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ilowopters,, AleyrodirlOu :Ul Detector (key) of the Issects of the Europoan Part of 315SR, by 1e, 4.1, buntsif,, 8 -iq;, 1. per, AK Hauk SSSR, Zool, Institut, Part 1. No Ms 17rull, pl; 482-489. *CN;Tl TT 69-5S078 D&MU6 1. 1. and Kantorovich. A. S. AMMUMETRIC MODIFICATION OF THE HSTI- MATION OF FIONNOGM URNG A PHOMELEC- TMC COLOIUMMR. [19631[61p. 7 refs. FARM manuscript no. S 211-2. Order from OTS or SLA St. 10 63-19383 Trans. o( LAborstornoe Delo (USSR) 1962, v. 8, no. 7. P_ 22-24- DEXRIFMRS. OllibrinoSes, *Blood proteins, (Nantitative analysis. Photoelectric affect, 0C ric analysis, Diseases. 63-19393 1. Title: Turbidinmtric AWY111 1. DuDIS. 1. 1. U. Kantorovich, A. S. 111 . FASEB S-211-2 W. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Nola". Washington, D.C. V . Scripts Technics, Inc., Washington. D. C. (Blok-lical Sciences - -Biochemistry, TT, v. 10. no. 3) Wke W 780*31 suom M. Ptr, '~,--st Ak Vol XV Ro 7, 1961, lip I` - 20, ll'r~6 10733 OV 7 e7l (DC-2&2). Co&erence on the Biological Effect of Ulti~aviolet Rad4atioa, by N. M. A~~Jgp 4 pp. RUSSW,, per, Gig i San, Vol XXIV, No 1, L959, MOCOW, pp 86-87- JMS-L-1771-D Sei - W-dicine, radiology Jul 59 F.211 F6 -3 X On Food Forms of EUecanium Fr=conicum (Lindgr.).. (Ijorioptera, Coccoidea)., by Ye. M. Dantsig, 6 pp. RiSSIA111, per., Entomologicheskoye Obozreniye., Vol XL) 110 3., ig6l, PP 310-313- AIDS sci jui 6p- 2o6) 43!-~ Whiteflies (Homopt*ra, Aloyrodoidea) of the Lon"grad Area, by E.K. Dantsig, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Akadomiya Nauk SSSRp Tsud zoolnichook2go lastituta,, vol 31 pp. 13-21. CPSTI TT 69-55078 Sci/bam May 70 I/,,/ Suborder Aleyrodinea - Whiteflies, by D"tsig' 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Akademin Bank SSSR, Trud, looLo y7 bwtitut. Part 1, n .qicheaki 1964, pp. 482-489. CFSvTl TT 69-5S078 dye ,C",~jj ()V ISO by & . et cav 15 PP- - GO :nd copcnbss=; 6-17 1960o 1%1 rp 9202564 mvc-ft-5" A a 8 w 63 Non-Homogeneit_y in Elasticity and Plasticity, by P. Dantu, V rp - FRENCH, rpt., Etude de la Repartition des Contraintes Dans un Milieu Beterogene a Deux Corps, pp 443-451. CSIR 183 Sci I'U 6 P-2, oct 61 17-63-2D617 P. AFtRAY Lim FoR DRPoRmA-noN us 1. lfttlr. moire dfilcts SMEL [19631 51p 1. Denw, P. Order from SLA $& 60 Tr.,63-20617 Trans. of lastitut Teclsolque du Batiment at des Tnva= PWMcs Rkrial. Asudes (France) 1956 ly. 11) m 121, p 78-9& (Abstrao svaib" DESCRWMRS: *Concrete, Crmp, Phaticity, *Djft=dou. MMU. Plastic@, Pbm*mpMc SAIRIP". optics. DeoWs are given of a medod for visimalizin plasticity arld in concrete materials by no uIctizatioa of the MoLrd effect. 04sterials, IT, v. 11, am 3) Sol MOOMItimn 1w "M ac om"Wo 1~ 1w P. 90L--&- Ivalm pwi Am awb- do-mm-Wo- 4A &t 44 ft ft! MUM Mb In,- Im's lo'.Mfr* 90OL;Rcn to" P. i~) :~ 1,~ -L L4 BoUpwo hra*vg Yab 70 The Reconstruction of the Canada to Trequier Bridgej Arches of 153 Meters Span# by P. Dantu. B. Galudg 0. IACombel 27 pp. (ID 9707Y--"' UWLASSIFM PMM* Per* lmva=.. No 3,, 195% YP M-316- a-2.. Gsm o-W36 The BlUbit-Ing Effect of Varlmw Faint System on the Moisture Absorption of Wooden Test Panels, by Ro So Dantums, 44 ppe emu, par# VerfkroAlek,, Vol XXvI. 0 No 6.. 1954, pp 144-147s No 7, pp 173-177. KA 3035 Sci *Y 58 Clinical and ftdiologica Research on the Liver- Protecting mA Cholecystokinatte Effect of SulfuratedL Magmis Water of 0. Azdm 35P4 by G - D lAntuou6* 10 IV$ =Inj, par# Gior ClIn Jftd vwwww~ ..s Vol M=j 1930p pp 211-M3. S*L#A- Scientific - pledicins . .. Fmo%Pn at as-on pdwft a& bw sea' 2t 6$4m at abw 67 325^3 O"Ifleation of W4a FmIs With Oxygm Unde PM 0 Ure P bY 7 - D&UQIAt s 10 PP - =Mj, yms dm (Ise ubd Wassoxfodba Vol LXXXIVP ND 401 1941p pp 549-W. 9FA 60-183D3 3 IR46Z 4p:,-/ Sol my 62 vu 4., No 10 Gasification of Solid Fuels with Qqpn Vnder PftgVdM; by F. Damilat. an=, Wp - MM und Wassellha, Vol - 84, 1941) pp 549-552 arc rr., D 4 A) 0 A "q T Sci - Aug 6T 336-060 0 0 iln the RAS of DIMW" Seatims of the NWVM systm in puft in the Anode Houstims IV G, DW4itei. pwo &w9mmm 99 as buza" -P In* Flab Aw WWWO savite tcr.,,, Dx"Ou of Formkp PUbsKM ,m ReacUen of Sam Flob to ~z~W Fa- MUM CW"Ifts tr G* DM=Utb ad Do Zubtaita, now- Pbowwaammom d%f +A& All-nAAft v 9 pro= ladama- rA Vol iik~r~ ugm-QL 611p 411vot ot lilt I ll~ and Almro s4rvuo OCT, t ll-t~ of Pbre4p -tixbwiw .-Ct 67 62-22381 apZusL9, Ferdinando and Slanesi, Dario. ON THE MECHANISM OF STEREOSPECIFIC POLY- 1. Denussot F. MERIZA11ON AND COPOLYMERIZA71ON OF ARO- 11. SLanesi, D. MA71C VINYL MONOMERS. 1. EXPERIW~NTAL 111. CTS(Chem)-293 RESULTS. Aug 62, 6500 wards, 29 refs. IV. Chemical Translating Order from CTS(Chem) $26.00 CTS(Chem)-293 Service, Palo Alto. subsequent copies $4.25/ea. Calif. Trans. of [In] Chimica e [I'lindustria (Italy) 1962, v. 44. no. 5. p. 474-482. DESCRIPTORS: *Polymerization, 'Vinyl radicals, *Styrenes, Stereochemistry, Reaction kinetics, Catalysts, Titanium compounds, Chlorides, Aluminum compounds, Hydrocarbons, Copolymerization. ffrc 7 / - /SrA 4P - e '? c (Chemis try- -Organic. 'IT, v. B. no. 7) Offics of 7-61C.1 5-1... Danusso, Ferdinando, Moragho. Giovanni. and Gianells, Vincenzo. MOLECULAR WEIGHT AND INTERACTION AFFIN- I`TY OF ATACTIC POLYPROPYLENE FRACnONS WM SOLVENTS. 11%11 19p. 11 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 61-16797 Trans. of Accadlential Nagionale dell Lincl, (Classe dJ Sclenze FWche. MaternatIche e Naturali. Rendl- Conti) (Italy) 1958 leer. 8) v. 25 [no. 6) P. 498-508. Another translation is available from SLA mi$2.40, ph$3, 30 as 59-20891119591 lap. DESCRIPTORS- *Propenes. OPolymers. Molecular weight, *Benzer~,-m, *Tolueme, 'Organic solvents, Osmotic pressure. Solvent action. 61-16797 1. 71tle: Atactic polymers I - Dwmo% P. H . Mor"ho. G. 111. Ginnells. V. Ilie osmotic pressures of fractions of atactic pol pylene obtained in an earlier fractionation were Y,=: Offic* &f Tec6lml savices ured in benzene and in toluene. The law of the ch&np Of the reduced osmotic pressure with concentration wa (Chemistry- -Organic, Tr, v. 6. no. 5) (overd 1 61-16790 Danusso, Ferdinando and Moragho, Glovanni. RELATION BETWEEN INTRINSIC VISCOSITY AND 1. Title: Atactic polymers MOLECULAR WRIGHT OF ATACTIC POLYPROPYL- 1. Danusso, P. ENE IN VARIOUS SOLVEN7S. [19611114]p. 9 refs. H. Moraglio, G. Order from SLA $1. 60 61-If790 Trans. of Accad[emial Naz[ionale dell Lincel. [Classe di Scienze PWche, MatematiChe e Naturalf. Rendl- coati) (Italy) 1958 feer. 91 v. 25 [rim fl p. 15091-51t, DESCRIPTORS: OPropenes, OPolymers. Viscosity. Molecular wei&, *OrpWc solvents, 08enzenes, "rolkwme, *Cyclohexaws. Viacomeffic measurememB wort made on dilute solu- 110118 Of tYAC0008 Of 8111CUC PD1ypr0pylCn0 of kww molecular weight, In cyclohexane, toluene. and benzene at 300CC and in isoamyl acetate at 340C. The relation between intrinsic viscosity and molecular weigft. which 014co *0 Tockoicil Sonim was thus determined for each of ft four solvents, which are endowed with rather ditferent whent power. (Chemistry- -Organic. TT, v. 6. no. 5) (over) C)f Sanc- Olefirl pro, Oro, .Lyn r v induntrio, '101 XLI, HO 81 .~,,,T Ll,-r, por, Ot 195,9, PP 710-757. ATS 3:58 - W 6 0 of VIWI Cb1orlde. V1.11. Mmetic ChMm Leugth and MoebrmJ am lu the Pmeace of Azothisiao-Batypee-aitrUo,, by F. Danwoo, 0. Pajum,, D. Simsi. LTALTA4.,. perp ChImics UW Val XLIj No 12j, 1959., pr 1170-1175. CTS(Q=)-102 Sal ;2-317 26 Nay 6e Vol IV., No Sterecapecifie Poluarlution or Arcmtlc Yiml Xw=on 2 U - IW Om ~ft*md Styrams, 13 by D. Biannip R. Sump 7P. UMMO Verj ChImUs IMq Vol =0 No 6v Vp 515.%8. GLA 60-WM Sol // I ~. 7tf o7, My 60 7 Vol 3, No stareospecific POI~rmerlzatl= of Vinyl- Arawtic Monomers. 11'.:- Vinyl D,evivativea of Polynaalear AromaLle Hydxocarboas, by G. Natta. F. Damwso~ ITALIq, per, La Chimica e l'In&wtria, Vol XLI, NO 10, 1959, pp 964-967. sLA 6o-18o97 Sc Feb 6-9 Isotectic Polmurs of Met]Wl-SubstAtuted Styrowep by Dario Siumsio Glulio Wattas ... PvrUAvAo-D&iwso$ 10 TTALWj, per.. Gazzatts Main ItaLIUMO 1959p vol Lxx=., No 3s v9 775-783. srA 6o-iouo Sol Apr 6o ///, , q2 Vol M) No 2 mrU*I;w and, SnUm of rwlcxm of IsatmUe Pollprq#lem ty yerunudaiDenmop ciammi Yxnv4lo# Eduardo namt 23 P- MUM,, perp Acmd;iaz d" Ljm4dt (Cs"s di Seim" FISS Nwb4m%,j * mavall ?MAP Vol XVp No 6,v pp 5W-52T. MA 59-20890 Aw 60 Vol 3s No I low Catalpti Of is AcUvitr fbr Mahn Polymerissump W atu# Git"Op DOVAMO 74rdtaudot sun"", DwWp 3A lv-"*---' nAUMs Walon patout 363.s350P 29 DIC 57P by Montao-MM sordleft Gessioldl Iff I'luftBtria vionuris 0'admifts Musal lad an'sled It A -- 163, in. PrIarilwl 18 Wo riw 90 Dec RM ot 9055 Sal - Chm CM Is 22 Fo? 3.2 f Jul 59 39b Pressure Gasification of Solid Axele, by F. Dwx4s~~ pp. mm, per,, ammma-warm-Durt.. Val IV., Jan 1952,q pp 2-6 v S.L.A. TV 1857 -I-- sa - - --.. 6,(7 Apr 57 J Stereospecific Polywrisation. of Vinyl Aromatic Idonamrs. IV. RftctirLty of the Monowra in tho OwraU Process# by 0. 116tta F. et als 20 pp* rwz"s per, I& Chivics, a Itioustries Vol XLI) so 10j, 1939) pp gw-974. STA 60-14211 644 Is Msp Vol ins No Apr 61 7olumtric and Dilatometric Properties of Some Dlef in Polymer*,, by F. Dnwsot 0, MMILog et al., '3 pp MIJO, per, In Mdadca & ljvAuvtrja,, Val XLJ., so 8# 1959) VP 7W-757. SIA 60-AM 3ci =0 Vol in.. No 8 ivr 61 Theoretical Criteria for Conparlog the Activity of Initiators and Mixttms of Initiators In Hadlical Polywrizatica, by P. Dammsop 23 pp. ------- I., perj Chimica, e Diftstria,, Vol XXXV11, 1955., PP 163-189 - MA Tr 57-1324 Bei - Cbemistry 1;: ~ - ~ 7 fl-1- Mar 58 6i~erosIxeiZic poly=rIzatim of SlLry-.;ae Art-icie V. Effect of Temperature = Catalysis by A:.,( I and TIC11t bX_?!__Danujkso qz~~ , B. Cal silLip 23 pp. ITALIAIU) p-imr, la Chimica e l'Industria.. Val 'XLT., No 1" 1959) pp 13-18. STA 59-15033 Sci - Chem Dec 59 voi 2. No 4 the nm C stefoopecific PolyrArization of Vlzwl- ArcWtla Xomws~ by D. Oiwwsiy M. RaMichini, F. Dousso, 15 P. ITAMMj per La ChImica e l'Industria, 1959,' Vol XLIO NO 4, pp 28T-M. 9409-17206 Sci Dw 59 /67 0 Vol. 29 No 6 Polymcrization.- of S-ZIyrnns, I&I Characteristics of the Catayst System Tim -ta(c S )31 1959, by F. Danunso S. Sinnesi, 4 :2 5 is PPI ITALIAN, Per, I& Chimics a l'Industria, 195B, voi xL, wo 6p pp 450-457. SLA 59-15514 Oct 59 Vol 2., X0 3 62-17333 rdInArdJ and Folirwil. Giulio, ICA nON OF DIFFERENnAL 1. Denusno. F. 1111 PMA; ANALV~IS IYJ MACROMOLEWLAR U. polizuAti. G. SI.h 11- AIALS N) l"AC 171C V -1 ':' IY171 I.! , A'~!) al. CTS(Cbem)-280 P~A.Yl.. 11 IYUSL Mar 6.. WW %ords. 10 refs, rV. Chemical TranqIcIng OrL!I,r I rom C , ~ (Chenj) $14 40 CINChem)-260 Se"tce, N. Alto, Cal" qurni c(splem $2- 40/cs. Tr&na. of (I&] ChImIra c (I 11nduKrIs (lialy) 1961, v 44, rvi. 1. p. 241-246, op'Armt-ra, *E1hylenes, *.%tyrvws. OCAInrimelry, Tran eformAl tons, Crystallization, ; Resjkxstlnn time. 0 (Chemisify-Orpnic. rl", v. S. no. 2) St,L.:Lu-o6peclXic polymrizatica of Vj'zWl Al%=t:Lc Moncmers. Ill. Vlwjl Dmdvatives of Polymwlmw Aromatic Hydrmarbms,, by Dario 81 si~ Antcm1o YwelA~ Ferdj~ Agmpo) U rp. ITALIAN., per., XU= la Ch=ca e 111tWustda., Vol XLI, No 10, 1959, ;p 964-967. W= WA 60-14125 Bei jan 62 Vol In, ITO 3-0 Xappbase Tranaitiond of Polymrs of Q(-Oletinea of the Norml ALiphatle Series.. ~by QWlo Ratt43 Ferdiuando Dammso., Glonmi Mbragliot U pp. dl BaleMe FUlobe a Nataxeli ymdicmti., Vol )Mrl, mr 8p. 108o pp 254"960& MA 5945M Eki - Cbemistvy Nov 59 St,Fa~.oap.acific IkAymerization of Styrene. I. Date and Problems on Cryat!Llline Folystyews,, by rMW, per, Chim a ind, Vol XL# no 69 1958p pp 445-450. ATa i6l-ii SIA.59-17209 c S rko Sci MO. A167 Nov 59 z po,%nmrization of Styrons Nota M. j Kinetic Churacteristics WrIjIg Gatajy~sl* bX AI(C H ) and TLCI 0 b~~ F. u poo, et alp 15 pp. TO.LUM, per,, I& Cb1mica e 181ndustriap Vol XL; no 8$ 1950,p pp 628-633. SIA 59-15M sci - Chem Z/ -57 Sep 59 Vol 21 No 2 VWosity Numbers arA "ecul&r Weights of Prwtiomted IsoUctleal polyaVrwas, by o. Nattas Fe Damwoop G. XoragUop 7 pp. GAWS porp )bkrmal Mm,, Val XX., 19%, pp 37"45. WT FdLvm TO FOPS= IRTICIM CIA/= XX-282 Sol - O"Ifftry ow 107 MAM IRC IWMRML USZ cm NCH-202 613 Fteld 7C Danusso F.-. Ferruti. P.; MarabeIll, C. G. STYRENE-p-ACETOXYSTYRENE COPOLYMERIZATION 1. Chemical Tratislaft AND PREPARATION OF STYRENE-p-HYDROXYMTHENE Service, Palo Alto, Callf. COPOLYMERS. 6 Nov 65, 7p. 4refs. CTS(Chem)-411. Order from CTS(Chem): $5.20 as CTS(Chem)-411 I Trans. of I& Chimica e I'Industria (Italy) W n6 p585-7 1965. Recent fteemith In tha PleM ct Oleflne Chemistryl by Go Nattmq He IrcmIls Pa NJ=o Go Maz=zdl P. Carradlals Go Lutsu* Go MmLgli 31 pp F, Dow nU.SS 0, ItUaO; Variou. CYA/YM/XX-82 1w MOUAL lxm Owz 3 01 ? (I Ir scientific - mmdstry Fob 56 M /M Mechanical Properties of Isotact.-ical Poly-ners, T 'i-.,y F. Diwausso, G. Lutzu, G. ~Ilioraglio, 0 IT. Various. C IA. /FDD,/'YE~ - ~3 - IAC INTERNAL USE ul~;LY - ChChLiStI-Y Iq - 1,4 4 6 t !4"d Datc.-aim'Vion of Isodoses Prcm wedse nitera bY Film Dmsity HeeALuss 7rw a Telecobalt u. POWTXie-rj, P. 14hbudt.. L. Nn=,l PPO ,..yach FRMMj Per: -TOWMA de RMUOIOSILM: Vol NNO 3- 1', 1 Mr-Apr 1957, pp 282-28h. MWTr 11-22 Sei - Md ~7 ~7 Dec 57, 0, -59,)IJ The Ecology of Space Flight; by V. 1. T)--rq','Lrko, 13 Pp. UKRAINIAN, per,, Fiziol Zhur, Vol VII,, No 1p 1961, PP 9-17. JPRS 9419 Sci - Space Res jul 61 /60 / /.;/ (kia-6502) of BioLca, by 11 p-.cb'. r: ta 2 56" pp 6-7. JPRS 1.03,26 Elastic Scattering of 8.,7-Bev Protons by Photo- emulsion Nuclei, by B. P. Bannik, V. G. Grishin, M. Ya. D p V. B. Lyubimov, M. I. Podgoretsky, PARY91h 5 pp. RUSSIAN per Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz~ Vol XMMI, No 6(iol, 1990, PP 1575-1582. Amer Just of Phys Sav Phys - JRTP Scl - Physics Vol XXXVIII (10)~ No 6 jul 6o 1 62-22508 Dan z A. and Skupinsid, S. j*j,18z . :1~ LUENCE OF NICOTINE AND CIGARETTE 1. Danysz. A. PAPER SMOKE ON THE LEVEL OF NICOTINE IN II. Skupinski, S. FROG ORGANS AND MOUSE URINE. 1196214p. Ill. K-H-12057-a Order from K-1-1 $5. 00 K-H 12057-a IV. Kresge-liooker Science Library Associates, Trans. of Przeglad Lekarski (Poland) 1955 !scr. 2, Mroit, Mich. v. 111no. 10, p. 3[4-315. DESCRII'TORS: *Nicotine, Cigarettes, PaDer, *Smokes. *Urine, Mice, Frogs, Tissues (Biology). C (I-,, 6"w' 64 (Biological Sciences- -Toxicology, 17. v, 8, no. 10) offics of T"66C.1 sw~ic-% 62-17915 Q!Us.zAndres and Dmochowsid, John. rRE1 6FF8CT OF TOBACCO SMOKEI INTOXICA11ON 1. Danyaz. A. ON PHYSICAL EFFICISNCY. 119621 Sp. ff. Drooebowsid, Order f rorn K -H $ 10. 00 K-H 9002 111. K-H-9W2 IV. Kmage-Hooker Science Trans, of Polish language article from an unidentified Library Assciciates, source. n. d. Detroit. Mich. DEtSCRtFTORS: *Tobawo, 'Smokes, Ciprettes, Physical fitness. "Toxicity. Blololocal Sciences- -PatholM, TT, v. 8. no. 7) Off" 0 T"6.4.el !1-A c.s Andrew and Dmochowskj, John. _-Daya- STIJDIES ON TliE EFFECT OF TOBACCO SMOKE COMPONENTS ON STRIATED MUSCLE FUNCTION. [19621 20p. Order from K-H $25.00 K-H 9458 Trans. of Pat[ologia) Polska, 1959, v. 10, no. 1, p. 1 -1 DESCRIPTORS: *Tobacco, *Smokes, *Muscles, Physiology. 62-17916 1. Danysz, A. U. Dmorhowski, 11. K-H-9458 V. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates, Detrolt, Mich. (Bi01(NgJC,11 S4Z3L'nCV,--P3thK)i0gY, T-T, V. 8, no. 7) offic. of Te"Cal S.wv1C.% _Zffects of ionizing z-aldiations upon reactivity of adrenergic wid cholinergic Moz 1'5 pp, receptorsp by Andrzej qa 0 ASS-AN per., RadiobioloCiyaj Vol 'FO 21 1962, pp 246-254,, 9208271 AEC-T:--.l',429 5ci .Jun 63 Investigation of the Physiologic Mech- 5__e~ anism of the Effect of a Field of Direct Current on Fish, by G. P. Danyulite, G. A. Nalyukina. RUSSIAN, bk, Povedenlys i Petsepts1L_xK`b.. 1967, pp 56-6f-.- *Dept of Interior Bureau of Coanercial Fisheries branch of foreign Fisheries Sci-B&N Mar 60 Negative K4bson Probetlan Tbmboldi. by No D"p mA Do Pentecoms 6 pp* - RUSSIM, per# Zhur Sk"er I Tecrat FU# Vol =CIIO, Feb 19570 pq 39e, 399. 8I A B-2368 set Al: C- Tr -70/1 Aug 58 702.,, "o as Negative X-vesom Production Threshold, by X. B. Pontecorm, 5 VP- RUSSIO. CIA/FDD x-2565 Sci - Pbysica ~'-S 7~ 'r, Oct 57 11 No~ cm Ro&aivity -of Adratorgic sad Collsoftic 7/ Receptors in Acute RoUstimo by ANdmi mssim,, per,, Rocniki Akadip MW. -BI&L"ist4ft S"P.l pp FT5-M-65-94h Sci - BP Septs 6-07 341 1p 396 -:?.YtSjw4* Of taA9l-AA- WMAR Sol infivred Absorptio~ Spectra of Swe Besas of the i-yridine Sm-les, by D. N. Shigoria., Ya. L. Da~~, Ye. - L - oolfarb , 6 pp. RMSUNO bim per.4 Iz Ak Nwk SMj Otdel Xhim ilauk, go 1j. Tan/Feb 1.956,, pp m-126. cu 542767 c.. reel 3 * ConsultanU an-eau Sci - Mmistry J 7jJ-X / Aug 1956 Structure of - Compounds Fm d from Thiophene and 2-Wthylthiopbone-pnder the conditions of Chloromethylation in Preeence of Ziim Chloride., by D. L. Goldfarbp Is. L._MmpoWMkkU 8 pp. RUSSUN,, per,, Iz Ak Nauk a=,, Mel MAm Nauk,, NO no 1956t PP 1361-1369- Cowultantis Bureau Bei - Chem am 58 The Use of Epoxy Compounds as Stabilzers for PVC. I. The Stabill2ing Action of FqM ReBina, by A. 6. Daqyw evWd - N. Prolova - ,_ _~~ Z s 3 PI? RUSSIM, per; PlasticheaMy Vwsyj no 71 1960, pp 43-45. Bel Aug 61 /j~ 21 0 ;'0 CDVFM X-W5 Stresses and Deformtions of a Disk Suspended Vertically on a Flexible BuA,, by E. E. D 0 PP. RMIAN, per.. ABtron Zbur, Vol XXXV., So 19 pp 277 -282. Amer Zmt Of M178 Boy Ant= - AJ val ni, No 2 Sci - Astran Jul 59 (BY-5339) Coordination of Scientific Flessamh on Public Health in the Soolall t Countrienjo by To, D. Ashurkovp A. B. Mmvelsvp 6, K. Degimbevskiy# 13 pp. RMSIM, per,, Sovet Wravaokbnm". Vol M. No 8.9 1960p pp 6-13s RES 7603 Set - Had Fab 61 Danyushay&~~ S. 1rF-AR5A-nc OF THE DECOM", ITION OF I OF POLYVINYL i WL.0111DE BY STABILIZERS- U, ACCEPTOR!q OF HYDROGEN CHLORIOE. f t9621 7p. III Order from K-H $8 75 K-H 12166 -5-1- /-, 7- 6 ~: - 11/c 34 Trans. of PlasticheaVie Massy (USSR) 1961, no. 3, p. 3S-36. DESCRIPTORS: *Polyvinyl chloride. Decomposition, Inhibition, 'Hydrogen compounds. *Chlorides, Stability. 63-t2962 Danyushevskii, A. S. K-H-12166 Kresge-Hooker.19clence Library Associates. Detroit, Mich. (Materials --i'lastics, TT, v. 9, no. 11) Synthesis and Certain Conversigns of 2"r-UryIw2-11dMYI- :methane,, by Ya, Le GoIldfarbs, Ya~ L. Dan~he"~Ly* :7 PP* RWSIAN, per, Zhur Obshch Khimo Vol XXXIp No llg 1961# pp 3654-3661, CH -Sci 913*5 Aug 62 Synthesis and Some Reactions of 2-(2-Thanyl) Furan. Commmication 2, Motalation of 2-(2-Thcnyl)r-urun -md Preparation of Some of its Derivatives,, by Ya. L. Goltdfarb, Ya. L. Danyushevskii, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per. Iz A Nm* SSSR, Otdel Khim Nauk, No 3, 1963, pp S40-547. CD Sci Apr 64 2S5,982 Relation Betwon the Otrugtureo~ of Cortidu OrPaic B"es &A Their AblUty 'to I= AMU= Ogqpounb With CRrbonW ACIA- - -- 2. PyrMne Derlyattywo by T&O L. GoUftxbo Ya. L. Dwaymb"sky, 8 pp. Full trauelatlon* F=SWp bim Wo I& Ak FAUk B=s,. Otdol RhIM lkvAkp NO lp JWM 1953o IV 1%-IW. conwatauft Bureau Scientific - Chemistry / Aug 54 CM pgag.-~) md D-admmiK IMrMwr or Tmm at= Drro=ATM i. Dmpw, A. ON MYMAL M"WMCV. 119q * OkP6 Td% U. DMO&Mki. J~ QMIVA4 09AW fma SLA SL 10 W16M Tram d Pw4dftUl ftWw6 199. v. 9. am 3. 16 213-M Awdw uvaL Is m1bbb km K-H $ILOD K-H 9= floa * DROMMRS1 wr*s=k oftsksm, C*UVDIDI A247740 qbydw ftma. To"W. Ma *dcd adkf*aL7 d *~ wbft nu we doemamM 11!I lin "s 4mckom cmmmftvuo bA d Mk dusd swam ba it Is d Imm m Osdoood Ulm= IF TT. IL INAM am valkbol"I %AW oaffimm RAW" ps Im an OU ft"*, Vp a I= ftafte, not ad & ftatbw, m!nje. 86 w. Nva- lions ftu t"noboloo. om~. & bmadm*l, ftl I (XM). No 3. 9, wd 3D ma vaa ti, (IM), kW xr. luvi it 36 Sol SW =w - anum Inutwy AIW 52 on too ~vtzarj mUsitra-, ifitrwitriw- of Fatu ii, L-stivativus ow, " 4.C~It" :diaries 4=45-AID Vol :my Condensers With Ceramic Dielectrics Sheir Perfor- mnee and Caaracteristics in Service.. by A. Danzin-. FFMCHp Ann Redioelectq Vol VIv Ito 24j, April 1951j. PP 156-179- TPA3/TIB Tr= T 3923 P22298T aur - Prench Scientific - Electricityp condensers# dielectric# service A Index Aeromuticuo /-~ Optical -FoUabInI3 an Element In the Omstrtwtica of Ve-t-alum Tdeas by A. Dazlvj-.ii 14 pp. (92D936) FaMic-lip pw,, Arwals do Radioalectricitei Vol In) No 14, 1948p pp 2M-939. Tr M IkIl - KLGCU*ca 4,3 .2/ / 7 F ww 63 62 10(ph -L1kl-/ja-'Ao11 V. A1111141 IXJ~O I I I Al (I 'LA VIOSS Ol Ff LCI PR AL It I A 1, 11 VI I V 1 01 %1 IACA 11. (( A lod A pill A wll(' tk' 14 [41' It, 1.11~ P I 11111C 111-1 VC? rCN S1 I PUW6). 114621 161p. 0"1 ~'!Il Iv%I )m ILJ(Jt-d) 2 1 t4s. Iff'It-I N-I, "I'A' $1. 111 1.2-140% It I -. Ak, tA-1 I I$ C JVS ~~ i0iCt'S. n%Tt% 1. CA P1 I I I-4[Ck H vilAJ - '14", s. I ~,, V. 417 - 4,10 ($.At.. by Gluthwr - 01,14 Rll'Hllil~ "ALm-, f(vii,tance. Numcrical (Ais%, Jr.wO.Aripowom. 1hrk"ric " 0 ;* C & py,1wriw- . (Mat ct 1.11, 1 v. h, Arwi. 4) oft" of 77~-7: NNW: (DC-4728) Strengthen Party Discipllnop by Dso An Thai, 7 PP VifffRAXM;, per, Roe Tacs No 8/9, 1960, pp im 6351 Fs - Vietnam Pol 0 / S 7 147- !~ r Au 61 (Ify-3100). Party Leadership in Political Training, oy Daa Duy VIETIJAnSE, nD) Shan Dan, No 19431 Hwol~ 11 Jul 1959, P 3. im, 3-2o45-n FE - North Vietnam PO-1 Dee 59 61-23293 Dso, Wh Yen and Chen. Lung-8hun. THE STRWnJRE OF GENERAL CIRCULATION I. Dso, Shlh Yea OVER THE COMMENT OF ASIA IN SUMER.119611 U. Chen, Lung-shun 12p. (I I figs. I table ontlited) [DSIR LLU) M. 2719. 111. DSIR LLU M. 2719 Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 61-23293 Trans. of (Ch'i Hsiang Hsoeh Pao (Chinese People's Republic) 19571 v. 28, no. 3, p. 234-246, DESCRIPTORS: *Air, *Wind, 1PAtmosphere, Motion, Asia The smucture of the July mean flow field at W mb and 500 mb over the caudDent of Axis doing tW period 1951 to 1955 and the mean contours at 200 mb over Asia for July and August 1956 are analysed. The verti- cal cross-sections of the mean flow and temperature fields along latitudes 759 1., 9& E. 1W' H and 120' E for July and August 1956 have been constructed. Ilie three-dimensional flow atrucrure over the continent of 0114'. .1 T-W-1 S~i- Agia Coo lats of Ow following three basic currents: (F4rtb Sciences--Macorology, TT, v. 6. no. 7) (over) (1992-9) Rmlization of th* PrcdwUon Plm for the First Liz limtba of 1958.. by A�q_DW lbuc,, 24 pp. vu="x%:pr, ftg Woo lb 39,o Rawlp Aug 1958o PP 4-11 and 30- 4 VZ - ;ortb Vieftm Bom - productum p3m Apr 59 It (DC-5600) The Political Study MovemmA Is Developing., by D9.0 DUY Tung$ 4 pp. up,, m= Dan, No 429o., 12 jan ig6i, T) 4, FE - Viatuam rol f"" Tralulng or Ruftl Poty,YAdXns by-W ft ftagi 6 pp. ViMams IW.#,Xbm Dons 96 S* 1962j, p 212. Ma 16171 1% - Viol*= I ~o ,*ff 62 a i ~, y 91 52 Oc--~662) Problem of Training Party Membera, by Dac Hoai Van, 5 P:-~ VIKLUU19SE.9 np., Mmu Dan) No 21740 1 Far 1960s p 2. MUS 3409 FIR Vietnpm d 7Y 3 Pol Co=uaist Party 21 Jun 60 (xy=64W/6) Dwncrohip and the CollmtIve Spirit in Sw4aal m., by Dao Ilong Nam, 3.0 pp. VIC, 93UIFM,, ffi npy AM Dw., 11 Apr 1961p p 3, im 9809 FE - Vietwm / a-' r, > Y Pol Aug 61 C"*,.,:l 7--gimm -1 (0,00) CMITIAL KXo=UTIONs BY CAO THIEN T"It 7 PP. VIETNAMS16 ~M,, WHIEN CUU KIW TEs 010 7* FU 19fits. PP 3L-36# 43- im i9o66 FE - VIETW Em 3W 62 M84 (xr-(AW/5) Failure of Thmh Em Xovement for Water Utilizatims IV Doo Tmng TAW; Le 12be Lou,* leGimg, 3 pp. ^-~ VnMJMo up, Ow Domt 24 Mr 19a.- P 3. im 9"5 FS - Vietum / ~ '5- "'y 3 / Fbw oep 61 (DC-5905) A Wdroelectric PxmQjeat at Thm-Dej, by Dao Trmg,, 3 Fps v . Verp To %=I No 3J)Op I Wp IOU) pp 18-3,9. imi2al TU AOIA - VlOtAM Rom /ap4g, ///J- " 6e f" moter"U as Tsmom watem"s rawat 17el IW #a* van rA% - so I*,. ROM04 = - ow va nj(5)p 1969~ 0 1 us" araw 5 SaT - I I I & J~- ~ 331*W? sad-um Ovid 67 The 5 ~ -i L -ucture of General Circulation Over the Continent of Asia in Strame- DaO,'%.;rih ~(:n. Chen Lung-91hun. CHMESE, per, Institute of Geophysics and 14eteorology Academia Sinica, Vol MIME, No -3, r,p 2--~4-246. ..0 NU M. 2719 Sci - Geophys Dec 61 A Now Speclos of the Gnus 9yeticebwo (Wam=Ua. Larisidae) Frm Vlatmen by Daa Vm 76m. 4 pp, aussime porg Zwl2j Zhur~ Vol ILO go It 19610 PP w4c." - Dept of Navy Tv 510/mms no 1180. ,j sci-R4 14 Hu 67 320*3S6