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FdWttlon Plup for ftst DresUr Pleactam, by A. O-i-lot, 0. Onwmi, 24 pp. FMCM per Centre d' ft-Aos Mucisaires ry t., P W a 3 i B70 -P WT-p IN Ta Tn"I ~ ~-- ~ ASO ELSM-19P 2"- .4-6 832 Sci - Nuclear Science Jun 6T Datendmum or 09W in so"= Ueda AmMda, bY V- AtUN IL DMKWO t 10- Immo "". Cantm dIltafts DOWUNUMI. lpt I"/XWJma6'W,, A= OM Tr-931 32T# ft sci ~ Naftria2s am 67 X-W roa most iboultv lbr Mm4law 8%g)4 -.0"Soules of *Am RopeaMs by P, VAMmier, Ji, IAOW) U pp" , ==,, por, Contrt d'Rtufts Awleming rpt,q ~-Tp -~- ~5-7~" ABC BURYAR-22P 32T.,834 sai - Nuelftr saenae Jun 67 fiatinl 0="aUon in MqWdLe Clroults., by C. Piwno IL Sahwimbp .11 pp. P=O, per.. Oantre d'Etudes Nudisaires, rpt., rep/MWAR-1-R-166, U AW 1965. ABC RLMR-16P 32T, 830 Sai - IMeatronics Jun 67 First Definition of a O=omptual Q=v Ve"jp for a 10OU W* ftnt Paa*Wr With tw,zonam of V1996Mt ftnob=nt (=W-)., bY B- D&MM G. ftrraa,, J. Skok, 91 pp. I FMCU, pex~ 20,00 d Itadn MOMMS2 rYt. MISSM-65,021, 93 Jun 190. ABC MUM-25P 3W,836 Sai - Nuclear Science Jun 6T Tests With SW-Ulbrln" 'Iftflw" sumrto. (For On on Pau&= RotatIAS nivp)# by S. QV.Uoo go pp. I=CE,, per,, Oputre d'Studes NuclOalreop r ,pt PWSBM65..024., 29 Ja 29b5- AM ZURM-21P 328,833 Sci - Materials jun 67 Afty-swo roommaing D*wfaamow fbr the M~w memu 4 1-1 at Jjjusjm*w WAVla4vguw or pudow Ckf BMU DWW6w ow wsft Sava of D""ty VMUW# by D. Bino IL GoWto T. ammal't 14 pp. mum# pwt Oein dIftafte N-MIssir ft-0 19M. A= MM mr-mT Sa - Nualear salon" 331,106 Jul 67 Und Calft PW*U bF 8 0. c==mDq it. 00 ploostAs 22 ppo JMM* Qjft dM& de liftM ftIMAM BV=MUP 23-1T Nar 19bT. P9LIZ79W AX9 ANL Trw 336oggo sa w matmiau ftp 6T ReppowssiM of Irradiated FUGU~ klamms rpto 'JILtsm Atsom do I'MmAll bwalm Mal (211glaW Q~rly Rpt No 29p 1 Aps--30 Jw3e 1967. ARC-SMUEC-1934 P911066568-V sci/ftol Ew Apr 68 331o222 use of flutonim an Fua in fteimp Ro&otor~6 nENCH# rptg N, - wa A W83=6 QuoArly aptyOdId,47. -~Ijnul 1191wo AEC4URAEC~-1929 P911066268-V Sai/MWI liv 68 351#223 Deterdnation of Neutm Plums and Doses at tie 'rime oj: a Criticality Accident by the Multisphere Tochnique, by G. Benezodi,, 11. Zabormiski. FRMCII, rpt, Centre D'Etudes Nuclmd2vs do Cadaradie, 196S, P311095166 AVC Nl'-tr-1406 SWNuclear Sci Nov 66 311,0603 Ameneys Dept. Interior R-13005-0 Saro 1P.00HOO 9 may 1972 ntlet Process of Distillation of Sea Water thru RV Staft of the Teehni4ue of Evapsaresion In wn Expansion Chamber, Authort G, Coury Source# Centre DOEtudes Nucleatres do Grenoble Servico do* Trusterts ThwmUpose LanguaRes French Instruetional Please traralateo type Singe Space. re paste-up# leave spacee tramlate all captions 0 ito 70-13377-18H pt)rgvr. C.; Ischock, K.; WenzI, H. IRRADIATION 01, URANIUM W-111 NEUTRONS AT 4.5*K. rv;,r pgvocwrj of opll-jLi~ t Lo1~1Lwhirgla (No. 10). C, farc d'Ecudes Ntj~'I;jFres deSiday. June 1966-.- (.1.1,:tallurgical Cqloquium on Fragility and Effects of of Irradiation. ) ANL-TRANS-432. Or,~cr from MrC as 70-13377-18H: HC $ 7.60, My 5.B0. N I ~-! 4(ORNL-tr-2430) DEVELOPMENT OF "U1 PRODUC- TIONTECHNIQUES. dCollstant,fl. r((Ze-liti~o-d!,Etudo-.ctq-l~Fn- or eNtigloalrolfirutiaolo(Bttigiuni)). 101'ranslatodbyNtafthi 9i Gorrard (Oak lUdgu Nattonal Lab., Tututj, from roport IBLGL-442. 201SP- 24DOp. WIS. 7,1chemistry ~radio- and radintion); isotopoa; tranSIR"OnS UWE, .181) 20MN-4 UP NSA OpInion Studbr on the Smic lftgp IV do Brien=. j rpt.. Centre d'Etude et, d'Instructipp P!QV!42&s do I'Airnee do l'Airp Stud~y 3.966. R.A.E. Ho U:l 9 sci-R',~m ~,vf Oct ~ ,,~ 313;.35' ! On the Reliability Theory, by J. Nevou. FRiMli, per, Centre d'Etudes de Recherche Operationelle, Cahi~rs, Vol 7y 1965Y pp 205-229. NTC 72-10708-12D Apr 72 Rapport General, La Mesure de L'Ifumidite en Place, by G. Dawance. FRENCH, por I Centre Fxperimental de Recherchos ot (IlEtudes du BaMi-ent Lit des Travaux Publics, 19 , 26 ppe *CFSTI TT 67-59029 Jun 67 Application desi Methodes Flectriques a la Mesure de la Tencur en Eau des Matcriaux, by Jean Paquct. FRUXII, per, Centre Experimental de Recherches et"DIrtudes du Batiment et des Travaux Publics, 1965, 17 pp. *CFSTI W-6-7-S9032 Jun 67 -Agenor FAA Pe 09 N=berv OAC 45024 U 3 Y*- 70 Titlel Centre d'experimentation do la navigation ae'rienne (Introduction p. 1..!3) Language: French 3PP Special Instructionst Translate into English, 1 copy low U Jan da The La ;idm Conter, (no author gLvnn),M 1.38 ~verwhj r"Vh]Ato Contra do Le liLjws (pUbUshed by ~.O 'awdevarlat a 101,4m~6jc Atodq%*)# (7). Apr 64. 8;c0lal IlVps"B"g lVwslator's dnLft plus o= no ropro,, incas captimsp T. 0 s C, 9,- a? ppm Do not vabi"te't The Dol Satellite, FREM rpt, Centiv Natloaal D'Etagm sclentlftq~:sfi F;F a Wp-t Of N&Vy Tr 4669/AP4jHu T 1753 sci- taro May 66 3000765 Space Technoloa StLidioz Ilrogram FRENCH, unidontifiod, Contro i'latlonal d'Etudes Spatialos, 1963-1965- All L")?-10183 'ITC 71 -15385-22A mar '?2 Errors due to Terrestrial Rotation. Restitution of Localization. Centre NatI. d'Etudes Spatiales 363, No. 5/65 feb 1966 28 p. NASA TT F 14702 Feb 73 Ilio Influonco of tho wind on tho orror and probability of localization. Centre Natl. d'Etudes Spatiales 363 Memo no. 7/65 Feb 1966 59 pp. NASA TT F 14704 Feb 73 Restitution of high frequency components of the wind based on four doppler measurements restitution of localization. Centre Nati-d!.gUWas S-pati&Le3 368 Mem No. 12/66 Apr. 1966. 33p/ NASA TT F 14705 Feb 73 Paper Presavited at a Meeting in Canada. FRUNGIR rpt, Centre National 1)"Lltud .5 Spatulas, Projet Bioscu-res (Systeme be Guntroia ot de i "te) Appl! ~tioji : 42v.~aticn Acrienne gar Satelli a L'AtIantime Fab 1967, 141 pp. *j'MVSA TT 3~11 -144 War 67 Tba Fronch Geodetic SateMtes M- I and lls Prsatical ContribuUm to Haviptim bV Sato=te by is C, lblow a As ftlwhsmul mmHg, rpt, cent" Natioml dtEbA%s SmUCUst France, Paper Prosentad at the Fov+Amth sonvoAum on Advanced TechWquez of NAV~UPU=o czWwijwd bV AURDO HjUn, 12-15 Sept 19670 19 PP. *MU TT F-119431 Soj/Sp&m Twh MW 68 wwmwb~~ Ungliah Title UnItnown, by P. Bizourd France. Centre National d'EtUASS spatialas ProceedinSs,, International conferencep Parls, 1968, pp. 571-592. wKFM- May 70 The Statl= Nwtvcwk of the CenUs Natlawa d'Nbtifts SVotlalemp by J. S. Dmoon==. CWAM Notlowl d'Ztmdes &~.U~aftp =6*1p*lpl T."dJ6 Mpt of Mm APL/JMJ T-2349 Sol-mv Dw 69 39T.,430 Report of the Operations Carried Out by Heams of RCP 133j, by J. U. Dementhon, 18 pp. FREANCII, pers Centro National DelEtudes Spatiales, Note 0109/CB/ILS/0, 22 Sept 179. *NASA TT F-12.673 sci/Misc Oct 69 it Plan of Operations Vabruary 1968. Geodesy Program ROF 133g by F, Feno. FRF.17CII, rptp Contre National d'Etudes ~Xutialcs, Cep re 3;7t E-o- -B r a Division "Reseau", Contre d'Operations, Pebruary 1965., PI 'IITA3A TT V-11,657 Sci/Earth Sci 369,106 oct 68 LhoapsuZation Prooodure gooofown YPH 12-4H SoU Modules by S. Clement. FRENCH, rpt, Centre SationaZ D'Etudes-SpatiaZes Centre. 1.0 16 pp. aug 72 am w-32269-289 (a) R-8321-ID/a 22 may 67 Le satellite meteorologique Eole From: Centre Rational DOEtudes Spatiales, La Recherche Sputiale., Vol VI No 3, Mars. 1967 pp 4-8 5 pp By: Pierre Morel French - eot for wds: Please translate and type 1 mdatm camera ready copy. (DC office please make 2 xerox copies of translation) Please make covers an samples attached. Follow the format as saMple. NASA TT F-10,084. Do not mutilate original document. Paste-up material attached. Dipole Antemia for VLF Reception in tIo Ionospherel, by L, R, 0. Storey, 22 pp. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY FRENCIi. per, Centro National D'Etudes des TelecommimicatIons, Issy-Les4loulineaux L'Ondc =.ectrive, 140 465p VM 1905a PI) 1427-143S. Sci/Navig Sept 69 391v411 ORM (XNTRE NATIONALE DE RECHERCHE IETALLURCIQUES CuntTol of D*dt Houl -ds in Steelw**s,, by Lq luyckxt FeLornag, FPIINOI, por,, C.N,fWf,,, 19651, Jw%,,j (2) 3-81 NIISI 4107 Sci.113at & 'I'lat Mar 65 Investigatim of the Factore Influagaing the Sintering of Two Hematite Ores, by A. Brakard, at al, 7 M CHO per, CN,RM , 1965, pp 3-23. BISI 5323 Serial Number -3911 3~4 6 sci - materials Jul 67 Possibilitiou for Diract Lbservation of tile stodlino in the clot Ninucat by Jo "j. Wasuy. MERV, per, C*N.R.~U No 2, Jan 1965, pp 9-17, I)b 6542 sci/m&m Nov 65 292,075 Illie Wer of oxy-oil 81=ors in Open-ollearth Furnaces at Cuckurill~~wo, by J. LQVQUX" -I. L)Onis. per, C,N.R.11.0 Jan 1965,, I)p 19!!25. 01-51 4307 Wc 65 295,,162 Tio liont-Troatment of Stoolso by Us Econor0pouloss FRENCI, per, C., SoRemA 196,51 No 20 pp 37-47., BISI 4345 sci-f.vm Oct 65 29092200 kArImg in R*W7 Fwmoeo of lAmmits-%sed Pellets, b7 P. FazoanUer and A. Bmgm-d. FRENCH, per* g-'4.RJL No 3, MW 1963, PP- 3-16- =I X4 Sai/mat sop 67 338,136 Steel Carburization by Injection of Graphito in the Ladles by M. boudin, 11, Jacobs* FRUN016 per, C.N,Pt4 NO, May 1965g, pp 17-22. *BISI 4419 scipwim Sep 6S Itasurement of the DuctiUty of Plain Carbon Stools and of Austonitic Cr-Ni Alloys After I4q)id Thermal Cycling and After itiot Doformation, by M. Caubo, E, Kasantsev, MERU,, per,, C*X,RH, No 3, RW MS, pp 67-77* *BISI 442S Scip.-I~m Sop 65 Atat ~--Qwa" -- 3m c paticittu, ~Pft - " -* "in, __ , L.S""*r .. ft * bjr p AUZ 6 -4 i1; - eal,materl,mls AQY 68 - W -",,IlliL "Mft" I D4147- for Aq e4 IM'S. -150 .,834 awl I -Uftft or ft" ho *ftU a"Ift or Us, bV 4 ~# per - 4"arizis . .' c .i-S7; ifts., Zv - 'f no '5 ICO*-T .5393 . zloo JX50 8~4 YM ;'Mftww The Forges do I& Providence IX-KAldo Steelworks at Marchisme, by Jo Leduns. FRUNCH,, por, CN*I, Dec. Ms, pp 33-45. BISI 4714 - sci-M&M Jul 66 303,881 Acoustic Hathod of ToR)oruture We~uremvnt: Industrial 1q)plicatiorw in WetallurL7,, by Ye Noel et al. per, C.N.R.M., Doc. 1965, PP 53-65. RISI 4919 Sci-Materials 60pt 66 310,352 Rapid Analysis of Rolled Stools by Ealssion spectroactry of Pressed Lathe Turnings$ by No Stollg A* Wapers FRENDIp per, CoMeReM. No 5. Dec 196S,, pp 73-a1. OISI 4707 IVE-France sci/M&N Rpr 66 299g445 pworeoco, Bases foT- (~mtitativa Anjaysis -uy - - -- - X-Ray Diffraction. (quantitative Molecular Analysis by X-Ray Diffraction, by J, Hancart. FRIXII,j bko Come Nationale de Recherche Metallur i ues.Map 2, 196ZO pp M - Vol 17, No 3, 1969 July 69 38S-201 2he Nov LD N"bmu of aDebutu oov" O.A.,q by J. AUNIM. XXMM6 Dwy a-S& j, Wx X966,, PP 39k-W- BZBI 5W3 33As4O &A - Meabmdo~4 Mbkwtrl&l, Vac 66 ClvLlp and Hat= -i ! - Ilil ICUU Zbw In fto** ZIM Bar 1966, 3up ion M* ll:wllpl~~ u ~ *f l*='=* ft SWOU.. bor Y. UUM. jft= =1 ;~rs Jim IX6, im 41-59. s4 0 Hodftlftx, zgbwuul, 3140497 Doc 66 QLV:U.- *ad Mat. aWnaa,,V M"t N*Mft UP OW Afta~,q M was qw, .,Is* 3403 J' lb Tp W.- JW 3,M. 4 ft - wharsau Aar 67 Control of the Chemical Composition of Sinter,, by J. NI. van Langen, ot al FRIINGis por,, _C.N.R.N4 1, Sept. 1966, pp 9415 * BISI 5700 Sci - Mat July 67 The Now Ben MM at Mffad&W, IW j0 G3~~- FRENCH BJM:[ ;4" Q-*NIR ,m SqPt 1966,p pp 75-M. SW&t June 68 3589473 Control of the Sinter StzwW at Hadir-Diffordange. by mi, ;'IrNidings FRI-INCil, per, Doc 19660 pp 3-10, B151 3716 MRY 68 336o,195 contimous mousuremnt U, Mounier & R, liolper, FWC11i per, u.N.R.M., USI 5870 SCIAAt ~4 68 of Sinter Qualityp tv Doe 1966v PP 17-21- 358#159 ~ 1~ " . ! . , . ~, .... I. ' ~p 2 - --, ~ , 71 '~ - "-- - ",~ . 1. . - . I : 7 Ilie LL~-AC '-' orK5 01~ ArUCL dscii-Belval, by C. ilosentola. J. JLU)i.,. pur, lxc 190U, pp 294-39, lit.,11 S40 ';c.!/,,aterlajt; "ay 67 322,521 Use of an Analogue CaMuter at a Neltir43 Shop, by C. van don Hove, P. Dauby FRENCH, per, C.N.R.M.s Mar 1967s PP 39-43 BISI 6312 Sol/Mntorials 364..13.5 sop 1968 Use of an Annlogue Computol- t0 CRICUlatO Chnrf,os at ~-rbodlg Banic Boasamor Ihon at 'Osch-Belval, by C. Pescatoro Mlar 196'1"$ lip Bl',)'I 6311. Sci/l/intorin,12 364, -134 Sen The Z9pWQ=G-I4nsdU Stoelwo*m at Cherba j, bW Co: Rmo* FROCH9 pwo C-.N#Ro& I J= 19670 pp ". BISI 5m boi-qAt Doc 67 W$619 QVRS CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE Crystalline Corrosion Layers, by A.Neyhaus. FRENCII, per, France. Centre National de la Rechereche Scientiflqu'e Colloques Internation- aux , no. 152, 196S. pp. 675-700. N77i-12842-ilF July IT11 Contributimi to tho Study of tho Proporties of 111oxodizable steels 18/8 oi Iligh Purity, by J, Montualia, !) pp. FIWNQI,, rl)t,, C,141~46, ~M)osiwa, Anatole, France, sopt 1906. AUC/UCHL-Tr-10330-09 Sci/Materials Jun 69 382,686 mw Nm DO= mm at -- - ---p by J. OndndoaW. AMM4 pwo cent= Not 4" N"p No go 1966o pp 7542. NLL Paf: 9M.06 (5VA) 00141"6 S"t 69 3940'rit Release of High-Tension Electrical Arc3 by Lasers, by S. Barbini, G. Courrier, et al 17 pp FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR INTEP14AL USE WiTHIN ME DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ONLY FRENCH, rpt, Centre de Recherches de la Compagnie Generale d'ElectriSilte, 1965,, pp FTD-HT-67-43 Sci/Elec Sep 68 365p798 The Stlabilty uf i~uried FleAble Pipes, by L. M. Pholig. FITINCII, per, Ceirtre cle Ilecherchea et d'Essais de Chatou Lkilletin, no. 12, 1965, PP- 1-113- NTC On loan 71-11149-13K Aupirat -,,.L Specific Variations in Some Mechanical Properties of Dense and Porous Refractory Products Under the influence of Different Thermal Cyclos, by J. P. KiohIg G. Valentin, 26 pp, FiLLING1, rpt, Centre do Recherches do la, Societe General des Produits,, 1967. AECILHIG 2586 Sci/Phy June 68 342,539 Stu4y of a ND-W StatuUms 8t~4 vith Oatatand- log Creep Propn4loss by J. Dmuoft I Im r -0 ryt, Cent" do Avaborch" Uglus Mlblmmm,, LaboratoryawynAh-40 42W9* liC7- ML Hof i 90e2 .4 OT/3 I ) seA-materisas juiy 6B 36loO05 -,ki6oration'.,, nwcH rpt I pari- Dec 19701 63 p NASA IT F14056 72 i Methad foi. Receiving System for Transit Satellite SiSnals. PRF.NQI, per, Cent" Spatial do Bretigny Bullotin No 410 OPS/T, October 24-,--D69'. Dept of Navy APL/JIIU T-2402 Sci/Nav Apr 70 405,58S LWJWbbg Pw9rvA at AdaU LaWj Dbomber 1966-Yebrary 1967j, MEMN4 rpts Centre ftstia do lkvtlm Wvlalou ftnees-ama a at nallong. 1 3 Sol s:Ue Technoloa Mar 67 32Ds323 !771 1~ - - ~ j ~, ~' - . 1. -~ - i, ~ I . Ah " Ai t , Ad . - . //I- C-- 4(1,A-tr-71-28) jPROBLEMS CONNECTED WITH THE GRAPHICU, INTERACTION OPEMTOR-COMPUTER. dDe Lotto, 1. T(Centro Informazioni Studi Espertenze. I%Ulan (ItAlly)). -F-.-C-'o-ng-r'e-s"s'-C-o-n-f-e-r-ence, Bologna, Italy, Oct 1967- 2021p. zl(CONP-671093-1). 24Dep. NTIS. ;,Gcomputers: translations zrO9B 2jMN-3Z 21P NSA 1), C, A(LID/Tran"18) INVESTIGATION ON THE BLOW- DOWN OF A TANK FILLED WITH A SATURATED STRAM- WATER MIXTURE. iSandri, Claudio; Premoli, Angelo T( ntro Informaziont Studi Esperie!!~e Milan (Etaly)). loTranslated by W. Bu-y)R-QVCst-rWrai-AWffil-o--tnergy Commission), from reportu CISE-E--819. 2015p. 24Dep. NTIS (U, S, SaJes Only). 26reactor cooling; reactor salety; translations 2Y181 24MN-80 2ONP NSA 9 #9 F-c- 4(blil/Truna-335) ITUFATMENT OF WATER IN A NUCLEAR PLANT FOR THE TESTING OF FUEL ELEMENTS. &dl Pietro, R.; Gadda, F.; Ronchettl, C. ACentro Informaziglli_ Studi EsVerienze, Man (lUtly)). j0TranslXXTy-"W-.Tu-ykx for X-us-tria-li-an-ATO-Mo Energy Commission Research Establlshmen~, Lucas Heights, from report 11CESE-l+-137. 2021p. 24Dep. NTIB (U. S. Salea Only). 20chemistry (radio- and radlation); reactor cooling; translationq 2rO7E, 181 2$MN-80 2SNP NSA L Orimnatal Study of Mmuf"tmv of 'NiMleaded and Thread Rolled Screm in Aisi 305 Stainless Stools by G, Caprio, ITAUMs rpt, Centro Igj& I%Sv 20 pp. Ommavao BISI 4640 Sci-H&M Jul 66 3030890 (ANL-Trans~-854) NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL. JOINT IAIIO[iA'I*()Ilil,',40FIiOl,(.)CjNA, (Controlllohorqho~ , . ~u )sniogna (Ituly)). -'TF~iiiiwfi~i ior Ar-' ionnewtiolifli Lab., Ill., frorriTtallafiroport. DraftNo.170. 12p. administration; laboratories and test facilities; translations ND-2 11 IW Unlimited Considerations on the E,S.R. Process, by I. Tripsa, RUMANIM, per, Com Not,, VoL 70 1965, pp 105-120. *DISI 4983 Sci-NIAM Jul 66 Method for X-Itay Analysis L. Staicu, 8 P11. RUMANIM4, per, Cercat Met, AEC/ANL-Tr-752-67- Sci/Mot hod & Equip Oct 69 of Carbides in Steel, by No 7, 1965, pp 133-138. 393,469 Pitch and Tar-Bound Dolomite Blocks for Lining Blown-Oxygen Converters, by S. Mlircea. ITALIAN, per, Cercetari Metallurgice si Minere, Vol 7, 1965, pp 273-291. NTG 72-lo636-11B ,Apr 72 CEKCLIAMI KCIALLUNIACL St MINERL lVbT V9 P449-4b9 7481