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7T41-14360 OVIC4 Giumpe. UM VIMOMENON OF UNEQUAL ACCMAODA'nON. 1. Owith 0. 1. PRMIMNARIES. [19611 Sp 16rds Tr-61-14360 Order from SLA $1. 10 lYm. of mono. Sul Fenwmo della Ineguale Ac- comodm~looe. DESCRIPMRS: Vialm. Admatim MyAolov). *Bm 13lumin&Hco, OpbftlmolM, paoLogicia sciftr-es- - Pwbokw. TT. Y. 11. am it T~Cb&d Li&ht Tranamiz--lbill-Ity. cf Zes Waters by P. A. Secchi; 38 pp. ITA=,, bko Sul I%Dto Ondoso &I Hare a ou lo correnti di ebd6 'Welalmeit-W-giu quene littoraus w zd.., Rweo 1%6. Navy Tr 1262/ONI A-655 Scientific - Geopbysice im 56 M/M 8,6" 0 ~o 9 Me Lipolytic Zictivity of &-Lbotxaudls ldcroLaci ] 1.11qf by Ro IANXIP- , mumir 1*0 Sallattivita LiE2~jtica del I-U=D- baciUo di Sa~~,., up 1027-1036, ACSI J-5194 ID 2204015068 sci- w''i Sept 60 3660503 Incidence of Vertebral Column Changes in Travelling Personnel of a Transport Company, by E. Barbaso. ITALIAN) rpt, Sull'incidenza Delle Alterazioni Della Colonna. V6rgebrale nel Personale Viaggiante di una. Z Azienda Auto Tramviaria, 1958, pp 630-634. *ACSI 1-0838 ID 2186183 WE-ur - Italy Econ 9 Feb 62 R-2072-D FINNISH, rptu, -ulutusohjesaanto - I OSA - Sulut,us,taimLnila, pp. I *JPR3 for A-rmy (Ft Belvoir-) P326-l')2 (q No L,,ur - Mil 1;,-. D,~c ., 1. U B. ZIataric Effedts of Varying the Phutoperiod on Wirus ALBA., Robinia Pseudoacacia, and Pinus Nigra cf 2 Prcvenances. CROATIAN, per, Efekti promjene futupericdizma Izod bijelog duda, bagrema i (dvije) prcvenijenci~e ernug bora Sumarski list (Zagreb), Vol. LY-\-VI, No. 7 .777-2f~-Zj~. 1952, p *PL 48o ars 6o-2163r, Jan 62 Raising Plants, by Ivo. Podhorski, 1S pp. SERBO-CROATIAN, pert Sma ski List. 76, 10-11, 1952, pp. 376- 9 . *CFSTI TT 70-56054 sci/b&m Apr 70 The Production of Plane-Tree Seedings, by Daro Zmijanac. SERBO-CROATIAN, per, Sumarski LiRt, Vol 80, No 1-2, 1956, pp 17-23. ATIS TT 70-56055 April 71 Some Remarks on the Raising of Platanus Growing Stock, by I. Knezevicr 3pp. SERBO-CROATIAN, per Sumarski List. 80 1/2, 1956; pp. 28-3;. *CFSTI TT 70-56053 Sci/agri Apr 70 Seed Stl=ulatioaj, by D. Afanasijevj 15 PP. SMBO-CROATM~ per) Sumn-Ai List (za3m% X Vol IXkXII, No 5/6, 1938-,-PP-Tul--I7o- 9201ull OTS 60-21'3~ PL-480 Sai - Blol Jan ~, 3 Occurrence of Rust on the Aleppo Pine in Istrial by J. Kispatic. Lists--lj CROATIAN, per, Sumwndd It 1959s pp 26-38. CFSTI TT 67-5009 Sci/AGri Apr 68 35Is2?1 Experiments With Chemcals for Protecting YoW Plantations of Poplar and 'dillow Ajainst the Hairtf-ul Alction of Big Gome, by M. Vasic. SIMO-CROM-411, per, Smarski ~rt 83, INO ~Vq' 11.151"), pp IP-332. Sci - Biol may 61 On Numricga Thirmings 0 bV D. ICLopso - SERBO-CROATUR. Pero 2a9um Us-t 87 (1/2)o 1963j, PP 1-9,, *cF,sTI TT 68-50100 Sci/Math may 68 HE-BuiprIA Econ J Mar 64 252,626 AN INVESTIGATION OF 1\11CROTEMPERATURE L. CONDITIONS IN SOME FOREST TYPES (Izucavan)c na 1. N-Ukrotemperaturnite Uslovi po Nekol Tipovi Sumi) tr. H. by Dusan Glumac. 1962, 34p. L8 refs. PL-480 Agr. 111. Order from OTS $0.50 61-11207 fS 141 c Trans. q__qaj3zsk _[Naucno Opiten!] lnStdtut,_Sk0p'e_. Godisnik a %8, V. 3. P. (Yugo'3 lavj~ DESCRIPTORS: *Forestry, Trees, Ecology, *Tcrn- perature, Growdi, raxonomy, *Plants, *Cli=tic factors. 61-11207 Title: microtempCrature Nikoloveld, T. PL-48OAgr(6l-ll2Or7) National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C. (Agriculture - -Plant CL&ivation, TT, v. 9, no. 9) WN" .1 T*Cwcl S"t.0 Effects of Phytohomones of Forest and Ornamental Kilivoje Ivanovic. SERBO-CROATIAN, on the Rooting of Cuttings Trees and Shrubs, by per, Sumarstvo, Vol 5~ NO 3, 1952, pp 221-224. NTIS TT 70-56052 April 71 bome Older and Never Trestises on Pmuoicle lerbian Spruce, by P. X Fakareks 14 pp. SMM-MOATIM., pars Suawstvo (Beograd)s IICX-I X~ go kx 3-4, 19:4, W-2-W-2n. go86T33 ow 6o-a637 FL-480 / q 9" "Ivf lol - Biol jun 62 Problem of Wcorrhiza Research R In Forestry, by Z. Twiep 8 pp. SEM-MUTIANj, per, Swwretvo (Beograd), Vol IX, go 7-8, 19 , PP . 9099990 ots 6o -a64o M-W30 /9 -~g x1v? SCI - Inca j an 62 60-2164D Tesic. Z FROBLEM OF MYCORRHIZA RESEARCH IH 1. Temic, t FORESTRY (Problem Istraz1vanja Mikorizz u 11. FL-48OAgr(W-21640) Su=rotvu) tr. by Miaden Pantelic. 1961, Op. M. National Science Foundatic I ref. FL-4810 A~i. Washinpon, a C Order from 01" , VI, 60-21640 Trann. of.~ ~-v5tvo~(Yupdcv(,,) r3~ 7/-, p. 414-41". DESCRII'TORS: "C-rowth. Treea.*Forc2try, *Fcolt).1y, kii, bjvmeo, Hrproductioi, Plantri. 2014 Data of Intcrear to Yug--~alev forest expervi are Riven diet werv- wke~i from din writt---i h-j J. Btrgemarp (Grumilarca und Vroblrme dcr Mykurrhi7wo-rchurig In Inbrer bedeutung fur die Foratwirtachatt, 1~54 'At ... (rlcW,urt~--P*,ir:,Ctiltit-.*Ioi, IT, Y. 7, rv). 8) k Thooretioal and Fftatioal Zqxrtance of StutrIng the Serbian Spruoe goologyp ttr Dasan Be Colic, SERBD-CROATIANO per# Lu~~ Val 13t lio 1-2p 1960v pp 104-110. CFSTI TT 67-56008 Sai/Agri may 68 356,660 lp- . Proftclm See=w Ivan Solji~. SERBO-CROAT3ANg per# 1961p pp 161-167. CFSTI TT.67-58012 Sci/A 'Fi Apr w fron Uwipe Forest Seadt by Sumer Vol 14t INO 5-69 3519275 Utilization of Wood in the Production of Mosaic Parquet,, by Z. Kijametovic, 10 pp. SERBO-CROATIAN, per,, Sumaretvo,, vol 19, no 11/12, pp. 11-20. *CPSTI TT 70-56051 Sci/mech Apr 70 Growth Ring Wi&h as a, Factor in the QiiAU of,'Froxinus. AngustifoRa Wood by R. oerd~? is pp~ �E-U6--CROAFA per,, Summitvo Forestry, Yol VM, No 9. 1955, pp 534-545. c?AlJf*5Jv7 OTS U~-2639 PL-480 Sci - Agri Feb 64 249,497 ltrlbatltza of Vagatauou in wpmaavia's -wm a=vq.L Um =z PP Y-t).L. CM FX) Tr 724 Ytwolavia 59 Health and Booncxdo Status of the Natim, 10 pp. PORTUGUME# rptv �39&a !AjPro&EM-do ldrdsterio d& Sw3dep pp 17-221 29-311 W-M. LU LN 755-68 W Eur Econ Jul 68 361,263 I I I Etude llctallur.-igue d'Assemblages BrRses en vue d'Obtenir L'etancheite au vide a 500 C,O by ~. Dwraon per, Sundage et Techniques Commesex, Vol 17 1 U 0 9"3, pp 42'-438 :.'ASA TT F 14,112 feb 72 WEur - Finland mil Dee 64 2699261 CBR Defense Repulations*- Part 11,, U9 pp. FDROH, rptp SuoJoluobJesaanto. U OSA. MikkaUs 196L ACSI I-5408-B W 2204031164 VIEur - Finland mil Dee 64 269s260 (FDD 20133) Yearbook of the flunlab POftration of TT"S W1005 for IMp 59 pp. FL=R,_yrbk,.-&,wsn AwattLyWistysten Keskuw- Ilitto (UK) r. Y. VuooVdrJap HOISInkip 1951,0 pp 15-103. EL,ur - Finland EconomU - Tmb union 70 'ell war 54 am (PM 24107) Federation of Trade Unions of IS Finigni (sAK) Yearliwk for 1951. 143 py. j"K) 9 bk ~ am- amy"- M"I jkqh&L=O- Vapsikiria 1951,, HeUU2US L 1952. CIA/FM)/ Tr 540 HEW - FID'Aud 95J*3 9 to Ecou - nwish labor movement (PW 22839) ChapW VII - Vlop md Labor Contracts# ftm "Yeftftok'l ot the Fedamation ce Trade Untons of FinlAnds 1953"s 172 IV- I ""Ilmll bk MIUMOft Sykaft Uitto ISM Nuslums 1934, pp 39-n3.- CIA/JM/U-6M Seim= . NOE= - MINA Econ - Pol developments 6 maswmp Labor contract polU7 developments & measures 60ibr 55 (DC-5262) Trip of the Delegates of the Finnish Veterinary Science Institute to the USSRp by V. Rislakki, 10 PP. FIMFISR, per., OuaWq_Aq4n1aa1m 11ahtt, Vol LM, No 91 19601, Vp 499-510. JFRS 6W3 act - Md Mar 61 1,~alative Gravity lietenAiiatims in Finland in 1926-1929, by U. Posonon. 168 pp. FL'41~4L~Alf bko 5uoixn Goodoettisen Latioksen J kaisuja, No is, 93u, ACIC TC 6174a Scihiartli 6ci I~Iar 67 320,6.14 !,tlutivc Gravity Wtorminations in Finlmid in 1931, LIM and 1935, by it, A. Hirvonen. 151 Isp. Fl.i~LJSII, bk, Suomn Goodoettisen I.-atiokson Julkaistfla No 23 1937, '.a ACIC It 8714b sci/1--alth Sci :L(r 67 320,665 fic-111"'. 4w thc Verli$icol Line. CoaDutatir~n of thic li-ac Gcol d L ., by IK. Ledeniteger. F-7NISH, fS,---l,.-- jp-'kUcl*2-., No 1:,G, 11955- .A-r Ic Nov 0 1 lung. Karl. THE HARMONIC MEMBER OF FIRST ORDER WITH ISGSTASY, tr. by 11. Tomas. May 61 191P. ACIC TC-271. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 62-25629 Trans. of m-Goodeerlinen Lait~os. JLLIkaIsuJ (Pinlarm,W)l . no-. -46-.p-.8--1--8-1. DESCRIPMR.S: 'Potential theory. *Harmoalc analysiB. *Gravity. Earth models, Celestial mechanks, Hydrostatics, Spheres. It is shcr*n how a harmonic term of first order can be adopted to well known iscistatic theories. given that displacement of the gravity center taken place. (Earth Sciences- -Geodesy, 77, v. 9. no. 12) 62-25629 1. Jung. X. 11. ACIC TC-271 111. Aeronautical Chart and Information Center, St. Louis, W. 10-29-62 Oft d TockdCal jkmm ,CC)~-i-otLSVII T j t- 5T, 3 Observation !,-zsuIt.,, the Fimdsll. 4'riinulations ill 1961 wid 1962P oy 1:1idd ;lYttraoll. 001', ~1101-A-11, 600CICO-ttisort 1-Atokson Judkaistija, ..c) S8, 1963, 3-&1. c 'art.l %ci .,,ir u7 On 'u e U,~_, C,*.~i L*Cr-,,Cc, o I" Ci I I e I I a -"0 1! es StE.2,11 - to unc Case Stu-y, A c c,-~ -02F Tc The Nicotine Content of Finish Tobacco., by PL-kka Heinanen. FINISH, perj Suomen Kemistilehtip Vol XVIII., A., 1945,, pp 607T.- K-H-2487 Apr 67 322,246 On the Nicotine Contents of Tobacco., b~., Pekka Heinanen. F-WISH,, per, Suomen Kemistilehti Vol XVIM 1945~ PP 199-W7- K-H-872-b Apr 67 322.,247 Salmon Species Now to the Arctic Ocean, by K. Sergejeff. FIW.ISH, per, Suomen Kalastualahti, Vol LXVII, No 6. 19600 pp 2194214 NRC/Ref, C-4239 Sci-Biol Aug 63 -:5, 'w -?,P,9 lult~ StICU.Cea 'Ke'unung! pa can no i)K 449pbl - riorEur - Piv)-mmd Geog bcc Dec 60 Acsx N-6364 2be --em -two.-Iftle of the jbt&U w BUM- IIkItbIo Caltams Cemplex"o by 0. Bramt"o 13 PP. lr4ZX=,, per, Sac= KesintlWUP VOI xmo Sol MA Tr 2093 .%1 58 1-hglish Title Unknown, by 7. Pajumon. GOVIF"'WINEM, USE, ONLY GP~R,A.!T, per, Suamen Kemistilehti, Vol 21r, 1%8j Dp 21-27.7 *11~ &A "" P-11, 711 1~ sci Oct 68 Thf.=zl bacaMositim ngpiMrim of 7amuo MODrIde in the fiPtam 7002 W-M(g) - %' by Wilskap 8.0 9 Dye - raw=v Pero Val A30F go Is.. 19571 PP -We Assm tech Sav aci - Chen ft 59 om.. v xp 210 U- f6 , q .-? - d/ Ws~etlc Behavior of ChelateD,, by T. Nortla, 7 PP- FiNNISH, Pero Suamen Kemistilebti: Vol =0 1957, pp SLA 57-3147 8 T'5 FI,l -~4 "' Sci Aug 58 09 / 7~1) J/Y The Thermodynamics of Complex Rnd Chelate Compo=ds Iz Aqueous Solu- tivag, by R. Uualtalo., 3PP. per.. Sumen Kemlstilobti; Vol M, 1957# PP 98-1100. SLA 57-3146 Scl Aug A Pilot hunt Study of the IWatlon of ITiuarine Compounds Prom the Waste Gases 0 A Z SuPer3*009hate Plants, by B. wil ska" 5 pp. I IT11111r: it., pff) Kodstilebti Vol wym 19590 pp 10. AT&19L36IN Sa 3kr 62 Xplf~' zpj-4p VOI IV~ ND 9 Some Aspects of the Mosociation of Strong Electrolyges, by Jouke Kenttamaa, 6 pp. FRiMSH, per, Suomen Kemistilehti, Vol XXX]la, 1959, pp 33-37. 9226161 ' AEC-ANL-Tr-80 Sci-Phys Jan 65 270.610 (FDD 20546) Application of Mass Spectro pby to Chemical Problems ., by Walter Wahl,, 0 pp. FuU translation. SWEDISH,,' mo per., txktmvnx Buomen kem1utiseura tLfi2n-=-tOjMq Val X=71 Twal pp ITZ1. CIA/FM/U-6170 Egur Finland Sci Physicas mass apectrogmphy ,T-13T8/66 By-Laws of Finn' h Commist Party Approved in n th Cougmse) 2 June 1957- FIMISH., mono, &Wmn Konminletisen Paolueen Sam ty He3AInkl,, 1961) pp 3.-4o. I*M/DC-12104/Bpecial W Eur - F-I n' and Pol - Commmism Mar 66 The Trutb About$ the Sevetti Awl ApIWA Vying Lap Culture, by Erkki Koivuf;alo,, (ID 9T5M2). Full translation. 2MISHp bk,, Suomen Kuvalehti,, Tom To L4 Feb 2953P EnclAtO E-213--53--- 02 GSUSA 0-991 EEur - Finland ,Sociological Jul 53 CTS/DEX 277zl Ficomous Cultivation of sivw*s at nocantsi, ~ID 975072). U14CLASSIFIED -1-TWISH., per, Suomen Kuyalehtip No 19, 9 Way 1953, p 22, Encl to B44 G-2s GSUSA 0-1550 A P;Bur - Finland Yconomic - Aariculture Oct 53 CTS 6116 Oto'n - Beirclerf (ID MOW- - U."iClAnwIFIED per# Suamen Kuvaleg& NO 35, 1953, P 11, Uncl 2 to R-531-737riffma.- G-2 CM 0-1739A - I?in&land Talltary Dec 53 M/M 7163 Rorujarvi Artiller7 Training CmV. (ID 97M2). UWIASSIFIED PIMME.. per# Suomen 5MMLIM=, NO 38., 1953P - P 16v Encl 3 to P-5314na- M--P Finland. 1. G-2 GMA C,1039B IEW - Finland Miltary CM/mx 7 / 3 :!') 50' v3 U A. Llefeace Council; B. Engineer Mase)6 at Koria, (ID 975072). UNCIASSIF3ZD - MMS11) per, Sumen #2niebtil No DO: 25 Jul 1953, p 8, 22, EncrI&R-448-53. SM G-21 GSUSA G-1550 B Mur - Finland Military - Defence, enginew museum 7/7 Oct 53 CTS 11, ..ilu Grow and Hallwto Receives Electricity,, '~ 111) 975072). UNCLAM ' umen --T H. per, 8 1 IP No 33P 1953j P 339 -nm_xma-lek~ 1 1 to R-531--5-3* YA9 Finland. G-2 CBMA 0-1739C .-'-ur - Finland ccnotdc fz//l cis/= 1. Choice of Career and Profession,, by Kharlo Helskanon; II. OemMt 01jr IM RZpMt$ (ID 975072) UMIASS37TED . WISHy per., Supmen Kuvalehtip No 44) 31 Oct 19531 v pp 13) 22. 0-20 OSM G-2231 A &rur - Fin2=d 1.1 L Uitaxy/Ecoaomia r,VSIDEX i. spies starina into Abysmi, (ID 975072). UNOWS Fnmim.. per., suomn Kuftiebti, wo 49, 1953P P 15- G-2,t GSMA G-2231 B 2ur - Finlmd ,Ulitary 3L Review of '%tudy in Sim= Firil-iAls Fight for by katIn Omdrich., by T. TaxomoldIp ISCLe FEMM4 per, SIMM ftalehtiy No 36t 3 ft 1960. JPW DC-W76 HE - Finland Pbl, sm Doc 6o New LeaCting Figures in the Foreign I-linistry, by Bila Jokela, 6 pp. FBINIS11, per, Suomen Kuvalehti, No 7, 17 Feb lnL"Pe2-' pp 13, 19, 4c. F DD/ J - I 17 5 /032 NoDar - Finland Pol 19 1 Apr '02 These Weapons to Safeguard Our Neutrality, 3 pp. F M ISH, per, Suomen Kuvalehti, No 3, 19 Jan 1963. 5631=163 If WEur - FinMdn mi.1 15 mar 63 OW 25856) The Q=ont Poliomelitie Situation, by VWo Rmtasalo,, 14 JV. Fnmm, so Per, Sgown leahAwti Pinla"As No lp gelsl=., 1 Jtm 1955., PP 1-13. CIA/FDD/U-80" - J?jnAanA ~~ 1/ 71 sci - *dicine Apr 56 (FDD 25384) Injuries Caused by Atomic Weapons and Possibili- ties of protection Agalnst Them) by Isko flelske 19 pp. per, SR9" 3. Bel I Feb 1955,'- PP 153- 71. CIA/FDD U-8002 ?,E:ur - Finland Sci - Nedicinej, nuclear energy Water Economy and Supply in Finland, by Nmo Makkonen, 7 PP - (M 2068362) FINNIAH, per, Suomen Laakarilebti, Jun 1957, Pp 593-599. ACSI, B-0223 Nezur - Finland Econ May 58 ~ 02 / ~d a Sanitary Aope*U Of W&tQr &OPAYS, by W. Iojgb4n,, 6 We Fnmz. per, swam Laftum, J1188, JL Jka 19A,p pp AC810 IL4368 Nosur awn AUS 59 :;aval Forces of the U=.. by Col Mp N. Steveap ~ pl- Wici.ASSUIED Fll.~NTSH, per, -Suomen laivaste, No 6s 1953, pp L07-128. Ilavy Tr 796/oNi n89 USSR Pilitary - Raval, forces Aug 53 CTSft.- 17171f Tio,arlst llo-a-dc tn PLnlznd Pmv-sx-I by J. Lmmmr4o, 6 -:r0. PJURUSH., Ner !a "pv4$ Vol XXV, Tic 1960,~ mi.) .15- ~G2aa?1192To!L-"DWB5-f*5.s Ikig TO ANS 240L~mxr - finlmd Geo ,Tan 61 / 16 IWM CC NWtbmv Fft*804 by 0. Nftemisio 7 10. ruw%i a pert ilmm MMOA6 W)40 Vol .X-kU* NO (CAB Mh LK 443v S 9% V. 29, N% 41 krmy hwp So~ 1-1 3-, fiidaw Gen July C-5 E wrwa fAmTvwft is Doveloom PAq"y, I,Qi. MOM914 2 k4 PJ6 F "fmpw-"-m=bwdAt0%4,V(A .w'.mo IV. WOU 1*6 M 4&% 5 95, V. ,W, N*. 4.) ~,rmy.'A* borvlco CAxell July 60 The of .41 Sul-,,,;hntc and t'.,!e Behuvior 6f Sul-ylcurllc P-cid in tbc! Diammxfactu---~ of Kraft paperp by l.. I P MRIGHi ptr~ Succen Paperi,, go 7 Aj Apr 1946, p 72. SIA q7-28re Sci tw!" -71 In 14I.-It-bods of Fropamtjo-,, rL"a P uction -Ili L rCKI tho Uhllboarfll IL'duL;T--,v,, by A. J, A5plund r &ur--n Phlaeri Punt--mami-a u., vqj vin., r-p 16 Nat'l Ree Cotmoil Canada TT 211( Jul CTS/DEK Price 0.25 Tour of Finnish Lawyers in the Soviet Union (17 Ifeb to 3 Mar 1957),, by Valentin Soine., 17 Pp- UWLASSIFIED Vol MMV33 PnMZSH9 mo perj Suomu Po No 6, 9 p 10 , Turk-m-, -Tom , -~P , -(*-t 1957 p pp 279:2'61, 390-- 393.- 476-479- US JPM/DC-L-320 usm Econ 0 Standard of LIvIvS May 58 '0 C~ ,~ or J-2815 (DC-1569) Fjalar Jarva, General Superintendent of Police (FWand)' UNCLASS IF IED FINNTSH, mo per, No 9, Turku,,Sep Suomen Poliisilehti, Vol XXXVII, 1957, P387-.-- JPRS) NoE-Finland Dio Observationn Concerning the Soviet Militia, by Osmo Lampela, 10 pp, t)NCLASSXFIFD FIDISH, mo per, Suomen PoIiI8ij2hjL-,-Yo1 xxmis No 11/12, Turku, 15 Dec 1957;-PP 556-561, US JPM/bc-L-135 USSR Soc - IAv enforcement 6 // P. ~y FinnI-eli Speci3l Topographic MAy at 1-.20,000s 4 PP. PIRMT Ho bkj guomen Topqgmfisert Wr-+~* lialsinki, 1932Y pp 13-17. Can ]bW'.Z= #20 e 3 not_ Finf-land OW9 AM Lib Mar 59 "- 4. 4 0 0 0 V-1 Recent Waval Developments in the Baltic So.. bY Lt Comar A. Lomulainem, 6 pp. tMCLMIFIED Full traimlatiou. IFINN BU, per# Suomi Here 110 3P IM PP U5-W- Bev Tr 7A/Ma U50 EE'ur Fidand Maltary - Havvl,, Baltic Sea Feb 53 CM/M Developwnt of Teabnlcal- Devices for ll&t A,6tivitya by Lt. L. Paubalwis 12'pp. UNMUMIT FMISHj perp Succd.yAwl .lap i6 3~p J'~In' 1953., PP 56-66. NRVY Tr 1039ANI M5 Scientific - W-gear Eloctronic4p Radio Energm 75-m SuPer Rocket Launcber, 5 PP. FRENCH, rpt, Lie Super-Blindicide "Emerp" de 75 mm,, Brweels., Belifu-m. 11-y-p ACS1 1-2379 ID 2229428 &L - Aero Apr 63 Crosaing of YAw Fieldso by Pietro Daniani, 17 pp. UNCL ITALIAN) p&Vh1ct p S nto Dal campi mimu, 31 Aug 1960., ftcl to R- . OAWAp RM I Italy) Apr 1961. 33)210339 WE - Italy ma /5-P ju 61 ", -3 3 Y J-388/6o Superimposition of Handwritten Strokes: Its Importance in Expert IdentiPication, by Rector Luis Capiet, SPANISH, bk, La Superposicion de Trazos Caligraficos: Su Importancia en la Identificacion Pericial, 1955, 112 pp. *JPRS LA - Argentina 11 Apr OSo sci - Miscel - Handwriting Analysi-s .440914M of an Thternstlaw, Formula of NOXMI. GUMVIty )y aw CUSIOU, IMM04 rpt, a" is FM la pe ad - la3rtA Sd Astm i= (A 02 00 ft"S WINIft 4W NNW=$ IW :. ft"*J"s MW=daj J. A. ftdrs A. VbW*dfts 91 V;. Apr