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Vutilisation do RitAimatlft Pftmt um Jbinowe Proteauca C=t" Im cow do roidiv, by J. van der Klis, 19 pp. per, BleaUvolca, Vol IMp 1959p pp 165-167.- 171. Rmrse ?raw CM Tr-X-23D Sol sap 61 ill t'r-10 cavitati4n Tuarmas f" 1 76 t~y Ce 110 Civii irivu Trmmleelon of RDwW Across Semi- Tftnepannt ibdlap tjr H. Van Uwthex.. at &I, Ffd=s Per* verrent et Reft%eftiftn't Vol xall No 4..'1959,9 VP 179-M- Sai - Pb" Oct 61 /7/ 17t, Elood Transfu-S.Iml tacilm J, Vim Lo~hw,, Jr, A 4 11-25-L4 JU ti':) If.360 12 5 The Supply and Demand for Asurbic AcLd at the Soutk Afriem Aat&Mic Bass, ISWAp by A. Is L van der Nome WT(Us Pot$, SQU6 Afri" Joao Val 360 1962, pp 1S1-794. *Dci,t Of WSW/062/" 1162 DOC 66 NY-6093 lial-Dwng is Striving to Ccoglete ita !961 Txrigation Plan Dulng the Pirst Six Months~ by )(~W"n- VIMSUMEs per, Nban Dan, go 25200 11 Feb 1961o Y 3 JFR8 Wt PEI ~ Ilfi&tM= Econ 1545--b-7 jun 61 62-ASIS Ya. aid YaM R. A. MOOR DE L*HYMAZM ET M 1. VOW& Q Ya. Composgs LM#RANT CEM DERMMRB (CoWnd U. Yoga. L A. Hyd - - ne am of Compounds Ll M. F/R-397 6p. 14 rds. FR-397. IV. Come National do I& Order from aM ETC or MRS $(L 90 62-36515 Racbutlw Sclostfique. parts (Frame) Tram. In French from Akedemlya Nauk Ss9L Dousdy- L960, v. 133. no. 2. DPSCRUnrORR *Hydr--i a. Hydantoino. 'Colortmetri analysic I ~ , t 11 (Chemistry- -Orgudc. Tr. v. 10. no. 9) 1 Imines of Di- and Polyketones. X. "Ja- tion of Imince of 2-Mettql- and 2-Phsrolin- dandivne-l,~~ by Yv. F. Freimanis and 0. la. Ynrlag, 5 ppe RUSSIAN, per, 7-hur Obshch Xhim. Val XXX", No 7, IQ62, pp. 2140-2145. CB sci Y-jy 6 lodonium Derivatives of B-Diketones. IV, ileaction of 5-I'lierw1cyclohexanddione-10 with lodosoacetatep by 0* U, lleiiand,, G, Y84 V~~ Rus6ik;j, per Zhur Obehch Khln,, Vol. MI, 46.1, 1961, pp* 1h6-155 CD 8c J. / 17 -Zj .2S-S~ P% r 62 Ac~~%Iou of Rindme., by R. A. 5agat p G. Ya. !!!!ffx 5 pp. RUSSIMp rxs Mw Obahch I=miio Vol MAIU., No 12, 1962p 3925-3929 yp. OB 1301 . / i oct 63 .~)I( L d & I q -2- I .'.)w?~-hesis cf 2-DenzhVdr~~,l~nn--n-1.3-.Llion, Rjul Itu 2- V kmino Derivatives, A-K- Axw-- -~- la, vanag: FUSM1.11, per Zhur Obeheb U-im Vol. M!, No. 1., 1961, -pp. +16-116- / 17 - / -k'x " CB Sri / Y'Z" .2 4 r heaction of wlth Arcr,3tiC and Heterocyclic Amines, by 9. Ya, Van&&, "a, *"a. Ozol. 5 pp, J. A RUSSIAN, por,, Zhur Obehch Khim. Vol XAM, !,a 5, 1962, pp 1436-1440, CB sci ? 5 2 Har 63 "hItinuclear Heterocylic Compounds. 11. The ~"aucture =d Color of Scan 4-rhavyi.-Dibenumlere- phridine Dwivativesj by G. ynp>z R. 1. 84. .W*evlcbr B. Ya. area,, 6 pp. RMSIM, per, 2hur ObsMh Khimj Vol XXX, No 5., 196o., pp 16m-1QT. C3 2 61 PFOARATION OF 2aARALKYLel-I ~-3 OLS By CATALYTIC KMOMNATION Wq RoAMIDEMPI 3a IWMIMM* BY T. T. MWl5j, G. YA*% 0 4 pp. MMANS PE% UK AK WX SSSRp VOL CXLI It ND 610 19Qs PP 1305-1311 - ca SO - CHM OCT ~2 2121,222 cataytic hydredowtian of 2-&MetlWad 1,93-LANAld LAGMd'am to the rftPGDAIA9 193-DANW to' a., by T. To Dopis$ 0. Y&--- - I k pp. mums pwo Dok Ak NMdk SMI Vol = 0 No 8.1 1962,s PP SUISM 0-365. ca Sei - cbm Oct 62 212j,126 MM - Ds w o56-9 dd 4ag6i "I ON *111M -IOA *WSMM IV mm Odu 6WISM *4m t "OiiiiA ~"VA '~O "SlaM ~i I M 16CMIGMI Cot-VW-C-JO NOIiVaDMM 51JAWIV) AS SVP-C-NO-1-NMIUW-Z JO tADIJ.VNVd3*d Isotherms of Monatcale I Nbstawes and Their Binary Nixtures UT. Idem of Matcxdc Odb- etwees XXXr. The Compmoibility Of W&-ogen and H*Wun Ou Detwom 90 end 14 K. a by br F. P. G. A. J. vp-4a~j x. K=wr:ljlk-gb as 15 pp - * perp Vwdftm dw AftwUng X&t=luM& Akedesde ven laws IMP pp 625-63T- in- Sed - ck.,,, ft 63 loothum of Matode SubsUmes od their SLnSZ7 MLxtur*s XCM. The Bdutviw Of 44mgm ftm the nw4p*lnt of tho LAW af W"U=t Otatmp by F. P. 0. A. J. 2!!~ AStp 8 pp. MTCK,j pw, TeraUgm der Afdoellm N4=tuDft Akademle Ym Watma- I Is N vol =av. 1925, pp 638-&3. 9686TI9 wo-==46 Sol - ftp 63 Further investigations on Natural Rubber Tiresj by H. C. J. Deckerp G. J. Van AmeMOBW; 15 pp (AF-W143Y Full tr GERW,p doc p Deutsche Kautcchuk. - Gesellachaf t, VortzWptaguagp Mw& Munchen., Oct 1954.. 16 pp. ciA 5634oo-v ATIC F-w-8554/v Sai - Chemistry oat 1956 cTs/dex Iborgmia Complanso ty A. E. 20 pp. D=sp Pwp ohm wom"t Val Lne 1956* pp 193-197. AIM Tr 2656 sai - obudstry Jj/ Dso 56 0" e1 i ~; . , " - . i hetallic Recrystallization Nuclei, by A. E. Van Arkel, P. Koats.' 10 pp. G&RHO, per, Z Physiks Vol XLI., 26 Feb 1927, PP 701- MA 57-2069 PaY 58 6 g Y-~7 (FDD 20250) Th,-A Chemical Bond as an Electroutatic Phenomenon, Parto III-VII by A. S. van Arkel, J, R. do Boar, k$ 46 pp. MITCU, wk, per, Chemisch Weekblad, 1929, pp 1h6-149$ 162--Xj 2-10-2120 224-228. CIA/FDD/U-5771 WZur Netherlandz Oci Physics., molecular forcas VAN Amm, A.T~:. onccr-,-stal I ine t un,.-Is ten vcor natimrkunde 3; 19~3 !:6CI-landich tydsc~xi IM Tr H. the HI& 2knowl of the Natkxwl AwmauUcal 'to Resftxcb (No L. L.) al. hwtwdml by t: P. J. van s . pft, Uwhtftarttechidek, Val mms, lb 3, An -1956. 0; W4-c-m fti Aug 59 40 < ZI~3 e -.0 * in tho pyri I zo I e. by ~' I pp. Der, Vol LIX B, '-(,2,, A k Hct--rologouz GmStc al" thf, Hematc5~oiotic gyntem) by T). W. vmn &-kkum, 55 PP- La Semaim des HopltauA, VOI Wrll; -f. no 13, 14, J~Ll 1958, PP 1063-U0" ma 8-26 aep 59 The scope of aboden, Protection AsLinst Ion' ing FWAIAtion In Mmals, by D. W. van DmkIC=j-J* As Cohen. x Pqw., P/932p Promedings of Intmational conference on Peaceful Uses of Atoadc Zmaw Hold at Gen"& 8-2D Aug 1955, Vol X1. lute=atl 00af -- ON Sci - Nuclear Physics cu 1-66949.162 J-C2.1; 'd '77- Homo and Heterograft of Hemtopoistic Tisaues in the Mouse, by Y. D. W. y2L.Bs"" 0. Vogt W. W. H. Weyzen, 12 pp. FRENCH., per., Revue d'Hmtologie, Vol XI, No 5j 1956, pp 477-485. ER Tr 10-23 Sc i - Medici tie 71 Oct 57 utribdian to +,be StU4 of UW Fr&&tJoll of ?we Cdaim SUiat"t tr A. Via Mwtj 20 pp. I 1 0 pwv Dun fto cbft Boup Vol LIIVS i"go pp 333-3n. SAA. ?r M &A - ---A U7 i ,4.2 Jan 57 OIS - " to d :2, j-i357/64 Chinese Imperialism) by M. van Blankenstein. DuTcH, np, Ret Parool, 19 sep 1964... *j m /Dc-lo862/special China poi oat 64 J-1357/64 Sukarno and Malayaia, by M. Wan Bisinkenstein. DuTcH, np., Het Parool, 19 Sep 1964. *jm/Dc-io862/speciai China poi oct 64 Proceedings of the First International Congresi; of Neurological Sciences, by Ludo Van Bogaert, J. Rademecker. ..... Vol I, II, III, IV, V, Brussels. Pergamon Inst Volx. I-IV each $21.00 Sci - Mcd Vol V $12-50 Jul 119 The Interpretation of 9cho Soundings, by A. Van Brandt,, J. Scharfe, 7 PY. GEMU,, per, Fls&ereivelt, Vol II., No 11, 1950, pp j.64-i66. Fisheries Res Board of CanadA Biol Station St. Andrews., N,,Bs Sci Feb 64 7he Electrical Resictsuce and PlaBtic Deformatim of Metals, by ammixfts Rendrik Gerard Van a u refMccZ 24 pp. t2a " GDWN, per, Zettachrift fur MetallIamdej, Vol XLVI, No ho 19551 PP 272-282- A.E.R.B. Harwell Lib Tr 678 Sci - Kin/metalf] tf # 0 17~- C9. i Wood: Cun IC-* ibu Lion to the StUdy of b~! M. Van Buggenhoadt. F-RIZICII SLA pe r Nc State Jan , -) 63-16483 Van WrM Moyer, J. C. and othem CRAWES IN PE[,'nC SUBSTANCES IN THE PRO- I Title: Beans CESSING OF GREEN BEANS. 1196318p. 12 refs. I Van Buren, J. P. Avall3bte an loan from SLA 63-16483 11. Moyer.]. C. Trans. of [I" Seyler'sj 71eitachrift fOrl Physiol Io- glacbel Chernfiel (West Germany) 1960. v. 321. p. 107 - t 13. DESCHWMRS: OPectina, Processing. Food. OVegetables. *Preservation. Chemical analysis. Green ticami blanclW at temperatures between 65. 5 and 820C had a greater proportion or dx:ir pectic i pectic acid than beaus receiving either no btawh oIr blanches at NOC or higher. This was found whether a s do beam were cumIned after blanching or aftercookizq at 115,50C. 11a extent of the transformation of water Doluble pectin to pectic acid was increased with longer (Food. TT. v. 10, no. 3) (overX WO d TOCIOW knim Quantitative Spectrochemical Investigations With Biological Analytical Materials Excited by an Electric Are, by Jo Van Calker, 8, Wi3chigoll. 5 pp. OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR INUMAL USE WMING THL DEPAMIENT OF DDFENSE MLY GEMAN, per. Zoit AnalZtisch e Chemie, Vol aCVIII, 1963, pp 107-111. Tfr0060S67 FrD Irr 66-349 Sci Har 67 320,77A5 The ImPortance of abWow for the Spectro-Cbem:' iml AmlPU for Nmwaw C=bined substancee by.. Jw van Cal --6 pp. MWMI W,, .-. Spectroobiacs AcU,, Vol M.. 19", pp *-*. S.L.A. Tr 83 XUr - Gummy J21763 SrAl&n+jI4.c - CbedArtry Aa at lq*rimnt to latablM an Absolute O=tIts:; t"Ilve SWatro-Awlysts.. by an/Avu Calkwj 8W. Gg=spw# ftectroawoft wu.. Vol nj, 104.. pp 333- 339. BOLOAO Mr 82 33W - Ow"any 39),7(,Ol Scientifte - chudetry A Tuna Swmy iD Palm Witters 0 t)y a wilvan G. van canvm I JAPAME per Soaft Sm PUbory IM) Ta V) NO h" 19"41, ;; 2-4. Dept later1cw MC361 4 AM No A Bel - Blal my 61 Nf, 1517 v Japanese Fisheries News Items, by Wilvan G. van '22R. -S2~n UNKNOWN, 1953 , DepL of Lriterior .10 1"! SH211, F,.~2, . ;l 3ci - Biol NOV 5~( Effec'6, of Some hypoph~neal a-rA Adrenal lloxuou(,-~i on the Colonization of Ivalon Sponaes Implanted :Ln the Rat, by Ch. M. Lapiere, H, V.a,n Cauwcmber~,e, 9 pp, 4 Atch. PBS"'Wil, per) Rev Franc Etud Clin Bloi, 196-1, PP 155-160. NIH 3.1-31-61 jan 62 Egg White Edema in the Rat and Pituitary-Adrenal Hormones, by H. van Cauvenberge. J. Lecomte, et al. 7 pp. DANISH, per, Acta Allergologica Vol 6, 19S30 pp 295-303. SIA Tr-64-14604 sci/84M Jun 67 327,773 Vailnruap~ L-,adiag to tho For~ of Ment arn- ~Ieiz Relation to Belgian emA Sycte=; by M, V= Cauvenbe--W, 2 pp. .9j=km,zj, jour, RaNue im !a liavigmvion laterieuxe ei; Rhenazia, Vol LW., ND 6s 1959) pp SM~ 202. (Cm-a Zo Mo. C73, Eas T--') ANG VE Fra=e Econ xov 6o ;7 7 ~,%a wate2vajo to Ghent %r-OCT " ParL of the latmatica4l Networt) by M. van Cauvenberigo, 19 IT. FIZaSH, p0r T4dG*brlft der Openbewe Worken van Belgie fio,6.. 1939-1960s, B-Lusuels) Pp 538, !~*., 5410 %, A7-551- UMPU Prm PP 525, 529, 530, 533j 536- ' CU4 So TA2.. B42.. Ing Tr). AND w&xr - D"Um Rom Jan 61 0 C-f SC1P--u,&tIQ,-A of 'VAIIC voiatile Frod"Icts in Vizzhoo-Syun, G. N. f4uMrov, 5 pp. Coal T r Research Anro(~ Oil In4Lqtz7 in Um OAuw People's raWbIlej, by van r,4-..Ciurk, MONANW) psrv Petmi s:L Qatvs so lo,- !059,. pp 41g- 422. (MU Ib U ft.PSIp 7ma Tx) A= ra - China 1= Feb 60 j OF, a0 ~ 7 3) Tmprovlng ths.Rowml a of Thmmpartd4m Aftl*Utm- tica frm the Pimme Vlowpobt, by Jaroslav N2maiL 6 pp. um, Pero, D*Pram., va V1, No 320 plvmo 1958s PP 377#378- JM AIR -3 MW - Czech 3= may 59 Stability of a Thin Circular Plzwlr. Cou,-~Urtor 1u a Magnetic Field, by Yu. V. Mm VaDdBkurm., : 8 on - MMLO, per., Uur Tekh Fiz; Vol M; No 3p 19601 pp 330-337. Alp Sov Phyl - Tech Phys Vol vt 0 3 Bei Oct 60 Zqailibnlur Confla-,jrf34-j, ):]a 10, L 71mllar ~~nsrn Conductor in a oy Y-11 - 7, Val:d 5 TP- d&ZOY-f ~JSSI~Z:, -pr, Zhur Tekb Piz, To! rxT-Ty ;,,c. 11; V159, Amr Inat of T.':lYs p S Z. Sm Ftys-'."Lech FU--jn Vol TV 7 lo U Theory of Focussing in an Accelerator with a Pailodic A".1mutb&1 Mpetle ?Ield, by Yu. Y. Vandakurov., 15 pp. MWIAN, per.. Zhur Tvkh Piz, Vol XXVIII, No 11, 1958o PP 2567-2582. Awr Inst of Phys Sov Faye - Tvch phys vol in, mo n Sci - phyn Jul 59 1n%'C3tigUt.JGn into the Possibility of a Suitable Supply for Calcutta Madras., by B. Van Dam. DUrCH, pcr, r:(:d Melk En Zuivclti~dachr, Vol X, 11,:~ 3-4., 1556", PP 276.286. 3 Ap r 5 9 I Recu rrent Pulmonary grAbolij by Z". Vanaecacv~ele, et 512 10 pp. FRENCH, per, Archives des YAladles du 1.1ocuret, Vol IMM, 1955,, pp 872-875. Navy Tr 3oig/Im 635 Sci - h%d 117eb 62 1,P6., 7Z7 A Contribution to the V4oiq& or White Clover (T-rifollva Rope= L. ) In Md Ps"b-nest 0" n- IsrA, by J. P. Von Dw bsrgb. GERYAN, per, CautmAl TwUtA Vcar YA 0 '1 1 - OMerzoek, Wagniftm Vwglmgj. 190, pp 49-55. COMO-YRO Sol JU159 ReoogaIz&bI.lIiZr of TAtent TftnftAtters of Uaim- and Ocular Albinism., by J. van dim Boo!l~ 4 pp. DVXRO rao pw, T11dockt. vwr aft* IMP IV 3300-33M. EM Tr Xg 12-31 601 MUM= Al Feb 29ff M/dox S=* -PrObl&w Concex-allag Root-Xnot Nematodes ()L-loidoam SPP) In Belgl=; Particultrly the Disinfection of the Tubers of Begoni& Multiflora ty 54%.Wr TreA.LwarW, -py A. GA-14-AMU-1 J. Van Den Brande, 10 9. F&MMU, per, Paresitica., 1955, Vol r.., 110 3, yp 74-80. SIA 59-10~*2 Bei Dee 59 OTB Vol II., No 6 SW Rolart A SurVeMOSCO Radar ter the Usteet- ion of Moviss, ObJects ca the Grs=4 and Its Eztmsian to Low-Flying Aircraftq by G. van diM Bmk. GOVBMNW USE MY FUNOLg iq)t, North Aussua Oftnim m, Advis- Cry Research sad DeVOL -=-t* Proomeangs of 0*-EJL&b OR of the AUAW Mmics Pmel a 3964p Jm 1967s P20021*7 RSIC-690 Sci-Aero AW 67 Sarviczq in th-a (70mbat aone by ~K. L. 10 Ix"liD, DUW,Z~ pus-, Ueaar~Ands Militair Gtnecakundlg Tli~Ild- vp 313-3PIQ ACSI 7- 0", 7 Tbgmnocqs.purdaster.,Eurda-iter's Reaction to the Plasmodim-1ergImij, Vincke and Lips'p by I. H. Vincke., A. Van den 7ulcke., 6 pp. FRE=, per# Anmlea de la Societe Belge de bieaeclnerl Tropicaie,, vol xxxx, No 40 1949v PP 545-548. L.;-F Nn S.clentific - biology CM/DIRX 11,913 1 Kiiwtic Stw# of the Fli4orLattlas by FlutrU* of S~m 0owomde of Orodum uw Flutmlw:. by Ger%ri Vwadembumebe, .139 ". 1111, C R, Rn*rt M-R 2"g, 1.7 Doe 19Q P911391267 AM-AI&TRAID-515 vGt "J Sal-skacle,,4r Sal t*a 67 ffi6pin (Ay"s Lc.- --affol I Cox-= L~ I 4~ tTA I Viv ~fat- i I il~ i>rlbctiml '%Lw iliaease, vaki ~wi i3w'~v. Chockin- the Value of the Unumonium Acetate ik~ctliod, 0 by A. Vzui -den __ ilande. bollLaii, por, Inst flour LIEncouragenent do al Recherche Scientifique et L'Agriculture, YXIOXHII~ 'J'o 2S, 1960, pp 2U7-223. CSIRO/No 6000 sci_ Aug 03 ; Ir Tbc Mewry cC ft Royal Mounctd Constabul" Arm,, by W. Van Don IIQd4 6 pp. UUTCH, pm. 1he.11am. 1963. ,e,CSI 1-6WS - I.L)2868024763 NEur-Nedmrlande &M Jun 65 282,497 The Tranaidratlon Strwom Tbrovgb the Flavc., Viewed as a Catemry Promises bY T. 79M don ftuart. SMMKA Pat VakbMAd Voor Blologmj Vol IM . No 12., 1-97rp yp 2M-WT- CSM 4M Sti - Biol /~'?, j7z j~m 62 Deficiency Phenomena in LSugar Cane, by T. H. v-a-n den Honert. UMJO~Mj, ~pj7lavm-Archief Deel I. No 10", 19.31,1) pp 77., 73. .IRC/Ref: C-3470 Sci - AUi Jun 64 Perception and Coglitionp by A. Hichottelwn der E~~k _41 pp. FROCTI, rpt,, Proceedings of the 14th Internat. Congmso of Faycbologyj M=trc4lj 19541 pp TO-91, NIR Tr '50 12-27 ro'ci - bledicine --~4 9, 6 .0 / Fab'1957 CTE;/dOx V :,I~-Rarjae Weather Forecasting,, by z W. Van Der IiJly 143 pp. UZCLqw ,~P.'&Mjv bkp Woorovcrwwhtlu&m up Umge termijus 't1 ;4-iy 1954. CIA D 153242 Air Res and Dev Commud 7--z i, D E' ~:ir--ntific - Geophyalco 411) $160/0 06TI The Application of Asybe t in Rydraulic Engineering Works, by J. 1. van der Btwgt. aMMU.. 10 Doe 1948. OCE 54-2 Bel - Ingineering 3jj ~ -~~ 11w Aporoxiouaticgl 04: L-aguarre ior "ots vi Wj j.,jljat~jon W4 .lie!, 1j" (Ally J,*Gal LCoto Vaul der Corpts. OUIU-i. rpt# Vorhtuidlin&w der Kodillklijke Ak L~aie VAn ~betftnao..rp~~n, Vol 49, 194o, pp 921-929. :4~,A TI F-1434S % riA L'.. CNT Wi~ MILY :'dw-4th v .j S4S87UI Plant in -th-- Hew 44 ,erfaall., C.L%T. ~n jF ,IAI,i., CL_r IL on Inp 94 ~96. votorAW&Uve of the T"WLUOR pachlblUty 2p-IS of SodLmm by Absolute latmity Mossummits of Flaws,O by H,F.8, was 4*r HoUs L.S. O=stoin* (XR"" per& Z"!a physike Vol 77v 1932o pp 4$O-477% 9Z&V739 AEC OWdo-tr-1143 Sci/physics Jun 66 301o133 lbd Wave !-,'~Iuation of the Vectron in the Genei-Al. Relativity Vneory, by L. Infled, B. L. van der Wacrden, 22 pp. ITE-RIIAN, per, Akademie der Wissenscbaf ten, NO S~, 1933, pp 38G-4oi. 25X 9213649 AEC-UCRL-Tr-961 SA - Phys riov 6 3 O'F 3 per., Niwzmy Vol XII., Wo Is mA 6o-14552 .2)k May 62 OatbW ce, Qu&UtCltlVo Do W LoVer Ivrest.1gstiM by *Sua of not wires Plww in the wing Belm static Pno-Sum Orifices v ,q by P. C. A* Wota=,, Denier van d#r Gm, and Yap lam AD DMCIj Tech. Nochoeb. Hop.,, DWtv (VU.45)g ZU R. A. X. ghrmborwj~i Tr So Scloctif Ic - Asrodymmko Tolamnes =A Abs=Ttlm at Buttarl Wrairim &nd ollvq oil in Dissam of the 14vw and Dolary trad, by M. P. Wn der GrWfts 7 PP- DUIM,, pwLI xmwunu njdwbrift v= Gone"- bmde, voi an, jacjq~S. pp :L72-175. um 32-36 ftl - Mo4 Feb 59 yo) //-4-7 11 o Attacultation of Komments and the Observatim iZ Their StmbUii4rs by J. Fs V= der Eb&abpl .j,~Z,7=p per,, Revue deo questims Scimtifiqu-'"s I&Lr uatil Res co=il cm4a TT 316 Cientific - RWneerbaz I:Ul,O"Loffin -Price 0.50 r,ogiatical Mewures Latrodu-cod for Ready lynitu in counectim with Al)c-Weap= Protecti=j. by C. H. Un Do r HeWe., 19 yp. DUTCH Do MMWre SPeoUtOry NO UP 19621 9p 514-324. AOSS %-g= ID 2M662 WL,w - Netherlsads P-ti yay 63 Atherosclerosis and Coronary Thromboile Causes and Etiology, by J. Groen, R. van der Heide, 93 pp. DUTCH, Rotterdam,, 1956. NIB Tr 9-37 Sci Medicine W/' The Direct Potenticmetric Titration of Free S03 1u Olaum Using Water as Titration Liquid, by H. B. Van Der Heijde. do 9 GF"AH, per, Chem Weekblad, M = 1955, PP 823-826- D.B.I.E./28280/CT Sci - Chemistry '~f- g., j .6 MAY 57 CTS/dex -7 / O'~ vatermiAatioa of the Trwaition Probability 2P-Is of Sodum by Absolute lateasity Neasum- metats, of flaws, by Ze F. van der Ileld, WUMNS Pero 1. E&N Vol I.XXVIII, 10328, pp 459-477* AEC "AL-tr-1143 Aay 326w247 Computation of the Effective Blesaunce InteSmI., by E. F. M. van der Ibld. WM,p paper., P/948., Pnceedings of IntermtJoW Confoxwee on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Inergy Held at Geneft 8-20 Aug 1955., Vol V. M2ternatl OW -- UN Bei - Radear Vapics cTA 1-669.9.162 ,5- ~~2.1 / 44 1-21 The Distribution of the Wind-Pressure Over the Outer Surface of a Souse,, byLDr V4T ~R~q6~ pp. 7T_\ DUM, per, Voordrachttn van do Vacantio-Imergm voor Vervarmings -Tecbnlek; 1942., pp 89-95. srA -,~ rmlm5 Sci - Geapbys ~-o .2 &S Jul 57 The Contribution of Fadlation to Rmt Cca- di=t:L=,, by E. F. M. van dar Mbld. GUMNi Up Oeatr Tech Z=fI To Be 0, Delft AN Wamtetech Verala& No 37j M5. IMI sea comallp CUR& 22 No 626 Sci - Physics lay 60