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Certain Qostions in Dividing the Yabatskaya AS& Into Ikoamlc Roglono .. 6WIAWVM RUSSM,, perp IZ Ak ftuk SMp W Owv,&f p Un 1958, pp 110 UN-VIEUSAIM USSR GeoSmpblc DOC 58 A - M* 6f 60 lbre$U of *0 M, bY A- T. 6*03AT, 5 pp. WMWM PW.. 29 At %* Mv OW doogmts, lb 2# ILMI IV Aws-Ift no dews*" m " Relief of tho Bottom and Sediments of the Southern Part of the Indian Ocean, by A. Lisitsyn, A. V. Zhi-vago, RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Vauk SSSR, Seriya Geograf, 140 3, 195~,, pp 22-36. J40-Ts" 6o-21104 (PL-486) 14~1~~-:~ 'Pay T 3cit-Iriceu or tile W'sR. D. V. JLnr,,ch.-nLo,j 5PP pp--P;7;~ 50. ,;oviot Ceograploq Vol I. M-) 1/2 ;%,mer Geographical Soc 40 The Pream SMte of Ookucb&evtx Thwry of son zonadon and of L. L Prawkmls SdentWl; Ideas about SoU provinoes and Tbodr s4pdnq, canm w the Tbeory of DeUneation of NAlzral Rq0ons, by 1. P. Geradmovs. a P. RUs:gAN, per, Izvesdiya AkkWndl Nauk SWR- �Sdn cw,:-.Taxl No 4,1958, pp 3-10. vcFM TT-60-5104 SCI-Ear SCI mar 66 gg&;- Ochm of Oewral CirculsUou of, tbo Pacific Ocean Waters, by A, M Hurmtsev, 6 pp. RMIM,,. per) Iz Ak dop, So 4, I~A-' 2 .32. K7 Awr Mwbeaml Sac AF Owbriap Ugs Coat4r Sci - Georbysics Fab 60 t Brazii~ by o 20 pp. Tz Ak -h' 2 1o Soviet Vol 3:. i7o 1/2 SOC r Get5-61 Ilia ina I-11al mice Cbservations in a IX%ciduoud Forest, by Yu, L, Ramer, 1) I)or,. Izvest&a Aka(demii Nalk SSSIRS Scriya Geografidwskaya, No 50 WSUs. pl, 79-66. '17 60-51099 We 66 315$512 (NY-3570- Confc"encc~ on thn Problen, "Heat and water Regime of t!i-I Qsurfr-.ce, It!? Role In the Dyne-mlcn of 1__% U Z., U a ..Ural =a ~~tLvlz Q.C TXULW~Q;.,W"-; It for Pract-ical Purposes," by A. P. Golltsov) 9 pp. P',V"qTATj 77~ A% Kfixk .998R., Ser (]~-oSraf, NO 5, Sep -Oct ;1958"TP _130-_1W-'_-- aris 2428 USSR Econ may 6o (.V,-3578). In-terfletarL=fitial coa-ference on Maciation of tbe ("uminn. by D. A. Lilkyenberg,, 5 pp. RUBST-FL5, per, Iz Mt 3%.* SW, Ser G;9&7~~f, JAS 24,213 Gcog (IVI-35'T3 I - Pr6blc= of -4~:o Phyuical Gcolg of tho t= Bi~ , C-Phy at the Third SooSion of the Joiat Scicntlf~c Counc,--' of tbe Amur Z.-godillAon of the Acadekv of -Plolnneas USSR and the Heiluagking ftpedition of the . CbInese People's ]Republic, by V. P. CbJ.clmgo7.. 7 i~-, WL VO 5o S-3-n-Oct 1958) PP W. ~by 60 l3ro-wnt atatus of ciscsifinum or ropuirua nazee in the mm into Urban &W Rmml# 17 pp. UNM maim, vers is Ak vauk ssm, S" Gewas, No 69 190; VP - AID On-3265 um sw Apr 60 113979 ;;l - --ILA GooWnablool IMIMAtion 0t at the Mdtod StA*"S by N. F. t;Oit'7"T Y". , Z. I. lo Z. ibroam., Lt Ri 9 NMIMO pro.ts- Ak M* ms aw awow 190" pp U3-ug. so 6. M Lo now am 3 k4 59 2134-0 som Req%lts ani Pmrmto of "etmoybysical javeatIgetions,O by T. Yv ftlcraecrr., 21 -,)p ,1==, per, Iz Ak I%uk SSSR# Ser Oe"fW~ No !P38 -3-19. to im Tr L-621-v Sol ftopbyetca J~m 59 ,7 Soviet Geography: Review and Translation, Vol I, No 3, 196o, 8o pp. RUSSIAN, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geograf., No 1, 1959, pp 52-73. Amer Geograp Soc Sci CTS, Vol IV, No 3 oct 6o Polygonal Patterning of Soils and Vegetation in Landscapes of the Dry Steppe of Northarn Kazak- hstan, by B. V. Vitogradov. RUSSIAN, 1.*r, Izvestlya A Nauk SSSR, SariLa Geograficheskaya, NO 1, 19590 PP 90-98. *AFCRL Changes in the Population of the I'lumaniaD People'v I epublic in Connection With Induatrial-Ization R S. G. fttg SlCpi8Dp 6 pp. RIMSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR., Sor Geog, No lc)59.. pp 98-103. Dept of Commerce Bur of the Censue Forgn Wmpover Rea tt Off (loan) EES - Rumania SOC, EC-OAJ 7W jan 6o ;0/ (DC-36o~u') A. A. Gri~-Or'ycv, by D. L., !V -.pp. P,USS JAIT, per. iz Alz Ilrawk SSRI Ser Geogm.V) 110 1) A , -I'- 1959, . 154 55 JPIIS 38146 USSR Bioc, cep ju 19 (DC-33)3)- Cn the Occaaio.zl or the 60th Birthday of B. Ll. Dzoi-clzcycv--I:ly, by Yu. V. Spiridenom, 3 PP. F*US~V-,I,'per, Iz Xlc Rauk, Sor Geogzra-f, JPR,9 3253 MISR Dicc // , X ;70-Z may 6o 7 R-2570 (DC-3115)- Gooemphical Obnarvatlo= in DZIMLSsr:iaj b7 36 X- Dz"v) 17 PP, RNSIANo per ocova~ so 2, 1959, Vp 25-37. im-L-11925-V USSR ftl - Geopbys Nor 59 1411, ""? Soviet Geography; Review and Translation, Vol I) No 3, 80 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk 6SSR, Ser Geograf, No 2, 1959, pp 38-57. Amer Geograp Soc Sci OTS, Vol IV, No 3 oct 6o i V". SydrologiCa Conditime 111 ftitbimat TnllnWl&; N. T. Kuznetsov, Hu Tam-Pey, 7 pp, MOURs per, Is Ak Nw* 1959.. PP 73-76--~ wC. Ho 21 JMS-L-10-D USSR Sci - Dee 59 (DC-3381)- Works'of the -IftUtute of of Selene* UWR i1q 190P 9 PIO.: Geograpby of tho Acadm~ 0 by D. B. ICM4*beUkov HMOs POP ZZ Ak..B.U*-, OMP MW 0006rsf a 50 9) 1939s pp 143-i460* JMS-3DD3 Sol - claqpbp ljorf feb 60 (NY - 3908 /1) - Toward the Jubilee of Academician A. A. Gri- gor I yev, :~ //:V,5 ~ 'y RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geograf, No 2, 1959, PP 1~;Rss- 1171-A~ Sci - misc Aug 59 The allzat Moscov City Coafereme of Nev $clantlatn on tbe Problems of Ocemnologys by V. L, WaravaMaj Yu. A. RO=nOv. UMIMSIPM RUSSIAN, perj It Ak Naulc SSSRp Ser.,Gq~ogr _gf ) ZO 3. :!~~159P t;~? 149p 150. HavY 23Tl/S2 HO 67 Sci - Omophymicw Dcc 59 uouuuming tbe TmnnXr'!lPti0a Of Geopraphical Fw~s. RUSSL411, per., J(auk IAAYIJtn 1~59., pp L'51-1549'-'f IMAMWAC p I'D Tr ITo 10000P USSR Geo Oct 51) (NY-3477). Preparatione for the PublIcation at a Short aeogmpbiwa BaCy"Opodial by V. P. Tikhomirov, 5 VD. T~ I) 71~ RUSSUN, perp Ix Ak Ser geograf 0 1959J pp 154P 155. JM-2238 um Geo Feb 60 Preb-i-Caj rLwzvItiya locating the G", problez-0 Of E~-Twa'ng "I Ilei. Bokncr=o in 1959-65~ bY Y", 'ref 110 RI~351M, per, 1z Ak Ilauk SSSII.# Bar GCO9 -1959, Pp I A.0 ,:at I c rquil) Econ /c, Joan 60 (NY-3U2)- %e 6oth urthday of Alelwmdr Nikolaywich Foromw, 5 P.P - IRIJSSIM,, per, It Ak Phak SM, Ser Ooogmf) No 4s 19590 pp Apr 60 Conference ou the Problem 'Heat and Wat-er Rec-ime of the Earth's Sunface,~~ts Role in the Drvnwmics of Nat)'-ral Phenomena and Methods or' Transfom.Lng-ft for Practic-c-d Purposes. 'I.-.,,- A. P. Galltsov, RUSSIAN, pr 1- Ak Nauk SSSR, Seri" Gaeograft-'e' ~.,- 4, , No Se Oct 1959. pp 130'-134.---- *JPRS Sci Geophksics Fe't, 0 (ky -3 S-~71 ). Interd,!partm,.I,.nto-I Conf erence on GlaciaA-lion o1.' the CaucaSLIS, b. D. A. Liliyen'l-)erg, RUSSIAN, per, Iz ilk Nauk SSSR, Serd~~a Geo~-rafiche,,~'a~a, TID Sep-OcL 10,59, pp 134-13~' *J-PRS Sci Geoplll~-sics Fei- '.0 Problems of the Ph,,,,sical Geoeraph3- of the Amur Basin at the Third Session o-'L' the Joint Scientific Co~4iicil of the ilanur &peditilon of the Academy of Sciances USSR and the Heilungkiang ll%Tedition oi" the Chinese Peoples Republic. "by V. F. ChichaEov., I RUSSIAN, ~ei, Iz Alc llauk SSSR, Se -r-- -- - ---- No SeplOct 719-~,7-,-~~1-13 -139. 7 *JIIROJ Sci Geopir:sics Fel, 0 (DC -I)PO/ .1 Problems in the Davslopmat CC Industry and Traosportation in MmsuoyaroMy &ay,, by V. V. Gorismtovo 3 PP- FMIM,, per, Is Ak lbuk SM& Ser Cleogref.. no 6, Dea 19590. pp Um Um I Doe 6o Tbe 7artbCOMIM 001Mrs" of the soolev of the UM W& ItIG ftOFIOP 11 IM' MSSIMO paj, Is A XR* 9Ms 000~r&ft So 196o, Vp 3-12. $MIA o"Peow Amw Goosegh 8m Vol it'No 5 Im. 1.4 U96R y gag WW 61 'The Davelopwnt of Internatioml Scientific Contacts and Their Ipportance for Further Progress of Soviet Geogra;hy - Report of the National Cc=dttee of Soviet Geogrghers, 9 pp. RUBSIMp perp Iz Ak Nauk MR, Ser Oeogmf., So 1, 1960, VP 13-21 - - ~-: ~- ~ .";'L Soviet Oftsmft Pim ftogz-qA soa Vol 'T, NO 5 Um Geog The Heft Babums a# FOVMO* by YkL L. RMW. RUI,SOAN*F*r*jMWW6MMMSimmw givEd NO 1, IM~, po 49-59. SFCZE TT 05-MM �WMA Avg 6S 287,382 About Some Pleasons fbr Fdver Wanderlng an Desert Plaina.. by 1. IL *umqevo 6 pp. missmj, No 2,, 1.960, pp W. ANS Usm /aio7v Geo T'f1 Apr Q UTEW T-4T/21 (NY-4234). An Atlas of Poland's lndustry~ by Stanislav Leszczitski, 12 pp. RUBSIANp per, 1z Ak Nauk SSSR) Ser TWq, No 2) 1960., pp 'ZT-13Y- JMS 2921 0 Egur - Poland Geography - Industry atlas Jul 60 Scientific Confereace on the Meteorology of the Antarctic, by V. A. Bugayev, RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak xa Ser Geogr~~f, No 2) -- - A N) s ~ - ~s STRU 1960, pp 133: ZZ - IGC OTS 13lb32-121 sci - GCOphYG Jun 60 //34 7i1 mintic rwtm at the suml smatlyltv or *no by IL 1. automp 0. V. Idta4was 16 pp. BOSOM# per) Is Ak Vank S=jl Gw 09ogmf ; No 3.- 1W,* PP li~U- IMM - - Vntbu bumu/11-92 -, 1 .1 1~ - -,- oci - oaqpbp 12 lkr 63 .2,2 41 pi ? (~xestions of the Tutegrated Utilization of the Utural. Resources of the Kcmd ASSR, Igr V. A. V 6 M. REWM, per, Zz Ak Nwk BM# Sw GeoVe, go PP 55.61:---,,-- Soviet owgnww Awr Goo~ Soc USSR Vol n. no 2 AP/ 1.19 Im fa~Ppl YAV 61 Remats of the Tbird Cwgmo of the GwgMawa Society of the USSR., by 1. P. Oara&twvp 9 99. FWSIM.. per., Iz Ak IwA SM, Bar OeopmT.,, No 3,p 196o, pp loo-iff.--- - m .1 .. % Soviet Geogragw Aaw OeograVh &W Vol Us No I um ~C3 ~4 0009 ft a A Canadiez Scholars Viewa on Gecgmphy in Cauada- and In the USSRO by V. P. NovalevWdy, 3 pp. RUBSIAH, per,, Is Ak OSSR. Ser Oeograf., 30 3, Soviet 0806mPhy Amer Oftgmph goo va n.. No i um GG09 mw 6:L tt~-,e of SOVIO'k. of -,,lc DiFLtional Colic" 9 ~vrnm &.nuary ,auk SSSR, Ser rac-graf, NO !_~60, -D-P 13 -IT 60" Gc oc-,% War", EcoccWc Wons of the United Statess by L. Y&. 7A MU., 6 pp. RWIMs Pw, lz A lauk SMs Ser Oeogmt, 110 3o 1960 PP 144-iMT. Soviet Geogra*w Awr Owgrq* Soc val n,, xo 2 um /,roj 150 0009 aq 61 S-541/60 ('-nC -): 21 Conferen-ce on the Problem of Sun-Troposphere, by Yu. V. Spiridonoval 4 pp. MIAN, per,-Iz A Nauk SWR, Ser GcoSp No 3, 1960, PP JPRS 3917 Sci - Geopbys Bep 6o (sr-1073) Ocean Depths and:the Problem of Burying Hadloactive Wastes in Tbemp by V, 0. BqWovp B. A. Tarery, 16 pp. ZISSUN., perp Is Ak Nauk SM., Ser Geogx%af., No 4p 19601 pp 3-10. Sol - Geopbya Tr No 102732 Oct 66 Chaups fbr the Better in the Disposition of Inda,stry of t1r. lr]mtxk Econo-mic "A ii -,U. RUSSIARp 17 A)f~ SSA-R., Ser %-J/iug 1960, DP 56-k. U&MMAC g PD Tr No 1027ho NOV 60 (BF-1073) In the Interdepartzmental Coumission an Aerial Surveying, by D. M. Kudritokiy,, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, perj, Ix Ak Mauk SWRp Bar Geograf,, No 4x 1960P PP 138; 139t, ipp's 4104 Sci - Geophys 'j / " oat 6o la / (W-1073) JVbilee CWerenee of the Black 84m Experimutal Soientific Renearch Station of the Iostituto of Oceanology of the UM Aoad=W of Sclencesy by N,, A. Aybulatov., Ve P. likolapv# 9 pp. HUMM p*r, Iz Ak N&uk g8814 Ser Geograf, No 4.. 1960s P; 1391~,.A2- im 4105 ;L)L Sol - Geopbp Oct 6o j OW-1073) Scientific Conference General Circulation a Kuvehinovs., 11 pp. on the Problem of the ' Vw Atmospbmq by X. V. RUBBIANO perp Ix Ak Sauk SMI Bar ftoprefs No 4, ic.60, pp A2.146. - JM 4106 Sal - Oeowws oct 6o A? Principal Results of the IAtest Oceanographic Research Jz the Arctic Basin.. by P. A. (;oriUanko., As Ps LaktioWv) U pys RUMIAN.. per.. ~-k A. Na" - UMP Ser Geog, So 5 s 1960., py 22-330 Odft�06 DRB CawWa T 350 R U813R Geog Aug 61 RerAw of Oboor"dow Q1 *o Host4almm compm"s of Sww Comp by A. V. Pxwimt Yu. L. Ramw. RUSSANs Pero I bdmil Nusk SSSIL .AMMA ion 923029MM& No 50 Mus yp -Ns-av- SFCSI TT 65-5UUU sdoutrth SU AV9 65 267r*A %he Main Tasks and Treaft of aeowryhologwa Research in the UWR; by 1. P. owmalmv.. 9 pp. RUSSIM,j per, Iz Ak Nook Sam Ser 069F5# xo 5 , 196o pp 88-95. Soviet agoarsow Amr Goo~ Boo vol n, No 3 am /,Jrol 961 QW9 aw 61 7he Piwe of loolowl sma=ia ascor4ft lu the systm Or oacermbiml l5r4ona"s, bly V V. PokddMM*Idy., 10 woolas pwo It A Nmk OSRI Sw Gwomf, So 5p 1960, pp SWJA Googroalw Val nil so 5 Amw /fo~ 5-rf aw 61 Report IV the Imuomi camduee or smat 060010mm T Pp. MBIM,v Vwt Tz Ak Vm*. BMp Ber Geogmfl No 6.0 196D.- 3M 3-9. - govi" 000grqft Amw Cl ' I Sao Vol nP ib 4 I= /3,00 966 4009 j mw 61. 'tt2 Formit:kOn of the M2MOCII In by INksuk ssm Gbrlya Geogmf .Q,':IOXAN. por. Iz Ak .'40 6196o, lisberlss Res Board of OWN" sukatwp Be ce fti 41- .A Mw Hmav Bmab of the Geogrghlea Society of the M in the Next You YOMS by TU. E. Yeft-mmy 6 pp. MS'=,, Per.. u Ak Nm* samp sw owgmfy xo 6., Vp Soviet asommow Vol 11, 110 5 Amer OwgMUca Ow um 1SVj 5#0 61 RMiation BaWW oZ US XWthm 10misPbw6p by U. 1. Bmlykoj S. A. loftmMp 17 PP- romm, per., 96OD54 No 1* !A~ 3V 3-12 Sol -Ueqpbp An 63 (DC-5W) Natural Regiow of Commist Chimp by Ruang Ping-weig 21 pp. RUSSIAN., perp Is Ak Nauk 8SSH,, Bar Geograf, No I.- M - " - ~----- am 8435 USSR I Te a 'Pe Geog .00 Jul 61 R-134/61 L W-5-~7VIH. Cartographic Exhibitions at XIX international Geographic Congress, by XX K. A. Salishhhev, I. P. Zarutskaya, A. M. Komkov, RUqSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk. SSSR, Ser Geograf, No 1, Feb 1961) PP 138-141. *JPRS USSR Geog 19 May 61 R-134/61 ( &- -,)f *) - Visit of Svedish Geograpber Professor,H. V. Alman to Soviet Union, by L. R. Serebryannyy, H. V. Alman,, RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geograf., No 1, Feb 1961, PP 172-173. *JPRS USSR Geog 19 May 61 1,aterites and utteritic !boils, by ior, Izves Seriya Ceo, NO 2. 19CII, pl) 3-12. TT tj6-51120 ar 67 (SP-1878) Confdrimce on Agro4NImbic Resources, b7 0. D. RMter.. S. S. &tblm., 5 py. RUWM,, per,, Iz Ak Nauk MR,, Ser Geogmfp No 20 i961., pp 123-125. ... JM 4912 Sal - Geoybp ftp 61 14 411, CY!9~ ~P/ (8F-187: .02 No 2, MS 4912 61 The Collective Work Sovetskaya Geografiya, Itogi i Zadachi (Soviet G-eo.3raphy, Results and Tasks) and its Contelit, Revieved by I. P. Gerasimov, 5 u. HOMO, per, Iz Ak Hauk SSSR, ,qgp.&raf No 1, 1.961) pp Soviet Geography Vc! II, No 5 Amer Geographical Sac USSR Geog may 61 (SF-1878) Belentific Conference on the Problems of Ate) initization and Fee&i% of People in the Fw North, by A. B. KWIYWOV,p 4 pp. RUSSuNs 2 &W Geograf) No 2) 196ij pp -13o. JPHS 4912 USM SOC AVSYUK~ G.A. "Formation of the Interdepartmental Geophysics Committee" IZV AN SSSR. SERIYA GEOGRAFICHESKAYA, No 3, 1961, pp 139-W Complete translatio4. DC/66 Will appear in a GAS report 4Aug6:L4[. dig iiie Pjo'ult--u U Wle Diaposition O:C --liCT ~to in Kazakhstan, 1,A SIAN, per Iz Ak Nauk 8MR, Be No 4y -061, pp 500th INTC Gp, SM Tr NO 105036 UISSR q., 3cm g/ -Ten 62 11 20) Probir. A. I-. FURTHER PRODUCTIVE SPECIALIZATION OF ME Probsr, A. S. CENTRAL ASIAN REGION. jLm t4, I Op 3refs. fl. American Ckml;rsjlhi~al Order fromAGS $1. 00 in Saviet Gmgraph,,: Reriew a;;d "k-c4civ. ,%',r-,v volk Tranalat t zvesri 119(1, no, 5, Olt, .1 T-t-t.t (E-'arvh-1K-ienccs--GcNrsph~, TT, Y. I- no, 7) S ,~-E-9/62 Confcrcncf.~ on thic Problem of 11,odification oll' Climate, b- !.. P. G,--I'tsov, of 1, -,,cr, I T]" l."alth OSSr 3er Crco r o Sci 27 Feb 62 it Aew Ww~k of Soviet Cartography. EUSSIAN, per, 1,6 Ak Wauk SWR, Ser raf no 4, 61, Geog ~Py, 156-359, ~L 500th IM GP) SMA Tr No 105037 Lew 7 q, .2 p.2 Geog jen 62 6f tho ABrivalturol Atlas of th-C WSR. RU3SIfL'-'j- 1)%.~r, !z Ak Nauk SSSIR, Ser Gc:;ogT, Tio 4, 1961, pp 16,30, 161.- 500th :124;C Gq, SIRk T-, NO 105038 WOR Econ. -7 i=. 62 Cvnfem-.nce on the ToponyW of thiD Cras-t-. RIESIO, por, Iz Ak Hauk SSSR, Sar Ocograf, No 4, 1961, pp h 500th DM Gp, SM Tr No 105039 LUSR 17 -7, Z ~ Geog jan 62 R-359/63 Natural Regions of the Mongolian People's Republic, by Sh. Tsegmid. SF-2381 RUSSIAN, per, Izvest Ak Nauk SSSR Ser Geograf, No 5, 1962, pp *JPRS USSR Geog Oct 1 63 63-17714-2 SOVIEr CF.XRAPW: REVIEW AND TRANSLATION, VOL. 4. NO. 2. Feb 63, 6Dp. .15 refs. 1. American Geological Order from AGS $1.00. $6. OD/year Society, New Yort Trans. of 4AAdernlya Nauk NSSSR.- UYML~il ya. SeLlya C 4tAiwttwr iraj_ of p. 83-89 Is available frorn M or SLA $3.60 in 63-13543. IPRS-16699, 17 Doc 62 1331p. DESCRUTORS: 'Geography. Soils, gAgriculture. HeDnornics, Erosion, Fndta, Vegetables. Distribution. D"alluadov, Water auppliM Desera, Glaciers. Melting. Scientific personnel. Contents: Reducing the depaidence ol soviet agriculture on natural elements to a minimum, by L P. Geraulmov Quality appraisal oi lands and a cadastre of I&d types. by 0. 1. A rnia rul (EardiSdemces --Geography, 7r, w. 10, no. 5) (over) offho W lrjwcg Unic" S-781/62 Aeificial Intensification of the M<ing of Mountain Glaciers for Increasing the Run-off of Rivers in Central Asia~ by G. A. Avsyuk. (sF-2425) 9 a0a RUSSIAN, per, IzAma4ijca AkademLL Nauk SSSR, Ser~n Geograf +ebeeimpya, No 5, Sep-Oct 19 2, pp b3-d9. *JPRS Sci - Geophysics, Metevrology 15 Nov 02 0-17714-5 F I EW IkN F 'D TRANS1.ATIONS, j 4, N,;, May 1)3, 5213~ 9 reffi. 1. MIC. Virgir I-and-i Kral Trar (%f Nauk SSSR h Seri a 1. American GvnrapWc.A i N S d Y . . . y - ew or o fty, ICII ~1' 1 I yoz, no. a, P, ytp_ IUI; zi 6 ~I_ysI -L 1 M M!" ~G 962, no. t. p. 10-18: no, 6. p. 17-20; 1963, no. 1, p. [9-23; VseauVj,,noeGeOgrajjChcrkoe (MR) 1962 ~T, 941 no. S. Ix CS-411; hiNJLOW U. Vearalk. Serlya 151: Cocogranya (USSR) 1962 Iv. 171 no, 3, p. 18-24. i)wszyrom: *Geography, Transportation. Merchant vessels. Mapetle properties. 71dewater, 132actric power production, Surveying, Swamps. Ra&oa&. Fzonomica. Agricultum Contents: Ma Me transport as a national speciali zed activity of a n%alor economic region, by A& B. Mazanov gi (Earth Sclences --Geography, Tr, v. to. am 5) (over) R-359/63 River Runoff in the Mongolian People's Republic, by 1-1. T. Kumetsov. SF-2881 RUSSDN, per, Izvest Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geograf, No 5, 1962, - *JSPRS USSR Geog oct 6-, s-781/62 Earth Sciences and Problems of Remaking Nature, by A. G. Doskach. (sp-2425) ---- .. R-OW-N RUSSIAN, per., Izre944a AkademI4 Nauk SSSR., Ser*a Geograf-lehaWw#a, No 51 SeP-Oct M02) pp 127-137. *JPRS Sci - Geophysics, Meteorology 15 Nov 62 S-781/62 Second Meeting on the Problem of Climatic Transformation., by A. P. Galtsov., A. S. Chaplygina. (SF-2425) %AOU OWAk RUSSIAN, per, lzmas=fs Akadem+i Nauk SSSR., Ser&-m Geografleheykayup No 5, Sep-Oct 1962, pp 184-187. tms Sci - Geophysics., Meteorology 15 Nov 62 63-177L4-4 SOVIET GELV-RAPHY. REVIEW AND TRANSI-ATION, 1. Amerkm GCOPWhical VOl- 4. NO. 4. Apr 63, 52p. 66 refs. society, luv York Order from AGS $1. 00, $6. 00/year Trww. 9 unuk - "'I awn G6a=anCb-CMMM. 1962. no. 6, p. 7U-113-1 Mrirsl& -C4ogmllchesW &arutk [etc) MR) 1962. no. 1. p. 85-95; Wesayumaw Geogratschealms Obshchescvo. Izvestlya (USSR) 1962 [v. 941 am 5. ip. 414-424. DESCMMRS*. *Gwgqhy, EMMnAts, pwbAlM Distribudou, Wustries, LAbDr. Coutents: On the character of the laws in economic popwhy. by V. V. PokahishmW On the geopvphy of pre-revoludonary ColtrAzation and migradon proces in the south= put of dw WIN d Takkal lovics Olarth Sclaim-Goography. 7T. Y. 10, M6 7) (UM4 ~ Polar ice and Climate& by Mo Is BudykO, RUSSLAH, per, Is A Hauk SSSR, Ser Geosraf, No 61, 19620 pp. 30100 , t c" .- -. RAND -'- Sci - ES Jul 66 30S0821 ~Iicroseism on the Floor of the Baltic Sea and the Northern Part of the Atlantic Ocean, by F. I. Monakhov, 22 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Izv Ak Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geofizicheskaya No 7,, 19620 pp 895-9 7, Dept of Interior Bureau of Comiercip.1 Fisheries Office of Foreign Fisheriis A-34-Dec 1969-No 50 On Loan Sci/Ear Sci FREQUENCY SPECTRA OF PULSTATION OF 19 THE HORIZONTAL COMPONENT OF WIND VELOCITY IN THE FROUND LAYER OF AIR, BY S. L. ZUBKOVSKIY, 12 PP. RUSSIAN., PER., IZ AK NA"�RL SER GEO., NO 10, 1962, PP A25-4433. JPRS 16711 SCI - GEOPHYS DEC 62 218,470 THE TRANSFER COEFFICIENT DETERMINED BY COMPARING THE SIZE OF IMPRESSIONS ON TAPES U COVERED WITH A LAYER OF MAGNESIUM OXIDE OR WITHOUT SPECIAL COVER INGI TO THE DIAMETER OF DROPS, BY HUANG MEI-YUAN, 10 PP. RUSSIAN PER IZ AK NAUK SSSR. SER GEO, NO 10, 1962, PIP A34-1140'-~- JPRS 16711 SCO z GEOPHYS DEC 2 218,471 FORMATION OF RIME ON X FROZEN DROPS OF WATER IN AN ELECTRICAL FIELD, BY V. M. MUCHNIK) YU. S. RUDIKO, 5 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, jl-A-K~ ~R _SER G~EOI NO 10, 92. 1962, pp 1450-1 52. JPRS 16711 SCI - GEOPHYS DEC 62 2181472 CRYSTALLIZATION OF SUPRERCOOLED WATER BY SILVER IODIDE, BY V. N. BALAVANOVA, T. N. ZHIGALOVSKIYA) 5 PP. RUSSIANIPER, IZ AK NAUK SSSR, SER GE01 NO 10y 1962, pp 145f---11[5-5. ' JPRS 16711 SCI - GEOPHYS DEC 62 218,473 Tr-6d-tM2-5 (p. 13-24) Vam&w. S. L WATER -MANAMIENr PROBLFAIS OF ~VESTERN 1. Vendrow, S. I- SMERIA. Lby 6d. I.V Ilrefs. II. Amertcan Ce%-mphical Order frots A GS $l- 00 -In Soviet Geography: Review Societyj New Yort and Transladq~,_y,_~pm 5. p. 13-.~4 Trans. o(Abw'-'ysNaukSSS Uvestl% Seri)* Geog~cbeskzya, 1963, m t, p~- - M Climatic Fuluctuations in the North Atlantic Region, by L. G* Polozova. RUSSUN, per, Iz- Ak No CoogMf, ho 2, 1963, A--Seriya.- PP 79-87- r4LL Ref: 5828.4 1963 (5 351) (Loan) Sci - Earth Sci & Astron Oct 63 I The ftvblm of ProtegtU* Rlym =4 Reservoirs Frcm Pdlution by Vimte Water,# by A. I. Vvoylch, 10 pp. RU39M. per Is Ak No* Sm'I Bar Geograr., no 3p 3.963P pp 35:44.- --9T?/7 ~1~15 ACSI 1-3" ID 2251713 144p Sol - Sm-tb Sol & Ast rob 64 Adanchuk. V. A. IT-6d-1-2142-6 (p. 20-3 THE PROBLEM OF CFZkTlNG A KAZAMSTAN 1. Adamchuk. V. A. 11 Americin C4Wmphical METALLURGICAL BASE. Jun 64, 16p 3refs. Order ft AGS $11, 00 In Soviet Ceograph): Review soctat.". New York TraaWstl-, Trami. C~A,-.ademla qawc sssfL\tead~.)i Sari.%lk 19(3, nia. 3, p. 39-IC. ir,raph:, 17, v. -, nu. 7) 7T-63-17Y14-8 SOVIET GEOGRAPHY: LLEVtEW AND TUANSLA710N, 1. AmeAcIn 0009r8phlOd VOL. 4, NO. 8. Oct 63, 56P 50day, New York OLder from AGS $1. K $6. 00/year Trans. a( Akadend 1* no. 3. senoyta- Obahchesmo. Westlys QUM) 1963 [Y. 951 no. 3. p. 285-29Z no. 4. p. 102-111; Moscow U. VestdL Sedys [31: Geogranya (USSH) 1963 (Y. 181 Do. 4, p. 16-24. Separate mtrles have been prep" for ft lndtvtdml articles. DESCRTMi,S: *Geography, Reviews (Earth Sciences - -Geography, Tr. v. It. Eo. 3) Vtfl" of Tckkal 5-6c" IT-63-17714-8 (p. 25-30) YU. Q SAUSHKIN'S I%EPLY TO A LE=lt OF PftO- 1. Saushidn Yu. a TEST BY NINE SOVIET GEOCLAPHE1,S. Oct 63. 6p U. American Geographical 04 der from AGS $ 1. 00 In Soviet Geography: lieviewand Soci&y, New York Translation. v. 4, no. 8, p. 25-30 Trans. of Akademlya Nauk SSS1i. trvendya. Sertys Geograficheskays, 1963, no. 3, p. 153-156. (Abstract available) DF.SCiAI`T0i.S: *Googsaphy, Ck-ogiap1wi, The article is a reply to a letter that appeared in *oyie! q2M"phy, January 1963. pp. 60-62, accusing SausWn of haying given a misleading picture o( Soviet econon-dc gLography In his article in the American Journal Fc.9- poo-g. Qqography. 196Z No. 1. Saushkin rejects the charges that tie gave a one-&Ided And 11 HPt "I L'I I I -~~ ture of the Soviet discipline. that he ntinimized Lenin's (Earth Sciences --CAxVrnphy. 77. v. 11. no. 3) (over) Tr-63-17714-8 (p. 31-U) AUrWH'S i%EBUTTAL OF YU Q SALMOWS 1. SaushIdn Yu. G. REPLY. Oct 63, 4p 11. American Geographical Order from AGS $1. 00 ja Soviet Geography. Review Soc' y. New York Tzansladc% v. 4, no. 8. p. 31-34 Trans. at sexiMs IY64 no. 3. p. 136-1 (See also'rr-63-17714-8. p. 25-30) DESCRIMia- *Geography. GeograpberB (Earth Sciencea- -Geography, TT, v. 11. no. 3) T ine Formation of j-bj;n Networks, in tba New Areas of' -Cb,~ USSR, by 0. A. Konstaztinuv, 20 pp. I- R USSIAN. per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSIR S--r Ceccr;raf, N.: It, IOLS3, pp 23-34. 1.- 7a Sct - Ekartb Sci Dec 6 3 ACSI 1-361.3 M 2250320 A G S (j CArg lea I(v Ast M V, 2 2( , C,