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MAP Ams6erdm Norml 0. GZWM per Dfmqcs&4ffWwt-NachrJqhteu No 6.. ii Fei 1967 MA LN 1272-69 cot 69 394.,258 The Volga Waterway &nd Export TruMc In The USSR$ by W. meivine, 9 pp. GERM, pw# Binnen ~O Sept 196?. ~ ML*WXAOdL fiatdchten D.U Ui 409-66 USSR Econ Ai= 68 331g406 The Water Corner. 8 pp. GERMAN, per, Uinnonscitiffahrts-Nachrischten, No 47, Nov 23, 1968, pp 724-726. DIA LN S82-69 sci-misc May 69 382,754 Containers and Rhein Shipping. 8 pp. GERMAN, por, Binnanschiffahrts-Nachrichten, 1-1 Muy 1969. DIA/LN 1S)4-69 Sci-Mech Aug 69 388,4S1 Polish Inland Shipping Transported About 6.5 Million Tons in 1968. GERMAN, per, BinnenschiffcUirts-Nachrichten, 7 June 1969. DIA LN 910-70 MBxch 71 The Sea-Inland Shipping in the USSR at the Beginning of the 1969 Season. GMIAN,, per, Binnenschiffahrts Nachrichten, 14 June 1969. DIA IN 2l4-71 Aug 71 Inland Shipping. GERMNIN, per, Binnenschiffaliart, No 3f 1970, pp 22-25, 36-38. DIA LN 3,11-71 "In-land Shipping News" GERMAN: Binnenshiffahrts-Nachrichten. 4 Sept 71. West Germany. pp 482-484 DIA LN 1194-72 (6 pp) 13 JUL 1972 PLLrTAWQ-6,er.-.rd, R, 1971 pirintiro i-,v, ur n ituitni-I eojidotroric i,ut-inoe) from a t& I e0e t ri e 1 t, carp (C., pr 1, mw CA rp 10 lhir 1. fl ca t I on d',Lue trijuciie h~~-W-ph-ysaire la polason tilei'ostei'en, la carpe (Cyrr; nits car Ito 1'. _p ,ii Rmriab. U(4): 545-552- Transl. li,e Sec. Dept. of Eiivlroi,.. svo. ror FRBC SA010gical 3tatioll, Nansimc, P.C., 1972, as Tranal. Seriea No. 2,33, 231), t',,Pea~ril)t- Avuil. on ',onn - NMF%3, Wnsh., D.C. Air(- -/-2 - 6 Os-cK- 6(,,q ( ~rti,lv Ch' biosynthcsC3 in the "Cobalamin" Series,, Part 4. by K. Urnhauer. GERMAN$ per. Biochem. Zeit.0 Vol 332p 19660 pp S62-572. NU Ref: S828.4P (12922) Sci-chem Mar 69 3769832 Duration of Action of Small Cortisone Dose$ in -$hO 5% . yrosins-a4stoglutarate Sub rate Induction of T 'Mussmass and Trytophone Pyrrolase, by Hans K=Pr, Jorg Philipp, st als GERMAN, per., Upchemische Zsitscbrift,, Val 344v 19669 pp 227-232, P9110435" A11C ORNL-tr-1300 Sci/B&NI Sep 66 3090458 "M md Steven I dfmty of FM A=*~ AWqpoWs by L WallouOdst, 2. IL Madw& Giant Pwp Kodw& Z.,v va 340 lb 50 19%t pp NW-5m. OM TnU38 OT 3142 319*978 M41 - RUX104ml and Ybdiftl admoom NO 67 I-leutral Pkasnelogens md Alkoxydiglycericbs in Ilurm wj-,~Ot 1"at" by 11,140" Sdultd,, 11, !4 1.1mc-old .j (SUMM, ivr,, Moctienu Z,. Vol 346,, No 1, 1966, 13-25. .qc:i/ b and 1-.~ 69 388,701 EnVmti,o Anm3owls of L(+)-lactic Aolds bV 11, J. Ildiorat, GOVETURE"Ir USE aaw "-"A - - CERM -, zoitadwimp V.1 3,6,'*Ur 7. pp 509~~Ip 1= TT -Ir-Us776 sci Doc 68 37:6076 Enzymatic Cleavage of Serine-t-RNA Fractims, by F, Wdiers,, et al, (I'MMI, por, Biochin Bi2ghys Acta, Vol lk)alp No 2 1 19165, pp 182-193. lgi4 INIII 1-21-66 U--genuuiy Sci/HQjM .,Iar 66 297,164 Nucleotide Seq~iences in Serine-Specific TranBfer Ribonucleic Aciday by DoDuetting and W.Karau. Dutch, per, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Vol.108, No.2, pp.194-201, 1965- su-TT-66-i1575 142 1,,j ~J / H / - -~ 5' - 66 Chem Aug 66 301961 Investigations oti the secondary Structuro of Soiublo LINA Fram Yoast,, by 11. Seidel, F, Crauvr* W.W4,10, per, uiodAla. et Ri2ellys. Acta, Vol 108, NOSO pp 367-375. 11911131266 AEC UML-tr-1404 "ci/B&'-, Jwk 67 S16,181 the ANOMW OMMUMed bF WWO- grqpkdo bdwtlo% IV 1. DW& L MM=v*q*# 9 pp. was# Iwo KOWA* 0 -* Val 131a ABC ML Tr-109 336o988 sa . Choolotry a.. 4r Adica on blic Mmetion and Properties of Two Complementary Transfer Factors frout Calf Liver, by F. Klink. GERMAE', por, Biochim Biophys Acta, Vol 134, No -100" I~X)Y., i)1 Y(3-367- S.ACSIR NO III Sci-BU-1 Dee 69 398,2-23 131 C (", /,)~ "t .~v //1111, ( : '/"~c S/C'L j ,, i-I -, - , IA 1 .4 " t ^j i L-- I 190 V145 N2 P460-469 70-11615-06A (0) .! mg Ition Of Vini Hauplifttlan by HUM at amically Altued Riboma"aft AcIft. 1. labi. 017,tl b4tion of the "fttl= Of Y#Xovlru 84 VIM) cm Wf Mwbw ParaInnutum I (ROM laulsot cani, w P. v MMM,v pwj, Bloddm agj~a AcUp VCLU55p 1964p Rp 38-50. m1w NIH 6-2B-C9 801-Bw Svt 6.9 390,PI44 Michael Labadie Studies on pre-biologic evolution. III. Axulmia acida obtained from w=onium cyanide. FRENCH, Biochimica ot Biophysica Acta, 165, 1968, pp 525-633 ~~SA ?T F 141F 640 jan 73 The Active Site of ATP, Guanidine Phospho- transferases, Part 11. Evidence for a Critical Histidine Residue Througb Use of a SpecIfic Reagent, Diethypyrocarbonate, by L. -A. Pradel. GERMAN, per, Bloebemica et Biophysica Acta, 167, 1968, PP 317-325. NTC-?1-11894-06A Nov 71 flesearch on the mechanism of the Zn Sup 2 Plus Inhibition on the Synthesis Induced by Oxygen of the Respiratory System of Yeast, by Lisa Ohaniance. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY DUTC11, per, biochim Bio2hys Acta, Vol 170, 1968, pp 43S-437. NASA TT F-12,167 sci-u4tj June 69 384,111 /b " ~ M(C-TT-151.4) MUCHF-MICA1. I,](() Or SCHIZOSACCHAHOMYCES POINME' 6EPENDING ON CULTUHE. CONDITIONS AND ON THE' ACTION OF INHIBITORS. 11, COMPOSITION OF THE CELL WALLS, Deshusses, J.: Berthoud, S.; IN)sternak-, Th. Translated by D. A. Sinclair for National Resenrch Council of Canada, Ottawa. Ont., from l3lochim. 131o- 17(;: 803-12(1969). X-11). blomed: translations NB-18 NP RC Unlimited MAs and Polyribosomes from Rabbit Mammary Gland During Secretion Induced by Prolactin. by 1'. Caye. (=49N, per, biochim diophys Actu, Vol 186. 1969, pp 99-109. AEC-Tr-2938 sci/i3&!j Feb 70 400,202 Ultraviolet Irradiation of Ribosomos. Action spoctrwil of tile Inactivation of tile Synthosis Function, by Bernard Ekert, 6 pp. I'Mal, per, Biochim. BiophXs._ Acta, 204, 1970, pp 275-277. AE'C/AN L-Tr- 844- 70 sci/Chem ltiSuxidation of the I'luoresconce Quencher "Q" in tile Presence of *i-(3,el-i)icitiort)l)liejiyl)-l, I-Dinothylurca, by P. Bennoun, 12 pp. GERMAN, per, Biochim. BiophX5. Acta,, Vol 216, 1970, pp 357-363. NASA 'IT 1` 13,198 GOVERMINIENT AND GOVE.1WHiNT CONTRAC7ORS USE ONLY NTC 71-16881-071'. A804YI On a-ww-v P.o.no. D-160547-0/3 93 APKI TItlet Tho Blood Plature OC BSU POILOVIng an AMU* ceAlumdm* Compounds an** s, Sbort-Twa i* AAhW: MOW VOSW,, AMS, MDftdWft Scum, B101*4&,, asualm - goq 4j, 1965 Lanonee: Caen spesaU lmoxuafAms: Man tnundate a tMw I acKW ASUMs Xrq=, US R-U564-9 P4061100 D-160547-05 23 AvvIl 19M Tlue: Wfwt cc BMW of AIUMLOM md nourigis an fte Aluslam Lava of Oraws AUtACCI JOMW K*rft* sources 31010" asusums - g1j, 1" 1960 Lwomse: Coemb spadma -SUCES: pleaft transifte & type i Ow AgewW: UIXX RN R-11564-D P.o.No. D-10547-05 23 April 1970 Utlet Effect of RL&w Doses of Alumint3m andnomine on the Alumbmm Level of Organs Authort Jozef Kortus Source: Blologiap Bratislava - 21., 1., 196f# LwW=ge: Czech Speeial, Instruetionsi Please translate & type 1 copy Asagwi = R-wbs-v P.O.BD- D460547-0/4 93 Apra 1970 TlUe: The Notabollm ce olyotdn in Mto CMUUMS of a Moode and Aaaft latcadmUou by Alualma Chlorldw laUiort fudolf Oaft-alakaj Mal olntw Souroas Maloaft., Dr&tA*Iam - 9l,, 1. 1966 Lana~: Csm* sj~ unuumous naw umwlAe & " I MR Dopen(jenco of Calcium and Phosphorus Lovels in the Wones on the Mount and Duration of Fluorine Applications by J. Kortus ;iolo CZE.C.11, per, _gia, Vol 21, No 3, 1966, pp 202-209. HEW NIII 4-36-69 sci/B&M AM 69 383,147 a2wulc Enowbolo- AMPOraOnOO in R-111MIC".- 4 w tvibutu. V. Agvuwom in the Blool serum of sorm AnIM1 Spo~jos by T a TUMWW 1 vol 22, No l,, 02*01, par,& 1967jp pp mw Nni 368s488 mw 68 tiTarveirmus L, i U - - - 1 mw,+Aa Anercic Enoophalowelltio, VI p in the Brain GAnd the Spinal Of Rats in E*eri- mw*4a Allft-gic Enoeo&loM*Utl8# by E 0 va:wvicmo WSCII, per$ Diol2gla (M "tiol),o Vol 22,0 No 2. 1967s PP 114417- 10i Iml 9626-60 se3hal nov 68 368a495 Plant Virology in the United Arab RopibUo. GERM, per# Molggj&,, Vol 229 No 7, 1967. A031 J-3917 ID 2204