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ft~~ss Aohi&vod in Japan In BUst Furnams wA bV 0. Was7nold. FfW=Ho per COMO OMo Vol 3o 196?t py, IM7-i2;4. BMI 6020 scd/mat &y 68 .338o176 study of the Transformtion to &&t b%atnant Problen, Ae Constant, IFEMH9 perg C*D*So Q"vp 15a4. BISI 5mg M~-L ~\q, (5-,vn~ Sci/mat Har 68 of Stools In ReUtion, by G. HIM & Vat 69 1967s pp 1561- 3519035 . .The Sintering F3Ant at the Tarento Works (Italsidler) 9 bV Mg CuUTmA & Aq CbUv9rJjdq FBE=q Wp C.D.So 2LM., Vois 7-8, 1967, pp 1741-1?65. BMI 6119 Sai/mat mar 68 3319024 A Study of the Grid Sintering of Mixtures of Ha-ntite Ores. The Influenco of tile Indox of Basicity, by R. Rochas, at al. FRMCH, per, C.D.S. Cire, No 7-8, 1967, pp 1767- 1810. BISI 6572 Sci-Mat June 70 L:'ler,ents for the I'abricaticn of Ultrasadc Prcbes,, by J, 1,3mLbt. VION01, ior, C.D.S. Circ, lio 7-8, 1967, I)p pp 1821-luo - LASI 6254 sd/ lt,~IbarLalo atvj G9 388,582 Realts of Operation of Barden Materials Prepwation Plant and Sinter Plant at the Usinor Works at Dzidrko by J. Dmaine. FMACH, per* C.D.S. ,o Vol go 1967, PP 1981- 1997. USI 6120 Sci/Mat Mar 68 351023 Straightening of Rails lation at the Hichaville by Ii. Charbonni-er. FRENCH, per, CDS CIrc., pp. 2055-2062. BISI 6123 SciMech., Ind.,Civil and Marine Engineering Jan 66 in a Modern Instal- Plant of Sidelar. No. 9j 1967o Application of Forgeability Tests to Rolling, by J. Ballot and M. Hugo# FRENCH, per. C.D.S. Ciro.# No 9# 1967,, pp 2063-2091. BXSI 6607 Sci/mat Sep 70 wt&Uurgial ChancUrUtIcs of Bburt Pamw SUP, by R. Jon FIMM.0 Pero CoDoSo Clm*p No* lop 1967p IV 2217~2238 BzBx 66o6 sci/mat 404 mar 70 047 Lvolution of tho Gmuloinotry of 14taUureAR1 Cako, by r. lAnaoianc and 0. ~4rynmki. FRUICII. per. ~~jt Circ. 1.10 10. 1967. pp 2239- 2257. mi 63&c) Soi-lat J u1 68 359,928 On the Measurexient of the Quantities of Rest Oxchanged During the Contact Between a Roll and the Rolled Shestp Experimental bbthod, Result* and Comparison with the Theoretical Results, by P, A, Portevino FRENCH, per, C.D.S. Circ., No 10, 1967, pp 2269- 2292. *B191 9401 Sci-'Mat Jul 70 Automatic Samplar for Fines or Granulated Coal and Coke Dust, by R,H, Busso, FRENCH, per, C.D-,-S,Circ, 1967, (11), pp. 2455-2462. BISI 8467 July 1972 Dlfrwd"O lauit of the So*ietAs I*diLrt MoLat FUrma" and Buden Prepamtim bv x. A4-- MME, per, qOD032 cim. No U: 1967. pp'W--3- " 21+78. *mi 6285 soi-mat Apr 68 The -Diffordanp- Works- ~ Of - the, Soei*te- Hadt" - - ~ - --- - - 1. " Gaqparioc)n of WurklM ROMIto of a mAwt Ymmum A*60mgm to Mhother it is Fed With a Bud Sinter or a Sbiter From a Rotary ftmems bv A . Faber. # perj G -D .3 - GIM -a 110 Us 1967# pp 24 91. =I 6286 SWAA Oct 60 363o3$6 itmlicatim of m&mn Uaij-dnq Tadu-&Iuas in ~;toakroxka, by V. C;allcAa. HGICII, ix.-r,, C.,L).j.Cixr.*v No 22,, 1967,, pp 264.-*--2678 ~ BISI 6573 sci/riatcriaLs ja-I 10 3990915 III-Aa Jatuxe of Coal md the QAaUty of Ccke, by C, c;, ,jjjjj~lut,, f. P. silwa"- jQrf "1)o!;. Circ., Vol 25,, ijo 1,, DOC,, -Y , A? 175-186. , ULS1 6 742 sai/ ! ,ail--rialo CkApt 69 392,974 Fallift af Rdl an a lMdvoul Stmd Tt" blY at stmAdNM96 J.D.34 Amy la 1 l9wo pp 243.255* raw=. pffs. 0 BM 63DS (-I - -9~W-S)~ od/ut Aug 65 36'9w Value of the Iron Point as a Function of the Richness of the Ore, by J. Michard. F. Paschal. FRENCH, per, C.D.S. Circ, No 2, 1968, pp 413-437. BISI 6725 Sci-Mat Aug 69 389,536 livolutim of the Dinmsiais of Rlast Purnams in the .1orld and 1;>&stincj or Ilzojected Lhits of f-lom thai 9 vi llcarUi Umwwr, by C, '4axynski. !)Or, C.D.S. Cim Jo 2,, 1969,, pp 439-462 BISI 6 71.) sci/ se,pt 69 390,886 Iblaticn Betmm the OAde 'Stack-, and tlKi rouA(3mtq I"lla-14W. Pur, C-D-S- Clxv., Ulsl 6 709 saL/ i;,,atwrial--,' Sept 69 Ccupoinds in Killed lbod, by P. Datwzo tjo 3, 1.968, lip 777-795 390,885 .-i-iiasumn,ent of bm-P Usdim.ps of cas an Lir chr-ftial lngt~11L'Iti=- I)y tile Tram nath" ill :;bOOIwO23L-.. (with (Itneussicn) , by ii, L~,icrrcird,, F. f-Imi.fin. ri:ojai, jx-r, C.D.S). CLrc, i-lo 3, 1968, pp 797-809* BISI 6818 sci/mciWrials june G9 384,172 !Wultl of 4=aticn of tl-va I)t"dxk- M olteel,,Ioxks I.taa .00 to bic Ai4ruthig, of 1967, by A. Palwi. FIV4401, I,x-lr, C.D.S.Urc., tlo 4, 1968, 1-4) i,,Lj 983-996. J311jI 6 U59 scl/ i-awriah, Sept 69 390,912 Stress Relief Treatments for Carbon Steals --- Their Effect on Mechanical Properties,, by P. Rousseau. FRENCH, per, C.D.S% Circ., No 4, 1968, pp 1031-1046 0 BISI 6811 Sci44at Apy 69 377,790 Uperience At the Societot Des Aciers Fins De Vast With the Use of Submerged Nozzles for Continuous Casting, by P. Gosselin. FREMI, per 0C.D.S. Circ., No 5, 1968. pp 1301-1321, SISI 6717 sci-Mat Mar 69 377,323 Sampling of Materials In the Bosh of No. I Blast Furnace at 11agondange, by R. Jon. J. Vigliengo. FRENCJ1. per, C*D.S, Circ.0 No 6, 19688 pp 1469-1492.- DISI 6720 Sci-Mat Mar 69 377,325 Incidmits in 'Ayeres of the Blast ruxnace at 1-)u*ixk- j, by P. Unkiier, j~or, C. D, Se Ume NO 6 o 1968f pp 1483-1495. UWI 6904 sci/ irateric-LIs nov 69 396,949 Caitinuotr; -bcLsumvent of TWWratum of Lisjuid Aeal - PI-1.)licatim to the 1-molutim of Steel r1u,qAiratum in tlic Ladle During Casting# by J. Mr-xilt-killm, 1.74 vio" Zta:N'QI, .)or, C.D..,-;. Circ., ~Mo 6, 1968,, pp 1553-1569 i.V 155 3-156 8. asi GIM A 69 390,911 uning ar MMU with ControlUbbe MUStOri, by P. Brodbardn S. el", No. T-Bp 1968., pp 1699-lTM PXN=l per* C*D. - Sol T139 solimt 4042048 mar TO Moisture Control of a Sinter Mix by a Neutron Retrodiffusion Probe, by M. Erpolding, FRENCH, per. C.D.S. Circ., No 7/8, 1969, pp 1733-1746. BISI 8164 Sci/Mat Jan 21 i "cnagai, ul it of Ligot ~k)ulcl Sto&- by l,lcdlmlcxjvk)ilYl, by F. Xnaff, ut Al. C.D.~;. Urc., Ju 9, 1968, Lj) J-941-1953 IJISII 7064 sci/lIateriah- jal 70 3gg,941 Brittleness Tests. 1 - Resilience Testox Schnadt Sets and Impact Tensile T.-oto, by M. Grumbacbo 0. &4n&. FRENCH, per, C.D.S. Cirew No 9, 1968,, pp 1997-2011. BISI 7252 Sai/ Materials nov 69 397,305 arittIL-A'ass wasts Il - IA3mts of, Brittlo Fractum ai Lxuxje Soacirms: 14obertacn, I'alliai, Batello, by A. Cwviot, M. lIrmiumnee =01, per# Ce".Iie CL No 91 1968, 20D-2027. 13ISI 7142 sci/imtaxi&Ls jan 70 3990918 Quality Tests for Ores, Sinters and ilellats. Part 1. by 11. Lecomte. FRENG11. Circ.p No 10, 1968, pp 2055-2002, *BISI 7093 Sci4lat Apr 69 MadiMUM CC by to ampaume . nmr, 0,94, CAMP BMW VO On of Not Wast Awn"m* so Iqq 1968, pp "-MS. Sol/mat Aug 70 saft-)OU00low of -the- "qmmtbw%? Qmuftlfttlw' Xia=mcope,p by R. Rocbs, RMIMp per. C.D.B. OUG-o 50 Jos 196% pp 2283-~* BIBI T32D &d/ftt W50811 Apr 70 lbaeardh into the 4ytb~al alarcictwdstim of caritrur-LLai ivul Lryal of the Cak)ar Stow,, by C. '101"taLl. Ijur, Circ., .14'o 11, 1968, pi) 2419-244-9.- iLilSI 716 ~; Jci/ llib-rial.-~ Oct. 69 3951287 '. ;tudy of the Changes in the Nitrogun Ccntent of the i-ijLctl Betviami tlvj 1-blt Amr ind the Cauting of the 5wel in iswic 130swnnr Pmams,' by i4 11off I et al. r-MR31, per, C.D.S. CLrc.,, Ijo l1,, 1968, lip 2451-2483 aIS-1 7118 3ci/ icateriz-az .;Ci)t 69 390,958 Counianion on Oxygon Steelworks Revimi of Different Studiam Undertaken by the Technol- ogy Sub-Comission with Diac,by C Rooderer PRENCII, per, C.D.S. Circ.1968, Vol 11 ,p. 2485-2495 p BISI 7290 Sci/.Nat 396,069 Duration of the Life Of Nozzle$ of Oxygen Lances. Theoretical Observations, by Ph. Usselin. 1-14NCII, pcr, C. D. S. Circ No 11, 19680 pp 2497-25030 *BISI 7327 Sci/Materials Jun 09 384,498 C-tcygm Steelworks CamiLwicn, by G. liallet. rbUXII, jeer, C.D.S.a=, No 11, 1968, pp 2505-2510. IjIo,l 7174 sci/ mabari.-Lb sept 69 390,925 ProdwUm of Special Sbo*U by the Linz-Donawits Proem". by 0. W. BortIndak. FRWCHj, per 0-,,D,,Sc CiMw Vol 25.. No 12, 19689 pp 1687-169~- *=I 8997 mai/Mat fob 71 Problems in the Tapping of Metal and Slage by V. Etorre. FREDEH, per, C.D.S. Circ., No 12, 1968, pp 2629-2661. BISI 7116 Sci-Mat June 69 382,855 Prevent State of Thooreticul Knowledgo of Red hume, by N, Maysson, T, Waldonstrom. FRENCHs per,, CDS Circ Vol 259 No 120, 19680 pp 2663-2673. BISI 7488 ScL/Chem May 70 - 406,,763 Production of Special Steels by the Linz- Donawitz Process, by C.W. Borthwick, FRENCH, per. C.D.S. Circ., Vol 25, No 12, 1968, pp 2687-2694. BISI 8996 Aug 71 Study on a Model of the Charging of Blast Furnaces. Considerations Concerning Variable Geometry Throats, by J, P. Liron. FRWH, per$ C.D.S, Circ, Jan 1969t pp 145-179. BISI 7778 Sci-Mat June 70 Influence of Niobium on the PropertLes of a Ulled A52 Steel, bY 0- Sana. M. Gnmbach. FROCK, per. Centre Doe Sider CLrc, No 1, 1969, pp 237-266. BISI 7654 SCL-Mat June 70 A NOCWTUSP-d iraill for ti-ie luspectiai and zkdshintj of j'ajA-l,rodur--ts# by Ilo Amular, 1-1,21JUI, jAar, C.D..I;. Circ., Wo 2, 1969, &)1, 467-475. ijljl 7506 Sci/ r"Wrials sept 69 393,060 Padlo4TWU MAY of the BOU4==tUm Pro=" JA MAUgtrW InSoUp by A. Kalmo st al-P FJMKH, per. C.D.S. Clm... No 2p X*,, Pp 543-550- BIBI 7TU sci/mat Apr 10 40528K , . - ~- --t, - - --- --~ - - - - ASUM at lims F49"Oft olwo by P. junlut MIMM pw. CAB. M"41 X* 31109s 0 68P-723- BMM &A/ikt mw TO .2 at ftsm~ an the of camutloo! :;= ~M& bY MATANUM *&MUG, irovartum of 29699 VP 7n-754- X. ago&"# S. . . 1.). .We I so 3t 0. .. io!m--r &"I Trig pogmm-- IV ploum la 3300 NWOONS Now an 3wpxagbw Vo amwum C60avool, VA to $m psommom of "5-0. bY U ftb4. I . limm IV a 14 2*1 vp wx SMS sa/*t mw TO 14.3fractorio-q esid Vacum Timatumt of Sb3alt bY L. llzmb~~ 1-11alal, lk,*rg C.D..S.Circ.. No 4,r 1969, pp 1001- *DD-Ill 8004 3ci/matoxials bab 70 Pimt Pracuca Rowlts of Gawmswyy ln XA&xW&l Usep by Jo, ftchtmo at aL. nm(zj, per$ W-23 M. No 4a ig6go pp 1051-1071. = 8099 sociAzat Fab 71 ca*m Womdde 08 T040 00, bY I- BAIA% 0 S. 3, xqo. go W5-~- AMOS, ver =a two od*t Aw TO Pelletization of iron ore, by M. Boucraut, FRENCH, per. C.D.Se Circ.,, Vol 26, No 7/8, 1969. BISI 8133 Sci/Mat Sep 70 -.1 Moisture Contra af a Blntw Mix by a Nestrou ion Probe, by M. RepeldiMs at al. FMCH per,, CitD.S. CIze, xo ?Aq 19690 pp 1735-1746. BW 8164 sci/mat Feb 71 i)=*MU"3g aw aa*w omtmt or obea in tw ]VID nwt of ambriuwalwammom in ifting OmOd":LCU Of (bWM StatUdUss, by L. &UMU azd P. ftiabyp IRA ])W. L-.9-6- QM. ISD T/80 X969j, PP 2761-1780. WI aic)6 Sol/jkt Avg 70 Basic Bessmer Ste,alworks Comittee the lUatment of Hot Metal by BlowLng or Bubbling Argon into the Furnace or Ladleg by J. DLeudonne. FRSNCU, perp C.D.S. CLrcp No 708, 1969, pp 1781- 1821. bzSI 8114 Sci-mat Use of Statistical Methods for the Dynamic Study of the Blast Furnace, by J. e. Cochery FRENCH, per. C.D.S. Circ, No 9, 1969, p 1965. BISI 8294 Sci/Hat Sep 70 Basic Bessemer Commission, by D. Mansuy. FRIM110 part G,D,S. CLrc., No 9l 1969, pp 2015-2036. BISI 8151 Sci-Mat June 70 Forged-Steel Rolls for Roughing Mills, by A. barbeyrac and A. Spasski, FRENCH, per. C.D.S. Circ., No 9, 1969, pp 2037-2046. DISI 3278 Sci/mat Feb 71 Water Test Reactivity and Steel Making Plaactivity cw St"a Works ldmsp by, D. MWUIWp FMM, pore CoDeS. Urge, Vol 2G, No 9p V69p pp 204T-2c)62. *BIB.T 8151 Sai/14st Apr 70 Finishing and Intermediate Mills for Special Steels, PRENCH, per. C.D.S. Circ., pp 2063-2078. BISI 8291 Rolls for Rolling by L. Lestrat, Vol 26, No 9, 1969, Jun 71 StUdy of Graphite Building in Coke Planta, by C. 4,4oltzhaim, FRLNCII, Per. C.D.S. Ciro., No 11, 1969, pp 2451-2460. BISI 8425 Sci/mat Sep 70 Irsid-Cafl Gas Recovery System Without Combustiono by Is Maubon. FRENCH, per, Qgtntro do-22AMentation Sidgrurmigue. Ciroulalre d'InfolMationg Tgghgiggeg, no 11, 1969y PP 2473-2481 NTC 72-60111-13H June 72 visualization of Surface Defects at High Temperature,, PRENCH,r per. pp 2403-2492. BISI 8507 by J& F, Pignep C.D.S. Circ., No 11, 19690 sci/mat Oct 70 8"Mring the T'.r..... , ". ,.a the Theft~av 14th T j0 Bmrtm. UsIng FRWGH 'Mt~~e 71POs br R518. '* per'. Z6"kau NO Ili, 1969,, IV 403_ RM 8425 BOIAut A ?I Collection and Utilization of Economic and Technical Data Necessary to Evaluate the Efficiency of Plant Transportation and Handling to Recommend Cost Roduction Schemes and to Promote Accurate Cost Accounting, by Bey, FRENCH, per. C.D.S. Circ., No 11, 1969, pp 2519-2549. BISI 8520 Sci/Mat Sep 70 The Pearlitic Clinking of Special Steel Ingots, by R. Tricot, FRMCII, per. C.D.S. Circ., No 12, 1969, pp 2675-2694. BISI 8252 Ultrasonic Determination of the Size of Defects in Forgings, by F. Michalski, FRENCH, per. C.D.S. Circ., 1969, pp 2695-2718. UISI 8652 Sci/Mat Feb 71 RE ori-aci j. 7 b h y, C 'ci 'y61, 2 391~24 8 -P , . , . - 2 : , ';". ;-.z-l , . ', . .... -- 6, i--- , - r ., , ,. . - I ... ~, ~, 4r, ~ ., I - - - _ , -, - z ", '. - I~rl:z~~!~'- ~ "I . ; . , Z~~ - , 11 lll.~ - -11 1 1 une 'f -rugs c 389 17: I; Ilk ~.' - lll"I~-,~Z 1--, 7 nm A 1 .- I - , VVY -4.j all -.Lz) R P~ MY, 41=4 000.0imidon ftac F -or .72m'6092S-11P mw, tRequept Translation check for info only 30-10-15 *L18t of projects of laboratory of Aerosp ce Miedicine-l" tSubjects of Tech Repts and-Pubsi no author CENTRE DIESSAIS EN VOL. LAIBORATOIRE DE MEDECINE, AEROSPAI I-"Liste des Travaux Effectues par le Laboratoire d9 Medecine Aerospatiale ayant fait 11objet d1un Rapport Technique:' 1957 a Juin 1969. Pub Jun 69 24 pages -=14w- e ll,f'~ 7-3 PsOe VD* VA4660-70; #303 DecsWor 1969 Title: RAMDU Author: Source-. Contra d$Xrudes Awlsairss Law4page t Much Ippe 43 Special Instructimm: ~ Plasse trm*)At* and, t"m OVA copy only PIX-3 ASOMYS AlChNshoeMo P.O.No. WA-1660-701 #303 4 December 1969 Title: WOMS M Author: lure" do Documtatift Source: Contra D12tudes Nuel"Ires do Cadarache Language: French pp. 26 Special Instructionse- P'Leass, trasslue and t"a one copy only Partma Emm-1 not, on of the P2 Cads OlwAl&tdms the Dynamda Behavior of a Resetar With tko Belp of the Renate Obtained an the "Almlladled Mock-Upp by M- Jalleft, 25 pp. PRMK26 Moro Centre dItude Huglegim., rpt 14 Jan 190. ABC MMM-2 W: 835 Sai - h%wJA&r Science Jun 6T Papoodle Aal ARadlins. nrst Ssrl" of Sots in Soaum of the Oask Oar on the B"ot*r V""l i4ock-Upp by L. Thevenotp 23 pp. Awcas wo Oentre WNW" ftmloajx"~ rpt MP/SM-6k-Ml.. 26 &n 5- Aso zumm-i4p ,828 sai - ifuclear Scienoe Jun 67