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Survey on the Source of Waters 1A the District Between Tung-laic and W.1% by Yoshio Mohim - JAPAN= m Of luteriar 900) si" Pr No Tw Oct 62 Crystal Struckm ad of LaoAp by Otto Subnd,, 13 p0 - GMMM,, per.. 31ok Nub-Tnbq 19310 Vol VMj. No 24 pp 77-M. SIA 60-10267 Sai Apr. 6o J1.2 /-?,,f Vol Mp no 3 The Cm-muel. Traft) aad tbo Wrket., by Selmo 'Twinbegovic) 14 pps C-Zh-CH, per, BwWn! 02=,o Belgradep Vol xV,, No 7p 196P-j P.P 357-361- MRS 15299 Ez - Yugaelavia Oct 62 Aeradymmle Dos~p on the -Opcu~-ymrth yo-mog. in. F=GtiOu & Ww FMIMMs, by R, A.. asolmoto. mm ,WAX=,% Plrv fttisu-to-Mpm, F*b IMO, Due), U4 3m sci - sw Avg 59 Re 'p Aero0yowde Deelp at %be Opeu-Nautth FWM"m by 1. A. NUIW%O. OM awams pro T6tau-Sq4bv"# 1070 vp U911-im. wituft Ins am at"& to Im yr,~, 7.,/ -_,sjzu 0- ttLe cpon.-ijoarth lfurr=oo A - I ,;jO13 C~f Furnace char"bor., by H. A. IV. Irulic, Uw HsoLmivto. jApA.jft~Si~, per; TetOU tO Hgglanft, &n 1957) pp 628-632. BritiBb ITon and Steel Ind 1123 Sci - Engr W IOB-03-) Sep 59 63-14691 jaginx, J. Pii=-9, ecrRic PROPERTIES OF SOLUTIONS OF 1. H"Isq. J. SODIUM C~ UQUID AMMONIA. 11963133p. 21 refs. Order from SLA $3.60 63-14691 Trans. of Annalen der Physik (Germany) 1940, ser, 5. Y. 37. p. 5D9-533. DESCRIPrORS: -,"um. *Ammonia. Solutions. *Photoelectric effect. Photoelectric calls, Electrical properties, Magnetic properties, Optical V. rtles, Electric currents. *Measuring devices (Electrical and elvaronic), *qwutum tnechenics, Electrons, Photons. Spectroompy. An "ratus is described with which the external photo electric effect can be measured In spectrally decom- posed light on sodlum ammonium soltalons. From the 'A spectral distribution of the quatitum yield, a determin- ation was made of the longwave boundaries and the work oft W Tock" so I (Physice-Blectricity, TT. v. 10. no. 5) (ored I~x Photoelectric Properties of Solutions of Sodi in Liquid Awwnia, by J. Raa4q, 54 pp, OMM,, per, Ann PhyBik,, Vol UXVII., 1940., PP 509-533. AW Tr -4247 Sci - phys j~m 61 sj-~ ~ ? /S-q ArW Bio Lab R-4341-D 20 Aug 64 Studies on Rice Blast, 1. on the Relation of Soil N,loisture to the Development of the Blast Disease of Rice, -with Special Reference to the Innoculation ExTeriments on Plants Grown on Soils Differing in Moisture and Amount of Nitrogeneous Manure, 2. On the Relation of Soil Moisture to the Development of the Blast Disease of Rice Plant, with Special Reference to the Results of Inoculation Experiments on Seedlings and Pedicels of Spikes of Plants Grown on Soils Differing in the Time and Duration of Drying and Irrigation, by Hasio Suzuki, Studies on Plant DiSe-ases, Part or No. 2, 1933, Tokyo Imperial University Plarjt Disease Research Section, No 86. *7p)Q S Japanese (NY.6hol) U=gOls" varken sadsoW Rbtedrut Addevementas by T. RaWds, 4 PV- MMws, I np, ftvar, 19 lbv 1961, ]p 5. JPRS 12079 NWArr - Israa Apz 11 /~. z,? lam mar 62 "Theory of Resistance of a Ship Wring Motions in Waves". by Haskiwl. RUMMI part, luestiya AkadftiZ Nauk L~SR OTN Aekhanika i i1i;Mnostroonlyp, -NO Z, 195FO,4p--T S6,, IbDept of N#Vy/MRIX sci/piecll May 70 `njeory of "Iesistamr-tt of z Ship Durinj, tvitions iin ?javes"', by ilaskiurJ. 1-33"SSIM, i--er, Izvesti at AN SSRHO 011% t,*khanika i 1-11fischinostm nt C& Z, 1959, Vp U-56. *N,-t Art r 70 t ft ImIting, Fame and Vatting of MLIW In Mmilp by U. D.,P~s XMIMp yerp ImaUs AkadsmU lba SSM. Otdelon, ftlw4cbesldlrb NwAk$ No To Wj, sp 65-79. Dm Tr VAIVM T-307 fti - gawk Geoxbp '71 q, ff~A jan 63 ----------- vvw Them7., of Ilieciatance of a Ship Dw-iM Notions in Waves , by 71'aakinds IMSVM., per.% ley. As am. am NO& i m4ch No '23, 1956s pp 46-56. Dept of lhm7/MMDC SePt 70 Tha OtcIllationo of a Floating Form cm the Surfaco 7-oavy FIQI(Iq by M D,. Hmkimd. =W.SSIIf= - TL RUMZU -r., 2eik Wmat I Mekb,, Vol XVII, 1953, IV 165,"K. ' -2" Ikvy 2M/ set Pbye ~O4 zl,7~e '7 0101LUtim -,W a ftscmu of sin s"tions In IN foible Irlova, by M. D. BWUMp 6 pp- =Bugs, pwp ftft jktont L Mal Val 33=0 No 21 1958s, Vp 257~40. asq, POWs - Lot sci - jkth Jan 59 7?, ed(a 117 Theory of Feclatmee of a Ship ". Ions In Vever., by Pinsking. RUSSIM, per, 1,!yeatlys, An WZRA OM~ ftkb tjo pu M)ept of Hw,;71vmc ~-bq June 'I'DC-5075) vsnufacture of Printed Circuits) by Ferevee EaZLO: 8 pp. -per, Mag"r Hiradastechnika) Vol NII, 3, Sun 1960p PP 115-118- im 6922 B, -, c n ,!--,r 61 Immm logical Relationships Batvean Rabryonia Purabionts of Duck and Chicken,, by Bohdan Frewl, Miland Hazer., Vera Haskova, Tomas Rraba, 16 pp. CZECH, per, Cesk Bioll Vol IIVv 1955, pp 1-6. ABC Tr 2-Z76 Scientific - Biology ?Fj //~,!q Nov 55 CTS/DEX '!P 7 Mapietic Logical Eleacut for the Implication Fwiction,, by N. P. Vasilleva, J, ilaskover.2 6 ppe RLBSOIA4, per, Avtomat i Telowkii, Vol XXIII. No 1, 19620 pp 57-63, ISA sci SM3.#2V Aug 62 a, MANOW96, to, 10" ISO a iL It am, 035 mw 63 POW" lift& MT (DC-3000) Esteblishamts for Vocational Training, by Hasler, 3 PP. OWN, up, Deutsche Uhmrzeltung,, go 50, 15 Dee 1961, p 5. JFM 12703 FEur - Germny SZ223i Boa MA-1. 6q Fitrite Reaction in the Urine as Indicator of Urinary infoctionj by 0. Waltmant', K. FWOLLPA-c.", 25 PP- UWCLAWIFIM) GUM., per, Z fuer Urologieche Chirurgie, Vol XVM, 13-25, PP 73-85. NIB 2-29 w' i. I I ~. '.~ I':;~ i~j -11 ScI. - ~14=1 /,Ii .1 MAr 58 An EstiMte of the Solution of a Parabolic Equation, and Scm of Its AVV1ICat1Ams,$ by R. Z. Has fmIwx4s 4 DR. MMIM, per, Dok Ak Nw* BM' VCa MM, go 5., 1962v pj? 1060-3-063. AM Math Soe SOV Math - D* Val n1j. No 2 sai Math sap 6p- ON CERTAIN, DIFFOMIAL OWTIONS OKOLNI19110 IN M INvEsTlanal Of OSCIUATIONS WITH WU su"TION11s, BY F4 Z. HMONINMIYP 3 W- RMI^PM am AK WX USK, 'VMCXLI 1. -NO I ig6as " 5w-563. AMM MUM SDC. VOL3* NO L SO - %%TH sw ~a 209,673 lbe xrncoa Caute, a aVdraeaitow and Textium at Dm=mdmv MV&IA# by Abwd 31agnamAs 7 pp L Al D_ia=dX-i 30 210 19 op JPEG 2EIA57 Af riea-AxMitris Eco M,,531 Activi of the Hining Pasearch lwtltute) by 2. U==, 5 P.P. MIUMIANO per, Revista Muslo--j Vol X, so Ruahamnt, 19591 pp 33-9-3341- .V-RS-9158 Mur - Rumsais Boon Feb 60 &a,my ibdulua o-So Tuuptou Wires) by V. Meh Ulza., 8 pp. /C,. -par, Vol XLVI.U, 19.57, v2- 32 -3h - Tr 11/3NI150 Sai - Chas Dia"Ir 59 BiolojW and Omtrol of Cladosparlum fluvm Coate ca Solmn Lyuppersiem., by Dr. It. H&Wr, GXM. North CaroLim State CoUap UM Tr BIA Tr 31,79'1 Scientific Bioloa 63-16781 Hamper. IL D. MMOSSM OF IV.RD PAPMUIOMLD Olt" von 1. UtL--- En""Wg I lartpappen). 14 Mar RL 6p. OP. OMIMK% Hw"' K. D. ordft fi-am SIA $1. 10 63-16781 Tm& ot Wochatiblett f(Ir FgdailabAbuim (West Gernarrh 1959, v- 87, Do, 16. p. 702-705. DESCRIMIM &Fg)crbooxd, Papw tndustxy. Hydavuc In MwWacturu* methods, 04stuials.-Wood. 7r. T. 10. M 11) Ha", P ram &W brombersor, Num. PWG-IH CONNB=Rg IN COWML44CA71ONS 1. Hum. F. T&CMXXDGY. (19U) 23p 4r*b 11. Irembergor, M. Order fm " 13. 60 TT-04-14117 Trans. of 13TZ aWaratechnieft 7*iwhrft (Auspbol 8. Ider RkhrotectmWerl (Wes Oarma" 1%2, v. 14. m S. p. 124-t2l ~a the Growth and Stractwe of Thin Oxide Films on --lunimm, by G. Bass v 13 pp :,'M tMW3Ati0n. ,MW, per,, ZMp Vol 1, No 2, Aw 1946., pp 134443. SeLoAs -Aeutifie Chmiatry Jul 55 ,'NitL I; Vol ACIVIII. ?c, 391, 7J ftleetive Inhibition of the Sympathetic lawas System and *ocardlal Fwwuml by H. HMS., 8 pp. MwOrwa Douteabe *aswedw vodwufthr~ Vol . ra 45, Iwo pp MT-M. ATS-968890 Bei - B/11 Jul 66 305,373 (Iff -5762) Sow Aspect& at BqW-Boot Wtwo La R~mUv by 1. Usaj, 9 pp. AIMAM I probl~ Avualev Vol nis so 28 19600-pp*3:"-3;, im 9094 MW - R~nU /S/- ,105~L loon W 61 R. F~LSSI J. ..r-hiv ei.,~en;-uttenviesenl vol. 10", No. 4, 150U words; 2 tables, 1942. Detemim.'u-ion of ixsenic in Ferroalloys with jt3ecial Aference to ','eriy)tun sten. BrAc.~-z!r 1'rans, Jrder No. 1852, PL itn- nr .:Cil, Sovre!--~crrpp, t JE- 12 j.--r F~%tlo-nwld;~ Addroaa I)rj 9 CvUAmr 1960, VoIloniln Delegatim .)UIAY HEVDsn, 4 pp. Dellvercd Over tbt~ aa tiav Fo6itiow Talwy-- in the UN; by C'rovn UNCIALBSUMID ';.v ARABIC) np~ Al ra~r, 11 Oct 1960, Enal to Di!:,.p Fo 181 , Am3mbaa --y , Rabat , 21~- October !960 . Dvp-,, of 6-w-to if, - Morocco Pressure Meter With Electric Inftcator,, by Albrecht. GERMAN, VDI (Zeitacbrift des Vereineum Deutacher jLigLnIo. lArx); Vol 80, No 19, 9 My P036,, PP 593- 4. USA Corps of EW.,,Waterways Exper Sta Tr 40-30 Sci - Engineering, hydraulics,, naval Econ - Trwwportation, river, water Available oa loan at Research Center Library The Uce of Aluminium for Cable Sheath, by A. Cze=iel) C. Hasse, 17 PP- aMMAN, per,, A. E. G- Mitt., No 7. Jul 19391 P.P 347-353- SLA Tir 2174 Sci S - Minerals/14---tals - Oct 57 J 4 0 -^:2 0 of larotbocyte Cmicentrut*s Fr4:w- rre;rl ALI 'Slured A1016 210a4. A kational ..Qutine ~,niect;um tor larve i3ood Smks, liy i:'. :'Imsse., Ulkit, Vol 8* NO Is V62", I') UIS, The Electrical Resiatance of Haguesium Oxide Sintered in High Vocuum., try W, Weigelt., G. 4MIx-6 pp. am"; per Ber Deut Keram Gesj Vol XXXI, No 2. 1954, P'.D 45-48. WA Tr 2339 Soi - Min/met, electricity Sep 57 %3- 3 j 012- / "I Tr_N_l" Hasse, I and I.Wers. K. THE DIFLUENCE OF L.A7MCE DEFEM ON 1. Hasse, SUPERCONDUCIING TRANSMON TEMFERATURE U. LQUM K. OF MIALLIMI. [1963117p 25refs Order from SLA $1.60 7r-(A-1463D Trans. of Zeltechrift far Phyalk (Weat Germany) 1963, Y. 173, p. 413-421. (Abstract Rvallahle) Dr-SCPJMM ~~urn. Mm Deformation. *Superconductivity, Trensition temperamwe. *CrysW lardoe defects. Cryogenics 7U resMial resistance at very pire thallium wires was increased by plastic deformadou at liquid hellum Eempuanwas. The accornpanykig dianges to the &qwr cooducting transition temperawre were measured. With gnubally graging resistance rado the transition temperature decreases by *me hindredthe of a degrea (Physics --Solid State, 17, v. 11, no. 9) (UrC4 0"we &r VVIII A 06, 11 " am do 0 1 1 1 '0t UAW Of: .' the IPUMM Morow, J , . -~Jft ~4~ ~ 11 M G=MAW vw* me Ts*dk;Td4M4,tft no It . spa=" Beft on" Research an Resistance of Tenerature Changes) and in Particular on the Elongation PrOP&rties of Fireproof Building Materials., by T. Haase and K. Petermann., 30 pp. GMWJN, per,, Sililat Tecjh,. Vol 711, No 12, Doe 1956, pp 505-510. MA 57-3338 Sci 7a-j,?7j-*' Aug 58 -''!s on-iftiT of Suifmamiaes and Sulmhone3 on' Influence on Capacity for Fruct- ~ion, by N. Hassebrank hrift per, Phytopathologinche Zeits- No 4, Ai~~ral 1951, .7D 384-hD) U3DA 2J io Icqv She Cryetal Structure of Boron Nitrite, BHI by 0. Hassel., 5 Pp. per, Norsk Geol Tidaskr, Vol pp 266-P-7c). /,I 1' 1927; MA Tr 21-2-)3 6ei - Mnemls/mctals J~ Sep 57 Association of Formic Acidy by 0. Bnotinnsen, C, Finbak, 0. Hassel, 10 pp. NORWEGIAN, per, TidsAkr Kiemi Bergvesen Metil, Vol IV, No 9, 1944, pp 81-83, SLA Tr 57-1366 Sci - Chem-intry ~? Feb 58 J 'k.". tq - #*SS C- Lb * 4C4 Collection of Articles on RMiratory FtWsiologyj by K. A. H"Selbalch. a=W, Pat Biochm Zeitgah-p So 78o 1916t pp U2-144. *NM/MW TT 71=5'0-IT9 BePt 71 2'h~ Increase of tbo Rate of ATP lVdrolvois by ."main ezd katoModu 09111 at the Begiming of the HydrolyaLas by A. Weber, V. Ram1bacbl. 17 pp. GERRkN, per, Bioohim at Biopb7v Acta.. No 15., 1954, pp 237-245. ME -l.clentifie - Chamintry ~~v 55 M Tv"ll.-ifolln"Itlon Of 1~1ri-A'ic!C1 'Ind of" Actoimyosin Dining tl.(~ -on of lq~r:sh and Glycezin-Trcatpd Muju.lo IDc-ry-anding on Their Ions, Ionic 'ity find RIT, by W. flasselbach, p~v,. 2,. fuer IL-turforschung, CLSIR0 53-34 62 The Dependence of MenosineTrIphoapbste Cla&TW by ActomWosin Flnkes an the Adenosim Triphosphate Concentration and the Kinetics of tbwe Clemyngs Experimat I by. 1W. !!m!Llb Av 9 GNWM, per Naturfor-e-c-b.. Vol Vn), No 6. 1952, PP 339-3kO. 39 e-Z4 .of 1113 317 SclentlIc - Iledlelm The Diffusion ConStOnt Of Adenc8i= TriPhOsPhate Inside the ancle Tiber,. by W. gms&lbach$ 13 PP- J*- IL '6, so 6., GRMN,t Per z Naturforsch/. va vn 1952., PP 33 -331 - N2 34 scientific - odicine 33., " 7 Conceraiug the Calculation of the Natural Free quancios of sn Lbelosed Circular Ring of Cows- tuat rams Sectico Mich Mom Fleely in Its Plauev by 1-19 MosolLvabere GOVEMENT USE ONLY GHW4X,, per. Forschm auf d" Gebiete des lageniuarmio-a"s7lol "., ho 5., 19S6g pp 166. RSIC9677 ScL-.4lectr .Stpt 67 338o719 Deterulro,tion of the Stre"es ArIsIM When Soren Are T4gbtenea PlestlepIly on an Mmllmd IlAse, by H. Reamelgruber. GEWAN, per, Pbrsbc=g,, Vol =, No 3, 1956s pp 95 101. set Jul 59 .11 L)- Z., c by Y, 9 -Dp- C,KR?'~kNo per, Chem~ Ing. U~acb~., Yol XlT,, 19511 735-7V- GLA T-- 57-ZOOB Sci Jt-n 58 Rate of Twinaing in Zinc Single Crystals, by 11-j Siems, Peter Hausen, 25 pp, GEMIAN, par. Z fuer Hetallitund , Vol XLR, 19c~~ pp 213-220. 9077347 Z AEC 2! UCRL-Wam-653(i, Sc i - M10% t Jun 61 / 5- 7, 7 3 _3 HAsserwamp. E. THE EPFECT OP NICOTINE ON THE CUMULATION. 119641 12p Order fr(xn K-H $7.20 K-H-2736-d Trms. of UUnchleawl Modfizimiscival Wociissls~(iftl (Germay) 1939, Y. $6. no. 36, p. 141-1363. 1. Hassencamp. E. ll. K-H-2736-d M. Kremp-Hooker Science Litcary Assoclues. DWXoft. Mktk. (Blol*cal Scleaces-Taticalogy, TT, v. 12, no. 1) i;mt-ev,iination of i-'Vrain Boundary Affusion L;c-ef ficianta 14ith Lhe Vield of Radioactive Aracers Ly Measuring Integral Residual Activity, z)y A. iiassener, et al, 3 pp. per Isotopentechmik I., no 7, 1961 iip. 193-195. *CF.~M '111, 70-58106 1MVILL' F-rDM ONLY A-;r TO Optokinetic Iffeativemas of MovIA& Periodic Patterns (Yrm Memwemnt T&ken m the BwUe aWro;ha= Virldle),, 1W Dm*wd Rusamtetu. GIEVANJI- pwp 2401tachAft fur 21*tWforsabme, Vol CXLVI$ No 100 - W59.* iv 659-6T4. 9=7 Tr 3k38/APL _1W Sol - Rol & Had Avg 63 A Survey or the Aseft or as autw_vlnmft in. sulation of Rio Vbltap 4wmtant'by J, pool HassentwaM. alf&uvtedmlckr amlorp Vol nas 51D 120 Doe 1955, vp a7493- AKn4*3 Sol Avg 59 of iiepatitis lon by Ca-.zan-Globulllu, by It. gor, lIcIv Chim Acta, Vol- 5, Anc.3,4c proparatlon rrA B),actrachemical oz by M. 1;Alas,=kv, UMIASSIPIM ,+qL2KrH; ~.erj J Chim "~ V01 UM X=) 1952# -9p W 746 Nov DIFFUSION ERECTS IN CATALYSIS WITH ION EKUVJMO9 BY HEINRI04 KUlMtp AGhTHE KUMMo 5 PP. KRMANS, Ms Z. FUR FMIKALISCHE 001E rumwm,, VOL Xis 1957a PP 267-972- oTs 6oigi4 . SCI - PM 11 ocT 62 VOL VI I Is, NO 1 212P315 Specific and Nonspecific Systems of the ;ilungan Diencephalon, by R.. Hassler. L-kNIGUAGL U.'KNOWN, per, Progr Brain Res, Vol 5) 1964, pp 1-32. 16'0' ININ 11-36-65 (On Loan) sci/l;&M ,'.Iar 66 297,103 On the Production of Artificial Diamonds from Silicate Wltsj by R. V. Rasslinger, 5 py. No jm=nal cited. SIA Tr 220 Sci - Chemistry SeP 57 J-3 o e 7" (DC-6191) Symposium of the I.B.A.D., by Ivan Usislocher, 3 PP. PM=UESEI per, Acao Daxoamtida, Vol M, No 25, ihn 19UP PP 4.0 5* JM 8836 U - Brazil / W,' J-,- 6 6 j Pol sep U Petrolem In the Soviet Union by T':,. I%asmnup 117 rp - GERMAN, bl-11 Erclol in der Sawjetunion. CIA/FDD X-3271 USSR Econ Tan 5 -,1 ANA= IML Al-TV11% 19 AV4 ull solutim of Prabim of Rlsetitity 11-7 Twasy by a CmpUs FetftUalv by Ole P, ftst nvo It pv* DANISH, per, ft!M fam syssial"tatAs" w"dosel"Ta Val 1"10 jLvbuo W"mo-camr. Dept of Nmy Tv No 469$/CNI Tr 21" may $000746 smetural WASP cau"m by Air P'"swo dRd MOPUseso (CH"ASM md EvalumiCA of Eli'vaus Domw crlt*ria) o by 0, Fs ""tswq DAUM* rm,,# LWU I "a m "- PW swm to t of asvy Ty 4754/&N1 Tr 2192 bo sci- vvuuO Llngr Jun Simplified Method of CoAculatics of Subterrsaam Proestative Cmstructloas& by Ov F# H"t %up* DMISHO rptjo ft 61!R11ftant MM& Til Diwasionnuff &r usilarjor-NO&O - ramisam-, -Hsr&--Tw7~r ~tc Cnar. Dept Of HM Tr 47S6MI Tr 2194 Jun 66 Alt-CoWlod Surfm* Nam* by 0. F. flostnip, 16 pp, DMISHO lpto L#Aftkablods Overfladebolgr C/ Dac 1961. rslx=jil #AlmI1401o 507UUML Mpt Of awyluml TV xg it" 0 111-T Sci-Phya Jun " 3020161 The Effect of Shook WaTQ8 on Balldftp.% by 010 F. Rastwup,f 11 pp. MICIASS DAMS* pa., Byplamtatisks MWele"WO Vol lCms, NO is W9. RaVY 947T/oia 626 Bet - ]mgr my 60 ,//,/ -2 a -'/ I/ Some Experiments on the CuttinC; Performance of nn Automatic Lumbering Saw (Cba:Ln Sav), by Ifuldchl Hasuo, 22 pp. 1~10 r r, 02k JAPANME, WO&OW Japanene Forestry Society, Vol XXX: No X 11 2., 1948,v pp 1-11. S.L.A. Tr No 230/1955 Sci - Engineering Ile I- Jan 1957 CM/dex P-toblems of Power Management, by Ist,#Tn H5 25 HMARIAN, per, Iwi Rwgis~pzdalkcdav.. Vol 1, No 1/4.. "iy/oct 196o, pp 14-21. JM 9570 I'd 0 M Mir - Runpry 79 Econ Jul 61 Or,,-urii zation in them 12 pp, Tiijl'GA',.AAN, iDer. Energ'a e-t~ Atoaltecimi-kn, "!~ll ','Ill, N 21 Budapest, pp JPIRS 5456 1"Ll'!I1.3 - POWCr ReL4mt obemintry of r1wrim and OIA Omwmdkq of If3morinej by n. N. Huzeldim 1&_34 ppe a m w.4 p or, Aapv mm, vol =,o a&v 19 5 4., pp 6193-7M. s." Tr No la6o Sel - Omdetrys lwxpvlc APr 57 Y'6 ~? Hureldine, IL IL RECENT CHEMISTRY OF FLUORINE: ORGANO- METALLIC AND ORGANOMETALLOW COMPOUNDS OF FLUORDaL 11962134pftomimod7rds Ordsrfram SU $3.60 TT-64-14W Tmns. of AngewfarKhel Ch~le (West Cwrnmmy) 190.4 Y. K p. 6"-701. Anotha tms. Is ouSslie ftm K-H HL 30 as K-H-M-c [19q 3* TT-64-14685 L tb&=Wln R. N. IL 7UI~: Orpam~Wllc (Chmalmr-Orpok, Tr, Y. IL rA 12) offift of 7""Wel krylm v-)kc, :jer - and Unit Co-~~; 0-1, by !=C- (W6Q) I NTUVWT, I ONS KMM THE I WUT M CADASTPAL YOM AON THE PXVXrIQN AND MIT MM IN CMAIN WANCHM OF W PRMXTION* OY I W4 E pig 0 ws 9 PP. NUNGARIAMp PERS, %nAum3v VOL V# ND DM 19610 PP 51-iQl- i% Ift EGA - HMARY StudIc3 on Forzoaan Plant Seed Oils. Report No 19 - Components of the See& Oil of Hernandia Ovidera Wnr~ by Chutu Eataj 14 pp. JAPAIME,, per, Nilwn Nu4~ Kaiuhi,, Vol LXIIIX ?To 11, Nov 19W., pp 40-1544. NIH Scicntific - Biology Nov 53 CTS cbwdaa staduw an the ftd6 Pot IL m9twoo. tlv"j, &"Cwv Was ft= tm 0ow Bak of Bad Plm~p bcr L M* N- 800. am= !IFAIM Olp Vbl 39., 3o ftt 69 391AM lp for Pmparing - in F&L Wenulost., 4L;~!~.-tate, bey IS. P;tchidmg W. Uchiroj K._Wat-_6 j.,UPAIMEj per., Kud Parupu Gij",-au I~rolmf -Shi 1~158, 'Vol M, To MM ; qp 866-808. A=-xn35j sci 113. -3-7,6r Apr 6o Vol TTX 2 Fa 2 62-10419 112.k Toshio ard Ucmatsu, lchitaro. 1%M-OWNICS OF STRIPPING, PTS. 1-3. [19611 35p. I. Title: sawng (B figs. 5 tables. p. I of original text omitted) 3 refs. 1. Hata. T. Order from SLA P. 60 62- 10419 U. Uematsu, L Trans. of Japanese article from an unidentified source, 19470). DESCRIPTORS: *Adhesion, *Mechanics. Formulas expressing the relation between the stripping 47 5 3 4 angle and the load required for stripping are derived by two different methods. The first method Is based on bending- moment, equilibrium, and the second mediod relies on a calculation of the work required for stripping. The same formula was obtained by both methods, This formula Is critically examined in the light of experimental data. A K. S. sluimeter (or yarn tester) was tnodIfted as a stripping tester of the fixed- (MaterWe--Adheslves, TT. V. 10, W. n (over) BEN d TedoNd Owdw Tamor Inhibiting Antibiotic, by Toju Hate, Sano Yosbmtoj 6 pp. Gammil Patent R 23p 534j, 2 Fab 1956. au 6o-14997 /. & , ~! ?,q Feb 62 Dyns,mlca of Polling (Studies on the Methods of Peeling Test of Binding Fbrce)j -- PX, by T - Be-to 16 PP - Tof., Y JAPAWNSIE, per, Chem Sigb Polymers A40, Vol TV, 1947, PP 67-72. STA 58-38 Sci Jul 59 Liu-,:: Production in Slovakia in the Thirell Fivox-car Plim, by R. Hat Ua~ FOUD. "LLI.) Fob '19-60) B~+-Tclavap pp air .j F70 Sun 2564 Oil Yl.'T 4,0 Copyri [;ht