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Young Now Cides, by E. A 'w* UZVEKO pgx, Xan ya 1! = %1643,pp ~? ~ M pp 27-29. VAII NO, LIL Z)U UY 1650, EM TO Army b" Servim ,C, 1117177e(/~tl USSR Geog Aug 65 28%114 62-22942 t AbaL BeWl vm TWM.BKTROCARE[OGRAM IN TOBACCO SMOKUWl 1. Abu. B. von U PATIRNTS WTM CARDIOSCLHROSM 11962120P. H. Title: PsUenU ... Order from K-H $25. 00 K-H 3292 M, K-H-3282 IV. Kresp-HbDker Science Tram. of NardLsk MedicLa (Swedm* 1949, Y. 41, Ubrary Assodaws, P. 451-45& Dftrolt, hUch. DESCRWrORS: 6Hbcftvc&rdIopM*y, 60prettes, Smokes. Tobam. OArterloscle. *HearL (8t0k4tcalSctevMl--pqwlM. 77, T. 9, no. 1) Ticlokal Strvkis 62-1-1663 A n I,,-riil von. I .E1_17CTIMCARI)IOGRAPHIC ]NvEs,nGA'nON OF 1. Alm, 11. %,T)n '111E EFFECT OF TOBACCO SMOKE, OIN THE MART 11. K-11-6918-11 IN DIFF"I'RENr OF SMOKEM. 11. 119621 Ill. Kr(-sg(--Iloo'rxl Sciclicv Ordvi from 1~-H 5:11.25 K-11 6918-1) IX-troil, Mich. Trams. of S~oika llika:lidningert. 1947, v. 44. p. 795-~;04. DESCRIPTORS: *T-lkwco, *SlllDkLl, "llcill-L, 'Licctro- t7~1 I Cii0graphy. C20202707 (HMklglt,11 S, L, Li-l' -J'.l(jj0lVgy, v. s, tit). offict 0 T-W-l sq~lcqos S E- M (NY-3590). Th,.- !lIctu-Slokol -- A Travel and SporW Plane, by Hans, Ahner, 6 pp. C-MR2,11W, per., Dautsche 1PIuStachnik, Vol III, No 11, Dresden, 1959, pp 329-331- im 2683 Mur - Czechoslovakia Econ - Manufacturing ,Tt; a 6 o A. Nov Tendemles in WLnter Warftro,, by Capt. S. Abnfelt a 10 B. Recrtzitmot of the Raw moire 7"w-uJor-K." G. BraofteriK. 7 pp; C. Training for War, by Lt Col Gftrg You Dobelu, 5 pp. UBCIMIF *"M (ID 9751143) ft11 tron latione SMISH, per, Ny Militar Tidskrif'to go 3, 1953.. p 64, 71. ID G6M 0-795 NoE - I Sveden CIA 170h770,9 17047no military MaY 53 CTS/Dim '1704772 2068 lt=ic Weapons and Defense Aplut Imalon,, ~Y.-CAP~.S. Ahnfelt" 8 PP4 MMASSIPM ~'w&DMR., per, Nv Maltar-TidgUMO 11D 3s 3.954a to R-140-54, CAM Stockhdm. ID UW,09 Sveden ,lillitary - Defense,, atomic vespons I -jul 54 CTS CrA 2521053 Oentral Ratios Starts Operating It= Lahti I a Amicipal Pmw Plwts by T. Abomens 8'Vpf alkommultas vol Lyn, vD 5* opal 1962x PP 368-374o 38?- (C&U No. IA H16) Arny Mp Service WNW - 71* &,M 9j 12 mr 63 V&Hdty a '-'Wasumulm. of .1 lecu in Towmature 14~ In a Name Ll Ascam of Lai4prjudr T',--dvv In 11 ~ 4 -craar't ft.Cti a C-altl i,sll, by ,.ICCL-W Ridn. Z' lxr* Ligm do PWK VOA 25p" wag-=, I t 1-41ii.-T r-7 923M67 ell h I The Gluma-zeim r .31 w. Ei~~. Z=oc%dp 2. 'Ut2'6u Ipp. - GERMANV part al und L&Rffld U22-M 1963, (CaU M. TA593 Al EM No ~6 EtIg irr.) Army Map Service /z/. ahlwl~,- sci-M&ES Aug 65 298,1W t4da for Use in DaUladc Geodesy, by Dr. M Ahrencll, 6M' GE RMM, per. DO&ROM und Luftbfiftm IYM (M No. TA 393, Alt B 39p IWA# No. 2* C* 2). Anny Map Sankt, Ynzec- Scl-M&T July 65 Further Investigations and Observations on the Effect of Plastic Pipes oa the Bacterial Counts of Drinking Watery by C.B.F. Ahrens, G. Walther adn and Siagert$ 6 pp. GERM,, per, Gsa und Wmiaerfach, Vol XCVIII., No x 261 1957; pp 661-663- ATSA8M45G Sci , ~'5-.30 jun 62 Deserters: Bought The ftle of SovUt Russian Deserters I In West ClermVp by.Do!!~d~~ pp tm n6W58). -MOISS"m am"# npa Dlm~ Zel No 14# 8 Apr 1954,t P 17. 0-2,p. GMA G-3673 Usm 4pp/:, la4e wzur - Political; Military Doe 54 CTSA= Raor&.-anizatioa of' the SurveyinG Departmen~ in -che Sovict Zone of Occupation, by 11. Ahrens, 2 pp. GMIM, pur, Zei-L fucr Vermensungswesen, Vol LXKXIV7 No '(, StuU,,:,art, Jui 1,-"5'.,) , no 21`6, 2r-,'I. Call No TA5c)l, IM. FIR-, ir - Germany Gc- o Oct piny::ical ch,-materiatics of the Detonation 01' &Ikrety T-"q3j3Sj-;4eS; by 11. Auvnz. Reftc; No 5-6p ~ SePt and INOV 1953: pp 1-32- ASLI3 CBBP- S, c i Jul 59 Study of the Prlslrg of DeflagmtIng Deocepoid- tions by the Action of Fame In Comfined Space., by H. Ahmns. ill rivil; : per .Rev= de ilroftetrie minmwA, 1.957s PP 5T9-582. fti - Chem --2/// 15116 f Aug 62 X-Ray Rash awtognow in the nodnation of the Detonation Tarammission of Safety Xbl- ing Byploolves, by H. Amaj, 2. Ritz. --------- GNOMP per$ Nobel Wtso Vol Myt jFo 5/6, 1958, pp 244-297- Bel - mw I Aug 62 '2111, w1f 2be Use of Colmr Mm In The St"y Of DGtOWtIlDnj, by 18 - AUrma - v ~1~1 3 - Goof pwo 0rwqpxqw~ ~ w .., 1 8 lb 2-39 19% pp Sai Jul 59 jq~t t 0 1; ? The Signific,-nee of *e Selective Behnviour of the Detenotinn Wnve JAthe Field of Sefety EXT081yes, by II ~ Ahrom - GEMMAN) 1 er, t~c- ladivAtWO, NO 5) 1956~ V 49-100- ASLIB-GB82 sel Jul 59 ~/ - / j / -~d A bimplo Promdure for Determining the Roaction Rohavior of Various Types of Coal Mine EXPIUSiVO3, by A Hans Ahrens,, POLISHj Conference of Directors of Salety In Mines Research, Warsaw, Oct 1961, Dept of Interior IN7 E57 No 695 scl-M/m Doc 63 .2 171 Contribution on the Davelop=t, o: Fhpiop=W aa,l Wmic:i-y Racogaition. Part 1, by R. Ahrens., 58 pp. GEEW, porp Z fucr Exporlm=tclle und Augewon-ito 113yehologic, Vol 11.. 1954, yp 412-454. wm 3-1-6o Sci - Mled vay 6o /'/ ~'j 9 0 7T-61-14108 Akrus, A. amd Akvw, A. NEW W"RDABMS ON A?RSOMORPIDC ACCOMO- 1. Ahre". ft. VATION tm~ v Mw Antsomorpbs Aocwnmo- n. Akre". A. &d*. (L%tl 113PI (bmp tow lwkldw4. Onbr ft= SIA $14 40 Tr4l-14103 Trani. of KHrUsche Momtob3tter Mr AupnMllkunds (CorwAF* 160. v. A P6 291-20L (0*001 lcs~--ftlhowl TTI T, 13, of 'Fookollell servil" 61-22757 Ahrens. Rudolph. THE SELF-CENTERING WHEEL SET (=DING 1. Ahrens. R. TRUCKS). Jan 60. U. MT Trans - 23 Order from MT MT Trans-23 111. TolleffmChe, M. de 0. Trans. of (ETRI ElsenbahatecWsche Randschau (Gt. Brit,) (West Gern-mny) 1957. no. 10, p. 384-388. DFSCRIPTOKS: *Cargo vehicles, Guidnence, *Vehicle wheels, Tests. J!a;~Srx,~ ". 17, %. 6, lo. 5) The Beading Strength of Nailed Joints in Bewmv by W. ~~ 7 PP- GEIWAN,, per* Bmtech-1k, Vol XMI, No 1. 1950p Ipp 16-18, - S.L.A. Tr 57-195 -.1 Sci - &Lgineerins . - -117, 7 ft 57 Do Party bbobers Have Froodca of R*lUlowi cmk~o wrp an-tzu VU X) Pvkins,p pol - nollgiouz Doc 58 0 - 7bo=y wA PmUcaq 7ft"r WA Su4Y gad labo6j etu4sv.? by A hAmaj, 7 PP- G~ nAl C. perj thninakno Chline-nims No 5. Jkr 1959- Ubj Agolftodft Sma Ewa Ext h= Mina Mtlnlazd M8j No 2,66 4 Aby 1999 n - chi= Boo - smmwcm *Y 59 97 A M= OW UM go Tw INTMTWK -r m"wdMWw CAMP NO 004 6 pro W~4",Vwrv~# Iff 'At CMNIK M& smisifta Wwait, w a. I* , 4 &.S. j" IM W 0 IXUYAWIML 0%, No 63 Wlox &A Irv 00-5434) Ideological Disc=eion: The Imperialist flftravmann, by A Nat 5 pp. CHIN=, per, Kuo-chi Wen-t7i Yen-ablu, No 6, 1960) pp 47-50. JPM 85 32 FE - China ~/ S-% zf~~ P01. N (ir-5667) RftQbxt*2,v Combat Lop"Isiles to the BW# by 4- Nal 9 pp. CEO=, per,, Mh-oM4 ChUk-sUhp So Ols 5 Now 100p w 10-13. am 696o n - chlu / //'f'l if ; r Pol Aw 62. m (BY-5863) Where Do We FiW the Baulap by Ai 39 flea-chlip 8 pp. CHIKSU., per., RW*-chi.. No 40 16 JUI 1958, pp 13-15. JM 7637 P2 - China /,F?~ ?Fl Boo 61 (ir-6174) Study Further to Grasp the Proletarian World Viewpoint., by Ai Sau-ch'i. 35 pp. CRIME, per, Cfte-houeh Yen-chlu, No 2., 14mr 61, pp 1-20. JM 8852 ASIA - China A~' P, Arll~ Soc Sep 61 FURTM DIIQMION M VMS AFFIROTION Of IDENTITY W THINKING AND EXJSTVICE; BY Al &WJ41 28 pp. CHINCK P04 Oc"Hom M-Wltlp NO 5j IV.$ W 19Q# PP I tol 4, 68. 4 fE - CAIMA SOC. JAN 63 MM 16752 (Nr-4700) Engels Affirms Uniformity of Thought and Existence, by "Su-chlip h PP- CHLWWj np) Jen-min Ah-peop 21 Oul 19600 p 7. JPM 5445 FE - China Pol - 3Com ) a ~,W6 oct 6o Paris Commes Will jue4 Cmer the Nhole World,- by, AIJ Ssu-chllp up.. J4n4dn Jlh-wpaot 18 mr 1961. AwAsgons Hong Noe ouvel of mine, Mainland Press no 2471 7 AV 19& 78 - Chi POI A;r 61 ( 2 3.*.; 4 , - i; ) &trly o-v In Socialist Society, b-y A i IS-- u-ch pp - CH17=, per, Che-hsuab Yen-aiu., go 7) peipingg 1958., pp 4-6. JM 16"-V Chiza Taeory so ra Jun 59 Paric Cocownes 16111 Surely Cover the 14hole World, by At Ssu-chli~ 4 yp. CHIME, np, Jen-min Jih-pao, 18 Mar 1.961. AmGonGen) Hong Kon6 Survey of China Yaln1and Preso No 2471 7 Apr 1961 FE - China Pol Apr 61 W-5000 (DC-2707) Unlimited wA JJra4 ed DiaUctio.9 by A sou-chli, 4 pp. C.Hrx-fia,, per, hung-ch 11, No 4., 16 Fab 1959, pp 26,p 27. im 706- D 72 - China Pol - Tbamvetical Y g' o o 5--, thy 59 ApplIcat4ons of Radlolsotopm to tho Measure- ment of flow Pattexas ot Ltq*Us In a Histri TMAp by So AD&P 13 PP- JAPAMSO DWI, cbm fts apm.. voi xx,, vo 60 1956j. pp &4ftf jai 58 Albalatov, N. A. and Nikoliev. V. P. TUNLEE CONFERENCE OF THE BLACK SEA EX- PERIMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH STATION OF THE INSTITLITE OF OCEANOLOGY OF 77fE U55R ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (Yubiletnaya Konfereraviya Chernomorskol Ekspertmental'noi Nauchno- [Wedovalel',.,km ~wwsit InstautaUcanolt%it Akudemiya Nauk SSSR). L9 Oct 60 1 101p. JPRS: 4105. Order from OTS or SLA $ 1. 10 60-41652 Trans. of Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Isvestlys. Seriya Geogreficbeskaya, 1960. no. 4. p. 139-142. DESCRUWRS: bcientiftc research, *Black Sea, 60-41652 1. Atbularov. N. A. 11. Nikoliev. V. P. III. JPRS-4105 IV. Joint Fablications Research Seryice. San Francisco, Calif. CentriftMea Blovmr or Ps,"* With coutrif usal upoUer Wimels lama*3 co B*th SlAms and Compmud Wfect to Said M!q*llaT ftele; by Raw Alckellim, 3 yp. GMWAW, Patont No 2W,397- Dept Of COMMO Paton% offloo Sci Lib (Stft) 551 6 6 57 MANW46L. a 0400 at MW C=w IV 046ma Shm at a one W a *- MM- on to R"w" IMPWAV4 1w as A14% - -- w &RUN% IK IN V&. =040"Llob 91A 4= /, Z 2,~ m 6r 333260 A Vathod of -Letarmining Beryllium in' Orcti ~rcrpi Photoneutrons, by B. So Aidarki -n. 0. V. Gorshkov, A. G. Gra=kov~ V. 5. 7,fiad-d-ln) A. 00 X01chim) 9 -pp. RUSSIAN., per, Trudy Radievogo Inst. ims Vt Go R-hlopinkl~ Vol Vt 1957) PP 89-93- AEC/NP-Tr-201 Sci - Chem Phr 59 On the OxIdation of Clamber, by A. A. Saukov, and 9. K. Aidialyan,, 7 pp. nwasw. per,, Akad Sauk SSSR., Trudy Iwtw Geol 3suk, No 39P go 8, 1940. P 37-40. SIA It 1609 Sci Jul 58 Make the University a Pioneering Institution for the Revolution, by D. N. Aidit, 5 pp. INDONESIAN, np, Harian R-Xj-at, 15 Oct 1964, p 1. JPRS 270274 FE-Indonesia Pol Jan 65 271,769 D. N. Aidit Embraces the PantJasila as an Instrument for Unity.. by D. N. Aidit., 8 pp. INDONESIANS.4 . Harian Rakjat, Djakarta, 30 Oct 64, p 3. JPRS 27630 Asia-Indonesia Pol 272,226 Indonesian Conmunist Party Welcomes Decision by the Comunist Party of the Soviet Union on Khrushchev, by D. N. Aidit, 6 pp. INDONESIAN, np, Harian Rakjat, 14 Nov 1964, pp 1, 3. JPRS 27,849 Asia-Indonesia Pol Feb 65 2720552 0 . ". I -. - - -7 - ~ X2. aw 64 2ftm I I... AMU* FIE - I*M*w I POL. - An 4. -.1-11- ow 00 , Selected Works of D. N. Aidit~ Part I) by D. N. Aidit 386 pp. ITTDONESIMT) bk, D. 11. Aidit-101-lihan Tulisan, Vol I) 1959, PP 6-4o, 42-64, 66-75, 77-82, 84-90~ 92-124, 126-132, 132-13jo, 141-156, 158-168, 170-175, 177-181, 183-197, 199-305; 274-277, 300-311) 313-322~ 352-354, 356-359, 361-366, 4ol) 402, 441-46o, 500-532. jpRs 6551 FE - Indonesia J an, 61 Vy- jwft~ jllvwqw~ m am 4b . i -77 4 as lb IWASSAIMSAULK.1 f , I ,, .... 1~1 ~ . ild~i I L ~ 111; (Do-68a) Decisims cE the Fourth Plemm of the Oentral Comittee of the T"A slam Ommist Pextwv by D. IN. MUM, .56 pp. nWOMIM, rp, Harigm lhkjat* 25o 26p 27s 28s 30 Apr 19W. ipm I" (DC-5136) The Decisions of the Provisional People's Consultative Assembly Can Be Implemuted if We Demonstrate a Strompr NatIonal Unity, by D. 8. A We WOMLO, np.. Harian. Rakjat, No 2752, 19 Dee 1960, p 1. JPRS FE - Tndonesia Pol Apr 61 Indonwlan Sw'mL) Isla and the OamUtion for Its Inple=tatimp by D. N. AitUts 87 PP. -.1 IMXMIMp documentp SosUaisme Wonesia Dan Sjamt Sjo"t Pelaksameamijal Djakarta., 1962p pp 1--,U0. ans 16m4 Indonsels zewj Pol 'Ile xov 62 , .: . it ~- i 1. (DC4011 WKINFORCE NATIOML UNITY AND CWtWIST UNITY10 (TNE POLITIC& WORT W THE CH41WAN Or 7HE PKI CENTML COMITM TO THE THIFV PVEMM Or THE CENTRAL MWITTEE AT TIM cm or ig6i,, sy D. N. AIDITO 17 PP- virrWmW,, Pkf"M,, 1961t PF 3-31. J% 1071 FE - v I ETNA14 pm~ i m DISPEL BRITISH AND MAMMUDYSIAN IMPERIALISTS FROM NORTHE BORNEO, BY D. N. AIDIT, 6 pp. INDONESIAN, NP., HARIAN RAKJAT, z6 DEC 1962) P 3. JPRS 17605 FE - NORTH BORNEXO POL FEB 63 222)291 OUR HEARTS MUST BE STRONGER THAN HUNGER:, BY D. N. AIDIT, 5 PP. INDONESIAN, NP: HARIAN RAKJAT) 27 DEC 1962) p i. JPRS 17605 FE - INDONESIA POL FEB 63 222)292 The new Phase and Adaptation of the Organization to the situation (General Beport of D. 3. ALdit to the VI Plenary SeallOn of the Central Committee of the Indonesian Communist Party),, by D. N. Aidit,,.(Secre- tary-General of the Indonesian Communiit-'4kyp 58 pp. UNCIASSIFIM INDOUSIAN, d np,, Harian. Rak 4at,, Vol VIII, No 2013, Djakarta, 3 Apr 1958, pp 2-7. Us JM/DC-139 (DC-1863) FS - Indouo6U P91 M&Y 58 WITHOUT APPROVING NASAKOM) IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO BECOIAE A LEADER OF THE INDONESIAN PEOPLE, BY D. N. AIDIT) 6 pp. INDONESIAN) NP) HARIAN RAKJAT, 29 OCT 1962) PP 1, 3. jpRs 16874 FE - INDONESIA POL, JAN U-3 218,674 (DC-3801) party Chilef Aldit Raises unity) and mobiuzation" D. H. Aidit. "B=ers of Demaracy,, for 1962.. 7 ppy by ==Ikf) nyp Hari= D*Jats, 5 Jan 10., p 3. JPHS 12329 ASIA - DUIMWIA pal Feb 62 (DC-3801) ladowslon Ommuzdst Mder Addmssas Womn's OmObass by D. N. Aidi 9 pp. r A #t2- nmOM,SnN, ap., naAw Rwat,, 18 Dee 1961, pp 1-2. im 223U9 Asia - Ind sla POI Fab 62 (IM 25314) AIM MosteeU VAN= AMOs by Do No AM!L 67 pp. p vjdmrb6 at Im. =#M V4W3 . P9 - 2adeassla JTr 'or /f Ot ftl (DC-3Wl) hmocitted Press bterviev With D. N. Aldit IL pp. MMIMIMi nP) UIxlm Rc 4-ati 61 7 Na-'o 196-- JPRS 13223 Pal- - B3dmeala Fol I?el I~rlq 6,,) ft ad Aft 0$ Swv"ft Ivem wy agam= .6 tq #%doom flomm" Iss"I"A j0 will$ W" Tom vmwz V&nw p "M an w 42"a OVTO-M) 00!W-t IGNITE THE FLAMES OF THE TRIKORA, BY D. N. AIDIT) 4 pp. -1 INDONESIAN) NPI HARIAN RAKJATj 22 AUG 1962, p 4. JPRS Xk3p 15389 FE - INDONESIA POL, OCT 62 212~,197