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- 1: . wo . q I :.: i .-~ '. , I Topica of Methodology in the Radiologic Study of tilo Sulivary Glanda, by C. Macchi. ITALIATT, per, Chirurgia Italiana, Vol 20f No 5, 1968, PP 932-951. NTC-71-16292-OGR Jan 72 'rho Annoclution of Thormogrnphic, Scintigraphic, mid Sialugraphic Invostigationa in tho Pathology of the Salivary Glands, by A. Chiesa. ITALIMI, per, Chirurgia Italiana, Vol 20, No 5, 1968, pp 952-975. UTC-71-16293-OGR Jan 72 -arnex-Imental lbryllium Conducted Bone Tumora as a Model of Osteogenic Sarcoma., by D. Xbmitowsld. POLISH, perk Chirurkria Narzadow Ruch i Orbapedia, Polska Vol 33, No 23 19683 pp 237-242. NTC 71-14335-o6E Fab 72 Aseptic typendectony with Invagination of tho Voriniform Procons, by K. 1.9ahl, 5 pp. GLIVIAN, per. Otir P=XiS., V01 11, 1967, pp 243-245. INNS/1320 sci/llrl"~ "lay 69 377,437 Ch'M On & DWSOMS fttho POLISH #,;,# -CURRft am=p 20 7* pp. 4 &-5. Me mm FB-Chlm Pol July 67 by Z, Brkbibok- 22 ppo NO*- 37 & A, 7 & 329o,999 GWWA Mocusses Nffects or Nw Aum pollcyp by Btanislaw Queva, 7 pp. s rps 9992ft RMVj A-17 Apr 1968, pp 5-6. JPIS 45685 Sol-AgrIculture &pt 68 365,996 do-a I i ? .- Vpqqkapwwl" Am " m "',_ I .. I.:,.. miii~ Italian Coiwaunist Party -- Biggest 0 tAlSiROSS ill C. Italy, by llcdda ~ ustenbcrocr, 7 pp. GI-iiCO-A, per, Christ uad 11olt, Vol XVIII, ~'r ,.o 9, 26 Feb G5, 1) ~33. FIA) J-2094 .1tal 1101 oft scaw DwAommus F=4w ad' 8100 FQUAV - Bowdo ftughts Qts*Am# bV Egan Bahr# 6 A)* GREMS pwo odd IA HIMP 5 March 1965p p 3.00 JPRS 29= saw-emmw Pbl tUw 65 QWvmw and But an the Gem= Vol IVII4 No 100 27605W Ibe I'lebellion of the Falso hxVhOtsg tly Horst 9.ai4 WrIclop 6 pp, a-WI&I9 pur,, JhrIst Unil Wcat . Vol VXV1119 No 39j, 24 -Sep 1965. p 14. JPRS 326W African POI I Jov 65 2919593 Mirwnh I a OuBter Been Altering Balance of Power In Africa,, 7 YY, GRYMN., per., Christ Ujod Welt, Vol 19,, No 9., 4 mar 1966,, P. 32. ipps 34856 Africa-Aham Pol Apr 66 298.,336 President Luebke's Trip to 19"ack Africa, by Hans Gomm' . 5 py - GZWAX,, per,, Christ und Welt., Vol 19., No 32p 25 mar 1966, P- 34- JPP6 3519T Afries Pol aw 66 299p902 VMS - lw tAnions Had It lbtter under R=oelz4 by gar-OU, 7 pp 9 maws up, Christ uod *Itp 22 Sept 1967., lb 38 Vol 20j, p 30o JM ~3ii9 MR/Terael POI Doe 67 346s263 West Germn Author Deseribea bry Fritz Hermm. 10 ppe GERM, np, 2jj&A und Welts p 24. JPRS 47491 M-E Ger Pal mar 69 Cht"h LILfe in GDR, 5tuttprt, 3 Jan 1969. 3749M DC 19236 3 Apr 69 i7 Rassians Who am no Russimu by Carl Gustav Stroebm, stut Genmj vkly uspr,,/C2 art und Welt, 7 Mar 69.,p 8 Special Type "B" -.Translator I is draft p3am one T*De 9 Apr 69.* PP- do not MIUWO) GDR BAulates Western Technical Achievements. by Re Koehler, 7 PP. GE&UNO Apo at und Welt," Stuttgart. 17 Uat 19699 p 10. 2LAA!L-M J1,RS 49303 Sd6.X9eh Doc 69 394v030 Nev Thin-layer Chromtographic Adsorbents For t~ic Separation of Water-Solifb1c Substances by G. iles'sc. GERMAJI, per, Chrouatographia, vol. 1, 1968, pp. ~102-309- ITTC 7;1-l2q48-0'J'C -7171 l'ito umalini,. of jwtusuatic Data in Cus Chromato- graphy, 1)), J. 6,ludiScll, 6 ))1). per, Ukrunatographia, No 1, 1968, 111; 443-445. 1 Gil/DEF/ASTIC 21S9-(,:) Sci/Elec Fob 70 200,220 400,220 Gas-Chromatographic Analysis of Plant Aromas, Part 1. The Enrichment, Separation and Identification of Volatile Aromatic Materials in Grape Musts and Wines, by F. Drawert. EUROPEAN, per, ChromatograLlj~ia, Vol 1, 1968, '. 446-457. i'(;-71-14329-07C Feb 72 Tbo Clwomt4gmpW a Prot4dna azA Ihmisic Acdd an Papor ard Thin I&pno by 93swafteter Bw # Is ppe GMWt pwt gZMLtM Vol 32t 1968v pp 3Z9-%2. P9111?4068 JWX-IA-Tr-68-17 sci/BM Jul 68 3610214 Discussion of the Electrical of Flame Ionization Detector for Gas Chromatography, by 0. GERMAN, pery Ohrowatographia, 1969, pp 67-73. NTC 72-10443-07D Properties Systems Knapp. Vol 22 Apr 72 The Parameter Humidity for Different Combinationa Solvent - Sorbent in TLC, by S, Sandroni. F w CH, per, Chromatographi , Vol 2. 1969, pp 165- 17% NTC-71-12372-07D Nov 71 am cav=3dW (.IT,,p Tby 100.f~=,, Wo n=ljn =am Val 2j, No T., 1900 M lbf: MI-SW (CA ft=. 225) SCVMM mar 70 40,01LM Contribution to the Identification of Higher Fatty Acid3 by Means of Gas Chromatography and Graphic Evaluation Methods, by J, Krupcik, 0. Uskas, 13 pp. GERMAN,, per,, ChromatooEhiao No 20 1969s pp 393-396. Dept of Interior BCF/OFF A-36-Feb 1970-No 141 On Loan sci./BAN May 70 Water Determination Down to 10-9 Weight Per Cent, by R. Kaiser. EUROPEAN, per, Chromatographi , Vol 2, 1969, PP 453-461. C.E. Trans 5463 Jan 72 Report on Some Subjects Discussed At the Meeting of the Mass Spectrometry Gas Chromatography (MS/GC) Discussion Group Deidesheim, 13.12s1968, by T, Clerc. EUROPEAN, per, ChromatograLkLia, Vol 2, 1969, pp 520-522. NTC-71-11547-07D Feb 72 pp c Tisi is o 0 ' 44 Techniques of Capillaa-y Gas Chromatography. Possibilities of Full Utilization of High-Performance Colums. Part I. Direct Sample Injection, by K. Grob. EUROPEAN, per, Cluomatographia, Vol 5, 1972, DP 3-12- 01- - NTC 72-l4)k),,)-o7D Jan 73 The j"ilictic Organization of the %Lepidoptora (:':Ll'OiaO!;OIIP.!, i)'/ iLWIS L;,LtLklV, "Cr, Chrorw:;mia, Vol 11, 11.)U5, j;) I-L). AEC-AERE-TRA,Ns 107S F., I. SLi/li~m lftr 68 of ftbwdto of Cbz4mooml DU DmdM- the BylutAon of ~a -UW6 bcr H, -09 Dwi, GMW* pwo Chyampsome Vol 3.7* 19659 pp 139- 3.80, P%2"607 ABC ORKL-TR-1?07 10-A -V - 11 " (I "; liff 67 %3964 itctcrozyj~,,otts Ruir-tional 'iturcturcs in the Utuit Uirwosoiaus of Acircotopus Lucidus Puffs as I.coi of Unilocal Structure !%utatims, by Reinhard Pailitz, i,%ki"per, _irumsuma, Vol XVII 19658 Ilp 199-2i8, 11911105707 Ap r 6 7 324,179 mftip Bo x so dal"is IW y. j. Mimid4 163 W- coolosap Ammf-~ Vol 30,9 i966t _rzw~ GMW r -- &7f-v-w- 0 Pw :516 342. A= UP.TL..15W 336sB& Sci - Bia lk MO& HT CWomobUMA "p-Ist-182?