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1hreshold of Colour Contrast at Constant Brightness, by S. 0. Maizel. RUSSIRK, pER, Zh. Tekh. Fiz. Vol 17, No 11, 1947, pp 1253-: =268. NLL 5828.4F (11692) Sci - Phys 67 3389648 On the Excitation of ~iaveguides-l, by A. A. Sawarskiy, .1 A. N. Tikhonov, 24 pp. VWSSIXi, per, Zh Tekh Fiz, Vol 17, 1947, pl, 1283-1296. JVUC/BNL-Tr-300-69 Sci/1-ilec Feb 70 402,549 oiff~wlicm of Curbou, In Austealtoo by H. S. Blauter. 11 -UMAilj, per, Zbur Tekh Fizp %"*I -.VlXp NO Ill. 1947, T-P 1331-1340. -, Brutcher Tr No 2263 icloattfic - minmfetals A?- V 4/ Ucitation of 11aveguides. A. N. Tikhonov, 16 pp. RUSSIM, per, Zh Tekh Fiz, pp 1431-1440. AEC/BINL-TY-308-69 Sci/Flec Feb 70 11(l), by A. A. Samarskiy, Vol 17, No 12, 1947, 402,547 On the Analysis of the Boise of a VbvIzS Auvrefto tw K. A. voichmumv 8, N. Rzkov#b$ $ pp, BMSIO,, per., Qp2r T*kh ?Sss Vol XVno So 12., 1947j, pp 1483-XU-3F. ~~' to 33 0111"Ift 1.7n.;56. fir-oliv-1-91 -1 I&--t- 1036M Ar 6.5 , 4% f Bei - Acroneatics J~r !":Z, bY S 2, Ml- ix ~, ~ price 90 Influence of Grain Size Upon Diffusion of ritrogan, by A. G. Andreeva, 1. E. Kontoro-vich, A. A._ Sovalova. Full tranplation. MUM,, per, Zhur Tekb.Fiz, Vol XVII., go 12m 1547P PP 1521-15L,>6. Brutcber tr ~olb Scientific - Ritriding, steel The Molten Metal Boil in the Bath of a Steel Refining rurnace, by V. S. Nocho, RUSSIAN, per. Zh. Tekhn. Piz., Vol 47, No 12, 1947, pp 1527-1530. BISI 9097 Jun 71 SHETEMS, A. K. Zhunml Tekhnicheskoi Fizikip Vol. 18# No. 1v 1 figures 5 tablesp 1900 words; 1948. Influence of Boron upon Structure of High Speed Steel. Brutcher,, Trans. Order No. 2138# $3-33 ZHUR TEKH FIZ Vol XVIII, No 1 jan 1948 "Thermoelectric SttLdy of Certain Processes Taking Place in Alloys: It' 11 pp Yu. M. Margolin Brookhaven Natfl Lab Vol 2., No 9 Guide 44T68 Effect of Degree of Deformation on the Relation Between Stress and Speedp by L. D. Saolov, 7 Pi. RUSSIAN., mo per., Zhur Tekh-Fiz, Vol XVIII, 19kbp PP 93-97. M.W6_1 ABC Tr 3079 Sci - Phya Nov 57 YAKOVLEVA, E. S. YAMOVICH9 M. V. Zhurnal Tekbno Fizikip vol, 18,, No. 10 1 figure., 2000 words; 1948, ~j, ,j & ?,?,,9 Development of emcks in steel during Martensite Transformation, Brutcher,, Trans, Order No. 2134, $3-00 NMMT, S. 1. Zhurnal Tekhnisheskoi nsiki, va. 18# No. 2, 3300 words; 2 tablu; 1%8. GhaMCtSr of Interatomic Binding Foram in Phan" Fortud by Transitional X141tals with Light HA&Iloids. Bmtcher Traxwo Order No* 2201,0 $ 5.75. ZHUR TEKF FIZ Vol XVIII., No 2 Feb 1948 'Mistribution of Deformation According to Volume in Metallic Crystals during their Deformation by Sliding" 10 pp D. G. Kurnosov, N. M. Tronina, 14. V. Yakumovi AEC Tr 294 Brookhaven 44T 63 YA-,ICVLrVi S. E. T,--'~ brAches'! ci Fjsjkj~ v62. 2180 1949p No, AC llnitcb-r Trrarz! No* '1,771, The Texture of iron Scalep i%rt 1Vj -Investiption of Temperature Range of 930 to 2470 ?1, by V. I. Arkbarov, F. P. BUtrfi. RUSSIAN , perj, Zbor Vqkh Fir. # Val XVIII # No 2 s 1948p 9p Rmtcher Tr 2%9 scientific - ftsics /,~~ FY ;7 Nemnonov, S. A. I IP-XAGONAAL CHROOM EN DE STRUCTUUR VAN ELECTRISCH AF-GESCHEIDEN CHROOM (Nature of It,morkil,Chromium ind Structure of I'lectrDl dc C Tnut, De sits) tr. by 3. 11. van Santen. I p. MTWL: 8118. rtext in Dutch). OrdCr from OTS or FTC' Sl . 55 61-17607 Trans. of Zhurnal Teklmicheskof I-'Izik-i (USSR) 1948, v. 18, p. 231)-246. WSCRIM'ORS: 'Chromium, Electricity, Metallurgy, *Crystal structure. fit-1760-, 1. Nomnonov, ~. A. H. M I W11-801K 111. Stichting Nloflijk Tcvgan~cliftc welewwIl"Ill- pcljjkc I.Ircrarmir ///3 1.-.. 3 ~ 1/3 Mic Texture of Iran ftalm$ TwWarature RWp of W to Arkberov and F. P. Sutra. Part Ut Investigation of 147(P ?._, by V, L RUSSIO, 2,ba Toth Yiz -2 14 Vol 18, IWO No 2., pp 211 Brut~-ber Tmb Tr go 2869 YAF-,OVLF.VA, F. 3, YAKUTOVICITO a. V. Zbarnoil Tokbachookol P1 zWp Vol, l8sw No* 3o 4 fILZures# 1 table# 15M wordo; 1948, Residual fStresses In Corturized Steel Platon QuerAhed frm Belcm A* 3 Bmtehor,, Trww. Order No* 2127., 09m,65 13 215 Ca- I GORELIK 13. V., DMITRIEV V. T. On the electrical conductivity of mica in strong electric fields Zhur. Teldin -. Fiz., 18, No. 3, 1). 333 (1948) TT 146 - English Euratom The Lws of Atomisation of Fluids in Centrifugal Jets, by lovikovl, 1. 1. i IMIM, per, Zhurnal. Tekhnicheskoi Fiz)EkU (MR)j 1948, Vol 18, No 3, vy 345-3 Sci Summ Lib N~ 50/2803 The Rheological Properties of Calci= Greasee, by G. V. Ilynogradov and K. I. Xiymv, 43 PP. RWSIAN, Zhur Tekn Fiz, Vol 18, No 3j, 1948 PP 355-376. Sci Kweum No 51/2754 Scientific - Physics On the Wthod of Obtaluing Alloys of Varying Con- centration, by V. S. Kogan, B6 Ya. Pimse RUSSIM., per, Zhur W&Piz, Vol XVnT(3).. 1948,o pp 377-382. Fulmr Research Institute Tr Do 35 OT/413 Scieutific - Mem6aftry alloys ., concentration. Index Aeronauticus ZHUR TEKH FIZ Vol MII., No ~ Mar :L948 "The Elcctrical Conductivity of Mica in Strong Electric Fields" 71/2 pp B. V. Gorelik, V. T. Dimitriyev AEC Tr. 288 Brookhaven 63T26 ZHUH TEKH FIZ Vol X=., No 3 mar 1948 "The Problem of 'Real' Conductivity, in Solid Dielectrics" 4 pp. B. V. Gorelik, V. T. Dinitriyev AEC Tr 287 Brookhaven , 'I, ~~ .~, 11 .1 63T29 ZHUR TEKH FIZ Vol XVIII, No 3 mar 1948 "Regularitief of the Breakdown of Liquids in Centrifugal Jets" pp. 9 /4 I. I. Novikov Sci Museum Lit 50/2603 (Trans. C. Lists, 20, 150) 63T94 77-63-20980 Vinogradov, G. V. and KlImov, K. 1. iBEOLOGICAL PI-OMMBS OF CALCIUM GiXASES, 1. VInogradov, G. V. 5 Aug 49 120]p. 46xefs U. Klimov, K. 1. Order from OTS, SLA, or ETC $1. 60 W-63-2MO Trans. of [Zhurpal Tekhnl~hWRLLL qW1 (USSO 1943, t ract V4 v. 18, no. 3, ~7155--M. (A stract ava ble) Another trans. to available from LC or SLA n-03. 30, pb$7.80 as TT-60-13734 [1960] [44p]. DESCi,IPTOI~S: *Greases, Calcium compounds, Vla- cosity, Creep, 13JAsticity, Plasticity, Stresses A method Is described and results are given o( a study of the elasto-pluBtic properties of sc.Udals. The prop- exties considered include(L Ebe character of *he elastic deformations under constant and variable loads; the conditions of detennInation of the abear modulus of greases; creep phenomena and elastic after-effoc' softening an d hardening under stress, elastic llyst~resl Offic. W T-h.l..l S-1 (Mateilals-Lubricants, Tr, v. 11, no. 4) (over I r) WQv methO Of rAMCMIMM Iffeatipting Plastic DOfOrImtIOn Of ?6rrOm9"tIC CrYAtMlV, br 0. S. Almlovjp N. Z. bUrpeov. MSSW, per,, Zbun&T!T1e0M,, Vol XVIIII No 3p l".0 pp 389-394. --v - . -1- -, -Brutcbor Tr M5 6clentific - ftsice $3.80 An Accurate Solution of Lengauir's Problem for a Spberical. Capacitorp by V, L. Van. HMIU,, per M= Tekh. FIZ I Vol XV I No 40 1948,o PP 483!4'94'0---" -""- - T.I.L. T-4639 Sci - Pbygilas ~ 15~1 4 ?'/ ft 1956 ZHUR TEKH FIZ Vol XVIII, No 4 i Apr lqh8 ItThe Form of a Field of Electrosta~ic Lenses" pp V. V. Sorokind, P. V. Timofeyev NRL Translation 184 Copy in file safe 64T90 t7, ZHUR TEKH FIZIKI VOL XVIII., No 5 !-.lay 19118 6 pp "The Problem of Ionization of Atoms -and Neutralization of Ions on the Surface of a Semiconductor Cathode" N. D. aMorgulis Brookhaven Nat'l Lab Guide Vol 2. No 9 7 5T100 ZHUR TEKH FIZIKI Vol XVIII, No 5, 1948 4 pp "Excitation of a Semi-Infinite Radio Wave Guide Through a Slit in the Base" M. L. Levin Available at Brookhaven See guide go Russ Sci Per Lit) Vol 2. No 3, Page 118 75T101 C FSTC RX-23-79-68 R-938?-D 3F 26 Apr 68 ~'PmfUations of Spberic;al Waves ptt ~-Jeak Interfaces 13y. ~Fmll: JOUMAI of Technical Physics (USSR),V. 8, 1946: 4r3-483 (10 PP) RUSSL-in - est for Wds: Please translate and type I ftmera ready Cojrj. please prepare Data Handling Page. Dooment can be cvt. To 1~7pist: Please rmko covers as smples attaoW. : 4 hard eoverst I Inside cover, r~istrlbutlmw list ar, tho Ift-ft pn4e of translAtion. Irl -23-?9-68 DC Office m1co 3 x0rox copies. a Cas .,.,Or 'che Preparatis-il 'LIQ r~:nAJ~T Vol .'11,V111,., No 5t 19481, vn, -r:D 2227631 F h A CalarlmeW for Detalmd - . VAU m Of SPOWU md ' Latmt Hfttf at High TfqWxWz",p b7 To A. Mmlov. RUSS=# PW Zhur ft Fiel Val XVM, Me 6,, pp M3-=.* 19it" NUO K*454 sci - pbo Apr 62 193#895 Of Aluv4jlum On the Ximtics of Tkv-Pbase (Batectic) Crt-jetWAzation, bj D. Ya. Pines, 21 Tm~ WSSM., wr, I Zlm.-. TeRh nz, Vol. NXII, 140 6, lqh~, pp-TT CU'-rdCtI2rIStiCI3 Of tht RW)itive Column in Gas M:LxtL,-rcBj by A. A, Zaitsev; 7 pp. per., 21,hur Tekh FIE, Vol Vill., LZ7--- No 7* 3-9-46o pp 9494951r-Ij Sci TT Center RT-1445 ZIRTR TEKH FIZ VOL XVIII, No 8 Aug 1948 26 pp "Nondiffused (Martensitic) Type of Cpnversion in Alloysil G. V. Kixrdyumov I , KUPDrV0Vg G* Vo Jo-irnal of Technical Physics., Vow., volo 18#,noo 8F 7 figures., I teble, 3500.wm-d part translation; 1948. Difflisionless (Vartensitic) Transfomatione In Alloyg. Part I Bmteber Trans$, Order No. ?300., Ith.90 ,--4o MKhods for Determining the MumWati(xi Frca ~ barge S=faces, by S. G. Yurov., 22 pp. PlISSIM, per, 2bw TleA Piz, Vol XMI, 1*3, YIP 1OT3-1083. - --. srA 6oa3T3T Isd / 376 ;Z"fZ .qpr 62 vol iv., No 6 SIxIa:m,-,qv ruid Pro;crtlas of PoWer Caspets am P,Inction C:r Their DOUSItyt by 1-4. Yo. D31,11hin. =310v r&rp Zburml T*Uh FI%q Vol MAII,# Fo 9* 19148. Brutcber Tr No 2",W. scientific - Him/Xetals $4.55 /3 675 The Causes of the Pher1cmerion of metc4tcole States DurinC, Crystallization, (Does 04~flfa-Llls Law of Stages Hold Good in the Crystallization 7heoxy?), by ii. ri. sirota, 16 pp. RUSSM, per- Mur cA--,bkh-FJZ..t._ Val XVUI,, no 9,, 1948; PP 1136.U48. su 6o.137eg Sol Aug 61 OTS,, Vol 111) No 12 63-14498 Kostenets, V. L, Lazarev, B. P. and othere RFALIENCE OF METALS AT -2530 C. [19631 1. Koetenm. V. L [121p. (refs. omitted). 12. 1 aza ev. B. P. Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 63-14498 Tram of _%humaLTakwjch !qMy W (USM) L _1z 1948, v. 18, no. 9, p. 1149-1155. DESCRIJI'MRS: *?,,:ctalB, *Elasticity. Mochanical properties, *Low tenVeraturc research, Copper, Brass. A rapid measuring mediod of the resilience of sautples at tenVeratures of liquid nitrogen and liquid hydrogen H960 and -2S30 C) is presented. Resilience measure- ffKmm werc made at -1060 and -2S30 C on three types of metals: Copper M-3, brass L-%-62 and brass U-59. (Audior) (Niet.d1urgy, I-I', v. 10, no. 2) 00k. d Tama semi. Jbilit 0' an AuDtCm'!.,t4-c Stf----oly by 71. i, T%'.7 Zhurnal IYO,L X7v,,-vy &- Brutch-er Tr Ho Investigation of Process of Density Increase of Single-Pbase Metal-Powder Comps ts. Part In- Re- lationship Determining,the Vo33 Changes of 40tal- Powder Coppacts D=Img Ointeri~g (in Reply to X. Yu. Ballehin)l by.V. A. Ivemen. 1948,, RUSSIAN,, per$ Zhur Takh Fizo Vol XVM,, No 10, ISM pp 1290-1305. Bmtoher Tr No 29aT Scientific - Min/Ketals Dec 54 CW/M 3 $9.80 Propertiee of Pocirly Conducting LSY49 Between the th;.! by 7- In" 'T'Ishimrov, 20 pp. RUSSIAN, -er, Zhur Te-kh U Piz, Vol XVIII, 1.10 11; 19481 pi; 1347-r-3557-----` SLIA Tr R-icv)5 Sci - Electirmica Y j ()J' , pm 5 8 V. A. 1wroaula Itpor 1111 tit 161, ?roe t%rvK~ moki Of ~ aiso ~ L ~:=Pactxp by, M. Yza. Bal'ohla. m. Y~Z, Vol vix 140 10, ZHUR TEKH FIZ Vol Mill NO Nov 48 (1P 1 '-3 6 9 - "Physical i'mperties of Oilver 6ulfide Photbelements" V. Ye. Kosenko Ye. G. Miselyuk Available at Brookhaven See guide to Rua 6ci Per Lit, Vol 2,, No4t, Page 156 11 H 11 It 11 if 11 Vol 2, No 8, Page 288 11 fI It it it It 11 Vol 2, No 11, Page 381 18/49T107 ZHUR TEKH FIZ Vol XVIrl, No 11, lop., Nov *3 ")X - 13 sc "Radiation Through Gaps of Hollow-Space scillations as an Analogy of the Tunnel Effect" P. Ye. Krasnushkin Ye. R. Mustel Done by GB 45/65 (P:a451T) See Index Aerc may, 1950, pp 28 Sci Mus Lit, GB #50/1343 18/49T108 ZHUR TEKH FIZ Vol XVIIII No 12.~ 4 ppt Dee 48 "Photoconductivity of bome Intermetallic Compounds" V. P. Zhuze I. V. Mochan 6. M. Ayvkin 3358 in Process 0 NRL ST-18 (Oct 1950) Navy Tr 20-3/ LvxLb .)-Lv oa-w) 7- SR 22 MaY 1950 19/49T33 R--cV11"icatiou at the Boundary at No Bowl -CmUcters by A. V..I,,cKrfe? 15 pp. Full tr*aG)Ati=. RUSSIU# ma por Zbuv t4kh -f 17., Vca WS; 1~48.. =A-,TD Z-27 Ocientifto - Alootricity, Seal-conductarn) G=ent Oct 52 cl:-Z/bzx ilheory of Svm,,4tric Waves in a CyMOrical ftwm- with ail Open Endp by L. A, Vainuhteinp per Zhur Tekb Fisp Vol XVIIIp No 12., PP :1 Tr Center RT-1482 0 ZHUR TEKH FIZ Vol XrX, No Is 7 ppj Jan 49 "The Magnetic Structure of Highly Coercive Alloys: Is Some Peculiarities of Magnetization Curves and Hysteresis Loops in Highly Coercive Alloys of Aln-Lco and Vikalloy" L. A. Shubina Ya. S. Shur AEC/BNL/tr-134 24/49T113 ZHUR TEKH .FIZ Vol XIX, No 1, 5 pps Jan 49 "The Magnetic Structure of Highly 'oercive Alloys: II., Ef~'ect of Thermomagnetic Treatment on the Electric Re- sistance of Highly Coercive Alloys of Alnicoll V. I. Drozhzhina M. 0. Luzhinskaya Ya. S. Shur AEC/BNL/tr-116 24/49T112 Hev Accelerators for,eharged Farticles, by A, P. Grinbcrg,, 55 PP. RUSSLUT, Mr,, Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol No 1,, Jes 1-949, p-p 1-29. AEC Tr 99 ,me-F-Ts-6747 f,3 ? 11 Scientific - Phyaice CT.C"/Mx Computation of the Focuslug of Mtrasound., by A. I. Zaba Gubanova RMUN, pers Zhur Tekh, IF-It. Vol xlxw so 1; 1-949,P PP 30-33- Bruteber Tr No 3208 $3.8o Apr BcIontifle PbPics, ft 55 CTS Thho machsnica of elwto-vieco-plaUtIc bodleC,4,1. The Ganerall2ed equationa of motions no DI ~~p i~ by A. 1. (tubawv. Z W He RUMM., per., Sh-ur Tekh Itz, 1949,9,A.A) PP 34-42., 43-61 - Sci Mccum Lib 110 51/3510 -London W. tbE; 0!, SEcallincarity O:c tla,~~ lioltLampcra Cho.ractcristic of 'Carboruxiduz, by -V. 1. L,Cj:Z'0' 35 FUSM, por, Zhur Tekh Diz, !.'ol XT7, 2-949, pp ........... SUL Tr R-99-,' 'ectronica Ten 11 58 ftyto-Rosiatdmea by B. T. t~olmptz, 15 Pp. &,..,ur Tel ?4t lio 19, 194,90 L"6-131 Soi Xwoum So 51/2699 Sclentific Ultra-Acouatic Hicrosoopeq by S. Ya. Sokolovp 3 PP, RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Takh-risp Vol XIX., No 20 Feb 1949. CIA/JPDD/Z-90 Scientific - Physics ACBIL Tr Wo 424,, thy be same as AMC P-M-7252 and Brutcber Tr No 3003 and RTAMB /~, 761 FWtodlectric.Photwetry of Smil Light Fluxon, by A. L. Oe~arovlchjp Yes 3.*PgvlcvO-.* So F- ROdIOUOV) L. Us Fishkovap 32 PP- Pull tr QVZ Tokh Plas Vol XIXP No 2p RMUN, per'. .20 Moscow 4%. p p ATIC P-15-870k/In SclentIfIC - Pbycics CTS/Dex Aug 56 NeW Optical Method of Studyiug Strfissea in 1-0- lexind Light, by A. V. Stepanov, 19 pp. RMSIAN, per, Mum TqW2 Fiz, Vol 19, No 21, 1949) pp 205-2XI. Sci Mmem Lfdrio 51, 2-154 - Lb P)40'ej The EfTect of Sulfur Mourity on the Mectrical Properties of Selenium by N. V. Afan%, 'ev. RUSSIAN, per,, Zhur Tekhn Fiz Vol =,, ND 2, 1949., ipp 225-230. ATS-14R78R Sept 66 .3C55Y75 Hardenability of Steel With Small Boron Contents (Some Problew of the Physics of Hardenability)p by S. M. Vinarov. Russm, zhur Tekh Fiz, vol 1g,, 1949, So 2.. pp 243-250. - Brutcher Ter-h Tr 2819 Absorption of Ultrasonic Waves by Sinle Crystalup by S. Ya. Sokolov EMSM , perp Zhur TWM nxi, 10= Val 19.. 19k9s No 2, pp M.M. Btutcber Order So 3004 Price 4e.70 Scientific -Ultrusanic ., 3 if/ 'M'-64-1 47155 t Ratner, S. 1, 1 Cli NGF Ul- NIF CJi':NIC,.',L PROPEATIFS OF METALS i 1. Ratner-, S. 1. UNDF R HYDR091'Al IC' PRESSURE. 11964; 9j) 1 Or.ter from Cii'S, SL.A. or ETC 51, 10 Tr-b4-14755 I Trans. of Zhurnal Tekhniche.~;kol Fiziki (USSR) 1949, V. 19, no. - (Xlechanll-s, M ~. it, no. 1 L) I ... .1 c J 4_C zj w ZffUR TEKH FIZ 1. Vol XIX/ No 4.. 14-41 ppi 1949 I'Cleavage Phenomena" A.T. Stepanov Done by Sci Mus Lit Gt Brt - #50/1896 48/49T95 Investigation of Mecbanical and Wricto-Optical PrOPertlOO of Silver Marlde Cryetalc,, by So 0. Tsobkallop 25 ppj% RUSSUE,, per# ~kur T!!~ rizp Vol XXXO No ho 1949,p pp 507-317. CIA/IPDD/X-1186 Scientific - Cbemistry CT3/DEx ill-Detict of tW First Stage of tba Vzrteusite Decom- pcsittoup by G. Kurdy=v;p L, 10=k -u ,~ &SV.N,, per, Zbur TeUh Piz,, Vol XU,, No 5, 1949,, rip 525-531. Brutcher Tr 301 1 Scientific - Minermls/metalts cm/DEX FrIce $6.85 Carbide Phase During Tempering of Alloy Steelsp by S. Z. Bokahteyn. MWIM. per,, Mur TOkhn FiZp V01 =,p NO 5v 19k9p -9p 582-~41- - Brateber Tr No 2687 4~ 7cwdp Sciuntiftc - rbysica $8.60 Regularities In the YAV=tlc Properties of Macro- Beterogesms, Bard Magnetic System,, by A. Be Al'twoop L. $be Kazornow klyp Ve, Le Umlovo IRUSSIM,o ma perp Mrar Tekb Fix,, Tot X2Xp No 5# 1949 o - ABC Tr e76 lei Scientific - PIWOLCO NOY CTS ir, 94-ability of CU_ emiling Curzent Actil.114-t"U6 A-rc in Sqx,-_~,k fax, Purpase3 of Spect-ml Amt,lyals, by 1. S. Pbzt=rn, 0. B. rc.1111cova., P. I.M S TJM Zhur Tekb P"Iz, 1949, voll Xiv,, To 5, pp 611-615. sLA 6o-ioo28 Sai Apy 60 Vol Illo go 3 O"tudy of Zinc Diffuzion TdCuSi Alloy in the 400-7500C, by S. D. PUSSIJAN, rear, Zliur. 1949, 769-*IT2-.- TT 70-57014 in An Alpha- Temperature Twige Gertsriken et al. Teklui. riz., Vol. 19 Sci/phys Pe~i TO ZHM TEKH FIZ Vol XIX, No 6. 8 ppj,1949 "Magnetic Anisotropy of Binary Alloys With a Nickel Base" I. M. Puzey, Done by AEC - Tr #241 Avail @ Brookhaven Aug t50 listing 46/49T108 Ykehanical. Strength of Carbon Steels at High Tem- peratures by IL A. Zaikov. RUSSIAN, Zhur Tekh Pit, Vol 19, 1949, No 6P pp 684-695 Brutcher Tech Tr No 2860 A. I. Gubawv The mechanics of elasto-visco-plastic bodies. III. Torsion of a circular cylinder RMIAN per Zhurnal Tekbnicheskoi FizW, 1949 Vol 19.. No 7, pp 773-81 Sci Miseum Llb No 5N3021 ZHUR TEKH FIZ Vol XTX, No 8., 9 pp, 1949 "The Mechanics of Elasticoviscoplastic Bodies: IV, Tension and Compression in Prisms" A. I. Gubanov Done by Sci MU5 Lity G. B. - Y50/u6q 62/49TI05 Constants of Energetic Anietropic Ternary Ni-Cu-MD Alloyst by N. S. Akulov,, 0. 1. Mokhina, K. M. Bolshova,, A. P. Chernova. RUSSUN, mD per) Zh=-,.Tekh,F!%O Vol XIX, No 8, 19491 pp 865-Woo ATIC F-TS-8538/V UBSA SGUMUnc - FWIGB OVPII CTS 73/Oat 55 Coercive Force of quenched 1$ C., 1.5~ Cr Steel, 'by B. K. Vainchtein.. B. G. Livahits RUSSIM, per., ZM Zhur Tekh Xzj Vol XIX,, No 8., 1949, PP 871-881- Brutcher Tr 3056 Scientific - Minerals/Metals 01-,S /bEx Price $9.85 //, -7 ~ V The Theory of Sound Waves in Open Tubego by L, A. Vaimahtein, 29 pp. MIIIIC4510j, Pori, Zhur TOM ?App Vol XIX) No 8# 19h9o pp 911-93T---~ ,4 PbYmicz Sci Tr Cneter RT-11183 ZHUR TEKH FIZ Vol xlxp- NO 8) 12 PP.* "Spatial Pulsations in Connected Wave Guides" A/ j 1b '931-,~4 P. Ye. Krasnushkin R. V. Khoklov Done by AEC, Tr #23~ Avail at Brookhaven Aug 50 Listing 62/49T24 ZHUR TEKH FIZ Vol XIX, No 9, 1949 "The Influence of Large-Scale Turbulence Upon the Propagation of Sound in a Turbulent Medium" M. G. Odintsov I. G. Shaposhnikov Translated by USAFSS OID, Directorate of Operations Brooks Air Force Base, Texas AF-200086 Copy in files Done b.,,,- ONI, F2 5045-50 (See 16 Nov Abet. listing) 149T101 ZHUR TEKH PIZ Vol XIX, No 9, 2 pp, 1949 "Letter to the Editor" No Do Morgulis P. Go Borzyak B. I. Dyatlovitskaya Done by Navy NRL No.251 149T96 ZHUR TEKH FIZ vol xix, No 9, 5 ppx 1949 "Temperature of the Friction Surface Betveen Solids (A Theoretical Error in Bowden's Work)" M. P. Levitskiy Done by Sci Mus Lit, G. B. - #5o/1344 149T85 The Effect of Large-Scale Turbulence an the Amplification of Scuad in a Turbulent -Wedivop by M. 0. Odiatsov, 1. 0. Shaposbnikays 10 pp. RMDJ) perp Zhur Tekb FIzp vol XU, Ifo go 1949, P 1001. AF 2=85 8clentific - Phyales 6 CTS/ M CIA 493145?