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Belyam, M. 1. PRODUCnON OF PaTHANE FROM HYDROGEN AND CARBON DIOXIDE BY P5EUDQMQN1i PAh9j0TROPHA AND BACILLUS HYDROGENE CULTURES (Obrazovanie Metana 1z Vodoroda k Uglekislogo Gaza Kul'turami Ps eudornonas Pantotropho i Bacillus Hydrogenes), [1962) [6]p. I I refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 62-24621 Trans. of Kazan U. Vchenye Zapiski (USSR) 1954. v. 114, pt. 1, p. 19-22. DESCRIPTORS: *Methanes. *Hydrogen, OCarbon di- oxide, *Pseudoinonas, $Anaerobiology, Biosynthesit, Hydrocarbons, OPetroleum. , 62-24621 I. Title: Bacillushydrogenes 1. Belyaeva, M. L 11. BureauofMines, Washingt D. C. ill. RoyerandRoger. Inc., Washington. D. C. Under anaerobic conditions the hydrogen bacteria Pseudornonas pantatroDha and Bacillus drogeues couta&In proved free to split off hydrogen In (Biological Sciences --Biochemlstry, TT, v. 8, ~otmm 0111c* of Todmical $"cot (over) I Of the -- % at Bpmotml AnWmde by Cmtlxuouis .-- 0 tv 1. S. nd=gnj A. 16. ftalm. MMMIN PW MOVS Z~VMU IMAM* 009 MdVo Vol owt to ~--- Im u 30M Bcd - Pive 'I'l ~~ j3,r Mw 63 calculstdon ot the Erms ct 90eatml Aaalpis by Coatinuaw Mmentremntj, 3Mp bV 1. S. ]Mahn=,, A& z.L. sto2aws-Mve =SUN rwp Ugho zov. lum. 00MA. %17~ *.0 Vol wo NO IRA- w"8 wn Tip 92owne JW/W Tr scd - fts aw 63 az 46 7 Texture Iffect of the Anodle Behavior of Copper In Solutions of Certain lbetrolytes,, by Y. F. Fa3mullin, 1. P. D"Idwywm,, I. E. TImsbackos 20 pp. RMSIU,, Per, Whoop Zavloki KIM Gosudarst univ imul V. 1. AZC Tr 3237 scl, - Ph"Ics AM 58 Texture Iffect on the Anodic Behavior of Zinc in Solutions of Certain Blectrolytes., by F. F. Pay- Sullins 17 Pp- RMUN, per, 4qLwM ZaRtokl MR ap, Gasqdaret p Univ Imeni V. 1. 91 jezoV*-L*Ai6~' Voi dt-, i955 W~ 2 304. ABC Tr 3250 set - Phys Jun 58 Stability of a Rectangular Cyliudrical Panel Idblidly Clauq)ed at the Edges Located in a Non- Uniform Teq)eraturu, by M, S. Ganeyeva. IWSSIM. per, Uch Zap Kazan Univ, Vol 116, No 1, pp 41-44. *AEC Sci/Phy Nov 09 S960U17 Oiscilligraphic Investigation of the Anodic Behavior of Iron . - ' it N&Oh Solutions., by F. F. Falzu.Uin., E. D. Koebman, A. 1. Turashev,, 5 PP. UNCLASSIFnD RMSIAN,, per,, Udbe Vol CXVI,, No 5TOM -., -,Pp 77-81- Navy Tr 1691/Mm 662 Sci - Min/met T- Y/, %Y 58 Research with the Aid of Radioactive Phosphorus In- to the Speed of Liquid Food Passing Through the Intestinal Sections of a Bee, by S.V. Zhdanov, 'U.A. Dolitovskaya. RUSSIAN, per, Uch. Zap. Kazanskogo Gos. Univ. Imeni V.I. UlTUanova-Leninga, Vol 116, No 14, 1956, PP 57-64. (NRC/Ref: C-4956) Sci - Aug 67 339,902 Production of Methane From lllydro,;~en and Carbon I=- D.11ozide by Pseudomonas Panlx-trophv. and -Pacillw; !iy-dro,--,Yenes Cultures, by M. 1. Be-lyneva. RUSSIAN, per, Uchemye Zapiski Xamn Gosudamt, Univ ~men~ V...-L vwova- a ha -0f-, CXIV, KO 1, 1954, pp 19 22. Delot of Laterior TN7 E57 xo 47, Sci - Min/Met Mar 02 Qd..MIM. 282,W2 jua a- 16296 10 Oct 67 Simulation o.~ a Teaching System Related to th6 Process of Creativity by M.S.Tytvinskaya, pp 45-48) HUSSIA,N. Uchenye zapiski,, Kazan Universitet, 1965 USSR/Cyb. pp- CP4 Z5 0 c: 1062 Uwywatrical CyaniDa Dyes*' The Problem of the Fature of the Cbrmophorc of Polymthia Dyes, by A,, 1. Kiprianwo 0. T. P11yugiup 17 PiP- WJSSM.p , per,, I - 24- p 1-0 id- va C,00 Sci Mw Lib Tr 57/1420 Sci clwalvuy %V 51T 1~~, e~ 9- Y, AMAI=tioa cc the alm"Wity MAW To ZNowtilpac the mmomimto of Pont= Bum Of mwwa lulw" in " Valtap Z2ft*%M%GUe rAdAs lw Ac Ze V<*AW and Ve Yes PlW%a*zbtWnj, RArAd-:i Sol - n" Absorptiou of SupcraouW iu PolMystauo by 10 me Lirshitso 0. Do rkbftovskiyt U ppo Rmullp pap VOW p Xbwk Opod ftlys Isnut A. p So 27p 25*36. Ocl *A Llb TV No "/0216 OK sciontifIc - Madstry fty 55 62-18699 Migal', P. K. and Puslinyak, A. N. THE ASSOCIATION OF POLAROGRAPHIC DIFFUSION I - Migal', P. K. cuRRENTS WITH HEAVY METALS COMPLY-X- 11. Puslinyak, A. N. FORMATION IN SOLUMONS OF CERTAIN ORGANIC ADDENDA. (196219p. 10 refs. Order fi om OTS or 51-A $ 1. 10 62-18699 Trans. OrGiQfi~e~ -U . nye Zap Is USSR) 1960, V. 7. DESCRIPTORS: Solutions, *Amines, *Ethanols, *Metais, *Complex compounds, *Polaregraphic analysis, Diffusion. An invuitigation of the density and viscosity of solutions of motwethanolamine, diethanolarnine and trietbanol- aminv in 0. 1 NI aqueous KN03 was carried out. The density and viscosity increase with increase in the num- her of enol groups in the amines. The dependence of the change in the value of the polarographic diffusion current Dffkt Cd TKbIkA S4rVkti (Chem istry- -Physica 1, 17, v. 9, no. 11) (over) so= Properties of 11tin Film in the Cu4s and Cu-Te Systems* by Go P, Soroking, RUSSIANj, per,, Uch, Zqp,~ KishinevskS GOSO !!A~v Vol XLIX, 190j, pp 123-128. ATS RJ-4700 Sci-Phys Jul 67 U90121 CerWu lintrima PrqprUse of TUs PLIM of the Gaft SyStoko by V- 1. Grustddy a32d To P* *Adil=kiyp 6 vp~ Iml*p, perv Rem& ad-=:wm. Udwo" ZwUM VcQ 69p 1964P PP 35-W- PJD-RbQ3-6344T Sol-mmetvOulas & Mm bp Feb 68 350#608 63-16992 udw" X. JL ON 7M DE3aVA7" OF NFJOEMMY CONEVIM 1. MOUDAdd. K K IN ZM VARIATION&L MMMBOUNWAY PROBLEM U. Boeing Trxwk-R70 FM DMWX WrHQU1.% (1963191;6 5 rdL M. Soeft scialtift Rwmmh ptw capks avanw3ge ft= Boeing Rescuth Laba.. SeaWa. WasIL Labs. LAnwy an Boeing Tbms. R70. Wben nqpply Is orb-wmd ozder ft= (M or SLA $1. U~ 63-16M. 7k=96 of LAmdvvw U. Ychm4a Zad-ld (USSR) 1950. am 137. p. 198-M& DESCRVTM&* ecalmdus Of varwim,6 %UP" bovadim oadmnidcs, Tr. v. 10. am 7) Ofte of Tnb*sl k"Im Study of the ReflectIng Power of the M=Is Suface, by N. N. sytinakap, v. v. marcumj, 44 pp. WMIAN, per., Ucherqe Za Iski YM= Gosud Uriv-.* D ITO 1531 114,p 1952. MA 9OTdO23 =,-TH-61-5110-23 Sol - Astron 147, 4,y~f sep 6:L Distribution of $pce Chap Concentration in the Next-to-the FArth layer and in the Free AtMOPMres by V. B. Nilint P. No Twerskoi. RMIM,, per 11 UchmWe Zapiski, Inningradskqp Up No 219.. 1956~? jp 64-71. xavy Tr 1738/nn 669 Sei - Geophys may 58 OV: V7 .oe I Atomic Transition Probabilities, by A. A. 1likitirl. It-, RUSSIAN, per, Leningrad U Uchenye Zapiski, No 190, 1957, PP 3-17' - *PL-4,'-'ko Sci Jua '; 3 lodimetry In ULtra-Violet Light by K.P. Stalyarov. RUSSIAN, per, UchtnZt Zapiski Leni d k Ordena 14_-- -- ngra s o o Ienina Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta Im. Zhdanova, CSIRO Tr 4273 oct. 62 The Rute of' Jc-~le Formation on Metals ancl Alloys: Me 1"Linetics of Scale Formation on Iron Alloyss With Chromium at 11-JL~i Temperatures in the Atmospbere of Water Vapor. The Structure and Conpposition of the Scale Formed, by V. V. Ipat'ev, V. V. S:Cbirska:ia. RUSSIAN, per, Leningrad U. Uchenyee Zapi.--hi, 1957, No 227. *k RIL Sci jai -13 The Main Trends of the Work of the Expedition Which Studied the Reproduction of Fish Stocks in Relation to Hydraulic Construction (1952-1955)., by N. L. Gerbillskiy. RTJSSIAN,, per., Univereltetag No 228p 1957s pp 3-6. Dept of Interior SH211o E820 No 228 Sci - Biol sep 60 1 61-2,3973 Danilevskil, A. S. prid Glinyanava, L, N. VARIATION' OF THE GONOTROPHIC CYCLE AND 1. Wniluvakit, A. S. THE IMAGO DIAPAUSE %VITli 1111-1 1.11-V~Hll 01 IL Ghn~-anaya. L. N. THE DAY IN BLOOD- SUCK ING MOSQUITOFS. 119,611 Ill. Translationa, New Yoric [16~. 9 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $ 1. 60 61-23973 /V 0~/ Trans. of Leningrad U. Uclierive ZaplBkl (U&9R) 1958, [no. 240)p. 34-51. DESCRIPTORS: *%losquitoes, lcolog , y, Age, Growth, Sex, Hormones, climatic factors, *Photosen5itivav, *Light adaptation. The seasonal changt; in the duration of daylight it, the principal ecologic3l lw~tor that , L h,, -o -, ~ * the linago uliBpauiie In ffic or"Imary anJ nialartall nnw- qultD. The p'hoopcri,:.!ic reaction is mamfestcd (Itilv in the fen-.0cs of ,he Ficclet ttoRted. ChangeR in th~~ T-be Bicilo,,.r- of the Pear Tortatield (C poca 6a .,y ar 2? P~-dll)j by. G. G. Shelldeabova. R WSMi, per, ningrad kg .~7Lroj, G M-Av No 24~6c;l Y 19:~- Mr. IITZ/BM 3.8w salu Asr 62 Proble= of the Ianib Ty" for the Wave Equatim $z a Ld an --- Half-ftam.. by A. so Alekawyev; pp. 1983m, lpr, Aunt-u"V-y No p 1.9580 pp i6y-WTO gum 9676741 ro-m-ft-19i Sai - mactran., Fbp 22 aq 62 61-27775 Zaicharova, A- F. RADIATION REGIME OF NORTHERN AND 1. Zakharova, A. F. SOUTHERN SLOPES (IN IME USSR) IN RELATION 11. Weather Bureau, To GEC>GRAPHICAL LATITUDE (Radiatsfonnyf Washington, D. C. Rezhirn Severnykh t Yuzhnykh Sklonov vZavtatmosti ot Geograficheakol Shiroty) tr. by Nina A. Stepanova, July 61 (251p. 14 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $2.60 61-27775 Trans. of Leningrad U. Uchenye Zapinki (USSR) 059, no. 269, p, 24-49. DESCRIPTORS: Earth. Surfaces, snermal radladon, OWeather stations, Climatic factors, Angle of arrival, Sun, Cbsmic rays, Wave transmission, Mountains. Ile difference In the incidence angle of the sun' rays to slopes Is the basic factor controlling the radlion regime of northern and southern slopes of varying Offl-f T-Wc.l S-1- (Earth Sciences- -Meteorology, TT, 5;7, no. 6) (over) Maier, V. A., Kuyalft V. A., and WoUbm, L K AMK-T TRANSWORIZED APPARA,'nJS FOR LOGGM MAGNETIC SUSCEFrDRU". Uan 641 (jp Order from ATS $9.75 ATS-CW3R Trans. of Led-pladl U. Uchl-Yel 7AqP(UUI (USSFO 1962, rA 303, p. 267-273. OMRIPTORS: *WeH loggbg, TrumboW% Mclur industrial applicadons, Pledrodc aqdpmew. Mapedc propartles. TT-64-13W 1. TWC AmX-T tramisew 1. MMw, V. A. U. Ku"Uxp V. A. M. Hood - L N. IV. AT'5-09Q73M V. Ammodated Tock" Su""S, be. I am ocapso. K J. (Earth Sclvumx--GeoUW, Tr, v. 11, v& 10) 63-22234 Evropettsev., N. V. COMPARA11VE ANALYSIS OF THE DM-hiOl-11r1CA- 1. Evropeltsev:i, 14, V. TION PROC M_ AMONG 'nir- YOUNG OF DIF FER_ It. PRW.Trang-431 ENT ECOLOGICAL FORW Or, ATLANnC SALAION 111. NRCY_' C-4-177 (Sravnitelnyi Analiz Protsessa DesmolflflkatsiJ u IV. Fisheries Research Molodi Raznykli Hkologicheskikh Form Atlandcheskogo Board of Canada Lososla) tr. by 0. N. Kulikovskil. 1963 1311p. (figs. V. Bureau of Translations omitted). FRBC Trans. Series no. 431. (Canada) Order from NRCC NRCC C-4477 Trans, of Leningrad U. Uc -ove Zapisld (IJ95R) 1962 no. 311, p. 46-73. DESCRIfIrORS: Fishes, Marine biology, *Salnwaid... *Rhythyrn (Biology), *Adaptation (Physlologyj. -t-th. j Environnienmi teots. I (Biological Sciences- -Zoology, YP, v. 10, no. 8) 1 offike w 11cwtal $mice& MIR Inflvance of Miternal Factors Upon tbm Devalopwnt Cycles of the suvieut Pwasites" by E. M. Kheisln3. 19 pp - RUSSIAN,, per$ Utbann laki qw!dskM GosudaratTOUG25 tat �Lr alox2e Vol IIII 'k~ - Hc.r* 1937t pp 41-52. Sci Tr Center RT-1234 Scientific - Biology Jul 54 CTS Zabolotskii, A.A. 1939 Larva* and nymphs of Stenochironomu& "o Pennis Z4vtt-.. (Lichiniki i kukolki Atenochironomus fasai nn1s Zett.) Uchenye tapiski Leningradskogo Sosudar3tve ogo UnIversiteta, Seriya biologiche3kikh nank, 31(9): 143-148. Tn Russian. Transl. by TrQnsl. Pur., Fgn. Lang. Div., Dept. or Sao. of State of Canada, for FRIC Freahwater Tkmtitule. Winnipeg, Man., 1971, as Tran5l. Series No. 1933, 8P., typescript. Usil. on Loan - N?~TS, Wash., D.C. Original Article Principal Results,of the Work of the "xiiibm Expedition Concerl*ng the Production of Fish Stokcks in Association With Hydroelectric Construct (1952-195S) RUSSIANN, per, Uchenye Zpapiski Leningr,adsklovo. GosudarstvennoV-o -Unii4ii-If6lii~.9" No' ~228 Seriia &R-16g-ich-e's-k ikli Nauk, No 44# 1957, pp 3-10. Fisheries Research Board of Canada St. Andrews, Nanaimo and St. John's Statipons Sci Feb 64 Ways of Developing Untraspecific Biological differentiation, Types of Anadromousbd Migrants, and the Question of the Migratory Impulse in Sturgesons ~y N. L. GeTbilsky 42 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Uchenye Zapiski Leningradskovo Gosudarstvennovo--Uffiv-ii~s-i'f-e-i-IV-o--22S-'-'-S~~.-- ia - , I I 1 1-- 1 1.. ~ - , . a 0, .. P '. . a. - rl Biologicheskikh Nauk, No 44, 1957, pp 11-32. Fisheries Research Board of Canada St. AdrAndrews, Nanaimo and St. Jo Statiomns Sci Feb 64 TransZormtIon to SwIt SUp and Damastram wiemticn of Young ftlw% by W. V. N"qp7tlm4vaj 36 yp. ' RUSBZU,, per# Uchap f4oskl, I~WsMdsJr Q0=dmWv,wmm ad"ro lkiA, No 44t Upt of lat"lar 71shWI46 RM Boad or cans"$ B101 fts M=, C273,, to 9* I///, Bombardment of Metallic Surfaces With Positive ions, by YM V. I. Pavlov, A. N. Dobrolyubski RUSSIAN,YUcheny Zapiski Leningradskogo Gosudaretvam- nogo Universiteta, Ser Fiz Nauk, No 1, 1934, pp 65-72. ABC Tr 1151 Scientific - Chemistry, physics Part U. Electronic and Optical Phenomena and the Adsorption of Gases. Electrical Properties of Manomolecular Filw, by A. 1, Anseltme RUSSIAN* per, Uchenyya Zapiski IaWazrads o Gosudarstvermo,go Universiteta. Seriza Mich eskikh Nauk,, Vol 38, No 50 19391, pp 16-25. NASA TT F-1191S3 Sei-Electr Sept 67 34ls959 (~aantum Mechanical Calculation of Charge-Dwhange Probability Daring Collisions,, by Yu. N. Demkov. RUSSULN, -per., Uchenyye Ordena Lenina imeni A. No 8. 1952, PP 74-loc. Zapiski Leningrad Gosud A. Zhdanova, Ser Fiz Nauk, *NASA TT F-121 Sci - Phys 9 jan 63 On the Peflection of RadlatAou by the See, by K. Ya. xm&vat.yev, R. Ye. Ter-MutuTents) 10 pp. MMIAN., per., Umbappya 2 Zamdold Tanin Oosud U No 210, Ser Flz ND 9) 195 ~vw ~7-T ~- N&VAM 859 Bed - Pbp SLA ~\-3141~ saw 61 14 9 a Z/ The Study of the 1(m Recombination Cowtant In Ttwbulent Atmospherep by V. B. Milinp P. N. Tvarokoy. UNCIASSIFIED RUSSIAN.- per,, Ucb*qe Zaviski lAniagmdskoSo M-an sor q N6 210p No 91 Nav.v Tr 1785/M 671 ca ,Jul 1-8 Pnquwa4W Wtbat of - - In Uadnit VAA& oaftblUtr* by Th. 1. 150. RUBOMP pwo Uch zap jamnar- am. univ..- ser FIS Goal ftuk. W=,p igoop yp OT-90. Zo mr-Sw 32T#970 Sai - Pbysi= jul 6T 8-5258 On the fteory of the Crowth of Cryatals., by 0. M. Ansheles., 30 pp. FUS651AN., parp U Ordena Lenim Oosudwetvemogo U-.--Itnnn A. A. No 215., 19571, Pp 84-107. JM-L-1043-N Sci - Chm NOV 59 ftte of Ozld%tica of bw In Alr and to Oxygm at Righ Teopwaturest b7 V. V. lJoblywj V. 1. milkhowdrov. . ZOWUP pwp Gasudwowl Qdv limia A. A. nmxwm SWIY& Ma Naukp ft lks Part 1# A IV 7410- - XMI 33-97 9kd - Mm _n(,21 / I r Aug 63 WdxUon ftbe of Mm and ftem In Cw&m Diodde a" at at& most= No# by 1. TUOmdrov., 1. A. Gofta. 31M., pwj, Ughenta ooduamon *dV-Uml A. A. Zb&AOT% NO 140, paxt 2$ 1954, pp ZL-33. MI 3198 Aug 63 03d4stlon Pate of IM SA MULtUM of Otem Wlth OaWgen or With Oldrqpnp bV T. I. Timmairorp I. As (loams 0u4 OWN 16 am II Pot WO-was X0 175P No 140 fts To--W*o vp JW. ma 31" ftl . Wu -5g-111516 - ' * r - t, Lr j, -Ic 11 'U.Ltrr--ViOIC4 ~IT Y Jl N. p 3-1.-olyarov, 21 prp. F;JSSIAN, yerm, Uchen5_,-ve 7,r-*pirki Leningrad, C - f- Univ Do "'U, Ser Khim flault, No 15) -;"57~ !jr, 9,2-103. su, 6o-15361 61 Determimtion of Eccentricity In X-Pay Povder Cameras, by E. C. Averbukbi S. S. Tolkachev,, 9 pp, RUSSIAN, pery Ucheowe Maki-oki Le Gmudarst I" BiRpmd - UnlY--:L'W-ni A. - Zhd=Ova No 2U,, Bar Kbim $w No 15, 19W, pp AW GAT-Z 801 - Phys 171, .2, ZoP oot 61 List 60 Pwctior,ally IUVUIQM% &jl%;tAQGG of EqUOUM of -04 Soccad Ordor In Tw* radepondent Varlftlos; by 14. :0:, &-%Imp 29 D7.. Mwuhp ~Xpvuld GMAMrst Usti B= Uiii; No ii6o 194g$- pp'54-A&O' Am =-58-10-9 sa - viva Die 58 7,7,946 SC-T-713041 uncl. ELASTIC VIBRATIONS OF AN ANISOTROPIC BODY. Sveklo, V. A. Translated for Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N. Mex., from Uch. ZyR~. Leningrad, Gos. UnIv., Ser. Mat. Nauk Mekh.-. No. 17, 28-7109 49)-. mathematics; physics; translations ND-34 P RC Unlimited On a Variational Method in the Mooz7 of Amlytic metions, by G. M. Goluzin), 14 pp. R i1% RUSSLAN, Pero qghwy-e- Zapiski U-PAY-L Beriva Matemat Nmuk.- %, -=Iv.. no eJ" 3.952) P-0 85-101. Amer Math Soc ]a W. math/Data Proe Aug 63 Equatums of the prooesslams, Thawy of MW Qymscopom$ by L, 1. Mnn&t-,ov,, 5 pp. IW=M.q perp Ucbeyo ZoplaM LenlngraM Ualvs 6~4p jbtomt No*, Vol =tv, No 280p 1960.. pp 25-30. AIM Vol I., so is 1963 fti . pbp cg -7 ~,(, Y V/ ~p mar 63 1- Optimm Space tWneuver of a Spsc~sldp Trausfer to a Circvlar Orbit, by V. So Navoselovs 12 pp. PASSIX4, pert UChQ= Zgeiski laningrad Univ, Ser !vlaten Nauk, No 3230 19640 pp 169-182, cl-M-61) R-5.6ug sci - Aero may 6s FOP OFFICIAL USE Q&Y 2781394 TCMPBMW!i"V Dayondowe of the At*bwtzU Constant Of at F of go cycles/sm V* ps DuaLUALYP to 1 Ne/Sm,, by A, V. Mal tww md 8 pp. mosImi, rwi, Rob!= ZEWL$ki Led odskw A-..--avheskoM U*UtUtS6 Val 207v p pp PRO usm sol-ph"Ics Oat 67 *0598 f ee 4x %A Problem ;Oir the Nature of the Solar Cyclp e!P-- Cpape*+ea, by M, 3. Wgengon. RUSSIAN, per, Uchenye Zapiski Vvovakm&go Gosuda*&tuaranoga N- chazkAy Sbornik, Vol XXXII, No 2, 1954, pp 66-65. 60 76 k 4CA-TIC MCL-53/V Sci Geophys 10 Apr 59 Telecom 40795 Fluctuations in the Ic"I at Lake Vlctorlu and the 5 to W6-Tear C~,eu Of Soa= kruvit'v, by M. S. R~rgezsmp 9 pp. MM M81M., perp ~Lqbm ZaWWd L~vwzbM Antrm SbmuUj 'm .............. Vol 117 w ~~ " Sci /y Apr 63. IDC 20 J%m 69 a 04 MWlicit AualyUc Ogmtor's In LocaUy Convm apac" by "*V&yAbug,. UsLolowl Ism Basel=# muwm "rialpuchouno zmfwd letv. ocw 0 %1v9 ftu# VychUl Ts n t z IJkdv. I Rloo #kTo 1963, specul Typ"B"Wrowl. dnft pun we inas gnqw=o TOD. 24 jun 69 pp- do not rMitlutes -nature at &m sT4tjz., yz:. 58, Vol v, lop" Aw 60 2M 2b9=7 Of AtMONONVU X1meftlcjjW Pbsmm~v by v, 2. AnbeftUs 48 pp. 'MUNI pwp -UOMNR-sg&u mink A"oc T*cb saw Bel oeqpbp Ad sm cumater"U" 69 moomea. ft"o at lb=d*reloab and, i 0 AeUv:itrv b7 V.- 2, Axamm"o, A foe RMINS, per* am&4 am lot uml a To I"Tv tv 67415o The Asimpto+Ac StablUty In the Lwp of the Trivba 833.utlm of a Dlmmlml Systm of Two DiffezmtUa Egutiomp by N. 11. ViwgmdLovjl 14 ppo I IMP 4, pert qq~mw Z"'s)d Jbikoks Oondont MT - VFF~ Pad lut A. SL Garlks lo 7p i-y-p- A= Waft fto od ~ Nuth Aug 63 -57'4 0 Comparative Study of Blood in Frgshwater Fishl, by V. B. Adriavov Gosudar- RUSSM, per, qS~np~ Z-ople).El Moskovem*80 stvesnogo Univereitetaj Dept of gaterior SH211 382, no 219 Sci Biol Sep 6o A2 j"'. 9-401 Dwteotion and Datermination of Acid in the Pm-serme of Date-loomr, 'by A. P. Tarairl,"'Tav, Ks X4 t%gwmi 10 p. BUS91ANO per, zapletis 1936,, wo 6,r YP 207-211s STA 59-WI612 set Apr 6o Vol k.'0 P- ,il` lin'luence of' Reae-l-laii Condil-lonu the- YiOAx u kxf --womera 1.11 the llitra~Aci;:i 01. by A. I Tarentyev, B, M. Kedrov, 36 pp. R I MIATI, per, USb.-nye ~qpU" t~g:E~qrpitctaa zmm vo 61 .1936., pp 213-234. Sal Tr Ctr RT-3 W-3 6^-Scnti~fic - ChcclGtry mky 56 CTS/dex 61-18150 Rubinslitein, A. M., Prvolvazhenskaya, K. P., and Chernomorskavil, L. S. 1. Rubinslitein, A. M. CATALYTIC OXIDATION OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS 11. Preubrazhenskaya, K. P. WITH CARBON DIOXIDE, 1. 1196117p. 14 refs. Ill. Chertiomorskaya, L. S. Ordur from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-18150 Colidunsed li-ans, of Moscow U. jUchenyt: 7apiski 1 1936, no. 0. p. 287-296. fk' (:ijrjt~,sr.~4, Caialv.-4k,, Oxidation, Or~,MiC C01111'W)LIrlds, Cm-Km diox idc, Vaporization, Alcohols, lincompounds, Calciumcon)- Tx)unds, Vanadatvs, Van adium com pounds, klolybdc- num compounds, [JI-allyl radicals. i offict G(TIK61cal swvitst Uchenye Zapiski Moskovsk Gosud Univ No 9, pp 162-82 "On the Biology of Some Mud Representatives of the Chironomidae," by T. I. Sinitsa(T. J. Ssinitza) Lab of Flydrobi6l and Physico-chem Biol Moscow St Univ, Sci Res Inst of Zoology Translated at the National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland Irfst of Health File Availablez nD Library in Nat Kreh, 1. K. DE HLEKTIIISCIIF EIGENSCHAPPFN VAN VANADIUN PLN'rownE (Mectricil properrieR of varkidium pentoxide) tr. liv G~ B. J. Overbeek. 23p. 22 refs. 827. (r~xt in Dutch). Order from OIS or ETC 5 1. 85 M -173S6