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A -600 PjgLs V61~~ 270 -Sk 5,25zi-.5 '.14ASA T T. a M4 0 1: 4 12 u4stiOC"Of tho --bf- _ ids) PEW$ . b6limtei: -4,b0--,-'97, 0~ 1970; . NTC 7*1 ,073.. pp, Fe 72 TT1145404 lible: St.- ;y i j ~ 7-811 -V - "01e ~,=Voni 1 11,1., - I... ~- 2 ~'. 1 1. ''. - I " .... I... A ~ ,, , . -" -,. .- - -,.~3 - - 1970, Experimental etudy of the role of the "Y organ" in the. homo&l induction of mculting in the Oniscoid Toopod Forooll$o dilatatus Brandt. (Etude exp4rimentale 4U r8le do "Iforgane dAnz Is d6terminleme andoorine do la Mue aheR JITS oroods Oniscoide Pgroollio dilatatus Rrandt.) Comptog Rend"s !W~domadairo as Asan ea. aZdtmio do$ Sciencea. Faris. gLo, series D: 2573-25'(4. In French. Tranal. by 1.P. Soolukalcy for PRDC 111ologloal Station, St. Andrew*. N.B., 1971, as TMnal. Series No. 1,.45, 5p., typ9noript. Avail. on Loan - TIMPS, Wash., D.C. Original Article CheckedvK TT70 714S398,-- 44i of- .b: . fAgi. mi gr4tion f-76 r t 6 Plans of Kcl t ASO. 0 : R. A6"'Sdis's lr~ per, 271i ~19PTO) *103ig. TT 72-53175 Aug 72 t~-j- L 71r ZV CAI -6 m th1knoft IW,77 TT 72-:55643 5FINAL SIMPLIFICATION OF WINDING PRODUCING A MAGNETIC CONFIGURATION OF THE STELLARATOR TYPE. aGourdon, Christian; Hubert, Pierre; Marty, Denis. 10'Franslated from 15CoMpt. Rend., Ser. 11; 271:'84.1-5(Oct 1970). ,51). 2,Dol).--NTrS-. i 2d)hysics; translations 2T20 2SMN-34 ,l) NSA 0 -, .,-. - I - -. ~,-;V.- ~~ , -. .,- . 11, : ~~ Ti *"ql~ ol I --- - -- n, : .(AEC-tr-7289) OELEuriVE DEVELOPMENTOF 11ITS IN A STAINLESS STEEL IN AN OXIDIZING C1111ORIDE, ME'DIUM. 41NImmilit., Ailliv; coriou, 11011d; Pillard-Logry, Gurard; Phtitc, tworgus. Itkol'i'mislAttA from k116 ' n t, Rend. Sol'. C; "I No. 16, 981-4(1970). ;05p. 2,iDep. NTIS. tl'""Sllltioll-'~ 2T'IF IONIN-25 2JP NSA VSN d" RI-NI14" stjoill'Istimil !PatuOt(j9z *S,].I.N *(141" '(ITTOZ O(ONT)I-T-TT0,-'7VON ol)tjt~ ~;glTj ttlo.1i *,N W~~ loillmollbililiv '11"mros --I) Ipul: u0prollp'.1 11"Olpoll IOJ-%10jj1:pllnOj 03171--lAYI) t[jI!AJ0jj 'V 'V sq polvIstiv.1j'ap, -opillilD '11TIMA !DJPt[V 4P 'SUMOU? 'S'DIN.0111r1r," -VUANI (INV NOLUPIDHS HiLl. JO SfSI'IVNV 'MANHIMal-K.) 1'1(),'4A'IV A)IVNOlIVJfld AO ') AO :,])IfIJ.qnD V :ADMOISAIld --Div 99 IT 7243~U-~ VY/A _ M ~~-A- I.- -" , 4(UCHL-Trano-10557) gCOULOMB AND YUKAWA Ik)- TENTIAL GIIOUPS- 6WYlor, Armand. 10Translated for Univ. of California, Lawrence Livermore Lab.. Livermore, from 15Comt)t Bond, Sor, A; 272; 166-8111 Jun 1971), 2051)- 24DOp. NTIS. 2gphysics (particle); translations 1120H 26MN-34 2,11 NSA 0 2 1 so -7 -5 Agency: Air Porce / ~-O- 01 hRL-72-0001 72-05 '? ? #-y - 71, Title: Chimie analytique-Chromatographie an phase gazeuse de complexes watalliques de la thenoyltrifluoroacetone. Author; Jacquelot, P* at Thomas, 0. Source: C.R. Acad. Se. Paris, T.272, Ser,C. I Fev. 1971. 448-~50. Language: Frenob to Enr113h Special Instructions: Please translate and type one oopy, "~C, SUPERPLASTICITY OF ALPHA / (SC-T-722466) & URANIUM DURING RECRYSTALLIZATION, AS REVEALED BY ANISOTHERMAL CREEP. Collot, Joan; Cizeron, Georges. Translated for Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N. Mex., from CZ"m Ren Ser C; 272: 520-3(1971). 7p. DBp. NTIS. metallurgy; translations 11F MN-25 P NSA I 1~ I' (-' 4(ANL-Tt-an&-908) 5STIMULATED FMISSIONS OF THE FIHSTAND SECOND POSITIVE SYSTEMS OF N2 PRODUCED BY PUIII)E jW10I.N.Sis. sCloru, Michel; Schmidt, Michel. joTrans- latud for Ar6pinno National Lab., Ill., from jjCompt. Rend. Ser. B; 272: No. 11, 668-71(15 Mar 1971). 205p. 24i~-e-p.' 26chemistry (radlo- and radfation); trtuislatlonS 2107E 2IMN-4 2911 NSA 0 1. -I~p (ORNL-tr-2531) STUDY Or THE gamm- RADIATION ACCOMPANYING THE DECAY OF Mu Thill) 021AO. Dalmusso, J080tta.- Ma,i., tionrlotto. Translated by DitVid C. West (Oak fildgo Nutlowil Lub.,Tenn.), filom Compt, Rend., Ser. B; 272: 905-8(1971). 8p. Dep. NTIS. --- ' PhySiCS (nuclear); translations 2011 MN-34 P NSA 0 old IWO- .......... . Agency: HEW/FDA PLD #1283-72/Call No. 9 Author: Annotation by Mr. Raymond Ferrando, presented by Mr. Maurice Fontaine Title: RURAL ECONOMY - Toxicity relays of meat and livers receiving hormone implants: first results. Source: C. It. Acad. Sc. Paris, 273-.1224-27, 4 Oct. 71 Instructions: Please translate & type one copy only. Language: French C.D. Van Houweling, D.V,M. (VM-l) 0u p m W.Sc -c 2 W.- U-4 260 N0,72 Zt~ /' I '-- ~ 4(UCRL-Tran&-10618) 5ELECTROCHEMISTRY, g Herrmann, C. C.; Lamy, C.: MAIAtarre, P. ijranWated for Univ. of California Lawrence Livermore Lab., Livermore, from 16CoTptj~qr~q_ Sor. C: 273.- 1593-6(1971). 107p. UDep. NTM. 2cchemistry (physical); translations 2T07D 25MN-4 29P NSA 0 Agency; HEW/FDA R-15788-D S.F. PLD #0643-73/ Call No. 4 7 Dec. 72 Author: fie M14- Raymond Ferranclo et Roger Boivin, presentee par M. Kam-Lce Fontaine. Title: stir la fecondite du Pat, de veaux implantes ati.dictliy1stilbaestrol. Role du Source:temps; (Io clistribution. C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, C. 274 (10 janvier 1972) instructions: Please translate, type, and paste up when rjece6sary one copy only Language: French *X* =mm ~2 15-J~71-_I) Agency# MBS q07- 7,5 P.O. Title: Observation do Is conformation do I& chains poly- wrique dons Is solid@ amorpbe par diffusica do neutrons aux petits angles Authoros Cotten, Famous, Jamink, Mons, picot. Source% Comptes rendus do I"Academist do* Sciowwoo, wfty, 1972. L&Mungoi french pp. 1-5 f3j a P. Special instructions, Plemo translate a" type Gn* COPY only lb ,,, 4(l,F-tt--7:J) ji-WAIA)ATION OF THE AUGUATION IN VITHOOF TH E' AIAI COMPAIMSON OF THE EFFECT OF ANTISERA AND OF PLUTONIUM OXIDE INTOXICATION. 6Nblibe, Daniel. 10Translated by A. A. Horvaul (Lovelace Foundation for Medical Education and Research, Albu- quorque, N. Mex.), from IsCompt. Read , Sor. D; 274: No. 1, 77- 80(1972)- 207p- 241)01). NTIS. 2&biomed; translations 2106 20MN-48 21P NSA 7 7~-~ i,77,~ T -7 7 77,7,-~.,47 -,;- . . ... ... 1) f (7. 4(UCRL-Trans--10646) MONOCHROMATIC CO~ T.Ek. LASER. IBalochin, Yourl; Dupre, Koques; Pinson, Pierre; Meyer, Claude. 10Tr&nslated for Univ. of California, Lawrence Livermore Lab., Livermore, from jjqqmp_~.~nd.,, Ser. B; 274: 1322-5(12 Jim 1972). 205p. 24Dop. WIS. 26physics; translations 2120 28MN-34 29P NSA 0 Uncl"' ~SLA-73-109) Experimental study of the dynamic compressibility or an aluminum--copper famellar composite. Flomaln, J.P.: Jacquaddong J9 Translated by Patricia Newman from Comp. Rend., S r..U; 275: 637-640(2972). 8p. _NTU.- 13 engineering; tran3lations MM-38 P NSA AbcorptIon of Polypbosphaton by ~Iatzc and TomaLo Plants, by Y. Coic. FRENCH, per, Comptes Rendus Acad Agric, Vol 51, 1965, pp 488-W5.-- *NTIS/'I'VA 'IT 71-55024 Available TVA Only May 71 A Study of the Inhibiting Action of Two Gluco-protoin Kd~nm Oethe Tobacco Mosaic Virus., by N Limassets ot als FRENQ1, per, ~=tes Rendus !Iric France, Vol LIIJO No 119 1900 pp 785-7VZ. IIEW N111 4-1-67 Sci-B4m May 67 326,889 Diffusion From a Point source in a Surface Air Layer With Unstable Stratification,, D. lordanav.5pp. VMN01, per, Compt Rend Acad gula sci. Vol XVIII, 140 2, 19651, pp 109-112* 9231974 AEC ORNL Tr-905 Sci-Math Feb 66 296,083 re=lxg wwag Schisophrenics: A ReMbilltatlon TeWmique., by J. M. Pordeleau. PIMM, per, CqMpte PAmiu du Comma de Emm~m- trio et do Nw=logle de Lwami* P*anmds*. 64, Gremble, Snt 19W 1967, pp 342-350- NEW-sm 10-13-67 fti-Bwl Doe 67 346.-132 English Title Wu~. GOVUNMINT USE MLY FPIZM, rPt,, CaDPte ILEIDdue D'Essais No 8/65, Groupe d'Etudes et. Pecherceshes sous-marines, 9 July 1965, pp 1-13. *Dept of Navy Navg-iips Trans No 1112 See Cheryl Sept 68 Determinatim of the Gnvity Center of the EArth and the Major Sumiaxis of a Gerwral SUlpeoldt bF J. J. lawanolas H. Ditfour. FMCJ4 per# coamutimmu a Idea Semumes do 182!42g! des SgUM&L Val 264# No 101, Series At 6 M" 1%79 491-"Z. ACIC TC-1440 sci- Doe 68 N00543 Evolution of the Distribution of Mean and Turbulent Volocities in a Duct as a Function of the Reynolds Number,, by M, Coantice PPENQI,, per,, Comptes Randum Robdomafaires do I'Academie des Sciences -Vol 2640 No 2al, TaMes I M 0, 10~8;jp 849-852., NASA TT F-11,361 GOVERNMT USE ONLY Sci-Phys Jon 68 347o651 Note on Plitanic Acid as a Normal Lipid Constituent, by A. Mauricu, J. daraud. FlUiNG1, liar, C. r. Ilubd. Saunc. Acad, Sci., Vol 264, 1961, p. 193Z.- 14ZDIA sci-chem aug !&69 369,040 Ion-Rombardment of Polymer Surfaces as a Means to Improving AdhesivenC33,, by M. C11OVillOR, F. MOMOUX. FUMIJ, per, C. r. Sceanc 11obd Acad_Sci, Paris, Vol 265, No 10-* 1967, pF-558-561. CSIRO/No 9288 sci/phvs Electrochemistry: influence of the Condition of Preparation of Ak303 on the Kinetics of Dis- Mutation into ~b102 at ILigh Electrochemical Reactivity, by CJ. ilrestet. FRENQI, per, $~ r, iiabd. Seanc. Aread. Sci., Vol 167, No 26, 1968, pp. 1749-1752. CRL/D 827 Sci-celln) aug 69 389,655 E-n-alish TWO UnknoWn, by M. Andraud F M CH, per, academie des Sciences, Paris, RoMtes Rendus Heddomadieres dogs seances. serie C: Sciances Chimiques, Vol 266, April 1968, pp. 1200-1302. - *AFCRL May 70 Demical Kinotics: Kinetics of Dischargo Dry Cells, by A. Fiaudrois. FiUiNQI,, per, C. it. 11obd. Seanc. Acad. Sci., Vol 268, No 8, 1969, pp. b64-669. CRL/D 832 sci-chom aug 69 389,626 Coefficient of BKckscatter In the case or Ymokinetic Electrons Striking a Target at an Oblique Anglep by 1r. Arnal . F=M, per, Conytes Rendas RabdomaWres des Seances Ip pp aug T1 maissiat, 1. UPGrimental Stud~f of tide role of the ~,( or;.,An" in the 197 hormonal Induction of moultji)- it, the o1jiscirL(I jfi()jjOd Farqotll,tu kukatatuo lIrruidt (FtLWO IJXp4rif!IOPt(IlO (jkI t-6ie lie "11,,rvwle ~(alls It-- (tv, ter rvtl i,. i sine endourine de 18 mue ,)ILez llim,vde on'.5coldt- Porcellao diIntatus i,randt.) Comptes Renu~s Ife!)Jomdn;re des Seancea, Ac-adertie dea Sciences, Par,~3, 2 , Serle5 D: 2 Ii 3 -2 5 4. In Pranch, Tranui. tr. ' .11. So,31atal:. f'ov fq( C ~iiolcwjc t ~'Itati %, Traiml. Series No. 1 45, 5p., typescript. tomil. on '.,.,an - WIRS, Wisti. , D.,,. r... Originol Artick- Checkedk On Topographic, Geologic, and lostatic Corrections, by L. Lagrula, 7 pp. COMPTES-RENDUS IIE-BDOMADIARE-S SEANCES DE I ACADEMIE bRS SCIENCES, Vol 272, Series A and 9, No 13, 29 March 1971. Mar 73 197-1jj,`~:plD, 8 WoBZW k;A' tR Blenahet, M.-F. and It. Charniaux-Cotton 1971 Control of the onset and duration oC stage D of the intor~ moult cycle by eadysturone III the ar4phipod crustnjean Orahestia " arella (Pallas); interaction with vitellogenosla jContrOle du9d cleMiement et do In durfie de In p6riode D du cycle d1intermue par llecdyst~rone, chez 1e Cr"tac~ Amphipode Orahestia Rammarella (Pallas), interaction avec la vitello-g-e-n-e-ee)- X,Qm2tes Rendus Heb"4ornadaire des 34na.es_ do l1AcpdbjBjjL In French. Tranal. by J.",--. SoohaBlcy for FFRBC Piological Station, St. Andrews, N.D., 1972, as Tranal. Series No. 1939, 7P.- typescript. Avail. on !.can - 141-1-pol, Wasj,., p,.C. Originol Article Checkecl/%!!"~' A Curmt NW10w Of UW= JA AIK04 br J--c- Fraeud4 17 PP. rmmo 't ftwo gma gmall 9ftm A- '12 ~ft- A~- VolaMes at Vbl xxwp or 19551, pp. ]-U-]W- JM 3039e AfrICS-192M loan im 65 984367 P*cOnvOMiGn of SOMPI'm DOMIAgmt Maio tw yAch*l Baum% 9 pp. o per, 22" Bonag monvAeu do l'Ac&dSndS 402 Mleafts dwoutrewr, Vbl 25p so 9,9 1965"- Pp- WT-Mp 299. JPRB 32816 Afrim4Wwgal Sam Nov 65 292s2O2 Studien on African Science, Religion, and Economy Reviewed., by Phymad Decary and Oswald Durand, 6 pp. PMWII,, perp Comptes Ptenaus. ~kmsuels don Seances de l'Academie des Sciences d'Outre- Mer, Vol XXVI,, Apr 1966., pp. 172-176 JPRS 36762 Africa Econ Sept 66 308,,264 DUOnAMR'of the Chimse Imolvemat in Africa$ tW Philippe Sabneydws 2h ppo FNMIII rpto a IN MOSIN gas Mms I I k,*etjajAA #28 a ID YAr 1 r jj -131451 at& des CAgm jpRs 460156 LAxa-Afrias pol Aw 68 361008 Rom Cbarbonneau Reports to AcadeMr of Sciencesp 18 pp. IWNG*H, pero C2ates-- Randup, NeglBelg do-m- Sewmes de l'Academie des Sciences dlOutre-Matt Paris# oot 1969t pp 360-37n? JpRs 49686 Sci-Scientists & Sci Organs Fab 70 399.558 ! 4 ., I - 17-~-- ", I, , . ': I - - I . .-P AGENCY: NM P.O. No.: IACRO DASA EO Title: Depistage Cytologique DutrCancer Gynecolog�que (E---r-pe=�ence de Tro-is Ans De Campa5ne) Author: Mme H.Q. Maldague-Pham, MN1. E. Huart et LT. Salamon Source: Compt. Rendus du Premier Symposium International Sur Le Depistage Du Cancer SP.12i-1968 Language: Frenc- Instructions: Translate & type 1 copy. lp. -02 Polyarthritis in Rat With Hywpjasma Arthritidis. 1110 Typical Signa; The Role of Fugummia- Uko Urgmlsms,, by Us Amor# st ale# 0 pps 1110401, per, Soc. B-iol._ C. R., Vol CLVIII, 1965, pp 1244-1246, Dept oi Navy Tr 4497/144S 1040 2960452 Sr-i-Biol & Mod Sri Feb 66 Effect or =iAMUM on the MM of the Baboon. Coqmirison With the Rmlts (btalned by T*2srstry on Animila sit IM)Grtv,, bV J. Dart. DMUCII, porp C It Soo-Biol (Parialo Vol 159s 1110 5s 1965s pp=ffoMO4* 10.1 I'liff 9.1-68 sallBull nov 68 368s470 Surface Kicrobial. Population on the High Seas Off the Went Coast of Spain and Portugal, by J. Brisou. FRENCH, per, Societe de Biologie at de sea Filiales. France, Comptes Rendus des Seances, Vol 159, 1965, pp 1454-1458. NTC-71-10101-08A Nov 71 influence of the Te"rature on the Devol- opment of the Experimental Infection by -the Coxsackie Virus in a Newborn Mouse, by P. Geyaudant at 168 FRENCH, por,, Comptes Rendus Soc Biol (Paris),, Vol CLX, 1966. PP 139-141. HEW N111 4-29-67 Sci-B&M May 67 326o917 FaVorable Effect Of PAIRUVO IbPOtbanda OU the oourse or Disease In the Newborn =mm Mmoeulated vIth a n1bWarlant" of Coxaftme VUw,v by P. GmmdAn.0 at alp IPPJCIIC36 per# Sue.L4! Rendus Soo Rtolo Vol CLX,, 1966., pp 82D-626. aw Nn 5-5-67 Sei-BIN Jun 67 329s,036 study of sloop in the adult and newborn guinca pig, bf 1). Jouvot-INciunier 1: ZEINUI, por, C 1,1~ O"M aiol(paris), Vol 16o, 19()b, NO 7, lip 1454-1457 IIL-i4 N11i 6-3-67 Bic) & ".~Cd July 67 332,982 On the Evolution of Rudimentary Epiphysial Photoreceptora in Magpies of the Pioa-pioa Species) by J. P. Collin. FRENCH, per, Societe da'Biologia at do age Filial*4. 02mptes Rendus do Seance1p Vol 160, 1966p pp 1876-1880 NTC 72-11938-06C NASA TT F 11J597 June 72 UrlrdLrY 61'zdn&tAon of -oholamims in Long- Evans Nas Utz Duzdng AdaptAtion to Varlms Teqwatuv", by R. Bortin. MNCII, par, g R Soo jAd jft" Vol 161l No 2o 1967. pp 248-25j, mi NIR 4-36-68 SWB & 14 june 68 3589340