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Gridliev, V. N. III: F VROB1.1'EM VAN IIET MECIIANIISME FN DF' KINFTICA VAN 1-11: ONIZETFING VAN IT'RIAE"T IN %11~TENIF't fill IRICE 'N ('I 11C Of 010 MCL-11;116.~rll 4111C1 01C lilicticS of OW rr.trj~;C( Irmaliwl of porlac intomistervite a( high vuloci- ficL~ c)f huming) Ir. hv 1. 11. vml S;lntun. 18p. (forcign ,(.X[ includodi. 11) refs. MTM,-, 705. (Tc-xt in I)utch). ()I-Lle.r from M'S or P-I $1 . S5 6 1 - 1 732S Frm,,* 11 1 zi I T Hill iclies Kof Fiz~L.(USSR) (I ~61 2; , .10.:~-, ~1,1 ~1114i, ~(*-,,: "I",; 1~1 ~Wrl, OR S: Secel, Pju.,c h I -- 173 -IR 1. (Il'idl)(W, V. N. If. NFIWI,-7il~, 1111. suchtilig %loeiijil: I f1CgJ1lk1-Iijh.- I.itcramur Oth'. d I-WCA S-i- Electric =d Iniammlectric Pipportiar; of Parti&W 1"p-daced (bbm) Tltani= Dioxida, by B. I. DolWmj, F. N. Vasem1m) A, & C-alunimp 19 pp. RUSSUN., per., Zhm* Tekh Viz.. Vol Xxl~ .40 51 1951. Morris D s, rriedm 1/ $9.50 Sci Electronian 9Ci Cbe=Izta7 VAr 59 On the Calculation of the Propagation of Harmonic Perturbations in a Liquid Which FfUs Serially and Parallely Connected Pump Aggregate Ppipe6, by Yus R. Grizodab, 12 pp. RUSSLAN, per, Zhur Tekh ,iz Vol XG 1951# pp 564-572. 912 A AEG-ANL-Tr-24 Sci-Phys Sep 64 265,834 Obsomtlons of Peak Groups of Electrical Fluctmtions.. by V. 1. BunimVichi, 14 pp. FM trmalation, Rmw, zhur Tekh PUI 19510 Val Ma., No 6, pp 637-A6. Sci Mw Lib No 52/32h4 Scientific - Electricity 27 Deccmber 1552 On the Mecheml= of the Lightning Diacharge,. bY A. S. Ali%lade. RUSSIAN.. per, Zhur Tekb Fi%, Vol XXI;, pp---6�~--65 -'- -- n~o 6, 3-951, 7. CSIRO sai - Pbys / ~~ " 7-~~ may 62 x-r,av investigation Of the Agli~3 of Alum-Inium w PAI Oys. nrjas):O, per, Mur Tekh yiz,, vol xxip No 6, 1951,p r~)=r Reneamb Inatitutel, Tm. Tr 67 ,4 Cf Pbpics., min/matuls An X-Fay Method for the Qumtitative Detoarminatim of Molemlar Orlantation in Von-Crystallizing lbabberav by B. V. 'rA,kJn., 5 PP- XMSM, -per#.Zhur Tekh PU., Vol Ma, no 6, 19511's pp m- 60-16~84 sci /Ople., 5?/,;,7 3o mar 62 Co4mt-atlott. ot *111,160 Genviallzmd of Warcgo&ill 4stems. 1. yAtrL*r- Ifw.Fhave systom vith Ironoloopted laoluoicao. 11, ow"IstoiUsl D-lixtWes Off NOWIM33ated particlea,~ by V, 1. Odelovskiy. VXCL HUSSM, per, Zhur Takh Fix; Vol m, Fo 6, 19519 pp 667-685, DsXf,, IJXT ML 1332 Oxan) // p, / 1~1 Illf ku~~ 6o Pocitive COlum of a Otw DJA3cbarge in an AxIfLI ly-aymmtric YAVXIWc Pie]Aj by H. M. Rolkbrlde3j, :RMDN,p MD I*rs 2 -Ift A&&. Vol X)M# 1951,. PP 733-t45- 4W sa - pbvsica ABC Tr 2731 es-1 Jim z Oscillographic Study of Discharge in M Pulsed X-Ray Tubes, by E. M. Reikhrudel, A. A. Ad Sanin, T. A. Titova, 6 pp. RUSSM, per, Zhur Tekh Fizl- Vol XXI, No 7, 1951, pp 746-752. Amer Meteorol Soc AF Cambridge Res Center DRB Canada T308R Sci on tb-- solution of the Integral Sqmtton of the Bomeary (DiffracUda) PI-ablem of Mac- trodyneisdas.0 bY N. V. Z*=Vvp 3APP- R=DJO perp Zb= %khjNjLAwx,vOl Ulf U T., 19 51 # pp 57 L I SIA R-1953 Sal C? e T- ja O'L., -T I-b il`:,~ vol V, ul 471 A Slot Antenna With a Guiding Byatem, by M. L. Levin WSSIAB) mo 2,bur Teldi riz.. Vol XXI., ljo ~t, 1951~ pp CIP /1"D-D X -2394 ,,,~ay :1957 CTO/dc7. Xnf luacce of Manganese Upon Diffuelon of Curbou ,).a Austenitep by M. E. Bloater. per., Zbur Tekb Fizi, Vol Mal No 7# Mls Brutcber Tr No 2924 4"Ozientiflc - 14inAietais Impulse Azalyvi~ by Mouns of Resonators, by A. A. Khar- kevich, 11 pp. UNCLASSIFID Full U=Sldtloa. RUWW, no per,,- Zbud.Tekh Fix, 'Vdl*Mk -so UY-UM.. 1951, pp M6-891 AW F-TB-7852-M Scientific - Physica, resonators Sep 52 CMIM CrA 857863 Blepcreios of Sound ixk Dia;*me Systems., by V. X. Ki- chur4n, L. A. Chernov,, 14 pp. DICIASSIFIRD Pull tranalation. RMSUA, mo p", Zhur Tekt Fiz, I Vol XXI, No tSSR, 1951, pp 920-926. AM P-M-7852-Rg L J, JJI~ Scicntific - P4-cics, dispemion, sound vaves Sep 52 OTSAYSX CIA 857883 Dissipation of Sound in a Slightly Noubomogensoue Medium) by 2,11. L. Loyin, 4 pp. =IASSIF33D Full translatiou. RLISSW,, qo_2;x., Zhur Takh Piz, Vol XXI,* So 8# USSR.. 1951, pp 937-939. AW F-TO-7852-RE ecientific - Dbysics, sound Sep 52 CM/DJKX CYA 857M The Theory. of Meas=ing Week Sigpels Having a Coutimuorw Spoctrum, by-V.-g;. Troltsky, 10 pp. MCLASSIFIED V lull translation. RLESIO, m0 per, Zhur Tekh Piz, Vol XXI, No LIGBR, 1951A pp 994-1003. Z/ ly AW F-TS-7852-RE . I , ~ I ' -~ 1 A . t Scientific - Phyalca, 3pectrum, aignals 6eP 52 CTS/DEX CIA 85T383 DUtribution of the DMINItY Of UWaM VAPW in the Prownce of an EvVmting and Oondenslng Liquid )ua=v Surfsoev by R. Ya. Banimap M. A. audrjuk,, L. A. Sam. RMUN.. perp Zknirv,*3 i n-Ildp Vol 21j. go 9j, 1951P PP 1005-1007- *AEc scL.T-6&251 sci - Physics Lira'-to of Stable EAstmee of Positive Cas Discharge Col=, by I. A. PoIeUyev) 13 pp. RUSSM, per, 2b" "Mmidmkol ?is Vol =' No 91 lzl) pp 1m-1028. '04%; FE)AT-62-1238 Sci - Pbyz jan 63 - - ... . -; !~ -Z, Diffusion of Palywra in Solution, by G. E. Brealer, S. As Pavlovap Ps A. Mognwrt 12 -pp. Full translatUno MMUN* Pat Zhw Tekh Pis.. Vol X11j, Vo 9p 1951, pp .- OWIM/2-995 Scientific - Chemistry Aug 53 CTO/D= ~r 90 Influence of Alloyba Elements Upon roetowito Tirana- foraztion Tempe ralkmvo., by'V. 0. Varob'ev and A. Gul3rabv.. 17MIARMM RUSSUN, per, Zhur Tokh Fiz No 10, PP U57-1163 Vol XXI 19 Brutcber Order No ~Oeg mce 44.6o Scient1fic - 1*tolluray Trantfox-nation o~x Austeatte im-to 1,Artensite et b7 V. 0. Varoblev, M A. P. Gulyzeyor MWMIT, pori Zhur Tokh ':,Is* Vol MI, 1951P ITO I-Op Brutcber Tr NQ 3021 Price 0.90 0-5 on Mological and Chemical Procesuca in tue ricid or ultrasonic Wavos,, by I. Ye. Ellpiner. RUSSMS mo Pero Zhur Tekb gjL#,~Tol XF.Ip w0 100 Oct 1951., pp 1205-1217-- USDA Tr I-IOP- USSR Scientific - Biology Jan 54 cTs A?/ 5;, by D- bY 'l. D~ Ilb 58 Temperature in the Cutting of Met&U, by A. A. Avskov, 7 PP. Ruo-SIAN, pers Zhur Tekh Fiz) Vol XXI,, No 10j 1951s pp 1262- 0 Sci Hue Ub Tr 57/0954 Sci - Phyvics 17Z 57 Z- ") Y Jul 57 stn-Av of Reuidual X-Ray Strains Produced in YetaLq v by H=g ne Plwtic Deformation. Part IL, by B. H. RM rpwalksiyj '22 pp. ._R!~,.Zbur Tekh ?is, Vol XXTO No 110 1951P 12p, L L-- 54 cu/pw/x-1369 H y 5 /C- 5 The Coefficient of Correlation au a Criterion of the Acoustic Quality of a dlosed Roomy 6 pp. by S., G,- Prahman, UNCIM321-0 HUSSIM, mo per, Z-hUr_Tekh Fiz. Vol XXI o 12, ,-, a pp 1492-15,,6. Vj Defence Sct Info Sir; D41B Canada T 37 A Scientific - Pbysicsy acoustics Yar 53 CTS -, -~-l the C'wstion of the Reebai,ism of the Decomposi- %,-'or, of Supersaturated Solid Bolutiors in Alloyrr by A. Bagrbaryatzkiyp 14 pp. ull *u--:slation -Sol XXIp No 12# ,ZSSIMj, mo per; Zhur Tek-h- ]Ei j, :~951.- pp 1497-1563--r- Scl M lAb 53/2047 ~Y'y "/' ~ Z- Q sci P Pbyaios CL I ,7-0 7 X-Ray Cwera for Lou Temperatures., by L. S. Fan, B. G. Iazarev, 4 pp. RUBSD.N,t per., Zhur Telth Piz,, Vol MCI, No 14 1954t PP :L5hP--1543- =/FM/X-1353 Scientific pr6ble.w Of contemorary Solld st&6t-N Same oilkenshtainp 23 pp. El(,-ctron TheOrY) by F' F' V FjjSSLk-L?j, M r v~j XXII 1951) p 15,14.- ------------ I/ (/' At'-d 17.orris D,, Friedmn $12.00 cTs 65/Feb 55 Scientific Contribution to the Theory of the 1krdeuing of ,tale. 2. Electron Density and Chemical Dafects the Lattice of the Solid Solution of Aluminum -.7i Copper, by B. M. Rovinakiy, 7 PP- .USSIAN,mo per, Zbur Tekh Fiz, vol xxnv iffo is pp Sci Mwaum Lib No W2359 Icutif ic - Minerals/* tain Mar 54 CTS Optical Factors and Effective Deptb in the Pboto- Effect of C3sium Antimony Catbodes,# by B. I. Dyatloviskaya Fall translation. RUSSMI, per,, Zhur Tekh rizx Vol XM, No 1. 1952, pp 84-100. ABC Tr 1588 Scientific - rhysics Jun 53 CTS/Du 3 j.5- 7 On Deformation of Electromagnetic PulaeoPropagated it the Ionosphere, by B. N Gershman, 7 PP- RUSSIAN., -perp Zhur Tekh Piz Vol D=j NO 1; 1952j, PP SIDA Tr R-661 Sci - M-ectricity 11,_0 41P -~?ff Aug 57 V IDI '12"'C CCnductivity, Bloctr~cml ("WAIm'tJvI'%y and Themoelectric Force of SbZn A.Lloyz,, and Alea oia the Yrfluence on 'Pnevs of Mmite Mmixtums of Other listalu by E. Dsrjztkc-va,, Yu. Malakovets, L, Stil 'bans, 24 p pp. RMM'!., 111-11.12-r-TA4-ub Vol all, No 1, 19525 PP 129-142. SIA R-887 Feb 58 The Photoelectric Effect by K, S. Yumatov. RUSSLAN,, per, Zhur Teil Fiz,4Vol XXII, No 1, 1952, pp 177-17e.------ ERDL, Ft Belvoir T-1720 (AD - 436421) Sci - Phys Oct 64 267,625 11vocoosen of OmAdatiou and 'i'Tanarer Cccwrriaz Eli.- th2 11~atsl ~,'Iectrcdea ol a Direct -Curra tit An# by V. V. Dorovkov, F. D. Kornh, 12 pp. RUSSVU6. ~er, Zhu-- m-*khPisj_ USSRt Vol =11, 1932., P,,) 227-2273774-- CIA/FDDJZ-117 sciem;ific - PhJaica -7 & AA /- 13j i / Spcctral Beflexim of ZbtaU in tba-Spactr= Region 220-250m,, by T. Gh. Packbamp URUM R=Los M= Tej~h Fjzj 29520 Val 22, No 2. pp 308-332 Scl Mw Llb lb 5213112 Scientific - rIVICS 29 November 1952 EncrCZr Spectra of Mactrom in Ionic Cryatala (Ti,ght-BludinG Case)., by S. V. Tyablikov,, 12 pp. RUSSMI., mo por., Zhur Tekh M Vol =j 1952., p 325. Morris D. Friedmau $6.oo USSR Scientific Physica CTS 65P 55 j S 1r Y On Ille 6ensitivity of Radio Pyrom,-tm-s, b~r V. S. T'r 0 1 t-' iclr (ATIC - 69906-2) 11 pp. RUSSYAN, Pbr, Zbur Tekh Fiz; Vol rMll, HO 3, MAr 1952 ATIC F-15-7884 Sci!iatific - Blectronict; CIA 2002-353 7ell -lt~ -/0-z cwpa .;"heory of Solid Rectifiersp by A. I. Gubduov "IJISSIM, per, Zhur Tekh Piz) 1952,, Vol XXII,, 710 3, -p D.S.I.R. Tr No CTS 10 7cientific - Electricity 10 t J1 Ust no 49, Apr 1953 62-10477 Kontorovich, M. L aDd Murav'ev, Yu. IL THE DERIVA11ON OF THE LAWS OF REFLECTION 1. Kontorovich, M. OF GEOMETRICAL OPTICS ON 1HE BASIS OF THE U. Murav'ev. Yu. K ASYMPTOTIC TREATMENT OF DIFFRACTION PROBLEMS. [1961] 21p. (2 figs. omitted) 3 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $2.60 62-10477 Trans. of Zhur(nall Tekh[aicheskoil Fiz[iki] (USSR) 1952. v. 22, no. 3, p. 394-407. DESCRIPTORS: *Diffraction. *Optics, Surfaces, Electromagnetic fields. *Reflection. Theory, Msthe~ matical analysis, Integral equations, Electromag- netic waves reflection. The derivation of an asymptotic equation for the sur- face Integrals from the oscillating functions (the method of the stationary phase) is considered. By the use of the equation obtained, the relation between the laws of reflection of geometrical optics and the laws Offi-F T-61-1 S-1- (Physics- -Optics, TT, Y. 7, no. 10) (over) Luvcotl tim %&A Kuto tho Xnfluzn-e oi: Speed of Circu~v.tloa on th-a 'Lluea cf Cxitical LADat ?Iuva Gh. Btyu3hlri, 10 pp. RUSSUWt p~jr, Zhur Takh Piz Vol XXII, NO 3, 19:5 2; pp 4 4 6 -4 F~ 8cl - Physics on the Tbeory of a Wave Guido With Colls. ftrti&UY rMed With a Dielectric Raterial. (5.1ho Case of Ar- bitrary Dleje~-Iwie Permedbilities) by V. -P., Sbevto- palov. Full translation. RUSSWO no pr, Zbur Takh Fiz, Vol =p No It =R) 19520 Am Tr 1363 Scientific - Mlectronlcs,, Wave Guide, Dielectric BeP 52 MS/DEX :cxcitatio n o-ir wm-a cuiden, by rso. RXERI! 0.,, rao per, Zhur Takh llion, Vol MEll 1952, florrin Do Friedmu v15 - 00 Phyoics ms 65APet) 5.oo So= CharacteriBtics of the Flow of a Two Phmu-- Mixture in a Horizontal Pipe, by L. Yu. Kraeyakovd, 21 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Tekb Fiz, Vol XXTI, no 4, 1952, pp 054-OU9. Scl HuB Lib Tr 57/3671 AERE Lib Tr 695 Scl - Physica /j M-U 5 8 --"A P.-N tompactiug and Statering of Metal Powders 2 Studied on the Basis of Their Electrical ~m Conductivity; by V. 1. Likhtmen,, L. T. Nazarov,, EX Full translation. RMW,, per., Zhur Tekh Ftzp Vol XXII,, No 40 1952p pp 696-702. Brutcber Tr No 3065 Jul 53 CTS/bLx Scientific - Minerals/Metals Price ~6,40 _?:67.1 I-lode! of the Movement of Charged Particles in a 2-Dimensional Electric Fie2A., With Consideration of the Space Charge,, by B. V. Bobykin,, RUSSIAN, per, Zbur Tqkb Piz, Vol XXII,, No 5, 1952, Pp 736-743. UKSM ;GB 4 3 Sci - Electricity / 3 -57 Sep 57 Tempmature Relation of the Caeslim-Antimony PhotoceUs,, S. G. Yurov. FuU translation, Spectral Sensitivity of by V. S. M3&wnovm R=nN# mo perj Zhur Takh FIz# Val XMj, UM; IgrAj, pp 74h-746. ABC Tr 1500 Scientific -Physics,, spectral,, c&eGI=-antImwy photocells lnl.'Iuen~e of Tensile Stresaing in the Dielectric T-Iozses and the Polarization RX of Crystalline Polymers: by G. P. Xilcb~Wlov, B,. H. Fainshtein RUSSIAN, Zhur Tekh Piz., 1952, Vol XXIIy So 5., D.S.I.R. Tr No CTS 7 "'cie-atific - Phyeics 1-ist INC. 40, Apr 1953 w Reactivity of Diffusion of.Carbon Into.Tungsten, by G. S. Kreimer, L. D, Efros, 24 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol XXII, 1952, pp 858-883. 9226314 AEC-Tr-6510 Sci-Phys Feb 65 274,251 e 'p 11 Me Us 0. 5?-2" and "b%-2" Glues in &-pori=nto at Lou Temperatures, by B. N Somoilov, 2 pp. UMASCSIFIE, D RUSSIAN, per, Zhur TL-kh Piz SSSR Vol XXII,, Vo 5. 1952) pp 888~8 Nan Tr 787/-raL h 38 USSR Scientif ic - Phyoice Jul 53 CTS 99501 Vacuum Mtallograpby.. Its Pivumt State =4 Future Tronas of Developmutx by U. T. Oudtzov, and H. Gh. Lozinskii, 23 ppo Puw tmsution. RUSSIAN. Mw Teich Fizo 19529 Vol Mi. No 6o pp Sci MW Llb No 52/3e51 Scientific - ldcroscopy 27 December 1952 ym;ud vii?rations or systema, StrPking a Stop,, by F. S. Livshits, PUSSIMI, perp Zhur Telih Fizj Vol XXII, NO 6., 1952.. pp 921-931. -- ' ATS RJ-1303 Sci - Phys Jul 59 6f --7 7 ,