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Setting and,Uaing Fixed Tbor==tric ftlatop by Y. DOUCCtj is re Eavouxp 4 pp. FRUCH.p- porg-Journall de ftisiqw at 1e Radium (Fra=c) Vol VMP No 3j, SwPlemento 1957j, py 41AZ SIA 59-15529 Sci Nov 59 Vol 2 p Ito 3 On the gUwtipaplw or the Torlary Dapwits of the Swth Part of the Siberiau Platrom,, by E. I. RBVWWJ 3 pp. YMIMp per.. Dok Ak Nank SM, Vol CM , No 3., pp 655458. AM sci / 5- ~~ .2 v ~/ jun 61 Conversion to the 7-hour Workday in Machine Building and Metal Worldog Natmyrieex of thq Moscow City Rmutive Comitto*, by S. D. Ravvin., B - M - OiDodman I. .. ....I.... ......... Russia,, per# Gorodskop MwqW*tvo Mookvy,, fl,, 11., moscov., 1959,, pp 5-7 (301oltation) CIA /FDD Sm 2M USSR tfa Econ-waps Ayr 6o The Hasotion of the Lunge to DIffarant Mau of Coal Dustp by V. A. Ravvias P. A. Snyakova, UML- RMIM: 92r# ArkbLiv J~atoj,, Vol Xnjo 1951s pp 79-- DBIR LW M-1345 ~, 0 - 1,,'71 KL') (iftu) sci 57/ Apr 60 ,*A* I L "I vortant '~L'Mcts La (;*cw*trlc optic$ of the 10"0*14love a by L' Raw", p or,, La 4ovw Sqiastic*qrj Vol wo Avt tx ;.,art La tiovue 4autitique, Vol 1944, pp, 5UN-RO, :A",vy Tr 4,al7i~ APWM'6 'f 11~29 All, -R Actonfts Investisatieft of the la"Ophove Aft RSIUCO- wav" f"s Satelut" OW Roas". K-14" V7 q W'. mar. per, Spam Sdance -Rovims, Vol 111, 3, M48 i.c--t of siavy Tr tio 434,%/APL 00 T-1495 c i - I-E. S "Civ W2677i Detertonation at %- Parmisms by the F gpp by * K Rawer , PA 0 1 No 100 30 NASA T sel - phys Aor 64 U-.S. GOVERNMENT ONLY 2.%f 29 62-24058 ACTIVE FIIGII FREQUFNCY SPEMOMFTFR FOR 1. Rawer, K. ION0.1411FRIC SOUNDINGS. 11. SFI,FCTI0N OF FCHO IL Title: Sel"rion SIGNALS IN T1IF PRFSFNCF OF NOISF [Aktive Hoch- 111. Title: Selektion ... frequenz SIvktroincter ffir tonosphhrtsche 17cholotung. IV. National Bureau of It. Selektion der Fchozetchen aus dem Stbrpegell Ir. by Standards, Boulder, 1. hi. Sprecher. Nov 60 112)p. Colo. Orde r f rum OTS or S 1, A $1. 60 62-240,S8 Trans. of Archiv der Flektrischcn (lbertragung (West Germany) 1960, v. 14. p. 373-379. DESCRIPTORS- 0HIgh frequency, $Spectrum analyzers, *Atmospheric 3ounding, *Ionosphere, *Noise, 017cho, ranging, *Angle of arrival, Radio reception. (See also 62-24059) 4-30-62 (Earth Sciences- Ainioqphere. TT, v. 9, no. 10) MCI 01 Itthakal saftes ELECTRON-DENSITY MEASURE14ENTS IN THE IONOSPHERE BY MEANS OF ROCKETS~ BY KARL RAWER) 12 PP. GERMAN, PER) RAKETENTECHNI~ UND RAUMFAHRTFORSCHUNG) VOL V, No 4, 1901, PP !17-121. 9677440 FTD-TT-62-208 SCI-SPACE/RES 10 JUL 62 202)205 Process for Inserting Elastically Deformable watch Crystals, and Apparatus for Carrying cut This Process,, by Max Ravvler,, 3 Ppe 01,pp-r! ---- GMWN, Swiss Patent No 246,3oe. US Dept of Commerce Patent Office Sci Llb sci Aug 61 (DC-5469) gi Peld Pwtkov Idecaogcal Axis by Nawn Rab OUO 7 M pp - GEM, perj, AusSeupolitik., V01 XI.- NO 12, 1960) pp 819-825. ipm 81095 USSR- Fz-China-S. Ge=md POI ~ftb 63. ?02 Twbidftyo Tn"VUWW ad CMW Of WU*X- IstuM AW4 by I*, As PAW# RMM. US 06pt istillow Fish sAd NlIkUib SeSVION BCFq swom of Faro4p~ ftsimrin Sel-Chea Jul 67 -5 PIP JPRS ol on the qmstion of the of the Nsdak Oroup o17 M. X. Rayaboup 4 pp. 4tratigraphic Position the Southern M*"# by RUBSIANj. porp Dok Ak Sauk SSM,, Vol CXVII# No 6v .1957,, pp U*5-1048. suma &A - 000pbYsIcs Oct 58 I'v. eye, Probbble Time of Migration of the Devonian Oil in the UralwVo4p Areep by V. F. Hayaben, 3 PP- . 1~ RUSUMp perj, Goologiya Neftip Vol Il,, No 6m,, 19%,v YP 31-32. Rev of Russian Goo Bet - W,,kVs 171001 Ayr 59 j On the Electric Erosion of Metals in a Spark Discharges by I - I 2A Ia. D. Raybaump As G. Kreatqyauwv RUSSIANj X biwo perv Is Ak Naukv Ser Fiat voi xvin No 2,, 1954l p 258. Columbia Tech Tr 4% $2.00 Scientific - Pbysice NOV 55 CTS/DF.X On the Problem of Determining the Distribution by Concentration for AUoys of Reterogewous Metfil PpVdera,, by 0# X# FlWhank.01, 19 Pp- UKRAINIMOO WainskV rU Mur., Vol 111p 4v 3y 19 58, pp 417*' to J/t5-r~ ATIC F-TS-9802/V phn Bel - Mfte918/*t&U Bov 59 0 SEEST (DC - 5003) The Program of-Juvenile Delinquency in Bulgaria., by Petur RVchev , 12 pp. .11ULZARIAN, per, Narodna Prosveta, No 5, Sofia, 2.0,60, pp 99-~-ao6. JM 3827 EEur - Bulgaria soc Sep 60 CL40 DC-21 Auttiort; I Copyrightel, by Petur Raychcn~, 6 pp. BUIMRIANO perp Narodm Kultum,, No 35,, 1958. us im/DC-L-illit Egur - Balgarls Soc - Educational,, Cultuml Nov 58 7~,,nl The Effect Of me ProperatIons on the Dark ~~D==b 0 ftop by Go 11. pp. WMIMP pwo Eye Zia I "A'p V03. nw, NO 12, Dec imp Yy eL-". Sol - MA Aug ( NY-3315 ) intraoutumm Tanta With Diatined water is brudiated DWp by 5. N. KLOM*nkayap H. V. &Vans, 4 pp. RUSSM. per# MecUt RadlolOgs,'No Us 1959- M~ L'-il95-N Sai - mmicine oct 6o a ftl m1w 62 .. 3"Ja 1 1. I -- I : I - I I... -- -- .1 m Clinical Peculiarities of Acute Padiation Sick- ness in Monkeys Previously Immized With BCG Vac.~: cino, by N* Ve Rayeva., N. N* Klemparskayat 14 ppo WSSIMI, per, Mu1it Radiolog, Jul 64, pp 374S, JPRS 27203 Sei-BiolUbd Jan 65 271*S25 lanUOMS Of PrOUMIUW IMVXdJAtiOA With LiViOg and Dead E. Coli Calls *a Radio-rulatame of AnimaU. gy N. N. IlaqurakWa, N. V. Ranva. pp. 21 RUSSUN, voi n. ib i, 1962. 92W99 .0 AC-Tr-.%28 Sci 7*~2 Jul 63 (NY-3917) The Influence of Repeated Injections of Distilled Water on the Course of Acute Hhdiatt5u dickness in Dogs, by N. N. KleMarskaya, A. V. Rayeva, 11 ppe RUMIANI per# Medit Padiol, Vol V., No 2. 1960. JM 5078 Sci - Med Aug 6o !i!aa Influence of Single )oUoa+Acw of Prolmpd sieep an CerUxln Distu3tamo of the Corbical Dynemics in PstisuU Saffering Fm Noteris) -.7 s. V.. Rwieva, 25 iv. hUSSWI. per, Trmly last V~Iwhsy Ne-&rXW DaYatel' Eor Patoflddlj, Val Ij. 19%.. PP 2!t219. M ()O-W58 FLAW foai - Ned r-- b 63 1 BM No- 70 7he effect of vf.,rb,:l stimulli directed at the "sore spot" iuring joint activity of the first and see--m6 jignallin,, systems and on certain vegetative func.. tions in pati-rts sufferinF rrcm hysteria, ~-y S. RVeva, 18 pp. I RASUAJ~, pnr, Trudy Inatituta %Ysshel Yervnol !'-watellnosti Seriya Patofiz, Vol V, 1958. OTS LA-11022 PL-4,00 Sci Charactaristiep Or intancticn between the first .nd sacond Afnallim, Systme foll0wing actilratim of a rlelusicml pathodycome stmeture in rationts suffe,-InF, r-= paranoid .&Izophror4a, by S. V., PIP. MMIZ. per. Tru* BMt*At& vy"hol lar"Mi Deyatellnosti SWIya PSWU. VOI V. 1958- OTS 61-31m PIAM Sci ol 3 H" C3 Features of the Complex 1jeurodynamic Structure In Patients With the Paranoid Fom of Schizophrenia., by S. N. -Rayeva,.,9 pp. Russiki, per., Zhur Vysshey Derv Deyatel Imeni 1. P. i~,avlova., vol x, Iio 4) 1960., PP 519-526. EP Sci Ap r (:' ) 2 192)744 Sme Disozdero of the Intenctlvity of the First and Seeond SigaaLlimg 4stem In Wetwda, by fl. N. Rwjeva) 26 pp. IIMSIANp per,,:ft* Lwt Vywhey Nermy DeWatell ger Patafftlol, Vol 1,0 IV 48-M. 00 60-2*8 PLJM &d- Ned rab 61 PST No. 70 as at Akpww iL & two'. m *% I - mablulkam ? 7 9 s-. k, 6d - mm wIt us COO ~q~;-,~~z -,.v ; R / "l/ c_ u4#= M&tallfo KRpetic -RecordiM Media,, by I.I. W. lWyevrakayal 11 pp. H=10, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSRI Otdol Tokh, Nmuk metal i Taylivoi, No 4.0 1959j, vp u4-m- awym u-1030 NOT FWAABANA TO FORUM IMOULS Sci - Eleetrm Aa 61 AW/ 016 USIB INTEFOM USE ONLY Invest1gation of the Structure of New Defoxnable Magnetic Ailoys~ by M. . -N._Aqyq kqyap 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per) 1z Ak Kauk SSSR) Ser FiZ, Vol XX111,, No 3, 1959) pp 266-zlO. Columbia Teab sci Apr 6o r"--"fcct of Inhibition of the Controlled M, ;t.,ational Variation of tht~ Femeantative Prol). ,z,-,-lkAc3 of Youata, by K. V. Kos:Uto,,r ~,-nd 0'. G. ,-'x,yevskaya, 4 pp. per, Doh Alk Nauk SSSR, Vol CMT, 110 ht., r 959~ v.) 870- Ainer In.,100iol Sei 6o The Compantive Autlcoundsw* Activity of Pbenothiallim Derivative91li It r. Luntal Mactrical Shooki, by 1. S. RqMkiy; Ums ly hol I Iled RUT~ Val LI 50'.2 450 Sept 61 Effect at ImIxim WAIstlas an *a lktatica. Udod A4o~U" VkiAtUtr of Youts to swxwe - - - - - - "I by L V. Vmftwp 00 0. LW~M 9 m. musava per:, *loop# 3w 7AA. Bffect of concoutration of opou%c sostmte on TarUbLIlty oUlammuc lrqportbs of Ye"tip by I* To l"Ibme 00 40 own 3 PP,, RMVJa per# D* Ak ikvx smo va a=# wo 60 X9580 pp 2m-. Awr lut at Dua W Sci - Wd Effect of a PierturUtion in the ReflectoT of a Pile Came of a Hadlal Chawelj by Bo lerouget V. ftr.v.skip 15 'pp. Mont xpt,. Rffat d1une Pbrtuit4tion dans 1e Reflactour d-me PUes, Nov 1957. A= 33Y0 scl - NU4 PWO ftv 58 Butadiaw-strnwW -Polowt brY B- I. Himmat"$ At B. Ptayavsklyfl-p- RUBOWs parlIguOubt ftsims go 10i 1959P pp 24-26. Res Assoc of ftItIsb Rubber Um Bel A.-Ir, AmMUe IR 7 V?X~, Apr 60 A Decade Scaler With Semiconductor Triodes; by B. N. Rayevskiy, L. ii. Romanov, et al) 3 PP- RUSSMI, per, Prib i TeRh EImper, No 1.., 1960) pp 62-63. R ISA Sci 22 jun 62 200,033 vlotq~ Tongs w so No rab"s 06 V. ftvmurt 4 lei . 0 11 Ins YWO stat 3b 11, 19610 0 mlow. old am 62 fta ludustri4lizetion of PlfaUus by 0. V, ftpyokiy,# et al, V= MBIAMP pers IY4 IStroltal TOM$ No pp 10-13* Doll us an lm ma 6o Tiro,co, by G., V,,__-P.aYevfjkiy. MCIL Avtc,-n Svrinrn, Vo 5~ 1956~ D3mi LLu ,m, a28-0 (loan) Oci F ob 6o a ~e on Brittle Fracture of We]Aed Storage Tanka and Other Strtzetuxes, by G. Ve 28 pp. MWIM.. per, Avtomat Ovarka., so 6, 1955,, Pp 3-18- 9660730 A= =,-569/in 8a - Pb'yq Apr 61 ICA04129-14 Tha use of Coiled Sheet Steel. A Progressive Trend in Design of Welded Structures, by, G. V. -- Raymkiy,-5 pp. RTMIAIN,; per., Avtom&L Svarka,, Ao 7j, 1960., pp 26-32, IWA Sci Aug 61 /~ 3 a /~ 61-19394 Rayevskiy. G. V. ON BRITTLE FRACTURE OF 'A%LDED STORAGE 1. Storage tanks--Fallure TANKS AND OTHER STRUCTURES (0 Khrupkikh 2. Welds--Fracture Razrusheniyakh Svarnykh Rezervuarov I Drugikh 1. Rayevakiy, G. V~ Konstruktsiy). 3 Nov 60 [291p. 23 refig. MCL-569/1. It ~ MCL-569/1 Order from LC or SLA mi$2.70. ph$4.80 61-19394 Ill. Technical Information Center, Wright-Patterson Rough draft trans. of Avtomericbesicayn Svarka (USSR) AFS, Ohio 1955 tv. 8 1 no. 6, P. 3 - I B. The reasons for brittle fracture of welded structures are investigated. The conclusion is derived that in- creasing the cross section of components Is wx effec- tive in preventing this type of failure. Ways of mcrvas- ing structural strength without the use of additional metal are investigated. (Author) Offim of T-6W LM-- (Engineering- -Mechanical, TT, v. 5, no. 10) Anticonvulsive Properties of Soma Phenothiazine Derivatives, by K, S,_gVqj&kjy.*_8 pp. RLISSIAN,, per, Zhur Nevropatologii i Psikhiatrii imeni So So Korsakovs, Vol LIX9 19598 pp 129-134, NIH 1041-63 (Loan) Sci - Biol 4 Ned Noy 63 R'4 30'5'!~ / fte effect of maim derivatives on the dmlopwvt; of experimental toxic Ift edew of'the lmp, by L S. Rarvol;,yp 3 pp* BUSSM Mp Spl Zkoper Blol I Ned,, Vol 43,v So 9", 19578 pp, 33-34. Conslatante &I - Obd im 58 Radio Amateurs and Their Work ip Help n,jv Kolkhoz Villages, by vsk~. EMMASSIFIED ~, _RVe v~ No 2p Noocowp Feb 19540 RUSSIAN2 pers Radio PP 10., 3.1. GOTA Tr No 655/r USSR Sociological - Nov 54 CTS Measuremont of Linear Accelerations, b- N. P.-Ray.evskiy, M, 1. Subbotin, 74 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, lzmereniye Uneynykh Uskoreniy, Moscow, 1961, pp 1-62. 9668361 FTD-TT-62-860 Sci-Engr apr 63 ;2;t q '~ ;) 0 Tmneduaers for Mechanical Parameters of Machines by, N. P. &XMLyk~iys 3W PP. RUSSIM., bk., DatcbW lWhazdabeekUb Pwametrov, Meabluo x0eamp 1959" pp I-Ima 1 9W304-V rn-22-62-1334 Sol-" Nov Q 2-V 2 1 ~, /5.3 Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Pnmatic Drive of a Welding Nhabines by I. I. ArboboleVokly* Be Va Gertop A, 3- Kd)rin5k1yp No Pe Bomaku) OD PPO ............... RMBIJU# pers, TERU Bemini&ra DO Town Hwh i MEh. Vol XjVj No 5ba 1954# pp 5-19. Marria D- Fried=m $10,00 Scientific - Engineering CM 73/Oct 1955 a?11YYO41j Van Party Orgmillzatlaa In tlw l5Uv#&l.* for agh-"'21tr Trdj4*g# py F-D. R"wskiyp To. So Mini 8 ppo RUDSM, per, Vast Tos FUMp No 8# 1"8# 9y 9-if 645394. AM W - Asro fty 59 c? 7,p RA The Application of the Yethods of Statistical Dynami s to the Computation of the Characteristics for Certain Automation Objects, by S. Ya. Rayevskiy, N. S. Raibmanj 10 pp. RUSSTAN,, per., Avtomat i Telemekb., Vol No 11, 19k: pp 1466-1474. MA sci 2o4,oBg jul 62 Irbe Dynamic Accursay of a Sewo Systes Containing A Non.Unear Link With a Polyawdal Cbemateristiep by Be Ya. Paymkiyjp 8 p. RUS67M., pwi, Avtomt i Tel=ekbo Vol Vul:v NO 112 19M. Yp IMO-IM6. Instru Soo of Amer Sci Feb 60 71e On the Synchrcelzatim of an OacIllator by a Slausoidal Sigul 1A the presence of Fluctuatim Nola*, by S. Y&. Fmavakly,. A. V. KQMIOv, 7 pp. 40 RMSIM,, per, Raftotakh i Aleltronj Vol in, So 4, 1958) pp 507 -511. Pargmw Press Sci - Electron z4p-15~" 'p:5 I/ SeP 59 Reactor G 1. Measurement of the Temperature of the K-outrons in Reactor G 1, by V. Rayevski, B. Sautiez, 4 pp. FRENCJJ~ rpL CEA-670 'T', Mesure de la Temperature des Neutrons dans la Pilc G, 1, 1957. *AEC Sci - I-lac Phys Sep 60 (NY-634) Speech Psychaloa in SovIet Psychologloma Sciences for 40 Years, by A. N. Payevokly, 252 pp. RNSIMp Up Polkhologlys Plechl v Sovetskoy Polkhologichookoy Na*e &a 40 let.. 19%.. pp 1-123. im 9w USSR A soc se. P 6 1 kdtuem*', Rmand by ftpW,SWO Offbkvows an the Adb=Aoup by 6, & VDI*Myo V. G0 " Yen-MY, st &4 am RUS" a pp 12"- 21W.0 "926941 MNO* S-SSIt Vd CLO 1%39 ARC-SC-T-"-1635 f I~y SCL-Phys Jan 65 271,7% xx, ]IQ 22-2r,. 17 Mathods of achieving Increeaed rubber-to-lubric adhesion by calendering,, by 111. G. Mtaizoluo V. a. *~k#, 5 pp. RUSSIO,, per,, Muchuk i Hezinaj, Vol XVIII., No -L, 1960) pp 16-21. Res Assoc British Rubber Manuf Sci Aug 6o - /~ 3 qi I ~V- Cortical Potentifts in Rela-Von to Different, Functional States of the Refpiratory Centre) by _Y. -S,~~skiy-y E. 1. Kuznets , V. V. Antipov,, S. V. Tolova., 10 p. RUSSIAN, per,* Fis Zhur SUR, imed 1. M. Sechenova$ Vol XLV., No 10., 1959j,-. ppe 1192-1200. Perp= Press Sci Apr 6o (8-5472) (D0-3082). 00aftralm Pmlstam to ftaxis in DOP with Bab? ImAttuy pradmea btwou In ths Veutridn of US Uut# bY A- L SOUMOVP a. ave"Uh Too L mmmut T. pe Ralabs Mr /s 7 W - *do M81010a Yeb 60 CalcWAting the Nudws of Mh=mU by the RiUBW *thodp W ve ve p Ye :RMZM# bim Vw# Zool Vol XMp 1937s pp 90-960 w Dspt of zaterlor Ir X0 97 tm ftleftim 0. woug 080 5k ca C on / 11 ?0 GVW Aw*lm solamas 0 nauw r4w" aw " amom !009 lorerv -oril Special features of the use of glass fibre and the properties of, rubber-fabric materials based on it,, by I'll. 0. Maizeles V. 0.-Payevsklyp 5 pp. RUSSIAN, purp:Kauchuk I Razims Vol XIKs No .12,, 1960s pp. 18-23. 801. 14 OP ? xy .4 sapt 61 The Fhysician's "Radiotelescope". by B. ftrvsky 4 pp. j RUSSW, np, Izvestiya, 17 Aug 1962. The Daily Review V01 VIII, No 71 (480) Friday, September 7. 1962 Sci - Space Res, Med, Biol Sep 62 of aqaw DISSOIV" is *"&ro- by J. XWSSMO A~ CIMS& of$ Wto' VEOOrAs At i WE ACSI JPZM ID 220021267 sci-Sucl SrA Am 6? El=&-rimstal Production and Use of Insecticidal lacquers end Palnts,, by D. F. Yasikovg V. A# Rundkwiet,D V. 1. Phygorods py. RWSXAN,, per,, Zhur Mikrablol Wdemial i bmw3obial,, My Vol UMI& No Ot 195T., PY (4-69. Pvron= Lut Sci - Md rov 23&_ rimental Fumigation of ObIps It the Cc~rclsa Port of Leningad wLth Cyclon B and Do .1by -D#. F. yalikovo ve Tat 3 PP- RMSVJ,, per# Zhw Ktkmblol MONSWO) I. DoubabLols Vol MWO no 2p IMP PP 3M_UA. PUVMA but 801. - Ned Jan 59 G The Problem of Dagansing after ftsiftcation oZ Ships wM Prayefttiona of HydrcayWc Acidj, by D. r. yazlkwo V. Ta" P04garoad 4 vy, AqUSSXAN, par, Zbw Wwbblol 4idmial I Dauwblol Vol xxvilleza 8# 19310 py-T2-76a Fwt&WM Sai - 16d rav 58 fte UnctleldaL AcUou of arboeyanic Aeld x &IMF p JA as Taoism" or T""If is L"48fMa XUVMRUU UntM ftlto-by'D V. y. %&$lbDV,p V. A.. hoMmUtO.T. V&. Pp noww"al lu xM lb. 40 lot 19. luouk Not ftl - MMSIM Fob 99 Acetylene Dalvativea- LMW. Syntbasis and Study Of Baterocyoud 00*OU*b. 6. 8pth"Is of 4-xthml 4-W&Wpiparidiaeo by Coademastion of Acetylene With Y.Pi"ridom., by 1. 0. ftzarov, V. U. RAN= RNSIM-No Is AUd ft* 8M# Otdol Dix ftukp so 6.- loss #p 9i-410 AOMM TVCb 6Y pj.3~5 Sel ~,,,C~Q~try spjdog - Aug 10 Vwv NgidW-mt for Hechanintion and Autemation of Mevatcr Oyx!rat:iA= in Drillingj, by R. F. RM BUY" 10 pp - W., P07-i Doft Xhoz UMIts Vol =V1, Alb 3~ 195A PP 15-24. Ms 3W6R Bel - ftgr 4:~Scc 't;Lc6 MW 59 OT3 T (M-3064). ,,I speak the Tratill, -- couresaion or ca irasi. to 23 yr. Cctmmuist., by.Cc=,ad!, R ARABIC,, nP, B&Odadj Aus 3-7., 16p 1959. JPRS-L-1911-D NZ/A - Iraq soc Oct 59 A. Rakkh Calculation of the laterial-dynamic s&ability of aircraft, 82 pp RUSSIAN per, Trudui Tzentrallnbgo Acro-Gridrodinam- Jx.heskogo Instituta, 1939, W453- 0 Sci Museum Lib No 52/1007 /~ 9 7 %-) -~~ Helicopters in Support of Railroad Transport., by V. Senkov, I. Raykh.. B. TAkhtin., 7 PP- UNCL RU3SIAN) np, Oudokp Vol XXXVIIIp No 38.. (10168),p 14 Feb 1959, pp 1-8. Y' I ATIC ML-122/iii USSR 330 Econ jun 6o Raykhbatun, Ya. D. and MaW. V. D. DEPENDENCE OF THE LINE WIMNSITY IN AN ARC DISCHARGE SPECTRUM ON 771E CURRENT STRENGTH. [196117p. 8 raft. Order hvwn MDF $4. 50 KfDP R-124 Trans. of izveadya Vlysshikh] UtdwbwfM I Z[svedent) 1. Fizike (USSR) 1960, no. 4. P. 147-151. 61-12959 1. Electric currents- - Physical effects 2. SpectragmpMc analysis- Theory 3. Electric arcs 1 .Raykbbawn, Ye. D. 11. Mabkh. V. D. 111. MW R-124 1; 7v%dumm. Morris D., Inc., vv~ .'Immon. Mass. Waco of T.Cweal S"'i-S (Physics- Spectroscopy. TT, v. 5, no. 10) ,')n a Po4sible. Cause Of the "COXTier" EfTect :Lv ,ipectral Amlyals., by Ya. D. ftftbaum.. V. D. Mmlykho 3 PP- fa;==., per,, OFM4 spwrtro, Vol X, No Y)61, ~T 524-527- 1 S- 2 11 OBA r,ug 61 The CaUulation of T.mmi"'Respowes Lu Autowtia -Contra systmp 1v V. Lm R~1210 P. ROSIM,p pw A i fjrlvl~ 0 T*l =0 No Uv 1958" pp lustxu Ow of Amr Sol Ayr 60 Machanizatlon of Proftc+Aan Prooesses at Sverdlovsk OPP M~ Transport Departuents by A. S. ftykheVj?!!) 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Vestdk Bvmlg No 5(k78)p 1963. JPRB 21M USSR Econ sapt 63 343.,997 POWWA Errom of XoVWd In W03* L fte wwti(m of Vlnl=Q A==U of Ty*= LUkM*lu# by A. V. L.~t-.Fbaldiwo It So KOGUvdms 3 3 Rusems P", vlm~~# Val tv, No 2s 1959o pp 229-231. Porom Pft" so& Apr 60 (FDD 25844) A Header's Comment on the Articles by Tu. A. Osipov- Concerning the Effect of High Frequency Currents on the Human Organism# by S. A. Paykher, 4 pp. HUSSIAlis mo perm Qg L Sign No 29 Moscow# Feb 195% pp. 52p 53. CIA/FDDIU-7492 USSR Sci - Medicine# physiology S-122/61 (~41 - ('w? ) . Histochemical Research on the Activity of Certain Respiratory Enzymes in Cells of Connective Tissue Normally, during Inflammation, and in the Process of Development of Experimental Sarcoma, by N. T. Zakhli~ v Yu. M. Vasillye 2 r RUSSIAN, bk) I Konferentsiya po Voprosam Tsito- i Gistokhimii. Doklady, Dekabrya. 196o goda, 1960) pp 64-66. JPRS Sci - Med 9 mar 61 The Development and Malignant Degeneration of the Connective Tissue Capsules Around Plastic Implants., by N. T. Rqykhlin., A. Kh * Kogan, 4 pp. RMIAN 'per, Vogrosy Onkolog, Vol VII, No 9, 1961. Elsevier M Co Sci Jul 62 205,470" (NY-550e) Cancer Calls (1955) by N. T. AgM Cmry, 5 pp. - F WWTAN.. Par., TaLtOloglyaj, Vol II., No 5,, 1960. JM 7M / go.~ Sci - ikd )1101 Apr 61 A Metbod of Reaelvlng or N=Iting onvitatiamal Wtvesp by V. A. Bmizo R. 1. P4qkWAup 4 pp. MMUNs, P&tFmtp 3D 138#279 (60M/96)., Jm 1966. 9677198 MWN-6M67 &A - 1W., pap ;2 0 /, / 117 1e J~m 62 Determination of SwIl quantitieg of Copwr with HYdr8ti0e SUlftte,, by To, 0. RaykhinBbteynr 11 pv* BMW,, per,, Zavod Lob, Val XVO So 12,, 19490 pp 1407-1411. CIA/YM/X-n39 Scientific - Chemistry CTS/bEx