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~os 61 Development of Conditioned Motor Reflexes of the So-CaUid Voluntary Type in Nmth-Old Babies# by I a A ~ Vakhrawym a 4 vp 0 RUSSUNP per# DoX Ak YAuk S=v Vol CW=v No 5p 1958# pp 944-- Awr Inst of Dial Sol Sci - Mad ~4j IYZ Generalized Formulas for Conformal ProjectioDs, 5 pp BY L. A. Vakhrameyeva. RUSSIX-11, per, Gcodeziya i Aerofotosiemka, I-Io 10 1963, p 109-116. Scripta Technica Sci Apr 64 2S6,OS3 of Cb-uiSes in Radiatioa uad L'd;-T:AtiV!tu,,- Diri-ng Cleavage of tL- Loach. !~zz Possilis), by N. A. Vakhromcyeva, A. A. licifakh) 4 pp. RZLISSIXI, por, L-tak Ak -',Yauk SSSR, Vol CXXVIT-1, I L '959) pp 4z9 - .P,mzr Inst of Biol Sci o From the Experience of Work of the Hospital Party Organization in the Area of Incorpor- ating the Achievements of Medical Science into Practice, by A. S. Vakhranev RUSSIAN, mo per,. Voyenno Med Zhur, No 10, Moscow, Oct 19600 pp 27-29 US JPRS 7961 so,/ m a r T-iie T'ht-,r.-,ii'-( Dec!cmpositi(,m of Chro.-ayi, and Of POlychmmyl Dirhlorid,~-,.3 7 per, Ak rl=k SSSR, otc'12i 'o '1960, 1731-1738. L Kinecalogical-Geochemical Zoa:W(L in tW 04' + f the Noildr,=a ReGion af rlornaya 3horip, by Vellbrusherj V# A., 8 pp. RUSSM, per; Ge6cUm, rvo 4, 1959, PP 378-386' e o,-- I Ie m 6 o C: S c i 61 The Systez O=mVI Chloride-Chromic Anbvdride) and the Preparation of alromic AW*IrMe of HLgh RLrity,, by S. Z. hijarov,, A. A. W~~ 4 pp. RMM, per$ Is Ak Nauk SMv Otdal Xhim NaIllp No 9,p 1959P PP 1515-152,9- M Scl - aty 61 /:5-~2, -7(? 7 nu cl L A. an.; Prokidn. 0. S. TWM- OF SWD PARMES IN A FLM BED. July 63, 6p. to refs. Or&r from ICE in v. 3. m 3. $1& W/yar Trana. of lUdmicheakaya Promyshlemost' WMIO 1962. am It to. 1110-1114 DESCRIMR& Chemical ev4t---Io& OPIW sdWa. Hut tninfer. CaW"ts. Mhftm. Hydro- carbM, DDCMWWdom, LabOMMY"dPM41K. (SiMpsuln-Clismical. IT, w. 10. m 7) 63-17171 1. Vakhnshm. L A. G. Brokht" G. & M. International Chemical Evnewleff. New York Oft d Ts**d WOMM 63-12818 Botnikov, Ya. A., and Z,~nchcnkov, N. G. 1. Vakhruslicv, 1. A. HEAT 'I'll ANSFER FROM A FLUIDIZED BED OF 11. Botnikov, Ya. A. HOI' COKE' TO THL SURFACL OF HORIZONTAL 111. Z-cb-k-, N. G. TUBES. 1190316P. IV. A-rs-42Qwt Order from Mli $8.GO ATS-92Q6611 V. Atisocia[W "I-Mitucal Services, Inc., East Trans. of KIiim[ichL:skmaj Pi-milyshlennost') (USSR) Orangv, N. J, 19b1, no. 11, 1). -W-7k DESCRII'FORS: *Pip,:s, Surfacus, *Coke, Fluidized Solids. *11cm imnSfUl'. J-['. v. 1). no. IM Offi 0 T-W-1 S-k- Morphological Peculiarities of Suw. Accessory Minerals of Ipeous Rocks and Their Biguff icance fro the Petrograpby of Sedimentary Rocks, by V. A. RUSSIAN, per, DD Ak Na" SM) Vol EVIIIj no 4j 1954,, pp 64-644. Assoc Tech Sv RJ-736 $6.60 Scl - Geophysics 7 big 57 Polarognphic Analysis of Rixtures of Tomplithalic, Para-Toluic, Nitroterephthalic, and 3-Nitro-Para- Toluic Acids, by Ya. 1. Turlyan, ~u. A. Vakhrushev, 5 pp. per,, Zhur Anal Wm,, Vol XVII, No 1, 1962, pp 121-125. C6 Sci Oct 62 214836S A A MOAMI" mi Pars. Tabdo Adds- DWIWUVUS IN! 2 1 ellw6am'ste, novae& Num. ImAtheal"o =a N No& Is-ftludso by I- Tsr"yc% 1b. A. lk~~* 6.sp. rwo 2bw Aml odup *1 40 ad now 62 195079T or &9t Chime 4 ~.;I so ubb"s bw U. S. RMSIA4 M am Palo A *A laq in Us 19640 IV 69-71-0 - ftt 4 mulw PIAU oW bM14LUO Smrwlm &we" of ommarcul plaborl" fti-so my 6T 326s$75 I 51 paAms"W"Aftiv . ,- . '. A&M - sivi . - 06 law v &so Oft L 4 m v sm um swam k, C, mbs &T of lam-ad Qrw" In dw mrsing ON filth-a"llay :Atjo OW Alk** by at Fe VA. m. okhdnmkm per, 'Otp Ivim, pp it L i a'-A)s SwAltAf M4. flow to Avoid littemal, Transverse Tears During the Forging of Ingots of High-Alloy Steals suid Alloys, by M. Yu. Dzugutov, B. F. Vakhtanov. PWSSIAN. par, Xu=ochno-Shtampov Proizyodstyo, No 2, 1963, pp 7, 8. UB 59 is Sc14vm Aug 63 ,-1 ~.~ s/'0 T'r-64-13967 Vakhutl1l V. S. and Sinenko. L. F. - EFFECT OF CYSTAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE ON TAE 1. Title: Cystamine THE DEVELOPMENT AND COURSE OF RADIATION hydrochloride SICKNESS IN PATIENTS UNDERGOING X-RAY THER- 1. Vakhtel'. V. S. APY AND RADIOTHERAPY. (1963)[16p) 2r4s 11. Sluenko. L. F. FASEB Ms no.: S527-3. IN. FASEB-S-527-3 Order from OTS, SL A. or HTC $1. 60 TT-64 -13567 IV. Federation of American Societies for E"rl- Trans. of Med1toLnakaya Radiologlys (IJUR) 1963. v. 6. mental 11tology. no. 2, P, 13-19. Washi", D. C. V. kripta Technica, Inc.. DBSCRIFTOPLS: *Radiatiom sickness. Tberspy, Drvgs, WashtWm D. Q OUdloprotective agents. Amims. 7 1 (111ological Sciences - -Radlobiology, rr, v. 11, m 8) 1 OWW~ of TombnWal Sorvio" and us JITIM 1 72 md Vibration of lRngiaos on Tractora, by it, VAO%tel. J-".,:EAII, per,, Traktory 1 Sel'kh02j, NO B., 1961, mi x. 4864 Engr Tmwar DeVoloAxent, ludwed by Shal Oils;, in Coamot.1011 With Dxu&, Actim cu the Norvmw Systmg by Xh. T. Vakhter; 3 pp. MSOLAW., bi=o W Vcp-vooy Oakollogillj Vol Ill., ~Ub '-Ii 1957A DD i~4-0. pargulon press Nov 57 N 61-19042 Val'" ON THE PROBLEM OF DETERKNING THE MATH- 1. GeWesics--71mry EMA71CAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CROUND RE- I. Vakiwn' B. UEF. Trans. on Soviet Geodesy 1925-40. 10 Mar 61 11 . Title- Soviet... [14]p. JPRS: R-LqS-N/17. 111. JPRS-R-108-N/17 Order from LCorSLA mi$2.40. p43.30 61-19042 IV . joint Publications Research Service, New York Trans. of Geodexist (USSR) 1930 [v. 6) no. 2/3, P. 7-16. offi-I (Earth Sciences- -GeWesy. Tr. v. 5. no. 8) AlkylatiOn of F~Ombenxew with Propylene and Cyclahezene in the Preemoo of MF~*B~Po4, by V i G. Vakhtin., S. V, ZfLTVr;0&4v 3 ppe KUSUAN, per, 7antr Ot*h-ch, Vol xxx, No 1, 10,60, pp 109-11-1. CB sci Peb 61 Tuvdra Shrubs 9M ThSir UtAjiMtj4On in Neindow ?4ising, by T. V. VakhMis. RDS.51A~4 per, LIE& ~4Uemv-lA"gT&tGl'&-M2 th?-W&Agtva KM&Mo.,Sevm- Vol lig L963. pp ~.O,,-,Tl TT e1-51233 . .1 . v. vc, t 3569661 in 4-~& ~ The Yi*IA of IA&Ves of Sam Fa"r Shrubs the Tmdro and Wor UtUffatim for Dwr Dmading. by T. V. Vakht" USSIANO per,, Brobim Sevenp No 89 D64, PP 290-296, CFSTI TT 67-SI232 sci-W Oct 67 342.= Orgmdmktion of TmWt MdPwass in the Ar Stft.mgblp Compwdes of the Centrad and Northwomern K Garinov, A. w RU, Per R- Low-Nmrt. No 2, L9641 4"-6. PPRS 24728 3 USSR Econ Jun 64 260.742 60-51020 Y41UA. T. rnYTOPATHOLOGICAL COMMON OF OAK GROVUS IN THE TELLEWAN FORM (Fitopsto- lc:;ir-hcsk-oc Sostoy"o Dubray Tollormanovskogo Less). 1961. 6p. PL-480 Ap. Order trwn OTS $ D. 50 60-51= 1. Vskin. A. T. 11. FL-490 Alpr (60-51020) in. Nadowl Science Fow"on. Washington. D. C. T"ns. or AkademAys Nsuk SM. luadm LAu. ~,TrWj 1954, Y. 16. p. 3-9. DESCRUrrORS: OPLiats. *Patbology. Irr"S. ForosM. Fun&L Inseam. Mild- (Agriculture-Ptint CulUvadon. Tr, Y. 7. w. 4) 10 of%- . S-4- Vakin, A. T. Pli,toi?atholcgrical Conditior~ of the C,ak tl-.,L- Tellenna, Fore~A. HISROII) Akademiia Nauk. "R. I,-_,3titut jec,,-I. Trud,-) 16, 1954) IDL)- 5-199. *PL 100 C)T3 60-r lo.."--,o -0. The ~'Ieaaurcment of Impedances Using a Feeder P,eflectommeter, by S. A. Vakin, 6 1)1). -RUl-';6SAN, per, Radiot4.-kh, Vol XIII; No 7., -79. ,).-c 7 6 Forgwwn Presu Sci i a el~ Jan 60 f~ Blectrcma,anetic Wave Propagation Along an Infinite Spiral Slot, by S. A. Vakin 7 PP- RUSSIAN,, pex, Dok Ak Sauk SSSR, Vol LXXXIV,. ft 1, 1952p PP 37-40- SLA Tr R-851 Sc i - Blectr ic ity, P h y!5 I c .5 2 7' Sep 57 ci~ C-lu- Q ile oil i., oGtt,.,--U:L ~; , , i , I , r8 ~illt,!-,-~,)J- 6, Gal'tsovaj A. T. f*ovlcbl---,va-~ A-ri--r 1-not of Bial Sc' gffac-~ of Diffaren Porm of Nitrop.*n Nutrients w tlie Ccqk3altion of LmbaLlad Product* Photosynthesis in Corn and Boaa Plants) by 1. G. Domaa, S. G. Vaklinom, pp?' ti ZWW, per, Dok Ak fla* MR, Vole CXX4 No b, 1958,-~653-656- fff A=r Inzt of Blol Sci sci - Biol kor 59 The =cct of tha Form of NLtvOG= Oa the Aocuc4AUon of cac wA the Oddlaing System of Ooxn.. by R. A. BWxLn,, S. RUSSURp per,, Ddk AR NmA 88SRs, Val So I& 19A 0 129. Amr b3at of Blta &d Sol - Biology, Chn Jbin 59 ,-ra tho calculation of frequoncy-coftlatim trnn iont r1lW8384 by D. E. Valmup 19 pp. ~-JJSSLAN, per, Radiotakh i Slektron, Vol IV, No 9, 1959t pp 3.617-1M. pp :'C4 `~E,b 6-1 ma cAlculation of Wt"aest Paramters for RnluatiuS the Mmml Coaditima or ftlee- Mod~tor Coadonsaro.. by D. I:. V*k2&=l U Zr:,- RUSSIM., pwj RuUotahh,, Vol x1lis No 9, 1w, py 41-48. Pp Sai - Paectrom Nov 59 OFtIm= Cophama Arrays with C=tlmmma Ourrent Distribution, by 1. F. Sokolavo D. 1. Vakmn, 14 pp. RUSSIANO pers Radiatekh I Blektron,, Vol M,, lo I.. 1958, pp 46-55. PorpmDn Press Sci - Blektron Sept 59 ~? 6'~ ~7 P Losoes in Conductore vhen the Current ic of a Pulse Nature, by D. Ye. Vhkmav4--q pp. RUSSIUj per, Radlotekhj Vol XV, No 6., iMp pp 69-77. pp .1-5-0 OYq Sci Apr 61 Investiostion of the Liquid-Vapor Phase Equilibria in the System Fonsed by TiC14 vith H000- and Trichloroacetyl Chlorides, by G. V. Seryakov, S. A. Y~ks,_L. S. Sidori=, 4 pp., RUSSUN., per Zhur Obshch Khis~ Vol M, No 7,, 196o, pp 23-30-2133. CB sci A-ugg 6:,. Pol;--,s in the ITonrelativistic, Prohl~.,,m ulth ~Ion- lociLl and Sin,~;Ltlar Intcraction, V.G. Ve-ho an-I A.I. 7 pp. J'Z LV- 7 )cr, zhur E.0hpcr i TI--orct, !T,,,) Voll )MV) 1 1 fir, 41c pp 800-Pdoc). A.r,iL-r List of My.-I Sov Plrys - J=I, Vol XVIII, 2 79 On DON.-A"MM lboonamMaj, by As Z. fts v s V& 0, vwwp st al,, 7 PP, RMMP pwo aw mopw I umt fts., Vol 0 1b it 1962., w166-i74. AM Int or " sov " - im Vol m0 No 1 sci 2200329 Oa ii-I-Jusm-Byparon Resonances, by A. I. B= I., V. G. Y!~-k. 1. LarL-4 n, 38 pp. RLSSIAHIJI~ bk 0 I13Loa=oulib) 10,62, go'c"3441. AEC UM TY-W7 a3--l - utxc PIWO '~' a-/, /-~p Sul 62 T!, -t 70 _ctrody.-,~mics or a zero Fi~uis Par*! TtUK'IPY., perp Zhur &6i>ar I Taoret Fisp ',.Iol XL, I.Io 3n lquilv pp-, 792-bOO,; Alp Sov Phys - JBTP Vol XIII,, No 3 Sci o-7 I Oepl, 61 On Theories with an Indefinito Notric, by V. B. Vajho, 3 PPe 7- RUSSLU, per, Zhur Zksper I Toorat Piz,, Vol XMI7 (10),t pp 467 -*9 r0 It) I ~10 r-!f IW Awr Inst of 1hys SOT php-jwp sci pooo's Mar 60 Amplitude Singularitics at -1 in the Bethe- Salpeter Equations, by V. G. Vaks, A. 1. Larkin, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Eksper i Tcoret Fiz, Vol XLV, Nio 4, 1963, pp 1087-1101. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - JETP Vol XVIII, No 3 Sci apr 64 256,831 or,:; ill a 3, al., i- - U- Vol =1 oc) ltwses Lna Charges of i!:xcit--. IwIg Model, by V, (i, XZJL~!- ~ RU:.:31AN --Y, -.,4r tkaper i I c~omt .!,'iz Vol X1. I I ~P- 1865-1896 . tmer Inst of Phys I)Qv I"hyb - J?.TP Vol XvI, No 5 Sci U11 63 I t-k" v,-.- E.ivi-,,t%,ionf; from the co-aionm) ail, T; r; ta n n by V. 0. 7iknwr, 1~59, pp 1882-18 Ar.c Tn fc, to-I !ayij Jfln UzouW) 0: ca-21GUM QrA Br='A on thz E*f lax Uoitobllity of tho Reopiratwy Centre,, by 0. A, VaMlegp-y.o To I* U=turen, V. 1. ilsslodt&'o 5--Y-P. - MWIANm par# Fla Zhur SM In It K. Boobmxm,, Vol xuvl go 5p 1956 pp 433-437. persumm imt Be i - Mad J~m 59 ~79,7 ;,Sv/ 2%Uon and Un" RomitebtUtr or the v 1 osaw i2 DW Md*Uoa WWWM&MFWJMJ o3w6mal tW a. A. VdmlnXpr md L, Fe yemalbol 12 pp* wMVINP Dw's lixf*Wdd*WY aur"i sm 'tug I* No Val Lp 1b 3~ Nw Mao pp. 9)04187. A" USSR Gai-am Jm 65 ga&vgm r,rff)Ct-., )f 1',17,* ()f 9jdfO8FLlirY!iC PLOW On varictiz Ymtbi=v v. Dareis. 7 3ci 17/ (DC, 1840) TIMESERVING PLANNERS: BYN. VAKSHUL'j L. YASHEK, 5 PP. RUSSIAN, NP; EKON GAZETAO NO 25,, 16JUN 19620 P 6. jpRs A782 USSR ECON AUG 62 2o6,962 Adhesion of Polymers. 9. Nev Method of Pre- paring Bonded Strips for Determining the Mutual Adhpsion of Elastomers., by V. L, Vakula S. S. VOYutakiyj 6 pp. .___j RUSSIAN, r) Kollaid Zhur) Vol XXI21p No 6~ 1961P PP r772~678. CB Sci oc,t 62 213,317 The SIcatrical ThaM of Adhesion, Elect VI,, (pp TI.4-718) of I --- vivaevs on the AdheBion of Hi& Pblymeral, by B. 13 Voyutskiy, V. L. Vakulas RWSUN,.perp UbpM KbIm,, Vol XXVM., 61 igz9g. Sci - Chem Alpr 62 L. vil Vot correlation neween the Intensity of Liam " tho Value of the Relation of Chlorophyna:b in Arboreal Plants, by V. S. Vakuls. RUBSIAN, per, DWads Akad. Ynk B*12M&M. �M, Vol 6. No 9. 1962, 99 09-591. NRC Ref: C-4792 tl S ~ J) 'q A ~) A- k Sai - Aug 67 334-876 by-A..A. Vatulel;~Ll, 4 pp. - - ;-'- M-1 U VO I s X-i R 4., 1958, 041 ESOV PtWs Dot-Lady NO sci - JUL C09 71/ Tbecry of tro Cretp *I' t*Ws, by I. I. Buzakov, A.A. ukulvalm. L42531AN W "naun AX&4ak3-' IftUl UM FAM211M I MIWMU=ie. %1. 6. 1963, pp 3--a OB 4-.,el5j8 /~ ") ~:,,,~Ot~ ~, )- C. x ( (.., ~~,Grj Qt- )39-711 11~irrc!i Hemopoieais In Chronic tiVclGr~is ~f'rj~r my'Prrm ii. RUiSbUi, per, Proble:ky Gematol i F~rellivaply~~ I - Kr' - Vol IV "v, No 11, 1~~9j pp Fergawn I.Pre3s -hul 10 Sv"-L-'.LJLAOu of IL;l I n t he 'hi Lz42 1. Shm'mrm, i). 3. ;iuzlrin, L. Ii. flo-.,,anoval. Kiceleval N. S. Povorgo, A. D. Valmienko, o Up. bino per, Pro'blenky vaniya Krovi, VoL IIj, No 11 l9',,'(, pp 21J-32. Perga=n S'T i - lAcd 4L9/ 9s/ j U, -, 15 "1 (for lim") (NY-3000) Conference an the AppUcatiom of X Hap to the Livestigation of Materials,, by As Is Vakulackop 3 PP. - ------------ MWIANO W, Mmtasb I Spetatalizarav Reboty V Stroltel 1, Doe 1961, pp 25, 26. JPRS 12792 U19SH FIC(m Wr 62 r~clcction r=d Stt-,kT of Properties of L% Fev ul -tiLre Test (% -,t ; NV; for SUndardizi the ACtivity of Uri= Antibioticsi by R, A, Vakulaukoi 4 pp. WISSIM,, per) AntibioWd, Vol IV,. NO 5, 1959s pp 79-83. CD 2 Sci Aug 61 The Spore-BLwIng Test Orval= W-a In the Rapid Eotlmtlou of Paild"Jo and Streyto3vcIn Activityp by N. A. vakulackot 4 pp. r- MMUN., per AnUbiotiki, Vol 1V , No 6j, 19W., w104-106. CB /.(!~; I? SCI jul 61 7~-st- OtNan%tion cj,? a S-30 Orygnn Devlce, by 1. S. ValaLlov. .MIMSSM. ilvar, Kislorod., No 61 1959, pp 46-49, MOL Ft Belmll.- T-i295 5r Rudiation Belts of the Earth. by P.V. Vskulov, "70 Ye. V. Corchakov, at al. 131 pp. RLISSIAVO bko sdj&t*I!=9 M 0 Z*xjj p0 lskvsxtvnnzE Scutnikakh I LOSSIC11"Mis R4k*tnkh 1957 195� 1%5. I)p 1-114. FTD-MT-65-417 Sci/-arth Sci hu ~, 6 7 336,637 Padlation by Soviet Artiflolul Satellitois rn~ Spaos ?robeB., by, P. V. Vakulav and L N. Gorymov, ~lq 7 ,INjss7jj.,,;, por, Osomgnet i Aeron, Vol 10 flo. (,r 1962 AOU sci J.,/a / (0 // ~ .jull 63 lizvestigution of FULdiatlou In YligbtB of Satellites, ~camic Vehlclea and PWakets by P. V. Vakulov, S. 3. vernav 24~or, RIMSM, per,, Iz Ak Rma SM. Ber Fis) Val XXVI) no 6, 1962p py 758-781. Cff Sci jun 63 7,11,9 Tho Study of Sort Cazponeate of Cosmic B*=& th3 Limits of A-.aoapb"*.,. by S. S. Vyerwvv P. V. VakWWvv S. V Q,,< as-120la!", Y. 1. Loadabevo A. 3 - ChudW=o 16 pp. r P~~ -- -- 9 RMIAN, Jert Prow1uien Lab JPLWTrew No 2 P=) "X--,kmk Nov 59 Va.kulov,, yu. 1. Lowhav. WICL 1959, 304-307. 64 - spme Res 5 9 XIV. Trond of J~ydrattdon of an ;'intyleidr~ i; Lm le T T_ PP. 6) 19' C()=UltLzvLl- itarevill ci Synthetic Investigation in the Field of PQlyene Compounds. XV. Total Synthesis of Citral, by G. 1. Sa:mokhva1oV,, L. A. Vakuloya, T. V. Men, L. T. -zhiwweva, v. r. K6 unove, N. A. Predbrazhenskiy, 3 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshch Dim, Vol XXIX, No 8, 1959, Pp 2575-25TT. Consultants Bureau Sci Aug 60 The Cowlete Synthesis of Psauaoionoaep by G. I. Samokhvalov., M. As 14iropolak"a, ER. L. A. Vakulovas lie A. Preobrazhensky~ ~; pp. RIBSIAN, no pers Zhur Obg;hch 11imp Val XXV8 No 3., UM,, Mar 1955.. PP 3~5-550- CIA C 393W Consultants Bureau Scientific - Chemistry CTS 74/Nov 55 -77 T (11Y-6502) Confereme on Coagutational Wthematics and Computational Uchniques, by G. V. skaya) B. r. Finikav, 12 pp. MMLIN, bk, Problemy KLberx"tiki, Issue V, 1961, pp 289-294. im 1.1176 Sci - Hise 1-76,-2,17 Doe 61 (L)C-3()01;) On Maa~ DmnsUtlon Frm French to lbissian. Descriptim of the Progr=,. by G. V. VahLiov- skwzm, F. s. MaRzim., Ig." pp. MMIAN,, Us PrcblezW Tdbernctlki, 1961, pp 245-;,~-, JM MA6 Sal It"ric 9/,) reb bvil-bi SXMKKXU= Traualp-tiou IN w "UNK, mmim Im pool 4L V. IL & =must. TIP' OM M%96 (I)C-3224). lxperimental Translatlwa Prem Freacb Into Rmaigm ca tho "Strela" Cocpullv,3r) by 0. S. Kalagina, G. V. vskulomkap, 9 pp. RUSSUR, bk, ProbleM Kobe=etiki, go 2, 11,11uscow, 1959, pp 283-2u. ins-i145-D Sai - Mise 7, 40-F reb 6o z /,.,).7 iwdi(,Letric At paratus for Vctcminlp~ r (:ci,,tcit of -'Flea by S.M. Vakulovski. A.!~. -Mant9cw. RUSSIA.,:. rpt. A-AC-R2/GjL-12S9. July t-'.9 m N#)v D-~,,velomcntt3 Dc-signed bya ERB Vak-ut,"Iuaik, -, pp. GERIM, lx-r, Die Technih, No 3, 1960, pp UBABIA SC-1,0-lbf&') Sci - Engr Sep 60 ,~ '.) 9 3 ~ 11~76 Olmlab Disolaant Cam=dste C=mut on Swedlab Book Qgpwing Swedan's Antry Mato the Caum Markets by Erkki VoU. 11 pp. FBWM,p per# Tilxmj, No 9 (II)p BoUinkij 1962., PP 363-0- JM 15660 'WE - Imuland pol VA I e6o et -1-P (S?-1345) The D~fWtion of Precamerous Conditions and Pre- Blastomatoseo,, by VI. V&I^cb,.B pp. OMCIAL USE 0 CZEM, p=, Caeopis Coakyth Lekaru, Vol C, No 11, 17 Wr 1961P PP 3M-0- JM 4715 - Sci - b6d / 5-- ~,, z :I- C) .Tui 61 Datvrmlx=tl= al DWI qumytities of Fluorina, by Rcmen Valach, 23 pp. MMS per$ ftlmft., Vol vms 1961) pp 6eg-W. 9CO373A AIC ft-5011 sci - Chem Apr 62 lqle 2 q17 Ine Beta Spectrum of Internal Conversion Nwitted 41M - tba Trans=tation loulm - ftd lump by Sal omon 36'n*w-.',~blM.- *MUOIJO#~M80 4 PP. T=Ma, Perp 92ut EM22US Vol CCMCMJI 19511 PP $9 501-503. 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