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m 1~ -i I " s, v lertilization Conditions of Serradella Ornithopus Cativus Brot and a crossing Method Suitable for Serradella, by C. Pfeffer. GEWAN., per, Der Zuechter, Vol 33, No 2~ PP 5-84 NZDL% Sci - jui 67 334,067 Resistance of Some Forage L~,,gumes to Pseudopeziza S.-pecies, by M. Schndedeluie&vt. aKIAP, per, Zuech 4-er ~ vol 34, no 2, -pp. 1,337--('6j. u - i NTC 70-17,049-02D Behaviour of Strongly Solc~rizzing loyers Toward a Combination of Short und Long Exposures, by J. Eggers. CEMW, per, Z. Wiss Phot~~gr Vol 57, No 5/0'j 1963, pp 43-132 GB/131/T4302 Sci - Jul 67 335,058 Official Status, Task, Organization and Operation of the lotherlanas Pure Scientific Research Organization, 7 PP. UNCLASSIPM DUMB; bk. Zuiver Wate 9581 to T ncl R.YI-58, OAirA, The &Wm. I AP n56222 WEur - The Metbarlando scon Fab 5e sci - Hise Reauest translation cheek 9-4-45 ST64 PH-lZP English tildc unk B. P,,~rbcht ub-,r0--I=g- (?;Lim Abecchaltpr 1"mt; Ob bahr u, I Ei t h tuck; Viqk~-! IN- -cLit. Aufstellutur, der Da-,-mstadt- Apr-'I gK 10 pager, i/V 1. Request translation cheek 9-4 46 BT69 PM-1~6T-, English title urJr. Archiv Nr 26/7 gK foreip: T. Br~rj-lcht uber Or~tung Zw, Abadhaltproblem, Einfluss des Diftwiderstandes; Linearis'Ierm.; Auf- si-lellung der 2-- S Chleunig-Ing3me S ger. lnatitutt fur Praktis,-,he Mla-thematih T-ecbuische Hochsamlt Darmstsd"[.. %.Wr. 77P gK. 15 Hart? 1941. . 1"" pav-s- FTD !(TDBIR) 11-7-7 13 -r (Oq Request tr check . .6 Eng Title unk F. Siwoff Ger: (Foreign Title), Zur antwicklung eines universellen logischen systems von pneumtischan strommpmechaniscl Bausteinen 03traooda of Sma-dan with Special Omsieer- atim of the ;3kaWxrak, by 0. Elofzm. 286 pp. M'a-MI, bk, Zur Kemtnis der Mazinen Ostxamdon sch-edem i~it Besmdamr M7r'dCksj~mq%u--j a;,; Ska~praks, 1941, 1969. CF&M 'r.V 6B--50351 sd/earUi sci j Unt e 6 9 383,044 Ynat we Know Abmt. Nodicin,-Produed Damtasb?o by Wo Jadasechnp 27 ppr MM, porp Zur 'an I- ftqqj!j"a tLa-Samman-to"Em Dumtonnip pp JL03-,ZY-- - Dept of flavy IRS 3308 SCIA&M Doe 68 37183.86 English 1-1,litle UrLknown, by Ingo Rechenberg. GEKLALITI, 1-ptj Zur i4ansjLna der Tk&belenten Wandreibung ulit- dem Prest 15 P-(~ - l I on Rolar, *R~ W~ TTL F-g,= 9 / F F Qci- Doc 64 U.S. GOVERI&ENT OIMY Aids) 6 pp. GERM) ]d I -- . perl OrganUation des Luftschutzes jA_Wdgu-tacblanA,-r7JW-19%r-- AF 1464364 faur - oorlaw" mu Jul 61 / T 21 q e1 Ll The Physical Libration of the Moon, by Schrutka- Rechtenstam, bk, I,,ur Physischen Libration des Moudea, Vienna, lcl-55.- *ACIC Sci - Astron jum 61 SWreomple Flottt* of lbper-Mo AerW A. Buebboloto GEWM., b4,,_Zur StmosIppiacben AummrUmS von A= Sal - physies Nov 63 FOR MMUM US MY W. I I I TM tSPATMM OF VEMER On the Theory and Computation of Stationary and Quasi-Stationary Cylindlffcal Arco., by J. Uhlenbusch. GERAM, bk, und 9,uasiis Dissertatic Rhein, unda Sci - Phys may 63 Theorie und , M, Yxujilnski--Mondorf/ ) pp *FTD-TT-63-575 D Is,, r;frl) ( Cc #7WoLU () j On the Transformation Theory of Matrices Over the Ring of Whole P-Adic Numbers, by George Reichel, 12 pp. GER14AN, rpt, Zur Transformationstheorie der Niatrizen Uber dem En-gder Ganzen ~-Adischen Zahlen. Dept of Modern Languages N.C. State Univ at Raleigh Apr 67 322,008 63-2D494 FlUgge-Lom, 1. and KE$chem&Rn, D. COMPREHENSIVE RePORT ON DOWNWASH WAS- 1. Fitigge-Lotz, 1. UREMENrl'S WITH AND wintouT PjtOprLLRR It. K1.1chetuann, D. SUPSTREAM. 11963J [39p] (foreign text included) 3refs Ill. PB- 24546 Order from OTS or SLA $3.60 63-2D494 Tr;RB. of mono. Kysmmenfassender Bericht Ober AbwindmessungenOMe-&4-iiiii"khii6li~iiiiihl, n.P., DFSCRIFTORS: ODownwash, Propellers (Aerial), *Stabilizers (Horizontal tall surface). Wings. (Engtneering--Aeronautical, rr, v. LO. no. 14 WD L>6174) Ccaqpebensive Evalmbim of Modern Soviet Literature an Gymcope ftwy and Gyroscope Technique in the Light of My Own Z3prlmucas in the Soviet Uniong pp. amem" AvxmmLwbuu der Ow"', 11=015mbs, Neuerm sow4iscbAd sMseltasm-le ma Sam R!W! F -- - HWQ pp pp MAW/U-7553 Esur - Germany 3,0,,,74(o sci - payelass, umb s ung Uber Das Treffen Amerikanischer LU ~- ~- z 3 Geverekschaftsfuhrer Mit Dem Ministerprasidentes Der UdSSR Nikita Chruschtschow Im Mark Hopkins Hotel Zu San Francisco Am 20. 11. 1959. GERMAN. FDD/J-570/$D OO/C 1252 (SF- I-sq'q Compilation of Plans for Dcchanges Developed and Still- to'ge Carried Out Within the Frnm rk of the German- Soviet z%rcement of 30 May 1959 on Cultural and Scientif ic-Technical Exchanges, GERMAN., pamphlet., Zusammenstellung uber die im Rahmen der Deutsch-.~owjetis'c'fi'e-'n--'V--e're'i-nba'z,,ung 6ei ulturell~n uiid-re-lchnisch tausch v 113 iii~~ ----*A-~gewickelten und T 11 uar =cz 959 ufuhrefiden 4.och Ads`EFU-9-ch-f6~K~W&~ -S-ep 1-960,, pp 1-5 - *JPRS USSR; W. Germany - Cult., tech., Scientific. exchange Jan ~,bl M Secondary Hardening During the Welding of Steels for Service at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures,, by V. Foldyna, J. Wozniak. SLOVAK, per, Zvaracsky Sbornik, Vol VII, No 3, 1958, pp 319-327. e, < M. de 0. Tollemache The Old Rectory Lewknor, Oxon. Apr 60 w The Welding of Francis Turbine Runners, by P. Erbal. SLOVAK ' per., Zvaracskv Sbornik, Vol VII., No 3; 1958., PP 330 360. 0. Tollemache The Old Rectory Lewknor, Oxon. Apr 6o A Review of OpWons on, and a Study of the Morphology of the Formation of the o--Fjaase in 18Cr-BNi and 16 Cr- 13Ni Steels, by 1. Hrivnak. SLOVAK, per, Zvaracsky Sbornik, Vol VII, 1958) No 3, i pp 362-386. I M. de 0. Tollemache The Old Rectory Lewknor, Oxon. Apr 60 Use of Radioisotopes and Scintilation Counting in Studying Metal Diffusion, by B. Zitnanaky. CZECH, per, Zvaraczky Sbornik,, No 8, 1959P PP 511-527. *VTIB TT 71-505-9 JulY 71 The Effect of Boron an the Strwtural Stabillty of Weldable,, Omp-Melstafts 26/13 CAIN steel$, by J. LodwMuls MMKJI p", ZY"m 'm!2mLAj Vol US No Is 1.960# vp 51~p. w 196 G" - Cbem /46 sop 61 A stvdy of the 8*4&Ued Forritto layer of R,selstowe bott4kMW :oifts In Lm-Mrbou., 'UnanoyO StecUs by P. ORIAMs M. ZitMUWWo SLOW., per* AMOMOAX-8-bur4k., Vol Us .90 3j, 1960# PP 367-379- IV 19T Sal - ph" 14 f,- ..r to A up 61 The Study of Thermodynamic Properties of Metals) by B. Zitmansky. CZECH, per, Zvaracsky Sbornik, vol lo, 1961, PP 242-255- *NTIS TT 71-56o5i July 71 propertles of AncWs for Stma a and Ow Turbims Dmiluble From the PoInt of VW of Demlopment of lieu Deelpsp by 0. NerlwalVe C22CH,, per g~~ a=nik Vol x., iio 4. 1961j, PY A3-352. .0 lxw:r 3m sci-I'WH Apr 65 '126 PxWerties of Alloys f4w Steam and Gas Turbines Dssirable, ftm the Point of View of Development of Now Designsg by 0. Kerkavsky. CUCH, per Sbo=ik. Vol lOg ams Uk No 4,, 1%1: pp 343-352. AISI 3878 SVA-M&M Aug 66 308A91 TT-62-26744 Strach, J. TUYALTrERIE POUR LINE INSTALLATIOND-11VACU- 1. Strach, J. ATION PAR ASPIRATION 1. (Pipe-Line for Evacuation 11. CNRS-XXV 386 Installation by Suction 1.), 16p. CNRS-XXV 386. 111. Centre National de In Recher- Order from -M, ETC, or CNRS $0.80 TT-62-26744 che Scientifique, Paris Trans rin Frenell of Zvaranic (Czechoslovakia) 19,55, ,. 4. no-T-T. TW~ 123-.--- - DESCRIPTORS: Exhaust pipes, Ventilation. ducts. ~.erodvnanilc characteristics. (Engineering- -Nlechani~ 1, =, v. It, no. 6) TT-62-26746 Strach, J. TUYAUTERIE POUR LINE INSTALLATION D'9VACUA- 1. Strach, 11ON PAR ASPIRATION. [I. (Pipe-I.ine for Evacuation 11. CNRS-XXV 387 Installation by Suction, 11). 14p. 2refs. CNRS-XXV 111. Centre National do la Recher- 387. che Scientitique, ParlR Order fr!~Ti=, ETC or CNRS $0.80 TT-U- 26746 Trans(LIZ11-110 of Zvaranle (CzechoslovakJa) 1955, v.4, n6.5, p.I56-I5R:--- DESCRIPTORS: Exhaust pipes, Ventilation, *Venti- lation ducts. Aerodynamic chn racteris tics, Con- srruction. (Engincering--Niechanical, TT, v. 11, no. 6) olke of Tothkal S*"*~ Ew-p~ Tma6s~ Cem. Mechanical Properties of Glue& Joints of Light Yletalsi by Vls&imir Gregors 18 pp. RMIAWO perg Zveranie Vol V, no 4j. pp 112p 113) vol v) no 5. SW =!=A- 143. pp 141 ATIC F-TS-9424/Ill Sci - EngineerinG Jhn 58 Weld Durfacing of gill Rolls, by H. Mosayo CZECH, per, Zvaranie, Val 6. No 9., 19S7, pp 280-285. *81SI S172 Sci - Hat Aug. 67 338,312 bi-22861. nl"us. V. 'FID' WLIDING OF 3'1 LNI-(:r-MO STHL- WHII A I'llous, V. IIIC,;l CARBON comnmr. jan 6o. W Trans-66 Order fwm Xfl' m,r rrans-66 111. Tollernache, M. dcO, (GI. Brit.) Tram. of Zvarame (C7MxiSlovakia) PH, V. 7, no. 1, s - Ii. 'Steel, 'Welding~ Nickel alloys, Chlomium allovi, MoiyMenum alloys, Office -9 T"616A umt., (%Mv 111 lie ry - ~ %V1 I m fav t u r i ng. T 1% v. 6. no. 7) Reducing the Hardness of the Transition Zone of Welds in Low-Alloy Boiler Tubes, by V. Smid, R. Sejnoha. per, Zvoranie, Vol VII, No 6, 1958) pp 161-168. 7- M. fle 0. Tollemache The Old Rectory Lewknor, Oxon. Apr 60 6t-22963 Dubm. Z. NEW INPORMA71ON IN ME FIELD OF CC) ARC 1. Men, Z. WEIM(M. Jan 60. U. Ur Trams-611 Onkr from ur Ur Trm4l M. Tollevadw, M. do 0. (Ot. grit.) Tram. 0(2dMndqjCzechoslovakla) 1958, Y. 7. no. 9/10. p. 284-211C.- DEWKMRS- *Are wakling, ComtrWW -tinn O*m. -Carbon dioxide. 00 SOME PROK.Rbd OF WBUDtNG 04 AN A70WOMIZ Lmyis L. OF COI. )an 60. U. MT Trans-69 Gr&r fmm Mr Mr Tnm-0 M. VcHommebs, M. do 0. TVM. oc;ntws (ow-b"Imaw 19m, T. It no. 9/10, p. 2U-n9. DESCMMA& *Are v*Mft. com"dw Catbu dkodde. 6 u b On" of TeAwag is 0&cbim4M-MwdwWft. IT, v. 6, so. 3) Engine Room Sections in the Construction of River Vessels and the Welding of Steel Reinforcements to the Bottom Plate, by 0. Izdinsky. czec- H . per, Zvaranie. Vol VII, No 12, 1958) PP 363-368. M. de 0. Tollemache The Old Rectory D~~wknor, Oxon. Apr 60 Mectroaic Vacuum Welding., by Vladimir Horseek, Cyril Chorvath) Blazena Trefilova. CZECH, per Zvaraaic., Volb VM, No 7., 1*p pp 219-42>1o CIA 9660763 ------ M ATIC MM 394 Sci &gr MOT Problms of Welding Discussed at the Plenary Sessi of the Central Co=Ittee of the Co=unist Party of the Soviet Union. CZECE) per ZYM=Laj Vol VIII) No Br1959,, PP 2P CTA 96608;4 ATIC HM 450 usm Rcon ---on D ,C~ 2171 61 61-" Hrivnak L A COMIRMON 7%) nM FIMM ANALYM OF 1. Hrivod6 L AUMUMC FERRMC WELDW JOWM ;a ft a. NITUM-112 Order hvm Mr MT T .. s - 112 M. Toasukk%46 AL ds 0. - (OL oft). Tnmg. d Zvu=W (Cmmebubrokim) 19", Y. to m 9. P. 2sa-261- DMRIPM& VoldW)dw, Mustenite, OPerrites Phase stAles. Iran alloys. ISO WAmlhwgy. Tr. v. 6. m 3) Arg= Shielded Ara Weldlngp bY Jsu 3mtDY) 3.5 pp. M&T-9. per, . a e,,Nc) 9p 1959: pp 276-282- 9662499 L ATIC-bm-475/1 Scl - xinfiistois jul U / 5-'~ 5- o ~ MW X9SWt Ot 22 AMWOM 00 VW of IT low olrA Co swou tv X. vouwwo amms Pw# zwmde Ta 8$ so 100 1959P DD 299-3le-)r Aqq - )ift, lp~ V 109p IWVAftlas civilo Md YAMI= 0 6T The Technology of1slAing Righ-ftrangth Chain UWW* by Ma Inta"ky. MM., per, Zm~jp Va A, No 3s, 1960s, PP 784b. Not 2w sai - BW Fab 62 r0 -Xf 114 U7 M" r. J. mW Kri"ok L 15 A FLASK MIT WELDBD JOWr *Apxmmw DURIM WRIZO47 ju 60. Ordw from MT MT7Vsu-ll3 Tnu. ot Zurade (Cxscbmlw") 1%% v. % va 4# P. 103-10T.-- =AMU& *Wd&djaints, "W". 61-22867 . 1. M1104 r- U. HriYrAk. L M UT Tram-113 IV. T*Uwnmb% NL do 0. OL WU4 18056'1' ObuHwa, Tr. Y. 6. m ON" of Irmhow Autcmtla Subsevead Are Velfilng or Thln4aU" PIPes of SmU DiameUr. bV J. Sverol,, S. V~FsouzU. CMP 101~v b"aWAj, Jft 1960P PP 177-178- SM 2299 scl - Ina /4~ 4p sep 61 List MB A Brief aur"y of the Use of Water-Glass In the Humeactwe of W~]Alog 22*ctr*Oenw by J. VIdno. cmm) lor,* mmwo, voa ]ZI Avg ).*, vp the-245, UU 2227 SOL - 2w fto 61 - A J4,01 -edFe lift 109 THE PYROLYTIC DETERMINATION OF FLUORINE IN FLUXES AND ELECTRODE COATINGS, BY F. ELIAS. SLOVAK, PER, ZVARANIE, VOL X, No 4; io6i; pp io4-io6. BISI 2943 scl - M/M NOV 62 LIST 152 217,674 Irrvegtigstion and Dwelopwnt of how Electrodes, by L. Lakatoss CZECH, WIvaranis, Vol i2v May 1963v PP 117-121- BISI 5980 sai/Hat ray 68 356t637 Sodim Xetlwl Silawlatoo Used an an Atat For Prevmtft Dryift of CmtJft Ni%tWJAS18 DMJM The of nectre&st by S. Borwath =d 0 plort akmg& Vol Is# No 30 IMP in-ins DIST 59a Sci/Haftrials Jmuu7 3.968 3419925 New Trends in Weldiug Aluminum in Czochoslo- vakia, by Jindrich Vana, 14 ppe FOR OFFICIAL USE CNLY cZaal,, per, Zvarnie Vol XIII. No 8, 1964. 9698123 FSTC 381-T65-301 1-7313 ID 2204020765 Sci - Lng Oct 6S 283*6S9 FSTC R-54M-D New Trends in Welding Aluminx=., by JIT-3-1ch V 7jYarUltj VQ1 139 NQ 0) 1964) PP 226-230 =" Czech OK jot, % I grs A. Ccntn---'li:"r,,, ?-oocurcment; T B. clasnif icu'Lior. Of Q11, Material, by T L. M01.1n, I ? rwp. SWEDISH, rer Zveraik Intexidentur Tidukriftj No 11-12) i To- '-'- - -~T - - M5 NoEur ECO.'i ACS! 11-5721 mer 6o T TrwavagImal Dismotlm of t1a UroUro,, by Zd. lWwa. 'TM, perj, Zvlastini,Otisk s CasmaLoLlakaru caskyah., Vol ==p 1946j, PP 785-%lo' = .."3 Set - BLO14" Bd Mw 63 A 3 :)1 A 5r-:~ Ademin Phoopblde Derlvattvea as Detmicating Agents ror Certain Bacteriological Toxins# by L Raskova. GZ=s, pers ZvUwtnl OtIsk a Oupoibulekaru Con xcf~# imp JkY 1956 63-10528 Grupp, GlInter. RENAL BLOOD FLOW CONSIDERM PHYSIOLOGI- 1. Grupp, G. CALLY. 119621 10p. (figs. oFnitted). Order froni SLA $1. 10 63-10523 Trans. ofAZwanglose Abhandluagen aus dem Gebiet der No a e -(weec Germanyl 1959. no. 5, p. 1-7. DESCRIPTORS: Midneys, *Mood circulation. Physi- ology, Kidney function tests, Temperature, Blood. (Biological Sciences- -Physiology, TT. v. 10, no. 3) oft Cd TK6" servins CEA-tr-A-879 uncl. BATEAUX-CITEIM DE IA 14AMM XkWRWEq PROPUISES PAR L'MiMIE ATOMIQUE. (Tankers of the Merchant Mrine Propelled by Atomic Energy-). J. P. Hulsman. Translated into French by P. Mmard from Zweite Reaktortagung deZ_,%udjqppeqellsch4ft- Z= enqrkIqvt)rwext3=g- In--Schlff- Vil i - -u-n,d- ko -28 25 November, 1959. 9p. reactors -Maritime,- Translations M-80 C-80 NP NSA Depe(m) CM-tr-A-848 Uncl. LES QUETIONS DES GARAITTIES CONCEMMT COMUSTIBLES DES PILES AT10111QU3S POUR NAVIRES. (The Questions Concerning Fuel Safety for Atomic Reactors in Ships). H. Hardung-Hardung. Translated into French from C-80 ITP 11SA Dep. (mc) Health &- Safety; Reactor Fuels; Reactor Hazards-, Translations MC-80 CFA-tr-A-849 Uncl. .1 ASPECTS IZOITOI.UQUES ET SOCIAUX DZ L'UTILISATION DE L' d-=IE NUCLEAME. (Boonomic and Social Aspects in Utilization of Nuclear Energy). G. Friedrichs. Translated into French from Zweite Reaktortagung der Studienges 11schaft zur q ~Kern~ener ~verwertung .. in Schiffbau im Schiff- 25-28 November, iv%-,i V. Administrative; Health & Safety; Translations M-2 C -2 TIP IISA Dop. (mc r7. *he ratamays of gk 4 a Nouroseemotim A=a TertBbmtes, by Tftpiti, 19 pp. MM. bkj ApRoalm ubqr zw=selmeug, lbidelbg*o (frou lfttuoh EM 7-31 Sol - Ylealcum Aus 59 9~3,e 1.,4e,5 Me WIMIAS QPUW~ at 00 Bawwo and Ombadh TAM at ]Uojdool as at M&w and LovmTaqm%t=$ by aer lboammm!t .L 8 pp. ak"14ramollb OMIJPNNKW. =a GWW,p bkp VC0 bo*- =d 2w AsAtmomaL Sao T-0-171 SU 0 000" Nw 62 Between Cairo and Budapest - The Histrory of a Conspiracy) by Hans Adler, 25 PP. REWAN, monograph, Z. chen Kairo and Budapest, 1957, pp 3 - - . -01- Berlinq, I - ~464, 6) 671 0 - CIA/FDD Z X-2685 Bmcon Cairo and Budapest (The story of a ConspiTacy), by Hans Adler. 3S pp. GUMAN, bk, Zwischen Kairo und Budapest 1957$ pp 5-124. JPRS CSO: DC 15064 J-1729/67 POI May 6 7 326,068 Six-Year Man for the Reemstrwtion of warems 6 pp. tv" AD m POLISHO smi mo pwo Z"!j.2gsg=s6? war1=0 30 BeD 1950. CIA/M/X-1663 Xgur - Poland IcouOmIc - Cwxtmwtlmo 4qmiTw~I trwivok"D pin tw worm luvestiaLtims (M the Stabilithp OIKL13*4040~4 Stress ConditUms of AirvIames With Tab.,control. Becood PartUl Repat - Anlication of t~i 0 m7tal"d in the Ruvt Partua Report to Tab-Controlled Airp1mes., by B. Filzek amps# cbm No mote* 110V 1944 W.-Aw S.L.k. ?r Pool /4V Scientific - AermAutice CTSIM CWWO-5810 zeur - POIWA Boon - Agrimlture /,~ we fy The Dzierqnski: Nitrogen Plant; The Fatme Nombinat, of Our Cbesical Industryl by Zbipiaw T4Veq 8 pp. POLISH., pars Zple Go Vol III pp -inol~ So 16$ 22 Aug 195ist "WE. ~Ewl to IR-402ft 402-559 AFOW-lAl- CIA D ZIM3 AF 677125 ZEW - P03And 3 /j 16 (0 Econ=lc - Premw Produationp reconstruction lpeb 56 CTS/dox J-1909 Concerning an Imediate Program [Economic7, by Oskar Lange POLISH, per, Zycie Goopodarcze, No 14, pp 1-10 /~ /9 ;46,41, (2=-1f) Prot1tablUtir of OPMM lftuthstU Go"M Pnduatim) 9 by AWft%Q MWxUddp AM=* UftleoUss 6 pp. POUMS Pw Vwx wo 'sue &A mom I Vol =8 so .413*8 *mom, 2-*6~--Sr 3- olm 2=4 BMW - Pb3&*d Ibm Nar 59 (NY-2876). The Reat Problem in Polar-d., by Wltold 11i"lutwIti, 9 pp. FOLM, per., Zycle 11~6 I I war 1959, pp 1) 9. ms-186o-i Xtu - Poland Boon ;~f .5 6 6 Sep 59 The Limitation of Population Increase, by Mieczyslav Mieszczankowski., 2 pp. POLISH, per, Zycie Gospodaraze, q~~Ma-~~-59, 10 20(4o8),~ pp 1-2. Dept of Commerce Foreign Manpower Research Office Bur of -the Census Poland Soc jun 6o Merite and Flaws of Decentralized Imeatment. FCMH, per, Zycle Oospoftrczev 24 May 1959, P 50 FDD Sum 2312 Mur - Poland Econ Sep 59 ~'5 51 ~/ 110 m De"MI-013mont, of FClich FOxeign T=fti POLMR, per, -4zie Gqsp.9dQ=zQ~x, Warsaw, 7 -Tim 19519.1 p 5. pm em 2296 ES= - Poland Sm -It' . Vbmim TrOft moo 59 /0.2 7 "StodUd at LITUe iftlendly.bW ~p pmmp pwo Z~"-" _- - - . - I--'-,-,- - - , waraws 19 Jul 59, p L VW/&= 20 nar - Poland am ftp 59 ~?~, 4~?az "ftospefte for 7mifillment of Cu=wt Five-TOw MmF EPoland)) by 0=06= PiWXW- ~N I W*vW., 26 jul 59., pam, perp we pp 1-5. nWOM 2326 zkw - Poland 3= UP 59 ~, W//42410 IR-eform of Wags Fr=im Systm" I Poland] - FQjMj pory ZyCie Goapodaraze, Ibld, 2 Aug 59, PP 1, 3. MISM 2344 Mr - Polmid Be= Sep 59 5~$fj ff f.3 ItProblms in WWs" [FolamAl. FOLMH, per, 4cie Goapq,4Amzey Warsavy !6 Aug 59, pp 1)3t M/St= 2336 ILPtw - Folmd Be= SOP 59 ,97 t4" , F -7 "-F-ri-nciples of Wage F=cy" [ftIzmdj., by AIOj zy Firsawk. PM= per, zycie Goepoda=e, Wamew, 23 Aug 59., pp 3) 4. . - . -,. --.- . I FW/Sum 2344 SEUr - Poland RM-On SOP 59 qj ,, lf~ ~ Poutwar 1-teotmic Davololmont, [Albanla)~ - POLIBRI per, Zycle Gospodareze, Wamavp 13 flep .1959, 1) '(. InD S= 2379 EMT - Albania Econ Nc- 59 f Ir, 3 ~w Mat Shortage In Polwdp - M=Zer VOIL V, - P=811.. Ws 2%y#8-GOXP -., - t - -; ~ -- No 39) 27 Up 1959P pq 1.6. FM Sm 2387 mitm - Polish Rmn - Agricultme Dee 59 16r.9 z5rlo? yma+A in MAnning DYnsUbbuts, by Stft"an -ftmakell FOUD. PMM.9 per, Zraie Go"Odamo 22 DDY 1959j, wamvl pp 1.- 3. 7W " 2W zLr . P03AnA xocft // / :2 '4~ ~ lbr 60 Realization of the Five-Year PlAn in ConBumption. POLMHs, pers Zycle Gospodarazes 1960p p 3. FDD sum 2645 ED=-Po"gnd Scon-Gen Scon jui 6o RatA of Mulustrial Gr(rith,, by ldoczyaew 1.082, PMM pup -we --,-dare", 17 ion 1960.. 1 1$-.-,.-.-..--.-.. -.-___-__ I...". walsavp IV , * IM Sm 2W Bla - Paand &nn ///. ef_? mar 6o U. I c c n -;ivc InventorleD. by Ta- u z rarm, warsau, Jon 196()j po FDD Sum 21"40 Bcon VC2 ,I-Dr 60 Investmentr, :in the hudca.'. Indlitstry, by JQM FOI)cdt~, Hicezyclau Zaiac,. FOUD. PTLISH; perk Zycie Gospode-rize, hTo lo, 6 mar 196o, FDD 6= 2554 Mur Poland Scon Chemical industry may 6o Status of Inventmonts, by Stofan Frenkol. FMIGH, per, Zycie Gespodarczep 27 Mar 1960) pp 1, 5. FDD Sum 2829 Mur - Poland Neon Oct 6o /,? 'f -, ~ '9/9' ,I