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Tr-63-2f)347 Chaplygin, S. A. ON GAS JETS [0 Gazovykh Strujakh]. 119631 [121 p! 1. Chaplygin. S. A. Order from M SLA or FTC $10. 10 T-r-63-203471 It. RT-2071 f, Trans. of(MoscowU. FIziko-MekhanlcheakltMRVq7, &I. maticheakillra fie-UlUlch6en" -a'-2MAfC9IIQUS5R) 1904. n&-2r-rP-f-`Dfl. - _yyjH__ Another trans. is available from SLA as RT-2071. DESCRIPMRS. *Gas flow, *Jets. *Adiabatic gas flow. 'Fluid dynamic properties, OFfuld mechanics. (MecMnics, TT, Y. 11, no. 2) 911m J TwWcal swvk. Uchenye'Upiski Mobkov. Gos. Univ,Atei~~. 30, 1939 pp 3-13 On Inequalities Between.Upper Bounds of Consecutive Derivatives of an ArUtrary Function Defined Ion an Infinite Interval, A, Rolmogoroff Done by Am. Math. Soc. T-41 Info. taken from List of Trans, On Sam Extremal Proble= of the theory of Analytic r=timms by a. jis. Nw1=w. WWUN,p Par; " Ove ZNW - -- -v"qRqF- a- ~A-~ I -t- Vol IV# 1-951v VP 133-]A3- Amw YAft SM Sal-mm aaa & .14/437 on the 1xistence of a Limiting Pagim of a Certain Yon-Linur Optsm of Ordiury Diffenmtlal XPIVMW lWationso by B. P. Domidovic.. I2,pp. RUBMM,p part UeboluM ZapLW HoOov Oosudarst Uuivr lft"4.1--Wo 6,21W, ~,"' Amer Math Boo Sai - )bth Aug 63 _:N // S,:SY The Theory of Waves Generated by Oscillotions of A Body Under the ftw Surface of a Reavy Incom. preavible Plula, by N. R. Nochin, 38 pp. BMW,, per, Ucbezde ZaVMM Mmkovaogho r*e abosudar ;0~ T 1 Scl Mw Lib No 56/03 ftl - Pbplcs 031 finite Span Wings in CagVessible Flow., by Ye. A. Kv"ilsbcbWva. RMIO, per., uOnlak HDak Univ !!~$ Vol CLIVV No 4 p 1951.. pp Al-239. W Tr 1383 Sci - Aeronautics 4L.3- '0 9 & mar 57 CTS/dex S-5267 ) - Spontaneous Formation of Centers of Orys- tallization in an Undercooled Melt in an Ultrasonic Field, by A. P. Kapustin, RUSSIAN, per, Uchenye Zap-~ski..._Moskoys4y Gosudarstvennyy Pedagogicheskiy Tnst!4"- imeni V. I. Lenin, Vol LUMII, Moscow, 1954, Pr, 53-56. Y JPRS Sci - Chem, Crystallization Aug 59 On the Dissolution of Zinc in Alkalis by V. 1. Rodionova. PUSSIM, per, UcIl Zgg 9110sk Gos Pod Inst. Vol MIX, 1967, IT 221-226, iiASA Tr F-252 Jan 66 294$,538 TurovskU, Ya. A. _ ~ 1. TurowIT-63-20822 CONVERSION OP A WET`IING UOM INTO A NON skU, Ya. A. WETTING ONE. 1196316p 2refs Order from OTS, SLA, or ETC $1. 10 TT-63-20822 Trans. of Mookovaidl Oblastrioi Peda Sidi nwgo;2,- DESCRWMRS: $Surface-activesub2tances, Uquida. *Surface tension, Surface properties, A convex meniscus was experimentally obomed In two narrow glass tubes of different cross sectlow situated in a wide sealed tube containing Isoamyl alcohol heated to a certain temperature. The meniscus In the nmower tube fell lower with respect to the liquid level outside the tubes than in the wider one. In this case, the isoarnyl alcohol behaves like mercury which is non- wetting with respect to glass. Equations were derived otnc* of Uchnical somi~ (Chemistry- -Physical. IT, v. 11, no. 4) (over) (DC-28ag). Researcb on Adsorption by the Cbemical Faculty of *jecov State Wiversity, by A. V. Klzelevp 9 T, 'p~kq4l -1 Khimiya i Fizicheskaya Khimiya, 1955..7jili-229-234. JFRS-L-1814-D USSR 3 K Chem Aug C9 MSSIAN,p perp I.Ifthm= ZaajUtLAA=jMj!kW.,, Gq -, -wA~ Cfie=jsbzmldyjp Vol XVp No 31 1940., ;N:69. -, ..., -11 - I., - *ATIC-ir-M-8862/nl Scientific - AstroncvW reb 56 malm Hold for more informtim .1 62-2D= ON TRE PROBLEM REGARDM THE nMIO- ntic mycorbiza LOGICAL ROLE OF MYCORHIZA. IL9621 8p, L4 rds 1. Smirnova, A. D. Order from M or SLA $1. 10 62-M265 Trans. of [Saratov U. US~~ZapiaMj (USSR) 1959, v. 64 [p. 135-1381. DESCRIPTORS: PbyBiology, *Fungi, Plants (Botany). ITrees, Growth. Mycology. 7be "y that has been carried out ma it poodbla to draw the following gen"ized conclusion. An oak (tree). under defInIte conditions of culUvation, can grow fairly well without the formation of mycarbiza. However, under the same conditions, the presence, in It, of mycorlitza, enhances Ito possibilides of utilizing nutritive subotances In do soU and water, increasm Its vital activity and, In the long run, leeds to an intansificatJon of growdL (Author) mks af Tock" S"*N (Biological Sciences- -Botany, IT, v. 9, um 12) Problem of Applying Glow Discharge to Anemometry, by S. N. Kutin, I. G. Chudadkov. RUSSLM, Japer, Ucbenye Zapisky Saratovskogo University, No 70, 1961, PP 193-205- *F'rD-TT-0'3-626 Sci - Ear Sci & Astron jun 63 4Lr f 7 ?~J/ Information from the Book "Kharlkov Scientists on thei Anniversary of Liberation of Their City" by edilorial board. Source; "Uchei arlkova k Godovshchine o Osbobo- q~,Khq- zhdenii Rodnogo Goroda" Kharkivshchinas Kharlkov) 1944 SR 30 August 1951 SOVIET DEVELOPMENTS IN INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL, BY RUDOLPH YULYEVICHj, 53 PP. Bershadskiy RUSSIAN) BK UCHENYY KOTORYY ZNAET VSE, MOSCOW, 1962, PP JPRS 16848 SCI - MISC JAN 63 218)631 5E4---: V-1-Nil-L 61-25290 NjUvWx D. V. ~;'!)T)Y 01' FACIE.'~ VOI- I AJM 2. [1961]2w. 1. Tide: Faclas Zrder Irons AGI $250. ODU 1. NalLykIN a V. a. Americs cicalosical Un *WI ed trans. of mono. LkhCaIkq_ZgjIy;mkb. but.. WSAWIV=6 V. C. 1956,' 2v. S9.1pecAlic sections available Q) $0. 15/trans. mz. p. Complme work also svgdlWc in maScrocard jwd adcxv- fum. DESC,WMRS: -Goolov. ISmUrn=mdom6 Palo**- colog, *Rock, ODelms, Coophysir-s. (Earth Sdoaces-Goolo", Tr, Y. 6. om n The Study of Influenza., by V. M. Mdextov., V, D. solowyev., F. G. Zph~"uj, 639 PP. HUMM a$ I Uclvi" 9 GrIppp Moaox Mmoowj, 19583, 562 PPO Em pouio:-jealth service PQb1 JW,7W Peb 61 Br 5 Lib (ar-6503) Ma Role of Virums in the GrIgIn of Yallgmut Tv=vp by 0, L AvUMt 9 pp. B=IN.- pwo gobs" Gram# 19612 .pp 18-27. ,Tm i3em Sol .0 Ned 75? f my 62 B-5503 (BY-3041)- Study Plans of lwtitutes for the Advmced Tralulm of phPiciew I ikg py. BU83IANO bhp Uebt lwtitatar..uaOvArBb= iya Vrachey goscows 1958., pj? 1-125. J. JM-L-1032-3 um Soc 71-3 Nov 59 Curricular of the Higher Medical Schools (Med-VUZes of the USSR -,I' RUSSI", bk, Uchen nLet_FP11any_Vysshikh Meditsinskikh 114 Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, 1957 *US JPRS/NIH 20 Oct 58 S-763/64 Table of Contents, 7 pp. RUSSIM; bk, Ocheniye o Rekakh, Moscow, 1963, pp 419-423. - -- CIA/FDD X-5420 Sci - Earth Sci & Astron Jul 64 Geogm phlW b(. theAegimeirdflU by:Bd:c~k A k yoUp, ;J56'pp, RUMA 6 ha"rmo, ib" (77 423 p JPRR g6519 The Theory of Recycling Process6s in Cheratcal Technology, by M. F. Nagiyev. RUSSIPdi,, mono, Ucheniye-Q..Retsikulyatsionnykh Protsessakh v Kbirdcheskoy Tekhnologii, ~bscow, 1958- *Pergamon per OTS ,qci Yar 61 (nD ZrA) Trmbin OA RidwMW'uw and W ttsiones by P. Z, Mmdawddym, U- IL Mfmvlobg 76 pp. US 2334M# ~'Ap 2550'45V~~tbq-. CrA/M U-&89 usm 3,~,- c2 6 Sol w moualm, rufttwioou mw % The IMIckaVwL-Al Di"woos, by P. F. R. 14, Goli=rlch. T,131SIAN9 LIChot-le 0 1 0 Iekh 1 RUCtoloWth, Modg-t Z, moccow; r9-%, 9g M - -,", , "" " ~~ - --;;-'------ rz.-g.-=n I=M Oci - 'Nas- POr 59 79,9...)7 F iaSpoase of Riclwttslac to Ph~mical and Chemical ActiOn" and Theftr AbiUty to Survive iu the Extc=-A Hrkvirament~ by P. F. Zdrodovskiyp R. M. GolinevIVIII 44 pp. RUSSLUR, bh.. Uchmdve 0 R M&;~Cdm, moljecv~ pp -1 P79-?86; CTA 9005902 N3x Jun 57 Chapter V: Tick-Borne Hickettsiosis or Tick-Borne Spotted Typhus of Northern Asla)~ by P. F. Zdrodavskiy) H. M. Golinevich,, 40 PP. 4 RUSSIARp bk'jkbAQ' khi i Rikkatelotakh, I ~% 0:29.2gimtsia 0 --1956) pp 254-27 gormor, YAdgiz., boscaw, 1. ca .... .......... Sci - GWOAWIM Medicine, Biology Aug 57 lheory of Stream ftmoff, by N. P. Chebotuvv, RLSSIM, bk, UcJwnie o Stakep 19629 463 pp. cFsTi Tr 6s-s=oo7 Sci-Bar Sci 313o737 Nov 66 The Study of Virasesp by L. A. Sillbor, 432 pp. RUSBrM,, Up 1956# pp 3-315. MOM Tr 663 fti - Xzdlalne 51 A -5,7- / *" I 6 6 's ft 57 Some Problems in the Evaluation of External-Access Write-Read Ferrite Stonge Devices, by V, N* Sorddas N, P, Vashkovich. RUSSIAN, per, Uch Z!g PORIMk Politekhn In-t, No 1, 19640 pp 3-16. *M HT 23-9155-67 Sci-Methods and Equip Jun 67 ilia Questim of tim Influence of Excitation Conditions on the Directional Proportios of Dielectric luitennas. by G. Zli. Rakkis. RLSSIAN, per, 'Uchenye ZUisUiBizhak Politokh in-t,, Vol XO 1963j, pp 51-58. 3 M-I IT-65-1593 Sci - i3lee Aug 65 "Ch irs cf Exporlmotals Tlytoreticalp and General Y4AC-4 of tta Phyalcomtbomatical F=Ulty (1930- 19.55)1 by D, I* Vorkdop A. S. Hli/nar, Lo N. Rozentovenp Yao B. Fqmberg., V. X. Khotkovich, 1- 4 7 Fizicbesk L e cgo hagi, TaLiAgtata, Vol. V, IrMarvAlcov, 15-55, 69-'15., Apr 58 C.. "o- Lij, - , T Bibliograp4y, ,,c,j,AS9_F.W RUSSSIM.v per, VcbennYe.,,Z,aPAo~I, Vol LX; Trudy Fizicbefikogo OtAelenlya Fizikomtematll.cbeakogo Fakul Teta, Vol V. Kharkov, 1955, py 92. LIS J-PRO/Mi-L-105 sci - Physics Api- 5'a Outline of the Development of Radiophyeice in the Physicomathenatical Faculty,, by V. K. Tkachs 10 pp. U IFIED iw , Uche ZaRis RMBIANO U ILkijol II, Trudy Fizicheakogo Otdolenlys Flaxo4ktemsticheskogo Fakulltetsj Vol Vj, Khartkov., 1955,* PP 93-100- us im/NY-362 (Nr-1269) Bel - Phys Xv 58 Granary Mites as Vectors zd of Diseases of Agricultural Crops, by A. No Slgrianskiy. 4 U~ RUSSM, per., Z0010SLYa't Vol =-I~-19400 yp 167-177. Am HTS Ift Sol - B1,01 thr 62 1141.1 71W MR :~d-Qww 289^ W 65 CSrtM4n Pfoblm bilhe ftnd= Of ,p by V. L A26bodMe 89mm- pw., MOMAn BMW Pad&= imt awyllows- OW -so 9j, 19582 pp Sci-Atmos SCI 403#294 Mar 70 invariant Formulation of the Thwry of the Gravitational Wave FIsld* by Yu. Be Humrs 6 pps RUSSUNIk per, Ucherw" . Novosibirskly gj~&. EWka i HatemUkag No 181 i963o pp 3-be P100175368-Y M)4N67--H Sci/Pbys Aug 68 364o8C-7 Photoconductivity of Lead Iodide, by Z, V, Malinina, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per., ffUcheniye Zap Ped Inst Gerts) NO 207- jxo61961) pp 113-118. ciA/FDD xx-1629 ITO FOREIGN DISSEM Sci USIB Internal Use Only 269..691 Sam ProWA= In the DmImUou of Rdarnal- Access wAte-Plead Ferrite Stomp Dwiteep by V. N. Sorokin and 1. P. Vashkavicks, 15 pp. IMSIMp per,, Pama. PoUtakbnLahegk Inatitut. 20~4= zaploldo so 1,0 19641 pp 3-16, P1001070bd-v rn)-HT-23-91547 Sai/Electronles & Ilec Vagr July 68 350PBU A Contribution to the Theory of Hydrogen Enrichment (Effect of the Metal hature), by V. P. Alikin. RUSSIAN, per, Ucheniye Zapiski Permskiy Universit-et, Vol XIX, No 1, PP 3-9. *FTD-TT-63-96 Sci - Phys Jan 63 (SF-2205) ON THE LIMITS OF MATERIAL PRODUCTION, BY YA. B.-KVASHAj 106 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, UCHEBNYYE ZAPISKI PO STATISTIKI, VOL VI, i~6i, pr-t ~- JPRS 135/-;~ USSR ECON HAY 62 i-~?-,963 # 16 (NY-5005) Scientific Notes (Problems of Cybaraetiaa),, by S. N. Braynes,, A. V. Napalkov, V. B. Sveahinakiy, 208 Vp. RUSSIAN, bk) Ucheriyye Z&p1sk1.(Prqb1mW NavrokibernetikLY,,-1q59-,---vp 1-109- MRS 5880 Sci - yad '~WQ /V/-, L oat 6o 1-1-ir.ol-ic icia, by F. Avotins, et al. 9 p1j. MS,SL~l i, per,, Uci2~we Zapiski Fitiskocp PolebW- m. last., rarc. Vol. 2,, -No 7j, 1959, pp 53-b1. - WC-P-STI Tr 69-53027 sci/d-ierdstry -,.ay 69 Mustafin, 1. S. STYRENE FROM OIL GAS TAR. (196114p. 6 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-18006 Trans. Sararov e a is USSR) 1940. S4.1 V. 15, wk r L - DESCRIPTORS: $Styrenes, Refineries, *Coal tar, *Fuel oil, Polymers, Pyrolysis, Regeneration, Mag- nesium, Dielectric properties. 61-1M 1. Mustafin, 1. S. (Engineering- -Chemical, TT, v. 7, no. 7) Offic. of Tochelcal U"icez Histological Study of the Sex Glands of the 0 Avadronous Volga Shads at the Time of Iligration and Spawning, by MI. F. Ivanov, F. I. Diszina. 1 11 RUSSLV4, per, Uchonye Zapiski, Seriya Biol, Leningrad Universitet, Vol XLIV, No 1, 1960, pp 48-63. NRC/C-3840 sci Jan 63) Table of Contents RUSSIAN., per, Uche.nye Zapiski, Ser Fiz, Vol XXVII, 1954. FDD/X-2443 Table of Contents RUSSIAN, per, Uchenye Zapiski, Ser Fiz, Vol XXX, 1956 FDD/X-2443 62-18529 Leanyak, V. F. ON SOME GENETIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE 1. Title: Granitolds GRANITOIDS OF A CERTAIN REGION IN THE 1. Leanyak, V. F. NORTHERN CAUCASUS. ESTABLISHED ON THE BASIS OF INCLUSIONS OF THE MINERAL-FORMING MEDIUM (0 Nekotorykh Genetichesifth Osobemostyakh Granitoldoy Odnogo Iz Ralonov Severnogo, Kavkaza Ustanovlennykh po Vklyuchenlyam Mineraloobrazu- yushchei Sredi). [1962112D]p. (forcip text ftcluded) 5 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 62-19529 Trans. of Lvov U. Uchenye Zapiski (USSR) 1955, v. 35, no. 8, Serlya Geologicheekaym, p. 162-169. DESCRIPTORS: Rock, *Rock forming minerat ~, *Gran- Ite, Geology, Petrology, Soltitiona. Games, *$-.jow- Sandstone, Genetics. By the analysis of Inclusions of the mineral-formIng Ofte of TtcbWcW Urvices (Earth Sciences- -Geology, Tr. v. 9. no. 5) (over The Question of SOUrC83 Of Space Uws by P. 1. Lalkins 26 PP, RLISSIM, per, Uchenyye Zapiski Serila Yuridicheskqya,~ L963m, pp 127-i4bt PIGUOS8866 WD.HT-66-381 Sci - Space Tech Nov 66 314,1S8 Hetem4c Methods of BUA Ybd the StmtwPb=t by 1, S. AStoWdChp 24 pp. :MMW perp UdmWe ZagUld Spp -Vol XVp ISWjs a 941"o . ....;..... A= P-=4i8&/zn wl - Go* Arsual mftawbuv oat 10 M/da Adsorptim ot.ZLe*tr*jyw on urcoulm ad" Af ter Activated Auft of SY&OOM an Its GA a 2. 1. rilawnp by L. (h N- V. Kauwvap Iv. ww"s wmk Ow wv# lb g9o pp 12 6 Wr 63 InvestiSsUad or Radio Wave Beftectim in the Lowr Lftem or the Atmosome at Um Avgles of Zlov&Ucup W A- I- ftamovi, 5 yp. . T=dpom HMIMv perp ggbl= E!MMU 22fteW~ V01 IAAV i9bos FF. 79-a1. JPr6 33812 USSR fti.=/A jan 66 2"0079 TT-65-50015 Field 6C Terentev, P. V. HERPETOLOGY; A MANUAL ON Ali PHIBIANS AND REPTILES. Tr. by A. Mercado. 1965. 319p, 140refs. SFCSI Sznf (TT-65-50015). Order from CFSTI: HC$7.00 as TT-65-50015 1. Terentev. P. V. 11. Title, Manual- U1. SFCSI-SmI (TT-65-BOD15) Ill. National Science Foundation. Washington, D. C. Trans. of mono. Vchenie a ZemnovDdnykh L Presm ka she oscow, P. Larvae Pnd iymphs Of stenochl-ronotaus, fascipelinis Zeft, by A. A. Zp.blotskii. Univp P,U.OSI!-,f,', per, Tteainerqd _ZLj;.L e t -Di s liLl ,No 35, 1019, pp 143-143. ~,TC ?2-6olO6-0U"'l En y 7 2 Solid non-Electrolytes in the Separation of Liquids into Layers, by A. Al'Tov. RUSSIAN, per, Uchene Zapiski Yaroslavskogo Tek,hnologicheskogo Instituta, Vol. 6, 19061 pp 63-65 CSIRO/No. 7153 Sci - Aug 67 335-689 IV 22 '0 Accouncing of Precious Wetalls In Industrial 'enterprises, by A. W, flushnikov, 66 pp. RUOSM, monographp Uchet DragqtsennLl~h.-Mlatallov V Promyshlennykh PredprIyat&akh,, Mad Moscow, 1944, pp ~-40. ciA/FDD/u-6432 USSR Econ - 17on-ferrous metals ~'g j Fs~~ (SF-5!rfO) Ma Q-~-sticns of Xemahwdzing Accounting in Agricultmv, by Yuq V. Vadllyev., 9 pp. RMM, per, Uchat " mu'pipapsy v KOM= i qO-'L-:hc,--j no 4 7. ~P'5-11. p 962P i 14141 xm &on v7- 0 3,, .54,2, 7' aun 62 XKTHE PIECE-RATE AND PKRE141UM WAGE SYSTEM ON THE STATE FARMS: BY V. S. ZAKLADNOY, 11 PP. RUSSIAN PER.1 UCHET I FI I iiiiik" SOVKHOZAKH, NO , 19 2, PP 51-55. JPRS 16705 USSR ECON DEC 62 218)466 lwm,4 the Bafety of Publia Proparty,, IL2 pp. RUBSW# per$ rineW. v Nolkhox&M I Onkhozekb, No 9., 'pp 1.5. JM 16333 uss I= Nov 62 :~ )11913 14mg-Fmp Pbrm of Inter-Kolkhoz Relations., by S. Ve Gruebins 11 pp. RUBSUI,v perp _pftV I - nmxay vKolkhorAkh I Smkbozakh* No 9., 1962P - 3"1* JM 163 ~3 um U= it 7" X0 lbw 62 AIDE TO THE ECONOMIES OF IN ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES ADMINISTRATIONS, BY V. G. KOLKHOZES AND SOVKHOZES BY PRODUCTION SHARFSHTEYN, 5 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, UCHET I FINANSY V KOLI'WAKH I SOVKHOZAKH) NO 10, OCT 19b2, PP 3N34-- JPRS 16977 USSR ECON JAN 63 218)936 RECOMMENDATIONS MADE BY THE MINISTRY OF FINANCES USSR FOR ACCOUNTING IN SOVKHOZES AND OTHER AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES, s 6 pp. RUSSIAN, PER, 'QHKL-L-ElBAN5Y-- V KOLKHOZAKH I SOV Q-ZAKH2 NO 10, OCT 19622 PP--5-8ZM-.- jpRs 16977 USSR ECON JAN 63 218:937 The Standards for Current Assets, by G. Ya. Nlarlyakhin, S pp. RUSSIAN, per, Uchet i Finansy v Kolkhozakli-i Scvkhozakh, JPRS: 27392 USSR Econ Jan 65 2710655 Ways of Distributing Sovkhoz Profits, by V. N. Semenov, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, pe-r-lit-114. -i~~~lho;zakh 3. Y - - - - Sovkhozakh, No 8, 1964, pp 40-42. JPRS: 27392 USSR Econ' Jan 65 271,656 on t of O'bli 1-lbli-ons 'k 0 Mho, 6! c!-- IV it .7 I% 6pr kilo- '3 Tis S, I z Eco Jan ~5 Rossinskil K. I. RUSSIAN,, bk,, Uchet otmostki,, PP- 169-174. *PL 48o oTs 61-11431 Dee 61 Calculation For GyrocoWass ErrO= in ShiP Navigation, by Ye. L. Smimovs, A* As Yakushenkovs et al a, 69 pp. RUSSIANO bks Udiet Pogreshaostey GirakoWaza ID64,, pp 1-687o M93646-V FTD-MT-65-147 Sci-Earth Sci NOV 65 291o457 T/C and bk reviw Cost Accowatimg and CaltulaticGO in th* Mchime- B"ing Industry., by G. G. Bocbarovg RUSSIANO bkj Uchet Prbizvodn*,' i K&l:NAW*4w v Mohinostr I ~08 ~,9,5 I a 309 pp - Heads, Lib Sy See Air Info Div., Lib Cong Table of Contents of: "Records and Statistics for Motor Vchicle rreight Transportation,," by P. P. Strizhenov., 3 PP- (-TD 942W) RUSSIANp bk, Ucbet i statistika Du AvtoLzbilnom Gruzovom Tranl;prte, Noscow, 1954, 0-2o GSUSA 0-5017-A USSR Economic Aug 55 The Zooplankton of the Mozhaisk Reservoir in the First Year offits Existenc.e. by I& V* Uspenskii, RUSSIAN, per. Uchinskoe i Mozhaiskoe Vodokhrm- ilAshcha GiliE.M"Oro-908-Tw-tell REHR I.C.Ut adatelstva mosava univem Vol 45, 19W pp 197--nly.- NLL RTS SMS Sci - Bol Sept. 67 3409406 Pelagic Zooplankton of the Uchinsk Water Rosorvoir, by B. Ya. Vilenkin. RUSSIAN,, bk,, Udiinskoe i Mothaiskoe VOddkmilishcha, 1939. pp 213-22-S0 NLL KrS 2943 sci-Bfirl Aup 66 308t752 'Alle Benthic Fauna of Mozhaisk Roservoir DUring the First Yoar of Its Existence, by lie Yu. Sokolovag IMSIANO bk, Uchinskoc i Mozhaiskoe Vodokhronilislicha, 1933" F~ 339-37T. NLE rM 2941, Sci-B61,! Aug 66 3080751 T of C and Review of Soviet Gliding Sportj by Ye. Sv~ozbnikovv 5 pp. MWIMj, bk.. I lAytat I nn ~ 6 n 2 - memeA ~ ~ moscovs 195-(.*-" >-24- AF -1179067 Soviet Midiag Sports by Ye. ampothdkovs 6 pp. UNMAWIFDW RMjMj bks Uchist Letat'na Planerev (Lear to Ply Glider)., to U-1416-58., AYC31-IAI. AF 1179067 us" Boo Jun 58 ,-I~,p.tjo:i of Gliding (ITaining by DoaazLf,. by Orge- ye, 9,ar