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umd Scrolc%'Cal S udy an `~' ificirwo) t A.~p "'UtiprOlu.cic&AatibWy ~TL) alona in thii Os' talo lztent Leutic, by Livio Olivetti, parj, Gior. ItaL Dermt, e Sifo klQl XCUP No 3p 1953t PY 2IT-229, C:r A .? ~'d Spontaneous Carcinme of b1smary Gland of Mouse In RIO Incidence. Introduction of Carcincma type K (Umus) into the Scheme of Classification, by H. Olivi, C. Mencif iori, G. Barbieri,-31 -9ps-" ITALLUip perp Lavorl Ist Anat e Ist Patolog, Vol XvP No lo 1955t PP 5-31. HE Tr 109 Sci - Biology SA .1 W wa tlw ~bwklolou of iumary Tuwrs lauiAwkt by I'ljmthy1chul=thTww *0 6,kU/c .-Im 3ewr EnAsed to tim klelit', by "H* Qlivio at 4, ITALIM* ivr, Lovori Ist Anst Wiv 2ss Iwo, Ig mume Mast Cella and Mwiparous Epithelia in Mamwxy Glands of Nice Subjected to Hormonal Stlymbetion by M. Olivi., 14 pp. PDIJAN,, per,, Lavori lot Anat e lot Patologo vol Xv, No lp 1955v pp 77-85- A 9, ~ tO Tr 1010 3~ Sci - Yledicim 61-19485 Olivier, Roger, Come, Robert, and Coulombicr, Roland. I .Mortar- -Hinders PROCESS FOR PREPARAMN OF HYDRAULIC 1. Oliver, R. BINDER AND BINDERS PRODUCFD BY SUCH 11. Corne, H. PROCE~,'~ ir. by 1. M. H. 22 Ma, 61, 5p. Ill. Coulombier, R. Order from LC or SLA nii$1.80, ph$1.80 61- [9485 IV. Paterit (France) 1 002 148 V. Patent Office, Washington, Tram. o( Prerich patent 1,062,148, gr. 7, cl. 1, by D. C. (uablissements ibliet & Chausson, appl. 22 Aug 52, granted 2 Pvc 53, pub. 20 Apr 54. Agglutimitisig und f1wdizing properties are imparted to Lhe mortars by adding thereto an amount of synthetic plastic matei ials. 'Me plastic mmerials utilized aye preferabiv of the ola3s of vinyl synthetic resins, e.g., , alcohok. Polyvirlyi OM.e of T"61c.1 SaMco. (Malerials, 17, v. .5, 11o. I REALIMENTATION AND MIGRATION VELOCITY OF FIBROBLASTS CULTURED IN VITRO BY THEHANGING DROP METHOD) BY 0. M. OLIVO, M. A. GLIOZZI, 3 PP. ITALIAN, PER, BOLLETTINO DELLA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI BIOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE, VOL XXXVII., NO 7., ig6i. PP 325-329. NIH 8%7-62 SCI - BIOL OCT 052 213:718 (SF-1 100) POLITICAL WORK DURING TAUICAL EXERCISES, BY WL._2LLVA, 22 PP. POLISH, PER~ ZOLNIERZ WOL111103CI, VOL Xt I 1) 1:0 -131, JUN' ]/(j2y PP 3.4. JPRS AW A363 EIEUR POLAND M I L JUL 62 2021f427 InformtIon on lower Silesian TMustry,. by A. Olka POLIM,j bk DoIW S'Ask,, Wi-ocUv. 1959,, 48 54 A 59p ;14# 2150 gi4jp P-28,0 232,p 23% &F, 256",. y 266P 2TOs 272., 273., 27611 291., 293* 294p 298j 302., 307,, 3080 31% s 31.91 320P 322- JM 8350 REur - FWAud /,5-~ qrr Icon jun 61 bservoir Proporties of Cattounte Rocks of oil-bou-. ing itorizons of the P41gogene of F*Tgau4 by Vq 1, Danchev,, V ~vo~llkha" 2 pp. RUSSIANO per, Goolog %fti i Gaza, Vol IV. No 3-D0 1960 RRG Sci Aug 62 21110"1 5,-m Pmblm an'tbe Or4ft of UnnUm UUwz%LUz*tl*a,, Im Cameatim With the ftugy of Ifftet:Lv* PmesitY ~)f Ore-BearIM Carbawto Flooksp by T. 1. DhadbeTj mwin, pro is Ak Ink SM, Ser OmIs No 7) 19590 pp .16-25. AGI Sol Apr 61 Quantum Statistical Theory of Ferromagnetic Resonance at High Temperatures, by 0. A. 011khov, 5 Pp. RUSSIAN, per, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, Vol V, No 9, 1963, pp 2448-2454. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - Solid State Vol V, No 9 Sci Apr 64 254,538 ~m,,wnt%Lm Statisticul Thoory of Magaotic Resonance in Systmw with Strong Exchange Interaction By 0. A* 011khov and B. 14. Pmvotorov pp. 5 RUSSIAN, per,, Zhur Eksper I Teorst Fisj, Vol ILIV, "0 ') ~o 1963t pp. 514, - 521 Aner Inst of Phys Sov PhyO - MP Vol XVII, No 2 s0i Aug 63 Dormacentor Nuttalli as the Carrier of Taluremia) by E. Ya. Ollhhovik, A. 11. Leontlyev, L, P. Sbv-edko. RUSSM, bk, Tezisy Doklady Mezhinstitutskoy ,"tic-moy Kon:~cvcutsiy po Zabolevaniyan a Prirodnoy Ochagovostlyu, Posviasbebennoy 50-lettiu Tomokogo Nauchno-Issledovatellskogo Instituta Vaktain i Sybo3:o',-,o',.r 19-22 Noyabrya 1956 g., 1956, p 81. 90721W USDA Scl - Mled oct 6c Dermacentor Nuttalli as the Carrier of Tularemia, by E. Ya. C111khovik, A. N. Leontlyev, L. P. Shvedko. RUSSIAN, bk, Tezisy Doklady Mezhinstitutskoy 4",4c:h,,r,y LZonteveiatsiy po Zabolevaniyan a Prirodnoy Ocnagovostlyu, Posiiashche=OY 50-lettiu T~mskogo Hauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Inztituta Val-tsin i Syborot-.Ok llo~ab--'Ya 1956 g, 1956., p 81. 9972197 USDA Sel - Iled oct 6o '.ICU nb: vol ,umv, ro 'instru- soc o il, or gotkb*s Dogwrogy UPOt Lu.tb* VIIUV *t Tern"Wev by V. Oltkb*NgkagdL,, 7 MU RUSSIATI, nh IMCAU 28 %V 1964 P 3- nRS 29%1 11 r Ussp rol,, Foon ~,4;3r 65 276s071 Tests Conducted for the Purpose of Incraasing the Resistanco to Thermal S S hook of Runner Bricks, by 1. A. Oil 1. 6h. ShvarUxan. .---Ikkqvaw-* RUSSIAN, per, Opeupory,, Vol XXIII, No 110 19S8, pp 498-SO4. DISI 3630 Sci-MIM Jan 64 A Boundary Value PrdbUs In Generalized RydrodynalMiess by Is It 9~1,"kiyp 4 p. RUSSIM., per# Dok Ak Nm* 8M# Vol go 2f I-MO yp.v*-. bw Imt of fts Bov fts4lakWly Vol tup No 6 Sol mr, 6o General Hydrodynamic Theory of a Supereon1c Interfermeter, by 1. 1. MIkhovskly, 5 pp. R'USSUN,, per., Dok Ak Nauk SSBR, Vol CXXX,, No 4; 1960P PP 74T-750- AIP Boy Phys-Dokle4y Vol Vs No 1 sci ft 6o . p1,= - T,in-a-- Boundary Value -Problem of On p Cteneralized Hydrodyamics (Theory of the latwrftrcwter)~ by 1. "-, 1.,011khovskiy, 4 MSSIM,. per ~ Dok A Naak SM Vol =Ial No 5, 1953, PP B-01 -W4 - Amer Lwt of Fbys Sov Pbye - Doklady voi iii I vo 6 Sci - phys Jul 59 6t-13790 _Ql:_khgyik, Ye~ Ya_ Leonc'yeV, A. N., and _ Sveao L. P 1, Ticks- -Physiology DERMAi~gNTOR NUrrALU AS T14E CARRIER OF 2. Tularemia- -Sources 71JLAREMIA (Dermacentor Nuttallf kak Perenoschik I .01'khovik, Ye. Ya. Tulyaremit). 2 Sep 60. 2p. Trans. V-1604. It. Leont'yev, A. N. Order from LC or SLA mi$ 1. 80. ph$ 1. 80 61-13790 111. Svedko, L. P. IV. Trans-V-1604 Trans. of mono. Tezisy Dokladov Mezhinstitutakoy Nsuchnoy Konferentalt po Zabolevantyam a Prtrodnoy Ochagovost'yu. Posvyashchennoy 50-Letiyu, Tomsk. 1956. p. 81. Office of T"hatcal Sw%4m~ (Biological Sciences- -Pathology, TT, Y. 5, no. 6) (NY-5100) Medbianization and Automation of the PacordIng and Information on Wain and Freight Operations., by A. I. _9~ ~khmy~ 12 pp. RMIM,, W, Awl - a Tranqport, No 11, iq6l~ pp 63-67- JM 13985 USSR 17~1 Econ mar 62 39w;p sp Avw~. am AS-634813L"l 6' (". m 566 ftl ja 67 Tests Conducted for the Purpose of Increasing the Resi3t=co to Marmal Shock of Runner Bricks, by j,-&- 011khovskiyl, I. 8h. Shvartsmm. RUSSIM# per, Opsupory, Vol WHO No 11, 1958l pp 498-S04. BISI SS30 Sci-WM '7 J/ 1, 40? 6 Jan 64 (DC-1-102) A Rise in the Productivity a~nd the Automatization of the Operstime of an Acetylene Filling Station, by A. N. Shubkovp 1. 1. StrUbvekly, V. F. OlIkovskiy, K. N. M&tVeyeVj 14 pp. uncuumirisD EUSSUN, eight-x-yr per,, Dim Prom., No 49 Moscow, Jim 1955o pp 2n-2270 US JM/JDC-7,229 Sci - Chemistry kg" Mhav t4 i-4 BMWs a= 0 Lopt *f laorim Fish ad Want" Swguw Ha~-v vowu of Fordr nAbai" &A-kAvi Jan 66 3%6,o8M obaorvatioa of Poloations 13 th-3 B44M Exitt-ad ~~y 3 High Frequeney Source,, by T. Grjebioep R, More", -B. Olkwaky. =LAmnpm I-MIUrAt pQr,, JQUr dQ MYCIGM et la r-.AaiWj,, 701 XL~. Jeu 1958. NaVY 9361/ML 754 Sci - Physics Nov 59 6? P, el / OZgl/ a/ ot Spectromtrj Xootopic Analysis of Uxaniump by J, O]bDwslpjj, LO colum. rumcH. rpto MA 184p 1961. 9205018 Sol - Nuol act Apr 63 'o'ARC-Tr-5W6 1/, 6 ~/ Y Study of Uranl= Flosim With An Automtic W13A*n Cioud Mamber. Sactim 4. Probability Of-Triple Fissim with a Thia Fnwant of &art MA Lemath, by E. do U%Wa"; C. Tzms T. (ftoijWt 14 no IMM, per) Z PAP RBKUUMo Vol xv,, 1954, vp 477-4ft- AW-tr-3TI9 Sci -- Nua pa" ff Aug W '? / 7;? o -jive's or Us Prosertetim Mcd:h= and the DqmtlOn 0, %-I%craV -of Mod On "cb* surriml o- M7tUQc7.tQd -,A %be Length of Tim Tboy ICUP cubta YZ TM 0"vtw= of the R"IpIQa%F ty P. 1. 6?.bmv4 12 pp, RMVJO "mWsphs BO-vmmamna ProblaW Gemto- JWJ I ftreUVWYS KM%4 , war-owe pp Zk- 173. Bel Doc 58 I-Pe-a-lagle- DIAposio of Peanuts and Level of irerti3lzarsp by P. GiUler) P. Prevoti M. 011!~~ FFMM. North Carolina State College UOU Tr SLA, Tr 3/, 7SrJ Scientific - BiOlAw Protective Value of Eartb Conductors Cwmating -Towers of I.T. Omtftd Um2 1w F. onandorf, -- per) M Nmk%Z2cbnUSaw Mt.82brial j 19& No - 18) VP 5T3-560 Sci - Aug 6T 335-708 The A=aosy Between MACtrMpetia NMbineS and Induction Xachiness by Pxsnz Mlexidorft 8 P& =W) par'O = Zeal, Igo, Vol XLV'q No Ill PP 210-43- MA 59-17954 set War 60 /a f fff Vol 2s No U -_Q1IcmBmez, A. and Cota Galan, R. NEMICAL METHOD OF DETERMINING THE NICOTINE CONTENT. Pt. I of Studies on Selection of Tobacco Plants for Their Nicotine Content. 119621 35p. Order from K-H $43.75 K-H-2762-b Trans. of InsilituEol Nactional de) Inv[estigaciones) Agronlomicasl. Bolletinj (Sixtin) 1951, 1. It [no. 251 P. 1-27. DESCRIPTORS: "Tobacco, Plants, *Nicotine. 62-17554 1. OlleroGornez. A. U. Cota Galan, R. Ill, K-U-2762-b IV. Kresge-Hooker Science Ubrary Associates, Detroit, Mich. tj 6 (Chemistry- -Analytical, Tr, Y. 9, no. 2) Ofte d TockkiJ Urvicts 62-17553 01 and Coca Galan, R. DM'ERMINATION OF NICOTINE IN TOBACCOS. 1. Ollero Gomez, A. 119621 l4p. H. CotaGalau. R. Order from K-1i $0.50 K-11 3236 a Ill, K-H-3236-a IV. Kreage-Hookcr Science Trans. of Soc[Jedad EspaTola del Fiefica yj Library AssocIates, Wmfica]. AnIales] 1954, v. 508, p. 413-4U Detroit, Mich.'- DESCRIPTORS: Determination, 'Nicotine, *Tobacco, Cigarettes, *Smokes, *Chemical analysis. ofte at yec~zkw servi"I (Chemistry- -Analytical, 71'.v. 9, no. 9) Drainage Of Cholesterol By The Combined Action Of Choleretics And Sequestering Resins. Paper presented at the Annual National Meeting Of The American Collcqitm Of Physicians, by A. Rodriguez Olleros. SPANISH, per, Asociacion Medica de Porto-Rico, 1963, p481-8 SIA TT-65-14282 ~ . 1~ 0a r '(~u e- Z- C? [ I e- C cl-~ 344,813 (iu-656o) Lybaervation of Radiation Over Australia by YbonD of SputniR 1958- j , by A. G. Hertz, X. V. Ogilvie, J. Olley, et al, 15 pp. -RWSIM, per, Trudy 14ezhdunarodnoy Konferentaii 0 Fosmie're-kim Yai:fnam, Vol nr, 1960, F I--. - P PP 36-45. JM 10963 Sci - Sn -Rceearch 61 i>--c 61 Of r-mosita Of -u1:) c j,2 o- Ichn Sjuthora Urals an~a the Uml-T&u cT A. U by A. I ~Ollio V. A. RomanoV. RN BS !.!I' t., b%) 0 Sopostavlordi Duraleoz -Sikh Oiao:;lvn2%y 2-apadn~'g,o slaona Yurj=go Urala i ICU'* Tjra-Twa 1 0) x1c 93 ALI jan 6h Bmwatrlo Mmotmout Cwtlj)g of UrwiuMp by H. OLUerj, EM ,q Y"o my do MA41urgles 30 591 J=e 29622 Pp %T TA* " wm Awl-MI-2r-jq &d - Mort/mmt kvr 63 A a 4, ~Fo 9 StabIlity of an Elastic CIroular WIndrical ,RIwII at Nigh BAorual lateral Preos=zp by X. oulk, U= =0m) pors, ftWy U=usk Politekh Xn-ta# no %40. TIL f 5114 Sai PAP D%y 6o 7 Tho Survey Branob in FinImA in the Years 1958-1960, by J. OllUat 1T.pp.- FLUIM, porp Toknill3non AlUakm 3 is 1961, PP il6-W. (CLu ND A V. 51 No 5, 2 TO lws ANO NO&Ir ocog Sep 61 14 On Aerial Tri.angulations-by j. 011ila, p 1. FWN11.1 perp Taknillinen Aiktkauglebti, 1961, p 152. (C&-3-1 No T-4,.m6-I.., Vol 51., go 5., E T-r t MIM NORM" Geog S&P 61 / 0/ (,/o , '?,/ a T~.e Autcmtic CDordinatogmpby; by J. ollila~ 1 P. --l....- . ..... . ... Hil Pori TOIM-q'l'l I Dan 0 r~=.11,0. (,,, No T4.IWj, Vol 51p I~u 51 E Tr) ANS Nomir Goog Say 61 16 (0, 91401 Algoritlvi of Identification of Estonian Designations of lHoments of Time, by M. 03-liesaar, 6 pp. ne RUSSIPTI - r Soobshcheniya po Mashinnoiiiu Perevodu, No 1, 1962. JPRS 19793 Sci Misc Au c 3 Urports in Fmach 74mtoriml Africa) by P. OUivior. n=CH.. per, Tmwmx, No 294j, 1959,s pp 264-276. (CAU No TA2-T77.. &9 Tr) AMB 92/A - Africa Flem reb 60 1617f 77 14mitation of ;AvrvoltaCa in Tuned la..Gatrical Tranardosiort Dm-ing singlo-Phigs Sbort-Circuit, LT i--,. V. '0113havskii a G. I. Sarmodov, per, IMI&;jA A4k--A-i oauh SMR, -~`,arisa TekbaLeboOdit -awak U: ~rj 31,12 Xnvoati~Xtion of Cot*owdo Coutaizing a Tbrao- Kz-6-1mr-id Or-We Zx Rings I&, Ragatton of Myl Pst,Lors of Acids and Ix Acid ,A*,h Ammia a--,' Aniline. T. P. AtrtPw W4 G. 01'mn,,- 7 PY- ?,.WSZM, por, Mur Olbahch Main., Vol )D=112 1,P *,:,,,'-"Co. U Comultents Bumu Set - ohm tk IV 59 walpma JA ow ft" me Mo MUIM 'A* Vw WftL fttw at Aftw$*owlUo A" tr V, F* MAPW# 94 abow =d- va ]Mae No s am =two am 62 Im-atieation in the MIA of Cmpaunds Containlag a Threa-Mmbwred Ozide Ring. XIX. In"stIgation of the Reaction Between R-Arylglycidlc Acids and Amonla and Armatle Amineso by V. P. Partywv, C; - --,Olman,.,- 11 pp. WSIAWo Part Zhur Ombeb XhImp V01 XXVIlm No 7j 19571 pp Iml-1891. ConmltanU Bureau 801 - CI~em Oct 58 .2 S? 41 Compounds Containing a Three-VAmbered Oxide Ringo XIV o Reaction of Some Ethyl Eaters of G -Monoalkyl- substituted GlIcIftc Acids With Anilinep by V. F. p 02mm 6 pp Hart-TOMY ot-2~2,, RMSIM,, mo per Zhur Obeheb KUmp Vol XXV* Nv Aug 1955j. pp R37-2565. CIA C ha%. Consultmts Bureau Sci - Chemistry jun iL956/Dex p goat QW&Aa and 00 a atomaj, v4 900 so it IL95k$ s o PA WOW ac 0 Tr-(* Ollma.., oos . pbydno *45M Sept 67 (FDD 25036) Book Reviews of Publications by Ye. L. Nikolai, V. M. Bhl4mndinp Ye. V. 03Z o Ya. I. Solovyev., 4a V. P. T-Okarevs on *io-sicope~ and Automtics a-ad Telemechanics., 7 PP- OMMI; typed moo) date end source unknown. CTA/PDD/U-7387 USSR 0 7a) Sci - Physics CTS 73 Oct 55 Epid=lc Of RiCk4tIAOW on the Witerranftn coas". ~ by %0 Olq;#-rs - Jain 01wri, 19 p, FR=p per.* Rev do Path Generale at CoMeree,.. 3.956p Vol LVI.. No 674,s pp 80-92. SLA 59-15433 Bel Feb 60 V al 2.. N o 12 lz7 r..',-4 domic of Ricl",ettuioseo an the Yediterrancan .W~ Coastp by D. Olmer.4 Je= Olmr,,-19 P. MW , pary Rev do Path Gwwmle st COOP&reav 1956l Vol Ivis No 6740 pp e0-92. SLA 59-15433 sci reb 6o Vol 2., No 12 (DO-5965) Tho Erfeat of: Nev Ecanod bbamms an Agricultums by Gabriela WMM, Zd=k Sta=ovGL-j., 26 3M. WFML4L UBE ONLY CZEM.* parp Planovem limpodaratvij, No 21., 1961, pp 99&=G. .jpm 12365 EE'ur - Czechoolovolda Eaw AN'J-13 Feb 62 Results of the' .5twy of -the, Dyn"daw of pbrNiologioal:Z 7m ims in Hw: In the Arctiap by A. D. SIOnIm., R. p'.. 0110160kala, -and S. 0. am)= 26 ]MO XMIMj, Dan lawbW18 AcadOW of MOM"- Solanceip USBRx NDSOOT, 19k9. OGO Sol - Xediciate US= - VAIltay 1by 52 CTO Dex d B, e f C'hamu.Z i --,i 7,-~ OZId tlic, ' -' !"ll s c I v c G. i- Trubitsyaa. Sri X" '~o 5;, i9, p L _T 'Tas Sci ti3d 1,pa" Jun QAUMX NEMMIM so BIOUMRIC ACTIVITV W IK WAIN AM NWQn W WX VANNO WAMM WNW$ m MR= w %PAYMS BY L A, ISAAKVPAV F4 P. OL291MAJ 5 PP. MMIANo MM,* WMAIN AXOM I MW Mo VOL OLVIp NO 3,t lqk PP 72&7P- m 4* SCI ft = 217v123 Basic Metabolic PAt4 and T~rpojogical Features of the Nervous Syrtem in Mice, by R. P. 01'n3mn*~myaj, Witt. X., Fedcrov, 4 pp. RMSSIANp Wo Dok Ak flauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, NO 1, 1959v pp 237- ADS Sci - Bio Oct 59 /11 a Off - 5 *11 o 7 Th* Development of Series Produ4ction of HousinS in East Ocrmnyt by Ervin Olonacl4jkp 17 pp. PIZIM, per, Przagind BwOV1&4, Vol =Mt No 8~ 1960., pp 350-354. JIM 769 6 FXw - GarmuW Boon mar 61 on the Canposund Formation and Beh!wior of Cerim In its Allop wfth Yxon wd Zinc, by Fritz Motofs 21 pp. .~La~sk~i., OMAN, per.. Zeit fuer Anorssuisebe und Allsemeine C,!icmie~ Vol CXIV; IM 1920; pp 1-23s 9=679- AEc-Tr-5674 Eli - M"I". & 1,12t ,Tun 63 :~ .3 1)C~ \ ~ A CoqWiaou of the Autigmic Properties of Nm Antibodiaa amIm of Nonspecific On=-Globulinaj, by A. R. OU-dchp A. Me CIOVUikolry mWL4AP per$ lnommp Vol XXV# So 4# 1960., pp 646- 6520 aB Sai - mhY 61 Dofenim assimt w4opme of NOW Destrmtlan In the Raml A204 W S- P- Ul"fY=idvdkmp he vp~ RMMP pawbioto hift 0t ftows I - Mr. 1963P w- 3-wq JM 39M N Umfl ml Now 65 Mom A Lnudy at tbo latcrAml SuWace of ftals by the Dye-NAdoorptim-Method.p by Maria Weelawksp SojeleobLOir 39 pp. ,4=klt pmXMI perk Pam facumso xnsvtAtu a3rautus: NO 136j, SeAes B# 29Mq IV 1-26, 9MW6 Sol - Fma 0131-2 ~/, 9'?j i= 63 Olpinski I S-1 and Gabry-s, P. Research on Some Canditions of Determining the Ignition Temperature of solid Fuels POLISH; per, DjUjtt-,rjj Inst"tutu Weglowego, Komunilwt nr 59, 1949, 14 .pp. ,*PL 48o /j, on 6o-21353 ig6i W., Gabrys, P., Powlikowski, T., and Rozmus, J. Spontaneous Ignition of Bituminous Coals POLISH, per,, Prqce Glownego Instytutu Gornictwa, Seria A and B, Komunikat nr 1391 19531 35 PP- PL 48o s 6o-21354 A 1961 60-2L353 Olpinski, WoJelech and GlbrYR. PR'--,TT- HY M-MATION OF GHRTAIN CONDITIONS POR 1. Olphinkl, W. ri-ETERNINNING 111E IGNITION TEMPERATURE OF 11. Gabryn, P. MUD FUEL-S (Mdauta Nicktor)vh Dznqc- 111, PL-480 Int (60-21353) Vtoln Temperatury Zapluntj Pallw Stalych) Ir. by IV. Nallowl Sdence Found-Mlon, K. )tirasz. 1961 [15~. 7 refs. PL-490 In[. Wasbington, D. C. Order from OTS $0.50 60-21353 Trana. of [Glowny Inatym Gornicm. Komunikall (Poland) 19,19, no. 59, p. 1-15. D M-RUITORS: Sollds. 01-uels. Coal, Coke, IgnItIon. r Temperature, Determinatlon. X u 8 (Materials-Fucle, TF, v. 7, no. 10) Offic. of Torhnic.1 Smic.% izvestisatlan of Cwtaln Couditims fbr Doteralning the ignition Toppomtwe of solid raels$ by VOjQlech_Tpinft,R, Poml Gabrysp 14 PPA POLWRJ, Wp Blulebyn mwtytuw weglatfepi, NO 59j, 1949p pp 1-15. f0f / ~J-Y OTS 604M353 PLJM sal. - chm ;2- / 0 / V 4~Z say 62 Spontaneous lVitlon of Bituninous Omap by W. Olp . CkbM# 69 pp. PMM., PWO Pnee m4mcip D'StAutu Gommietva.- No 139.- 1953.. PP 1-38. 9,0 F/ 9~ Y:5- OTB 6a-EL30 Kim ftl - Cbft ;2 /,0,, 9 -V3 ft 62 on tha Reactivity of Solid Fuels by a DLUfled HaWers Method, br Wbjeiech 01giwkil 61 pp. 1:101MR) per, Xulw*n lAptWtutu Naukovo-Badawmw 41u R"e(O.Ovago.. No 42" 1949. OW 60-M598 PLA80 'ai , - Q= AV e~" la 7a ""k 61 (SY-2D93) 11'asks of AgrioUtiu-ml Scle=e., by M. A. ollnbmmkivyo. 44 pp. RUSS10i, per., 'Vest Sel I stokhoz SaukF Vol V.11 ljo % 1961, pp 22-54. im n9a LIM lill / -yj Bcon (DC-4580) Establishrment of a TecWcal and Roonomic Info tion szotem -- An Urgent OSShD Taisky by Viles 01"r.. 0 pp. GMW., per, Z der Orgenleatlan fur die Zuz==rmrb*it Ader Sisenbubmao Vol In,, Ila 3., 1960., pp 15-17. im Wi BE= - Sino-Soviet Blm lic ca -To n' A", fte After-Treatment of Folyamide ~buldlugs, by I i3nsp- GERNO, p*r.* Kunotgtoffe, Vol XLVI,, Ito 3o, 1956., pp 131~1~ - T.I.L. T. 4!!~B scl - Ch=is -,, ~, A - '. 7 -- 7 ., , trT 341y- 9, a 7 Aug 1956 ' DANISH PARTY CHIEF JESPERSEN ON CZECHOSLOVAK PARTY CONGRESS, EDITOR KARLSSON ON ITALIAN PARTY CONGRESS, BY ERLEY OLSEN, 5 PP. DANISH, NP, LAND DG FOLK) 23 DEC 1(;62) P 5. JPRS 17185 WEUR - DENNMARK POL . JAN 63 219,632 IDA THE ALBANIAN' LEADERS HAVE GONE CWPLETELY OFF THE MACK, BY ERLEY OLSEN, 5 PP. DANISlij, ilfp~ LM,0 O'u FOLK, 9 JAN 1563, UP P 7. JPRS 17361 EERU - AL'-'A[,IIA POL Jkli 63 221,047 (DO-3803.) ,1-ne CPSU Party program, by BrlOY 10 Olson , !, PP - D ViT, -'U, np, Lane Og -rblk. 30 JUD '.11 -') --~~p 1~ -).0. jM J.-Lq 52 .jo-pur - Dernarh /7 1?1 / ~;'~ t PC 1 '2 %OLI) b Local Changeo In the Stracturd of the lonosoare at Rigb Latitudeal by K. L. Olimm. SWTIM, per,, Geofysioft PUbllkanjoner, Vol Inp No 6~ 19420 pp 1.15. 841 - 090" mar 62 /Ap, -O-ee glactr1cal Machlolog bbthoft, by K4 Vo 01"up 126 ppe UNCIASS37mm '-^WAOWO=ft% DANISH. bk; Maktrlske StarbaJdulagmtoder, vp 3-40. 1j -,:7 A= r-TS-9139/V Scl - Electricity ft 58 Fetal Hepatitis With Ferinatal Death in Four Siblings, by W. Kiwrp Me 07.esen, 8 py. ------ DANISH, per, Upskrift for Laeger, Vol CXVIII, No 30, 0 1956, PP 80-872- Nin 149 -62 /P~ (v , 9 w Sci - Vied mar 62 GIML H. T'FA-9MYL-LEAl)-BHNZINE. POSSIBLE IMKS TO HEAUTI THAT MAY A,,tSE F&,OM THE USE OF SO-CALLED ETHVUSED BENZWE. [19631 Up. CLder from,SLA $1. CO TT-63-18477 Tntna. of a repilm from Arbomrskydder (Sweden) 194B, rm. 1. 7T-63-IS477 1. Title: Tetraethyl lead benzine 1. Olov, tL 11. *nda Possible... DESCIdMi,S: *Benzijw. *Moons. *Fuel% Ethyl Ladicala, Load cornpounds (BiologicalSciences--Tadcology, 'rr,,& 11, m 4) 0"1m -1 Td.1cm s._i.. rURTHER DrAM~ W GMAABMTICN XM MW WWO PAI~ IN TH9 fI9LD Of MINICAL mo EGMWIC IwmaTIONf BY VILIM WAF4 9 PPS Gco"j. MR 1117"Ift em ~IUFICN I= OIE AW*WWUIT W EIMWWN 0000 No I,, IAR pp 20420 iple Itm EEUR - SOV CLOC ECON % JAN 63 1145% Effectiveness of Two Fumigants for Soil and Two Insecticides Against the Root-Knot Nematode on Tomatoes and Okra, by Kenneth L. gam' N. F. Thomas. FRENCH) per) Efectividad de dos Pumigantes del suelo y Insecticides Contra el Nematodo de las Agallas de las Raices en Tomates y Okra, Dept of Modern Languages North Carolina State College Sci Feb 63 The PANdralblUty at the TAMOUM BOMM cartavi oowmnb aniftooddWaml. syntbod" and DOPOWACID of -"-Utmcoll &10*AU.P T --swco and CrjptowFdmLld*Wft nowtum, b,7!3,p Mwo GOVERMEM WE CM Vol 9m, 1955a VP 95509=- M-S'A TT 7-21*723 Doc 60 37loM A Contribution to the XetaUurgy, of the BWt- Fwuwo.s by Tbao Koatz., Willy QM34 24 pp. QZMN,, per,, Archiv fur dais Zisenbuttemfteeaj, Vol XXIP no 3/4# IMP PP 77,W& SIA 60-IBW sai 1~6, //0 AV 61 7 61sen, Willy and Maetz, fielnut. 61-18753 T1-lE BEHAVIOR OF FLUORSPAR AND OF CALCIUM 1. 61sen, W. PHOSPHATES IN RELATION TO 'ME FERROUS OX- It. Maetz, It. IDE IN T11E MELT AND ITS METALLURGICAL SIG- NIFICANCE. [1961) 97p. 84 refs. Order f rom SLA $8. 60 61-18753 Trans. of Kaiser- Wilhelm- Institur f~r Eisenforschung [D~sscldorfj. Mitteilungen (Germany) 1941, v. 23, no. 12, p. 195-245. DESCRIPTORS: *Fluorspar, *Calcium compounds, *Phosphates, Metallurgy, *Iron compounds, *Oxides. Slags. (Metallurgy, '17, v. 6, no. 10) 014C. of T.6.4cal sn~k.& 60-18858 _hjVn,.Wjjliyj and Wiemer, H[ans]. IMMISCIBILITY PHENOMENA IN FERROUS- 1. Slags--Chemical properties OXIDE/SODIUM -PHOSPHATE SLAGS. Doctoral thesis 2. Iron oxides- -Chemical of H. Wiemer, Bonn U. Faculty for Mathematics and properties Natural Science. (Aug 481 [841p. (I fig. omitted) 3, Sodium phosphates-- 44 refs. Chemical properties Order from SLA mi$4. 80, ph$13. 80 60-18858 1. Olsen, W. 11. Wiemer, H. Trans. of Kaiser-Wilhtlm-Institut fUr Eisenforschung, Ill. Bonn U. (West Germany) Dusseldorf. Mitteilungen (Germany) 1942. v. 24, no. 13. p. 167-210. Office of TWWcel SeMces (Unannounced) w I NAMICS Dune Sol 19P. 13 refs. - from SLA mi$2.40, OF IRON ALLOYS. ph$3.30 60-18227 Trans. of SE&M und Eisen (Vilest Germany) 1949, Y. 69 [no. 141 p. 464-465 and 468-474. 7U possibility of establishitig by calculation the equilibria of Iron-ricb alloys by the ald o( simple thermodynamic relationships is indicated. This cal- culadon-synthesin Is based upon the properties of pure iron, enAbling a check to be made oif its heat- content curve. (Audw) 60-18227 1. iron aLloys--71wrtnodynamic , properties Olwa, W. COMM of Tw"CA SWAM% (Metallurgy- -Ferrous Metals, Tr, v. 5, no. 2) bisen, w, and Eickworth, E. 61-16363 EFFECT OF BLAST FURNACE OPERATION ON THE 1. Olsen, W. COURSE OF THE REACTION OF BASIC CONVERTER 11. Eickworth. E. MELTS. Rept. no, 505 of the Steelworks Committee of 1H. Title- Verein the V[ereln] D[eutscherl Efisenji4llttealeurej. 119611 [251p. 28 refs. Order from SLA $2.60 61-16363 Trans. of Stahl und Eisen (West Germany) 1952, v. 72 [no. 101 p. 597-605. DFSCRIPTORS: 'Bessemer process. 'Blast furnaces. Operation, Steel, Iron. Processing, Carbon, Chemical reactions. OM-.6 T-4.kl S-4- (Metallurgy, '1717, Y. 6, no. 5) (nr-6-,,_~b) Tne U00 of Alloplasty In.Cected Wounds, by A. A, Yu. 6vidler, 0,j PP. of Soft Tissue-- j:: A. Ollsbohetslkiy, RTUSIATi, per, Kbirurgiya, No 8, 1961, pl) jpps i16,-,4 6ci Mad ini, 6? Precipitation Chrc=toGra*W in "atitative Analysis; by V. D. IMlMo 1. M. MWSUM 1. T. ewnOTO 4 pp. EUBBZANJ, biw per., Zhur AMI MAM.. VOI. XI* No 20 M=/AVr 10, pp 30t-169. CrA 90a= Ca Reel No 55 ALA - Sol - chemistry