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w ,4. ty !~,-Iat fllsc*~Pd Oy Y pp - Tekb riz Vol 19" ITO 9.1 194'.9 PPP .1-015-9. ael. gueem no ;1/2032 lc Thic L meas of Silver Mlide Crystals of Photoamphic ~~zlmz. Measured by T-InnikIc Marointerferomt-,r Equippea With ','CV. Objectivesp by P. V. IWLdyar,# P. IGi. "~s. , 7 pp. TZSSIM..,per, Zhur Tekh Fi:.,j Vol X]Xj No 9., 1949p nl) 1041-1644'. CTA/FDD/X-1318 Scicntific - Physics Carbides in Reat-Treated (Tempered) Stoelop by M. P. Arbuzov., 10 pp. MMVJ,p per, Zhur Tokh Fit# Tol XXX,, No 10,p 1949. AVC F-TS-6977-IM PA 15IT97 Scientific - Physics June CTS ric-j a a virco-pizatic way in an AnrALI;Ar SPace Betw",-n Tim Coarc-'al Tubes,, by P. K. Chchipanov: 4 pp. BUSBU-N, per,, Zhur Tel:h Fiz, Vol XIX.. No 10, 1949, r9 1211-1214. Sci Ma Lib go 54/1377 Scientific - Physics Aug 54 CTS / ~p r7 9'j " / 0 Reflection of Plane Waves from Stratified Inhoznogeneou5 Media, by L. M. Brekhovskikh. RU66I.0, per, Zh. Tekh. Fiz., Vol 19, No 10, 1949, ~; L-- q :' I ", pp 1126-1135. - " r . - , j u : i *14orris D. Freiditen for LincoLn Library (W--11 appear in SLA later) SeP 57 K. D. Zoltoev The elettrical, and mechanical properties of thin liquid Alma. RUSSIAN pers Zhurnal Tekbnichaskoi Fiziki., Vol 19 pp 1146-1-153, Oct. 1949 Sci Museum Lib no 50/3175 -77 on the Theory of Ccmbuetiou of Initially Umdxid Gueo, by Ya. B. Zellclovicb, 20 pp. RUSSIAN.. per.. Zhuz- Tekb Flz Vol 19 So 10., *MM Got 19491 pp. 1199-iffot-,t-see Fatioml Advisory Ccumittes for Aeronmtics.) .-Tedlical -=mr=d= -1291L 'bCtA" k4 LDn JO 0 Fluctuating Processes as Ozcilla-',j~zw jj,,th Rendcm AmpUtudes and Pbzoes, by V. 1. Bunimovich, 41 pp. I MWIAN., mo, par, Zhur Tekhn Vol XJX., No 11., 1949..".pp 1231-1259. Morris D. Pried= *20.011 Scientific - Fb7vicz MA, !,trom u2in Genicouductor vibno, m 1-jav, ZhD-., Tekh FIx, Vol IX, Do 11., Air PeD sud mn(I ptyZica /7 1-5 / / 4-*c;Z I.e 1.) Davidenkov, N. N. ONNIER KING rN OVER ERN ARTIKEI. VAN DFUn'AREV, GETITELD: " DE INVLOED VAN VOoRSPANNINGEN OP STMWIT EN BROSHEID (ROTnarks on an Article of V. P. Dcz3,ar,,v, entitled: " 7-11t~ h1flUenCe of Vreqtressing nnStTcrmth;1T1d Crkpnc,;~"). 61). NITWL: ~50. (TCX( Ill DUtCh). Order from OTS or FTC. ~1-15 N - 17,596 Tran~. of Zhurmil I FjzW (USSR) I 04L). V. 10, no. 12, 1). 1.142-1-1-1-1. DF~CRUYFORS-. Metal,;, '!triu[L~ inatcrials, Srruss,~,, "TC11111erature. 1. Davidenkcm, N. N. 11. NUWL-3.56 Ill. Stichting lklocilijk Toeganlzelij~u Wetensc-Imp- pelifte Litenituur 01fi- f T-h6-1 S.-c., 0 ' An Additional Co=ent e Article by ~4 e A. B. Bryukhanov, N. 0. heva and E. P. +h Svirina, Entitled "Magnet ion of Permal- t sat loy in a Longitudinal Constant VAgnetle Field" (Letter to the Witor), by R. V. Telesnin, 3 PP- RMILAN, per, Zhur Tekh Fizp Vol XIX; No 12p 1949, PP Assoc Tech Serv Bei Aug 58 Condition of -Carbide Form*d During Isotberml DecoWeltion of Austenite., by E. AtIntsevo M. P. Arbuzov. MMIM,, perp Zbur TeXh FIzj Vol XX) No 1, 19509 PY 32-3TO Brutcber Tr.2719 Scientific - ftelce $4.90 Tbe Effect of t~Ae Vallence of the Third Element on the Diffusion Process In Silver-Cadmium Alloysp by S. Gertsriken$ B. Dekhtyar, 7 PP- RMIAN per 71,w Tekh PU# Vol XX, No 1p 19501 pp 38. Assoc Tech 8erv 69J16H $10-30 Aug 58 Influence of Three Valence Elements of the Diffusion Process in Cu-Zn Alloys, by S. Gertriken, et al. 8 pp. RUSSIM, per, Zhur. Tekh. Pz. Vol. 20 1960, pp. 45-52 *CFSTI TT 70-57081 Sci/phys Jan 70 L. A. Vulis On the equilibtlum temperature of a body in a -, gaseous stream. I RUSSIAN per Zhurnal Tekhnichesko /V riziki, Vol XX, No. 1. 1950Y PPW-109 Sci WAxseum Lib No 50t3174 The Inf luence of Pressure on the Mechani= af Steam Formation in Boiling Liquid, lq~ L. 14. Zuikm-YoIc)z,hen, anid 3, S. Kututc-Wze, 3.3 PP- RUSISWI, Zhur Tehh riz -Vol 20, No 1, pp 110-1.116y Scl 2-ussum Ub No 51/0572 - LMdon scl - Physics Electrical Propertiev of Titaui= Dioxidep by Ya. 14. Xseadzov RUSSIAN, per,, Zhur Tekh Fiso Vol XXp 1950p I* lp PP. 117-123. Brutcher Order No 3053 Price $5.40 Scientific - Metallurgy dap 13 0, L6 The Potential Distribution in a Spherical C%mcittv for Ue Case at a fttumtIom Currentj, by R, P. Popla")W. RUBSUN, yer* Zhw TeM Fisp Vol XX,, No 2. 1950.9 PD 149-159. T.I.L. T4 46ho 31/, Set - ftales WY 1956 Imflusuce of Nickel Upon DiffUsion of Carbon In Z Auatauitep by m. E. Bloater* RUSSMp Wrp Zhur Takh Pis, Vol XX, go 2, 1950,0 pp 2IT-221. Vmtcher Tr No 2T93 z -.,-/ Scleatifit - mi"Axetsis $2.90 / elk f', A Pecultwity of the Mechzni= of Plastle Deformtion of Ice$ by K. It. Ivanov; V. V. tuvrovy 3 PP. -I IA17, per., Zb=. Tekh Ft.) Vol XX, 17o 2, 1950., ,,jss Vp 230-231. Sci Tram Center RT-"5 Scientific - Physics /,0/ 0 CTS/DEC "5;A2 The TelegmpL jgMj.Qjj- L~-w LOZOZ02 6 - M. Fyi= p 26 RMSVXJI ~ rzarj 2ttli. PP 259-281. ns -81-J3-n. sci rzr 60 V61 2.. n Th-t~~ ce Appmlssto Slmilsritv Im tW Pherawts ot Beat ConAuctivity,, by A. Y. VelnU, 18 M. MK~-CZAUJV ELM= Teich fig, Vol 20, go 3.1 3.950, -c2 295- - ,L:TL-- figmms we mly in tho Rmsian vrigtual attached"j7 Zt-I KuGeln NO 3112338 pociattIfic lufluence of Vickal Upon Quantitati-m Characterlatice of the Coalescence ar Cawbides in Isothermal Tempering., by.S. Z. Bokahteyn. F,LBSZM,, per,, Zhur Takh Piz, Vol XXj, No 3j, 2-950j, r? 327-333. - Brutcher Tr No 2.0,26 /j Scientific - Physics Some Optical Chax-actcriatics of Cs-Cb Photocathodeop by N. Ya. Kirkbanin, N. D. Morgulis. Full translation. RUSSLO,, mo per, Zhur Tckh Fiz, Vol TZ, No 3j, 1950o pp 346-352. j AEc Tr i6ig USSR Scientif ic - Fbyaics Jul 53 Cro '~~ IC5 On Focusing Sound Waves by a Parabolic Reflector;,by L. D. Rosenberg RUSSIAH, per, Zhur Tekh riz, voi xx, no 4, 1950, PP 385-396. AEC Tr 1152 Scientific - Phy2ics StiNctural Chm%,~o th tho AgoiUS Of thP AIL'.10-0 Mg,~ by Y. A. D3S~sryatakly. ll==,, Mr,, Zhur Takh Fit, Vol ms; so 4., 1950, pp Pu3mer Reavwch institute P 222S2 T So 11 Brutiftlior Tr go 2-fol #i,, 5-,, Scientific - ftaits /.:r 4$"7 investigation of the Diffusiou of Zinc in Silver-Zinte Alloys With Admixtures,, by M. Buts kv S. Sertorikeo, 3 Pp. 4 C, RUSSM,, per, Zhur Takh Fiz,, Vol XX,, go k, 1950, pp 426-43T-' .42 Sci Mu Lib Tr 55/0922 '41 Ir Scientific - Physics4 Jul 55 CTS Source of Alkali *atal Ions., by M. 14. Bredov. RLWZM mo per.. Zhur Takh Fftp Vol XK.* go 4, 1950., PP 4TO--479- -- - AIM Tr 374 P4 163T107 / 61 ZI c;:2 / Scientific - Phys~cs Feb CTS A Simple Method of Thermostatic Twparature -- 0. 0050 C. Control With a Constawyi by P. A. Fynoganov, 6 pp. 14 RUSSIAV, Zhur Tekn Piz, Vol 20, 1956-t pp 480-40-. Sci I'lusem No 51/2737 scientific - P40ics Photometry of Fluorescent Lamps,, by S. 0. Yurov, 21 pp. RUSSIO, per.. Zhur Tekhnicheakoy Fiiiki,, Vol XX,, No 1950, pp 516-5~K.-""'-*-,---%-------,-~-,- - , - Bel Trans Center RT-3437 Scientific - Apr 56 ..k -wtogmpblc Compariaon of Light Sources Differing C--matly la Radiant Mergy Output, by G. A. Tikhovp FUSSMs per, Zhur Takh Fiz, Vol XXv No 5P 1950., 526-526. CIA/FDD/X-1177 C Phijaits C-TS/Dm' Dielectxic Losses in Ceramic Dielectrics and 3arium Titanate at HiC-h Frequencies; by A. L. KhodakM. Full translation, RUSSW, mo per, Zhur Tekh Fizo fUSSR7, vol xx, no 1950~, pp 529-532. An Tr 142o USSR 4Zt._V 17 '~M/z - 15-1~6 3cli-ritific - Physics, minerals/metals, electronics, dielectric, ceramic, barium titanate Nov 52 CTS/DF-X nt tb:.~ 804W.'.~* of 34-1,03ticity DarirAg TorsLor, b.-., S. 3. DuiWent.-v, L S. SbGk m., WW ur-a V. A, V.-Umirl-cv. I ROMA% taur Tekb JIAP Vol 2-1 195C', go 5~ Vp 534-542. Bz.,tctwr Tach Tv No 2a93 Pore Formtion and Its Rffect on the Rate of Blvapora- tion of the Volatile Components Prom a Solid Alloy, by F. A. Santalov. Full translation. RUBBLUj, per.. Zhur Tekb Yizp Vol IXj, USMj, 19501, Pp 564-570. ABC Tr 1488 3cientific - Physics,, pore fox tion, solid alloy. Jan 53 CM/M ,qev Apparatus for the lawstiption of the Combustion -'roceases in Engines,# by A. 11. Voiuav. ,11r4W, per,, Zh TOM riz (J. tech. pbys), Vol XX(5),, 3ay 1950, PP Th=ton Researcli Centre Tr NO OT/I -4 Ulac. 230 3cientific - physicss combustion,,, enginea Index Aeronauticus Recrystallization Kinetics of Alloyed Iron, by L. 1. Kogan., R, I. Butin RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Takh,YXzp Vol XXP So 5v 1950, pp 629-6-j~'.-~--- Brutcher Tr 2858 Scientiftc - Minerals/metale OrSA)EX p ^4,., C iY -1, 3 06' ~;/ 6) Flusent-Day Bolowtry, by I. D. Konozenko,, 16 pp. RUSS102 mo pors Zhur Talth FIZ, vol xx, no 6p ig5o, -pp 645-665. - - -- z Sci Museum Lib So 53/2517 USSR C. SC lantif ic - rhP ice 7,3 7Y Feb 54 CM Atomic Scattering of X-Raya in Copper-Zl= Alloys s by A. V. Beznosikovu., V. 1. Iveronova., 4. p MSSIMs per, Zhur Takh Fisp 19500 Vol M, -Aw 6, pp 666-669."- ATS -la35 R Sci Apr 6C. / / -7 rf/ ~ Vol III,, No 2 Ufect of Initial Grain Size in the Pearlite-Austenite Transfwwtiou, by M. 1. Ybolennikove, Ys. R, Rausin. AMMON,, per,, Mm Ten:FL&m Vol Xx., No 6, 19500 Brutcher Trans No BM Bcleuti,.Cic Metallwjin ateel,, pearlitey austenits, trunufarntion ~,'.Ihe Use of IrIluminators in Investigmting the Low 'd- .sequency ScatterinjS Spectra of Orpnic Crystals., -ly A. T. Xbralmnov, V. A. Sel 'kinj, 5 pp. .-k'~IJSSIAN -mo Der. Zhur Tekh M. Vol XX., No 6, !950,, pp 745-74ev,. ........ Sci Mweum Lib No 54/0696 " ~ 1 Sclentific - Physics MBY 54 Or-, / q1 113 'Kzat)ymatt~, ~,,. Tt.-~Ory of Amt. '-Pmnu=L asion tu 6,c4te -ta CA f4md Urtoical fts"m s7z,+riwcidros~ by 0. A. Ostmumovo SO 6 9w iiGmm;z. are Cray iu the ausaum wig'Iml ~Iathod of Meaeuring Ccaductivity In Dielectricas LnQ.TA by 1. M. DW=itov-, 8 pp. missia, por, Zbur Tokh -LI7.,p Val xxv 19500 805-80k~ Aza TV 1869 sclentine - Ptwsics OTS/DEX 4125' 7,; The Nowurqmnt of Permal4ity and Dielectric Loose of Hard Diaectrics in the'Centimtei Range by Moans of Wav~ Gufaes ~ . I . b~ 0. D. BUrdun- RUSSIMp mo per, Zhur Tekh Fizv Vol XX,, No 7,, 1950, PP'813-8a- -- AM, Tr~ 459 &1 Pp. i64T63 Ball Telephone LabLib. Accession & Tr List- w E108 Scientific - Physics %Tl= 1951 CTS Sy.,cctral cuprrrves of Absorption of Solid Films f, Dyes, bj~-X. T. Vlartauyani, 12 pp. RVE-3310, per., Zh%w Tekb Fix,, Vol XX* So 7P 1950P pp 84'7-853.- cu/m/x-iW I.Ecientific - Mysics mo/m On the PrInciple of Conformity in the Theory of Plastic Deformation,, by N. F. Lashho., Zhur Tekh Fiz., Vol xxx So 7., 1950) RUSIF~883- Fulaw Researob Institute 21 scientific IMD= pb7slas MPEX The Relation Between the Contact Resista=s Metal/ Semi-Conductor and the Contact Potential Difference., by V. Y. Lyashenko, and A. M. Favlenko, 5 PP. RUSSIM, Zhur Tekh Fix, Vol 20y 1950P pp 854-857. Sci Mweum No 5V2744 Scientific - ~byslca On tba Rupture of NbtaU,, by N. F. Last* F(USSUNS Zh. Teth. lnlz.ip 20 (7),q M-E~Tv 1950. Fulmor P-08ownh institute Tt No ea OT/181 Sclentif ic Fbyalcom =taUurgy The Coefficient of Frict1cm During the Sliding and Scratcbing of Metals. by E. N. Haslov, 9 pp Rv-saian,, Zhur Tekh Piz, Vol 20) 1950., pp 8W- 891. Sci Museum No 51/2745 Scientific - Pbpics Photoconductivity of Gs-Sb Layers, by P. G. Borzyak,, 10 pp. RUSSIAN,, mo part Zbur Wkb Fizp Vol XX# 1950, pp 923-927. ABC Tr 1728 P7-21i?O Scientific - Pbysics CT.-)/DZX T 4- To fil - 12046 florzyak, P. G. A FrUDY OF OXYGE"N-CE-SIUM FILMS. 1119601 10P. I .Cathode" (Elmral tubest)-- 14 refs. MwxoconductMty Order from RIS $5. 00 RIS E-641 2. Oxide CnIhMes-ContIngs 3. Photoconductive filma- TrRni;. of Zhlyrnall T"njchcFikw.J.flz SR) Ii kJ (U& - Propertlem no. B. p. 928-930. V. Jb, 4. Thin filma-Mmo- ocnaltivitv I .Rcm-lyak. P G. 11. RIS E-6411 111. Research Information Service. New York 00-11 l-&-. (E.nFdne,rrlng--EIrcrronlc, 77, v. j. no. 1) LA A 95, Sci Tr ctv ~7 lmn'~ u -I C;( .,+ III Full Vol Bo 01 )L~f Q..~) b m, 1 ru, L Influence of Cobalt Upon Diffusion of Carbon In Austenitea by M. I. Blanter. M=x=v7jw-T1Oxh?~4! Vol ,at no sp imp PP 1001-1004. Brateber Tr No 2754 14~1 " 4t~' !~Aantlflc - mln*,Otals $2.40 Investigation of D'I'masion Of Ch-romim "La Iron- Chr=ium Alloys Containing Third Elements, by S. Gertariken, I. Dekhtyar. ft1l. translation. RUSSUN, per, Zhur Te'&nicheskoi Piz 1950) pp l005-teF4---' . Vol Xx, Ro 3.. Brutcher Tr 3013 Scientific - Iroa-chromi=., alloys., Diffusion and Bonding in Metal Alloys, by I. Ya. Deklityar RUSSIAN, per, Zhur. Tekh.Fiz. vol. 20 19SO, PP- 101S-102a- *eP9TI TT 70-57021 Sci/phys Feb 70 Fo F-,- f V~, C'. -i-,, FEB 20 1951 Vxt .to --41-/o a407 - k~vovskava lumtlaatim of the IlActrical Propertica of Thin ozift niw by the oaneous Dieciarp plams MAtmAjo by S. S. autszp 4 ypo RMIW.v mo W.. Zbur Tekh Fiz., Val XI.. 1950,p pp 1=-1=t ABC T r 2 n, 5qjjZ;?5,1 sel - Fwaloo Jm 57 The Electron Multiplier as on Indicator for a ~5 Weak YAgnetic Field.. by N. V. Kranogrookaya, 15 PP. N WMIAN, m0 per, Zhur Pk ize Vol XX'P No 10, 1950; pp 1257-1266-.- JLF ATIC F-Ts-gogi/v Sci - Geophysics ."Z d / Wov 56 CTS T F XX:: ry6, I o (ot 5v) pp I -L-13-+ -pt (s-r-zs&) it C, It sh-A-"ht,~c- aU~vj,. 15. 13 9- V-81ovrestckk MAR 6 !9;i V Lie IV 11 '; k-i I ,Ni .%I . FFN RE171.1) VAN M- VI'l-DI'MISSIF, VAN ELECTRO- NI-'N (A form if emis',r)n o-of Olocirons extnicted by the electric field) tr. by K. COT1111dan. Qp. (farLig-n teXT inchidcd). 600 (Text in Dutch). Order from 0'1 S Lot, I-T(: $1 .55 1 -,:;12 Tra 11s. L)f.ZhULIIi I Teklm iches LM IJ7. iki -(USSA I Q.9j), ' , 3 T717- v. 111, . 1~06- DF.SCRIM-ORS: "Fluctron-~, E.lectric field.,, 'Field emis,,4jon. (I I - 17 3 .1 -1 1. Vlkhnskif, M. M. 11. AITW 16 OLI I II .sticliting Nineilift Wetenschap Offi- The Influence of StresS03. Produced During the Breakdown of a Solid Solution,, an the Growth Rate of Seeds of the Now Phase, by B. Ya. 1pubov, RUSSIAN, per, Zhurnal Technicheskoi Fiziki, Vol 20, No 11, 1936" ~p 1344-1352. P911044166 AEC IS-tr-41 Scip4m Sep 66 3110436 409-10646- Concerning the Problem of Noastatimwxy Heat Conduction in Bodies of -Arbitrary Shape, W A. J. Veinik, 10 MISSIO ZImr Tekh Z"O,vOI xxo 19509 PP 138-2-13W - AM Tr IM Scientific - phyVics CTMOAW Eydromeebanima Model of tba'Critical CaAtticn of Heat Transfer In Bolling LIqulft for the Case of Free C:am*Ump by S. S. 10atataUdze,, 5 pp. Russrmj, 'app- Zbur Takh.Tiz.. Vol XX, 1950p pp 1389-ilw. AM Tr IM scient=C - ftoice / 47' 4, 9 21 Cus /W Tablo ct Cont~VU ft tW aw.Ut "ftdlo%kbnlft,jv X6 29 1"0t pp :Rvmws m0 pors Takhdabubor Pild Tol- zt,, No no i=Tmiwm ssuawzu 6, Ndta. 0U Mac crx Plum Emiesion of a Glow DischaMe in Moist '. Airp by K. S. Oargerp, 12 pp. K. WIM,, mo perj ZOE Tekh llizp Vol XXp 1950p pp 1413-1421. ABC Tr 2734 ftl - rmuj= 4 S, 1~ 3,? Jun h 57 1%ture of the Currents Producing the Funda- mental Ca%mnent of the H= In RwUo, Valves., by A. R. Mnflain. RUMIA19, per,,- -XiAd' xx, No 12.. 1950., 1505-1W8- CSIHO Sci - Electron May 62 19(1." 414, On the Relationship Between the Coefficient Of Therml E.M.F. In Sendconductors and the TeEperature Differences In Junctions. by B. Boltaks. RUSSIAN, per, 2hurnal Tekhnicheskoi-Ei-ZW' Vol XX, 110 9, 1950, ~PM-3-9--1-051M- CSIRO Tr 3981 oct. 62 ~ Measurmento of M& Fnquency glectrodeless DiectArge Parameters With Two Prdne, tW L. Blbernmu,, Be Panin., 9 py. RUSSIMp so per, Zhur Tokh Piz, Vol XXI., 1951., pp 12-17. r, An Tr 2851 SCI - Mweics APr 57 CM/dox 155 The Mact of Alloying on the Resistance of Iron to Brittle Facture (Rupture)., by Ye. 1. Duebmanova. RUSSIANA per., Zb=.TWLb~Pixp Vol XKI,, go 1., 1951j, pp 26-31. CIL 96W737 ATic mm 6m &d - mwmet ft 61 1 .1,5-A -/ Wire DC-2 0 4 T'.-)c B.te.--trical Conductivity c-f Glaz-=; , f t c Sy-,-t.e!u PhO - SiO2, by K. S. E:vatr--ple*r, A. Ya. Kumeta Y3 Is 0, melln1%. va) 1~ P.P, RUSSIAN, par, Zhur Telth Piz, Vol XXI, No 1, 1.,51, pp 1, Sci 'frans Center -ET z""W2 Scientif-Ic phqsia~; Aug 55 CTS/ba F, - w, tion of lectifyIng Rocking IAW*ra by Means of Cbmical Corpumb In AUoysp by a. 0. Kale-hnumvp L. so Inst") mmi"t pw, aw TW& JPIS, Vol ma, 1951., pp l29AA-.---` bU TIIA*M CO '20,137 W" 2r 247 Scientif 1e - phPICS Doe Do not use In d" raw. go not U41;ate dwe by BeU. If Loquiry mq It my possIbly be ob- tainea and we wIn Wdere Ustribution Of 1,160trical Icild in a I'l-wee troodo Uselparge Valve at iApl.;'j, initerso j!ojtagcr,~ by U. -An(~roav. por, ZIL-Tfokthn ol 21 I-, t-oi: Y)3.636 The Influence of Turbulence on the Break-Up of LiquW Jets, by N, S. Pauasenkov, RU.11,81AN, per,, Z-hur, Tekli Fiz.0 Vol XXI(2). 19518 pp 16o-166. C6D-EME& Tr Ito T 87 OT/215 Scientific - Physids; turbulencej, liquido Jets Index Aeronauticus - Navy r 1305/T-259 "~,,venth All-Union Conference on Semiconductor Proper- -ties., edited by K. B. Tolpygos 41 pp. MiCIASSIFIED Full translation. 2USSIM., zo per,, Zhur M Fig, Vol XXI.. Vo 2, USSR, I'eb 1951, p 231 ~ I-'%'---;,~4/ - - ATIC F-TS-7915 Selantific - Phpicr.,p eemiconductors CIA IC%3282 Feb 53 CTS Nature of the Large Deformations of Ifigh-Molecular Sulbstances in the Vitreoue State# by Yu. S. Iazurkin, R. A. Fl, oael'soa. A (I RMSIAIT,, mo. per. Zhur EIM12L=, pp 267-286. . Vol MCle No 3s, 1951j, "kit Scientific - Physics ROA.Z. Farnborough tr 436 f, My 54 CTS On them Mchanism of Brittle Failure of Plastice., by V. R. Regell, 32 pp. 1.7,MSIANI, mo ~Flz _2M Zhur Tek Vol XXI~ No 3, 19511 PP 2k-303, Sci Tr Center RT-801 r-'-ientific - Phygdes 071 General Theory of Asymmetric Waves in a Circular Waveguide With an Open End,, by L. A. Vaynshteyn,, 22 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Tekh Fiz, V01 XXI, No 3, 1951, PP 328-345. F91005167 NASA 17 F-473 Sci - Elect 4 Elec Engr Jun 67 326,055 The Relation between the Contact Resistance and the Contact p.d,, by X. A. Krivolglu and K. B. Tolpygo. RUSSIANj per,, Zhur Tekh Fiat Vol XKI., 1951,, pp 417-426. -'--- ASUB-G43 Sci Ale 58 71, A attWy of the ftst Blectrwo in a Plaamp by L. 0. Ousm# 12 pp- RWTAN mo perj,.gM TeI12 E!!~,p Vol XXIv 1951s ,p 4T4;7- ABD Tr 27N scl - pbplcs i~ ~, 479 Jun 57 The Effect of Velocity of Motion of a Fluid ., BoilinZ. by 11. 0. oa Ueat Transfer During Styuohchin, L. S. Ster=n, 6 pp. RUSSTAN, per., Zhur TaIdi Fig, Vol XXIO 1951j, pp 448-452. - ABC Tr 1731 Scientific - Rlysics / e" a V,.9 CT6/DEX TI--MPcr,--WrO3j bY 14 V- rZG-%nZdtzki., 4 pp. -7370, 17-luir Tel!h SIM Vol XXI., 110 11 -11, Savy ~ir (Bi2/mm hL4 Alaz 53 CTSS