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",mum -. an" - som ELECTRIC POWER PLANT AND CLIMATOTECHNOLOGICAL PROBLDIS IN THE CANTON RREGION2 BY BORIS VALENTA,, 6 PP. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY CZECH' PER ENERGETIKAO VOL X11, NO 12; 1962, PP 6~~50- JPRS 17373 SCI ENGR JAN 63 211;149 moor MAW (DO-6) Lenin's Party 'io-rw.. by Josef Valenta, 20 pp4 CMCT-11 per., Ilava IV31m No 12) 1961, pp 145A-1466. 7 JFM 12203 Mur - czechoslovulda 3 9 ~ POI Feb 62 Valenta, L. s T.A TIWORIE DE I.-AINIANTATION SPONTA- N -E DES FILMS MINCF-S (K Teorit Srontannoi Nomagnictionno,ti Tonkikh SloLw) (On the Theorv of the Sponranctuq Nfagnedzarlon tf Thin Fflms). 52p. (foreign text includW) 23ref.,;. CNR.S-X 424. Order from 01-i. FTC or CNRS $5.60 'rr-62-2"0 Trans. in French (-.' ChekhostmatRicii Fizicheskii Zhurmal. IQK, v.7, no.2, p.127-1,51, DFY:RIPTORS: *Thin films (Storage devicc-s), Magnetic properit", 'Pnkrimion, Theory. 1, valen'.1, 1- 11. (-NWS-.X 424 Ill. (.entre Nati!,ml d,- I t Rt-rherche S, Rtri~ 17, V. 11. 11'.. 11) 77-62-29147 Valenta, I ' SM L-A i IkRIF DE UAIMANTATION SMNI-ANgr I Valenta, L. DES COUCHES MINCES (K Teorii Spontannoi Namag- 11 CNRS-VllI bf% 44" nichennorti Tonkikh S)ocv) (Tbeory of the Spontaneous Ill. Centre Natiotol ~e L, R,.,h,- Magnetization of Thin I-avers). 20e. (foreign text in- L:he Sclearifique, Nris cluM), 10refs. CNRS-V*III bis 447. Order from (YrS, ETC or CNRS $0.80 TT-62-28147 Trans. in French of *Akadem~a N3uk SSSR. Izvestiya Scriya 1-:Uicheskaya, 111.57. v.-I. no.6, p.879-886. Mother trans. is available in English from CCT $8-00 DESC'FurrORS: 'Min films, *Magnctic pnVertics, Spin, '11wry. (Physic.-i--Xtq,n,:dsm, 'M', v. L1, no, 6) F.-. t .... 6U.., C..(,. 14 L,: Ift #a LOW rams, IPW on ta;o Cca-rioruntict ef Cities r.-,uning thtv, to CcL=t-Im,, by D. ValenW, 7 W. EMSY-411, per, Vopnoy Bkonmi M I No 4., :L960, Mmteratl Arta &- Sci Press Problem of Dcaunics voi ni, No 5 um Scon Doe 6c 0!T Tr (Awdema paishing ()f AluW=p by L. Y. 1,7alenteliso Y. Y. matalls. WSUM, part Trau & awk Litovalmy Bms vol IT, No 16, PP 81-89, 19 58. NO M13 Chem 3ac 62 THE OLD TEACHINIG METHODXS AREM OUT) UY D. VAL-DJEY, 6 pp. f"USSIA1, PER) IW*IUMST, 110 10, 1_;62, PP ipp,s 1472~-, AU3 ~~2 Vilati, S., Palma. M. de and others. 63-14757 NfIMMOIS)MC STUDIES ON COLIMYCIN 'ATni 1. Valenti, S. THE ELECTRON MICROSCOPE A14D THE WARBURG ti. PaIrns, M. do MANOMETER (Studio MicroMologico sulls Collmicina at MicToecopio Ellenzoalco ed &I Manometro, di Warburgi. (1963111 p (figs. omitted) 9 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 63-14751 Trans. of Minerva Madfical (Italy) I9S$. v. 49 [no. 971 p. 4498-004. DESCRIffORS: MlcroL--6tnIsms, OCoUmycla, Drup. Antiblotics, "Elmroo microscopy. "Manocifters. Oxygen consumption. Staphylococcus. Eschericb1s. i n Vol .1 .4 Aw, i (Biological Sciences-Pharmscology, TT. w. 10. no. 5) SM" d I "s umm (2121-0) Yor Mqnvvlng od IqwWI" Public Servioess by Zdawk Vaontlk,, ]b pp. MLMASSV G=st per# pusawans ampoderstwit No 103, prtalwo 108s, PP 731.-7)a- U8 JM 100~-* Cv*CbxwIoftkiAt soon /7 in 59 /01 (DC-oul) Victmy of tait AmAution 9"agh ftaom-ta I,b=.# by Airm Tgg!~tbj_ 5 We PMUUR=, vari IbM MMot Vol IU, No 15D: p 22-2B D.-O 196i, p 4. ipm lmw roix - Pwoipl Pol 1fd., / Z 3 zan 6p- Li Experimerits With Heteroplastic Bom~ Tramp)zm,-n, by Frorcls Valentin, An8re Lapras, 14 pp. FIAMIGN: per, Revue de Chirurgie Ortho;p--diqw-%, Vol XTVj Kc 1, 1959, pp 22-36. Navy Tr 31g4jw '715 r3c! - Med -- c -/' aul 62 SYNTHETIC FIBERS CAPTURE THE MARKET; BY HANS VALENTIN,, 6 pp. ------ T- t, - GOWN, NP, PRESSE-INFORMATIONEN, NO 144, 7 DEC 1962, . % JPRS 17422 EEUR - GEF44AN ECON , FEB 63 221:212 Plutudui! Purification idth lui i:xc4wi:,,c itsins,, by G. valclitini, :bstill, et U1. -cit'sateri ills Jct (16 311,45-1) Valtil.tiner, Siegfried and lkckt-r, 7. W SYSH M NI'Ma. [19601 7p, (M fig', OrDIII(d) V,iit riling r, S. r( Order from SLA Si . 10 60-1~981 Tran-4. of Zeti~chrlfl fur Physlik (Germany) 11934) v. 93, p. 79.5-b03. ln'I~CRIIII'ORS: Mangarw,-,~c shoym, Nickel jdloyi, 17 0. Marprwtic prorwrtics. 'remperaiure, Conductivity. Alloym. (Unannounced) eLud FTxt. CI o-n pp. Vol r~, 110 3, 1960, pp 4plA6. L*ng Term Stability of Certdin Yagnatic Materials Used as Cores, by 0. Castiglioni, N. Valentini. ITALIANp per, B. C. 55 Riun, Assoc Elect Ital Bellagio., Vol XLII, 1954. D.S.I.B./28281/CT, Sci.- Physics // F '~ .3-.3 -..- MY 57 CTS/dex CRITICISM OF THE UKRAINIAN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF HYDRAUL110 ENGINEERING AND LAND INPROVEMENT, BY G. VALENTINOV, 6 pp. RUSSIAN) Wy PRAVDA UKRAINY, io t~m i962y P 3. JPRS 16777 X SCI - MISC JM 63 (NY-3883). Scicntitic., H,--i;carch WorK of tb:-- Acuderky rjr Suivaceii fo. 1960, by P. Va!Q:;kal--, 15 pp. 'PUSSM11, 1:,* hk Nauk Latviy3koy SISR, 'No 1, Riga, 19u0, pp ~-Iu- JPRS 2755 jull 60 7~ Prcblem of the ConsermUon of Amtoral Resources in the Latvian Mm bV P. I. Valaskaliky 6 pp. MMIM, bk., Mrm Pdrodlr i 2qpov*&W Delo v ME, No 2,p 195T. CM 60-51170 PLAW USSR lban ft 61 PST 146 (DC -4956) '"'Ieucc iu Latyie rOdaY. by P. I. Valeakaln,, 8 pp. "'RAMAN, par) Wauk i Zhyttya, Vol X,, No 7, 1960., ell 58-60- JPM 6790 358'R 3~4 (,-.r 61 Li ff .1 Z, pp. The Interaction of GlYcwdn Y-Diablozvh7drin witb PC13p POCI-3,9 avA PSC13,,1%7 R. V. K=mtaovp R. X.- Valatdinows 4 pp. RUSSM -. per,, Zbur Obsbeh lOdm., Vol XKZX# No it 1959# pp 2M-237. B=Wm sci 00 /M, wr 6o 7 Valet, G. PALAMINY ClWE. CANAL BANK REVETMENT WITH WATERPROOF BrrtJMINOUS CONCRETE. It 961121 p. Ozd~.-r from R1.1 5 U1 W RIS B-64 Trans. of Construction (Belgium) 1960, v. 15, no. 6, p. 270-276. 61-12533 1. Levees- -Materials 2. Concrete - -A ppIlCati Ong 3. Bittanens--Appllcations I .Valet, G. 11. RIS B-64 111. Research Information Service, New York (Engineering- -Civil, TT, v. 5. no. 6) i;tudio C~-dacra With Phobicon Tube For Black- ind-White Television, Ly J. J. P. Valetun. per, RLaxUunktedmischc ULt-teilunal;a, NO 6 Vol 19G4, x, 3127-33 jul 6y -,34, JL6 .j The Pb7cicO Cbtwlcdl CmUtions of Cutmeour; Abiorptiort, Part 11, by Ouillaum Vilette J,3346 so IV* --- A cc Cwtm Our 1w of vbu4us R. advauto 60 - - 1~ MdlmfLja d" ad Va 43a 10# Sp 2*-M MA r -- --/ "f , , 1~ C/ r Bel - m low (I O*ft at tlw P 88-ft zMat at out w Omw=* volat"t Nm ---#U)ip .9 ul W - Va 431 19360 WA W-&-18M -~2 ~ ~--, - aW,-t~-nel ftl - Ko MW 67 326#642 Study of Corrosion in Rest ftchanpre of Br-2,. by L. Valettep YRMMO Syngmium on Aqueow OmToelon of Reactor Materials,, 14-17 Oct 19599 pp 236-296. ABC TID 7587 sci - mia/*t ray 61 /-ro 03571 Studi-z!s oa Cc;rrcsion of the Heat Exchan.ers o- tjj-~ B-11iJ Reanctor, t- L. Vallette. I 'I.; FRENCE) ri-n, Brussels, Bel --;ujn, Oct ~9--)-,). *"C Sca - Phys K- I,; C) 0 R-1932 (DC-1817) "Bulg&ria, by B. B. Valev,,-86 pp. RMSTANO bk, Bol~prlA. Mecov, 1957p PP 341-4~,8. us JM/Da-L-463 Elur - Dulakria Geography Bconomic 4 6 i?~, S'nollarMca of tba AnoUc BehaAor of Stacl in ElectrolytIc Pollabing Mectrolyte at Lmi Polarizing Carrent Density, by 0. S. VdzdvizhcnoIwj A* Sh. Valeev and Xlb. A. Goztacha) 4 pp. IUSSIMI tbrice-mo por, Dok Ak Iluk SM., Vol CVMjp So 2j. pp 299- con=ltants Bnvau Cbm 1:5 / q~ Jan 57 CTS J f','r*fc:ut oll-f-DaVa and Sautrom oa Dloclh'cai u," .k.gricultural by S. A. 5 pp. R=Imp W., Dim-isiks.. Vol V.. No 3, 196ov pp 362- 365. IT Sci - ;q= 61 14-1? m (NY-4370). Data on the Radiosensitivity of Certain Agricultural Plants, by S. A. Valeva, 9 pp. RUSSM, per, Biofizika, Vol V, So 2, ic,,6o, pp 244-248. JPRS 5493 Sci - Biop Phya Sep 60 142 6 / Y-6 Imestigation of the Effect of Resonomt Structures on Wave PropWtion, by J. Vaaaft-i-A-l-, n pp. "Mil, mn pamblet, Himesota Intarmtioml gy&exlies Couveftion Promedi4s, Aug 1953j, pp 193-199. US Dept of Comwee Patent Offioe Sai Lib (Gift) Sci - Engineer1W Doe 56 CTS I The Oxidizability of Rickel,, by Gabriel Valensi, 10 pp 6 FMCH., Bull Sac Ch= de France., Vol V., Sor 4, 1937, pp 405-415. BLA Tr 766/1955 Sci - Min/not 2~-o / a 'o f Xul 57 nf' onto- r~44't to Trr~r---,~ j-. Callective Pitch in the Case of Deactuding the Regime of the Rotor Being Near by -Tevu ROboat, Jean Sc&tlcz.- Lariviere, Jacquea V&l . 5 pp. -11-- Couptci fieivflus, Vol. (.CXLVT-I, may 6o in TAft of' a Rotor to im Increase in Collective Pitch in the Caze of Vertical Flight Neur Lbe Autorotp-tive Regim Le, by Jean Rebazt., Jumcquee VAL--nt;i, 0-mlen-Inxiviere, 4 pp. -- FICENCH, per, Cowptes Rendus) Vol 04'iZill) iio 1.10, 6 SLT 195"0', PP 778-780. Sci - En,~;:- may 60 Tvi=rdn n, tl~itocxry of ~*pcntanmuvat tb-,; pibtizati= of thin Film, by L. Vabq# %-.$ pp. _4 MJSSW,, parp Iz Ak Hauk SSM, Ser Piz,, Vol K-:1, PD 6; IM; PIP ODbmbl& Toth set - ph"ics Oct 58 ikw Imstigations of the Froazivg = ConcroUl Alr4tutrained Concz*U., by M. Valentap 71 pp. FRMR,, per., AwsUs do Matitat Tech du Ballment, NS s ft 22; *y 1". SIA Tr 767/1955 Sci - &P ~2 6 / Zul 57 Op. tlia 'Pro'ulem (if Lustrous Ccpyrjz- Electrjr--,M'.U"J; Pr -cm 6LL~ftiric Ac'd Solutions, by Yu. Yu. 27 ;;P. 89RIM, pdr, Ak lauk Litovakoy SSR, Vilrm. T-riny, Sel'IY!t B, 1957, No 3(11) pp 17,08. SLA 59-lo466 0 c t 51, 10 V03. 1 >, 'go 3 2lool- and CoMrIng i,- Datubcd Vl--=nts of Reir- forced Concrete, by rranCeDCO LO CastO V%lOnti) 4 pp. UHMILASS37321D PF~Tnnt '30 362;099. Dept of Cc=ierce Patent Offied Sci Lib (Gift) Apr 58 ')ur Experiences With a New Ganglionic Mocker in 11~per- -~ensive Toxemia of Pregnanc7, by C. Valenti, 8 pp. ~.~'ull translation. 'TALIAN.. pert Magma Ginecol Vol IV, 1952, 1 128. SeLtAo Medicine 'cientific "17, '~/ ~' / Aug 55 --twprovomumts in Barking Appnratw, , by Rc,bert -PrAle ValeLtio, 5 PP. FRMCH', pateal~ ao 1,,121,523. US Dept of Coom rcc ratant Office Scl Lib (Gift) - 16-4- Sci - Eugincering Mnr 57 CTS/dex TT-64-14917 Valentin. Harold. TMAETHn LEAD AND OMMIAL HYGIENT; EXCERM (196417p Order from MA $1. 10 TT-64-14917 Trans. cd nvmm). [Plamb Tetro-Abyle et Hyr em Wdus. triallel Paris, 1936, p. 40-41. 40-33, 93-9 1. Yalmin, H. (RlokV,l Sciam-Toxftfty, Tr, Y. 12. am 1) Offift of ToMkM Swvftft (FM 21058) A Recoraw for the Has Spectrmater With Shcwt Re- Cowan PhL apowe Tim., byAqkh_V&lq lbert.. 2 pp. ,;'u11 trawlatton. "F MM., mo peri Jourml do P" igue Ot le ~!Wlum vol xm PW no 4s Fv -Us APr 1952t PP M7s 24U- crA/m/0-5875 WEur - Franee ~3ci - Uuclaar Pbyvlmp am-Spec meter recorder /g/ loqe3 Apr 54 CM (DC-5924) K%sra Pmducti= of Construction laterials is N L~,e Bmis for the Awther Damlopmmt of C=- r;tructioa, by Joze Valentincla, 7 PP. C710AT194, pear) Ttals, Vol VIII., No 1, 1961. pp 9-13. JPRS -9762 Econ, J, -114 (PD.D 21553) Organization of Yugoslav Construction Operations, by Dr Joze Valentincic,, 28 pp. CROATIAN, mo per,, Gradjevinaretvo, Vol V, No 20 Belgrade, Fab 1951. CIA/FDD/U-6ice EEur - Yugoslavia Economic - Industry, construction de System Nickel-Manpnese, by S. Valentiner, G. Backer MAN,, per, Zeitschrift fur IlVelk, Vol XCIIX and 4OWN Brutcber Tr No 336 ,!Ientific - Min/mtais $6.50 The Allm of Indlum; With Rom Critical Rawrks cn the r1coks "L2dimO by )L T. LuMa, by Siegfried Valentiner, 16 pps aMM, Per, Z. )4&t&Ubmdes Val ILVIs M2,1955, pp 442-449. ABC Tr 2692 sci - Kwurtals Jan 57 CTS VALENTINO, A. New Consideration on the Use of Inosital in Therapy 6 pp, French, per Sem Hospital, Vol XXV, No 72, Paris, 30 Sep 1949. Navy Tr 120/BuMed 7211 UNCLASSIFIEM 1) -) / P / C~ bilIzation Test in Anablaels, try i-o or Av 311 ,,A IA i , -- , I!& ol"Otw 4, 1,,56-s, pp 310-31?. ot 1, ~e,, of tte rill-Calu-, T`ou'.o by 11. Valeatinovi Full txenr.~atioa. per, rudio, ?-To 2-2, Doc 1951, pp 14) UICIr, pbo+,cMpbic eorliTrent, all-union 10 ) Y, Energy From the Earth's Interior, bv 0. Vn-lentinov. GER.Wi, np, National Zeitung, 9 Dec 1961, P 7. *FTD-TT-188 Sci - Geophy Feb 62 ic OfficiAl Oremnization of Tec al Planning, by Karqly Valentiny, 11 pp. WNWUN,, per,, Wagpr F-pitipar., Vo! YI1, No 3, Budapest, Mar 1958,, pp 86-89. US JM/DC-L-943 Mr - Hunpry Econ - Construction .".1yeolar Stomatites Produced by Hydraulic Cment,5 Oy Americo Valer-los 4 pp. .ROCH., perp F',=s6e Medicale# Vol XUV# 1936, p 1124 M ,scientific - Medicine CM/DEX //, ? ?--? VAUMIO~ VAIERIO Cyto-and histopa-thological changes produced by an experimental administration of nickel. 12 pages ITALIAN., Folia Medica, pp. 259-266. X-5,08 Translated at the National Insts of Health Bethesda, lid. W1103kZ1- --par, rCB A-1430 Chem 60 f 16 (DC-3191). New Statu" of the of Scleno" Latvian am, by P. Waskaws 16 pp. PUSEDIM, ;zr, 1: ell"': tlzu!z Latkovliezwlc,~ =, ;u 9. 0' R4P) 1959., pp 5-32. JM-1074-D ad - fte Dee 59 1.-44~'Po V to Typify tl~o In C-4-der t~ Cmlnllbnt~ V7 r, W-f: 7"r Pov 58 63-14M arosIRY, Kopewk. ]am, wid Hdak. bDhwniL U1 M 8 OF A VHV TRt.~WORMSR WrrH v PACKED ImuLAinoN AND rn Tamm (model n TrandonTAtor WN a Salmou 12ohd & 16110 ZWu6N 119631 Z* (foreign tM IscIb Order froen SLA $2.60 63-16703 Tram ol glaktrotedualelcy Obsor (Cuchulovabs) 1960. v. 0. no. 7, p. 350-M DgsCFuyMitS: wrover traoxfox-re. Dv*4ps- Tom. glectric discharps. O&kCtdC 1=132U016 .1447330 por the warLnestion of the lasulaUoa and itbort-dreutt sa" at trandorwers of the prwprW additional extoo~j" Ctschoslmk power symwo4 the Lanin WorM to PIM be" Oman the uwxlel of a Mlb-vWmp asnaftnwr with solid bwalstift (OU IoV-pw-d 1) wwcb Ls im itin t0& rin IMP@ ~;:%, r II Tr, W. A (WM) On d I b*m Techniques of glectronic Xiarometr7s P&t 11 of 'Nev Metbods of Quality Control With Special Reference to Their Automtic-a., by P. Forster, F. Valet, A. Poser. MOW per Teebaische Mittcilungen) Vol L, No 4, 1957~ pop 174-181. Henry Brutcher no 3m $9-T5 Sci - Mg Sep 57 Cerium - Uraniun Blue and Axed Cr/stals in the System CeO2 - U02 - U308s by Walter Rudorff, Gerhard Valetj, 14 pp. GEM, perY Z. Anorg u. Allgem. Chem, Vol CCLXXI.. 1953P pp 257-M. ABC Tr 2238 AacGc: Tech Sv Tr 73G6G Scientiftc - Chemistry Ov CTS 73/Oct 1955 The Moltiog Dlagm of the Byatem of the 7hm Ismerle Nitranilimas by J. J. P. VaUtomo ;-kpp. I Wma plots Veralagen der Afteeling latnurk, vol ITITA,, 3909-1910j, pp 755-768. S.L.A. Tr u7g/i956 Scl - MAMIStry oat 56 cTs C=trelml of Synthetle Alcohol; by If. MIM, per, thimle at 1'M*Ml trJLe., Vol IM, D&pt of Uterior us Jkw Of Rims Central Igperiamt Ste&on PitUburgb,, Pa. Tr 66 &'i - Chem 97 --5-S-0 XV 59 Physico-ch*"cal Canditims of Cutmwxm Absorp- tionj Pon 20 by GUIUMM Va4atte, FROM,, pers J~al do Pbystoln1b Val 46* pp 51-95. ACSI J-3346 ID 2204041967 Nov 67 332j,149 Sw gjdvatxoplo MUM of 8"ff md BUlary Belts = Imitb34 by _C6Y&Utte. 1937,t v-19& 8=4 pwp On 4 COU ;c 10o14 IM91004689. SiA,TM4-20W )V I ,- B/M AUg 66 394142 llroblci~is of Economic Developnent in the Danube 6ectors Ot winaitia, Bulgaria and OILI )'UVieL 1)[11011, R by i;. L;. Valev, 14 pp. iVIAMAN, per, Viata Economica, 11".0.04. Idl Humaidan Pruss Survcv .-Io 434 june !9ci.; i: Eur - Ptuaania I.Coll Auj; (I", b,yM, D, Veklev, _16 py~ Prvblew of Economic Developwat in the Damibe Sectors of RIM-Stliap BktlgaM- and the Soviet Uhion,, by E. B. V-!In 13 PP. MWIM, per, Viata Econamica., Vol XII., t;o 6, 1964. r"10 F!ree &e Almninn Press Surve no 434 - 26 June 17 Jul 64 Economic G*Ogmpby of Bu4pria and Albani8; by E. B. Valievo 168 pp. RMSIAN* bk, EkCMOmIcbeskW Geografiya MqSM B02prit Albaviyi, MCWCOW, 1955p pp 9,149. CIA/FM U-W Izur . Buj~pria, Albania ZC00 oct 56 (FDD 260B1) VaTl Pww co the ftth to WastrIaUutim (Bulprft)p by V. Volove 6 pp. BMOARIANO W ewe Googr"Ipt Vol vis no it saftes an met pp 941g 231- ciAlim u-9o69 Icon oat 56 ,:,-,-U4 of the kjtrjz-~~2-, Ac- On r;: 71 The Application of Ionizing Radiatloa .14a Flav, Sc!lectlm~ by V. V. Knvc,atova; S. A. Valieva, RUSSIAll, per, Biofizika, Vol V, No i, i960, aj 3 1 pp Sci Aug 60 Inastigation of the Ybobuin of Mectrocbmical Polishing of Metals. IL Hiervecopic Obsemtion of AncAs Proeses Durb* Electrolytio Polishing of Alvm~Uwm,, by A. '~ ~.V&*v. 6 pp. Full trawlatim RMIMj =o per, Zhur Prik Vol XMI,, No 9,, 19540 pp 939-9". CU C JM05 Bureau scientific - Chemist," 3 Mar 56 CT8/du Investigation of the Mechanism of &Uctrolytic PolishiN of Met&U. Commication 1. Nechnni am of Faectrolytic Polishing of Dmmlwsin, by A. Sh. VO-Uavt 10 pp. Full translation. RUSSI"t no par, am bdk Vol x1m, No at 1954, pp 882,4M. CIA C 41304 Conaultants Bman Scientifte - Chu' try 3 xy~ Her 56 CTS/dex i~o,apienj, by Wfll-ve 111 PP i-arovitakiy, G. G- Val,eYc-'Ij, ,LIJ~jSIfI4. per Radjotekli i P196%, pp Vol V. No 7# PP -61 Measuring the Cmplex Reflection Factor of Dielectric Materials., by D. 1. girovitskiyy 0. 0. ValVav) 1. F. Budagyau) 3 PP- RLMIAN, per., J=eritel Tekhp No 9, !960y py 51-52. jim 61 on Hills Method in the Theory of Linear DlMrentsil EquatJorz Witii Periodic Coefficients, by K. G. Valeyev, Z pp, RUSSWI., per, Prik Matemat i Makhj Vol XXIV, No 6,t 1960~ pp 979-987-~ sci pp / z "/', -7 2 :P Aug 61