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I ! . ~,.. -7, ~ -.. - . .., lj-0.r,*, -A2UoLg ~Izj 24 I, .-.- I... .1 ... '. 2 ~ - - - , - , , ~~; 1, r. -.,, , r~. on - I I -... ~, ~ "-. ~'. - i., ~ ,~ .- I.. ~~ ,~ L t~ .. , 1.1 ~. ? ; "iL, ---- --- - ?,~, -, , ; - . I ~ :_ ,. -.~ .. ., I . t.~ , i, - . - Decision on Agricultural ROMANIAN, per, Part I) No 3P JPRS 56349 Reorganization of State Unit4 6 pp. Buletinul ofieial, Bucharest, 5 Jan 72, pp 10---11, -7U1 72 implementation of Law on Protection of State 3ocrets, 20 pp. ROMANIANT, per, 13ulotinul Oficial al Re2ub- licii socialiste Romanit~, No j Part I, RO 5, 11~-Jah-72, pp 2b-37. JPRS 55348 Mar 72 Forestry, Set Up, 13 ROMANIAN, Part I, tio JPRS 55432 Construction Materials Ministry pp. Der, Buletinul Oficial, Bucharest, 6, 24 :Ta-n 72,-p~ U-43. Mar 72 Docision on 11onalties for Violation of Pinancial Norms Republished, 10 pp, ROMANIAN, per, Buletinul oficial al Republicii Sooialisto RomaEia,-Mch tp No 13, Part 1, :1 P es--M- ' PP 110-113- JPHS 55533 r4ar 72 Roorganly,0d, Agricult'ure 9 ~iood Indx'Btry Lcia.1, Bucharostv 2z -Pp !A, f etinul Of ~0~~3.52- lJOYLAII 4, per t I;lFe part '1 9 110 19, 1- JTIJB 55605 Convention Abolishes Visas Betwoon East Germany and Romania, 6 pp. ROMANIAk', nor, Buletinul Oficial, Bucharesty Part 1, !To 22, 771F'e~~,Pp ~~-166. jpRs 55626 Apr 72 Decision Establishing Stations for the Mochnnization of Agriculture, 8 pp. ROMANIAN, Per, Bulotinul Oficial al Republicii Socialiste-Romania, BUCHIa-rost, Part I, No 27, 6 Mar 721 -p-P-184-186. JPRS 55839 Nin-ir 72 Decree Amending Organization of Ministry of Labor, 13 PP. ROMANIANT,jer, Buletinul Oficial al Republic Soci-a 3=8 e Roma - rest, nia', Buc a Part I, No 3e, 20 Mar-72-,-PF-232-236. J?RS 56027 vav 72 Law Governing Activities of Foreigners Amencled, 6 pp. ROMANIAN, per, Buletinul oficial al Republicii Socialiste Romania, Bucharest, Part I, No 40, '23 Apr 72, - Fp- --270--7271. aRS 56165 'Aln 72 New Rules Govern State Planning Committee, 8 PP. ROMANIAN, per, Buletinul oficial, Bucharest, Part I, No 33, 21~ Mar 72, pp 23 240. JPRS 56187 'Nin 72 1 Ministry of Interior Established by Decree, 11 pp. ROMANIAN, per, Buletinul Oficial, Bucharest, Part 1, No 39, ITApr 72, pp 262-265. J?RS 56039 Jun 7 2 Law on Sudicial Records Issued, 10 pp. RomA,NIAN, perk Buletinul Oficial al Republicii socialiste Roma-M-7-BUO&O-e-s-E, Part I, No 43, 29 Apr 72, pp 314-317. J?Rs 56263 Jun 72 Text of Amended Constitution Published, 24 Pp. ROMANIAN, per, Buletinul oficial, Bucharest, Part I, No 44, 4 May 72, pp~ 32~-339- JPRS 56124 Jun 72 Romanian-Hungarian Transportation Agreement publishedt 6 pp. ROMAMN, per, Bulatinul Ofieial, Bucharest Part 1, No 45, 5 Ray 7277 342-344. JPRS 56357 Jul 72 Text of Romanian-Bulgarian Customs Agreement Published, 6 pp. ROMANIAN, per, Buletinul Oficial, Bucharest, Part 1, No 49, 9 May 72, pp 369-371. JPRS 56210,~ Jun 72 lZb Sore Dttta on the IWIationships Between Moverdents md Vocalizatimis in tho Young U-tild, by N* 11rumi-Lauandio FiWNGI, POrp Bull PsYdOl (PaAs) Vol 19o 8/12, 1966, pp 452-TTC.- IlLij NLI 8-19-66 sci/l)&?! We 66 314,754 Therapeutic Application of the Metered-Dose Aerosols and Microacrosols, by L. Dautrobande. EUROPEANp per, Bulletin de Physio-Pathologie Respiratoire, Vol 4, 1968, pp 463-508. NTC-70-13017-06E Feb 72 president Discuom Youlm, a Socap md Otbor Cmplom *mUmo at Ma Pmu Confor- a=* of 2 Agril 1AP 7 PP ., mV., baletin IglLalan do IIACI 3 Apr 65p pp 1-4. UVES 29W7 Africa-Caakp Pal Nw 65 279,679 Da Coqu mocusms Mogim W Burtern sulwep 6 pp. Fin=, vers Bulletin do ltACIp 22 June 190., rp. 1-4. JPBB 3nis Africa-Cmp am Aug 65 2A.olM op"ch ot cooscum ple"4ent durU% TAp to Dj" Pr*foctur*,g 3 pp* 31 my MR , .. per* &aleUn QA~en de IsAgeme ft~ dOMpformationo 4 Oct 196% pp. 1-4. JPM 3W31 Africa-Co%q(Br=3WU1e) poi Nw 65 291,136 PremLer Lissouba Discumme the FinaneW Situation of the Congo since Jbnuary 19Q,, 8 pp. FONCH, ap, BuLletin quotidian do 116W= Congolaise d'Zaflonnation, 29 Oct l9b5j. pp- 4-B, azA 30 Oct 1965, yy e 2-4 JPRS 33149 Africa Icon Dee 65 292..607 COGOO-DrasswrMs MiniM*r of Finsom a.- Guam by DgMakeep 11 pp. YMM,v - Pftv SC2" 440 Vhmon ON Lowiffil! -- a, -ge - - -- ") 4 NmwT 0 im Africa R*Z Jam 66 9940004 Activities of ConScasse Housing Office, 5 pp- FmNCH.. per, 'Bulletin quotidien do 196m2! Omsolese-wraformtion, 9 Nov 1965, ppe 4-d. JPFa 3351 Africa4ongo (Rmzavine) Boa jan 66 a93.,W eango (sruswuJa) covernment Officlas goUW M&3AVW wItA Mvate todUotrys 5 pp- rim=$ not thIllistilk 4-Aldin do ILA.01* 13 Dwe i.aEAA, PP& 4-a, $I im Africs I= Feb 66 295v832 O=p (amsowLllo) NstlMa Asm~WA~y P&SM 1966 ag4pt) 6 pp, YMM., ver, awaw 9! II&P-mle Ox"Was d1laftrmation, 3/j Dft igb5s pp. w - CM; 33SO3 Afric"ango(Dra"avine) m"On Jan 66 294sgW Dmlqpmtit In the C=V (k=swlUe),o 7 pp- MUM AV,, blUQt&q-WI41eD do IIACIp 27 Jan 1966.' JPV8 34365 Afrlea-Congo (armwille) POI Mar 66 296.,8o6 Nelplulbt and Nowms&W Din= 8 galf1came of I MW tabor HolidAw in Congo (Amawme)'O 6 w. FMMS pwt bAul% jgg~dien ft IIACL 30 4r 1966* PP- 7-13- JPM 35791 Africa-CopSo (Bxw=vlU*) Pol jun 66 3C2,863 Speeches by Banthoud and Massemba-Debet on May DWp 25 pp. FMWH, per, Bulletin Qiotidien de VAIII, 3 Yay 1966, pp. 2-21 and 5 May 1966, pp, 2-7. JPRS 36049 Africa-Congo (BrazzaviUe) Pol Jul 66 304,598 Lessons to be Learned From Romt Disturbances In Congo (Brassavine). 6 pp. FUN019 per,, bqlle:~ja = at do A&" cancolaise DO. Informatlon, 20 Aug 1966, pp. 2.5. JPRS 37914 AM,osk Fol oct 66 3lis940 Caigo (lirazzaville) Niniutor of Itiformaticit Discussas Lemomic DovelopLants and Foreiga Relations, 5p. 4W- W, par, Bulletin quotidion do l'jxcl 2 Docor-ii-car 196C)s p1) 5-9, JPR.S 39480 iUrica-Congo Economic Jan 67 3181028 Now Labor Union Sot t4) in Brazzaville Congo; Officials Strous Importance of Ideologicul und Political TroUing of Workers. 5p. MUM, per, Bullotin ~wtidian do 19ACI 6 Doeend)er 196v-.11P 6.10. =A JPRS 5949U Africa-Congo Soc Jwx 67 318g029 Meeting field to Commemorate Third Anniversary of Congo (Brazzaville) Women's Organization, 8 pp. FRENCH, per, Bul"tin Quotidien de VACI, Brazzaville, 11 March 68, pp. 1-8. JPRS 45,167 Africa(Congo(Brazzaville)) solitical April 68 355,849 No putr owamation MUMS &t amoutumt owsms., 6 v9. awcol Ab"t, ftnaUn QwUdfen d I'Aammj_ all V4 Wo 19460 IV 9~ 24. ipm -V" Aftlam 3L88378 POI amn 67 PMldeut of Ratlaml Amoftb2ar NAmmm Congo (Dr"savlna) I a PMblWWj 5 pp. n==,, peri NUMU %V.USS gg JIAOI 23 Jme lop p9l, 1-5? Me 41951 AtIrlea POX Aug 67 ~33p429 cappo.-DranwiUS ple"Ant cAtuaw m 0 PWV Mradswo * kub=w %6 "t U..12*Ua soon"ma IM,b 4 aw Immlo Iwo 29670 lpf im hmew ~Ap, ss e,u ~tq - ~ Rbphotu~~ I- Am.0880-aunwMe pa 338rWO s"t 67 Judicial and Civil service Refoxs. 5 pp. - mwoi, bulletin, Wletin 4sti- dien de I'Aaence oo~k~" d2 Xnfomti0n* BrOXXUVIIIO, 16 Fab 68, ppe 2-7. JPRS 44tSO6 Africa(congo(Brazzaville)) sociol. March 68 355,071 President Inaugurates Cement Plant, 10 pp. FUNCH, per, Bulletin Quotidien de 11AC1, Brazzaville, 27 March 68, pp. 1-12. ITPRS 45,300 Africa(Congo(Brazzaville)) Political I-lay 68 357,671 Congress Stresses Teacbmirs' Role In RevolUUOnt 5 pp. FMCHe paro ftUqtiA awU4jgg-dq JOASMpce gaw-Imp-to A'&torwUon BnmviUev 24 I-ar 19699 pp 1-5. ipHs 48oog AF-Cmgc~-Hmzzavllla Bane June 69 3M.68o , I r - '- - -_- ~7 ~j "I: ~~ 4 7j~'~" i~" , , I , '-,z - - r~,.L,i,-- , -'s~~ I CSC Said to FRENCH, por Brazzaville, JPRS 56126 Have Made Gains in 1971, 9 PP -13ulletin Quotidian do ltACI, 2 MaY 72., pp !,.;9. Jun 72 Ctmqp Of Coommad caremaw-mv AM Commaderp 7 pp. Adjan DIWormations FRMP ap 1965 2 APril i&-46-0~ DMUA AiVics - C&Mzvw MOOM Nil ym7 65 Activit1w of hVn& VolMaUaS for ProgMBS in Dahmays, 6 pp. -410 gmiallm jlTrGmmtj&wj FWCHS PWO 0 2 Nov i*q pp 1-3 & 3 Nov 19650 pp 3-4 JPRS 330% Afrioa Econ Dee 65 293t218 Melia Bombolo, A Quick-Growing Congolese SPOOieB, by E. Maudoux. FRIOGHt per, Bulletin doo Recherghge ,&ZL2nomiciuoo ~emblqjal Vol 10 No 4~ 1966~ Pp 575-601. NTC 72-10075-02F Apr 72 bULLLTIN UEN SCHoLULMISCHCH AKAOEMIL UEN "LUILINISOIL" WISSLMSCRAFUN lybb Val pla"134 70-11946-Obi