vol XXXVII, No 6, Jua 1931, pp 219-229. SLA 57-1576 Sci may '?8 Propagatbn of Long Waves Around the Earth, bor 0 Zinke, 27 PP. UNCLASSEFM Rid Trans RAT-13 Iyank's Ot" nWAMENTALS OF THE MTKOnKM OF CURRENT AND VOLTAGE ON ANTEMAS. 11P631 [41p) Ora& ordler ham SLA $4.60 63-MM Tam. of ArcMv fUr IgehrowJwAk (Germsmo 1941, Y. A p6 67-M DESCRIPTORS- *Awmm rodfadcm psaw", Antems. Idectric ORTMU, Electric potwgid. Distribx1m. ftrftl diftreatial equations, Ywwr asslyals, R*UU4 iMpk*WG, MOMOMAPA& "Y". After redudag the field vorlaNce 11 and 5 tD ft vwwr potma" It and a scalar poondia f . do trammission v*wdom of the ra&ting utew* are derived in euct form and conWrod to dw uvjwd dmry of m-wirv tramernission h=*. sasM cm do ratio of ft vemr (Etogtasering-Mectroatc, IrT, v. It, w- (over) 17 -63-2D356 1. Zinke, 0. Electric Wave Guide Sptem, by Hum-Georg Ubpr, .Otto ziww. GERM, patent No 935o677t 5 PY- US Dept of Co ree Patent Office Sol Llb (gift) sci - May 58 6 1?" 44 sr/ mat-y" Qm"'" ftm an wuwwte, by Ve 0. Avetikcwv ]1. 1, Zjnvk9p 4 W, *1 -------- nummi, -Me ftddo I MuvMfto va IMJ, No 3.. IMO., 39 W28. CD IICL OW 62 210,9328 Reactions Taking Place During the Vitrification of Plastic Ste&Ute Bodies, by V. G. Avetikov, E. Zin'koo 4 pp. RUSSLAII, per, Steklo i Keramika, Vol XV, No 7, 19158~ PP 29-32. CB SCI Oct 60 Effect of tboe Composition of Vitreous-Phue stestitt UP012 time of IU Propeftiess by V. 0. Avetikw.. P. P. Badnikov, 1. 1. 7 PP- RLISSIMv no per Zbw,Prik Xhia,, Vol XXVT.II,, No 7p 1955, pp 673-681. CIA C 40838 Cormultants Bwvau Sci - Cben'stry Mar 56 CTB/dox mi'f /,A DE I 'NCIDE NI FRVit' I, Ill )I It IN CON I I NrF III, t O-utt, ~ii , -t Nit r w %6~ I tri !Vt 110. '1 1. 13 1 O~x, 11 'NASAA X I r ,it i(Ill;, Lif' or CNJ(~ so.~,O 'rr- 62- f Mtrtl \I I cu ,c!tvr- IW t ti 4 Zhu rim I PY i k 1. 1 d III 'i X h i r-nj I (I V~jjI 01': 1 k Will, I'ItA';V IIUAIC Polarographic Investigations of tie Hydrogenation Process. VTI. Hydrogenation of a Hixture of cis-tl'ans Isomeric Acidev by A, L. Markman and E- V. ZinXova, 5 pp- RUSMAN, per, Zhur Obahch Xhis, Vol XXXII, No 2. 1962, Pp 353-357~ 66q Fab 6.3 On the Kinetica of the Mutual Conversion of cis- Tranna Isomors) I. Carboxylic AcIdg, by A. L. ~'hrlmjwnj E. V. lAnkonj 3 PP- per,, Zbur Obsbch Khim) Vol XXIXt No 71 1.959) ;p 2-.62-2364. CB Sci Son 60 fte ThcoU of Dissociative Extraction'- Separatioa of Kixturea of AnUines lbuometbYlaniliDej and DimetUylaxLUIM., by Z. R. Zin'kovp L. I. Pylayeva., 5 pp. Zhur Prik Kh1m) Vol XXXV) No 4j, 1962.0 CB Sci j~m 63 232s764 )-talysis of ~.Iirturaa of Aniline, 'hono- &nil thylaniline, bj Z. Ea ZInIkaw, L. I. Pylaeva, 3 pp. ,:LJSI.;IAI,', par, Zhur Anal Mims Vol XV, No 1, 1960, !)p 109-111. C3 ~Oi 1(31 ~? / / Allf" 61 Vol. rp r7 The Problem of the Reciprocal Transformation of Cis- Trans Isomers. II. Azobenzene, by A. L. Maflaman, Ye. V. Zinkova, 6 pp. RUSSTAN, per, Zhur Obahch Khim, Vol )DUX, No 9, 1959) pp 3093-3097. CB Sep 60 3. Puraul.t. of the WitbdrsvJag -Zacmy, by A. Fozdnyshcv, Pin Tanha in Defense# b:r I.- rr~,A!n; 6 pp; CcAsin Conclusivas Concerning the Xmploymt of Tszks for ExplolUtIon of the Drealfthrougb, q Ov X. Ziakovich, 9 pp., VOCIAUVIM Full trnoclation. ll'=;L~Zl, pzr, Tauklat, No 5j&, p 17; No 10, p 7, r 17, XD OSLISA C-~9i-A (3-5) 5 3 M., -------------------------- v.adJ,o E-agineering and Space Flights, by A, 1. Zinlkovskiy, 8 pp. HOSIAN, bk, Massovaya Radiobibliotaka, No 388, 1960, pp 38-45. 9679102 FrD-rr-62-583 Sci - Electron ?,//., 6r 9' Y Sep 62 Preparation of Routes in the Muddy Season, by B. Zinkovskiy, :4. Lazebaikov, 3 pp. PUSSIAIN, per, Voyonnyy Vestnik, No 4, 1962* ACSI 1-02& 424 D ID 2191530 sci 212 Oct 62 2130614 niho Hydrooon-IlitroCen-Carboa Monmdde System and the Scrubbing of Wbon, 14owxide$ by F. Ruhcmm,, ff. Zinn. aww', perp Physik Z. Scyvjotualon Vol XlIp 1937* PP 369-W3- Assoc Tecb Sv RJ-182 $15-00 Scientific - Cbemistry 4r7 CM 73/01ot 1955 Price of Comlete Set o.,,O RJ-182.. 183,9 184., 185-- ~~.20 Zinn, W. STMES OF THE INRTLATM PROPEMBS OF THIN POLYMER17-AlION AND VAPORMAT104 RL-V& 119631 I.310p] 9rds Order from SLA $2.60 IT-63-L&177 Trans. of Gertn&n 14"Xe article froen an unidentMed eource, 196-7 (Abstract evallabI40 D&C KVITORS*. 0 Electric luWatlaw. nVa ffirus. *S111cones, Polymerization. OMeW fibne, *Ahuntaimn. 'Tin. PallAdhun. Silver, Gold. Vapor plating. Oiddes, Dielectric properties. The Insulating properties of fibna polynaerized firarn silicon. (K1 vapor by electron bornbardmou awd differew dielectric: vaporized films (33D to MW k wie tested between several different electrode oonaltuations cd various vitpurized meal films. 7U identically pre- (phyaLcb1--wectricity. TT. V. 11. am 4 Over) IrT-63-18177 1. Zhap W. Preseure Variatims in the Rrhaust Pipe and Zfficlency of Gao Bupercharpnj by 1, Zlmiars UHMMUM GMWj SoDderdruck aus dam MA.N. ForechungWmift, 1953 ftvy Tr 1022/BWWpo 561 e)9 I - i, ~ t1ju - ftgj rjeering ullg/m - . p /4;~7/ gc;-o 7"ho Combimtion of InUrnea-Mcbustion Miaine and Gw Turbines by K. Unmer MyMo pers VDI Zoitacbrifts No 245, 13 yay 1944. C 17 S.L.A. Tr Bbk - 11 Scientific - RagwerlM / :~5~ Jim CTS/Da The Acceleration Characteristics of a Diesel Ln.,Ine With Exhaust-Gas Torbochargery, b.y K. Zinner G:--R.).LAJ,I, ML 1952, pp 41-44~ Translation issuod by B.I.C.E.R.A. 52/14, OT/354 lndx~x "Ler.-mauticus, OCT. 1952 63-14271 Manoor, K&rL THE PRESENT STATH OF KNOWLED06 CON- 1. 7-. X. CERNM MDMJRB FORMATION IN CrM AND DtESHL MUIES. 2 June 48, 14p. Mp. OWM4 3D refs. Order hvm SLA $1. 60 63-14271 Tram a(VarainDeutacherIngenieum Zeibchft (Germany) 1939. Y. $3. no. 6. p. 141-147. DECSCRUTORS: *Fuel W. Di"al cogimm. latuvd coc&wdan engines. Combustion, Wdtlon, *Air. 4rud INKOw, Fuel nozzlas. Ccenbustion cbumbom ckubuwa--Puds. IT. V. 10. om 4) d labdw