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Alurdw Reams of Terna-.j Al=inosilicatc EVstem Comunication 50-, ~2s Sptaw M20o-A~C~-SIC~ ancl x2o-Ai.c~-sic~., by P. iu. aaaakt57,9 4 pp. RMSMN., perp Iz Ak Nauk SSM:6 Otdol Mlz lbuks No 1959j, iv 710-773. CB MY 61 -2- 11,113C. DiaLa= of Mte of the Tln'nw7 SYstm ful,c~-Siqaj by 11. A. Tampov,% F. Ya. GWj3ldw7p BM~&-t 10 PP-1 MJSSM; bim PO~ lz A Nauk ssM, Otdel 1b 5, SeP-Oct 19 1 PP 753-'7M -.CIA c 39501 consatanU B=emu scie-atific - ChemiertrY Nov 55 CTS/DML e2 V1~~ Xg/ 80114 sob*100 to No $p" wom mao solog by 1. A* 24r"M ve ft. au 10 RMUN,v Vwo is Ak Ink'amp OWL Jbla Mokp, NO is 195k vp 8-U. = wwor sal, - Cbm Air 59 f4 e I j b:r X. A# Alu tr Ak -luk, SM .0b m coamatomts Boom New Data on the System A'20~ SiOg.. by N. A. Toropwo F. Ya, Gulakhov, 7 pp- RUSSIAN, tbrice-mo per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR Vol LXXVIIII No 20 1931, pp 299-302. Scl Museum Lib No 53/2360 USSR ~Feaaor- Scientific - Cbemiatry Mar 54 CTS nor Rasll,*eniy ot ~Trc(t-tto-~c-,,r i ~,,o lo, io6o, pp 30-33- 7 6 and M~,L, pesm~ ZsShahita Raste~tiy, Voll V) -140 -33. CRA 907554-1. Ap---, 61 Eff ect of Denzim Hmc.'aloride on Mange in Dymmicr of filphis Laburni on Peanut PlantinPj by P. III. Galalkhov. RUSSIM,q per, Sovet Agron,, Vol Vnl,, No 128 Dec 1950s PP 87-91. 20So84. USU Tmas No 229 USSR Etlentific - Biology# Insecticidesp peanutas dynmdcs,, plantines A a "" / 4 cl 61-15932 Galakhov, P. N. NEW INSECTICIDES AND THEIR EFFECTIYENESS 1. Insecticides --Effectiveness (Novyye Insektitsidy L ikh Effektivifost'), 9 )an 61, 1. Galakhov, P. N. lip. Trans. A-1226. 11 . Trans-A-1226 Order from LC or SLA ml$2,40, ph$3.31) 61-15832 Trans. of Zashchita Rastenii lot Vrediteley i Solezney] (USSR) 1960, v. 5. no. LO, p. 30-33. Descriptions are presented of the following systemic organic phosphorus preparationv Mercaptophos (0,0- di ethyl - 2- ethy I me rca ptoL th~ Ithi ophosphate), (kta- methyl (octamethyltetrasimlile of pyrophosphoric acids M-81 ((CH30)2.PS-S-CH2CH2'S'C2H5), Methylmer- captophos (0, 0-dimethyl-2-ethylniemsptoethylthio- phosphate); the following contact organic phosphorus preparations, Carbophos (a thick brown liquid contain- ing 35% dicarbethoxyethyldlddopho4phice and 63% OF-7). Metaphos or Vofatox (diniethyl-4-nitrophenyl- Office ofroch.1c.1 S~ic- thlophosphate); the following chlorine organic preparik- tions: pol ychlorpt none, DlYI' dust with Chlorton, Ester (Agriculture- -Plant Cultivation, TT, Y. S. no. 8)(avei. Deteraimtion of Silicon in the Presence (xC PhosphMMS Ircas Copperip MA Titanium, by V. No Gdakhwap 6 pp. WAIR - K11 RMTANI p"s Zhur 00 MIJU$ Vol wo 30 1 1957j. pp W99-503- cmultests &WMU sci - Clem Aw 5L 4 7) - -':~ .~ - t,z Inatrument for the Automatic Sca~ of Nuclear audsionis by the Television ftoter Methodo 1,, Tracking 3yistemp by A. E. Voronkov. 9 A. 'I. Galakt~vs D. .~Iuriqp 6 ------------ Rlussiu,, per Priboz7 i. Tekh Ikspert 'b. 29 19618 pFpo 63;M00 LU Eigb pressure I;bsemvh Equignents by V~ A. Gmmkqqp~o 8 pp. RMIAN., _prj, Vestnik Ahuleal Nauk SM) No 7o 1962* PP 73-76o 0 -0 " , 4 -' , ,/ -et-7 ) ~r~ JPFO lW33 Sol-nnar -2 ) 5-) '7 rll Oct W- Holl's Tetrahefral Press for Obtainiug Pre6- sureg up to IV Atm at Temperatures Up to 2000 Cq by L. F. VereshebAginp V. A. Galaktlonov, V. V. POPOV) k pp. Russia, per, Pribory i Tekh Rksper, No 4., 1960; pp lo6-log.' ISA SOL may 61 Apparatus Car: M4sb Presoure and Rigb 3gogerature sith a Coniua plmtm,, by L. P. Vembahaslup A. Galaktiowwl A. A. Bemrcbims 3 PP- MWIAII$ per, DOe Ak Dauk BMM.. Vol =Cl=l 401~-" (ohnak zo PP 1059- - An~ ,Bo; mup.-Mok Sov fts-Dok Vol V) DD 3 Sci an 61 Effect of the RAervoir on the Flow of a Stream of Water at Supersonic Speed, by L. F. Vereshchagin, A. A. Semerchan, F. 14. Filler, V. A. Galaktionov, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol XXVII, No 110 1957, pp 2640-2 46. Amer Inst of Phys Bov Phys-Tech Phys Vol 11, No 11 Sol - Physics JU 58 6 4~ s14~ Sw~ javentiptions of dm Wxodmamica of Jets of LiVid issuing Frm a NozzU at Preamures up to 15W AtmDaphereep by L. Fo Vercshchagin,~ A, A, S ..xmevaban., A. I. F-Irsov., V. A. F- Ml- Fl-Uerp T PP- RMIM,v w lper., Dmm Takb Mp Vol MM p No JU p Nov 1956p PP 2570-2577- Amer I=t of Pbp Sov Pb"y Tech Fk" Vol 1,~ go 32 Sci - ftsics Nov 57 On the I-lode of kaourrenoe of Gallium in Oxidized Zone of Sulfide Deposits. by N, 1, Razenkov, G. F. Clalaktionove, ----------------- -I- RUSSIU, per, 006khtm, No 19 1962. Geochem Soo set mar 63 123 Effect of B~ydrogen an the-Properties of Alloys, by N. A. Galaktionovb RIMSIAN. thrice-mo per, Dok Ak'Nauk SSSR, Vol XCIXI No 3., 1954.. pp hii-413, of Brutcher Tr 3448 02-85 Scientific Kin/ble.tals., chemistry Jul 55 CTS GAIAKTIONOVA, N. A. Role of Hydrogen in theFormation of Flakes. TZVESTIYA AKUSAII NAUX SSSR, OTN,, 1949,, xo l1,, pp 1666-74; 4300 words. al,.fo /. 1 $ f" 66 Brutcher No 2681. (DC-W5) Winter Vatch., by Corina Galan 6 P-P. 7 RUMOM., bk,, Zonares Ecologica a Plantelor Agricole in pn.0 196o.. pp 232-237. JM 6545 HEUX - R=snia scon AL/I 1-i4; 77"1 . Jan 61 (DC-4485) Comon Vetah., by Corina ." 6 pp. AnA RUMANIAN.. bko Zowrea 1001051ca a PlantelOr Agricole in RRp 1960.. " 229-231. im 6545 Egur - Rumania Ecou /~; $7 ~13 jan 6 i 1".2 A Study of the SO-Calle8 Ferritic Layer of Rosistance Butt-Welded :bluts in Lov-Carbon, Unalloyed Stools, by P. Galan -litnansky,, ._2 M. , SLOVAK, perp Unraosky Sbmlk.. Vol Ix., No 3, 1960, PP 367-379. Ic 197 SOL - Phys /4; 1P Irro 6 Sep 61 J-4&/64 The FOado of Insurrection, by Victor Flao, I-- 9.f~' SPAN= mmop Los Camims do la Mmu=eecim-. Jan rg,64, 8 ppe f4i~/~WMWAC-10412 LA - Dudnican ft poi Apr 64 I Nuteitia'a of Common Hietletoe, by ff. D. Oklan-ftbins 7 PP- RUSMM., M.0 Fizia 1~~y, Vol VIII., No 5s o 547-554. AIN sel c J= 64 Ai /1/ 77 Tliex=l Reactor Theory,, Part 1,, by A. Mawndn. 41) A 00, RUSSIANP bk) 1959. IFersw= lant Sci - Physics Oct 59 -T 1~ ~ -L ~ Gz z 11:1 1 I q I ~f ~7d 7 I ~ Q r~ Nuclacn-nucleon scattering in the Two-meson Approxi- mation with Aceount of Pion-plan luteraftlan By A. D, Qal&rAn and A. ?. Or"blu yp Rtasuve Per,, zkv ftyper J Tqcnt.fls~ Val No 6, 1962t pIP-2"-2254 Awr Imt d PbP Set Fbp - JBOV Vol M. No 6 Soi 4r.,/a" Thermalization of Neutrons in a fleretogenous Reactor, by A. D. q~L ~anin, 4. RUSSLUI, ~k,'O Termalizatsii Neytronov v Geterogennom *AEC Sci Aug 61 List 56 011 Scattering a In Large Ofaital' Angular R=entum States) by A. D. Gal-anin) 3 PP. ITJSSIM, per., Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol =111 iio ij 196o) pp 243-247- Amer Inat of Phys Sov Phys - JETP Vol XI, No 1 Sci Aug 60 2 11114 GALANIN A. D. Fr-I Theory of a heterogeneous reactor featuring cylindrical fuel elements with finite radius Th6orie d1un r6acteur httftog~ne avec des cartouches cylindriques de rayon fini Unpublished report CEA-R 880 - French E u r a t o m fte 7barml Coefftclent In a Hateropnews Reactor) by A, Do OW Woo- MWIM.p paw P/69,9 PxaceedbW of Uterns- tional ConfaTsum an PeaaeM goo of Atmdc MmV Bad at Ommo 8-2D Aug W"s Vbl V. ScL - lbelear Pbpim Apr 57 Wernm Coe -- UN 4-44%~ VJZ MA 1-669.9.162 Pion-liucleon Arj)litude With Accou�nt of V '7/- Interaction, by A. D. P~~ ~n, A. F. Grashin) 8 mn - RUSSIAIT, per, Zhur Ekspe~r i Tcoret :L Fiz, Vol XLI, No 2, !1-,61, -I)P 633-643. AIP Sov Phys-JETP Vol XIV, No 2 Sci 12 Jun '02 198,941 ()a the Poasibility of PoxgulatIng 1h WSW Theorl um severa nelds., by A. D. O&Uniut. 9 pp. MWIM., m per., Zbur Simper i Teorat FiSp Vol )MM, Ito .3j, 1957., PP 552-556- Amer Mut of Php sov ph"-Jr.? Vol V$ NO set - P%valas Nov 57 The %8r=l BeactOr BePlMM I EMelemy., by A. D. Gaisniap HMIANj pWr P/688.. Pxacaedlnp o:r matmatdow CODfereuee on Peaftful Uses of Attode EwnW BOA At Oewvap 8-2D Aug 19"s Vol V. IUte=tI OW - UN ,~Z3- 'q-4-7~ SOL - Nuclear ?4sics Apr 57 CiA 1-669.9.162 Absorptl= aua awan of the MAersting Nvxb=w 1u tbB TVO-GrcuV 99,OrYa, bY A. D. Gm3 onin. wSams pow P/647i, PmoeWnp of brbuua- tJUW 000fOxw" Ou PegOOftl Um at Atumb amw lbid at/00MUS 8-9D Ang 19"1 V4 V. Apr 5T matumtl 00a j/j- 49-f 71 crA 1-669.9.162 Application of the Method of Effective Bmmd=7 Conditions for.CalculatIng the Critical Dimensions of Reactors, by At Do " igal_- FMIM,, paper:16A., Ptoceedinp of T"te=IktAOnj%I Conference on Peaceful Uww of Atomic IbaM Hold at Geneva; 8-2D Aug 1955.o Vol V. Bel - Nuclear Pbpics AVr 5'( IntemU Conf -- IM .'Oej.o. ~?I:Olrte en 1-669.9.16g Nucleon- Micleon Scattering In the Two-Meson Approximation for Large Orbital Angular Momenta, pxdna A.F. Grashir, E.L. Toffe, I.Ya. by A.D. g4.1 Pomeranchuk, 9 ppq RUSSIAN, per, Zhur'Eksper i Teorst Fiz~ Vol XXXVIITP No 2) 1960P pp 475-488. A-TP Sov Phys - JETP Vol X7,f No 2 Sci 1110v 60 On the Collisions of nucleons With Large Orbital Angular Momentump by A. D. qa)&Dinj~ A. P. Grashin,, B. Ls Yoffep ' I. Ya. Poweranchuk, 11 pp. RUSSIAN per,, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fizp Vol XKXVII, NO 6(10j, 1960, pp 1663-1679. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Pbys - JETP Sci - Physics Vol XXMI, (io)t No 6 jul 6o The AsyMtotic Green's Function of Nuelem and Woon in Pseudo-Scalar Theory with Week Interaction, by A. D. Galanin, B. L. Yorma., I* Ya. Powerenck3kj, 9 pp HMIUO bimo per, Zbur Zkow i Teoret Fiz,* Vol M=,, Jul 1955,9 pp 51-63- CIA 0 41569 Awn-Loan Inst, of Physics Scientific - Pbysics JkY 56 M/d= - I on titie -I gation of Neutron6 in a Retonxy~-meoun by i", D. Galc--d 1, PP. - ~4~ln ~qGISSLAI`i; bky Ol TemializatSit lle-ytronov v Geiterogem= nr-, Realfto,~~e) 196-0. 90945t:-,/ AEC IlLr-4677 c Dee 61 The Theory of Heterogeneous Reactors With Slugs of Flnite Radius., by A. D. OqMLn., B. P. Kochuraw., 11 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Atom Energiya, Vol XV,, No 2,, 1963., PP 107-114. CB S:i Jun 64 2621= Calculation of the Themal Utilization Factor ( A Re,riew), by A. D. Galani 26 pp. RUSSIM, bk, 0 Vychislenii &effitsienta Teplovoep IZP01'7,aVafttyaj 1960. r AEC TA-4678 Sci - Nue Phys Feb 62 / P,7- " J- 41 '0 Theory of Heterogeneous Reactors with Cylindrical Lumps of a FWte Radius, by A. D. Galaain, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per) Atommys Energ, Vol IXo No 3~ 1961, pp 89-97. CB Sci '146 P, 7/-Y sep 61 gW aw IbWVY Of Immal4batM jW VA*Crt=p by Am Do oibafts 3b IV, , ib 2-3 t0 AaAVUS &WrOap 19wo RMUN Teorl3s Tsdsmkh- 9033143-C VW4 5U Base" VOU I aud 2 W.W Critic&2 Dim= Ums of a Renotor Wlth a SA*U Umber at Muipp by A. D. Wgw433. WNW, Mor P16631 &M.-MMOV of zato=lkl- tlaml oontanm an PawwM Uwe at Atmdo Emera Htld at OMMS 8.90 b4 19"'t Val V. WWWAM OMW - Ef ad - fteuw rapt" f 6-.q AP 57 CrA I-W,9,162 "romotwephic separal;ion of blixtums cc lttalg (!on-l;-xcl=4e).. by 1,,,. & 14, M, Seriyavin. 0-11- - Qh:"*""Yc Al 44,~Al -vt;Ao ~~k;zi 0." Miehelochnym Elewntam. 1958., pp 67-96. UCN4-Tr-895(L) sci - Chm 7.,iax 6j, The Thermal Decomposition of Uranium Ammonium Pentafluoride, by N. P. Galkin. B. N. Sudarikov, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Atomnaya Energiya, Vol XI, No 6, 1961, pp 554-555* CB Axg Sci Aug 62 209,933 Theory of Theival-Neutron Nuclear Reactors,. by A. D. Gaianin, 296 pp. RUSSIANx bk Cousultants Bureau $60.00 5 May 60 Mu.,dum-Grq*lta ftactor uith Superheated High Frassua Stem,, by go L DoUezhaij, A. L Zm1n, P. 1. Aleahchonloov, t -Zalaain~, A. .11. Grigorlyants,, I. Ya. 0-1. Bmellyanov, R. Me Khgasbiev., Me IL Wawhinp Yu. I. mitloov) Be V, noriuWdy~ Be N, Shmspov., 22 pp. 1=SrM., per.. At= lwrgj. Vol Xj, No 3.. 1958, pp 228-244. CB Oct 59 Worklug and Ming Saving Limstone in the moldavian SSRO by K. P. Galaninl_219 pp. RUBSIAN,, bkj, Pmavbotka i Prlme=DAyi-. PJ:L'nvkh Izvestayakov v YAldavskoy SSRO 1959.. pp 2-2 7. JPRS 9854 USSR scon Al Aug 61 Limimseeirt SautAms., by M. D. Gaaninj 64 pp. RMSIM, per, tm4 Piz Dist Ak Nauk WSR., Piz 3hat Imani P. 1. Lebodevu., Vol XTI., 1960m. Pp 3-53. Pm Tr-5067 Sai - Fbys 4T= 62 / L~ 7, k,7- 7- Litt 69 oatj i,if tov, Ii,, lit. D~ Gale 1) 4zhilz 11 E Cl-, :F. T'U L) S-t T-T- q C, lo On the R~ h ta Integral ~Iation A Veen the Krave (area of the absorption banj) and the Lifetime of the Excited State of Molecules, by M. D.- Galanin and Z. A. ChiWkova., 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Is Ak Nauk, Ser Pis.. Vol XXII,, No 9o 1058., -pp 1031-1034. Columbia Tach Sci /0/ J719 Dec 59 On the Quanebing of Lumineacence of Organic Substances Upon Excitation by OL-Particlesp by M. D. Galanin, Z. A. Chizhikova., 8 pp. HUBSUN, per, Optike i Spektroakopip; Vol IV; 19580 pp 196-2o2. AM Tr 3549 Bei - Phys Nhr 59 Invastijation o2 SclntiUators Coatalains Boron-OrGanic Compounft$ by A. N. Nikitinap H. De Oulaulax P- Me ArMovicht T- A- Shche,pleva# Be IL WehaUovp 3 pp. mavj* W1 Is A Nm* SWO Bar FIzp Vol )DMp NO 1., 1958" pp 32-13. oa=bla Tach Sol - pk" Mr 59 4 pce.~ The Absolute Luminescence Yield for 71-Scintilla- tions in a Naphthawe Crptal With Anthracem., by M. A. P. Grishin., 8 pp. RUBSIANt mo per, Zhur !~mr i Teoret Fiz, Vol xxx) No l) Jan 1956" pp 33-41. Amer Inat of Physics Vol M.0 No 1 Soviet Physics., ZU JRTP Sci - Physics Apr 57 CTS The Miciency of W- and Photoluala3aceaco of WaI-T11 As a F~mtion of the Concentration of ThaUiump by L. Uo Bely"vp K- D* GVJ=i~,p Z. L. -14o~genshturnp Z. A. ChUbikmas RMSXAH,, thripe-mo perj 0* Ah Nauk SM MMp Vol CV,, No 1y P 57o Consultants Bureau Scientific - phyGics $3-50 7 c2 ToL AUG 3.9% j GALANIN, M. D. Experimental Investigations of the Migration of Energy in Fluorescent Solutions, by S. I. Vavilov, M. D. Galanin, F. M. Pekerman. UNCLASSIFIED RUSSIAN, bimo per, Iz Ak Nakk SSSR, Ser Fiz, Vol XII, No 1. 1949. PA 36/49T101 Wavy Tr 248/NRL 312 Nov cts Field 20E, 20F. 20L 1 G&IKWn,.M. D.; LoontovIch. A. M,- Chizhikolra, Z. A. COHERENCE AND BEAM DIRECTIVITY OF AN OPTICAL. 'I.. Aer*~ce information DIV.. RUBY OSCILLATOR. 6 Deo 63, 5p. 2rels.'AID-T-03-11901 Library of Congress, AD-621 903. Washington, 15, C. Qrder from CFSTI or EM RCSI.00, MFSD.50* ."a~AD,-62180j Trans. of ZhurW Eksolmental I I Teorv$ Mild IUwl V43 R1 MI-9 196 r A rAwIn scence of Orgsaic Materials under Vie Difluence of Particles and Hard Radiation., by M. D. oaLwan 6 py RMSIM, per., Iz Ak Mwk SSW$ Ser Fizs Vol XXj, NO 4, Apr 1956, RY 392-396. Columbia Tech 801 - physics ft 57 ~;.uc~nching by Abso--~,bing Substwice3 and SI'Qm,',!tLJzc-.L-k Plaoresc(--nee in Solutions, by M. D. Galanin, 11 pp. RUSSIMI, per, Iz Ak Hawk SSSR) Ser Fiz, Vol XV, .1951, P.P 543-550- AZC Tr 4042 Sci - Phys 11ij ~df- jun 6o Trwisfer of E=itation Energy From the Solvent to the Dissolved Uudmpbor In Liquid and Solid Solutions., b T. P. Belikova., X.- D. Calaninp Z. A. Chizhikova) ~ pp" WSSIAN# per,,Iz Ak Sauk GMp Ser Fizp Vol XX,, 140 4, Apr 1956; PP 384-387- coluala Toob Sci - Physics May 57 174 The Problem of the Effect of Con;entration on the Lumineacence.of Solutions, by M._D. Gal,-Ain., 9 pp. RUSSIANS bimo per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fit, Vol XXVIII., Apr 19550 PP 485-495- cyA c W846 American Inat of Fbyeice 57 East 55 St- New York 22,' H. Y. Scientific - 111hysica Durption of the Excited State of Molecules and PropertUs .of Pluoreaftnt iow,, by M. D. Galaaiki pp - ,RussiM., per, Trudy Fiz Most Ak Nauk SSSR, Fiz Inst immi P. N. Labedeva., VbI V., 1950j. pp 339-386. AM Tr4W. Sci - PhYB 0 C:~ Aug 61 Turation of lhe Wited State of NAUCules srA Properties of Fluorescent Solutions) by ~. ~D.~~O 16 ITO =am MWIU,j per, TrmOq Fis Dwt Ak Nauk MM,, Vol V., 19500 Pp 31~0-386- ?a 78--a 6 ~ avy Tr 1096)kM 496 ,4~Fd - 4 ~- - ~~zq a Scientific - Nualmr Pbysics Doe 34 CTS/M C;2- 0 4, A,4,5,3 5L-x) 9-,.374/ On the Causes for thu Dependence-of the Luminesceme Yield of Organic Substances on the Energy of the Ionizing Particles* bf H. D. Galunint 7 PP- RUSSIMl perq Optika i Spektrookopiyal Vol Vj 1958s PP 758-76-0 - AW Tr 35o6 Sci - Phys Feb 59 g-1, .4 d ~ JPRJ: R-10""-N Yne Usc of iteel Wire in Measuring Lines in Transit Traverscs, by N. G .aja-uin . RU33LUT, per, Geodczist, No 10, 192cil go '-'6-40. .,u CL-1 FDD/X 4~--'G 22 jui 6o A-U=Uniox) Comference on Wthads for the Detarmim.- tion of Sm&V& Amunts of ReftautIve SW*tances in the Outer by It. T., Galmln,, 3 pp~ Meslklqp -Cr, cia ! S=, No Zoo 108s pp "!o M 1237-4 Sci w *d mar 59 If 31 gmufor of Paxaltatiou Energy in Anthrwene Crystalo Containing Saphtbacene u Upurityp by N2 D_t_jGmlwAnp,-.Z. A. CUshikonj 8 pp. USN"17M MMUN,, per,, Optiks I SpkUV8kOPlY4p VOI Is No 20 1956,0 vp i75-18o. clA 9032M ACSIL 997 Be i - Chen Al, $1 % .9 cat 58 s-32/61 (NY-3455)- % ell 3t.",d 'PaUSS CC Garwial WbablisbWnt Of 10 PPO Vibration,, by Yet Is* ger, elp Tmft i processional Uyye mmvjjl zabou,miya, yj M, No 6, 1999p PP jm 2419 Sol - YAd Ayr 60 Emat of so= chamicaa compounas on the Production ot Stre ~ In by Actin M ms streptaqvid Strala 18-1p by-I.A., 00salpas P- A. Padart 3 pp- RMSUK# pws Dak Ak NM* SM# Vol MM NO Op imp pp woes Am Us% of SUa Sai )16f, 7-67"1 *r 6o 7 Dep,anderice of EfTective Rubber of Secondary I-TeLtrous ca Energy of Cap' tured Noutrow; (Parts Ij, 11)., by S. J. Ilikitins S. le Sukhoruchkin, X. G. Tr.r ,aatyevp li. D. Gulaaiua, P. A6 Krilpchi-tisL-j,-V. F. Bell~in, 20 PPO FtLU translation. TLISSWI., bks Conference of the Acad of Sci of the T3SR on the Peacef~a Uses of Atomic Energy# 1-5 Jul 1955, Session off the Div of Plipico-Mathamatical Sciences, 347 OZ j 4~ GFO 259 f3t~ Sci - Yuclear Physics %P'7 1 - -P-. &.3ch - M Work Con4itione for War Bet Operatora and the Possible Preventive Manures Against Fatigue and Eye Tiredness.. by N. F. Galamin) B. L. Folyak., V. V. Volkovs V. 1. Kriewn, T. T. Hadvedev, 6 pp. RUSSIAN: per; Voyenuf*44ket-nebir Zhur, Ho 9p 1954 Encl to APOIN-Ul, IR-1503-57# 433BEE5F. AF 1210295 UWE Soc Health sci Hed JU 57 Detei,mination of the Spins of 1-1496 Macl= Levch, on tie Basls of O=m BW.; Bnitted in the capture a-k Resonance Neutrons,, by K, D., Wanina; B. F. Rivaitumn) A. Ya. DIament, 4--pp. RUSSIV., par.. Zhw Suiper i Ttwat Fiz: Vol XXXVTII., rfo 5., 1,060, pp 1446-1450. AIP SOV Pays - im Vol XIs NiD 5 Sci - Dee 60 wxtwLu the 7hQXMI chuwlmtim of U-Dose=s~,)'% s,,wmim,- no A. S. pokmwvo 2 PPS MMM, erjjnqm Wj D* Ak Xwk Ms Vol WOP pp M-2-120 codwitwsu got= Jan Ihveati&aTd4-:,a of the Alkenylation and Hmloalkylation of Boozene Witu AUyl RalMas In kthe Presence of a Boron Triflum-ift Qzt"tt by Ya. M. Pwabklns lbr&AM Oalks pp. RUSSW,p per# Dok Ak Nwk SM QmOtAnU7 ftetimp Vol =CLVUI No -1-6, 1,969, rx t Oct 63 q -a-l Status of Cardiac Surgery and the .;jrospect of its Development, by N. K. Qalankin liUSSIAN, mo per, Voyenno Ned Zhur, No 11, i.oscow, Nov 1960, pp 45-48 US JIFRS 7993 a I Reftning a VAtbIod of Ams4W Anayab hr ?017=t&UlC OL." and Pn&wts of tbgdLr TL4xltmmtp by ZqA* Gammna MA VJ. Bagmms 5 Ns pwo Zwmd labs Vbl MM4 No 9s, 1963* sai Apr 256sM5 4asaying or area and PrcAuaft or Sm-Fenvus Metallurgy With t3le Use of CWw &Fu"1cn# by S. A. Galaakinap T. I. BqpVno 13 Pp- synpwim m mom= atalau Twum lmtws RUSSIWO perk Awalz Rud TovetayM Hotel I Produktav 1kh Pererabotkit SbOrWX Navah Tradov.9 No 12, 1956., pp 45-51. AM M-ft Q V N~ Be i - phys 26 oct 6o ?i:it6 and Lipidcs in Cancer, by D. S. Galwo- GRI~~-, per, Chimilia Chronika, Vol. XXV17, 1 42 19 im 4 46 -62 -- Mod '2 The Laminar Boundary Layer of a Mat Plate in the Presence of MsociatAon) by Z. S. Galanovap 7 PP- FMIAN, per,, Vest, LmiqpV4sbp Univ., Ser Hatemt Nekh I Astvmj Vol =j No 4., 3,960, pp 95-99. 967//47 Fm am-U90/1 Sci - Mys 1-71, 2o oat 61 Spectrophotomtric Determination of Coordinatioi of Boron and Aluminium in Glassesj, by A. A. Kefeli, H. 1. Galant, N. I. Vlasova, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per Zhur Neorgan Mdm., Vol V., No 8, 1960, pp 179-1773. Cleaver-Mme Press Sci jul 61 iii the Treatment anci Preventioa of T~jit.'-riti s in tbe Newborn Bayb., by U. Vignolo- pp. T" m4r"'vm"I Till pje%I r%,-A Cpj, VCtj _rf, P.P I I V n-1. 'IV, FO U Droelopmt of Imaeff-pam ftleivm Pro- ftedon Tedmlqw ou a $at-commmial SWe, by IL Onnen, A. Gelantv., 7 pp. POL=O perk Maeordla, Vol V. Jb 9., 1960o pp 551-55T- AM Tr-4163 scl jan 63 220j,595 oc,r TA. to ~ I '000~ , " -to . -)2 --7 o- b U i / ~'? -)~w tzt~q- ~ # //, / 9 , -?, SETEE (NY-3667). "Diora" Radio PlFLn in Dzierzoniaw, by Bohdan Bankowaki, Jaa Galarp Bronielava Stermm., 7 pp. PMISH, per, PrzeSlaa Nechmiczq,, voi xnn: No 22, Warsaw, 25 Nov 1959., pp 741-744. JPRS 2684 EEur - Poland Ecoa - Manafacturing JUn 6o J17 m The Reconstruction of th& CwMa to Trequler Bridge., Arches of 253 Meters Spw# by P. Dantu) S. 9%jards 0. Ucembem 97 PP- (ID 975067) MCAWVUD 11,11,10 . per.. lmvaux, No 3, 1905, 9p 2W-316. G-2j. W= 0-4636 scientific - amunrina Jul 55 Organic Insectm%ingicides. Wo Syntheste of Substituted Esters of Thiophosphoric Acids Contain- ing Various Functiowl Groups in the Aromatic Raftcal, by M. L. Galashivap N. Ne Helpikov., 3 PP- RUSBIM., per,, Zhur Obsbah.Xhim, Vol Xnno NO 9,0 tISSR.- W 1953j. PP 1539-15W. M D 152WO Consultants Bureau -TT-65-28112 Field ! IF Calatawy. A. L. D;FT.UFNCE UE ' A B.,\SiCITE ET BF LA VI;,CCx,1TE 1. Cantre Nialo-ma. de la W: 1.417ILR 1)1~ IM I FOGHNF.At' St R SON TIOUVOIR Recherche Sclo.Alfiq". DF.%ULrUVAN'r. CNJ;S-u14-SJ; P.103. Nrig (rrArw.-I Order from CNIIS e R/T. -61 Trana. In Frewn ,' SW jJSSR) %,24 P6 ;422-7 1964. For another liptIng of Up iourna! ft~ 'Tr,nmlated or Abstracted PublicattLms.' in this Isaw. as Production Of Hi&h-PuritY Indium Antivionide by Zono~ Fusion, by K. I. Vinogradmaj, by V.V. G&lavgLnov, by D. W. Hasledavq 8 pp. POSIM, per.. Zhur Tekh Piz,, Vol XXVII, No 9, 1957 *, 976 -p A. -1984. p Amer Inat of Phys Sov Phys-Tech Phys Vol IIP No 9 Sci-phys Jun 58 A a the City.. by Ya. Sbt~athwv; Truck M-525 In the Construction ol z Fc-jor Statlon ot th.- a; C. Furth-t-r ReLplation Of the of TrAnsports, by Go Krulev; Do To Ext^.nelble Single imle Trailerc; by A. GU'burt 22 pp. UNCULSSIFIED RUSSIAR, per, Avtomobillnyi Transport, No 5, pp 10; 12; 17' 20. -'~ 6 - C) G-2# C=A 0-3255 Econwic - Tmnsportntlon Do 54 cTs Sci/Physics C The Effect of Temperature on the Duration of the Luminescence of Fluorescein 8olutions, .D.'Galanin, UNCLASSIFIED RUSSIANj, thrice-mo per., DokAk Nauk-S_SSR No 6,, Vol Ig 1950. Navy Tr 266/NRL 322 PA 165T68 Dee cts 1950 0 Jci/Physics/nuorescence WA 0~1 Yeasuxing the juration of Fluorescence a*- Phase Fluoromtell, by I,'. D. Ga4nin. UNCLASSIFIET ~~ vwmw--~~ .1 .. u -"~SSLATT, '!-xice-mo per, DoIc Ak 71auk SSSITZ, 7o1 LCCIII., 7To 5, 1950. Navy Tr 263/NRL 314 s. P I Oct cts 9 7 Influence of qistamin on Exch!lnge Between CiMulating Blood and Iqueous Huror, by G.~~ 3 po IV, end ITALIAN, oar,Agper. For, Vol VI, 1940, )-) 515-520 STA 57-1-669 sci-Medicine Far 58 6 d" 9 Yd A ft* of the ftnwtM of ftWU In KILOSU anoducate Koss" fm tba, maw In Im Weal Pmpartlemp by Is Ii "j 3 pri RMrMj prt:D* Ak AM 8=0, Va Mo (UU)s 16 2p 1961.. pp k7_419,i a &d Nw 62 917*964