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on the Necessary wA Bufftojerit Stability eDnditions for System of Mffftvncc Eqwtions, by V. Ya. Um, 4 pp. RUMIAW2 per, Dak Ak Reak SM, Vol CMM, 1961,, pp 40-43. Amer Math Soc set J 0 / jun 62 7 0---7-41 Pbotographic Optics, by L. S. Unaakb_er. RUSSTAN; bk., Optiks Potograficbeekikb i Aero- rotogrametricheakikh Priburovp Cbsyter VIIt 3.96p-s pp i63-2oo. Acsi i-2986-A TD 2240824 Sci - Phys tiov 63 12- 41.~l 3 9 / Olipetics of Pbotogrametric Imtrmentso by L. S. Umakher. RUSSIAR., bk) QpUka Potografiches"kh i Acro- totogrametricheakikh Priberovp Cbsyter VIII., 1962., VP 201-213. ACSI I-2986-B ID 2240B24 sci - Pbys 3 nov 63 1 Sm Prealm of Applylog OaoVa" ToohniVa to the AutonWktm li of P=&xftm pta"Seess by 1. L. Ukma. ix 10 pp. RWsW., pwo ProuVablummWa losqpUM7 Bo 3.0p 1962p yp 1-5. am Tr smuotin voi ve No 2.- 1963 W - Matb 6 ftU MOM aw 63 A a~ 115 Cboice of Differential R...untions of Tftmient Processes of a Synebronous Generator When Inveotigating Dymmic Stability Using Cociputm,, by Be Me Kagmnj, 3. L. Urtmo RISSIANY Per) IIVkWd=tVOj, NO 4) 1960) PP 37-42. RAE 957 sci - EleatTO ion 62 The Tromfer F=tion of a DC Motor CoAtroUed by Varying the E=itstlon Voltage., by R. L, Urmup 6 p# F R UBBIO, per, Avtemt i Teltmhbj Vol XIXp Vo 6., 1958, pp "-613. Instru Soc of Amer sci ///, nl~/7 Ap-, 60 Y I Rad *POUC Romom JA ftimied ft2pM, I* FornuU*!fwtb*Cg,Ad' leethoommoma *mnt, by 1. To. Madii.' U. 0. 8 pp. I=MNP PWO zbw gig, I-IIIA, ~ I I I Edmap Val IV# No 2p 196% py m&ggs, ca Alw 25kvU6 Meterminatian of the Individual Hydrocarbon Com- po-sition of Gasolines of Tartary Petroleums- 7. Gasoline From Petroleum of the Shugarov Deposits) by F. A. Urmanche-yev, B. Lee. R. G. Buk-harayeva, 3 PP - RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Kh~m Nau3c, No 11, 1961, pp 200'-3-2o64. CB Jv-I 062 205,089 Sci Determination of the Individual Hydrocarbon Compositions of Gasolines of Tatar Petroleums. Corimmnication 3- Gasolines from Petroleums from Different Levels, by F. A. Un=ch v, R. 1. Izmailov3 PP 3 -!EnHEW RUSSIM, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Obdel Khim Nauk, 14 0 3, 1960, pp ;7 17. CB Oci 62 195o367 DeteMindtiM Of the UdIvIdMIL compositloo of Qualm fg= Toudia CammlostIce 2. GuoUw tom MowoWdtl Potrolow (Xi~pib"v Ar")* Vl-- A,-1bMwX-hqff& I. A. RdblMno as 4&O 01, xubqwp Do I*; - pp. RUBSIA# per, Is Nwk 8=0 Otftl Ala Inks No 3p 1958, pp 324-327. comit4nu Ivnn Sol - Chem 6 Apr 60 of the Individul lifydi-ocarbort of Tater Petxolewas, Communication 4- JAgroin from. Petroleum of the Romashkin Deposits.0B. la, R. I~ lzmailov.. F,, A. Urmanche N1. P. Lipatovas 5 pp,: RU&SIAN, W-r,, Jz-ZF%i-1; SSSRq Otatel Xhim Nattic, 10 1, 3,963-t ;,- 109-113c OB A2, ep Sai 6,,) DatendnmUon of the Nydrocubon CavoedUou of Omfolim Obtalued fm ?*U*le= of the %ftv Rep1blic. 1. assallum ct the Esviia and Bcmzddd4w Vtrdletu Dupocdtao by 0 As Roblas6% Us 0. p Go Kcaboaws Be las 8 ]M& WWWO rwo is Ak M* 3=v Otdal au Muk; No 6F V57., 7n-718. 99, On Fffect;Lvenasa of Some Dry Chmicala for Cotton Seedsq by N. Hirpulatova, Kh. Urmawva 9 -pp RMW# per, Xhlopkavodstvo,. Vol IV, No 2# 19540 pp 42-46. Sci Tram Center ET-3327 USSR Soientific Biology Economic 3a) (r 77 Apr 56 Pr,cblerrs of Bicsymmtry, by Yu. A. Urrmtsev. RUSSIAN,, bk, *CB 1966 I,zy 6 .5 Scme QLzestions of Dissymmetry in Nature, by Y"a. A. Urmntsev., 4 pp. RUSSIM, par.,Doh At Nauk SMj Vd~ CXL.. No 6j. 1961, P.-D 1441-1444. AIP Sov Pbp DDk Vol VI't No 10 sci Apr 62 The Dissymmtry of Plant LeGWS and Flmmrs, by Yu. A. Urwntfty.. 4 YP- RLMIAN, perp Dok Ak Nauk SMp Vol UPTirl'.9 So 2., 1960., pp 4WJ183- ADS sci /w, /// Apr 61 Zoldner's Rectangular Coordinates) by N. ~ , 06 PP. RUSSIAN) per, Geodezist, No 7) 1929, PP 17-20. CIA FDD/X 43063 Sc i -Phys 8 Aug (DO r6c-r Txlaraolattion, AQuatment ~Mhods of the nrot 0 per,, TruCq Tuentrallnogo Nauabno- looledovatellokogo Institute C.PhoA, Awo i L~mtrv Vol 19.739 PP 54~- AMC Bel -- UeolATo Jun 6~? Successive Adjustment of TrIgonomtric Netvorka, by F. A. UravLyev. MWW, perj, Trudy Tsentral Nauch-IseW Inat GeodezLi. Aerafotoo'Yoldd, i Kartografii, No 31 1931 DP 3-72. AGIC sci 1,rd" 017a 0 Feb 62 Distribution of Weighted Angles in Base Line wetvar-zis, by H. A. Urmayev. RUSSIMj pay, TrWy Tsentral Nauch-jasled just Geodezii,, Aerofatcolyemki, L Kartografti, No 1p 19311 PP 25-41. ACIC Feb 62 On the Station Adjustment of Angles Measured in All Cor-abinat ions, by W. A. Urmayev. RUSSIM,, per, 2a "PrWy Taentral Nuuch-leeled Inst Geodezii, Aerofutoalyemkip i Kartograflij, No 1; 1931., PP 20-24. ACIC Bei 1XV, 717 7 Peb 62 Adjustment of Polygons in Geographic and Rectangular Coordinates; by 1. A. _U~ y..- RUSSIAN, lperg Trudy Teentral Nauch-Issled Inst Geodezii,, AerOfOto9'yWmk1j. I Martagrafil, No 1p 1931, PP 1-19, AM Sci 1,?d, 776 reb 62 hclul~tliuf'G of D,:" 20a" colvaick) C-n the C~ jQ M&Ua Eocaue Echinoida, by T. Mitrovic-Ittmvic, D. Urosvovic-Dacic, 29 yfp. I- - . - I - MMO-CMATIM, per, Veonik 2avoda za Gemolooka i G*ofizicka lutrasiv=jap SerieG A., it 20~ 1962m py '243-2r1og. PLAW -251S C413 otos J= 64 Of tbif- At"t"s In-AWaidin Alksu-dam4ft a. now, s. _ft4 i9 pp. asmus pwp ZIP t Val LTXv 1955t pp 8344W. 5~x', ' '-7-- AN ?r 2655 e" - aftiotly Doe 56 m The RC)Ati=WP Betwem Comentntion wA Activity in fteed 8< Mt"sa by H. noodo 0. Pykeep S. umes.. 20 ~P. I.-- . mmms P(Ws Z, My I ollor. I$ Vol LjXf 19550 VP A-370. AIM Tr 2543 Set - Chw4 stry Aug 1956 CTS/dex Chief Problems of Technical Prog-,ecs in the Amy) by Teoril Uralaz 6 pp., P=SH per Zoluierz Wolmacip Vol X111, No 162 (360j,, 12JJul 1962p PP 1) 3- JPRS 15265 ,,2, /,;-' , EE-Poland Mil oct 62 ndn4ng C&ZbWUC " pb"*Ua oroqo In Com3 s by S. P, Ultru; S. R. Mflbmj 17 YP- NAMS so Y" Akslamit NaUk amommumm= . Ildmobaswap NO 9s 19%j yp 93-32o Set Tr Ofttev RF-M37 ion 57 Cts 044 5-4-335 (DC-M) What is New in the Cwicula of the Univaelties, by me GO wayevy 7 pp. RMSIAN., mo pa,, Vast Vysobey Sbkoly,, No 11, Moscow, Nov 1955s pp *33. UB JPW /DO-L.505 um Soc - Eaucatibn ~7j 3/2 MEW Technique and Results of BOG Vacerimitm. Official Report. by C. UrViijoj 43 PP- No joumal cited 67A Tr 2592 Sei - Mediclae ~-x ~ Jan 58 Helium Researches. VM,, A Method of Quantitative Measurement of ftall Amounts of Hellum by P. bmth and VW. Do ikax.9 14 pp. GEWN, per,, Zelt HWIk Meal Vol (A)152, 1931, yp 110- AAW-Rt-14 12 LqI Sci - Chem Oct 66 (DC-38M) Conflict on the Ideological and Cultural Front in Chile,, by Cesar Goday qrrmtiap 4 pp. SPANISH,, np, ]q Sidlo., No- 3299,v Sautiav do Chilep 29 Jan 1962,0 p 2. JM 12871 LL-Chile pol An , 9y/ mar 62 (DC--aWl) Commism: Radiatnt Future of Thmanity, by Cesar Godoy Urrutia, 10 pp. WAN=, nP~ El Sielov NO 3A21., 22 NOV 1961,, p 13. JM 221M LA - Mile lid, 1 2-1~ -.1 poi j= 62 j-848/6o (DO-42~-4) Politics and Contradictions in the Plans of UNESCOy by Cesar Godoy Urrutia, 6 pp. I...... W- - SPANMUO per, Educadores Del Amdo, no 14p 1959) pp 20-93, JPRS 3768 LA - Chilo. Poi Aug 6o lzl~ (NY'-3380). Circulatioz of Fert1lizere From Producer to Coasumr,, by y. Urseanu, 4 pp, RUMANIM., per,, Revistm de Chimie, Vol X, No 5, Bucharest, 1959, pp 292-293. im 2684 EEur - Rumania Econ - Ch=-Jcal Industry jua 6o )es- (NY-6218/4) Me Problem of Klobouk"s Disease in Czechoslovakia, by Jur4c Ursiqy,,-X4 pp. CFFTCIAL USE ONLY CZECH per, Yeterinexci Medicina, Vol VIj'*XUIV)t No 1/21t Feb 101j. pp 97-105. JPRS 9765 COMMHT Sci - Med /'PY 193 Aug 61 ~!I--Actiwal ar.,-A leio,itic il~ 1"itivL-ts to oy L,, ;Jxpot et al, iTAL'Uci, per, r-l~mrvu LAA, 2104-206. ;,CVI AAX4 of Via lAver Fluothmw tnsstj~esiztp Mostesiolojica, 30,0 A Method for Measuring the Suction Fmce of Scleropjyllous Folloges by A. Ursprung and G. Blum. almy Jahrb Wine Potsalk, Vol LVn, No 2, 19V, 33h.346. CSIRO 3150 sci Jul 58 Method: fbr MeasurIng Polar Diffexences in Suction Ybrce, by A. Ursprungy G. Blum. GEFMR, per, Jb. viso. Bat. Vol. 65, 1925, pp 1-2T csnp/io - 78T4 Sci - A - '-) P, 's /0 A Aug 6T 337-351 M 10 756 1. URSU Fr-1 Paramagnetic effects during the viscous discharge of gas and oxygen mixtures in a magnetic field and their utilization In gas analysis Effets paramagndtiques lors de 116coulement ViSqueux des m6langes de gaz et dloxygbne, dans un champ magn6tique et leur emploi dans Vanalyse des gaz Stud. Cere. Fiz. , 4, 415-420 (1957) X. 217 - French Euratom Inci-aias6a. the =ormation ground oasificationj, by Lashinarp per, I%pAzc=7a ansifikatair UGlei; 1., 3.957., PP 88, 89. Dept eL LA UD ZO= of niz" Centra Z3r#er Sta l'ittaburos Pa. rw 343. Sal Tuelz 87 ~j 73 Certai-r-, of tbc Tochmology of the Meltiug of Titamium in Vacu= Are Furnaces, by 1. V. Polin., V. P. ~~y, 30 pp. -RUSSIAN., bk, MetaXlurgiya; Mornik Statcy., No 2) 1959, PD- 1-136-.25o. 0.6T-700 FTD ICIL-1011/1 Sci - Engr 9 Nov 61 2 2 Method of ~Leltirkg Alloying Elements for Titanium Alloys) by V. P. Urtly".. B. M. MakA imov t 36 pp. RUSSLO) bk, Metallurgiya, Sbomik Statey,, No 2, 1959) pp 251-26,38. 9671638 M MI,1012/1 Sc" - 1,1in/Metal ) -7 -/, 7,5- 7 29 Nov 61 TL- wepositim &,Auquze vou~-Sv tv H. HUCJ J. C. rjrloAft. I., -P. ARRMM- o P*tcn*, -7-1,ci IN. IIA ,I C, ~ L't t, L, ~L,- J-,(~ sel -futcl I I ~~' 410 I 'Y'i _ct - - on certain cbureaterlattas of multiple Reflections of Wa"sj by A. L UML RUSSIM, per, Trudy Xaskov Neft Inst imuni 1. X. Gubkluaj, MIn V~rsvbego Obrazovanlys SM., No lap 19579 VP 30-183, Win Liu FM 140 (L2. Os. 0a.) gat - GeopkWs Apr 6o 62-18526 Urupou, A. K. CERTAIN PECUMARMES OF PARTIAL-MULTIPLE 1. Urupov, A. K. REFLECTED WAVES [0 Nekotorykh Osotx-nnostyakh Chastichno-Krainykh Otrazennykh Voln). [19621 24p. 4 refs. Order from orrs or SLA $2.60 62-18526 Trans. of Moskovskii Neftyanyi Institut. Trudy (USSR) 1957, v. 18, p. [68-183. Another trans. is available from LC or SLA mi$2.40, ph$3. 30 as 60-19883, RTS-140.5, June 60 [1.61p. DESCMUORS: *.Seismic waves, Reflection. Refraction, Seismograph.,;. For abstract see Technical Translations ;L 392, 1960. (Earth Sciences- -,Seismology, 17, v. 9, no. 9) 0MCO of Tachalcal savices 60-18917 UOM_A. K. MULTIPLEMFLECTED AND REFRACrED WAVES 1. Seismic waves- -Reflection AS A FACTOR DECREASING THE QUALrrY OF 2. Geophysical prospecting-- SEISMIC DATA ON THE RUSSIAN PLATFORM. [19601 USSR 20p. 4 refs. 1. UrupN, A. K. Order from LC or SLA mi$2.40. ph$3.30 60-18917 Trans. of Moskovskly Neftyanyy Instirut. Tnidy (USSR) 1953, v. 12. p. 90-9L. OFfi-I (Earth Sciences --Geology, TT. v. 5, no. 2) uu of Antiferro.mgnets at Tt~',-.-p!rat-urcs, by G. I. Urushadze, 6 pp. =1 RM'SiIA Per: Mraiaskiy az Zhur, Vol VI, 1961P PTj 34-39- MDF, U- !04 9093iLgo Sci 5F""" Nov 61. Me smttaing of wa vavw alA F6ncos by Dpwitles iu Ple=cumGwUc Dielectricay by V. Barl7uWrtarp 5 PP* pwr Zb= BMW i Tecwwt lisp V03. mo=p No 2(8 j, 1966.o PP 355-361- Alp sov F4ya-jw Vol X14 NO 2 Ekd L Aw 61 Reism-nation of the Magnetic M=smt in am A:stiferro- magzati-, Diclectric, by G, 1. Urimbadze, 3 pp. RW-SIAN per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Piz,, Vol.XXXIX., No 3 (9iy 1960, PP 6B0-683- AIP Soviet Phys-&F" Vol X11s No 3 Sci may 61 on t'he Theory of Relaxation Processes in Ferro- dielectitics idth Ww& Magnetic Anisotropy at Low Twperatureaq by V.G* Barlyakhtar, G.To pp. 11.9 per Zhur Fkaper I Teoret Fis, Vol =11 9 wo t, 19AOg pp 1253-1262. ATP Sov Pbys - JETP Sel 1,70-V 60 Cynine Dyes With Unsoturated Substitutents - VI. Monometb;yIncynium and 4 StMI Dyes Containing Styryl- and y -Phavy2butedieWl Radic&U in tho BenathiazoI4 Nue2el, by 1. X. Usbeakov S. 1. GOMOBUYmi, 7 PP- RUSSUM, per., Zbor,Obsbch MAms Vol XXIK, Io U,* 1959* PP 3807-38]A- Sci 713 itoy 6o Studies on the riost Plant of Covpea Weevil (Calloso- bruchus Chinensis L), No 12. Substances Contatined in P. Vulpric Hinderning the Development of Larvae, and Utilization of Carbohydrates by the Larvae, by S. Ishlis H., Urusbibarn, 2 pp. JAPAN=, per J. Appl Entomol, Vol VII~ No 2; 1951, pp 59, &- SIA 57-1775 Jun 58 liew tyre-repair equipmntj by E. 0. Vostroknutov, No Yi. Bo&k., As A. Urosov) 5 pp. I RWSIAN: per, Kauchuk i Fazinsp Vol XIX.4 No 12~ 1960; PP,, 13-17- RAM sci e, ? el-;r- sept 61 The Design c~f 16aximim-Capacity Turbo-Generatore; by 1. D. Urusov. 1,"JS3=, per.,, Iz Ak Sawk SSSR., Mel Takh Wauk, Energ i ArLomt., Vo 6, 1959j, pp 22-23. IRLL )L 3352 Sci - Electron 1q,,11 017 Apr 62 (Ny-642B) Scientific Problem of Heavy BlectricaL Machine Constructioup by M. P. Koonko,, I. D. Umov, U pp. (3 RUSSIAN, per, Vest Ak NK* 888R, Vol XXXI$ No 2j, 1961~ pp 37-43. --oA6, set 61-15916 Urusov, 1. D~ and Podrez, V. M, MODEL TESTS FOR DETERMINING THE RIGIDITY 1. Turbine stators- -Model AND VIBRATION RESISTANCE OF ELECTRICAL test results STATOR FRAMES (Fizicheakoye Modelirovanive 2. Turbine statcrs- Zheatkosti I Vibroystoichivasti Korpusa Statora Mechanical proi-k-rth:5 Elektromashiny). Feb 61 1101p. 3 refs. RTS 1609. 1. Urusov, 1. D. Order from LC or SLA mi$2.40, ph$3.30 61-15916 11. Podrez, V. hi. Ill. BTS-1609 Trans. of Elektrichestvo (USSR) 1959. no. 10, p. 43-47. IV. DLparment of Scientific Also Included in translation available from PP $lC00. and Industrial Research (Gt. Brit.) The rigidity and resistance to vibration of atator frames In large turbogenerators can be determined by means of model tests. This was confirmed by comparing the re- sults obtained on models and on large scale steel mock- ups of sections of the full scale frames. The error does [lot (,xceed 51,1,. Considerable divergence exists between the calculated and experimental rigidity and natural tre- quency values of frames with apertured transverse annular walls, the experimental values being smaller. Offi~ of T-W-1 3-ic.. The physical nature of the stress distribution was (Engineering- -Electrical, TT, v. 5, no. 10) (over) Etfactive P-rematers of the 3jectron Shalla of Atoms :,nd Ions 4 7, S~ urusov, pp. 10 Z:~ '~,ussi% par, Zhur Strukturnoy Xhimii, Vol 111, !!o 4, 1962, pp. 43? - 447 02 Sci 12Hb - ?I ~ oct 63 M 7:~ ~nq=109 h7im-lec.-Chomival lvtmes-u'-ilgatiop, on the i;a1f,pracatio'n of Aoutous Amonical Solution of. 3n,dium Sulphal',e, b~ A. P. Belopoluskiy, V. V. Umov ;'ZUSSIO, per,, Zhur Dim T.Tomt Vol X17t 17c 13, j-937., pp 907-917. Insdoc Walwl FbpjC&j Moratm-y of IndUs Hillside Road, New DoW-12, India. %.zUl 7cZ Sci - Obamistry !tip, 1956 PIrvaicoebomical Ana3yals In the Nitric Acid Treatmat of Phospbatee - 11. Solubility, of CajLclum 11trate in Aqwow Sclutlims of Nitri, Acid, by A. P. Belopollskiy aud V- V. UrubOvp 6 pp. ,RUSsla, per,, Zhur Prik M3Jm,, Vol X., 1937p PP n78-1182- on the -qojubility of Sodium Sulphate In Aqucoua Solution of Ammmitm Carbonate at 32-5 0 p by A& P. Belopolfakiyp V. V. Urusov- RUSSUN,, per,,. Zhurnal Prikladnol XhWip Vol VII1j, No 2j, 1935.s PP 193-194- Zwdoc Natioml Pkwaical LaboratorY of India# Malside Bond ftv De1h1-12,, Indla chemlstry 3 6.j jun 56 an lumatIaLtUm or Pboapbates. Part I., Marml Dehy4mtUm of Dladalsim Hasybats Dibyftstev by So I. Vol 'fkDVICh aid To To Unftv- FaU FMSI=s b1m pwa Is Ak Jkmk Ota-01 Thim fiLuk -349- No 4j, 1951p pp 341 Aame Tech Ov 2r W-W Scientific - Cbexilstry Ll Ma 53 CTS 417.60 ($2.25) Geoahemi=try of the A3kAljS in MMUltee of the Tex& Xwsif In t1m YenUal Pmpp by X. X. mlirov, U. As M=OTBP 15 py. IWSSIMs par# Gockbimiya, rbo 2: 1962, Gembw sm sci Jan 63 933.,ffa Respiretory Disorders in Aminazine Therapy, by T, A,, Nevzoro-va, by L- G~ Ursova 8 pp, RUBSXAN, mo per, Sov Med, Vol XXT, No 5, MO'3c(yw, 1957, Pp 104-107, US JPRE;/NY-L-32 Sci - Medicine; Drug Therapy 6 /J R'2 ~r 400 IN, Plastic Deformation of Zn Monocrystals Under Conditions Preventing Basal Slip. TI. Dislocation Distribution in Specimens, Me Direction of Compression of Which Lies in the Basal Plane, by A. A. Urusovskaya, V. M. Stepanova, lOpp. RUSSLO, per, Kristallografiya, Vol V, No 6, 1960, pp 924-931. AIP Sov Phys - Crystall Sci Vol V, No 6, jul 62 2o6 61-23146 Urusovskaya. A. A. FORMATION OF REGIONS WITH REORIENTA77ED 1. Urumovskaye, A. A. LATTICE DURING THE DEFORMATION OF SINGLE ll. RTS-1772 AND POLYCRYSTALLINE METALS AND MINERALS Ill. Department o( Scientific (Obrazovanle Oblastel a Perearientirovannot Reshetkot and Industrial Research pri Deformatel Mono- I Polykristallav). May 61 [32]p. (Gt. Brit.) 47 refs. RTS 1772. Order from OTS or SLA $3.60 61-23146 Trarv. of Itogi Nauki. Fiziko-Matematicheskle Nauki (t,ISSR) 1960, v. .~. p. 75-116. DESCRIPTORS: *Metallic crystals, Lattices, Minera Crystal structure, A histin ic-ll i vvi- is glyen of studies on deformation arlaing from the r(xation of crystal lattices under the influence of mechanical forces. Topics Include: rota- tion bands in minerals; kink-band formation in metal crystals on deformation by compression; kinks In metal Offi- 91 Tsch.lcal Servic.s (Physics--Solid State, Tr. v. 6, no. 8) (over) !-";I" V`Cll "'. ,..~] -'. . , - ' r7Z J)islccaticn7 In A. Urusc--* per i4xiatallograftyal Vol IV, 141c 6, PP 913-917. AMer Ivist of P-Nri SOV PhYB Vol I'll NO Iffecrt of the setwoomou st"Wo an the jbdwudn of Plawo Dahumation of ?hall iwa and Coam SCUd"s 1W K. V. Mmun- ~ ~.~s A. A. as 10 pp. Rmwo '0"- lwi-A- J, vox ij 1996a im 9093907 - AM UMIL Tr-836 Sci - gFbyes Men / 61 -1 ft a! .21,2,1 60 71 m Revelling the EmerEence of Dialocationo on the -Iwft~cu of a Crystal by the Etch Method, by V. ILI - Regel' A. A. Un ULruagyjhL~al V. N. 1(03-omiychuk. 21 pp. per., KrlstalloL~rufiyaj Vol VVI No pp 937- ATer !not of Mys Sov Phys - Cryst-al TV, lk, U" Sci Jul 60 The Possibility of Determining the Crystalli- zation Capacity of Glass From Its Composition, by L. N. Urusovskaya, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Steklo i Keramika, Vol XVII, No 9, 1960, pp 33-37. CB Sci Aug 62 209,804 URUBOVSKLYA,l L, G.,j MUMAt P. I. The Detexmination of Cyanides by Titration with Nickel-ammonium Sulphate. Zavod Lab, XV) b., 1949.9 P. 740. DSIR/4163/CT Uzi Volatility of nluorLue-Tit-nnium Flintsm: uy " i. oemkin&, L H- Uitmavskaya, 4 pp, USSIAN. per. Steklo i Xormuikas Vol XV111. No l2s 1961# pp 4-6,, Cs Sci Aug 62% 2099922 Refractive Index emd Density of ScKUum Potassim Silicate Glasses,, by L. N- Urusovski-Wa-s 3 PP- RUSSIM, per) MAw Prik KWmp Vol XMIIt No 9j 1960: pp 199e-1994. CB Bei /'(0 7, X '? d sep Q .Sound Scattcring by a Sinusoidally Uneven Surface 110haractorizod by Norml Acoutic Conductivity, by 1. A. 8 pp, RUSSMly per Akust Zhurf Vol Vf No. 3j, '1959s, PPo 355-362o AIP Say Ibys-Acoup6tics Vol V., No, 3 Jci jpj~, IOf mar 62 Me Diffraction of Sound e., a Periodically Uneven and Nonunifom Surface, by 1. A~ ~~Ovs~ldy I MrSSIO, per, Dok Ak Nauk,, Vol MXI, Ito 4, ig6o, pp 8oi-W4. Interntl Pbys Index Vol II, No 9 Sci - -Phyn Aug 6o /~ ~j JIK3 A. 14. B ova A Vol 1957P 1i;4-139. ell? 7-11$71 rab 60 o' Rotdons lfitli!-Eeoricatated Lattico =d- Polycrjsta.Ulno and '~~i-ncrals, by ch.- A. UnToycka~ ya. 17" -r.-cr 7 I-of; i ',,Iau;r-,t Nlauh, Ulf J, R=-1772 Sci -- phyn, icn 62 ,,t T. Timfeyar, L. A. Urvantsev, 15 TT. rr PeredoTcW Proizzvodstvam:~rl OPYto Tem 32, No P-38-5/3., 1953, YP 3-18, OW 60-51089 vAy 62 PST 391 recast of the General Characteristics of the ather for a Month, by E. 1. Tsepkmova., B. R. p,yeva - .'SIAN, per, Trudy Tsentral Inatituta Prognozov, 71,, Moscow, 1958) PP 3-10. DSIR LLU M-1535 (loan) I - Geophys :t 6o I -le". N %M7 5,9- j Abolition of Taxes: New Hanifentation of thr- Party's Concern for the People, by F. Uryapia. MWAM74c,~0- 12 pp. RUSSIM) per, Sotaiallaticheskij, Trud,, No 7, 'c .L9kSO, Pp 9-17. Jm 4138 USSR Econ nov 6o 66j--' 'The ODtim= Pasoband of a SDectrum Analyser, 'u- N. 1. Ur ' yer, !Opp. RUSSXAN, per, Padtotekh, Vol XV, No 1-00 1960, pp 65-69. pp sci 1"'.4F 6 /-~ 0 / jun 61 A NecesouT and Sddcim C4adidan for a Cbm To Be a Clm . by P. Alennhvff, P. Urmft. FRENCH, per, 2mmm Val tLJdZV%14i 24, 1923, pp IV44270. NASA TT P-9804 Scl - Nuc Sd & TwA May 64 U.S. GOVERNMENT ONLY 25B0673 Feb Ilucleotide Ccuavaltion ct Desoowribmucleic mid Monucleic Acids of Certain Pw*;i., by S. 0. U~!;qj A. H. Belozerokly, 3 pp. RUSSIM., per., Dok Ak rjauk SM., Vol cmam, NO 301pp 708-- AIBB Sai Feb &L Tme Nuclaotide Composition of the Desoxyribonucleic and ?.4-bon=2.eic Acids of Some Highcr Plantc, by S. 0. Urpon, A. H. Belozerskiy, 4 pp. RUSSIAN,, per Dok Ak Sauk SSM, Vol CXXV8, No JO 1959P pp T44-1147. Am Sci lal a00 Nov 59 Me Antibiotic Grizein (Orizm4n) eAd Its proftoers., by N. A. Itraslialkov., A- N. s9iozsrwdy,, Ys. i. poxtanditem A. I h~,reM,ako,, N. 1. Ilki,41mv A. I. Sokalafto S. 0. Q mon, 9 pp. MWIM., rv X.4-krobiologiya, Vol XMs No 4j. 1957V pp 915425. Awr Int ot Z101 Sol Sol - Mad Aus 58 (091 5"0/ The CcaS-a.,;l-1Aan, o? 'oh-- Fuclc-ar lk-ch,,.qLwot:ain-i of Sox,,, up IG~, 71 - D-z-, e 0 3 - 0 - U--7yss 0 n --)p 4L lo I~i, MMSIAM, part Biol-wim., Vol = will m "10 -,.933, r,P 568-573 Conoultanto Ilureau sci - Mology ',Pr 59 ftAy of +Ae Naclow FreaUams of Cortuln Tiesms of Aulml aid Plant OrIgIns by S. 0. Urysm, 6 yp. ran tr FMIAN# bim per., 1HOMIM, Val Mo No 2j, Xhr/AIW 19%$ pp 952-257- Sol - Blouw 41 A Course of Gtophyuical *tbods of Surveying Petroleum Deposits.. by Prof Le Ve Sor$.*.iu; Docent V, 0. Uryu L. A. R~-zbinkinj V, As Dolitsky., 8 pp, Table of Contents onl;t RUSSIMs bks i6sudd by Min of Hijw Bducation U'&98 State Sci Tech Publ BDuse of Petroleum aind IlLveral Fuel Let' 11occoti, Leningrad,, 1950. ip FWA-35 Vote: Year 1950 Scientific - Geophynico,, patroleump fwl CIA 1002912