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Tbe 3%;-nc"mtcel Formation or frionosel-etarides; Re-,,or'u, Do 2: Biochemical For n'tion ol' Pentoze,. bv ;, 1,,wochlro Uetnra pp. JA,-n'JJ'LU, p:!r, Filhon Kagnku Zcschi,, VoTLUXIT, n 6, jun 411-413, P, 4- The Biochemical Formation of Noweseebaridev; Rpt 1,, The Biochemical Formation of Tetrose and Hexose; by Kibechiro Vebars, 18 ppe JAPAMM,, per, Rhos Kagsku Zaasht (Journal of the Obenteal Society of Japm), Val 1=11, Vo 5; My 19529 pp 311-315. Nis Soientific - Chemictry -3 6 CTS/Dzx W-10br-011 fltxmletw or M-Imm diesel emcimai lus 441181vomer SM Ras Apr A IUte Nmdo of the lmaf of Artuctrepus ia, by JPZa=- , per, Science of the South Serz, -"Z Vol 17p ro 2, 31.9)ap pp 63-64* Dept or IrIturfor 2W(900) quanpr no. 3~-im sci-mise Ja a 6411 A Surrey of Tuna Grounds in Equatorial Waters, by Tokwo Uahara, 6 pp. Full translation. JAPANESE, Per, &M.-Suim-n- ;oho-, Vol V, No 3, 1941, pp 13-17. SaL.As Soientifia - Biologieal 17 Aug 55 k. UGhlinger The Behavior of the Mood Volume During Short- Term Bodily Wort. Determination With Cr5l-eM1131- Albumin. GERW* per#, Cardiolocla. Vol 38v 19619 pp 357-370 KC 72-133$6-06P Oct 72 Loo~z' v0 ~;" lort tclTnj 0 10 61,j 357 In"AlptIm an suffq~Adng MLIWw and Tachalim (nist avw )p br F. W16 38 pp. JAPA3=# pws Jowmj of lirtemlawcal ik"Jourch., Vol XIp 19590 pp 2M3. 9687261 me Sol - SWO MI & Aotrm Ocrt 63 -Cylinder-oil flowneter for mmrine diesol engineag bor 14, Uebamj A al. 1TSBAIM,p pers 123mmi zoom !grokvd-sM, 1963s No Lug pp ZILL 902-2-065 ('3339) Sci - Int Combus and other SIv,-c LrZ Apr - Tuberculosis in Twins. Uebliagerp H. Ibenschp Study of 46 Pairs, by E. 5 pp. =WAN, per, Beitr Klin Wbark., Vol XCII, 193E-1939., pp 275-370. SLA Tr 2556 Sci - Medicine J-~7. ~ , 11f Jan 58 .1 Vaporization S? of Manganese rrom Iron Alloys Containing Manganese, by W. Bmukloh., L. Uel-kl. ~ ~ W. T - I GNM,, per,, Metallvirteebaft, Vol XV11j, 1938. Bruteber MWINTREW Tr No 617 Scientifte - min/mOule $1.70 / &/, / Ye 61-16573 ,Qj,majjjL Ichitaro and Uc=atsu, Yoshiko. EFFECT OF CRYSTALLINMY ON GLASS TRANSI- 1. Uernatau. 1. TION TENIFFRATURE AND VOI_UMIE EXPANSION 11 - Uemalsu, Y - COEFFicii,*r~m Rcrx no. 1. on The Effect of Crys- Ill. Title; Effect- tallinity on the Physical Properties of l4igh Polymers [19611 [201p. 18 refs. Order from S!-A $1.60 6! - 16573 Tra n s. of K &i-, u n s I i i K a ga k u (japa n) 19 W. v. 17, no. 130, p, 2'22-2'26. 1 DESCRIPTOKs: 'Crystal structure, *Transi- tloncvn)peiatur,, Polymers, 11cattreatmcni. The crysalhility of 1,11yerhyleneterephthalate was successively changed by the thermal treatment of the amorl,hous film at 120, 150, 210 and 238LAC. The effect. of crystallinity on thc gl:igs tringition rcin%,rarure, -ino on r1w volunic expinsion coefficient, P, nt the samplo were d,~te-inined from volutne measurements 1 offi- .1 T..S-.~ S-,- (Mjterial~--Cvrarnic~~, '17, v. 6, no 8) (ove rI -Uematj_u Yoahlko and Matsudalra. Tadashi. EFFECT OF CRYSrALUNrrY ON VISCOELASTIC PROPERTIES, It". no. 2 on The Effect of Crystal- linity cc the Physical Properties of Hip. Polymers. [1961 j [25fp. (fvrelga text included) 18 refs. Order from SLA $2.60 61-16574 Trans. of Kbbundhl Kapl'.u (Japan) I q6G, v. 17, pn. JR!, p. 305 - 311. Another cranslation is available from ATS $16.80 as ATS-94M441 [19601 top. DESCRIPTORS: 'Folymcra. Crystal s;ructLLre, Viscosity, Eiastlc%ty. T~e effect of crystallinity on the mechanical behavior was StUdied ~Y (.;L '~ S 11r'4'..!9 -imple& of pn1yethylenctercphrimWe were crystallized at 12W"~ and 2260C. 0 -1 goes through a tfiaximwn At abouL IT3C., The ',emperatwe shift of thin mayimum isrspid (materials- -Plastic&, 17, Y. 6, no. 6) (ove r) 61-16574 1. Uemateu. Y. 11. Matsudairs. T. III. Title: Effect... Wite To,h,,ol Ue are YGshiko. a a ' NRA ~,,C ELASTIC MODULUS OF POLYEMLENE. A Rept. no. 3 on The Fffect of Crystallinity oa ft Physical Properties of High Polymers. jI%I I [181p. 7 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 61-16570 Trans. of Kobunohi Kagaku Oapan) 1960, v. 17, no. 181, p. 311-315. Anothcr translation I a available from ATS S 12. 00 as ATS-9.51',144-1 r19b!i! 7p. DMRIPTORS, 'Polyiners, 'Ethylenes, Ehmicity. Crystal structure, Physical properties. Four soamples of polyethylene which dIffered widely In crysEaDanity were -3tudled, The crystallinity and dy- narnic modulus wrre measured tram 2W, to the melt- ing point. The dynamid modulus drops rapidly an the melting point to approached and the snore crystalline TT, Y. 6, no. 8) (over) 61-16570 1. Uematsu. Y. 11. Title: Effea... smm* zoom* vostifols. halt Vot,3v 2960j Wo 444-4w jkAw 67 Im F 4p 44"WolopompWAP Particle Motion and Velocity Distribution of the Convaing Ox In a pnmmtic transport Una. tV T. Umatu. JAPAMM. per, AUSLAW-mm-b- Amm- %1'L. Vol 4. So Aus, 19a. pp 525-530. 0M0/4255 -r. a em fi T~k Sci - SOP 67 -340.045 ".The Pathway of Bmtter: Y*Um Iutroduced-by,~,Vgrjow Mothods Into Rabbits, by Smo Smi, FQld uemm~~ Ichiro, Taki, Yoshio Saysiria, 4 pp. Fun tramelation. JAPAMM,'Ver, gm (the arumm T&A-Mi of Research Vol X611, No 2-3-4# DOC 1%1p PP 94-0- CIA/FM/X4l27 Scientific - Medicine X&Y 53 CM 61-12755 Uemura, &, and Ids, F. CUPUM- RIZATION OF VINYL PHENYL ETHER 1. Vinyl cyanide-- WITH ACRYLAXTRILE. [196016p. Polymerization Order from ATS $9.15 ATS-OON48J 2. Vinyl compounds-- Polymerization Trans. of Kapku to Kogyo, Osala (japan) 1956, v. 30, 3. Coplymeriution no. 3, p. 73-76. 1. Uemura. K. U. Ida. F. Ill. ATS-OON48). IV . As socisted Technical Services, Inc.. East Orange, N. ). offico of 74chalcal $~Ic*x (Chemistry- -Organic, TT, v. 5, no. 8) TT-65-17067 Field 11F. 20C Uemurn S - Yokoyama 'T.; Tsuchlya, J. MNO iliTAL POWDER PREPAwNr, PItOCESSI:S. 9p (figs omitted). Order from SLA: $1.10 as TT-65-17067 Trans. of Patent (Japan) pub. 40-8027. Patent appl. Showa 37-40. 486, by Sony Corl)., Tokyo, Japan, filed 18 Sep 62, pub. 23 Apr 65. Mli 700 TT-65-17068 Field 1IF, 20C U S, _IemuraL__-_Yokoyama, T.; Tsuchlya, J. MAGNETIC METAL POWDER PREPARING PROCESSES. 9p (figs omitted). Order from SLA: $1.10 as TT-65-17068 Trans. of Patent I Japan) pub. 40-8026. Patent appl. Shows 37-40.485, by Sony CorTi.. Tokyo, Japan, filed 18 Sep 62, pub. 23 Apr 65. MR -900 Basic Conditions for Optical Tracking of Rockets,, by Tauneyoshi Uemura Hiiro lqakmmm,, 13 PP- JAPANESE, mo per, Journal of the Imseitute Of Industrial Science, Vol VIII, No 10 1956, Ewl to iR 194o-57., 6oo4th AISS. AF 1097509 Sci - Aeronautics Jun 57 Elimination of Copper From Molten Pig Iron, by Ueno, et al. UNCIABSIF JAPAMS, per, Tetsu to Hagane,, Vol XL13:I,, 1957., pp 265-266. Henry Brutcher Tr 4101 (1.80) sci - Mia/Met Apr 58 6ay 6d~ (365) Studion on the Mnufacture of Altmina by the soda.-Ume Method (POP014- 5). mverlla*ta Employing Rigb Goncentrations of Soda; by 1. Veno) 7 pp. :APAME., per,, J. Soc Chem Ind# Japanp Vol XLVI,, 1943., pp U65-1167- Assoc Tech Bv 95MOJ-b Sci Aug 58 7 UENO. I. (365) Studies on the manufacture 01 ATS-95H'-Oj-b. umina by the suda-lime method (Report 5). Ig high conCentrations of sods - riments employil Expe 1, Soc.. Chem. 46, p.1165-1167, 1943. ind,, lapan. - (7p.) 411Z?,j, UIW "zc o, - (NY-41718) Me Zffeot of Radiation on the Vitamin Metabolism. Cm=uicutiou 3, An Analysis of the Effect of Radiation on the Vitudu B1 Metabolism by Newas of Procaine Block and a Test Witb Vitamin B, Tolerance~ by lorl ~Jano, 15 PP. RUSSM, per) Wdit Radiolog., Vol V.. Ho 7, 1960, im 5761 Sci - Med 6o Studi as an AllqbAft U&bw Alcohols. Part 1. seps. Mum or Octyl and Vayl Alcohols. Fort 2. Ismis- t1ou or Pure Lmryl A"cobo] rzm bs&wtrla Grade Lwryi ALOWMI9 by S. Ump S. K*ml. APATMj. pwj, .9 VbI 49,9 i &M !Wft 2asat Now-n,p 106s pp IWO. Sci-Chm mar 70 403.0a Ucao. Itaru. M ACTURE OF ANHYDROLIS MAGNESIUM 1. UC0% 1. CHLORIDE FROM MAGNESIUM O)aDE AND AMMONIMI CHLORIDE AS RAW MATERIAIS, I'M. III-V. 11963119 Order from SLA $1. It 63-14707 Trans. U Kogyo Kagalm Zasshl (Jmpan) 1945. v. 48, P. 65-67. DESCRUTORS: O&Iagneslum compounds. *Chlorides. *Oxides, 'Aminonlum compotmda, Iron compounds. Silicon oompounds, Aluminum compounds, Calclum comp=Ws, Carbowes, VAgnesite, Pyrolye1j. C=CntB: Relationship of generation o( ammonia gas and tbe mLx- Ing ratio or raw materials to the purity and yield CC magnesium chloride 4 27 2 Reaction between anunonlum chloride and ferric oxWe. sillu, aiut~. lime, calcium carbonate or mag- neal urn carbonate, and the rewdon macbmism of dds (Chemistry --inorganic. TT, Y. 10, no. 5) ! (.)I ~ Of Tubdod brdm Ucwr4taru. MANUFACTURE OF ANHYDROUS MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE FROM MAGNESVM OXIDE AND AMMO- NIUM CHLORIDE AS RAW MATERIALS, L EXPERI- MENT ON CALCINA71ON BELOW 300~ IL EFFECT OF EXCLUSINC AIR DURING CALCINATION. 119631 15p. 9 refs. Order fmm SLA St. 60 63-14154 Trans. of IKo& Kagiku ZmhIj Capap) 1944. v, 47, p. 849-853. DESCRIPTORS. OMagooesiumcompamincis. *Cidarldes, Qldoo. *Anmuoclum cempounds. *Low tg=penWft re"arch. Air. 63-14154 1. Uaw. L 11, Title- Experiment M. Tltlo--. Mlect ... (CbmnI*M--Pbyslc&I, TT. Y. 10, wA 7) ININ d tf*A&d cb1oranilic Aeld and Ito Wtal Slate as Analytical &apnUp by W. C. Broad,, X. Ueno A J. Barmird., 10 pp. -~- I JAPAMS., per,, Bmaseki Kagaku, Vol IX, ig6o, pp n5747A. J. T, Baker Chemical Oo., MlUpsburg, N.J. sei Vol IV, No 7 Apr 62 of High-mole-cular Polymers Having a Good Spinning Properties, by'Y. jjjaba~ K. Uena , P. JAPEMBE, patent) Med 18 JuIY 52, pub. 20 Jan ATS-79L30J- Tar 60 w Vol 2, IN o 3 C;7- Effect of Scal ellulose an ftpr ftreqgth,, btr L Ono.. 13 pp. XMIAMI, per, I Apm A"oe Pap Pow MAv Vol uj, NO 73# 1957* pp 2V-944- A2B-2nW Sol ja 59 Blimi-natior, of lCopper From Molten Pig Iron, by K. u8no, Ot al. JaXFZESR~, p-er, Tct-su to HanaLl, Vol XLTIT, N3 3., 1957, pp 2"65-h- Brutchor Tr 4101 $1.80 Sci -Mln/M t ASr 58 Studies on Ball Bearing Steele (11). (E.'rect of r3(-xr.e I-Iletallurgical Factoro cu the Life of Ball Bmring'Steels)., by M&nabu Ueno., Teta-utare Mltnuhachi: Yutaka Nakano. -4maxwoR JAPANESE: per$ Journal of the Iron and Steel L M-titute Of JaPan,# Oct 1955s PP 1102-1107. Tr Nan Tr No IW~2/Bughipa/612 Scientific - Min/Metals oct 1956 m/dex 63-22296 Ueno. Minoru and Ikeda, Hayao. _ HOD FOR POLYWRIZA71ON OF OLEFINS. hffT I . L)ew, M - July 63, 10p. 11 . Dods, H. Order from SA $19. 00 SA Code-P-198 III . Patent (Japan) pub. 37-6642 Trans. in manuscriit o( published Japanese patent IV. S& code-P-199 6642/1962, cl. 26-B-11 (13-P-15) appl. no. 189D9/1959 V . Sel3aburo Aold (Japan) filed 16 June 59, pub. 30 June 62. by Mitsui Petrolewn Chemical Co.. Ud. * * DESCRIPTORS- Wyethylene plaefics. Ethylews, *Propenes, Polymerization, Copo~ization, Additives, Patty acid coters.' Metalorlpalt: coi powids, *Ziegler catalysts, OAlumiumn compounds. Alkyl r dicals, Alkoxy reAcals, Group IV elements, Group V e=s, Croup VI elements, OTtutalum CMPOLV426 #Chlorides, *Oxychlorides. (Materials- -Plastics, TT, v. 10, no. 9) Ofts of Ttchmkd 3r*" ion o.- Orpanic ",cid A. t 'Derivatives of' Carboxylic Acid), by Rolcuor Ear&da, Tadatuuna 11.1ita, -Y PC-r, Nihon Kaaa!m zamshi, Vol Ll".11, Jnn 2.5-51., -Pp, 152-154- C I-A /Z - 10 50 -31-1 icite Auz. 53 CTSlax ;Cka Z/9 Rwilitlas ami Equipmut of SaWmlia mhery Adm1W.Stration) wd the U&Wx4kcL Fidditg Port, by UM Takeo, 3 PP. JAPAMM.. per, Suittenkal, JUI/Aug 1958. cTA 6514W Mp UMOACj, VP 70201p COUAUM =d Gwrtompue Drouh m 99 Ps . Japan soon Jvm 60 (NY -42 ig) The "Iffect. of Radiation on the Vitamin BI l4etaboltsm Cormianication 2. Changes in t3le Vitamin B Content in the Liver and Brain, by Yori Ueno 12 pp. RUSSIM4, per, W-ditsinskayn RudtoloZiya.; Vol IT. No 4, 1060. JPRS 5oL6 Sci Aug 6o (NY-39a2) The Effect of Radiation on the B, NotaboLume Communication 1. Change In:the Vitamin I)i content in the blood and Its luretion In the Urine.. bry Yori qqg0j 12 pp. wisn"I per, Mealt B"1010SP Vol V.- No 3s 1960- JM 5124 SOL - w oat 6o -,L;~,-The Effect of Fadiation on the Vitamin B, Content D-,,'In the Blood and Its Excretion in the Urine., by Yori Ueno, 12 pp. .-,~K~RUSSIM, per) Medit. Radiolog., Vol V., No 3p 1960. JM 5124 Sci Ioct. 6o /& 6 / // ~~-j Preparation of Trans-3-Alkoxy-2-Alkoxy- Methylene-Propanenitrile; by Masao Tomita) Shojiro Ueo, 6 pp. JAPANESE, Patent 5219, Permit 28-13701, APPl- 29 Oct 1951, Pub. 21 Aug 1954., Part of 26-14354, SLA 6o-lo926 Sci OTS, Vol III, No 6 Sep 60 Preparatim of Trans-3-Alko;y-2-Alkoxy- Methylene-Pro nenitrile., by Masao Tomita, Shojiro Uec 4 TP13. JAPAME, Patent 5376, Permit 28-13702, Appl. 29 Oct 1951, Pub. 26 Aug 1954, Part of 26-14354, 1954. SLA 60-10927 Sci OTS) Vol III,. No 6 Sep 60 Immmity in Yoshida Sarcom, by Motchiko Tabloh, Kazuo Ue oks, 5 pp. Full translation. JAPAMB,, r-r, RU GanA (The Jaimpese Jowml of Cancer Hesearcb)v Val XU# No 2-3-4p X Doe 1950p Pp 170-171* CrA/nD/X-921 Scientific - WIcU6 Jul 53 CTS/DLX ,367 c;~ 6 TOBIOKA, Motohiko UEOKA, Kazuo Growth Inhibiting Experiments on Yoshida Sarcoma. (2-Pages) Japanese, Gann, XL, Nos. 2,3,4. 1949, pp. 149-150 X-548 Translated at the National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Nd. TOBIOKAp Motohilm UEOKA. Kazw Lijection of FUtrates Prepared frm. Yoshida Sarmum GeUe Des by SupersOnto Waves Jlapan~ise., Gann, n. we, 2#394* 1949t 139 1-556 !1 Q-) Translated at the National Ingututes of Realth Bethesdap YA. TOBIOKA', 14otohiko UEOKA Kazuo Observations on cell changes in ascites in growth- inhibiting experiments on Yoshida Sarcoma. (1-Page) Japanese, Gann, XL, Nos. 2,3,4. 1949, P. 150 X-547 Translated at the National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Md. .,N I rril" I- v D. P ST-495 Mmcuwtf,o IL V.---- Rerorts of -Explosive Uutbreaks of Lziideviic Diarrliea in the Rural Vistricts of Hokkaidro iii 19141. 11. rtioloi,y: Bacteriological Uaminations and TrLns- z.issiom of Nfectim to Hustan Volunteers, by L. UetaLts. JAi~ANLI;E, rer, Sarroro Igaku Z. Vol 4, '%o 3, 1953, 171-177. 10-17-69 Jar, 70 400, 123 waar Uaft oa Ruboar., by K. VolUagar, R- UetL. ommN.. per, M-z Vol 96.. No Es 1954.- pp 43-47. sac 7 2 sci - Jul 67 M3o7Z) The AnaUtical Application of 8-Hercaptoquimlim (ThlooXi* and Its Derivatives. Co=wlication l?.8j81-DiqUinoIy1dim1fide- A fkvi Sejecttve Reagent for the Photometric Determination of Small Amounts of Copper, by Yu. A. BankovakVt A. F. Uevinlsb, E. A. Wksbas 8 pp. RUSSIAN, par, Zhar Anal Mxta, Vol XVII No 2; 1961, pp 150-157. Sci Apr 6z JAIPAM M. ., lReport of the 112mbai crier, Research lmabaratmT,, Vol VITX; I'T -IIA18. Dept of Mmt VB nsh and WiWife Sery ftelfic Omnle Finbery Imat4ptions, ibumii. Sel - Siol ff 7 70 Dby 59 1~ Sm Larvae of the B~wk Marl1n., by Shoji Ueyanagl) Hiroshi Yabe. JAPAMEO WX PAport of Nankal ftglonal Fisheries Iff-% Research laboratory, 1959, So .10, pp 151-109. Dept Of msterior am 2 82 No 336 Sol - Biol AM -3-3 Jan 62 U6-VW of the Striped metrun, Makaira Mit~ukvarly, by Shoj:L VoyanO44, JPXIOIMI im Bwrt Of N=ka*i B*gloWa Fisbterles R"84u*c& Labcr&tOrY, NO U,, Doc 1959; PP 130-146, Dept of laterlcw UM *1 382 go 335 Ij /, 3-3 -.7, sc,i - Blol Dnmelopment of the Momap lUgh.Voltage Overhead kleetric Power Netuark, by Mq Ya. UfW". A. P. HamDv, Ta. ". Ostrovddy and G, S, Safmb&kM* ?8 ppo R~$.SlMt blicq 2,46MMUM 140 &a 19581, ppl~ 205~.252. JPFS 40153 USSR 0 FMEV mar 67 319.538 Orpnization of Begairs at Electric Pmer Stations of Nkmenergo, by H. U. UfaYev,, (tvaxApor, camun and tOR -- 18). RMIAN,, per, nektriabakio Stantaiis, so 3, Moscow, 1959, PP 12-16. UWR soon - trum,, aamo electric power Jul 59 (FM 20677) Mmov 'a Electric Pmw SuMAy In the Fourth Five-Year Map by X. Ya. NAM, 8 pp. FU31 translation. B=URS mo parp Oar LMOX NRLIMO so 4j, mimeave Agr 19474 CIAAW/9-037W USSR Econ Electric pwar The Out-.%rd Matlifestetims 9f Soviet PM"�Aa4m zr4 t%a 151=C-L-Mb 1e-f ftltat jq~ uimu), 15 pp. Enstituml, xo 7; 1956,. pp W96. AcBzo a-2682 ES/A - &-2b WOrl4 '20 59 Theorem of the Rean Was of Du*ing in a Filter Stop Band, by A. V. Welln". RUSSIMP per., kohnavy8s, No 32, 10, VP 49-57- porganm ftess Sol mar 6o ) // -7 Fg MY -4341) Toward a Generalized Tbsory of Chebphey Reactance Filtersp by A. F. Utel"man., 35 Pp. RUSSIM,, yer.. Iz Vysshikh Uobab Zsvedj, MWO WSR~ Ser Radiotekh., Vol Up No 6, 1959. JM 543f,, Sci Jar, 61 31yatheols of Elcotrical Filtwo Frcmi Thalr'teratits ,'.---rameters by Zolotam ftmetimep by A. P. 13 pp. yer, ftaotelghp Val xvt No 50 1960,0 64-72. pp p a b Apy*.kicetion of the Potentiml Analear 1&0 the Dasig~a of Electric Wave Filtexii, by A. F. Wellman MMM., per, Electrosvizzo 1958,o No 4,, pp 49-58. Pergum Press Sci reb 6o /4';~4f 'p 142A x a ts t~-i oi. to vlitmli-u~ for L,W%-.Iour W44, j-) 1143-10, iK.1385ML "Cl TU T-il DOR11.'G, A. Stahl Und Eisen., vol. 58, 4 figures, 5 -tables, 'MO words; 1938. .1 Behavior of Different Kinds of Sulphuric Acid in the Pickling of Strip Steel. 31rutcher Trans, Cwder No. 1042, 4~' 3-90- ~ Demecoloolneynid e (Demecolceinamide); by A. Uffer, 2 pp. Full translation. GERMAN, perv IMMICatial Vol X,, rob 1954P pp 76-77. S.L.A. Scientific - Chemistry A Aug 55 %W CW-/ I 63-1013f Ufford . 1. Quarles van and VIuSter, J. C. ,_L 75UUFUR AND ASPHALT, 1. (19621 9p. 10 refs. 1. Ufford, Q. van Order from SLA $1. 10 63-10131 11. Vlugter, J. C. Tram. of Brennstoff -Chemle (West Germany) 1962, v. 43, no. 6, p. 173-176. DESCRIPTORS: *Sulfur, *Sulfur compounds. *Asphalt, Mixtures. Chemical reactions. Mechanical properties. to a mtxture with asphalt, sulfur behaves primarily as a plasticizer. ne mixture has a higher penetration in- W 4'~ dex and a lower Fraass breaking point than the original asphalt. The plastic properties of sulfur are quickly lost because a change from plastic to crystalline sulfur takes place. If polymethylene tetrasulf1de Is used In- stead of elemental sulfur. It appears that the effect cd this polymer on asphalt to very similar to that of sulfur. This mixture also has a higher penetration Index and a lower FraasB point. However, the plastic nature of the ofto d Tots" SoRk" polymer In the mixture is not So easily lost. A dis- (Et%ineerlng- -Chemical. TT. no. 9. no. 10) (ovee, 63-10011 Quarles van.and Vlugcer, J. C. BrfLRIEN 1 (19621 18p. (forelp text 1. Ufford, 1. J. Q. van includod) 10 refs. U. Vlugter. C- Order from SLA $1. 60 63-10011 Trans. of Brennstoff -Chemle (Weat Gern=y) 196Z v. 43, no. 6, p. 31-34. DESCRIPTORS: *Bitumens, *Sulfur, Sulftircompounds, Ml;xtures, h1lecbanical properties, Chetnical reactions (Engino-ering-Chemical, TT, v. 9, no. 9) Ofts of Trh*W Swden A ~btbod of Optimization of the ~~6 Tnuisient Response of a Servo. System with a 11iird Order Oscillatory Drive, by 1. II..Ufim!!!~V-L 9 PP9 UKFUUNIXI,, per tik~p No 60 1963, pp 1-9. 9697183 FTD-IT-64-791 Scl-Elec .Jun 65 2829495 soconku7 DUTr=tion of ZWctrom~petic WaTes by a Diskv by Ps Ya. Uflatwvf RUSSrMm, perp 2hur Tekh FUp Vol XXVIUp No 3p 1958m, pp 583-591- Awr lut of Php &V rap - Tech ftys '901 Mo Ito 3 Sci . php Doe Approximate Computation Blectromagnetle Waves a Diffraction Patterns at Ya. Ufimtsev, 3.1 yp. of the Diffraction of Plane Certain Metal Bodies. 1. a Wedge and a Ribbon., by P. RUSSIAN.. per., Zhur Tekh Fis, Vol M11, No 8. vp 1840-1849. Amer lust of Phys Scvv Phys-Tech Phys Vol n, No 8 Sci - Pbys 4,51, '701 6z :Un 58 Socoud=7 DiffractiOn of raoctromagwtic Waves by a Strip, by P. Ya U91RUW, 14 PP- RUSSL43,0 pas, Zbw Tel& ns, Vol xxvini, no 30 1958m, yp 569-%Ia. Amer Inst of ?bye Sov nP . Tirch Pbya Vol in$ 30 3 Sci - Phys Doc .-i'wee in the Ph~'Cical 77 DIFFRACTION OF PLANE ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES BY A THIN CYLINDRICAL CONDUCTOR, BY P YA UFIMTSEVj 9 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, RADIOTEKH I ELEKTRON., NO 2, 1.;'62 AlEE sci FEB 63 2231744 MorLostum of Clr4dAdr FO&Wlftd MSgtM- alsous VW" ho .UMSUIA Imifts lw x. N. *Lsasv V. Tao Vdatwws T W . 0 0 bmwftw I XL*tmt TA To lab IL2# 0 " "95-Us. iv v Sd Or 62 1940639 Symetriwa XLlu*mtion of Finite Bodies of Ro"um, by P. no MIANuey) -a ppo msswt I radloten I midctrm, Vol vii, No 4, 0 AVA Sol m 62 4/40 0 Approximate Calculatim-of-the-Diffraction of PLane glectrcmaEpetic Waves by Certain Mental Objects. II. The Diffraction by a Disk and by a Finite Cylinder., by P. Ya. ~:A~ey"' 11 P.P. RUSSIU., per, Zhur Takh Piz, Vol XXVIXE, So 11, 195% pp 2604-2616. Amer Inst of Pho Sov Phys - Tech Phys vca. in, no u 801 - Phys &4 Jul 59 THE SOIL COVER OF THE STEPPE ON THE RIGHT BANK OF THE RIVER SELENGA WITHIN THE BORDER .. OF*THE 13URYAT-MDNOMIAN ASSRs BY K. A. "UFIMTSEVAl 22 PP. RUSSIANo BK, VOPROSY Q EME ZISA I GEOG W 11 POCHVI 1951o PP 218-237- 908M5 M 6o-2 1855 PL480 USSR GEOG my 61 172.,W 56 s-Tld --------------- t Rewtive Dyas for Payadde FIbrsa,, by L. D. DashnsUlajo V. N. UfMaer. RUSSIAN# rpt., Psipw -of the Matermim Scleaftfic TtahrAcal Caafen=e on the Problem of gyffiheslB and AnUutlow of OrSmIJA DYess(Ney 1%1~ 1962p pp 10-11. ZZ Ref: 5828.4 1963 (5975) (Loan) Sol - 3&~ Jul 63 S Investigations in the II. Soluble Forms or V. N. Uf1mtsey 3.1 pp. Field of the Azo, Dyes. Insoluble Azo, Dyes., by RUSSIARP mo per Zhur Prik Xhimj Vol X1Vp No 4/5p 1941, pp 600-90'4. Sci - Chem NIH Tr 7-20 7-,~Lj ---- Aug 57 Th-3 Mechanism of Bioulfite Reactions;, by V~ N. RUM", per, Dok Ak Naa 883HO Vol LXj Ng 2, 1948, pp 239-241. Res Info 8v R-555 Bei - CbLwds try Jan 1956/0T3 No 77 53 Mosau St., Now York 5t M N.Y. Researchea an Bisulfite CaMounds. XVI. The jBisul- fite Compound of L-Amino4~-naphthol-2,,4-diculforic Acid, by V. N. Uf ImUev Md N ~L 1. Chor yak# 2 pp, Fall tranalation RUSS10j. r*,perj-Zbw-A&hchjUQ; Vol MM, No 60 Jun IMs pp 926-928. Col -saltanto MUrmu Sci - Chm Nc 53 CTS 7 3 C141 In- nT--~ Z, atlorm ir 'of D-c~; Alr-I tp!, Per., &-,;x Cozbcb ,Cxim, vol ro 6, 1957;o pp 16,r-o,,,)-,,,-65Jj . Consultar.-I'm B=enu Chem -eyl i.,4-napbthaquinme Reactions With Bisulfites, by V. 11. Uf intsev. RUSSIO, tbrice-m per., Dok Ak lauk SSSR, Vol LVIIJ, No 7, 1947) PP 1377-1376- Res Info Bv R. 582 53 Musau St NY Scientific - Chmistry Feb 56 31, ;-,?searcbos ou.Sioulfite COMPOUds- XV. The Structure ,-f the Bioulfite of the Dye Allterin Blup, bY ,l!'. n. Ufixtoevp 3 pp. ~Iuil t2ansiation mo per, Vol =I.. so 41, APr 19529 pp QUA58,- loc), a-Z,4 -D 316 Ccosultants Bureau ~"Icieutific - ChemistrY Dee '53 M 75.31'-' '- . On Dizulfi to ComMundc. 4"Iv. --Irulfite Compo,=d of cze uxul Itu P-,-~actiion uith Fhenylbydratt.,~?,, V. D. UfIzt,.xv) i.!. 1. CherUak, 6 pp. Fall tncinlation., RUSUAB, jx-~r, Zhur Obeh klimp Vol =1 Uo 10,, Oct 1954 rp 188"-1826'. c ---, A Ii U= IS e r. 1: Cbmiotry Mountain Taiga Soils of the Transbaikal Region, by K. A. UfIimtseva, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Pachvovedeniye, No 3, 1963, pp 51-61. Scripta TEchnica Sci Jun 64 2592870 Influence of Apo Sax, Connittalon# and OcagaMm on the Saftko of various mume Grougm IV. Dynamo- metric Values for Men and WamM by J. M. un". GERAIAN, per, AngmaxgLusab Vol VU0 rm,- pp 251-258. NASA TT F-9W Sci-B/M Jun 65 U.S. GOVERNMENT ONLY 282,567 -V'ertain Contact Problems for an Mastic LaVer, by V. A. Pupyrev,. Ya. S. Uflands 12 pp. RUSSW, perp Prik Hatemt I Mekh,, Vol XXIV, No 4, 1.gGo) pp 683.6W. pp Sai ,Tun 61 Rotation of a Conducting Fluid in an Annular Clearmce Under the Influence of a Tran verse Magnetic Field, by Ias S. Ufliaagd.,.7 PP- RJSSWI, per., Prik Matemat I Yzkh, Vol XXV, No 3) 1961. Pergamon Press Sci jui. 6 4 ZU04 263,666 Certain Questions im the Unsteady Flow of a Conaucting Flui& Through a Tabe of Constant Cross Section in a Trasverse Magnetic.Pi-eld, by Ya. S. Uflyand, 9 pp. RUSSIAIT, per, Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol XXKI, No 12., 1961, pp 14og-i4ig. AIP Sov Phys - I Tech Phys Vol VI, No 12 205)058 Sci Certain flitiesof ASWAnting a coo&et.. iva nuld Uslug CIWNI *W&WA 7ie3&,, by 1* B, Malmmov., Ya. U pp.- F4JSM";V)"j Prik NIft I Aft VOI ZWS No 5.v J, 845-ft. Z;~6 15 Fab 6e On Torsional Vibrations of Half-Space., by Ia. S. Uf4and, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per) Frik Matemat i Mekh, Vol XXV, lio 1) 1961. Pergamon Press Sci jul 64 2631538 AxisymetrIc C=tact 2roblem for an ElaAUc jap5w) by N. rl- LobMey., TA. S. jXjjpd j 9 pp. RUSSUN.* paTp Prik Hatomt i YAM, Vol IM., No 3: 1958S pp 320-326. persawn lut pay 59 Flcrew Stability of a Conducting Fluid In a Rectangular Chahnel -in a Transvern Magnetic Field) by Ya. 8, Uflyandl 3 pp. RUSSICAN, paro ZhurTakh Piz) Vol XXX, No 10, 1960$ pp 1256-1258. AIP Bov Php-Tech PIWe Vol V$ No 10 Sci Apr 61 1373 Oa S=e Cases of Nonequilibrium Flow of a Conducting Liquid in an Anmiler Tube., by Ya. S. RUMIM, per., Zhur Tekh Fisp Vol XXX,, No 7. 1960, PP 799.8o2. AIP am pbys.710ch Pup Vol Vo No 7 /W Sal mar 61 Investigation of Transient Flow ot a Conducting Fluid in a Plane Channel with Moving Walls, by Ya.S. Uflyand, I.B. Chekmarev, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol XXXs No 5t 1960t pp 465-471. Alp So-r ',- a-Tech Pbya "Y vol VP No 5 Sai L3 Dee 60