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Operational Characteristic and Technclo~;y of Removal by Laser B-camLs, by A Visser. GEa%N, per, C.I.R.P. Annalen, -vol. 17, 1969, pp. 123-234- NTO 71-11081-11F August 71, A Contribution to the T3Tology of Surfaces, by A. Wirtz. GERM, per., C.I.R.F. Arinalen., vol. 1.7, 1569. pp. 30Y-,315. UCRL-TRANS-10309 NTC 71-11082-14B Aufust 71 On the Measurement of the Quantities of He&% Exchanged During Contact Betwwm a Rolling Hill Roll and Rolled Plate. X"r- ivental Method-ResUlts. Comparison with Theoretical Results, by P.A. Portevin and P. Blain, FRENCH, par. C.I.T., No UISI 8401 10, 1969, pp 2269-2292 Sci/Mat Sep 70 WIN AUM oil Th* "Teneflee Cabl*& 6 pp, FRUOIg rpto Is Cable Tanaflex, DOIC 196S 1 Dept of Navy/BuShips Tr No 962 sci-Bibet May 66 3009782 70-13480-09C Collet. L-J. DETERMINATION OF 'n IE ELECTRIC STATE OF THE CONDUCTORS OP A LONG CABLE SUBJECT TO -nig LNDUC'TION PRODUCED BY A NEAR13Y POWER LINE. Cables et TransmIssions. v. 20. n. 2. p. 89-116 ' 19A -TC ag 70-13480-09C: HC $ S. SO., M Order from h M~ $ 6. 10. Principal WlicatiOum 6f Titanatem, Zirconates and Other Ferroelectric Materials in Electronics, by P. Belloc. FRSNGH, per, Cables at Transmissions No 2., 1966, pp 125-134 NTC 72-11753-091 T-I June 72 A~ gi 7 Pre-Emphasis, Output Power, Thermal Noise and Intermodulation Noise in Line Equip- ments, by A. Fromageot. FRENCH, per, CabI93 ot Transmission, Vol 20, No 4, 1906, pp 303-336. NLL Rof: 9022.81 (2420) Sic-Elec Apr 69 379P907 Protectim ckf ft4ol Sheathed C"es Against Daugarom lnftced Voltagesp b7 H. Poch. FRENCHS, I!Wp GmblU a ZMMdMm, Vol 20, JUy 1966s pp 188-208. BM Trwo., 19620 oc:L - /e~-t z1h ; CarrecUon of Propaptim Tim Distortion In Telephone Equipmats or Ciramdtao bar C. Gaquwe. FUNCHI, per$ Cables at Tnnxdxsiong Vol 210 No 4, 1967. pp 283-297. NU Ws 9=o81 (2438) Sci-Navi ,- I- PORTUGUESE CSO: 0933/T3 W 8 Nov T2 SF Politics in a favela, by L.A. Machado da Rio de Janeiroy Cadernos Brasileiros, 196T) PP 35-4T. Ad Hoe Spec type B Do not publish Translator's draft plus one copy. Dynamic Geodesy. Determination of the rigure of the Earth by Gravimetric Methods, by J.N.V.M. Sousa Afonso, 139 pp. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY PORTUGUESE, Cadernos tecnicos e de informacao, (Technical and informational brochures) No 16, Instituto Geografico e Cadastral, Lisbo Portugal. ACIC-TC-1704 Jul 71 An Operation of the Future. Coupled Prosthesis of the Hip, by E. R. Kern. EUROPEAN, per, Cahiers d~Anesthesiologie, Vol 16, No 3, 1968, pp 255-270. NTC-71-15461-06E Feb 72 Apropos of Four Cases of CUrArization by Collmycin, by M. Weill. EUROPEANg perg Gahiers Anesthesiologiel Vol 16, 1968, pp 819-828. NTC-70-13245-060 Feb 72 Vasoactive Compoundc) by Passeleaq; Pbywt; Cara* FRMCH,, per,, Cahiers d'Anesthesioloizie, Vol 17, 1969) PP 787--833- NTC 71-14264-060 Fab 7 2 0th il w: pr '4 ~ l Ntt CAMIERS DE COLLEGE DE MEDECINE DES HOPITAUX DE PARIS 1965 V6 NO P582-584 70-11216-061 R*902AUan of Po"u" vith BMtakbWUw%9res,q by A* SouUir"I. pum ywo Mgt ft..Cium do qgd 104 r9kt .0 Val 7. No *Dopt of Navylev &4-B and im 68 CANIERS DE COLLEOC DE MEDECINt. GONDIAUX I . 1. ~ W 1966 V9 P591-596 70-13021-060 01~ , French CP MUtor Macums BUte of World.. Justifies Pacifist Propegauft,, Bristles at Chinese Accusations, by Leo riguems, 17 PPO ., per, Cahiers du Camumisme., fio 1, Jan 1965,, PV 10-23- JPM 29%1 W.Fmce Pol mar 65 276s402 CooPratlau between ChAstim and Commists DIMmsed bV French CP 2MIOUC&I Joul"al, by Andre Mainaj, 10 pp, rf~jlj par, CM10m du Commmims, Vol hi" No 10.. Oct 1965.. pp.'142-1490 JPR8 050 WS-Frame Pol Nov 65 292026T rromh CP Theoretima Jourml: The Commistis$ the ChrlstUW and the ChUrChp W And" Nblme, a ppo FWMH.o parj gswm, du Gmulol met Vol I=, No 4, Apr 1966s PP- 66-72, im 356~e WX-Frtmee soc jun 66 %*s777 WQAeck HDchat Urge* Joint Commist-SociAlist Action Tovexds Dameracy and Socisaimu~, by Waldeck Pbabsto U yp. p du 22MMILmn V91 I per,, CaUer No 4,, Apr 10-,Vp. 125-133- RES 35642 WE-Frence poi Jim 66 30e.778 F'rew.h CP Writer on Chinese Cultural Revolu- tion: "A DwWrous., Unprincipled Program% by Leo Figuereso 17 pp. f7mil, yers Cashiers du Commmimmp Vol. 42j, Nov 10j, Oct 1966., PP- 51-66t JPBS 36W.1 WE-Frmce Pol Dee 66 ~1%971 Importawc of C613. NewsplLpers straigood in F"vch Cp jourr^l,, by Pierr* noireo 12 pps FMM, per.. Cahiews du Commnime-P Vole 42p No. 10, oet 1~ ~,Pp~--9~9- JPFS 38971 WE-Frawe pol 315,o969 Doc 66 Me Comparative Position and Future of the Commmist Youth Press in Framej, by Clawle Lecomte, 5 PP- FRMH,, per.. Cahiers, du Comin, X Vol. XLnj, No. 12,, Dec IW) PP- 35-40- JPRS 399B9 WE-France poi Mar 67 317.,396 Role of the W I in the Development Of a commaist. by Marcel Zaidner, a pp. FMCH, journal, Cahiers du gLmw- ism, Paris, Doe 67o pp# 43-52. JPRS ",600 International Political March 68 352t496 International Congress of Fraternal Parti&v 'Discussed, by Stienne Pajon, 6 pp. FRENCH, journal,, Cahiers du iam* Paris, Vbl. 44, N=O., Jan 6 pp. 4-10. JPRS 44,600 International Political Xarch 68 352,497 French Review of Prospects for Useful Christian Marxist Dialogue, by Andre Hoine, 19 pp. FRENCH, journal, CqUers clu oor=un- isme, Paris& Feb 68, pp, 71-86. JPRS 44,883 International Political April 68 355,245 Frenah CP Journal Calls For a Unitod Opposition, 12 pp. FRETTICII, per, Cahiers du Go=madanie, Parial June-JIIIY :Mg; P 4-131 JPRS j~6515 W i ~, / F ran, c o 364P431 Pol 00t ()3 French Cv, ,timan jDuriric crisi3 lloviowod, 58 pori Gahlers Ll-u COr==i-qmc, juno-,T-113.7~1:i~9rl pp am"i )1,65>15 wE/Franco 364,11.32 Pol ri c t () j" Wt jSM Attacked by Pronch CP Writer,, by Lao Figueresp 19 pp. Fnil."ICIT, per, 0 Mmmmmimno" Paz-is, T;ana-M--5 2p - ans 1~6515 VM/rranee 364.,483 Pol Oct Currmt Tasks of IlVmch Commmists (*&Unw, bV Francois Blnoux, 10 PP% FMCH, Part Cabigza da OWEASM, Paries Aug/ siq* 1968, PP 4.a3, im 46?67 WD'-F~Wce POI Nov 68 368X3 CP Writer Commts an Social CUss md Society. by GtW Beass, n pp, FROMR, per@ CoMera dA C a. AW/ Sept Me pp 69-60. ~ w 20M&M2, PaA JFR5 46767 Wh,-France POI Nov 68 '368.n4 What Good Are th Anarchists Today? Asks CP Writer, by Jaoqueo Duolos. 11 pp. FMCH, np, C*jd!Es du cq!!5mkAw' Paris$ Aug/ 66pt 19681, pp 82-92. jPR6 46767 Wi.-France, Pol blov 63 ~68.115 Comsdat Intemrats jme a9cUan ftsataq by ISO Figueroa. a FPO Ant par"t Nov- FROKHO rPtt 9"m " 2909 Doc 1968. pp LI-M JPJRS 47281 WF,-Flnnce POI Feb 69 3749551 CP Viritor ftom Idwlogicals Politleal Rmomlg by Andre Viouguotg 9 ppe FMCIls rptil -Q&Uers- du Commismep PaAng Feb 19699 pp 4.109 JPRS 47M WF,.F)mmce POIA Apr 69 379.251 Ideologicals Educatlonal Work of PCI! Discussed6 by Henri MrUnp 12 pps FRMCliq rpt, -CaMers du q2qWd"b taAal, m 19690 .. lo6~3. jpw 477n WE-I-1-anco pal Apr 69 379o233 MW Does Mao Bother With a F&Ay Camgress?s by loo Figuorem 9 5 pp. FRENCH9 rpt lLtq. du 9 Paris. Feb 1969t pp.Ugv-., JM 47M WE-FIRMOO Pal Apr 69 379v230 AmeAcan Aggresslons Twagoo of lace Mmoussedg by Theo Bono*. n pp. FMCH9 rpto Cablers & 2glgNAMp FkAs# f4gr 1969, pp 76-85. JPRS 47961 FE-laon ftl YAy 69 3819607 StAto MonoPdintic C&PUALUM Stigmtifedo bV C3m,d YowALy# 11 ppo FWMH# poro, camok" du qmm!LAm Parise Jun 1099 pp 4j--49.- - JPHS 48531 wrlo-pranoo Fol Aug 69 388s994 CaumnUt View of &a3l , Medium-Siiwd Disimmost t7 rism Kom# 14 ppo FMCPH* per, GWas dba Comm-miams Partme i= 19690 pp 50-59. JPRs 48531 UZ-Franoe Pal Aug 69 3880993 Commist Vim of Sam Favd3jv P"bUM~ tW Xvmo Dowto 9 pp~ M, pwrup kvj=Ho _PWI, golhAsn dm 999-rd im 1969, pp 63-69. JPRS 48531 WE-F*Imoo Pol Aug 69 vs.Qm Commist View of Post-Vattmn n Oxwohl tar A molmo 6 pp. pUWJ4 pwo -cohim du comox4ma Parls~ J= 1900 pp 1-16;4181 im 48531 Vm-Fmnoq pol Aug 69 388o996 Coomni irt Party OtitUnes Polltioal Stwmes bor Rom Piquoto 6 pp. FRO=# pers Comm du commwdomp Pariss, sept 196go pp 4-9. JFRS 49113 WE-Jftmo Pol Oct 69 394.897 Now Book by Gewges CoVAot ROVIOV*dg by Viator Joanne@# 9 pp, NMI parief IRMHO port Wal ft c sept 1969l pp 81438. ims 49113 WN-Frarm Pal Oct 69 3"0" Now Book States Problems of the Futureg 11 ppo irpomHo par$ jgbAM du Cgmeo&m Pariso Sept 196go pp 126-135, JPRS 49113 WE-France Pol Oct 69 loh- Aw MW BO*s tV COMWdA AutUn Rwisod, 18 I)PI IRMH& per. -Cqu-M du CoamniBm. PAMAV Sept 19699 Pp loo-Ilig. JPRS 49113 WE-Franoe Pol Oat 69 394ggDD C? Writer Outlines Aotion an Student Front. 'tw Gamm MOLUMP 11 ppe r=H* part gegas du commilm, Paris$ oat 1969v pp 21-28. JPRS 49282 WE-ftance pal Nov 69 396071 cp imader Appraises GM After 20 lbarso kW imme Dwdo. 13 PPe MCH# port CahlOrs du 29M!Mlmel Parisi out 19699 pp 86-97. aIRS 4W82 WFI-~~ POI Nov 69 YA I 7A Rooent Books by Comandat Authan Reviewde 20 pp , n=H, pwo Left gWdas da Camnni"ll Pari%,Oct 1969. pp 106-119. ims 82 wE-France Pol How 69 3969373 Comudst karty Looks Toward 19th Cougmeng by Roland Leroyo 9 ppe .j, Larimp F"Cliq perg CANAM-du JRLxTgg&m vol 45, no 326 pp 4-10,, JI-IRS 4002 Wb-krance i1ol, Jan 70 4009568 Commist I trty Agricultuml f o3loy Uutlined, by Joan FUvion, 13 PP,, PIWCH, pore I bi du Comuml !'aria, Nov 19691 pp JPRS 49602 Wb-iVance Fa Jan 70 4000569 Oomn=&wt Party Puts Its Cass to Youth. by GtW Bases, 22 ppo FRENCH9 per@ ~&Ibderq du gave Pimis. Vol 450 No Ue pp 35-69o JfIRS 49602 WE-France 141 an 6o 1+009570 Koocgw Conforince Al-Qvides Ao+Aon rromomrkp by Paymond ftot, 16 pp. FREMCHp par# CaWera du COMMMI 9 i-arlas Nov 1969o pp 72-8Z. ii,Rs 49602 Wb-kranco 1-bi Jan 70 400.571 C.P Writer ArALlyzes Cbicom Dovelopmenta, by Georgoo Givard, 19 Ppe FRENCH, par, hiers AtQqonmq a 1969o PP 9?--l --- AM,, !&AB'D Nov ji-Rs 496o2 Wb.-Irance fol Jan 70 4001572 TrwAtion fpm lfth to 19th CmgreaB Revimed, 8 pp. MUCH, par, du Commmism 1969, pp 4-10. 1, i aria , Doo j,,Rs 49?o4 WF.-France It"Ol I-eb ?0 400,?30 French (;L, supports Internatiomal Iabor hovementp by Jacques Ducloal 10 PRO kRkNCII, part -madsm-of raAsp Doc 1969P pp U-19- ii,,-Rs 49704 WE-France Pol Deb ?0 4009731 Importance of Cl) urganisation Stressed. by Joan Hurlsel, ? pp. FROX116 per, hiers du Commmimia 19699 PP 37-42o . --., ! aria, Doc Jl~RS 49704 WMAnce I-01 Feb 70 4009M.- Mass Movement Required for Advanced 14mocracyo by Madeleine Vincent. 14 ppo FRhNCfi. per, Cabiers du COMW 4ring Doe 1969, pp 43-05-- - mi-mle J1 RS JMC4 W10-Faunce 101 I-eb 70 4001,733 Importance of L'Umnanite in C11 "basizede by Mienne F&JOn' 10 Ppo FREWCUs per, CaUers du Commudme, aris, Dec 19699 pp %"&v ji-Rs 49?o4 WE-Franee Pa Feb 70 400,734 ResponidblUUeB of Ci- to louth (AtUneds by limne Aquet, 8 ppo FRLNCH# perp qLblqXq u 1~(~i i-arist Dec _A 1969. pp 81-87. JvRS 49704 WE-France Pal Feb 70 400#733 c, sets b,orth Its Cultural iolicy for I-rancep by Roland Leroyp 3.1 pp. HUL;ii, pore 2ahiere duq2p!!qak~~Jt 4-ariel, Doe 1969, pp 88-97. iifi5 49704 WE-Evance POI Feb 70 400,?36 MM Commdat Idt*l and Attaimants Described, by Q"rgoo Coploto 23 PP* Fmclio per* !Aerq du Comt i 4irs, Doe 1969, pp "0 qpMg I jim 49708 *~-Frknce Pol Fab 70 400973rj Book by Rachat on F~Aure of French Cl- Paviewed, by ! biUppe 17Uchw==, 7 ppo laris, Dec rRINCIle par,, g~ C d 19699 p-p n?-123. JI-RS 49704 IE-Fmce 01 ab 70 400v738 w 2~ ~ t~ IF# sum", 4M.; -V, -.~- VF~ -7~ -- ~ -.41re" , .1 - ~. . , , - ~- : ~- ..t: ,, , , !~:, ; - I I . ''-- k,, ;._,,