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Auactions Between Vinyl Compounds and Maltifunational (iompounds. Comm=ieetion 5. Reaction of Glycerol Tri- vinyl Ester vith Monobydric Alcohols, by M. F. Shostal ov.-ky, V, V. Zbebroveky, M. A. ~Lndelyanovskaya, 4 pp. Full translation. RUSSIA-N, biao per, -Tz Ak Nauk SSSR. Mel Min Nank, 4o 2, Nar/Apr 1955, pp 354-358. CTA D 151364 Consultants Bureau SciOntific - ChGmist'7 iisactions Between Vinyl CoWounds and Ifultixu=tional Oompo=ds. Coomwmication .4. Reaction of Alkyl Vinyl Ztbera with Glyoml and with Glycml 112- and 113- Cyalic Aestals, by M. F. Shutakovml7p V. V. Zhebrovalq M. A. MedelyanovskWp 4 pp. Pull translation. ALSGIANp bimo per, I& Ak-Nauk MSSR, Otdnj~ Khin ffmik, Io 2, 1-brApr 1955, pp 350-353. CIA D 151364 Consultants Bureau The Pass"Nating Properties of Chromate Pigments, by I. L. Rozenfel'a, F. 1. Rabinahtein, V. V. Zhebrovakih 7 PP- PIUMIAN, per, Zhur Prik Xhim, Vol XXXIII, No 6, 1960, pp 1292-1299. CB Sci ) S-r I--, am 61 -eactions BetweanViiql Caqpounds wA Xaltifunctional owounds. Coomadcation 1. Reactious of Alkvl lrql Ethers With, Olycorol by X. F. Sboo%akovoky, - V. Zhabrovsky; X. A - Q*ZmZ4im;;, ull translation -.WaIANj, bino pars In Ak Ma SOME. 2wi M" S"k- MMp Shopeb 1.9~kj pp U6472. =A D INIO consatuts Bureau cieutific - Chemistry CTS 66/gar 55 The laterUUation Mwh&nUa of Gluteric Ac%dp by M. B. Meaekt U. 1. TAt84, 0. V. cbuvmbt 3 PP a RMIMj, no per* Zhur Mothch Iblat Vol NO 20 1953p pp 212-2L5. coneaumu scleatim - MOMIMU7 CU/IXX Az"oupllng Products of Mazo Derlvfttiven and Arcwtic Hydroxy Acib,, by M. 6- Zbedek., 3 FP- RUSSIAN, per,, Zbur Pr:ik Khlm, Vol XXXIII, No 2, 1960, pp 503-50. CB Scl Apr Q / Ll r1 ~ ~~j 7// Producto of Azo Cr,;.~"-, of BledluotisM 4,4'- nm-lloh-mwl :)Illfone (Aednwulfone) With Phenols and wz,~thols, by M. S. Zhedek, 5 pp. RTSMA.r., per, Zhur PrIk XhIm, Vol XCMIj No 2. jor";p pp 49-9-502. CB sci Apr 61 V'roducts or Am Coupling of Dl&zo Deriyativas With A--=&tic SydrMW ACUSS by K. S. MOM, S. S. Sht mssrAN, mo per Zbw PrIk Mdm# Vol MIV, No 1, .Tan 1952.. Py 'it. Consultants Bureau Vol 25, No 1, Jan 1952 11190-.R :;cientifie - Madstrys aso coupling, diazo, bytrooW acids ~n-ounds Obtained by CouplW A Diazo Compound ~~Itli NitroGen-Containing Derivatives of Phenolz and -ij~ithols, a?xl vith Buiro Acids ct Phenolu,, iphthols, Nsphthylamlueep and Aminonaphthols, by 8, Zbedc%l S. S. ShUl., M, A. Gorinzbtoinj, U, mo, per,, Zhur Prik Khim, Vol XXV.-No 4,, 1952,9 pp 441-448. consultanto D=au 7S'7.2- '-Acatific - Chemistry Doc 53 CTS ..)ducts of Couplina A Diazo CccpourA vith .ilfasilaxidea,, by M. S. Zhadek.. M. A. ~.;:--Inshtain pp. mo per, Zhur Prik Xhtn,, Vol WO No 1952., pp 449-450. Consultants aweau 7f75 ChcMistry Dee 53 m Products of Azo Coupling of Diawtized Sulfonee With Phenol and Naphthols., by M. S. Zbedek)p 5 pp. RMIAN, m0 per, mw PrIk Man, Vol XXV0 NO 1p USSR, Jan 1952.. yp 109-114. Cmaultants Dam Vol 25, No 1, Jan 1952 USSR Scientific - Chmdatry, sulfones, phenol, napbthols Products of Aso CouplIM oT a Diazo Derivative with Sulfoule Acids of Phenole, NaLpMalmy RepUthy2sadmap ard Aminmaphthols, by M. S. Zbedekp RUSSIANt Pero Zhur PrIk KhiM, Vol =11no So 3p 1.960, pp 707-710. is Sci Apr 61 -IP4~1 'R 4 j m A Historical inwrpretatim of the Usin MsUnctive ftatuves of tbe. ftrmtiou and On OIOPMMt Of tb* Beart in the m6lar uW Lu 0#0 by T. I. Zbt%wwyp 4 RUSSIAN, purl Dok Ak Ikuk aM# Val MMs No lo 1958# pp 252-- Amer lost of DWI Od Sci - Ned A Historical Interpretation or the Formation and Developmat of tbe. lAmgs in the BIgher Placentalia and in M&n,, by V. N - Zbedewyj 4 pp. RUWZAN# perp Dok Ak Mauk BM, Vol CXXp So k 1958,, PP 918-- Amr bmt of Slol Sci Sci o YAd Tho Calectlon of amoot b rom of ftnt"hold A Str tins, uy IL L ~0741 3 pp. MOSIAN, per,, Zhur YAkrablollpidesSol I Imoumoblollvol MLlm" So 9,:19580, pp 118 act - vAd lky .59 of a Hish.prequency muctarse with l-'J*(Lr(>d,'r'P--'-Iac Ccmpression, by Zh. Zbeebavev, 3 T)p. RU531ANy per, optiM J spektroo Vol jXP No 3, '1!36o~ mn -M-294. Optical Soc of amar ,,, c 1., ,5 o~ 6 Jau 61 / --? &I, ' vol. 11, -~j '910 P.1 ;res, ~.--,d -,r-sT fill, -,,.tic)n of '5. 4) (DC -27 WV0 3--,pxate Irnree-Stage Harvesting of Graln. aedmloyj 13 pp, lu per, iuzL Sel'akokhoz Nauk, No "50 -3- 93-10y. Jr-RS-1055-D USSR Ec,--n - Agriculture 1, Ir c Industriul Application of Isotopes. by V. V. Zhe&11!~yj, B. :-iarzykulov, 5 pp. lllformat3ionnyy Byullatonl VDRM SSSK# ;io. 7. Jul h'iW, I)p 34-35. j,"'RS 27,347 Ussi, kc0a Jaix 6S 271#506 m on Ujo Bog MY NAM Radio ~dlllve Fropaj~ation Char- cteristica of a 3imple lonoaplieric Model Ba3ed on Rocket Mt--, by L. 11 iv - MISSIM, rpt. Planev-ry &- Sp--ee Sci VC-1 ii, HO 2/3, Apr 1960 P? Sci - Electron /w/ ? GC p ( 33~ A Study of the Equilibrium in the Rehetions of Reduction of ZrO2 and V20 3 by Carbon at High Temperatures )by V. I. Zhelankin, V. S. Kutsev, pp RUSSU11, per, Zhur Neorgan Miim, Vol III 110 5, 1958, PP 1237-1240- AEc Tr-4453 PL-I& sci May 62 154, 3~k PST 375 SO Wldlag qt Xwa*lma Owtsou In a Xomuc i by B. I- ArRublP, Ts Fe Malersk.. 5 W ---------* Im wo 0402,00h PAVIZP XD 4.9 1961j. IV 2T.0. Bat $a Aw 62 '"ONT X-Ray Study of Fracture Ptices of.Ampow* Impact Test Bars, by M. P. Zheldalt, RMHU, thrice-mo per,, Dok A Nauk 660g vol i=iii,, No 6,, hopopw 1952, pp 843-845. &utcher Tr 3h35 $1.90 SclantLfic 4 avoice Aug 55 CTS 5A'S1AolE&,4iW,6 Experienm Acc=Llated in the Dwmlopment of lua, U-La Modele of IlectrooUtic Owratora, b7 1. r. Xmlyzli--vp P. a. Zbelmilar.-P 0. Ta. Poaball$ 4.0,pp. - - --- =$IAN) bkj mAktrostatichookLye awariatoa, 19591 pp224-mb 9670564 YD-MM-&7/1 Sol - RoGr lerl~e~ z Aug 61 PRODUCTION MANSION BY GRUDI ZHELEVj 15 - in ram '1~10 w aw"Imm I m.T*f w low woum - 0 MAMW^ POO ICMNDNM INS6 NO 90 OCT Igoe PP 1649. Jm 17614 PONOULGAMA IM i3 U41,149 P m (Nv.-5o65) vossibilitiee for wood Production From Bul~prian Forests,, by Ivan Zhalavj ZT pp. BUL&UUM per,, Lkoamlebankm Woul, Vol Vs No 5, 1960, pp 40-52. im 7625 Eta - Bulpria , /. 4 ~J/", ///j - Econ Feb 61 tue a"I Of tba bUSS Mao- 3.7 V9- wo bj Or%U !b,~ I 10 stovowt" ?law tlawaal vallgas VP - so 3p '101 %ql arm ftp U 8t,3#, WltwA Le ft Mp ty V. 1. Turchin, 1. Bbbkov, V. zho=u- RUSSW~ peri Vast Vy"bW Shkayi. No 9s 1959, pp 39-45. InUma Art$ MA Sol Fftsm so"t zdtn*uon Vol U1, NO 2 UBBR - Soo Apr 60 717 lbtbo& or lutuslulm %bik IOWUNSC Of O$Xt= Imalaw Fm nssim pnpmww V. or Hwry aww'v t7 0. V. Dam# IL 599. IIUIMyW, pwp PvMakkdmljUp VOL IV, No So 1962p. vp 3*&V- CB Sol Apr 64 Formull a for the Determinationof Vertical Stresses Produced by BDrizontal Icad, by N. Zhelevailwv RJUSIM, per, Oawv. Fandam. MDkh. qnqt, go. 1, 1963, pp 23-24 CSIW/ No, 7896 127 ~2 h e- ~-C.L /_" / 4 o () Sci - Aug 6T 33T-165 Contribution 44-0 the Problem of Sarcom of the Uterus,, by Bt 1. Zheleznor, 3.1 pp. RM-Q!P.h, per, Soviet Mods Vol XXV, 1961, PP 3-7. NAv7 Tr 3035/mm 651 6cl - I*d Feb 62 /'P'~' QDD 22455 Ekmonovicillin and NovoeiUin# by R. Zhelazwm 2 ppe RMIM,O mo parj, Hauh i Zhizno So 6.. mmeovs 5 J~m 1954., p 32. CIA/FW/U-6641 Scientific - Ned, antibiotics Oct 54 CTS (by-3906/1). ramca Fjoviet Inventor, on the 75th Birtl:~ of D. S. Treger , by H. S. Zheleza0v) 3 PP- per, Av-c=tVA, Telemkhanlk-a 1 9, 3.958 41D. JPM -1971 -3 Scl - Mac usm 11-3 Sioa Vov 59 CILDOAlit,y Ot TWO CIWGGS Of WOTWUOn Chanr&10 With Randomly Varyizg ftweten.. by N. A. Zbelex.=.w,,W 6e~r, RMSM, per. BlektwevM I s No 10p 1962 AIM 8ei )* 63 -j.,%c correla, ion Intei-val o-, 'AL~iah -n-1, of Power Spec, ru=, -110V M). Per, a-cI-bm,;Tjaz'j I:c) 5, 1061. 3ci (DC-3901/37) The Pover Characteristion and the Correlation Interval of Stochastic 84anal . Particularly speech Signals,, by 1. A.. ZbelssuMs 14 pp. RUSSIAN,, bk,, Voprosy Statistiki Rechij, 1958.. pp 12-25. JPRS 6413 -17 Bel - muc Feb 61 8ome o;' ti,,t Sptetral-Correla"Lion, Th~zor,; of Noutationary Sipnals~ by N, A. Zhelemnov. LID RUSSIAN, pzr, Radioteklh i Elektron, Vul 17,/1959-; pp 359-373. T .Lnternatl Phys Index Automation R)Tress Vol ii, No 4 1 Phys Jim 6") ;2- e) The Quantization Of-St9okastic-Sipal-tv with Wirdt-t dp4-!trum und aom.- Rerultr,'Of th~- TWOry of Fulso tranacd~sim of lnfomti=p by N. A. Zh--ljznov, 23 py. RUWZAN; por FedloteM I JUm- 1, Vol m* 30 it 1958, VP 3"1 ParVam fte" Set - Blectm Itept 59 *LM Am thD fW" lnnft %W Go Vs BUSMdm* OA A* As admm. Is pr* A-34s"No per b3ft MAW Vol Lliv 0 19649 P16 -14,11111,114339 Lovt of sv pmu~ le Utilhation de la Methode Radiometrique Dosu--e de l'Uraniwn, du Thorium et du Radiwm Datis les Minerals, (Uee of a Radimvtric Method for Detemina.tion of Uren;L=y Thorium, and Ruditin in Ores, by E. I. Qelemova, D. V. Tokarevaj 14 pp. to FIRLINCH RUSSIAN, per, :Laliod Lab, Vol MV, 1953, pp "159-9-3. Reverse Trau CEA Tv-R-939 .3c j 2`1; Jan - -1 CaT Radionctric to of Uranium) ThorlLmj and R,taiumm in Orcs, by E. I. V. Td~aruva-, ln6tru Soc of Ark(.-, Hass Transfer I.= Sir4C-Le-Drop !~,tr=ti=p by A, B. ltvwisbtein. RUSSM, t;er4, lurnal P11ILladmi KblmiiL 333H "tky ilp FA'.. pp 45-2437 MaRO/No 69%~o /-) - 2 A c i c. J- A1 ~ /~ < sci - G( 336,745 Determination al Mao:) Transfer CoofficienU for ExtmUou In the N-Reptam. Tolziono-Diethylono Ol.-c3l SpIltem it a ft,311,2 Mixer by A. S. and B. 1. Bmunobteup =NO-4-90- E~~ - "s - - .6W.9 Zi ~, mer. "~w 1962p W 2706-414. Sol. VOV 63 Protection of Steel For= Aplust ftrmionj by I - Kiselsvp 1, *U"k. RMSIMs parp Betcm I Zbelosobetoup no 10# 19AM, 1? 389 - e- ~ C. S. 10 Re Ot Tw" Sol way 6o //7~. L,~7,P- -ir-ribution of t~rie Crimewi Rivero I Dicabarge Witbin -. u ~bc of One Year, by I. A. Zhalezayak, 9 pp. :',:USSM, par Voprosy Geologo Moscov) 1957, PP 186-194- (Call no GB746) U91) Eag TO Al�r USISR coo oct 6o 112 9" y 3 --,-Jl Tekh: NO 1959, pp 56 Inrt"-a p:.oc of Amer RAWZINO Ta. R, WmAwkwTO she Re Magnetic Methods of Control of Auroaled HypereutdoWd 5t"l. JWWKAIA LAMATOUTAp voi 149 1ABO Ib 7v pp 817-8231 31-00 mmda. Brtttchw ]b ?Ms S (Ely oi' 1, per, ING, iilldinf i Vol 4, lC16". no,,If" The Frequency Spectrum of the Slowly Varying CoLT)onent of Solar Radio Emission, by V. V. Zheleznyalcov, 9 pp. RUSSIP14, per, Astron Zhur, Vol XL, No 5, 1963, pp 829-841. Arder Inst of Yhys Sov Rk Astron - IT Vol VII, No 5 S kz 64 254,487 Polarization of Radio Waves Passing Through a Transverse Magnetic Field Region in the Solar Corona, by V. V. Zhelezny~v, E. Ya. Zlotnik, 7 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Astron Zhur, Vol XL, No 4, 1963, PP 633-642. Araer Inst of Phys Sov Astron - AJ Vol vii, No 4 Sci Apr 64 254,514 The Role of the Btatij Usetric Yields in the Propotion of UoutrawCwtic wom la a nam; by V. V. Zholez4vokwis To. Ys. M*4dkp .m R=L43 . per Ts TymohM Vabob fAmed,, Raftor.Lzp Vdt VIP So 3: 1963, pp 6A-6-%. JM 229V. Sci Fab 64 D9 I On the Transformation Electro-Magnetic Ones tropic Plasma, by V. '. Ye. Ya. Zlotnihf 31 of Plasma Waves into in a Yon-Uniform Iso- Zheleznyakov, PP. RIMSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy MViSSO SSSR po Razdelu Radiofizika, Vol V, iio 4, 1962, pp 644-657. JM 16917 Sci Jan63 220 p 2JCS The Origin of the Slowly Varying Component of Solar Radio E"lission, by V.V. Zliclun o , 7 pp. ~yqLk_y RUSSIAN, per, Astron Zhur, Vol XXXIX, No 1, 1962, pp S-14. AI 11 Sov Astronomy - M Vol V1, No I sci Aug 62 213,414 Pln -4 lc I jRz Noncoherent Mechanisms of Sporadic Solar Radio zmiasion in the Case of a Magnetoactive Dironal Plasms by V. L. Ginzburg, V. V. Zttelezuyakovo Pp. 1-14. RUSSUN, per, Astron Zhurg Vol XXXVIIII No 11 1961s PP. 3-20- Sci AIP sept 61 (NY-5230-N/RF2) The Tzotabillty of Yagnatoac+Ave Plasm Relative to PAPh rmquency Electromagnetic Excitations ii, bY V. V. Zbelezrp3wy., 22 pp. FOSSTO, per, Ir. V~rsshlklh UcbOUM Zaved, WCO; Ser Wiofizika.. vol in, No 21 1960. Scl AW 61 JM 7376 /4 1~1 .63 9 (NY -4 34-1) Magnetic Brerostrahlung and Instability of a "yatera of Charged Particles in a Plasma, by V. V. Zhelez akov 36 pp. RLSSIAN, per, Iz Vy9shikh Ucheo Zaved, NVO SSSR, S'er Radlofiz, Vol II, no 1, 1959- MRS 5279 Sci - Phys ~7 oct 6o / 7 Gyroresonant Radiation and Absorption In an Equillbrl= Magnetactive Fluma, by V. V. Zheleznyakov) 24 pp, I------------------- RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vyssh Ucheb Zaved, Radiofiz, Vol VII, NO 1, 1964. im 25168 Bei jun 64 261)496 Absorption- avA ';taliatUm of 'LloctramVwtic AV43 a ~nmt-mative pla"I t7 v. On the Absorption of Blectromiguetic Waves by a *,gutoactive Plaamj, by V. L. Giusburgs V. V. Zbelemynkov., 9 pp, BMWs per, It Vyaahykh Uchebuykh Zavokulty# w0" 98410MOR, P-w% wo't 1.958, PD48FO. '"As. NW-0-159 Sci BOV 59 Jaz 7 ca or MMlo Edmdm Assodated With 84u- spots., b7 V, T# z)W2AmVulw* 25 pp- 4m 0 10=40=t MMM Aft-w-Es Vbl M=* 3b 1., 1955P pp 33- " sci er oenter mT-42o4 Wl - Afftron=W -~4/j On the Theory of the Sporadic Radio MAssion from jupiterj by V. V. Zhclczuy~~ 10 pp. RUSSIAN; perk Astron Zhur,, Vol XXV, NO pp 230,2-40. Amer bat or ra~m 8ov Astrou - AJ Vol n I NO 2 Scl - Astron Jul 59 -L_4 C in Pp o-an Radio &Aission of the Stm and Planetsy by V. V. Zheleznyakov., 42 pp. RUSSIAI,.',, perp Uopekh Az Nauk ) V01 LXIVi 140 1) 1958, pp 113-154. AEC-tr-5331 FL-480 Sci June 64 261)0W23 On the Fousible mechanl=s of sporeAic Solar Radio ftiselon (Fadlation in an Isotropic Plaome), by V. L. Gintburgy V. V,molesayakwj 16 pp. RUWW,, perf Astron zhur,, Vol XXXV,, No 5p 1958, pp 60-7U- Amer Imt, gt Phys Vol lis NO 5 Sci - XW Astam SOP 59 S.1"b" Ufteu in IL Hmpatowu" PI"Mt T. zbdsgqokwp 9 rp- Za"d,, Tca 1, No 5/6, PP 99-33- 966[367 Pbo, xuotr MIM jan 63 On TbOM7 gf gpq"4jc Hadiatiors of the Sun, by V. V. 7143ASO."W-, NO -- 4 RMOM perp ftdiot*kb i MAktrObo V01 It 1956s, VP &W. ABC #3372 SO - E*Ibectron MN 58 ,071 -0l / (P/ ~IA ~ The Method of Point Transfonnation and the Problem of the Forced Vibrations of an GsaLllater.with "Combined Frictiolopi 'by N. As Zheleztsovb P. j3'- IAIi jp biQi j Prik Vlatenat i IMIekhp Vol XTII, 1"9j 3 40. 9 44 AEC Tr 1105 Sci Physics Dec 51 crs 41n, Oic korating Regime of tim, S'~=atriaia KL!tl - by R. A. Vlielez.+4307~ ,L-.a ~L 1. Feigin, lQu,531ANI. K'-',ekt--vr-p Zo 6,f J19.57j P.0 plarsnmoftm List Nov 58 The Method of Foint Transformation and the Problem of the Forced Vibrations or an 08cillator With "Combined Friction", by Zhelezt zov, N. A. RUSSIAN, per, Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekbanika, 194~,, Vol 131 PP 3-40. Sci Museum Lib No 52/0365 Ifte mmyorti" at 09 ~ ORA of In avabuft platt~ fournafts w I* I. cbwxw"p vmll !tw-z-om 3 ppe Xnew Zhw NborW Map 3b 12.,i96Lo pp ;9WA340. Clawol,bam ft"s U4 ftl Oat 62 213o939 I 'a-mn-tricai ic=eriam of I-Irihydroxochl.o-o(14-am-'LEe- plati== 1, 17;) Derivatives, by I - 1. CheruwAyev, N - K Mallgovwuqu~ 3 pp - %I-rr Zhur NeorGan Xhim, Vol VA--, No 1, 19 4 :P L9 pp Cleaver-H,xie Press A I)i-.:: prov:rticz c-' thG llitrullv-g~-Crjp in P.-'e-t1vtIn ~czapiexeb, by J. 1. Clierz*-,*---,r, N. N. A. V. PabkCV, 3 Pr/- TIOSS~Ali, por, 71,ur Neorgrin Dim, V0. VY, No 1, pp cl-r'o. Cleaver-Hume Precs Dee 61 e -Praw IT.L li.jace a~~,e Hydroxo-Group in Di'-I,ydrox.xUbromodiamine-IlIaLin=(IV) rsomers, A by 1. r. Cherayayev, N. K. Zheligovskaya, 7. A. Taingister, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, 7hur Neorgan Xhim Vol V, No 12, pp 2690-2699. Cleaver-Hume Preea Sci ion 62 ,JI-a the Scientific Principles of Machinery and Pover -c-igineering in Agricultural Productiony by E. :1,111eligovsklY 5 PP. np, Ekonomi-heskayn Gazeta, 30 Doc 1960, JM 8488 61 T~w Use ef Yachinery atA Electrteity in Farmi4g, by.. I V. zheligmNri 70 pp. RUSSIA-) bk- Four Contl rents Book , . Cor p 822 &-ondway 'Tew York 3, 7f -9.) Foorgence into Vacuum of the Cerenkov FwUa- tion Produced fram Longitudiwil Waves in a tbdium., b~, B. L. Mel=,s 6 pp, MMVX, per,, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Piz., Vol XLO 110 1) 19611 PY 17'D-ITT- AIP SOV fts - JEIV Vol xiii,. no 1 Sai ,p 19 Aug U The Classical Groups. Spectral Analysis of Their Finite-Dimensional Representations., by D. P. Zhelobenko, 94 pp. RUSSIAN, per) Uspekh Matemat Nauk) Vol XVII, No 1) 1962. Cleaver-H=e Press I4ftd 0 Sci 214,W5 oct 62 Descriptioa or a]-' -Irredacible Rc~-crcsertatvions of an Arbit--vanj Connocted Lie aroijp.~ tv D, 7, M---10b=%O) 4 PP. RMSIAH, per, !-bk Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol C-X;CM., ll,-All pp 12Qi-1294. ArgT Math BW scl aj~l j~= 62 Basic Phyalcal Pr%Terties of Formtion oil and Walkr and their Changes Throughout the D,-,Bed of t.'-.a TuIrsogy Oil Fieldp by A. I. gmlonkinj I. ?. Ilikolayev,p 4 pp. RLMWp per, Kert Moss Vol XXVIP, go 3; 1958, pp 4.2-45. 3 SCi - PUe13 SPP 59 Vol 2p No 2 Izzeritel Tekh. 110 ~U, 0,. L W