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The DiggIng *mwnts of the Soleaidneo uy G. Fraeukel,, 33 PY. GO".. per., Z fuer VdrgleiCbende "Jologle, Val VI, 1927.. pq 168-M. Dept Int Q0301 C273 No 248 also; univ of Washington Fiaborles-ocesnogmpby Llb Set - Geophys e3 Wr 61 Pathokocia RWM=h On Mdftm&dOn ifa TWIrat ,K-- by 1. Udmnmo 24 = GERMAN. verb z ms! Va-m-b-mommagend!hm Vol XXUS 1938v W373-417. NAVY Sct- Blol & M Jul 65 2A2,308 The Digging Movements of the Solenidae. 22 by Gottfried, Fraenkel, 33 pages. xxx GERKAN, per, Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende PhysiologicA, Vol"VI'o- 1927s, pp 168-2M. Fisheries Research Board of Candada Nanaimo Station Sci lFeb 64 I-' - .. . - - - ,, - I"I'll . . . . . .- ..,.J -i,.~ , - ,m" ..... .1,1, - - ; 7he Effectj of Low Salt Concentration Upon ~Wrine organisms, by C. Schlieper. GEMM, per* Zeit fur Vergleidmde Physiologie I ~. Vol 9. 1929p pp Z78-3 4. NASA TT F-11,226 Sci-B4M Doe 67 3470576 Stimulation in Bloodsucking Arthropoda in Comection With Their Selection of Foodp by &jft B, J, Krijgsmms 32 pp, GBRMAN, per,,-Zg. fuer Vergleichande Physiologic, 9 Vol XI, No 4. NIH 10-21-63 Sci - Diol 4 Mod Nov 63 Con Fish Mact the Vinctlon of SomAj, by L V= ft-IsOs S. Kjk~. 10 pp. am".. per.. Zolt LWJI Mmiell Vol 22,, NO 5o 1935Y pp 641-655. Dept or m2tarior DWMU Of coomavul Fisheries Office of ftrulga rubwlw A-29-Oune 1969-No 22 On Ima Scl-B&K Nov 69 396498 Studies of the Digeative Enzyma of Insects 3:1. - Enzymeks of A=Iftdaa wA %ttigoniidae and Their Dependence on the MDde of Life of In- sectsp by E. Sdblottke.. OMOM., parj, Z_ fwr Verglaicbez& ftsiblogle, Vol XUV., 193Tl_ff*M__vf3D_. CBMO W5 Sol - lhol /q/,~ 1,2-31 Apr 62 Preferential TaVerature and Bkin Cogdtiou in Mice I by M Harter., r- Sgonina., 4 pp- MNM,, per, Z. fuer Vergleldmude my"ologle, -W Vol xxvio NO 3) N-P PP 3a-4W- N33i lo-39.6o Sci - Ned Dect 6o / IT 'Ti Y sy- Dijkraaf, S. 1940 Research on the temperature sense in fish (Untersuchungen Uber der, Temperatursinn der ?-isahe) _ZLL~~~~lelohende JbXA1912ZI2, 3Z: 587-605. in iemiLn. Trar-31. by TFR for T'~~FS, "Ar. 1971. 29P., typescript. Avail. on Loan - N-73, Wash., D.C. Original Article Checked.P!", On a Fright Substance of Fish Skin and Its Biological Significance, by K. V. Frisch. &AWN, per, Zeitachrift fuer Vereleichende Pysiologie, Vol 29, No 1 & 2s 19429 PP 46-71-75o *11TIS TT 72-53o64 7be Absolute Auditory 2hresbald of the "Dmwe Catfish" and Notes! on tkw ftnics of the Webus. ian System on the Ostar1qpIVsit by D. Pbggendorf. GMM,p pus Zeit far Lad ftslol Vol 34.. 1952,, pp M,~7- NU Ref : 6113-199 (N=1126) Sci-BW Oct 69 395,M4 How the Shape of the Flower Nectary Affects the Collecting Activity of the Bee.. by L. Kappel. GERW, per, Z. tuer Ve le yslo3nidle) Vol XXXIVI 195 1 PP 539-5 - GB/111/E145 Sci Dec 62 .... . . .... ;"'7 Information on the Chemical Composition of the Eg,r_, Envelope cf:Ascaris Lumbricoides,, by L. Yxeuzerv 18 pp. G=4M,, per., Ztscbr_ Pb7siolp 4=1j& Vol XXUs 19539 PP 13-26-'' 7M A Scientific - Biology X~:,; CTS TO/Jul 55 R-Ido4-D Period.-ic Cycle of Activity in Bullfincheo Under I- .L,Tatural mid Artificial Conditions of Illwdnation) by Jurgen Auchoff. GEM160, Imer, Z fuer Vergleichende Physiologic, No 35, 1953,, pp 159-166. *JFRS/F,"-', oct 64 Recent Knuwledgc Concerning Screening Processes, a by i~. Batel. GERIMN, per VDI Zeitschrift, Vol XCVII, : 'p-p ~417- -' " ~ N'o 14, 1955 -- GB/39/HKq. 1276 sci Doc 62 62-16850 Steinhardt, Otto. PRESTRESSED SCREWS IN STEEL CONSTRUCTION. 1. Title: Prestressed screws [19601 f151p. 4 refs. 1. Steinhardt, 0. Order from SLA $1. 10 62-16850 __Trans. of Vr' r_- [erein Feutscherl I[a nieurel. Zeit- schrjifr-g~ 1959, V. 101,-no. -197p-.77M- 77T.- Another trans. is available from B1SIf4 as BISI-1720 [19601, DESCRIFFORS: *Nletal screws, Mechanical properties, *Pints, Friction. *Steel, CAmstrwtion nwit-rials in- dustry, Structures, CORLS, Stresses. (Engineering- Civil, TF, v. 9, no. 1) 0 Tnt" Urftn Physicochemical Properties of the Egg Sheath of Ascaris Ludbricoldesp by L. Kmuzerp 10 ppo WHMj per$, Usebr f Vergl Physi va ~s M~ Scientific - Biology CTS 70/Jul 55 u~,,rinz the- oeve.torment W Ova and the 07icidal Effect of by T. Staudermayer, pp. fur lv'(:*~rf' ell i0i Ogi"-, Vcnl "'N' ~;55) MOV Sffcrn~ ol" Contact ll'n,,~octicldes On o' Silkwui-m Fgg:~, 'uy p-n,. fur verac.."Lciliende rM's,G Tr f;J-76 Mwarlmrtta on ti:,4.~ OrlentatLom o? Mosqruifte:F: Tvb; Fo,=rition of ":'aavas mid the Sisaifimnce of the Or&m cX johaaton, by Wxich Bassler. cmwm', per, z fue" .2 TA.- a Vol XLT" 19~ ) 3001-3.2.0 ~ IiIH Eci - Idol/ye"I Sci jul 63 tP3-)~' 67"-:70 I- A Gravity Sense Organ of The Haney Bee,, by ~U Lindawr, J. Oe Nodal., MUM, per,, Zeitschrift fuer Vergleischende Physiologie-, Mol 32,, 039,, pp 334-364., NTC 70-13363-06C sci/b and m nov 70 On the Deposit of Epithelium of the L.), by W. Fyg , GERMAIJ. per. Zeivichrift Physiologie, Vol NTC 69-11504-06C Sci-Bio July 69 Axyloid in the Sernathecal Queen Bee (Apis Mallifera fuer Vergloichende 45, 3890, ##UjIS-20. 1,1960 - 2 C-) 387,539 ON STUDIES ON THE OLEFACTORY ATTRACTION OF FEMALE MOSQUITOES, BY H. P. ROESSLERi 3L PP. GERMAN PER Z VERGL PHYSIOL,, VOL XLIVj, 1961 p PIP igzi~- ~'-- , N I H 5.49."/ SCI - BIOL 207,935 AUG ~2 ii-4495-D Resyuchronization of the J)aily periodic Cycles of Birds Af ter a Phase &if 'C. in the Time Signal., by Jurgen Aschoff , Rutger '-.lever * GEE.Iidi, pr-r) Z fuer Vergleichende Physiologic, ro 46, 1963) PP 321-355- *JPRS-FAA oct 64 The I-lode of Action of Insect OcelU, by 11, Autrum, N. Matsdil. CZ-*Wi, per, Zeitschrift fwr Vergdoichande Physiologic, Vol 47,, No 3. 1963v pp 256-273. -13362-06C NTC 70 sci/b and m n ov 70 Studies in the Morpholoa and Rectro"i0loa of the Lateral-Line Orpz of the Clawed Toad, by Peter Gorner,, 44 pp. GERMS pers Zeitschrift fur Vergleichande Pbysiologio., 1963., vol 47,, pp 316-338. SLA TT 64-16962 jul 66 3050444 Alarm Substances and Alaridng Processes for Danger in Social Hymenoptera,, by U, tUtschwitz. MRW , per, Zeit3chrift fuer Vergleichende Physiolopje, Vol 479 1963, pp 596-655. NTC 70-13361-06C sci/h and M n ov 70 Crystallization; by G. Nitschmann. GERMAN, per, Verin Deutscher Ingenieure. Zeitschrifty Vol 106, 1964v pp 1458-1465 NTC 72-10451-20B Apr 72 The Injection Laser, by W. Von. Muench. GERMAN, per, Verin Deutscher Ingenieure. Zeitschrift., Vol 106, 1964, pp 1196-1198. NTC 72-10488-20E Apr 72 'Aa Cmblmd Progmeive wd TraMc-Depandmft Regulation ej. Traffic SIPF:L Imstallstious,, by Ewbart Wyer* 29 pp. WSW.. pw,, Z fww VerbWwoolaherbeit., VoIIIs so 3/4., 1954-o-pp-2":~ mA 6o-iM34 ,2 043".5,~2 7 Sal jun 62 -Dblno~ Vehicle DrIvUg by Conacdow Acts of Rewon ar by Vlblunta,47 Reaction. A StWy ot the Fmblem of leflex Behaviours, by H, Le Schmitz. GUM.. pr., Z. fter VaLwhrocicbarbelt., Vol Ivi ED 17-29. C830 Sol - W 199",5191'~ Sun 62 -- OMM., per. ZolUebrift fur T -- -- Vol 56., No 2 & X M. pp 33-U & 615-79- ACIC TC-1590 Sci/Ear sci & ocean Apr 70 405.,808 MP end Mateb-MkIns in tta Service of tho Gam n Federal Ra-Urceds; by DrLorkep 9 pp. GMWM,, mo perp Zoit :ftier 3[~rlmssungwenen, Vol LUVI, No 4. abuttvrbs A-Pr 3.950., pp- ~- 9 ~.~ CTA/FDD U-8320 WE= . ftramy (0 Geo may 56/dex On the Bed=U(m or amt Distamfts MftwaraM MGcvtrOnIaLUY,, by Y. RA GffMw,p pup yalt ~ ftr Vera" . No 2. 1956j, PP 47-:* -- - ACM-TC-1570 80:L-Ikr scd Doe 69 398,46T --IC - /Lz 07 3 9 -V ~;z eme Possible Fig=es of Sq%tlIIbrI= of the Rotating Zu-th Mony by Ki, LedierStepr) CoMp per I r VerWosuapwaseup 19W; pp 73-90. 116'tC501) D 48) Vol L=IV., No 3- ' AM Lib War - Germny Bel w Geophys Aug 59 Reorgolzation of the &uveying MTwtuent in the Soviet Zone of Occapation, by H. Ahmm, 2 py. =MS., per,, Zeit fuer Veivessuagmam,, Vol L=CLV,, So 7p ca"' NO TA501, D48. AM Elbr - Germmy Geo Oct 59 yo&W=U=b of MAVAttow Dlrftg the &=Nor ~59 Opemti=o of the 004doladcal M)s L *WlWt 93 pp. MUN: pwo 7A#-,.fwr vame memo&-=,, Vol LMVI No 8,p 1960: pp Ot!~;M' (dill So 014-64.7001., fta TO AM an 61 Thebetamp Ald'6f Ardfit of tho. cia 7.-~ jt~v;~,,,"t~~7~ 3 6n'; cjwE~Sxt] A Al)zg 04 The Utilization of an Arbitrary Ellipsoid of Revolution as Goodetic-Gravimetric Refewonce Surf-ace, by it. Ibritz. GEW-IM, per,, Zeitsdirift fur Vermssungswesea 04 i'Ar ACIC TC 877 Sci/Larth Sci Mar 67 S20,647 gio Mv on PrqMption of Rtron With Wood M" T=Mg by R. Volt. a="# pas Z faw imm"aa M"WOMB ib 3p p 1961 p pp 86480 A= Sol - BW Vab 63 On the ftetbow PWWU314 tO 08 of the GoOdAt Be MOM* Gaws a & %.A** far k,PMMWO R*- Vol 87 9 4v AV 19Ut pp 0 A= TC-1336 sai/*th xv 68 3569793 god in k=IYU"l =d WWWft 12 phatopumpters V jown in - Vft OEM# Lm~pw- -ila) IWO ~Ou Wit 5a No 7p I&MAv AVW WP OMMICS "Opp fto . oulm aem Jan 63 .2.;1. 0 IT, R-66/64. Eartri Satellites in the Service of Geodesy Results and Possibilities, by 11alter Hofmann//j)e GERIMM, per, Zeitschrift fuer Vermessungswesen, Vol LXXXVIII, No 2, Feb 63, pp 61-68. /JPRS/SF-3030/SPECIAL Sci-Aero Feb 64 Sc ---.e Instu--u-11ental Innovations in the Field of Electrclnic Distance Pleasurement, by H.J. Me,-kensto,~'~,- GEIR~IAN, per'. Zeit fuer Vermessungwesen, no. 8, 1903, pp. 354-355. NTC 71-1106)4-14B August 71 11-177/64 On the New 1:200,000 General Topographic Map, by Iferbert Knorr /S.11F. 7 GERbLAN, per, Z fuer Vcrmesstingswesen - i:-- Vol LXXXIX, 1140 'J~PRS/SF-3137/SPECIAL WEur - iftag Germany Geog May 6 4 Ptactical CampitLng FormUs for Thvea-Mmansiaml Geodesy, by Ro A* Himmano GMAN. per. Zeitockdft fur KwMqkaM~ on. I- V~_ Vol 89v No 5# va;~ `ip---14~~. AaC TC-1387 SU-~!-Ath JIM 68 359.61.',1 New Cagas for Ace and liats I by A. spieplo 0t als Z Versuchstiork, Vol 1, .10 1. 19611, pp 38-7rb, ILEW U111 9-8-65 Oct 65 2908509 Study of the Catalase Activity of The Ulood of Various o%louse Strains, by ,", *-:agdon., GI-311-AN, per, Z, Versuclistierk, 10111, 1962j, pp 173-178, ~.Nllll 3-33-65 Sci-giol t3 Med "lay 65 2789371 A %iow Type of Cage for Keeping Rabbits and G)Anca Pigs, by G. Me"tor,, et al. GIWkW11, per, Z, Versuclistiork, Vol 3, 1916 3,, pp 2 1- 2 6. iiBil illii 9-2-65 sd/Wj"'! Qct 65 2908503 1 17-6 4 -14721 Her&=. Joseph. i COMIRMON To THE HOUSING AND FFEDING OF 1. Hergoct. EXPERIMENTAL ANIMAU% FSPECIALLY RABBITS 1196416p (figs ornitted) Order trom SL A $1. 10 TT-64-14721 Trans. of it hr Ut fUr Vog~vuchvl~~r-KundL*ej nna.y ~1,. ~3.p. 34 P. (Agriculture- -Animal Husbandry, 717. v. 12. nn. 2) Rwupma Functimis of Famle Hamdryad Babowi Dm-ing A - --- - - MUMS by S 9 5, AsmoV, GERMS per 2 Le Vol 32 1963s pp N:732. mcw im 9*17-60 Scl/B14M Nov 68 368A86 uesihltljlj~ itmowwwauOns for ilrwdbg and l4aintoualle of Lawrate'vy Aximls, iaino. (;LWV~i, vere Z Vursachsti*rk, iia Sj 1964, 2 S.Oa, 7 4 7 - - - witA ou ~ %olwwm I UtW &j3llmj 014MA by No D. laxM.. 21 pp. im"No pwo - - fow vwlqmMbftjmj--jWA* (But Oamm)) Vol Sm 19%j pp 23t-37- . 101 IT-66-13M STA TT-66-13M 31121a sd ft Oct 66 The Effect of the ToruUlln (Vitudn T Gootsch) = the Brond2ia Of Quin" PLV caused by Mists of Rtstomilnep by 30- Xuyfto N. U. Oublw* 5 p. AtEWMa pa, 2eitodirift far Vituds- &mmm- und WA 59-17192 set Dec Val 2,, wo 6 The Convex Closure of n Random Points, by A. Renyi GERELI', per, Zeitschrift fuer Wahrschein- lichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete, Vol Zj 1963, pp 75-84 NTC 71-15270-12A max ?2 On the Use of Finite Xarkov Chainsh Linear and Non-Linear Programming, by P. Kall GERI-111, per, Zeitschrift fuer Wahrschein- lichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete, Vol 3, 1964, pp 89-109 1,'TC 71-15269-12A nar 72 Int-amationnl IYorcstry Report, by A. Fr--nckc, 13 Pp- GIMMUP P--l-, Z 1.6701t-forntuirtnch P t j_-Vol 1,, No 7, 1934 pp 439-44-f. MJ% Tv 57-1231 Wau - Gemmy scl - Wr 58 60),03 7 Calottem: a low Ecomomict1j, Structural gatcrlz2. of Ulgh Banding and BucklizZ Strauola, by. W. 7 m=rmn. UNCLASSUMD m .0 Z 41 4 C~mv tMI, lvilctsc -.0 tsc-aftllc No 2., Dcc 191506, pp 53-5-60-- uvy Tr 165i/Bushipo--639A Sci - Twer VAr 58 The Application of the Tenifer Process to the Manufacture of Cutting, Punching and Drawing Tools, by R. ScImeck. GEMAN, per, Z. Wirtschaftliche Fertigung, Vol 59,, Nov~mber 1964,, pp 515-520. BISI 7036 sci4tat May 69 3828479 TT-61-10294 T&k. F. THE DIRECT VAICA77ON OF CORROSION OF 1. Tddt. P. WTALS BY CURRENT MEkSUREMENT. AND ITS PRACTICAL SIGNEMANCE. [19611111,,)] l4refs. Ordgw fsm SLA $1.60 TT-61-10294 Tra=. at y p- pdmmu=v--Corro~iov6 TT, Y. 12, w. 3) otn- .1 T"Mical S.-Ic- Test's Pu-AtT of Ilau Juice, Treated in Wo.Oso-wald'j3 liethod o:;.' 3~-oaratiicn Fcoj.,~int- by 0. Sicivlcr, W. Dorfell'G. GMILAIj, Seit.Wirt. Zu~.~hclrind Vol. pp 27'1-~ Sci july C) TT-63-16610 Weidenhagen, RudolL A NEW MMOD FOR WE PREPARATION OF 1. Title: Osones OSONES. 119W) 6p l8refs Z Title: L - Sorbosonc Order from SLA $1. 10 TT-63-16610 3. Title: L- Xylosovx- 1. Weidenhagen, R. Tra of ZZjejg~~LwirUdwft%ojpp&. ZUC" ! I e (Germany) 1947. v. Er, p. 711-715. k'~ ;W=4" AMM? HTM to sUable from SLA as 77-58-841. DESCRIPTORS: *Ascorbic acid, Synthesis (Chemistry). 'Carbohydrtites, Oiddation. (Chemistry-Orpnic, IT, v. 11, no. 4) Office of Technical 159rvicts 4(ORNL-tr-2546) $DEVELOPMENT GLANDS OF HABROBRACON JUGLANDIS ASH. joTranslated for Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn., viol., Abt. A.; 13: 144-78(1928). "35p. uDep. 2gbiomed, translations 2706 2gMN-48 20P NSA OF THE SEX gHenschen, Wilhelm. from 15Z. Wiss. NTIS. H. Holzapfel The Decomposition of Hydroxylamine in Strongly Alkaline Aqueous Solutions. GERMAN, per, Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe, Vol 9, 1960, pp 17-25 61, ~ C 12 1~ - /A ,y - 0 1/1 Al sept 72 A system with Aperture 1.6o (YAmbftmaphamain) Constructed According to Cakulations of Professor Abbe In the Optical Laboratories of Car Zelvel, by S. Czapski,, 8 pp. OZM# per,# Z-F!!LM2!koP# Vol VP No 4P M90 pp 417-- SIA 57-214 Wy 58 Photography of Thick Objects With Pepeated ftcusing, by H. Peteraen., 2 pp. av,,.VM, perk Z Vies MlkroslwP,, Vol XLI.. 1924., pp 356Y 357- - SU Tr 57-1513 Sel - Physics rob 58 ~ -' ~ ~/ 61-14011 Frey. A. TECHNIQUE OF DICHROIC STAINING WITH 1. Frey. A. METALS. fi9611 lip. (3 figs. omitted) 9 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 61-14011 Trans. of Zoltscbri(L.fUt-Wisspnichattliche skopic JuM 1~111k!oskoplsche Technl'kI,(Germi:ft!Y~)rIQ65. v -. -42 [no.- 41 p, 42 1 - 4M. DESCRIVMRS: 0131chroism, *Staining, Ramic fiber, Cellulose, Metals. 001190 (Unannounced) by E. OZ-1131111Q-T, -per, Z Iflur rj-'-C~Sde waal-fs-=-T~Fmluac ectZI ".701 Iz -~j 3 -' I f- .7"' 4) 1953-1 Py Pm M, d rV, Electron Microscapic Studies on Lattice Fibers$ by E, HmTmthe N. Dadmers 3.1 Ppe Fu'Ll txa~tion* G=Wp per.. Ztgcbr*fvisGea.mII=.,j Vol us, go 50 Sep 1951., Pp -289. mm TA 7/3 Scientific - BiolxW Ate v mactrwicts -GOV55 .-go /./ ? M/bu OTO/ m .Jectrou Microecopic Pindiage I.a Silver Oftined Col- agen Flbrils# by N. Dett=rj, If VOCkOls I- RUM,# pp. mikro- MM., per,, Uschri f wUs. itkroskop. und !W. Tftbnlks 5-p 1951j, pp 290-Mo Nix i.,cleftific Biology 1955 -sip I ral Structures of: SvoUan. Colla0a and Ratioulln W Fibrils,p by 1. Nockely Gam". per, Us Me Vibookop. vad allav. skop. Too LXM ND 5S 1951p pp 296-V4. Niff scientific alo1w (FDD 21403) Electron Microscopy in the Soviet Union,, by F. Lenzp 6 ppe GBra", MD per,: ZeIt&w-bx-Itc. fur WIneensebaft- liche MA 4-askoviTAIRRIM 11ru; M"X;;T:ehA Techn4k Vol LXI# No 2p Stuttgart, Aug 1952# CIA/m/0-6089 USSR Sci - Pbysices electrm microscopy 7- The Relationship Betveen the Etching of Steel Spectmenes Plastic Replicas and Micrographs, by A. Schrader. OEM., per,, Z Wissemebaftlicher Akrookoples Vol IX,, 1952.. pp 309-316. BM 25h9 Sol - Fbys Mar 6e /'OP~O" filz 4~ list 221 slat= Macracapic SuAs" on tkke wau of LY09hWiled Arteries - Piro% Cbswwtlm an the Adftutitlap bV 0. IcUlj As Bomnaw,, IG ftPPt, 7 VP- MMNO pwo Ult Vdams SO ar 19530 vp 995;-ple- W- In 3-17 Sal WIGIM Alpr 0014-gi .61-10666 Wctchan. C. RI.R7rRON MICHOSM)Pr INVESTICAMNS OF EX- 1. Electron microscopy-- PANMON MIHNOMPNA WITII 'n1E All) OF AN EX- Applications PANSION CARTRIDGr. 119601 8p. (6 illus. omitted) 2. Elasticity--ArLslysis 2 refs. 3. Rubber--Efrecto of radiation Order from S1 A m1$I. 80. ph$l. RO 61-10666 1 .Welchan, C, Trans. of Z eitsdirift fbri WisslenschattlicheL LIU "rc ask,oolgril _'30 ~11r~asljfc und 'M"y ~no3, p. 147-151. ermany 9551 v. 62, G A mewly developed expansion stretching device based on operating cmWitions of electron micrmco;ws per- mits the observation of stretching in the courne of electron microscope Invest Igatlono. Construction and operating procedure of this apparatus are described and possibilities for its application are discussed In relation to the high preparative demands and to the effects of electron radiation. (Author) of TG"W bnuw (Materials--itubbei, 'IT, v5, no. 9) C.-i tht~ Ilreparaticn of Suspensions for the !u the UltvLWO1.1ic to IL4 R. lCc:hler~ A. Koch) K. Tumer, 7 PP- WjUf3ep 1 54 9 11955P pp 5L' -5P4. 3MI. T-273 Sci - Phya jan 6o