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Barly Stages In the Devel-opunt of the Ovaries In Two Bret" of.Chicken with . . 1. Differeut.Rates of Develop=t (ft-asian White ad, AugtralM) p tj G ., IR -ib"410r.. .M. N. R40zina A am* SM, V.. 5p 1957P PP 1044- hier Imt )iol &i Sci - bL-d, my The areat or CAS04 an the Pts" cmpoatlcn Of Calaium SlUeates and AUNUAtes en buraimo bor T* At 4frag"Anap go Ak SkJradbVo RUSSIM, Pgrs Q&ka'" uo 6. 1962o pp 3-n. NLL F*f: 3196 (13?4) A a -z- Aug 68 364M RECARBURiSATION BY INJECTION OF POWDERS: A SUMMARY OF THE RESULTS OBTAINED BY IRSID., BY J. RAGUIN. FRENCH, PER, REVUE DE METALLURGIE, VOL LIX, FEB IQ621 PP 93-4P109. BISI 2917 k SCI - PHYS Nov 62 217,662 LIST 151 RvArolysis and Hydraticni of -ciadium Orthoollit'atie in Solutions ofSalts,, W6;A~ 3.0 pp. RUSSUNO mo per, Mur Prik Khftp Vol MIv No 6,1 1949j, pp 545-552. Sci *a Lib Tr No 53/22W USSR . e d i~t r-Y Scientif IA. Fob CTS &~f ftiw*lm ot Qa*IM *MiW vUb Akulato- st MWj by T. A. AMPOMO 4 ppe Rusemp pwp Zbw pea UdI4 WL Z94 No no Ims pp 26%*V^. ftl - Cbm 70 59 dr.~& 17& 0 W./ lmsultm~ of RecaturLTAtim of fteel In the Open leaAh Fmnam: by I,tvWm Djwtion (ID&wtrW Tntas at Sol Views) 0 by J. jkffigpt L. Tintrou. 'Pams do Udaurgtqw., pas Owwa 'ArmaMm d'Zm,kxwUws Tedmiqump Vol =o Yjo 29s 19Q., pp 'A6774MB. 13= 32M ? 2 3 3ai - Wx ja 63 61-11501 MW ~REEW~ALIZATION IN WE PRE-IiIRNS OP 1. &am pipes--ft*4vMv A ONCR-7WROUGH BOILER. 119601191p. I rot. d194*09a C. B. Tram Ift M2318, 2. Dollem-Dealp Order frorn LC or SLA ml$1.806 pb$1.80 61-13461 & TUIc Once-duagh boiler I Raplbk N P. Tram of Teplowergodke (LWIR) 1957. Y. 4. no. 6. U: C13 Trm-i655 p. 21-25, M - OUR LLU M. 2316 Iv. Catud Mectricity An awlysts I~ Sim of dw fumd" of brother Magredw �ont _ beaders In owe-ftc* bollars for rolWao of p" LIWT ~O tion between the pipe-amm and of do varisdan In beat absorption. (Author) 010" of Ireadw swvk" (Rvghwrftg--Mschnkal. 7T. Y. S. m 8) The Difference Datected in the X-Ray DiffractUn Patterns of Keratin in Feathers., by-i~---- ~.-V~110 B. K. Lemathikhin.. L. A. Imbedev., V. S. Pen'kina, 4,,)-,). RUSSIM., pery Dok Ak Nauk SMj, Vol CWMj No 1.- 1959: PP IW-189- Amer lut of Pbys Sov Phys-Doklady Vol IVp No 5 P-Auisidime 43 an Agent for DOCY000thylation Poi F*' Butskus, N, V, -Rapotone# 4 ppi RMIAN, per, Zhur Obshch Was Vol XXXI, No 11, 19610 pp SWOoSA42 CD 62 -rA * * 00 :x r W -7 me JAWAI Rk" .Deps i0f the Tmufomtlou Temperstu" oz ox Vrouss an tAw I?"Timw bat Trfttml2t wo OD the CaAstlow or thO ftWiMato by F. Rabl so No PC ztol. VNMABBlrm alm"Is ImIrp Ou""k Iftightike Yd XVIIZO 110 Bg 1955s vp 310-322. DSIR/3070/CT sai - chow Ap ca t. 58 7-~ - fte AttracUm of .,tbi 61~~ Sibstum bmted by Mu for AOUS AeWU L; bi Rda. a==$ per,,.. NO 9'r 1958v~pp zm 4.5-63 ,xi 63 Import-teat Fax-tors in the At-traction of Mosipitoes -~o by U. ftbm. GM -..Vl P ev .1 per R sainse Z001; so 64, 195,1; ft4 " Biol/WA Scl ~Aa 6m3 On aLmort=ce oO Odor and Swast in the AttMdtlou of -13~mo teaq'iti -in the Minp by U. Rabm.. Pal) A0,Lb, T.XVPIOU,, Vol YZVr go 3~ .1957; Pp 2~1,p-,T- rm 3-23-63 Sel - Blolj*d Sd ~hfk 63 The AmotUm of the Antoomm Pay& ad Tiwa of Aefte AegypU Lo in the Traddlig of the BD",t by 3= Ve Pabm. WMWp perj, lbvm ftm do fAWad j, Vol LV,, so v 37s, 1958s vp TO-W2. mm Jul 63 Pmr and But ReTitrmute of the raImblic of EUpts by M. A. B. Elkosb"j 1. H. Abdal INM ARA=,o paper P/UW., Pxweadftp of ThtenoucMI C=ferwee aa PeacefU Ubsis of Atomic &era geld at Gene" 8-20 Aug 1955, Vol 1. 3D2texwxtl C=f -- ta j 7 S at Sci - Naelear Pbysics CrA 1-60.9.162 Prospects of Finding Radioactive Mural Deposits In Pakistani by H. Rabs=. (Abstract 0111y) MWj paper P/1129, PwooediW of ThtemWons3 CoOerence, on POSCOM Uses of Atomic EnwW Bold at Genm 8-2D Aug 1955., laternatl Coaf -- UN Sci - fbelear Pb3mics ciA 1-669.9.1f Investigattons on Wenah f-,W= Agelug of St-DaL; containing 'Nitrogen by 14misurement of Damping, Coercive Vielfi Streqgth and Reforwtiony by 11. Racken., J. Rahmann. GERM, per, Archiv fuer Risenhuttenvesenp Vol =III, Feb i962p PP 131-140- =1 28o6 Sai - ylb/wtais Aug 62 liat 145 00 thO OVIOrY Of Mdnl=t Y=Stio=,p by B. X. R*Rmv. Mamma pw, D* A ftwc oms Vol =v 'o TgA" pp Mom AMW *tk Ooo 6614kth i= 64 .2 1/4, IV41/ Inf.luencing the FlostabiLity of Minerals ThrOugh NwIew Radiatimp by A. Owttet R- -- -.- * DUTMj pore kwbow Rlatt~ 701 VMP So -5.p 1958.1 pp IM-144. DVt Of UTOWIM OrT W Iro 447 Sci pbp 73, oFej R Nor 61 ALI trafta PiCkUp of GWMdGM NJCUI Stool '7- t4a,bg AnneaUng In CiaCiod AWWiaj, by A-,-R4j-4%j6 at al. GLUMg, per Uni Uocbo, Ughm, 1964s pp 24S-2S2* 0131 4098 Jim 65 290,947 on the Oxid&Um of lr=rw~um Alloys In Air at Rigb Tmperatm, by A. Rabul. GMM, per, Arch. linw*utt'Wes. Vol 34,v No 4, 190, pp M-290. CRL/T. 1710 SCIL - Jul 67 333tM /.66 1-1 an fte ambo" ad WASN"m at valhow Qdft an 2m AUops ~ob AN& - - tW Aw AdWU #0 3^ 3w37.,,, 0 "m $70 A. Rahmel M ~w makoftu sw 67 air 110xyfttl= an &Ulm" 0- - -1-1 1 1' - dms VWX == F, MtW Is 010TONo by A* ftlwol~ we japrv 37 ppo OEM tO FIXIMp PUp P4Vh M 10 Vol =,t lb 6.o 1959* PY 351-0- Ho"Rzoe Tmmlstjoo MAP."487 Bel im 64 -r-,nro 7~-ron,, A, p "Chiv 1^1"el. i e 11hu i-, oc.. I I Vc W44410a Of WMt-R0SlSUftt StAWISS fftSVt Ot AlksUos Sullbate belmits at the pr*$"" Of 2ft" of sdobw In Fwwce Ou"t by A. RWMI, NMI ~~ VW* AVft I I g I - s=8, ROL* 19600 vp 4 I= Ift (Lk. 5's.00.) Sol - xWNwt aw 60 6v The Cajdatim of Iron-Mlybdollum A6110YB '-a A-1-T a% g1gyated lel*arstursep et El. Pori, Anh Jhm 1,19590 vp 351-360. =i A65 W) sai - min/yiet Doe 59 7 CONTRIBUTION TO THE SCALING BEHAVIOUR OF BOILER STEELS, BY A. RAHMEL. GERMANp PERp VEREINIGUNG DER GROSSKESSELBESITZER MITTEILUNGEN, OCT 1961, PP 319-332. BISI 2692 SCI ENGR AUG 62 ?o Mir V VeINVO-1?7V 2z- 21L. Mccat of 2restamb Witt IdUltutowdo ftoar on the =datlw 94o of b=., t,7 Pramnsp-Babm "I- (MM pa WarksUffe und lorrowl(mt Vol Vnp 3.956, I'M ;~A-052. = 2459 Z- 4 -1 - - 10 a &C 63 3~113 7 r SnCV as an Cbstacle and as a pathway, Mthoft of AdVancing TrunspWta in Winter Terrain., by Lt go' To" Albov"St. 10 ppq am M=M, perp Jeftnal of the &Val Acad=W of Sftr sales" lb 10 Me. =4zz=~ ID nO9U9 Nils I= A1109 S 1, 37'01" DetectIm Of Worinated Bleyelobeptazm and their 2mnsfcnmLtjm in Netabo3lc Processm, by H. Yabn. per..-Arddyes w2mmigagm de -PbWmjgp_4Mj a et V&. lo.V2 AL l9b3. mn 1%-243 6854 R~q A sci - Aug 61 335-980 Bie-yeldieptmes ucts OrIgImUng Metabolic Processes, by R. Rahn. FRMH,, per, Archives Mmternationg"a de Fharmagod;Mgge et de TheMie, Vol 144, 1963.0 pp 43-M CSIM/No 6654 (xy.643o/4) The 1960 Amml Report on the Production of River and Lake Pishery in But Geromy) by H. U. Menzel, J. RAM 10 pp. GMMWI pars, Deutsche Fisabaral zaltuag,, Val V13:1., NO I*j PP im 9&9 Soon A" U SEEM (NY-4188). 1959 Report on the Production of Bast German Inland Fishing, by H. U, Menzell J. Ptahn, 9 pp. CEW, perj Deutsche Fischerel-Zeitumg,, Vol V111 No 4) i960) pp 97-102. MS 5645 Egur - Gerwzy Econ - Agriculture, fishing / A? 7 Oct 6,0 j (IiY-6430) Lake and River Fine Fish Production of the German Democratic Republic With Special Fz#asiB on the Pond-Carp Economy, by Joachim Rahn 7 PP. V0ft0jw-=V GERMAN, per, Deutocilhe FiBcherei Zeiltung, Vol VIII, No 7, 19611 PP 193-196, JPRS 11868 Egur - Germany Scan j a a 6,2 EE E'ffeat of blov3ture and Low Temperature on hUitber of Bacteria in Soi2., by P. H. Dhao 3 PP* per, I.M=bbiologiya, lb 2j L96o., PP 299-233. Amar Iwt of Biol Sci Sci - 4~9 -~-- Dee 60 1., to the Tmahr of Wwoul IbAdmts frm,5/ 0" float to hwdwr "as to buwu&ca Retwm Twit soft Systeme by to No kaheonkee MMIM,p PerD batmiftMl zhur Vol xUlls No 5'. " at Vp 695-70t *CP.STI TT 66"S1102 J~ W. k" bct-4 sci War 66 Investigation of Allmllne Reserve in the Blow After Aftinistmfton of Amino Acids$ by I. Pah=-Swzczmy- Sks', 10 ppo MMI part Fwwd Was lqkV Val Vnp so 44, NOV 3,# 1952P PP 1405-1407- MH Tr 82 Scl=tific - Chamiutry T- --" Oct 55 K50 =A= Proem for U=Omdng the hvftln OUBmt IV S. asmo# & mefto Mow# Puboub I VA M- A"-CNM /I/ 'Oea4& Bel-I*X All 6630T 307*5M The Measurement fof the Definiteness and Accuracy Prediction in the Determination of Characteristics of Complex Objects of Automation by Statistical Methods, by N. S. Raibman, 9 Pp. RUSSIAN, per, Avtnmat-i Timlemet-h. Vol XXIV, No 9, 1963, pp 1236-1249. Instrument Soc of Amer Sci Apr 64 2551014 0 to Ut Oil III III 1, 0 fte mat TW x* T44 36 1#- 'm ]w A--A.--A~ A a no ul UK* A Statistical Method for Determining 10wmawn Mul- tidimensicnal Operators for AutomaUon Cbjectu in 3n tarost Linear Approximation. by S. 'Ea. Raevskiy and E. 3. Raibman, 8 pp. RUSSIAt, per, Avtomat i Telemekh, Vol XXIII, No 11, 1962, pp 918-925. Sci 9 Mar 63 O*b*v I Ot ZUMtM= FAAMOAUM la 6 I . # by Le To YQS~A# Me So- n lubt 3 Rmuls 9w am own I IN" ftsp %1=0 lb (20). w U44MIS Im &W 1hp - VO& vm MI, so "Wit 9 Economic Tronds.and Improvement of the Economic System., by Jovan gRa4icevicL 11 pp* SERDIA14, per,4WJg" No 10,6 Oct 1964, pp 1,313- 1324. JPAS 27,896 HEur-Yugoslavia E con Feb 65 272,915 -20 DAMAO cooewfam cAtu*v~ by jam ftlowlei 91 up* =MON* prp OWS salm-P no 6,0 am 1*,t VP* 763413st -- - - im 3m qn-o~ m svt 65 ftsm / ? -0 Jils a 300,56 DisyUceftmuts of Ims In an louU Cx7sta Aw to Mktml TibratIMS# by A. is ftid*Wm --- 4- 5 pp. MWWs yvi fts bubp %U# Vd T, So 7~ 1963p pp 3.982-1987. Aar lat Pap am p4m - $%o% va vo No sci :an 64 q, calculatim of the Bleatrical conaucti.,rit, Aof TOO~COV=mt. POWer Metal Products, palchanko. m --- - -" - m - F*dorWwnkO, 7 pp MSSWJI , FIN Una I No 60 W! Vol J, lop 815-ft. Sol 7 Jun 61 11 746a US-3 RAICHENIQ0 0. 1. Changes in structure of nickel during creep and problem of determining concentrational distribution for alloys from heterogeneous metal powders. Part 11. On the problem of determining the distribution by concentrations for alloys of heterogeneous metal powders Ukrain. Fiz. Zhur~, 3, 408-417 (1958) NP-tr-462 - English Euratom OmIllatIve Otbad for CC Ww M"sy 'Porm &nd the Desm of Its Sevantion frm CrystaUlm Pbum In Almlg=lU=te p by Ke Ke 9breIMp to Pe MI 6 pp. REBOUN, pwp Zhur* Prik Xhlap Val XM= No Up 1960p pp OQI-2W. cm sci /0 1( f, #: Y 41 Sep (a The Destruction of Forsterite Refractories on Heating in a Gaseous Medium of Var M 1e Composi- tion, by I. P. Baslywj T. F. Ralchenko. RUSSIAN., per., Ogampory., Vol XXIIj, 1957P pp 222-. DSIR LLU M.3.163 (10m) Sci - Chem oct 6o lli-,hallm Krv, -5 pp. %) pwwntl Office 'o9iY Tecbmology of Chemiml RL& Pressure Processes, by L. fti ~8. 5MO., per, Chemie-lmgmd9vr-TbabWk,, Vol MM, No 3., 1956.. pp gw-w- Sci - Chem / f .2" -7 0 7 A;r 62 (DC-~639) New Measures for the Organizatioa of Exploitatioa of Areas Under Irrigstion) by Al. Ralcu.,.3 PP- :j MWANIM) up$ AgrIcultum Noual Vol VnIp No T06) 31 Jan 19611 PY 1,, 3- JMS 8523 R=mla Boon jul 61 udvs a SIB" to Oc womcis to" &= Alma= W10616 pan dM by# R. IL RM&d A. P. Rd& RUSUAN CSO-4 1964 NLL '401, Md 490 fock Lmo 1, ~, l4 us= , ofwifcl .4-1pap C idy 65 mAs I Speak the Truth - Confessions of an Iraqi Communist, by Comrade Raid, 6 Irl - I-,.---"; PIUDIC, np, Baghdad, Aug 1959. *JPRS./SPECIAL NE/A - Iraq Pol Sep 59 0 Usbg a Damper Widdlog in DC Momrs Having a PrOzed Anastwe Vlr&iyj6 Pau dwe bye L R. Raiddod A. P. RAM RUSSUN, 1962#,~ NO r5:314 NLLLM".03 IM 43M (On L*W usa -6el &/,?/ sci-F&P July 65 ^615 The Brfects of, Cyawaide* =. quarititative Cyanamide DeteraLvAtiou Lzi Tissues lp by BRnns Raidaip 20 W-St ;07,p Z COG MtP lbdt T01 =.1p 1993* pp 215.2wt MA 59 -154n Sci Dec 59 Vol 2. No 5 of Different Alloy AddLitions up~m Propext-iea of C~.~cmi=--Ccn-taining Parmanent. MaTnet Sbaels, by H. Krainer., P q=, 21 pp. GF-RHAV# Archiv Biseributtenvecen, Vol No 7, 1043) PP 253-260. (loan ca-my may) S~k,A 57-2809 Bel. Aus 56 -d To-,TcrIM of Steel Barla !-a a Raidl. biwk per,, Stabl und 91sen., Vol U=p 170 171 1-9 PIP wo4306. BrutCbar Tmn(s 10 3030 53 CTU 47,.40 price a, . 1-) 448-6 (SP-1855) Welding MigLuc-ering In Building Cowtructlon,, bjr Oberingenleur Wdt.. 5 pp. GEMNs per, Tochdocho omejochaft, V01 3X., NO 4, 1961, PP 135-140. JERS 13432 Mar - Germany Be= Ifff P~' Apr 62 BE '-',RofUctOr Of -a-P1.201Y.-Absorption by V a RaInskly and J. Ivan. FBEM, per# CoMtes Randus, vol 00=8 IMF VP 343-347- Bel Aug 58 p by J, CO-n-",ml of S,.2bc-jtjcki Atcmic Reactor, .. V. R;)-':-,vskl, 12 PP - Fmca, per.$ L'Oade Mektrique; Vol MWIII; 1958, rp 592-599. 909361 A JM Tr-4803 Sci .- Nue Ilbys Dec 61 / ', 7, 4 C) q Of 6 002plax Mfftsiou Length in a So3ld or Liquid to Datenda the Timspat Neen Fm Path fbr ftumal bmtnmp b7 J. H=WitArq V. aMovidd. R=CMP PWr P/360j, PM"WW of Ditntat4o"T C=fwenco Ca pasaaw USCO of Atomic Miergy Reld at Oeneva 8-2D Aug 19"; Val V- Mitamtl Onr -- ON Sol - ftelear aplas //W/, //4 Apr 57 cu 1-669.9.162 ?Nmtufttys bWQrtuft, and AtUvwU at Pre"ttim., by-C,. I. MdUp 18 390. WSM06 DWI NO" muclup VOL 1=0 No got as or W9* " 49-ft. - sm I-Als-ft "1 0 N" ar (a //0 3~4 'Y arrest at &my ~ MdAjj 14-ft ~ 11111130~ udw ~&* diti"s ot hvUiN" 4~0 A. A.. bloodlov RM.UNj, pW# Ow, 94 =16 -go Ut pp ITU-31146 --V -Mi---iw DWPM fbi - Chow Feb fit-, Inoreased Sensitivity in the Speotral Determination of Rare Elements in Solutiong by Ya. D,, Raikhbaums, E, S. Kostryulcova'O.'Ir We RUSSTAN., pert Zavod tab, Vol MMr, No 3. 1961t pp 306 - 306. 181 Soi Mar 62 of tbe Method & Additloas in tba b)pec-L-o'~p7aphic .ysis of Ores for Thdium and Germaniun, by Ya. D. :hbau~m& S. Kbstndcovai 3 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Zavod La7bp Vol XXV, NO 8, 195% pp 961.-963- Inetru Soc of Amer Sel 'lug 60 /~~ L/-/~ j at to Um movaltv is -an Am a I Ca Ift bv Ya. MIYM,, T =MM.- TraUkh WdWb XW" Ils.. 3b 4" 1960.. 14743L nw It-IA 9093M ed ftw 61 Quantitative Spectral Analysis of Ores by the Introduction of Samples into the Arc with an Air Jetq by Ta.D. Raikhbaums M.A. Luabonovao 5 Pp, Instrue Soc of Amer RUSSIAN.. per, Zavod Lab, Vol XXV9 No 129 1959t PP 1"9-1453. Sci /j j-, j- Yf Jan 61 j il'i ~bf-- Kinetica of Vayorizaticra IYA an 21--atric Are, b,Y Ya. D. RWabbaum, 3 pp. pol tmalatim RMSUlp blm per# It A Nauk Ser nz,, Vol XIXI So I., 1955j, pp 70..710 aA C 653 Collubia TWI Tr Y A4' Scleatif Le - ftsiea Mw 56 CTB/d= r", pv Sci - moo Sept 67 340*312, The !"'ffects of 4peem"walzation C'n. thI2 Protein Compof4ticn of the sera of Eames used for by 1. 1. r4nikher., 8 pp. RUSSIAN3 perp Zhur lUkroblol Rplduudo3t, VO:L 1"TO % 1960" pp 1*46', _Riikher, 1. 1.. INIUrskova. V. N. and others. FRA A-11ON OF IMMUNC SERA BY ELE MO- PHORESIS ON STARCH PLATUS. [1963) 181p. 5 refs. rASEB manuscript no. S 214-2. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 63-11044 Trans. of Laboratornoe Delo (USSR) 1962, v. 8, no. 7. p. 36-39. DESCRIPT016: Separation, *Proteins, *Immune serums, *13-lectrophoresis, Starches. A method for determining simultaneously several pro- tein fractiops present in Immune sera Is described. A potato starch solution mixed with a buffer solution is distributed over the bottom of a glass dishwhich Is partitioned lengthwise by a glass rod. Two strips of filter paper are placed on the edge of the dish to make contact with the electrodLs. A second layer of buffer (Biological Sciences--Biuchemistry, Tr, v. 10, no. 9) (over)' 63-23044 1. Ralkher, 1. 1. 11, Mirskova, V. N. 111, FASED S-214-2 IV. Federation of American Societies for Experi- mental Biology, Washington, D. C. V. Scripta Technics, Inc., Washington, D. C. starch solution is then poured lPto the dish. After the 63-2.3G44 plate has dried, along both sides of the, glass rod 2 trenches are cut 6-7cm from the cathode. Exactly 0. Sml of serum is introduced Into each trench. After absorption of the serum, the trenches are filled with buffered starch solution. Six plates are placed In the electrophoreiie chamber, permitting simultaneous 'analysis of 12 samples. The starch plates are cut Into pieces according to the size and position of each frac- tion. Each ptece is centrifuged with 10m1 of physio- 14cal saline solution. The supernatant fluids repre- sented the isolated protein fractions. ElectrGphore- grains of protein fractions obtained from normal and immune horse sera, using this technique show that the protein fraction separation was quite precifie. Concentration of -/-Globulins in the Blood Serum o)' Donors (Electrophoretic and Turbidimetric Detemin- ations), by I. I. RaMer, 11. M. Protserova, N. tc Romanova, L. A. Ma~iiir'ik~,, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, ProblemyGematol i Pereliv Krov-J., Vol Vi vo 2~ 19601 PP 52-54. pp Sci / 5 ~)'; 4s;1 Oct 60 Boa* Charactedettes of Post-Infectloml Im=nlty in Tyam FWar on - Be-infection of Guims-PIP ' In Diltoreat %was of PAcep- tion, bV A* V. Psh"iebbWO It 0. Nwbnt 1. ob, TIM% 3 VP RMUNp perp Zhur Mikroblol AWdadel I lmmbiol,, Vol X)=,o No 102 19580 pp qq~- 101. Perpum Imt Sai - Ned Jun 59 A., if Dapendom of tbl-ftddK`-PAiM A:~. A Xixtmw en the! C Lv To. G. vv iamrma of 090MI, 491, the mm Vol X1 no Iftr 1901 pp p -73 m . Of Va 6 ~ l low "" I[ ommmm fwil~44mk yNbuda IV Pao WMjU sea 01. AdMM- =MO., jw,, TdWUINM ft4M-- - va Xwo , a ILO, X957.9 V 445 Oct* 62 An Histochemical Investigation of Piaphorase and Succinic Dehydrogenase in Induced and Transplanted Hepatomasj by N. T. Raikhlin., 5 pp. RUSSM, per, Voprosy Onkolog., Vol VII, No 7: 1961. Elsevier Pub. Co. Sci may 62 195,892 TPN.Diapborase and Succine-D",opgenase in Pneamerour; aV4 Camermw tlaue#$ by N, T. RaUU4I'A!-,,9 PP- RUSSM, perv Yoprosy onkologs Vol VIrs No 3s 1961. Rqpr sci mar 62 7 inorganic Paricz' j Chapter Up PpPer Pat"Blum add j bY L A- KnernmklYs S. I. liftildiftymaindl-14 NO WWIAN,v Pw..;2kar Pis XhImp V01 XXI., NO 3., 1947P PP 945-955. 90W644 A= Tr -4T50 Sol 16 7" - P -~ ~ Sep 61 Apparatus for Deterwining Dicsociation hee- glares, by S._.~~ I. Kazarnovskiy. RUSKM, per, Zhur Piz Kbim., Vol XXI, No P-~ 1947, pp 257-26o. CSIRO 3510 Sc~- - Rio may 62 47'.r- /.' / 41-7 a Metics of the SpoAtwimw Decomposition of potassium Ozonift. bjUsoclate Member of the AeadeW Of Saisaw USM it A, Kazaramlw) s. I. Falkbebtein aM-L. N. k1wft 4 pp. NMIAS,, tbrice-mo perp Dok Ak Nauk SMp vol ams No 4o pp 641Z4 C=Mlltauts Burma Soi - Ch=istry Jan 57 CTS Rellabillty of Paselve Pa&uWMV Urcults With Permiumtly Conmeted. He&mdant MA=mute in the Cam of BoUstribution of Loads ar Voltapso by JL L. Lk~ 5 yp. MMMo Pero Avtomt L %Wmeklio Vol =Vo xiso 4j, 1963s pp 55&569. leA 80110 21111 Q I I ftv 63 The Problem of Structural Reliability in a System for Sequential Information Collection, by A. L. R.~ akin, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Autmat i Tplemekh, Vol XXIV, No 9, 1963, pp 1260-1266. Instrument Soc of Amer Sci Apr 64 255,016 Ninth Scientific-Technical Conference of the YowIg Scientiste of the Inatituts of Automation and Remote Control By A. L. Raikin and M. V, kAxishov., pp. 5 RUSSTAN, perp Avtomat i Telswkh, Vol X=,, No 3. pp. h25 - h2'7 ISA 4 sci Oct 63 Determining the OpLizal Reasm for a 4stem While Taking into Account the Damage of Mocks in the Reserve Mode By Ae La Ph "kins 1p Iwo RUSSIAN, pers, Want I Telafts, Vol =M'$ No UO 19629 pp. 1536 - IRI LOA Sci Aug 63 k rif Papers Devoted to RehlabilitY Qaeq- t,-~.uns i1cr tha Year 1961, by A. L. RAikin, W5~-"TAT',. pEjr, Avt-omat i Telemekh. Voi- U0711, N~, 9, 10,62. 15JA .3 J? A,pr 6,3 gml 1409-1p bV,V. A. * Ao'L*'AUklaj 0 1*6 low"# pro krumt :t samodch, %I '= IMo lb 3v - 'gap w 392-70. I" ftl Oat 62 913#083 14mWol"tis lrr"IaW After thia VagdAst4ug Sib A tw A. TQ* I Lvwt4wleta, et AI'v 114-61ma sets zbuv-wi i 1%mmabiplullp Vol 41,0 ,,;o maw w-103. 92321iia TV Fhosphorus Ccmpauudo and t c Acid in the Tissuea of the Drain and lleart of Kypothe=ic Animals Durinog Tmparaxy Cardiac Arroat and Restoration of -Uie General C:Lrculation by a Combination of Therapeutic Meas=es, by Z. A. Railm at al.,, 9 pp. IIUSSIA14 For) Fiziol Zhur SM) imeni I. M. Sechenova, I ,761, YLV, No 1-2~ 195% pp lhZ9-1496o rergamm llreaa sci Hj 57Y am 6o