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WEST GERMAN ANALYSIS OF NEW DE-STALINiZATION 14OVES IN USSR, BY WOLFGANG ~~ONHARD) 10 PP. GERMAN, NP, D I E ZE I T, VOL XV I I , No 45, 9 140V 1962) P 3. jpRs 16485 WEUR - GERtW4Y POL - DEC 062 217JP27U De-Stalinization Continues -- A West German Evaluation, by 'olfgang Leonhard, 3 PP. GERM, np, Die Zeit, No 46, 16 Xcrv 1962y P 7. im 16636 MR Pol Dee 62 (DC-801 ~~) AUSTRIAN COMMENTS ON W6RLO YOUTH rESTIVAL, BY WOLFGANG LEONMRD, 6 pp. NP .- GCNAN~ W., ARSE I TERM TUNG 9 AUG 1052. ,(D JPR5 L499o WE - AUSTRIA POL, PROPAGANDA SEP 62 209,44) The renicz. YM viev b~ lolfgl-t 1/"OnLaml., Pp. np, Dir Zeit, Vol XVI: lio ~0,, Zj Dec 4. JPYO 11791 E.ur Cw=W 7 q, If-i 1-01 Jun (DO-30a) TAmbamsmsea Bt%%I?Z'ISW 401t PMLrt;Y OX0590"S by WOlf9M9 7 VP - a=M, V, Di- Wt, V*l M, NO 44# g7 O*t *a` p 3. ipfS 22"l law - GUUW yoc , Js-4f POI I peb 62 (SF-220~) IMAGINARY CONVERSATION BETWEEN ULDRICHT AND MARX AND ENGELS, BY WOLFGA14G LEONHARD, b PP. GERMAN, NP, ZEIT) NO 10) 9 MAR P6 , P 5. ~i62 JPRS 135&4 WCLUk - GM-AANY HkEURG POL MAY '02 1~2)906-) 00-3~bl) West Germn ihdoyendent Weekly Sees SpUt in ';Torld Ccmmmi-=, by Wo!fEr--tg T-e=h,~xd 9 pp. GER-M, Ap., Die Zeit., Vol XVII Tio 49:. 1 j)c-c v,,,6i, p 5. JPRS 3IB311 WEAv - woot Geromw Fol ,;an 6p- "lur"nst. DI.och's Unsuccessful Itt4.-crApt (The Life of V. i.a K -A Fllf lo"cllicz., in the C;M), J)y gang Le.),.-Ohar-k, "I ;,p. np, 29 Sep JFR3 DC-64,63 Gc=.nny Pril Dac 176 ,, 1,rr 7 (r,c-Lo3~5) Wavc of "t"tty in 1".,R AnQyz2ia by ~kst Germ= EXport, b, y d3jfgr_-jg 3 PP. per,, Die Zoit, go 21, 19 WV 1-9(Si, r JPRS 8557 ~X ta GermnlW Poi Jul ()I N Hoso"Is Albovift Wbntso# tr w4jW" beodmt# Ke va-L A No 10,p Hmbms 3 Xor 61a p Ss /) c - 5.k , j specuution on Umit's Peamen in Rumm lioudwit tv Wolfg=g LSOAU46 Me %sit* td 116f " 17 M blo P 41 (Ae-si~oe) Ubmias Us O"dWq V No WSAM LONOWds, Die Z . Vor 16, No 25# & HambwV# 7 Apr 61# p 21 (IqY-6397) Soviet Plans for the trSR and Western Ewope- The Red World r ' Tomorrov: Soviet Blueprints for FUturt Life Under Co=unism, by Wolfgang Leonhard, '.8 pp. GERM, per, Me Met, 24, 31 mar 1961, p 3. ins 9662 mm PO 1 Jan 62 (W-3801/2~a) Hoxha FoUovs the PeipinG Line j by Wolfemg Leqn4ard" pp. GERM, np,, Die Zeitp Vol XVI, Ro 10, 3 Mar 1961, p 5. /1 ipm b64-7 &Wr - Albenia pol 6 Y,~ AuE 61 /6 ~ I (DC-3801/22) Cowdstences Not Campatitiont But Struggle# by Wolfgang IPeon"j, 5 pp. QIFMN,, upt Zeits, No 51.16 Doe 1960p p 4. im MB WK - 06paw /5-0 , 0 ~ Pol z wy 61 h'hr,jsjj,-hev Ilearts Up 'P4Vf, Men or, Firing List, Wol gar~r Leonharcl, pp. rl,"IRNN, np, Die Zeit, 2- Feb p JPR',', '-,~Ur Germany Pol J-289/63 Nikita I s Worries, by Wolfgang 2, f-V GERM, np) Neue Ruhr-Rhein Zeitung., 22 Feb 63 OIJP-F'S/I)C-8502 Special Mir/Genany Pol Mar 63 ~~ 77z- -T J-797/64 hmm - hvdaao SW4AUM~ and Solaoret by Wolfpng LeodMa4 / / epr GEwm,, rpts Bmm - PoWdm,, SoziaU=ns =d umtw= 14 FE - B=m POI jun 64 A Continuously Functioning bigital Speed- regulator, by W, Leonhard* 11. Pueller. GETWAN,, per0Flektratechnische Zelt, AusgAffe A. Zentralblaft Tu'er Elektrotechnlk, Vol 83, No 11. 1962, pp 381-117. ,%TC-69-13290-09C Scl-Ylec Sept 69 312,757 ( /V-/- e, .3 C/ 2 1,'oscow6t3 FlItzire Plan for Westeni Fazmpe, by WolfG=6 Leonhard, GMIZ, per, Die -Zeit, 10 '~?eb 1,,)61, 1) r.. - --- ----- *JPRS USSR Pal ;n 1..a:- tI- - I - 1, J-1284/64 Percentages on Capital -- Economic Refona in the Soviet Union? Discussion of the Trapeznikov I'lan, by Wolfgalig Leonhard, GERMAN, p np, Die Zeit, 4 Sep 1964. i"-' jPI6/DC-10837/SPECIAL USSR Ecoa Sep 64 (Dc -3901/1' 2) Ulbria,ht '-hinted to 1,73stablish a Cover Party -- He Has Now Burierl Plans for a "German Democratic Union," by ',joli'gang Leonharcl, 2 pp. GERMAF~ np, Pi,~ Zeit, 25 Mar JPRS POI iIW-r-~ CRITICISM OF KHRUSCHEY) BY WOLFGANG LEONHARD 8 pp. GERMAN) PER) DIE ZEIT, VOL XV11, No 44, NOV 1962) P 7- JPRS 1622-0 USSR POL NOV 62 219,718 (DC - -)F-"-)1/12 ) Kasst--mls House Communists -- Moscow's Dileme: The Tme CP is not Recognized in Iraq, by W o1 1'ga ng L,n!onhar~l pp. -Vill, rip, Di-.- 1 Apr lcl--, p C, JPFO 3 707 Iraq Pol Aur, ~1) Bridp-Buildingo by P. Looshardt* (MMU, per, Vueju Dauucher Ing Z, voi avs, No 16. 1962. pp 749-756# Ga/93/RLC 1090 Sci-entr July 63 ;2 4~4j.2 (0 IV Loonhardt, F. INIT1AL AND T!IME-DEPENDENT DEFLECTIONS OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS IN UE CRACKEI STATE: PROPOSALS FOR LEMITS OF DEFLECTION AND SIMPLIFIED CALCULATIONS (Anflngficbe md Nachuggliche Durchbiegwgen van StithlbetoolmIken lm Zustand IL Vorshllfge fdr Begrenzungm und Verein- fachte Nachwelse) tr. by DL A. Sinclair. 1961, 30p. 13 refs. NRCC Technics] trans. 945. Order frcffn NR CC 41. 50 NRCC C-3632 Dus. of ftm und SmWbetmbau (Gamatry) 1959, v. K tKL 10, p. 240-247. DESCRIPTOR& *Concrete. 01teinforcing steel. 'Reinforced concrete, Slects, ~wj pkm. Framre (Machanicil Deflectkx4 Structures. Stress. Mathe- matical analysis. 61-25160 L Leonhadt. P. IL NROC TT-945 IIL NRCC C-36U IV. b1stional Research Cat=iI at Canada (Materials, TT, v. 6, rAL 9) ofa-f T.CwC.1 _j&.gWuL&,At-, Fritz and Lutze, F. h. PRESTRESSED SLABS (AND] FURTBER NM-ES ON PRESTRESSED SLASS, Niar 54 [12~. Order from SLA $1.60 6 1 - 20094 Trans. from mono. Forachung und Praxis im Betonstramsenbau (For schungagesellachaft fUr das Strassenweacn E. V . Arbettegruppe Betonstramsen) 1953. DESCRIPTORS: *Concrete. *Roads. OConstruccion, *11einforcing steel. Stresses, Traffic. Fracture (Mechanics), Maintenance. 61 - 20N~ 1. Title: Slabs 2 Title- Preotrv4sed Concrete 1 LeoMardt, F, 11. LUtze, E. h. 111. Title: Stramsenwesen F_ V (Engineering- -Civil, TT. v. 8. no. 11) 01h...f T.A.4c.1 3-1-s ~onhardt. Fritz). _LLL RECE. 1-M-- MAN PRESTRESSED CONCRUE BRIDUS WITH CONCENTRA,rim TENDONS [AND] FAN ANCHORAGES FOR LARGE. PRESTRESSING CABLES. [19611 47p. Order from SLA $4. N) b I - 18982 Tran~- ot de Ingenivur (Netherland.,) 1957. v. 60- n- 20, p. bT45-BT53. DESCRIPMRS: *Bridges, 'Concrete, *Wire, Beam,, Construction, Friction, Reduction. Girders, R~in- forcing steel. jacks (Mvcham:s), Circular coils. Anchors, Germany. 6 1 - 18P82 I . Titic! PrL-,trv-,sv,! c,,n,,rvrc 1. Ixonhardt. F'. 2 2 0246 3 IS (Enginvcring-Civil TT. v. 8, no~ 5) Offif. f T"64c.l S-k.s 61-IMS Leonhardt, Fritz, BoU, Kuno, and Spiedgl. Erich. TfIE ShFE DESIGN OF CEMENT SILOS. [196111281P. I. Title: Silos 8 refs. 1. Leonharck. P. Order trom SLA $2.60 61-IMS 11. Boll. K. Ul. Spledel, E. Tram. of Beton und Stahlbetoobau (Germ&DY) 1960, Y. S5. no. 3. P. 49-58. DESCRIPTORS: *Cements. 611einforced concrete, Con- sUvWon, Materials, Design. Steel, Wood, Containers. Stamp, Structural analysis, Stresses. (Materials, TT. v. 6, no. 9) 61-16939 Leatilmrdt, Fritz. THE APPUCATION OF PRESTRESSED CONCRETE 1. Title: SJ&bG TO ROAD CONS-rRUMON. [196111131p. 2. Title: Tarmac Order trcxn 51-A $1.60 61-18939 1. Leanhardt. F. Trans. from mono. New WLge im Betonstrassenbau, KbIn/Detnz, 1950. MSCRIFTOPS: IfUndii, lConitruction. Stresses, Cenients, 'Coccrece. *11einforcedcoacrece, joints, (LnginLering- -Civil, Tr, v.6. no. 10) Olfi- f T.0-i-I $-i Contribution to the Treatment of Shear in Reinforoad Owmte, by F. LosonheAt. R. WAttwr OMMU, w. atton-ad Stahlbetonsu, 110. 12, ig6i pp 277-290, No. 2, VP 32-44-, No. 3, pp 54-65. No. 6 pp 141-149, 116. 7, PP 161-172, No. 8. pp 184-188,1962 NRC/C-5459 - $9.50 Sep 1967 339#2 The Gyr $030C X kwKnva" MAK-1 by ti. LGWAW44. 13 "MM6 OR OFRCIAL USE (ANLY G SMAN't pa, Imm"NUMN& Val X50 vo It4 961# 1 If T-STC 381-T64-166 ,~Ct - E-j Afty (G J.- L*oobu&. HOM Wd WODW. Abnt6p I ~ 1: TT-"-IM41 ELECTRON TRANSFER REACT[CM Exam a Lsa*wdt. H. PERYLENE. 14p 23reft. weaw. A. Ordex trm SLA $1.60 Tr-"-ILgA Tr~. of (Zdtachrift (Or RiektrodwmMl (Won Gavmw~ 1963. Y. 67. a& 6. p. 791-M. . i 1. -1 " , i (CbwmLMy--rbyWM. TT, v. 12. m 7) Oa the AppUeatias of tb4 Argft-ladsa"aft Oftocter to fx~ t::N:ftof SAMMMIC Gem, b SW &iibi--J*- 00 VA # We J. vex as an* pp 14-11 NASA Tt 144SO -T - 4e, A Ad ti uft OWLY Apt 20saris lie 23~id of Isodoses Frm I;e,%e riftere ,;~ rum Da-mity i , rx-om a Ilkaalecc&alt Tbaravy UAJ-%, ty R. Pwrquiw, P. TAW a p L, DaWachp 4 ppe PI-M,wo; pt~~; -Toizml do Radiolosda, Vol M=TTT, No 3- Ygr.A;r 1957, PP 282-S4- MWW 11-22 Dec ~7;7 amid An Acoustic Strega-Vater; C-astant, Taft of Coupres- 8jva and Tensile Forces, by IJ.W.P. Leonbardt. GWMP Deutacbe Badzeltw9p Vol 69#.1935P pp 430-432. USA Corps of MW., Waterviya' Zxper Ste Tr 3945 Sci - lugineeriql, bydraulics, naval Icon - Tramportation, riverp water A 6 T~ 0 Available on lom at Research Couter Library (DC-55334' A. N. Sbcherban I p by A. lAmU~~L 6 pp. 'RUSSIAR, per, So Znant" -- sila, 'Fo io, 196o, pp 9-11. JPRS 84 32 USSR 15~57 .0 --.? '~ Biog ;un 61 M141 taxi, Monopolies ACainst Disuwx=t,. ljy A. Leonidov, IMSIAN, per, K=iuilot, No 1, 1960, pp ge-la-, JPM Dc 65/1 LSM i%-- 60 "'r.r:+ I S F~ w Tt ( t,-Irted , by -,, - L,--~T) Ill Ovp 3 No - RTM-.".I:) nji, ivrt~stiya, No 221:, 1197'), 1 ~,. t ~66 61?v ,"'ric "T- / L1001, ~ 11 D,~c I ~' by iec;iiidT;2. PP. 13 -n 6. -71 L,,,, ',,.:icliir of Limar pocj,,clusj by 1'.. Leonidov) 200 4) I:,vestiy,., 'To 21" (137* in Sep 1),-l) J, 4 A'31ast-Fmaee 2700 *~ in Volums. by N. K, Laonidov 7 pp. ------------- - - PUMI", per, staL No no 1962, % -., Sin sci Fab 63 9~~- .4e soft 777" At D: mlopwnt of the Bel== of Mmt4humm Piv&wUon in the U3MO by L. IL Talof N. L loonUlovo 38 PP. RMIU., bk., XsUUurSLy& MR., (1917-1957)., Vol 1, part 1) 19581 - l1q, 00 60-5USS pil-ja USSIR gem 3ep 61 "M so U9 Rust Famcs With 11 CoPmalty Of 2000 M3, by IF. K. -Lebtldov. Fmww, wf sui,.. voi n 3.9%, pp w-iA. um-wm 84 zal " ;po?f ya 5.e Blast-Furnace Production Abroad, by B. K. L-3onidov, ~~ 8 pp. RUSSIAN, .er, Wetallurg, No 2, 1.957: _i-p 37- Consultauts Durcc,.u Sci - Mnersln.Hetala - -;~7 / ~11~ ~ I Sci - Kineralo/getals $ . ;7 Mar 58 DrADS ko kv ponr WOMMUM-wo to "Mir olon Teams %W N. & UMMAUL. =CL Nnows, M=MIL rwvop (443. xp my act Apr s-4347 (DC -194 It Party Concern About Graduates, by Z. Leonidons_ I . Fridlyand S 2 pp. MCIMUM 44),K /444 RUSSIANS tbrice-&%*-JF0rUcbitel'o%ay& C-azatm,, No 49, Moscow., 26 Apr 1958, p 2. Us. iPm /W.L.499 USSR ?4=6tior pol ETfect of Methylene Mue and Sodium Azide on Fermentation and Content of Pyrophosphate CaqxxmU in Yeast) by A. A. H3,lkov, V. A. ~~JDak, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Mikrobiologiya, Vol XXVI.II, Do 5, 1959, PP 710-716. Amer Inst of Biol Scie Sci -- Biology jui 6o T14 Effect of Miamte on Phosphorylation of Yealstv Le nrar.. 3 PP. -?n-! --- the Respiration and Wdative by A, H. Malkovp V. A. Russia * Vol X)=p No 6p 1960# PP gpr. .1 AIN scl sep 61 / (a f, .1, : 7 4' ;., Roc':et D Lawiched Prom Undergrowid, 'qy Leonov. -1 ... ,17' Z, ni), Kraznaya ve--da, 31 1962. MS A-M U36IR 1":i1 V,~ Use the Capabi-lities of Radio More FuUy, by A. Leonav) 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Voyenny Vestwik) No 5,, 1962. ACSI-I-XO424-E ID 2191530 sci 214,292 oat 62 (SF- I " 50) 0 EVERY c I 3HAUAIAN A MASTER OF HIS WRK) aY ' 'j A . L E 0 1' 1 Ch' -'-, P P . RUSSIAM, NP, KRASNAYA ZVEZDA) 19 JAN 1962, p Z. JPRS 13555 USSR MI L mAy 62 1 ~3, .-q'. x.celeration Transducer# by AO A. Leona, a USSIAH, Patent No 1520W, Fab 220 1962, CIA/FW X-5133 :i - Physics Ly 63 A4q, ))4 Tboary of aw Motropy or vtoooolaus YOU& with a C=ttwww M*Wbatlos of Va %lau- tioD Tirts by A. I. lacWt 21 pp. famna. ~per, %hvrm4-PrLkL Mskhmdkl t Ffs4kj. lb 4, 1954. M ~-~ --- - PIODY675T PTD-er-66-26i 6T 346o068 Fmbe*Uff Cit PaYms- UWWY Ot Md=tKWP by A. 1. TAWM# Q- V- VIDOPMAMP 4 pp. RWSTM# PWs IK A Nu* SM. TMidaml Q-Adetryp Val Mrs No gs Aw,, Apr 1964o pp 406JM. CB Scl Y&Y 6 5 The Valetwe of Cerlm In Cbmthetic cmd fttuml Cevi= ALUMiUtites Wd MUCaUls, PAn I* 00VOWIft of t~w rera"kits Graw$ by A. I. Lewrj 3 yy. .ms8W, Ar) ra A *ak SM Otdal Mdx Nmkt u-3 1) 1963., pp 8-13. CD scl Doc 63 / 0 Tli&, TempArntura Reactiobs bet!;aar CeIPI and Al;,n3 md the Pm-jx-r~,'Aas of tho Cerium Aluminat6s Formed. !1Y A. T. Locnov, r. 'K. Kelor m. 5 Tz"ITO, Ir ~, '"F ner, Tz Alt Na4 Otdol Kbin Pwbj 'VO !I, 10~21 pp. IOP5-10V~' e1 Sol Sep 63 Nature of the High Permittivity of Cerium Alwinatea with Ferovskite-Typs structure By V. A. loffe, A. 1. Leongy, and 1. S. Yanehavskara pp 6 RUSSIAN,per Fiz Tvardogo TeU, Vol IV. go 7. 1962 pp 1788-1795 Aswr IrAt of P bp Soy Pkvv - Solid State Vol IV, NO 7 Set 077 Jun 63 The Role of the Activated Transition State in Chemical Kinetics, by A, I, Leonov, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Fiz Khim, Vol XXXV, No 10, 1961, pp 2328-2334. Cleaver-Hume Press Sci Sep 62 210,S43 Reactiom 3etween Ce 0 aad SiO at High Temperatures, ? '2j ' by A. I. Leonov,, ve ooRZenko PP. RUSSIXT, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Khim Nauk, No 11, 1961, pp 1925-1932. CB Sci Jul u2 205~-W The Catalytic Effect of Water on the Chemical Reaction Between Oxides at High Temperatures; by A. I. Leonov, 5 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Khim vaifK, ro 8, 1961) pp 1411 -1415. CB Sci Jul 62 202J.697 "n.,,;~,rutivn tit t.;A!, iie Gjuvie/// I 43eous C41 L' Aratureo, A. ajji ur Izv. '4. I. Leonov Hadio Electronics and Warfare., by .~. I. Leonov 4 pp. RUSSLI.'., np., Kraanaya Zvezda, 7 May 1959., p 2. FDDft4048 USML~ SC-101/59 Sci jan 6o Effect of the Gas Medium on the Sintering and Collective RecrystaUization of I Oxides at High Temperaturesp by A. I. Le.onov, 8 pp. RUSSVJ, per., Iz Ak No" SM., Otdel M:dm Nauk,, No 12, 1959j Pp M3-2OT9. CB Sci 3 J~ Oct 6o /S dl - 'Fa.- Efl'ui~:t of thc, Gaueotui MecUum oil thct COUroc of in "Pml-r~nnnwtinc u 13P. IL, Ak, OtCle-f g 9 m SAI 0 29- 1'- 3 CT3 Sc 7 '71 Ou tul Role of DissocUtional Activatim in the SintmlM of Oxides ef noments of Variable Valenc7, by Ao Iq Loo~qj, 4 pv. MMUN., bim pw., In Ak C "/ 1955.- aTA $W63-c, rwi 3 *mk SM) Otdol M21n PP "-aO3- Ommlttmts arem Sci - abamis AW 56 W5 ieneral -Areulation of 'Ater MAsms. by A. 1. Loonov, 13 PP* r" !M, ,-JSSIA71. bk, Mdam-alm cLemm-mM o4rt 1, 14960, pp, J PRS 37745 SC4. CJAII Uet 60 311054 i7y Lec ILe:7 -63 it 1. 1, il, 77 -AL' Col LUC, iJL V X44typ Uy A* 4o wj4ov, 4~36/4AAI Tr 1 ~-44 Z-L , XI . . f 7 M6~ OMANW& d&Am".A." Am--- - .,i - . 1, Y I,, 0- i ~~~l - qw- Aiff P6 'OW go M& 'L-d - al-wh ft & AIIM wire ;Q11 Of JA,,'k0tSkj, 4y A. L. IRLIUCYV. Ma,-t oi '-avy Tir 41. 4/!~W Tr 2.2,j -C1 312,274 i0j it* t~* Learlove lit bL,, ItuLdmallnua Lvaits~;mdp WW# Irp Wi-712; 72&,74b; lb~Z-74!50 LvI,t oil auvi Ir 441bitW, ir 193 SOS 29 4 s UA 378) 'eicntific Orgaaii;atiwD 0" Lh~! U-8R I.,11,,84*~,V), by I. A. S.13ft;a, S. 1,1. :Ueoaoy, 6 pp - (A ~jz-rp aLra Frcv, No 5, -19" , PP '10-73. JPRS 10503 17 1. IWUonal Schem far the Automatic Control of the '7 - ~ - -- -t,,--e of F41ters. by A. L. Leonovy 3 F~WLM, per, Koks i KhJ , No 12, 1960, pp 46-48. CMA V'ci .a " graph, by A. M. Leonov, 4 pp. a'S=All, ix~r, Iz TLJZ: INO vol :V, 7"- 5.~ 1961 iP San tlll~ Obtaluing 0=11c Aeld lfmmO' Sodustv by S. 1. i6aam usmmvm =810* Imm. amchm inap umma No 5j, 1938, pp 46492v Asaw Teeb am,, IJ-73 pirkvt $15.g0 01.95) Sc leatific - Chalouy / 71 fw Gonnectlon or Radiosensitivity of Ratz With Antioxidative Activity of Bone Marrow and Content of Unesterificated Fatty Acids in Their Blood in a State of "Stress", by B. V. ~p ~n, M. A. Lomova, 7 PP - RUSSIAN, per, Radiobiologiya, Vol III, No 4, 196'3. 9222264 AEC-Tr-5437 Sci 26oo27 Chisnim in Antioxiduti" Aetivity of Strain Hep-2 W- Tissm Cult= AMr RKUrnal 0==-Irz&Mtl=j by B. V. .0 9 py. Russim per, RadUbloloolyap Val U; xo 6,o 1962., pp el9-V3- =-W-5433 sci - mov 63 2qJ~ fY7 BKPWIUUUI ON Of NJ&-PMW G~gt4W TdM in Pub* Opmttoop by 2. U. la=mt at al. RWSIAJI~ per, awalotAmbe V03. zmv no UP 25"1 aft 9 394 i ft" awlt-v* 80 a 274crtrool" Jkd " Ipw .0 FOM3, of Up F~ne-a6ma- z 55-190M, 'I. D-. 1"O"MDY Onkology, Vol IV, 1;6 rp 205-2o6. 'Pergnr.on Inat %.!ed Jun C'9 According to the Material of the V Internattowl Veterinary Congresop by 11. 11. I",Rv. UXIASSIFIM T ,,UBSIANO mo per* Vetorlwrlyup Val XXXP Ila 12p Dec 1933,, pp 51-56- USDA Scientific - B1010.,jy CTS/m 14.,111 oi' medical Stii"onta In the ilr,ny, t, ~Ir; Important Stor, in the TrRin- inS, of -Illio Phyfician,,, by 1, Tu Lqcno7; A~ Az Balm--Ov RUSSIANp mo parp Med Zbur, A 0 14030=0 oot 1958> pp 78-81 US JPR3 u66-u 42