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Forest I)qes of t1io Central Sayan iiountains and 'Cacir UiconoiAc luj~ortanco,, by P. K. Kra-s-111- likovs PLISSIANI, per, Tru!JY Akadomii N", SSSR, Boton- icilosidy Institut Imili V. E: Zomi rova Sor. V. Pastitclonoa 'a-yrelxo 1961,, j3p 49-150. *(;i,'jTi TT 67-51TJ7 usha ECCIA !X;c 66 Sol ja 67 333P 9AP Types of Forest on the Central Sayan Mountains, and 'Ibeir Economic Significance, by P. K. K--asillnikov. RUSSIP "T ':,!ruU Ahad I .., per, emi i Ilauk 3SSRj Botar4che.-Qcli Inatitut Fn V. L. Komarove, 3erlyn ~' TIA=st tell noe, S7rle, .10 9, 1961., PP 49-150. CPSTI TT 67-51297 Sci/,~'arth Sci 366, qol~ Oct 68 Some Changes in the Systematics of the Fishea of the Soviet Far -East With Notes on Their Distributions by A. Taranato. RUSSIAHj per) ikzdem~Ta Nauk MR. Dgln2vostochnyi Filial, TXudYq Vol 13) 1935t pp 89-98 NTC 72-60303-060 July 72 TT-64-15725 ldltvm N. F. i MATHRIAL 014 TIM OVERWDMRDIG OF IXODED L kMovs, N, F. TICKS ON ANWL& j5p] 4raft NAM.RU Trut. IL HAMRU-Trans-IM 105MOU M. Naval Modical Rt- Ordw trw OT4 SLA, or ETC $1. 10 '17-64-15, 25 saorch Unit No. 3. Cairo (Egm) TrarA. at M nvil ~eriyaj Zoo ogi&.- P. OUokgical _jcjeDc*s--Zookgy, 7T. v. 12, no. 4) illearca Concentration and the Number of Collisions of Mactrms with Air Holecules oallind a Shock Wave, by T, V, Bazlienova, YU. S. Lobastov,, OSSIAN, por, Trudy_ N=* SSSR., Energet ,azix~ Inst Fiz =, Jopdoobmen i TarmodinmAk ov VZ!okikh Tempe%-qtuF., 1964, pp 29-33, bci - Elec Nov 65 Investigation of the Algorithm used in a Special- ized Digital Computer for Conversion of Equator- ial Coordinate3 to Azimuthal Coordinates,, by S,V, Korotkov,, V,A, Myasnikorv. et al. 15 pp., RUSSIAN,, per. Trudy A Na* SSSR. Institut Hlek- tromkhaniki: Sb;='-Ik Mot Po Voprosam, Ble tro. mwManiki, No 9,, 19630 pp 87-101, 9700773 FM-MT-65-415 Sci/Math & Data Processing Jun 66 303,784 .A PhysiW Gas Dynadcs Propertios of Gasos at Uip)i Temperatures. by Yu. Sj Lobastorvi RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Akad. Hauk SSSR, L, r)Aticheskiy Iastitut 1964, pp 22-28, PLJ *ITJ-~-Tr-66-8 LISSR S ci / Fue ls Jwi 66 Ilymenoptera Chrysididae of Tadzhikistan, by Semenov-Tian-Shanskii, M. N. Nikol'skaja, RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Akad Nauk SSSR Inst, Vol XV, 1954, pp 89-137. *PL-480 US DA Sci - Jun 63 A System of the Tribe Hedychrini Moscs and Descriptions of New Species, by Semenov-Tian-Shanskii. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Akad Nauk SSSR Inst, Vol XV, 1954, pp 138-145. *PL-480 USDA Sci - Jun 63 of L"Ruosem" Sok OM., FlAdMMY Uw"" Vol V, VpT7S4W9- 4f mar awl,st Now Rmwcllt bry D, To MobaLltsins cd-j, 292#0 RU33z% Pwo smug fisism- j96_ ssm n4ch"Is VOL ELP 19630 CB j- Sol - p4p Apr 64 Ilie Structure of the Wind-Wlocity and Temperature Fields in the Atmo- spheric Surface Boundazy Layer,, by A, S. Monin.24 p, RUSSIANI per, IM 0 Ak mii Nauk SSSR Institut Fizi~ i Atw3fory, No 4. 19628 pp 5-200 IJ699897 AMILL T-R-508 Sci-Ear Sci Mar 66 297g694 The Pulsation Spectra of the Vertical Component of Wind Velocity md Their Relations to the Kcrowtorarological. Conditimst by A. S, Gurvich, 57 p, RUSSIAN, per, 1 M.-IZ AAkademii Nauk SSSR2, Institut IMIXI AtMOM 79o 4. 19629 pp 101-136, 9;%1O AFCRL T-R-509 Sci-Ear Sci 4 Astron Apr 66 2979750 HOSSUring VhO FAnge Of VialbtUty in Dark Dlurml Time by Backwards Diffusion. by M., A. Gollbergs 5 PP. RUSSIAN, rpt, Ail SSS& lmtkt-4 Usiki AtmosfwT-. M - Wum Amferyip 1964, Trudy. A p2mLrJa- 1 0 gi 2 209. AWFTD/W-23-5a&67 Sci-Atys iiov 68 368,151 7at"-y of Temsfar Processes in a Plaam Awwa a Diapetic rield., by V. P. Silin, 7-mldy =srml -I*rPA4 1_64 SMi luev FiTdiki immd F. 1. ABC UMU-,Tr-869 (L) Jan 3 eYl OWM7 cif offltica Proprties cc Notou', A* Ve BOMDWW- u *A=. mom# PWIP - Akm&WIT& NO& _9 Tostitist 6 p X95t)s m933-~69- V 1 9m#A- nZ6--bW6 332P a3 Bel ju 67 333# 5M 84 ja 67 Khudzinskii, I- I. FREQUENCY ANALYSIS OF SEISMIC WAVES IN I AN INTERFERENCE ZONE. [19621 13p. H Order from A TS $19. 95 ATS-22N57R III 7yans, 0fAkadjead-ysjNaukSSSR. InstfIcut)FIzIlkil 7emij. 'D'utiv, i9so, no. 6(173)p. 120-135. DESCRU`TORS: 'Seisnakwaves, Frequency, Analysis. 62-17180 Kbudztnsk-11, L L ATS-22N5?R Associated Te6edcal5ervicer, Inc., EamOrange, N. (Earth Sciences- Seismology. TT, v. 8, no. 3) Tilting of the Earth's Surface and the Phencamenon of EarthquivMg,, by V. Fe Donchkovskiyp RUSSIANO Pere !!~& In3t Piz Zemli M SSSRP Vol VI 1, No 174, pp 48-6 1. NLL RTS 3757 ON LOAN ONLY Sci-Ear Sci Jul 67 330,589 13-2533 ( tirl'- 3. 1 ~)2 ). Proulem; of ilia tramontal Gravlw- try, 11.12 pp. RUSSLUT, Der, Trudy Imt Fiz Zemli) Ak liatfK SSR, 1959, No 3 075 3-77. U3SR Sci - G-cophysics A~ 77o~l Jan 59 11-50/60 (3192-10. - New PenWma Instrtment tgr the Detemination of the ?me of Gravity at Soap by S. Yee Alst~ivs V. V. Sukhodol'sklyp Tu. P, lzm%Aovt 33 PP- RMVJO per TrWly lwtltut*-Y#nm Zemllp So 8(175),, 1959., PP R4. ON L-U37-3 Sal - Geogym - Oravimtry Apr 60 ii-WO ( Psm. - "P-1-92) , Quartz Cloolis fw Ppndulm Datarmlnatl= of the Force of Gravit-,, at Be&) by V. A. 7%aln, :11 prij. RUSSIANp per, Trody Thst Fis Zemll, Do 811-5), 1959., pp XYRS L-1137-N 801 - 010rh~' - Crevirlmtry 0 Apr 6 R-50/60 (HY-3192). Quartz Cbrav:Umter for Y'vine Obsarv&tAom;.# by Ye- L POPOV) 15 PP, IMSSIAN, per Trudy Imt Fiz Zwli~, No 8"175),, I % 1959 pp 32:41. JM L-1137-B Sol Geo;ho - Gravimtry kDr 60 c < R-glo,/60 (N-Y-3192 ~ - M lastipmat foNt/he javestigatiorl of inalinatu.0a.8 and Aooeleraio'a',Wi~ Acting zurlrz Gr&vlwtrTC Detarainatiom tnft, Dy V. V. 2lL'bodU'a)dLY) 17 PP. AUSSIDU; ~ per j Trudy lut Piz ?Amli, No 8(175 1939, pp JM L-.IJ37-N );>f 17 Apr 6o R -5o/6o W-3192). Joint Vlbration, of the Stand in Qurts oravimters With Horizatal Tlwslozk filummutp by Ym. D. Bulan2hes 10 pp. RMIUO prp Tn* lut Fit Zmllp No 8(17~), pp JM L-1137-1 sai a o0q*70 - grayuntry Apr 60 R-50/60 (NY-3192). Influence of Joint Booking of the Stand on the Period of OsaMation of a Pckhauss, by V. A. Ram"ukp 10 ppq RUSSIAN# per.. TrWy_14tt No 8(175).- IM) pp 61-6T-.- JM L -n 37 -N ON Sai -Galorbya - aravimtry 60 Apr Ft-50/60 (BY-3199).- ~ Of.- Do W the Fam of 0MVIty by Now of a Gmvimter an a V*vIM Doop by V, As Kuzlvauovo 4 Husalus P-W) No 8(175), 1959m ?? 60-71 JM L"U37-5 ftl - Geo" . Gram-imtry w 6o R-50/60 (NY-3192)- NORDgra= for the Detormlmtlom of Cometions for the AWlitude, Tdqpwmturs7.. Depth of Immersion, Correetlons for tba ft"is Wrect.. and for the Deteralution of the Coefficlent or Jbint Rookiag In the Ca" of ftnW= Observations at Sea., by S. M.-Beresin., V. A. Kuslvanov., 9.pp, RMS100 perp-2rudy Xnat Tis Zemll., No 8(.175)p 1959., PP 72-79. JM L-U37-R a - ftavinstry Apr 60 Th(a Nwrgy of Urthquakee, I Im'' I I I I )OM= MWIM, per, Tru& A rMat 118" Piz zemlli$ WE, 99?11-7~lv AZD nipt 6L*-e3 e - - I C/ .11). Sci - Geoph" Apr 62 /O~g , 'e-4 7.2 The Ebergy of Earthquakes# by T. G. Rautian. RUSSIAN, PER,, Trudy lust Flz Zen Almd Nauk SM. no 9 (176)) i9k'l PP 7~-ii4. 'ObM AID Report 62-12 Sci 14P.2., 4 J-.7' reb 62 (DCA812) rj--Le Generalization of Date ou the Meabanism of Rarthqu&kes, by V. 1. Keylis-Borok., G. I. Pavlovap 13 PP. LISSSTAM, per, Tru4y rnst fft zem Ak nauk &SM, No 11, 1960., ~p-Ul-'I~O-.--- MRS 6918 Sci - Geopby Apr 61 Results of Seismic Cbservations During Underground and Trotyl Explosions, by I. P. PasecluAk, S. D. Kogan, D. D. Sultanov. RIUSSM11, per, Trudj ~)Ins~tFiz ITO 15, io,6o, PP 3-52. 4~ Sci - Phys mar 62 Ualdem"-JMA Emplceim- Ya. tft-udy lust Fiz zemu .,-,ui 6p. '~AL.Eltl 70 Folded Dcfor.-;,ations In the Earbh's Cumst, Themir Types and Mleclaaniism, of Fomationz. (Sklaclshtye Deforaatsii Zc:7noi KDry. RUSSIAIT, p r., TruCy inst Fizi~,:i Zemij, ki I .L e A3c Raulz WSR 19602, 323 iv-pi, 48o S c I A-ir 64 Instrur,tions on tho Impaction of tho Soismic. Ufact of Blasts cu guildinjo., by F.A, KiAllavo S. V, 1~bdvedvv* et au I Nauk SSSRI IWSIAN, per,, Tnid Ak Instituta Fiziki Zenh tic 21 [188) j, 1962,, pp 118-138 IX311607266 ' AUC UCRL tr-10054 Sci/Eartli Sci Oct 66 309.506 Problems on the Detailed Investigation of the Seismic Characteristics of Soil in Natural Layers, by A. V. Nikolayev. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Akad Nauk SSSR, In3t, Fiz Zemli, No 25(192), 1962, pp 167-210. Dept of Navy APL/J11U T-2231 Sci-Ear Sci Mar 69 376,341 DETERMINATION OF ACCELERATION OF GRAVITY WITH GAL GRAVI~';ETERS FROM A SUBMARINE, 31 PP. RUSSIAN) PER, TRUDY INSTITUTA FIZIKA ZEMLIj AN SSSRj PP 86-115. NO 24 (lQl ), 1962) JPRS 17587 SCI PHYS FEB 63 222,305 The Differential Barogaraph With Photographic Recording of Readings, by YW. 9. Dobrokhotov 161~r 14 '~7 j /" ~'44 tvl- RUSSIAN, Trudy lastituta Fiz Zemli A gn SSSR) No 24, 1962, pp 116'-123- -TT--0'3-535 Sci - Ph~z maw 63 243,630 . - . Use of Regenerative VXi bration Filters-for Frequency; Analysis of Seismic Oscillations, by. Yu. A.: KoWspikov, 27 pp. RUSSIAN, peer, Trudy Instituta-Fizika ZeMj_ALNgjLk, SSSR No 261, (191), 1963. pp 25-36. JPRS 22038 Sci-Ear Sci Dec 63 243,,631 Experience in ORbtaining Seismographs That Are Suitable for Conversion into Electric Current, by Ya. A. Kolesnikoj A. V. Rykov, et al, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Trudv Instituta F SSSR No 26, (OT,-119 . pp"37- 11. MRS 22038 Sci- Ear Sci Dee 63 243,632 Method of Increasing the Periods of a.Galvanometer and a Pendulum by Adding Capacitors, by V. T. Arkbangel'Bkiy, 21 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Trudx Instituta. Fiz1ka Ze.mll,bX Nauk, SSSR, No 26, (193), 1963, pp 42--51. JPM 22038 Sci-Ear Sci Dee 63 243,633 Design Mxethod for Cylindrical Magnetic Systems.With. Permanent =Magnets, by V. A. Tokmakov, 23 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Instituta Fizika ZemlI, Ak Nauk, SSSR No 26, (193). 196T,-p-p-1K732--6T.- JPRS 22038 SCI- Ear SCI Dec 63 243,634 InstaUation With Memory for the Recording of Sitrong Earthquakes, by V. M. Frcmd, 24 -pp. RUSSIAN,, per,, Trudu Tngrintra 1111i7tilra 7,Pnjjj_ Ak- Natik- SSS No 26, (193), 063, pp 62-7i. JPRSZOM 2203B Sci- Ear Sci Dee 63 243,635 Accelerometers of High Sensitivity, by L B. Sinani, 16 PP* YJ RUSMAN, per, Trudy Instit t FizIka Zernli Ak Nauk, SEEM, No 26, (193 , pp 7 -77. JPRS 22038 Sci-Ear Sci Dec 63 243,636 ............. ffecording Installation With Magnetic Memory for the Recording of Rwemote Earthquakei~j b.y V. P. 3WMjjjj;j[jjj3"~ Preograzhenskiy, 15 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Instituta FWka Zemli, Ak Nauk-. SSSR No 26, JPRS 22038 Sci-Ear Sci Dec 63 243l637 High Senistivity Capacitive Selmograph With XNMVI91.ble Recxord on Heat-Sensitive PXaper, by A. V. Rykov, 1. B. Sidorov, 16 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Instituta Fizika Ze It Im Nauk SSSR No'26, (037X;A~pplm~21.'~ JPRS 22038 Sci-Ear Sci Dee 63 243,638 Seismic OscWograph Type OSB-VI, by E. S. Borisevich, S. A. Kastroaldy, et al. 11 pp, RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Instituta Flzika Zemli, Ak Nauk, SSSR No 26, (19W1963, pp WV3--97.- JPRS REM 22038 Sci-Ear Sci X Dec 63 243,639 Stand for the Determination of the Coordinates of the Epicenter of an Earthquake, by V. I. Koviigina, 1. M. Rozenberg, 6 pp. I_lUotuta Fizika Zemli Ak Nauk. RUSSIAN, per, Trud SSSR No 26 (199TI-1-960S 70-JLVU. JPRS 22038 Sci-Ear Sci Dec 63 243,640 P.-marob aml Design of GmImtric bwti*u- mnta. RZOILI), per., ZELxly Mr. Nauk SSOL Bastitut Fiz 9a-111 Imni 0. Yu. amidtap No 31 MOP 1964j. pp 3-Z. A Te Tc -F)a Scl-phys Mar 65 MAW Neu Instruments for Recording Seismic Phenomm) by Prof. Ye. A. Borisevich, 106 pp. RUSSIAN, r, Trudy Instituta, Fitiki Zenli im. 0. YU. Shpidrta.- No 35 (202), 3, W4., pp* 3-143o JPRS 29)4j USSR Sci-Electranics may 65 279,772 Testing the Root-loaot Nematode as a Possible Vector of Cucumber Virusp by A* M. Vovk, A. V. Andronova., 12.pp RUSSIAN) per, Akadepiya Nauk SSSR Institut Genetiki, Trudy. Vol 2d., 1961, pp 277-292- OTS TT-64-19947 Sci - Biol june 67 328,,805 IRVe5tigation of lbin saqjlc:i of 'a.ncral Rock Lhdor Conditions of wicar Lhw to Torsion vad Uhldi- recticnal Stress, by 10. Volar- ovitch and T. Ya. Gorazdovskii, ot alp 16 p. iwssim. Der IAkadamiia Nauk SS514 Illstitut i;0010~q' wskikll WM4" dyv .Ao 2. 1559, -pp 23U-236. 9699923 j"WCRL G-T-!~-65-9 Sci-Ear Sri ~4a- 66 Stractm-9 of the Fartho Grast by Geoptusical Data,j by G. Z. Ouraity, 1. A. Sol*vywa. RUSSUN, perg TM!U 6W!.44 ftak SSSR, Goolodehoskly ImUttits No 90s J-9b3,# 129 pp. ACIC T NOV 6 8 363j635 Yu. B. Gladenkov Tectonics in the Eastern Part of the Koriaksky Uplands. RUSSIAN, per, Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Institut Geologicheskikh Nauk, Trudy, No 113, 1964, pp 7-23 NTG 72-13192-08E sept 72 NCH-202 970 Field 8N 1. Azsi,&!~ Technical I oc. Sarrasor, D. 1. East Orange, ~. J~ EMINIATE OF THE PROBABILITY OF DISCOVERING ANOMALIES BY GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYING. 1965. 5p. ATS-67S87H, Order from ATS: $7.25 as ATS-67SM Trans. Xkdemiya Nod S&;R. Wfitut Geologif I Geofizild, Novosibirsk. /rrudy, M p134-7 1966. Bebavim of UUUWtOf In Aww= &AASA=p bV 1. 1. Plakidnp A. X. ObADVIch- BOM., par* M Ak, Nauk OIL Imt 9.4me Dda Vol 4s No Ts, Wj, PP 234-2W- SMO::7kMT3-aM Sa-Cbm Sept 69 391s,141 Kinetics of Formation of Wdrogen an Iron Catalyst, by A. A. GavrilOva. RUSSIO,, per.. Trudy Ak Nauk I lust ljobj h lskq2p~~kbj. Vol 10,74M) pp 4t~-)J- X!C-69-l6k3O-OTD Sol-Mem Feb TO 4(9s930 KCH-200 664 Field 211) Davydov. V. P.; Semenov. L. V.; Fridman, N. L. ECONOMICS OF THE PRODUCTION OF COKE BRI- 1. British Coke QUETTES FROM GAS, LONG-FLAME AND WEAKLY Research Association. CAKING COAL. Oat 64, 13p, 4rets. BritCoke-Trans-80. Chesterfield (England) Order from NLL I T.. .4f ~.dexn!y. N..k SWR. Iwtitt G.*.btkh Iskopasxnykk:-T~~ v20 VIPS-207 1963. Proporties and YAmia of CoMuting the Wigner Coeffloients and Q Coefficientst by A. A. BaWzaitis & K. P. Zhukauskas. RUSSL,U.,I, port Tr~& Akademiya nauk SSSR, KomisviY-a po S4ktroskopjyj VoIL 2, 1964t pp 108-1129 PiOO0674,68-V AIPCRL T-11-616 Scd/llath Apr 68 356,575 The Chromium Content of Rubios, by F. 1. asMovakaia. ii j. Inst-Itut fil zZIAN, per, jLruc Kastallpamfiy NO 3, -1933. -.100100568-1.- '.1 . k ci- *- lws Jun 66 359,6~4 Chrorde -~dde -wontent in a Cbarge and in a SyntheUc Ruby, by A, A, Fiselev and L. 1.j. Dolgova. 10-bSIAp parg Tp~V Ak Nauk SSSR imigiq Z:100100568-k, Ai-M, T-a'.25 Jun 359.6007 Results of Spectroscopic Analysis of Comdum, by S. -, . Grom-Grzhimilo. RIMIAN, Tpar# lru'y biff=4 KA R49ZMLIZ. No 8. 1953, PP ~j;36"-~'100100568-,v AFCRi~ T-P,,c;-23 Jm 68 359t698 Eassurment of the Refmctive Indcotes of Bywietic Corindum and of the Corundum ;,barge, by No Me HeUnkholino RU66194', per, TTud -4auk 6S~,H, nsutut .~X AkI lio 8. 1553. pp 37-~C-.-71W-100363-~ AFCI. T-RC-23 -~ ci-; - h jim 66, ya 3551,699 Description of Instraments for '*$tudying the Color of Corundun urystals, by S. V. Grum-GrzhLmailo. -,)Or. 'Lrur a '~P. Institut uk zi:i ristailo!zm 6, 1,,) 35" 700 ~ltruviolet aeochroism and Absorption in Com- dura Crystals j, by S. 11 . Grum-GrzW ml I o and i",a 11 0 Rudnitalcau 0 RUSSIANg, perg Trq,4_4~ M&vk SWR, Irotitut, I iftie~o- No 9 1953* -138. AFC-Rj*, T-RC-25 Sci, kys Jun 359,701 ioasibility of Yonitoring the composition of lzipurities in Corundum by Laminescence Anaaysis, by 1# 1. Antipova-.,arataeva and J. V. Urum- Grzhimilo. IRWSIMI port '_frqc~r Ak Ilauk JSSA# imt1tut AristaUoggm iio 6, 1953. PP AFCFU, T-W-25 sci--.~Ys JIM 359,702 ~ hotograpbing Conmd,,u,-. by J`I. 1. TaWcoman. RL-63IM), per, LiN~..Ak Nauk &;SR,, Institut .Zt 1,10 Yxista-uoj'rs~i 53t A(-CFI. T-'p.\ -25 .)Ci-: IWS j un 6L' 359,703 Results of - ptical Study of the hachamical vl-o- porties of 6ynthoUc Cormdum, by l,'.. -'.. ~~ lass on-Nelidudova. AbSIgii per,, iristal2o raft No 8, 1953. pp !A00100568--i AECRL T-R:C-25 I;cd . -. bys J u n 6,8 359,704 Application of the Topler j'.:ethod to the Study of Inhomogeneities in Synthetic ("orundum Crystals, by N. .1-1. Helankholin. RGSSIM, per, D-teq Ak Nauk SSSRI Listitut 61:LaLt~ogra-flvq No p 1953, pp 11~~-1920 71661-60-jM~-i - AIT,Ud, T-R~-25 Sci-Ibys jun 68 359.705 The Lptical Anoralies of Corundum and Their Relation to Elastic Stresses, by 11. Iu. Dcornikova. RU3SIAN, p .or. ZrucV.Aj:2j&jk_ i,:riatallp~jf , No 8, 1953o PP 193-202. , 6 T-P.,-25 bys J i, n 6- 359,706 ,optical Anom3leo Causod by Cormdum Inhomo- goneittes, by Y.. 1u. LkomL~ovs and Go E, Tonalovskii. RUSSIX4. per. Trq~y :.-SR .4,.~al* SS _t Institut llo 8. 11053-,,-P-r)*243-,-2~i~-,--- Tldft-ooO~~., Al' Cl - T-:: ~;-25 6 ci- ~ hys Ji:n 35-),?re ~'yntliotic uommdwr, L-~jAe Stmicture a.-- a I unction of x7:5tal-lo~;-z-apidQ Growth urientation, by A. 'per, Ae liauk 66,:.P, institut I s t ra. 20-252- 1Y -'5.7 Typw of :,yntlu3tic .orundwra ;~oulos, by 14. lu. ikorTdkova. rt' Ult per Ak Sauk k-"I8ts-UO9.a-P-Z- -110 8. 1953, PP 253460. A[.,CIZL T-a-25 Sci-, tom" itm 68 359,709 ~,pticall and X-W Study of tho Parting ~'-Ianes o! SYnthetic ..'ormdum, by Z* 11. AeoLim and Vl v. sviata-hine R'Mblgil, per, Tru.4 Ak Hauk :555R. InsUtut 299-3W. VIP 6 fdo Ivil AT.-rCRL T-RC-25 sci-~hys J un 359.710 A&,y of tho OperQtions in Sawing of Synthetic Ruby Cmstals as a Fmation of irystallognphic ~-AentAtion. by S. 1. Gavrishth&,. RU351M, pmr, Trul Ak Nauk 55SR, Inatitut A S XI -, tQUI, fix. No B. 1953. pp 329-334. AFCRL T-!~, -25 Jim 66, 359,7U Iniluence of ., rystanoempide -riontation on RuIW Workability. by pmr. j',rlatalJo&rafiy, tio AFCIU. T-I1,25 ~i. 0. Bol,--lanovich. 8, 1953, pp 335-339. Jun 6.9 35~,712 Production of Metallurgical Fuels From Gasysy and Weakly-Caking Coals, by L. M. Sapozhnikov. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Lab Geol Uglya, Ak Nauk SSSR, No 6, 1956, p~ _LjS. Dept of Interior Tr No 1761 Sci Jan 63 Structure and Physical and Mechanical Properties of Sprint, and Fall Wood of Oak, by V. E. Vikrov. RUSSIAN, Trudy, Akad Nauk SSR Inst Lesa, Vol IX, 1953~ ?p Z9-38. 01r~ H~, *PL-480 Usak SCI - Jun 63 Stressed St8te in the Compression of Disk During Potation Forging of Rods 0 by Four Matrices, by V. G. Osipov. RUSSIAN", per, hkndemi-va Nauk SSSR. Institut Metpllurgii. Trudy, No 7, 19,00, pp 49-59. INTC 72-10663-11F Anr 72 AGENCY: ACSI Yrl-t, P.O. i,; J-800/4 aie4 -7o TITL-,,': Uau,-c in ProperiAes Durin &An~~ ol, Alt4-inuL ALUH09113: I.H. Fridlyander SOURCE: AN SSSR INSTITUT ISUALLURGII 1ANGUAGE: Russian INSTRUCTIONS: Please translate and type one copy on jond paper. The Docturat r-ay be cut up. The PLastic Deformation of Brittle Bodies, by I. M. Pavlov) M. V. Rastega~mvj V. M. Zharov,, 25 pp. RUSSIM, per.4 Hauk SSSR. Institut Metallurgiy, i=~ 4., 1963., PP 90-100- ors TT-64-19148 Sci - p Aug 66 307)316 NCH-201 328 Field 11F Emolma, E. V. THE DEPENDENCE OF THE PROPERTIES OF ALU),10- 1. Central Electflelty SILICATE MELTS ON THE PHASE COMPOSITION Generating Board. DIAGRAM AND THE COVALENCY OF BOI4DS. 1965. London (England) 13p, 11reffi. CE-Trans-3888. Order from NLL orikademiya Nauk SSSR. Institut bletallurgil. nG p187-95 1961. Atriding of Titauium,A210ys, at ftduced Pro- ,ssures,, by Ye. V. Novikova. 11 ppe RUSSIAN, per,, Truly, A Nauk SSSR, Institut tlietalluuii, 19648 pp 132-138. P100020M MITTY-63-1630 Sci/11-latorials Sep 66 3090395 compounds of tile Rare-PEarth Metals With Aluminum tind Their CTy3t&lUUO Structures# by P.J. Kripyakovich, I.1, Zalutskiy. 4 yp. RUSSIAN, per, ln!t Ax SSSR Institut. Metallurallp 19640 pp 144-145. 9700954 FTD-HT-66-186 SWAM Aug 66 306P257 Ct,4XWAOW Of AUM of lWj&WCO VIED W-, UM by V. A. PrOtCOWn 41W Ye. V. phol 294671 Jun 65 i3swiftlaw a, TUM7 allioys ce Nllowm vAth Tw,ULMM &W udybdomim by ve. V, Vasa" WA L. A. Ptdwoft4S PP- t.u.--lat4lo pa Jlkag Iffi* ails bf" 284672 Jun 65 M-nnimr~-Tunys ban Alloys as W-terial for Idjr- Raq)erature ThenucoWlesp by S.K. Dmishevskiy. 10 pij. RLWTA-4# il>t,, Trudy rV SSZR* Institut liaja~U' A.A. 4~cva. Irwtitut lbLwFjFqE# Cblc~udl I Mstalicid-Mal riaTiki-, ulmmtov. M.Mduvedare. stvennaya =siya go TOM r,*taUmn. yw.~S~ noYe Sow-shchadYe po Prcblene reniya, 1950-, 1961j, LAJ lbd-J"vq AIIVf.TDtl.U~-24-1j-69 sci/vati-arialq july 69 387#328 The Fishery Forage Base, by E.V. Borutskiy. 70 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Institut Morfologiy Zhivotnykh, Vol 13, 1960, pp 5-61. OTS TT-63-11129 Sci/B~1%1 Jul 66 30S,976 ActivIty and Structime of Alumim and Its Luminescence Promerties, by P. V. Corenevskaya, V. V. Sch5chokin, 5 PP- MMSIAN, per - 'O'cil SSSR.- Inrt 111-~f ti, Vol -111, 1958, pp 26'(-371 ATs-o4m41R Sci Vol IV, No 11 may 62 Prepprat-lon of Isotactic Polybutertey by N. ~. Pokatilo. RUSSIAJ, perj Akademivl_"uk, SSSR. Tllstitut I'lefti., Trudy, Vol 14, 1960, i);) 58-64. ITIC, 72-11265-07C, M - I .. n-.llr 7 9 SYBOOV, N.N. 1957 Development of technique and method or work at anchor stations to observe ocean currents (Razvitie tekhrdki I mstodik,~ raboty na LakonVkh stantailakh dl1a nabliudeniia toohenil v okeane) Voprosy metodiki okeanologlohaskikh inaledovand, Trudy institute okeanologil, _U, Akad. Nauk SSSR, Moao0w, 199P.: 7-24. In Russian. Traml. by Lydia A. Hutchison for Univ. of Calif., San Diego, 1963, 34p.. typeseript. Avail. on Loan - BCF# Wash., D.C. Original Article Checked.Ah(1) 1* _11-tov, S.V. 1959 Oceanoi-raphic reSeapch In the Bering Sea (Komplekanya issIedovaniia v Beringovv. mw'& v ol,.tiahre-dekabrp 1953 J-) AlInd. Y-Auk S83P, Trud.- inst.. ukeianologii. 16: 47-69. ~rl 71~qslan. Trarml. by IPST for Nat. Marine Fish. Svc., Oct. 1970, 24P., typescript. Avail. on Loan - IRIFS~ Waah.j D.C. I Original Arlide CheckedJ4\ Chindonova, u.,1. 1959 The nutrition of certain groups of abyssal macro- plankton in the northwestem area of the ftaific Ocean (Pitanle nekotor?r~ch grupi glubokovodnogo makroplanktona v aevero-zapadnol chasti Tilthogo okeana) Akad. Nauk S)MR, Trudy inBtituta okeanologil, 30- 1.66-159. Tn Russlan. ~'ransl. by NatI. Inst. of Oceanology, Wormley, -Iodalming, Surrey, October 1969, as tranal. no. NTOT/131. 27P-, processed. Avail. on Loan - BCP, Wash., D.C. Original Article Checkc)P~ mothods of ooesnographic ftaear*h. RUSSIAN, per, Akadg" Nauk SKR. DIAZ ukMMdloaU., Vol 399 1960. CFSTI TT 68-50356 ~j / sci-Ear Sci Fab 69 3?2o8%