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Unwnoe of Varlattow ln the NDIoture Oon. teat Of WOOCI In its Hall-Holding Powerp by M. Lmvzdcz&p 8 ppe PMM# per# 834mms VdL Is .1956j, pp 29-35. sci Jul 58 MA Tr 57-1710 Analysis of Formulae Content of Wood, by POLISH, per, S Iwa , 1956, pp 52-5 NTC 69-12639-IIL Sci-Hat Aug 62 for the Maximum Water B. Gonet. Vol 100 A, No 3, 399,467 Swelling of Thin Wood Sections, by M. Lawniczak. FaM, per, Sylvanp No 3. 1956; pp 89-96. - - 't, '. - 7,,-- ~ COIRO 52" sci - Biol 191., --717 ? Apr 62 Consumption by Treea and Forests as a Dmin on !-:at-er Re.-,ources. by Kwol &mdch., 32 yp. POLM., per, Sylvan, Vol Cl. No 6. 195T., yp 1.24, 9037250 oes 6o-21385 PLJ& Sci - Blol / 4 4 Jun 62 RoUb OU UpWW FoM" SUM# by BBXM* Qwftvv*lj go ppe am pwo BAVW* %I m 1b A. vulms XWs py 31AIt-- - = as 3w-n Jlkw - YOUN Imm F* " jro"f 0100 The 3)2flwnce cf Smoning and MmUcly-Ing Stasming on Penwmnt Man a iu the Mecbmdml and Fbysical Properties Or Beech-wocda by Mmialerzo S, Sobezake PM=p JDP-r.. BYIMMM VOL =a* ND 4V IMS, 5-U- 920h3Db ow Sol - Pbys ~;2 vPAO 4r 0-- L liaLs cc)-~- c.1 -'Q-L Oj ~. - I - .C, 19i !D'i 143o Forest mte, clazaiftcation, 1--y L. &=Umdez, 1,25 PP. poLls,H, per: sylvan,, Vol CIII., No 5) 195% PP 7-38. M 60-21393 FL-480 Sci - Biol /20 Alxr 62 / 7-7 / f-.P2 Sic Problem of Stands with But Stripped Off by Game AnIml and Oxmideration of Methods 9edta- ble fbr btuding the Erfects of to Pune and cbruee 8t*Auad-s., by Vlan't a POLL% per., Val CM Ib 5, 1959. .PP 73-90. cpm TT 65-5o329 Sci-Agri ibb 67 316#2W Soria notcs on tho Biology of the Pzot Rwos wisiosus (Fr.) Cooke, by lienryk Urlos. POLISIi, per, Sy1wan, Nol, 1960j, pp 1-13* CRSTI TT 65-50331 Sri - D/N. Oct Us 308v402 7Uc influence of Seedling i'uality thion 6ub- sequent Alicightj, Growth and Ibrphological Dificrositiatim of a Fow-Year-Old Pinc Plantation,, by S. Szymmski mid '4'. Szembin- �ki, at al, r,OLIEI,, por, :3ylwan Vol CIV, 111"o 4,p 1.960, pp 17-33. *CrAI Tf 67-56021 sci-AL-ri Uec 66 (NY-4945) Koy Problems of Povestry and the Timber Industry Within the Long-Rup Pjans3 a Resolution Adopted by the Polish Forestry SwIety at Its Conference or, 25-26 September 1959p 5 pp. Vo2 ~,i-2:~,7 - MT, No 6, 1960, pp 1-4. JM 7623 MAw - Poland Boon Feb 61 Curreut, Probla= of Forestry and the 910or IWustry Witbln the LoM-RwW PUn Up to 1M,, by Franciesek Xrspiks 35 pp. POLISH, per, sylvu, Vol av, so 6. 1%960$ ff 5m27s 'MS 7623 Mur - Poland scon Fab 01 'Itte Use of Correct Nomenclature for Certain Augl In Fbmst Phytopethology, by S. Domanaki. POLISH) per; syivauso io, 196o, pp 61-1 66. 081RO 3418 sci - B101 A]pr 62 lqlf 3 77 bbre lbout Rheoloa of Woodj by M. Zaaktler. PcLxmp yar;, -q2rlu=.. Vol 071 No R.- -196-~x pp 49-56. ML 14 W83 Sol - Bi(a maT 63 Elasticity of Wood in the Light of Certain Properties of Poiyriwrs, by M. Lawniczak, GERINLANI, pert Sylwan, Vol CV, No 3, 1961, pp 13-24. CSIRO/No 5691 Sci Dec 62 The PhftwpwtAcn Of 00 ohw*j~ftl liftnts In ftwh Woo& In the 4=ides a" Its avallIM ftwent by T. ftas"IW. POMMS We Arlv=o VCLI OF* lb 43 19QLS NP I j" WS WOLM I* (YA5) (LOW) 19 On the Gradation of European Pine Shotot Moth in 1945-46, by Witold Koehler, 10 pp. POLISH, per, Sylwan, No 5, 1961, pp 53-62. '440TS 65-50330 Sft&l '1 77' S Sci Apr 65 ANTICARCINOGENI PRPERTIES OF AQUEOUS EXTRACTS OF PORIA OBLIQUA BRES. ACCORDING TO CURRENT LABORATORY STUDIES, BY S. PIASKMISKI, 9 PP. POLISH, PER, SYLWAN NO 21 1962) PP 23-30. NIH 8-38-62 SCI MED OCT 62 213,747 Oanges in Physical and Michmical Properties of Poplar Wood (Populus Marijandirm Bo3c.) Induced by the Funpa Poria Vaporariap by ~L Kubiak. POUSH, per, ~Y~,=, Vol CV1, No 3, 1962, Iff, pp 2S-38. CSIRO/No 6229 S'ei-Biol Aug 63 -f 41, 5-1.3 Attempts to Intensify Resin l=dation by gos;= of Fertilizers and Resin DUutiM Chemicals, by Jan Kuleoza., Irma DwsawmM., Damata Szani&wWd. 8 pp. POUSK.- W., SYlvlMj, V01 T06 No- 3x 19621 PP 55-62- ,*M-M 65-50348 MI-Pol Sel/M Apr 65 CONDITION ANDfORM OF-DURAMLE RESOURCES IN STATE FOREST ENTERPRISES, BY.KAZIMIERAtKRYCHo: 17.PP-11 POLISH, PER) SYLWANI.VOL CVIIj NO 2s 1963..IPP,29.4004 jpRs 2o4o6 Forestry in the Postwar Twenty Years Economy, by Tadcusz Molenda, Akx;qix POLISH, per,_~ swan No 5, Sept-Oct JPRS 27,897 Hur-Poland Econ Feb 65 of the National 15 pp. 1964, pp 1-12. 2722907 Winter, Jacques. ON THE BIOLOGICAL ACTIONS FROM A DISTANCE (Sur lea Actions, a Distance en Biologle). F19631115p] Srefo order from SLA U. 60 Tr-64-10047 Trans. of mono. Symposium sur Is Blog&4e ties Pro- t6ines, Congr4s International de Biochimic (no. 2) (Symposiurn on the Biogenesis of Proteins, International Congress on Biochemistry (no. 2)) Jul 52, p. 100-107. DESCRIPTORS: *Biophysics, Theory. Molecular properties, Of3cillation, Field theory, Ollydrodynamics,i; *Mitosis, Chromosomes, TT-64-10047 1. Winter, 11. Title: Cortgres ... III - 'rttl= sr~povi~ ... IV. Title: International (Biological Sciences --General, TT, Y. It, no. 5) Ollie* of Tecbkt Smietv English Title Unknown., by B. Aberg. GEPI-MI, per, Syrn Bot Ups., Vol 8, 1943, pp 25-02. 1 *CFSTI TT 70-53035 Sept 70 svp Aa-ca.,; Rcprocesscin,~ C' em`str~r for Fuels, by OF. aLl "umbLis L ~blo3 In -M ~c,; , ~Bruss=j,-T-3-- *AE C Sci-l"Llels Nov Sm Ob"rvation on ths UdwWalt allset &W BloctrolytLe Tramport in Solid Allopl, by Thil ROUNOW. raimms rpt,'3mims DLttmLce Deva Hatawl, 19579 pp 59-75. *Not Bar Sta" Tr 70-S7913 ScL46at Jul 70 Fuel Cycles of Gas-Cooled, lieavy-~-Iater Power Reactors, by R. Naudet, M. Salesse. FMICTI, rpt, Symposium Elargi sur les ~~de Combustibles dans les..Rea Purs (It, Riissance, B 'en-B- en, 9-1 Sep 1963. *AEC Sci - IMgr jan 64 ~,'4 63 2wolo The Chemistry of Photographic Development. by J. Eggers. GERMAN,, rpt S osium of the International Congress on Scientific Ro-t-og-r-apTy, Zurich, 1961, (Proceedings) 1963, pp 207-261 TC 165 Sept 66 309,787 The Use of the Electron Micrb-Scope Xcr the Evaluation of the Molecular Weight and of the Polydispersity of Methyl Polymetbacrylate, by A. G. Nasini, G. Ostacoll, 0. Saini, G. Maldi- fassi, L. Trossarelli. ITALIAN, *U., pamphlet# SYMP Yja*Tomul Chem Pap, Milan, Turin, 1954.. 13~pi. TPA3/TIB T 4455 Weur - Italy Sci - Electronics., Physics A~AW;Vr.UiV;X# ffA M.% 636 w ja 67 Histologic Study of the rzteotinal Regeneration in Rate Irradiated Under Various Conditions of Protection, by 11, Misin, C. Flevezi, 13 pp. FREMH,, per., SpV Radidbiol Liege,, 1954. MM Tr 5-31 Sci - Biol 'o MaY 57 Physiopatholqgical Mechanism of Death In Rate Irradiated With a Lethal Wee of X-Raysp by J. Maisin, H. Haisinj A. Dunjic, 33 PP. FMCH perp: T"mn j Liege, 1954. Nm Tr 6-28 'O~x 9 Sci - Medicine) radiation Jul 57 s-18o/6o Program and Summaries of Papers of the 28-31-October. 1959 Symposium on Radiostrontium at Bad Kreuznach, West Germany. - GERMAN, rpt, Sym2osium ueber.Rad4ostroati um. Program (and) Zusammenfass'ung" ~,v 8-41. J PP 711 Sci-Chem-Radiation *JPRS Chemistry 17 Mar 196o syq)osium an PuTo Materials TechnoloV,, 17 pp, (mcms II)t$ Sylvosium "IlcirlstStoffe schaft und Technik 30 Nov VMden. Mdeuc-Oarlu, bw pi) 179-181; 183-Lcm, Ploool.= M-117-65-857 Sci/fiaterials Sep 66 in Scionce and in Wissen. bis 2 We IM M n 196-. 506,389 Use of Activated Carbon for I nwft the Concentration of Radioactive Iodine in mr, by G. LL mdmwov, V. D. KMAWV. BomdANPMV Ochronx - - - NO&, - M.; 01%2 AEC-OVNL-Tr-3W 92%32 sci-EfIsT Oct 65 , 2W,632 I*ten-ination of Dose and Energy of X-Radiation Using Dosimetric Filu, by T, Aisialowicz, POLINII rpto ~Xmozjum Na Tom-at Todmiczynych Lagadnien uchron7l)rzod TrManiowmiom Pt I Sept 19629 pp 102, 9,~ 3 0 Ai'A'C S C, 'r - 4,6, - sci Feb 66 Specla PrObIm In Alr Jet Palvwltlng, by Hm Bob]=& 44 ppe amp rpt, - 'a ",a= umaimm, r1w*rato a Apr. 10-13,- 1W- PP 531-55 P9113DUR AZC M-Tr-61-61 Sal/Mach 349thOT Sov 6T m lhmdmental Fzqaftl PROWAM In Sim AAU&A=t by, Now RmVfs, 54 pp. Go".. rpto ~~~Um FAMOIMM PnmkftWto APr 10-13P 1902- IV. I~v - a Pqn30066T ABC IA-ft-6T-60 sci/meab 3420408 Nov 6T J-1318/6o ( - Trade Unionism and Democracy - A Social History of Lebanon (Igo)-1954); by Georges Chader, OUO, FRENCHj bk, Syndicalisme et Democratie Essai d'Histoire Sociale Libanaise (1909-1954), Part I, Chapters 1-31 PP 1-137; Chapter 7. pp 296-371. *JPRS/Special NE/A Lebanon Suc Labcr 10 Jan 61 J-1318/60 ( b Trade Unionism and Democracy - A Social History of Lebanon (1909-1954)., by Georges Chader, QUO, FRENCH) bk) Syndicalisme et Democratie Essai d'Histoire Sociale Libanaise (1909-1954), Part II, lagqt pav4--~4 Chapter 5, pp 202-2k4; Chapter 6, pp 245-29c.. *JPRS/Special NE/A - Lebanon Soc - Labor CHINESE TRADE UNIONS., BK,. 66 pp. FRDICH, BK, LES SYNDICATS CHIMOIS, 1961) Pp,i.6o JPRS 21200 FE-CH I t 1A ECON OCT 01 344,45o Spinnerruts and Spinning Discs: Filampnt Formation, by H. K'Iaro. !jERI'.0f rpto sy-nt'rictische Fasern aus Poly- U -) I c _~-272. ,miden, Berlin 19~3, Pr 2' IM3-7 I - 10657-11 F NOV 71 (DC-6940) SYNTHETIC POISONS., BY KARLHEINZ LOHSt 177 PP- GERMAN) BKI -SYNTHETISCHE GIFTE) BERLINj PP 1-212 ~p I jpRs 14891 SCI - CCHE24y MED AUG 62 208:724 syrathodo Poiwns.- chomiguys Efftaff and miliuLry SIPMCAnCift,o W Karlholnz LM6 286 -pp, I GERMM bk S~navtlmO6 Giftet 'Chajil% Wirkung und Mlui'&;~e Bodeutun% Berlin, 1963~ pp 1-414. JTPRS 23691 Sci-Chem Mar 64 251,988 The Analysis of Organic Phosphorus Compounds, by K. Lohs. GERMAN, mono, Synthetische Gifte, Chemie., WIELmM =d Militaerische Bedeutung VI.., 1963., 1v 328-334. MA TT-66-10383 Sci-Chem Aug 66 308.,784 (FDD 23233) The Budget System of the People's Poland., by Z. Pirozywki,, 23.9 pp. PMISH., monograph., �j%tem Budzetovy Polski LudoveJ, warsaw, 1952, pp 9-2t9j- CIA/FM Tr 425 EEur - Poland Econ - Finance, Budget CTS 69/Jun 55 Complete System of Public Health, by J. P. Frank. GEMW2 bk, System Einer Vollstandigen Medicinischen Polizey, -- - - - - - !q&7P-R�1N1m Available MIS TT 72-50095 Nov 72 Lecn Lukaszewicz Relay 3ystem of Digital Machine Ccntrol . . (,,wy-sterowania maszyrut POLISH, bk, t cyfrc-wa. "Znak," 1959- if'pp. "''- . -- *PL 480 oTs 61-11303 Jan 62 Systematics, Biology and Ecology of Underground Aphids, (HomoPtera, Aphidoida), by Helmut Zwolcer, 60 pp. GM-IAN, ij)t, Systematih, Biologie und Oekologie Unter- irdisch Lebender Aphiden (Homoptera, Aphidoida). Dept of Modern anriguagrd:; North Carolina State CoLlege Sci Feb 64 Angiology, by W. EllenbeTger, et al. GEMAN, IN: Systematische und Topo- graphische Anatomie Des Hundes, Berlin 1891, pp 412-431. NIII 6-48-65 (On Loan) Sci/B41.1 Jul 65 283,680 Systems of Forest"lakid And,,T0LXM A!000-, 0', b] private b lo N the Steuern0e.-B-010., Rialgeti, r11 1 . OTS 63-~ PL-480 EEUK - Germany Econ Agri Apr ............. O"Ystems of Forest Taxation and Tax hyact Lj~on Private Forestry in Several European Countries, Part Two Helgim, the NotherlancLs, Luxomburg and Italy,, by Werner Kroth,, rpt, Die syste der Waldbeatcuer- ung uad die Steuerliche Belastung Privater Foresthetriebo in EWgon guropaischen Landern, iiolgien-Nioderleade-Luxeinburs,~-Ita- lien 1962', 199 pp- *- Wi"65-50121 isE-Germ SM E con Nov 66 3150729 6-1562 Fread, Fwrite Input-Output System. by J, L, Houl.,ino M, Duguetq S~ Flo.joi, documoilt, Systerig_O'Entree-Sortic- Frcad Fwrite, 1964, S pp. ~J~P,61SPIXIAL/DC-11171 'Sci - Llec !,ar 65 Systums of" Projectinn and Their Application, by Francois Rugaier, S 13p. U, I.cs Systemcs de Projection et Leurs Anrlications, Vol I, Paris, D57, op 33) 203) 212, SF-3715 Sci - '!at:l June OS Trommm Namter hvjooLta4 w Tranovem ham"s R"WW* 140 3y*Wmw do; Pre$66tUm 46 UGM 1) SPN" t"0 is am by vtv 11D Ane t46--; plm I or !,-ivfist, --P, ton Tnt- De" 11 t I I 1 0 -h-lbu-z -e ZC u, r `Zc zecin, PrNli teclnnikn c- s z p i k c we 6 e r I q Cn u::. i p JTC 72-10"62-07(, urmiopmt Dyn"Ge or of Foamed by PIM SilvexWe and bolettw lAfto in Arablo SoUsp bV To 114k. 19 pp, POLMJ W$ ms dmakle AND Nedo". Wyft J~;07* PP JL-.Ufo CISTI TT-65-50W W$239 Sal ft Ri*3LOey Oat. 66 Practical Ampect# of the Bioebeodxtz7 of the NO (Put It Twos Owmaj, IMS)l by Agost Kolms 31 PD. ETIMIARTM'I WS Szemuto Vol A 1964 PP 38-56t DePt of SaW = Trans 3053 Sci/BW JUIY 70 OrgrAzational Changes In Us AW nistration of tkw Hungarian State Ballvey., 6 pp. HMAKWv LM9 doCs, ftagwasati-ValtoMak a W.- Vexeripqatompm 11 MEiihj, 6 Doe 1957.. M It= No- 613*57. '- - CZAIPW 1-2807 Mr - DmigazT Econ - Railroad tramportation Statewnt to Unita,, by JanDs Kadar,, 12 pp. HUMARLIB# bko SzIlard De i Hatalow. Fugptien MWarorazag, B~3WW;_&:- -- a FDD/X-351)4 EEur - Hungnv Pol - post-revolt Hungarian policy. May 59 PM-G-.1051 (DC-2828) Gx,^-etlrW to Tareadalmi Szemle, by Ja Kadar, ARLASs bks-#z-.IaW-,Jbpi IbUlom, FuWtlan 84,~W. JM L-1670-D New - Mweary POI &7 59 S7 ~Se RD-0-3-051 (M-2828) Gre--t4-nV to PaLrtY School, 'bY Jhnfa radar, 20 pp. RMOMM, 'bk, -Azil4r.d NqVkjbtaU%_ 195 Budspestj pp 259imW*4'" im i,-1669-D HEur - Rw*ary Pol My 59 ?71 Y3~ Work Carried Out an 7ibrogbus in Poland and Plans for the Near Yatmv, by A. w I Zavadski. PMMII., pr, Sxklo i CerudM., Vol VII, xo 4, pp 894-3-.-- C820, ISMw - Poland Beon .2 0 /,, f ?f -Yun 62 Electrical Conductivity of Glass, by Waclaw Tuezynaki., 14 pp. UNCLASSIFIED POLISH, per., Szklo i Ceramikas No 6. 1956,, pp 165- 168. ACSI H-6413 Sci - Phya jul 6o //~' 7d,"1 (NY-5635) i &qply of alms Smid for Okee Works,, by Nubders AskolzkL., 12 pp. p Pvrj, 4#10 1 Cor=dka,, Val XIj! No 10j, 1960s pp 293401r- ~'- ---- '-" "'--' jam 7931 z1v 0 Poland A~ 24M jsd~( Apr 61 0 ACHIEVEMENTS OF CERAMICS INDUSTRY, BY K. S. . 6 pp. POLISH, PER, SZKLO I CERAMIKAt VOL XIII, NO 11, 1962.- PP 352)~;354-0---- JPRS 18i-r2 EEUR - POLAND ECON , MAR 63 225P510 (SF-1857) THE POLISH GLASSAND CERAMICS INDUSTRIES IN 1956-1965) BY KRYSTYNA SADURSKA) WLODZIMIERZ KOZLOWSKI) 7 PP- POLISH., PER, SZKLQ LCERAMIKA, Voi-xill, NO 3, 1962, pp 65-68. JFR5 1386h EEUR POLAND ECON mAy 6-? 197)367 THE POLISH GLASS INDUSTRY IN 1980, BY JANUSZ JABLKOWSKI; 11 PP. POLISH, PER, SZKLO I CERAMIKA, VOL XIII, No 83 1962) PP z25-229. JPRS 15838 EEUR-POLAND ECON, Nov 62 215.,244 Ceramic Bodies of Great Mechanical Strength for High Voltage Insulators, by Kazimierz Cyranowicz CZECH, per, Szklo i Lramika, Vol 13, No 12, 19620 pp 3~433 =. *AEC-ORNL-tr-2188 Sci-L-lec Aug 69 Experiments in the Production of Selenium- Cadmium Filters, by M, Sura, F. Utajczyk, POLISH, per, Szklo i Ceramp Vol XIV, No 1. 1963,, pp 1-4*~~ ATS RJ-4720 Sci-Phys Jul 67 3290148 Phenomena Occurring on Contact Surface of Silica Glasses and Refractory Mater- ials. Part III. Studies Conceruiug Cor- rosion of Refractory Materials Other Than Fire Clay, by J. ChmielGU3ki. POLISH, per, Szklo i Ceramika, Vol 14, No 11, 1963, pp 291-294. NTC 69-10788-11B Sci-Mat May 69 382.560 : I . .. . 1. 1 ~I" . I.- -~ I ~.I.I SCHILEIFER, P. and CZERWINSKI, Z. Selected portione from glass technology. 1. The process of foaming liquids., and glass. . SzkYo Ceram. 15(4):90-2 (1964) (INSDOC/T. 10871)- I I A Nvw Wu=M WWwWt by MACIGJ D*r==k4 WaclAw Tuaynd4 7 m POLISH, per,, WWo i Carmp& Val XVv No 60 19K pp 141-143.900241 FsTC Sal-T64-U EE-POLVA E cci - m1w Mar 65 276,320 CZERWINSKI, Z. Selected portions from foam glass ''' technology. 2. Decomposition of foaming agents. . ' ~... .I SzkIo Ceram.. 15(6)-.146-8 (1964) (INSDOC/T. 10876). CZERWINSKI, Z. �elected portions from foam glass. . technology. 4. Preliminary microscopic analysis o*f the form of foam glass.. * - SzkYo Ceram. 15(9)-.229-30 (1964)(INSDOC/T. 10868) A New Ultrasonic Method of Continuous Viscosity Neasurments in Glasses, by M. L)obrzanski, CZE01, per, Szklo i Ceramika, Vol 15, NO 9" 1964, pp 231-234. i,TC 69-11387-11B Sci-', tat July 69 387.102 Expansivity and the Struoture of the Soda Lime Glaoseso by Oe Knapp* 10 pp. FOLISH9 perp Szklo i Geramikap No 9. 1964o pp 240-243 AIR/FTD-HO-23-1529-71 Feb 72 lit) Pp jms -1406 acatlon ca ju,-LI 3 11pte in 1961, ,als 0- the inti' by 4 p1j. Fin, llsil; p2r, Szko-!a,-;-4vodvga, c)f tJi,? Zrn!odcw-,u i4Q i! t~?6 61 industry, by 70, znwodnva, poT,,(SH, pe~r.~ Pi) j 1-?, 8 1 2,b up mr Statistics on vomftoml Im Im (193749W) It b7 Rrzud zOgzdL7n* T VP- PMMI pwp Z-54mls Zwoodova* No 4. wanawp 1962. pp 1-3. im 0" a i 0 FZ - FaWd , 'I soc -f 1!5" v-,o 'g, Oct 62 THE TEACHING OF ENTERPRISE ECONOMICS.. 13Y MARIAN PIETRASZEWSKI, 6 PPO POLISH, PER, SZKOLA ZAWODOWAp NO 10 (223): i962y PP 39-41. I jpRs 18278 EEUR - POLAND Soc , APR 63 2259712 IMPORTANT AND DIFFICULT PROBLEMS FACING VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS; BY MAGISTER INZYNIER ZYGWNT ZIELINSKI) 8 pp. POLISH: PER, SZKOLA ZAWODOWAI NO 23 1963o pp 1-4. JPRS 19150 EEUR-POLAND soc . mAy 63 231,074 0 Program and OrPnUadonal Fotmdjkticm for Vocatipnal School Rdbrw, bY WAcUw Tuloddecid, 29 pg POLLSH ~No 6,,1964, pp,12-23. JPRS 24rr* M*01a EK-Poland SOC, Oct 64 267;50 Vocational Training in the Service of the National Economy, by Michal Godlewski, 7 pp. POLISH, per, Szkola Zawodowa, Nos 7/8, Jul-Aug 1964, pp 6-9. JPRS 27.0835 EEur-Poland Soc Feb 65 2720893 R-31/64 SOC:Lali~;t Forci(,ll Trade; The CEW~ and 3ocialist !lite rum, tionul Division of Labor (Chaptlers III-Vlj), by li tirc Va j 1-?v Szociali~;ti a Szociaiista PP 53-2-7~; 2~4- an 1) S4 J xx I R-1270 HUNGARIAN, bk, A Szovjetunio Kulkereskedelme cs a Szocialista Kulkereskedelem Krerdesei, Budapest, 1955 entire Ift Or PP 5-18) 51-105