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of the position or nydrogen in t~c of ltrafffn!, by 13. IC, ValL'rsht,-mla, 0. Bnulv~~r,. U11CUSSIP-10 RUSIS,SM, per, t1xice-co perp Dok AL, Nauk, Vol U2,1I., No Is, 19509 PP 53-56. Sci Tr Center Tr 390 Coercive Force of quenched I$ Cs 1.5% Or Steel) I I,y B. k. VAwhtein, B. 0. Livshits 2M IM, per.. MM Zhur Tekh Viz, Vol XIX,, No 8s ig4g., pp 871-ML. Bruteber Tr 3056 Ccientific - Minerala/motals C-I'S /D E X //, 9qv Price $9.85 ROV TYPO Of R*I&tlO* B*tWOft StrUCtUre PIACtOrts by D. K. Vaimphtain., 21 RUBBUNJ, pas Iristguograftlap Vol IT# so Ip 19590 pp 3-22. CIA/M 11-837 IM RUXASANIX TO FORIM NATIOUM Sal - Chm may 6o MIB 13=ML WE O= Conditional Pro tba Ip MA y2 Irourier Berleas by D. ViL~Iwltalzmf 0. N. Tishebukos 10 pp., RWSIAX,, perj Trudy lutitatA DUUUagrafll Ak lauk 88SRp So Up 1955s pp 60.74e MAW 11-834 WT RULABANX TO FORK= NATIOMB SOL - chemistry may 6o IMIR INMRIAL DEM OW -f by C'T .L955, 39, lo The Usa of Structum Delineation ?=-aonz of LAentmic Vectm for Finding the Phues of StructurO AlPlitud". bY V- I- SIMOWro B. X. RMOMp per,, Krizt&Uogmfiy&.. vol Iv, ljo 4.. 1959s PP 505-509. Alp SOY Phys- cryaw Vol IV,, io 4 Sol Apr 60 q9te IN'lechanism Of t~a Ferroelectric Phasc Tzonsition- in TLicurea at 133 K, 'L-,v B. K. Vainahteira., _V. F. 3 P.P. RWS.TM, perp Dok Ak Hauk SSSR., Vol CZ, llo, 1, 1961: pp LU-. AIP sov mp - Dp.% Vol V1, Bo 9 sci ttr,v 62 Scoe gates an the fle.,iums for the Inami ecd Pm- clalon cr 8j*ctmgmThic f~uuusls Vith the 080 e. tho lmpluw Fmitrtico 5=",p by V. V. rlbroUm., H. E. Volmotoln. .. per, iche*Mi Mdoeco, u ~~j J,&~Dj~ Vol :5 k~ 3D 4) 1~(k &MI)i /Wf: LC 33%,= ThporLant Problems in 141-he Theor; of StricturaIl Mectron Diffraction (Reviews), by B. K. Vcdnslitein, Z. G. Pinsker, 3 -01). RUSSUC67, per, Lavod Lab, Vol iCUII, No PP ISA S c i u2 !law Equalities Couplina Structure Factors, by B. K. Vainsbtein, 4 pp. RMSIAN, per, Dok Ak Neuk SSSIR, Vol C.UV, No 1 Amer List of Phya SOV Phy" - DAL%dy Vol IV, NO 1 Sai - Phys ~7 1 O~O 'n H' C. I ~,Pn`ed Tible of Atomic Scatterliw, As!'ilitu'los , for ~,1,14i-ctrons Based on the Statiatical Wodel including E-'xch,~tngc, 'uy J. A. Ibers, B. K. Vaimtht..-in, RUSMLINI perp KrIc3taUcgraftya, Vol IV) ND 1959) pp 641.-OL5. Amer Imt of Phvu w Sov Phys-Cryatal / / ~~ A q1 j interr", tion", I Fedorov Session on Crystalloeraphy at L-euii~Grz~d, by Ii. B. Balov., B. K. Vai A. I. F"'tP--igarod3kiy,, M. A. Poray-Kushits, S, A. Semiletov, n. N. Sheftal', 4 pp. RUSSIAN,, per,, rxinallografiya,, Vol IV.. No 5,, 195-9: Pp 796-800. Amer Inst of Phya Soc Phys-Cryistal Sci-Phyr, jun 6o 'ITic Ust of ~;'U-ftps for the Calculation --11: int-egrals Occurvi,ng -in Formulas for Radial DibrribiitJ-,.),,, Cur-,,,,~8, by B. K. Vainshtein: L. I. T-e-tarinova, 3 pp. RUSHAN) por) Kristallografiyaj Vol IVp Nc; 5j l9j9j pp 782-783. Amer Instu of Phys 1.2oc Phys-Crystal S-ci-Phynics jun 6o Structure kmlymis by Usetron. Diffraction; by Be KO VdARWW~~- RU&SMIS Pergamn Press scl - L;,w 278P179 Apr 65 Electrouo,-~raphy, b~jatnshtein. UM~'L Apr in,.:,) fra--~ Lew3in,~ L-:I~ Unill Tr B-jllel,-in Mar 59 The CondItions for the Beftatica of Iroa-Conw .ftteaysts) by-B. F. 1~~te4j at al. IOU--I __ RMI", per.. Mda I ~o Toplive I ma"lp Vol ni) 30 6,1 1w" pp 65-70. Assoo TwA Berr RJ-1385 n 74X25R sai - ma/lbt. APr 59 So2 Radioactive MUM Level Wter for Rotary Mm, by F. 0. Baalts D. M. Ya" Ytela# Ya. M. Goldfarb) 4 pp. HMIMv bimo per, Tsemmt,, No,5, Sep/Oat 1956o PP 13-15. Consultants Bureau Sci - &gineering., QmWxjr-- Jhn 57 4 , t,4 j -& The Effect of &u0_1 Add-J-1koio=. of Yttriiu, Lanthamx-i, and Ccrium Oxidea on Some lla~nctic Characteristice of Magnesitua-Mangancze Ferritez and the X-Ray Spectra of TranBitio-, lbtals in Thera, b*,,/, B. E. Vuinahtein, A. I. (Rtnkchcn-.o, 7 Ipp - RUSSIAN, per, PorosM:ovaya llenta.Uurgiya-, 1~o (12), 1962, PP 72-80. CB 6ci 123 9 i-iay 64 DEPENDENCE OF DISTRIBUTION OF RARE EARTHS IN ROCKS ON PETROCHEMISCAL FACTORS AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE IN THESOLUTION OF PETROGENETIC PROBLEMS, BY E. E. VAINSHTEINI A, S. PAVLENK0, 11 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, GEOKHIM, NO 12, l9bl. GEOCHEM SOC SCI FEa 63 223,73i n= Minctics nand Hechanism = of loclin-.~tion o.7 'Iin~i 'by Iodine Anucous "'olution, b- Y,. Vninshtein, E. 1. Toniinnko, tt -1, "'p. P pcr, Kinctiha Vol r7) 357-366. A--& -A6dL- U" 0 tr a WAMM awasebw rw lbolood &map" tr goal*% l** law"% absom- VOL S# No 33% T" X~R.qy SpectrAl Analysis of firam,t!c CoQp1oxes of the Transition Elements By R. E, ~AkRhtein and Yu, F NopeleT, pp. 9 xUSSIm, per. Zhur Strukturnoy Xhimft, Vol III. lio 4. 1962. pp. 4W - 457 OB Sci Zq,o - R/ -7 oct 63 Use of a Plame Generator for the Spectroscopic AMIPiS Of TitAMIUM-Bass AUOy9j, by R. B. Vainubtaim-, Y, V., Korolev,. et al, 16 pp. POLIMs per) Chemia AmIltumo Vol VIII 1962; PP 107-194. AEC-BF-Tr-9866- Bei - Chem jui 63 10.10yi3t Uy B. V4 Korulm", ct 9 rz I'll"t 74 MUM In Pack-Fandag "a in zi oa P~ 1 1 1- Ittalfurg" at t1w p4j'amor Capin of the Ultobwlo sud AIkUlto Awks of the a KOIA Pftt=Up by =MMMM A. A. M*buvnkol 10 Pers 00094ap No 7a 1,960- Sol filkt 62 2160W7 RKClt&tLOU C=dlti or the spatra of MAWJIU in a PISM smoustor &A the Awlastim of the latter for the ~ - - IWO c J-P M-1 -a Analrds Of Titud"m ss~ Allopo by X. X. V&Lmbtobo Vo V. Khrolswo 6 rp, N=rm,, pw,, Dw Aml M".. Vo~. XVIV No 5,p 196is N 532-537. CB Sol ja 62 MAN GooohnistI7 Of HUM=, zirmato MA am Othu BY&QIYXNW U=80% 1n Map., by A. B. Ronov.. 1. ]1. .13 pp. RVSSIM* pwo Oookblaj So 40 1961. Geochm sm Sol Nov 62 216p556 Compositi,-., of the Rare Earths n X= Gadolinites From Deposits of Different Genetic Types, by E. E. Vainshtein, 1. T. Aleksanda-m-", 8' pp. PUSSIM'. per, Geokhim, Ilo 6) 1960. GS Sci Aug 60 o16'216' St-urly of Solvation of Cobalt Ions in tqueovs Soli:tions by Optical Sbsorption Spectra, by I. I. !L,-t-,,--,'I)ova- ILata~-,-eva, E. E. Vainshtein,- RUSSTM,, per, -7diur NeorZai) Mlim., Vol VI, No L" 1-.S!, -pp Cleave r-llmi:ie Iress Sci Ji-m 1 2 (j 1; 27 2 00). '~ TT-63-20524 E. E., Barinskil, R. L., and Narbutt, K. 1. 1. Vainahrein, E. E. ON THE VALUE OF THE SUDDEN INCREASE OF 11. Barfnakfl, R. L. THE COEFFICIENT OF X-RAY ABSORPTION. Ill. Narbutt. K. I. 1196317p (figs ornitted) 6refs Order from On. SLA. or ETC $1. 10 TT-63- 2D524 Trans, of (Akademlys Nauk SSSR. Dokladyj L951. v. 79. no. 2, p. 225-228. DESCRIPTOWSt X-ray absorption analyals. Atoms, Energy. *Absorption, Electron transition. Ger- manium, Gases. Molecules. (Physics- -Spectroscopy, Tr, v. 11, no. 3) lrx---easiM the Sensitivitiy of Determining Elawnts in a Flamop tV V. 1. Lebadev, E. B. Valwhtain, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per. Zbur Anal MIAM., Vol xvi, No 21 1961a pp u4-1269 CB 900~, 7-/f Sol 4 tipr 62 Application of Radioactive Isotopes to the Imotiption cf the Spwe Dletribution of Atoms in a Direct-Current Are Plasm in Various Atmospberes, by 1. E. Vaiwhteinp YU. I. Belyvqey, 4 pp. WMIAN, per, Dok Ak Nm&, Vol CXQ:IV, So 2, 1960, pp 322-325. AIP Boy Pbys - Dok Vol V., Ito 5 Sci Ayr 61 Fine Structure of X-&W K-Sp&ctrall Absorption and the HaU Effect in Vanadium 84"clAes,, Iq S. S. VainWrbel;L.. 3. A. Zhurakonkly,, V. S. Neftor, :~ -ki - - RMIAN r Dak Ak Y=* S$Mj, Vbl G=lVj No lp 1 (6-70- V P6 AIP Bov Phys - Dok Vbl Vo No 5 15-~Zl Apr 61 'tructuro of the K-X-lt3y AbscTpticn o"Pectm of . ae 0 -r,tanim in saft uydrides, Bm-ldm., ard Bilicidest by F~ El wjwh~~ IL A- Zhurakovskiy, 3 pp ~ J,IJSSIAS~ per: Izz Ak Rft SM,$ Mal Din lhuki No 9; L.959, wo 1493.,.~ 1494. ca Sci - I~ay 6:L 7 7 ~ t.:olirctive interaction of Elect-conu in and its Manifestation in the X-Ray Absprotlcn Spectra of Atow in Polar Cryatala, by R. L. Barliiah,iy, E. B. Vairksh-tein, 6) pp. RMSIAN, per,, Im Ak Nauk 5550, Ser FI-e-, Vol 'To 5; 1-9592 pp 585-59-0- Columbia '.'ech 'Lr Sci Aug 6-j The Use of a Plasma Generator as an Excitation Source in Spectrographic Analyuls, by V. V. Korolev, E. E. Vainshtein, 6 pp. RUSSTAX, per) Zhur Anal IWm.. Vol XIV, No 6, 1959, pp 658-662. CB Sci sep 6o qlL~ U-" ,-i Gcrtaiil -I~Ydl-ridl %Oz, c Vo, .1--er In3t: of Phyt; Sr.>V FOY.13-BGIK-I~IdY Vol iv,~ No 5 Sci y nol" bail gnoo- - ; .;, - " by -u -ul--v,, 6. E'. vains!itein, lu 'llull T'alim, vol. Pob Go j, Study of, the Zrrm~s'of X-ray Spectrographic Anal-l'slj, b-Y T" D. Shevaloyevskiy, V. V. Nalimov, E. E. Vainshtein, 10 pp. RUSSIAN,,, per,.-Zhxm~ knal Xhim, Vol. XIV, No. 4, 1959, pp 396-403.1 CB Sci Sep 60 X-my X-BwtrL Absorpfton of varmium in Certain Wrides, eazbides, Nitwidegs MA Boridag, by X. At Zhurakovskiy, z. 9, Vftinshte",, 3 RMUN# per) Dok A); Nauk SM. Val CWn,, Nq 3l 19".. pp 534-536. Aso Inst of MWs 130V Pbp-Donady Vol IVP lio 4 Sol ma, 0.2 The Influence of, Certain Organic Materials on the R.adiation of KI Calcium in a Flame in the Presence of Aluminum, by H.E. Vainshtein,#h V.I. Lebedev, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Analiticheskoy 1:him, Vol XIV, No 6, 1961, pp 670-673. CB Sci 213,401 Aug 62 The Solvation. of Tervalent. Titanium Im in 4queous Solution, by 1. L'Antipova-Karatayeva, E, F., Vainshtein, 3 pp, RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Noo, rgan Mims No 10 . 19610 pp 2329-2333. Cleaver-Hume Press Sci 213$JM Oct 62 gothod of Qualita:tiva X-ray Spectral Analysist by R. H. vailah'01.0in. RUBSIAN, per, lz&tol*otvo A Mauk SKR~ I43acow, 1956. Dept of Intw1or M7.- 957., No 148 Bel - MY3 NOT 59 '1e ~ pil '. : t-, Iii ("1l tit0/a,a ratios in Gow tk;',`Ou3 I , roc"*z) b,j '1. 2. B. pp. T'~ JjLl 7T-, Lo %,I 1958j, Pp 558-569. Geocil~,-ulcal Soclecy -7 - Dec 59 ANX11cation of ftdioaatiVe Iwkg" to the Investigation of the OPM DIOU-DMUM of A-Iom In a Divact4unn-b Are Plum In Varims Atmospheres, ty 1. 1.ValsobtaI34 Yu. I. BMITOPT.. MMIA, per,* D* Ak IM&P Vol MMV.- ISD 2j. I*p pp 3M-325. UP Boy Pbys Ook Vol V., No 3 Sai 7 W 61 of V= rine Structux.: of' X-J-Z'y Absorp'1011 Bpec tra of Iron in Some Antiferrmapetic Sub- utancer, and Famftesj, by ~. E, 1~14=htnin, 3'. 1. Kotlyar,. G. A. Shapiro,, I-Vp. f 1IM31". per,, Dok Ak Ikuk 8=~ Vol CXXV, to ly 1959P PP 55-58. Amer Inst of F4s Sov Pbys - DokliLdy Vol IV, So 2 sci Dec 59 X-Ray Determination of the Structure of Phenyla- lanine :Iydrochlorido, by D. K. Vainshtcyn, --- - ------------ G. V. Gurskaya, 3 pp. MISSINJ, por, Dok Ak- Nauk Physics Sections, Vol CLVI, No 2, May 1964, pp 312-314. t'jiler InsL of Nlys Doklady Sov 11hys Vol P'& No 5 Ix Sci Jan 05 270,867 Fine Struct=-e of Titanium K Abcorpticzi S]pcc- tra in Ti".nettes, by ?. E. Valn-rlhteyn, M. N. Brill, I. B. Siii:~!')- 2 pp. RUOSIAN,o per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, no 2, 191-6, pp 201-203- ..0 Amer Im t of Phys Sov Pbys - Doklady Vol III, No 5 Sci - Pays Jul 59 Fine St rtv! W, re of T! ~ftv Abf4, Orpt! on r,.% in Czu~bidca, by ~-_- 6. 1. E. A. ZhuralsoVSK'y A pp. RUSSIAN., kier, Dok Ak U- uk SSSR) Vol CXXII, Ru 3, 1958, ~,.P 365 -366. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Ph~s - Doklady Vol III, No 5 Sci - F"'Yu '6' Jul 59 " 7 g~ -/ The DVIuznce of Chemical Bonda cn the Irinre Structure of" Titani= HP LInea In CmVouads., by S. B. !Va!jn Yu. n. vasill~v, 3 P9. ZLIOOIAN, It"r1rice-no per, DoIr, Alk Nauk SWR, Vil CXIV~ No 1,, 1957: PT, 53-56. A= Inst of Ph,.-- Sov Phys, "DOaady" Vol Ilm 140 3 Gci - Ph3b Har 58 63-13713 V F* Xt., Shilov, E. A., and Grishin, 0. M. ON THE PRNLEM OF TIM HYDROGEN ISOTOPE 1. Vainshicin, F. M. EFFECT IN HALOGLNATION OF AROMATIC CCIA- 11. Shilov, E. A. POUNDS. 119621[.51p. 14 refs. Ill. Grishin, 0. M. Order from (fl'S or SLA $1. 10 63 -1 ri 13 IV. Tran4jtion4, New York Trans. of Vsesovuzjnocj KWunticlieskoel Otybhchesrvo. Zhur[nall (USSR) 19(t), v. 5 [no, 11 p. 119-120. DESCRIPTORS: bsotoyws, *13cuterium, *Tritium, *tIalogenation, Phenols, Hydrogen, Amines. (C[icrni~ir~--0tVJTlW, 17, V- it), no. 1) a# 7tchwcd strOm On the Ywabanim of TteV-cqpUq(& late A-Ikphtbalnm SUIZOE& AcUs, by F. M. Vainobtala; I. A. Shilms 7 pp. RUMM, pw, am Obshch Mm, Vol XVIZI No 9p M.. pp 2559-250 65. couffiatax" Mweau MA - Chas Oct 58 74r., / 7 r The Titanium KA Group in E. E. !a~~hte~ 1. Yu. amVjr~thrice-zo Titanium Carbidej by N. Vasillevi 4 pp. per Dok Ak fiauk SWR, Vol c][INT, go 41 1957, PP 741-744. Amer Inst of Phy's Sov Phys, nDoklady" Vol II, So 3 S,A - Phys J- 7, 2 Kar 58 Spactrographic Detemination of Bodim aW PotAn- 31UM in Silicate Rocks,, by E. E. ja!!jebtei~, V. "V. Kcrolev, 8 pp. Russing,perp Zhur Anal Xhim, Vol XI,, No 5, Bap/ Oct 195 pp 627-633. Consultants Bureau 8C i - (11%em .z/ ~, 3 , .2 6 ~ Jul 57 X-Ray Enissi= Spectra of Ma mad, Cu In a Bmwler Alloy at Weperatures Around the Curie -%int, by E. R. UinshLeiap B. 1. Kotlisr, 3 PP- IWSSIM,, per,, Dolt Ak X=k SGISMp P*r, Secx Vol 2 CX) 140 1, 1956., pp 44- Awr Inat of Phys Sov Fbys 'IDoklW" Vol 1, No 5 Sci - Pbyoics Aug 57 t La I! tit i o 6 111 Jjc~t ~,.iiao ci 117?ock~,, by E. 31. Geuch~-,.-.duul S~, L 0 t Y 'L 0. A. 01-1dar: I;J -]"L ci CI be Nm BM)-2 X-ray Vumm Op"ftogrophp bv K. I. Rufttts 1. 1. VaInB&Ailks A. B. C;Lllv"gs L. M. DaISM, 1 P. HMUM# bim perj, Is Jb~ BBM, ser FIX, 30 1.o 29%p pp 152,,~ Oo2mbis Toch Tr Sol - PbVIce Apr 57 CTS Avail Pr 5 Lib K Aeries Emission Lines in the X-Ray Spectrum of Titanium in the Metallic State and in Certain Dielectric Materials,, by E. E. Va6nshtein, I. B. Staryi,, M. N. BrIl'., 5 pp. -4- MMUN.. so per,, It Ak Neuk &9SHj, Ser Fiz., Vol XX, No 7j, 1956, pp 784-789. Colizibia Tech Scl - Ph" S-3 :z 3 SeP 57 Effect of tM Bulk CaMosition of a Xngr4 on Re- sults of the Quantitatlve DetemirAtion of Molybde- num in Granitolds, by S. X. Vaimshthing, L. 1. Favlanko# 10 pp. RUSSTANp bim pew,, Zhur Anal Xhim SM. Vol XI, go 190" pp 410-vis. Comultanu Bureau Sol - Cbedstry ;7 mar 57 Distribution of Rare Earths in Monazites from Granitoids,, by E. Z. Y~iR!Lb~*;pg A. 1. Tuprinov and N. V. Turanakep., py. Full tr RMSIAN., tbrice-mo per., Dok Ak Sauk 888R,, Vol CVI, No h. 1956s, p 691. ca"'nItauts Sci - Ceopbysics Doe 56 cm Depenftnca of tha X-Ray Absorpt" Sp"trIL of AtOWS in Cavounds on the CbarwUr -OJr 9w Waft by R. L. BarinsIdYs 9._. I a. Vainshtoinp K. 1. "Utt, 10 pp. RUSSIM, per# 3:9 A Iffi* MM,, No 10s 107# pp 1351-13U. Columbia T"b scl. - Mys Fab 59 L AbooVption Wd MieSiOD BWtM Of lb iU NOXY- *UWr Cowomdoo by R. L. Bannskiyo it. i. -!&ln#bUUc 10 PP RUWM,, perp U A Dua WM, Ser FJx# Vol Mo No loo 1957P VP 1387-1396- oalmals 2fth Bei - phys Fab 59 All Exteril.Laut in the 1180 CX a FI&MA fca' CY V -a'PE; A naLY p 0 c; t phl- Z-hur Anal Maim, VC.-I 17W pr, 6~6, '91. sai Aug 61 Via Use of Radioactive lootaDea ror Studyt-, tg the Spatial Daztribution of IU=nts in the Plasm of a D.C. Are Dur6ag the Spectrographic Le- 'armination of Ir*uritles in Uraul=) by E. S. Vainshteia, Yu. 1. Belymyev, 8 pp. rAUSS=f, per, Mur Anall iUW, Tol XIA17, No 1958, Pp 388-3395. Sci - Chen Comultanta Bureau jun 59 Tungst-m and 1.1,ol.ybdenum In IgneGUL) 4OCki; (as Related to the Geochemititry of TuWten, by A. P. VinoLvadov, E. E. Vainshtein, L. 1. Pavlento) 2.^) pp RUSSVIT, per, Gookh1m, No 5o 1958, 399-408. Geochemical Society Sci - Geopyr, Jun 59 Effect of Neutran Irradiation an the ?in& Structure or the x A~sorptum a& of oermwLM, by M.- M. AMWASO S. 2. Winskulno 5 PP. RMSZO., per,, In I , Nm* WW# per Yls, Vc.1 XXIO no 101P 107i pp 9 colvWN& Wob Sci - PkW& NO 59 Y-'oIf ~s sm-ae Characteristics of the K rmissio4 Spectrum of Titanium in Titanateso by Zo P. Vainahteinp M. M, Brill, I- B- StarYi, 3 PPO WSSIAN, perj~ Dok Ak Neuk OMs Vol WN, No 4. 1957s, PP 597-6w. Amer Mmst of Phys Sov Pbam "Dolilady" vol u,, so % 6 Sci - Phyaics Jul 58 P7 On 3K the p - I , ILM ti I "a at DKINOM 00*SAIW is US jbd*AIM at -4t- . &0 -.mA bw 2. A. sdalwo . IL . et AU a : MWW,p pwo USWUM I AdAUS* VOL Ilt NO go 19"'o It bh;m- a swd im 6e 200010T Neebodw of the Catplytic 03dAmtlon of Amonim, by IP. Y. Wtwhtalu, M. V. PoIrkov, 10 pp RMSM, , er, Zhur nz 10ft.. Vol XV, 19kl p pp 1&-173. 8u R-M set Jul 59 ?W, --,/ 9-e1 SuIrolyzis of tho SulforWl C-rc,-,Ps in A-rcmt�c Suifor4c Acidsp by F. M. *tl~ ~,* Cjp... 1. A. ShIlav, 5 pp. RM10,, parj, Zhur Obshch Mimj, Vol XITIII~ No 3j 1958, pp 782-786. Consultante Bureau sci - Chem ft 59 91~,, g 571 z Ramonary Lesions in Thirty fttiCUtB With Samoidosis (Besnier-Bo-eack-Scaumm's Diseaso, by A. S. Rabon, G. 1. Valwhteino 10 yp. RUSSIM, perp ProbloW Genstol i Pereliv=lya Krovi, Vol Vp No 10, 1960P PP 37-43. pp Sci ~ 5- 5~ ~, / ~I- jun 61 Production -" of High-Ilerceatage Pe=oailicon, by G. No Y!jnPtOjPj 22 pp, RUBSVJ,, Reports Inst Netals Leningmdo Bo 15., 1933j, pp 3-24. MA R-* SCI - MW Jtm 59 9-? ~ - 9. 9- on ths Excitatios of Aum of AlWl Metab# by L, Vainshtets, V, Opykhties, et at. 17 pp RUSSIANO per& Aklk#z Naa SSSR, lnsti;ut //7 Flaiki ftpoim"r.53. 1964, XIC 1 169 ~~, a1rz,-t, Sci/Physics Jun 66 30101()9 (Xi a C,-rtain I-lode! for Calculation of tho-, Cross Sections for Dccitation of Atu,-,.s by L. Vainslitein, L. h-tonvaRov, ct ~"a) 5 per,, Zhur Elcsper i Tcore~6 71::, voib xui, 1-,~o 6) 1963, 1).p 2015-200 Amcr Inat of Fays LGOV Phys - J-= Vol XVIII, 1'."o 5 Sci , Ai-v,- 64 264,40421 On the E=itriti,-n of Atoms of Alkali Metals, by L. Vainahtein. MWIAN, per, Rucuien ~U-Ort A-53 P.N. lebedev iwtitute- of Phypicls, 1964 OB 45/11/3;5,i2130 S"~ - /~~ /" ~7 - --/ Z'; "/-S Z' i- - CIO i7, " /~'/ Sri - Jul 67 334~176 Excitation of Atoms y Hwffy Partlcles,b7 I., Ve. L.- Presnyakov, 5 PP, RUSSIAH, per, Zhur X,ver I Teoret Ph3w, Vol XUTL Vo 2, 196?,. pp 518--~-i. Amer Inat of Phya Sov Pbyg - JETP Vol Xvil NO 2 A .3-3, 2 R Feb 63 Open 11coonators With Spherical Mirrors, by L. A. Vainshtein, 9 Pp. RUSSIAI~, per, Zhur E"-per i Teoret Fiz, Vol UV, 110 3~ 1963; I)p 684-697. Amer Inst of Riyz Soy Phys - JETP Vol XVIII, 1-.,o 2 Sci Apr 64 255,180 Imearch on SpectrosoM and Lumlzmcemc Fw-W Is II, In, and IVp by L.A. Valmbteln. RMIUs bk, a sai - pbp 2.30733 Sky 63 Calculation of W4ve Fuwtioae and Oacil3ator 8 of Cwplex Atoms., by L. A. Vainshtein. Fwt 1 RMSIU, bk., Trudy Ak Nwik BMp Fiz lost.. Val XV, 1961. CB Sai - pnyo '? a c? " 9,7-? am 62 Open Rosonstors for Lasere By L. A, Vninahtein pp. 11 RUSSIANY P~-,*., Zhur k1apor i Tcoret Fiz, Vol XLIV, No 3t 1963t pp. 1050-io67. Amor InaL of Phys Sov Phys - JETP Vol MIS No 3 Sci SOP 63 Ca.ic,,.Llatiori of Wave FVnctions and OsciLlator Strengrth~- of Complex Atoms, by L. it. Vainshtein. Part I RUSSIAN,x CB Sci - Phys ("P-12-50) Jul 62 ?0 21-'2, -,* ~f ~.-rrela+eO- Tlnic-c, Part T. .3 ,lu~ vv - per, Radioteh-h i Elek-tron, Vol W No 5, ) -7,44. y 7'5 P Pr to v 60, On the Effect of a Me-tal Rnvelope on the Back Radiation of Directional Antennae, by L. A. Vainshteins M. G. Belkiasp 13 PP- RUSSIM, per, RwUotekh i Elektron, Vol IV, mo 4, 1959, Pp 566-575. pp Sci F sep 6o ,)-rreat Waves in Thin Cylindricl! 111". ~~,.ftational Y--thod and Its ApplIc.-ation to the Theory C Ideal and Impedance Conductors; by L. A. Utnobte: pp. USSIM, per, Zhur..Tekh Fiz, Vol MI, No 1, 1961., ip 29-44. AIP Sav Pbys - Tech Pbys Vol V1, so 1 Ci ui 61 Methods of calculating the cross sections for excitation of atcvs by electrons by L. A. Vainshtein, I. I. Sobel'mnp 3 PP- RUESSIAN, per, 1% Ak Nauk SSW, Ser Fiz, Vol XM,, lic 8, 19601 pp 943-946. CTT Sci sep 61 Udiation from Electron Bunches in a Miemms, by So P* Kapitzas L, A, Vainshtsins 6 ppp RussIAN, liar. Zhur Eksper i ToOrct Piz# Vol XLII,. No 3,0 19629 pp 821-8301, AIP sov Phys - JETP Vol XVs No 3 sci Ett 62 213498 current waves In a 7hin Cylindrical Conductor. IV. Input Drpedauce of an osciUator and the ?--e-?iAon of the Formalas, by L. A. Vainshteiz, 4 pp. RM3W, perk Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol XYM, No 1, 1961~ 45 -50. AIP Sov Pkqs - Tech P*s Vol V1, No 1 sel jui R 2,03 .2'10-7--,~! Sci Yh5~*3 LL The Nonlinear fte(wy of the Travellins Wave Tdbej Poirt M. Inflame of the 6pace-abarge 'Morccup by L. A. Vainshtebp 0. F. FilimMovs 8 Pp. MMSIANj, p"2 Fodiotakh i MAktrm,, Vol III, No l.. 1958, Vp k-&. Pargamon Press se i - Elehm 8ept 59 ~7,i?g -i-,Z ?).-bbim- for a HvUcw li or of I cy na Finita Lar4�Ui, by P. L. Kapit"p Va A* AAp Lo A* ~~Mx twi-n, 11 P. MI'l Zhur Teth Fit,, Vol XMO No 10., 1959 pp *-Mr. Amer lust of Pbys Boy Pax-Twb Pbys ^Z.% Vol IV 0 No 10 0 IWO APO 11 yjr sci May 60 Symalric Eleetoc Ncillation of an Ideally Cond*bdng Ro1W Cylinderof Finite Length, by P. L. Kapitu, V. A. 70ky L. A. Vainshtsin, RMIMp per,, Zhur Tekh riz,, Vol XXIX,, No 10., 1"9 pp U88-1205, Amer Inst of Phys Boy Fbys-Tech Phyv Vol rVp No 10,, 1960 Sai 60 and ca lc ulaz -no! 1 oalon ,,,P Hall ui~i JZ Jr.n Cr~