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SUAy of RUSt purmce Proms by Iwtope Mbode.. by I - .1 BarMA2- MMUN.. per, D* A aLuk SMv Val MY.. No 6. 195Tp pp 1220-M3. ROM7 &Utdw 4305 $4.85 act - MW Oct 58 *I'Y* f d- -7 Ferrom NbUll=a of Ewt Siberia.. by 1. h_ftXojgx_ (Dbteruu Md matuuu Px0cessift Equipmilail, lama;. d VD& Pvmom -mm".1dwskW ftastal, mm"s 31 Aug 169588 v Be 58 Forrd-UG MAUUM of the UM MrI339 thO YUM Of by I. P. V. V. Rikmmm 31 pp. 0 1/ 7- / ? SIZ IIUWIM, bk.. MetallUrgLya SMS, 4 VCa lp PWb ly 1958, lp I'ST No U9 OM * 60-511M PLJ& f Z-oo -AInplication of the OxyVn-RmdeMd Blast in Maut rum s, by 1. P. Bardiri., X. A. MwVovelov, :2.6 pp. RUSSIMP Us 8 -1-954).- VIA Is pwt !Mo (1917 ow 6o-5ii88 PLAW oqp 61 PEP r so 119 ASplication of OxWgan for Intensification of the Qpan-Beaxth Process, by 1. F. Bardln.. L. U. YeflmKn,, 59 pp- RUMIMO bk Mwt&Uurglya SM (JalT-1957)9 Val Part 1, 1R, ;k ql . ow 6o-5nes PLJO um Rem so V.L POT No 3.19 The MlWk for tbw Un of ft"ft In the B)Ast pomee; by I$' P. NAM. RMWv pWo Is Ak Nalaks Otdal TOM Na%xk l9k6. ftuteber Tr ft 1934 Effect of Coke Circulation on Coke Conaumption in Blast Furnaces$ by I. Pp-.-BarAU,,AA-IrT-# RUSSIANp per Iz Ak Sauk SSSRj Otdel Tech liauk, No 11 sii--Ii :L955 p.p. ~ 80cm95- Brutcher Tran 3621 9 7 - Sc i 4//* Cur Proble.= in the Field of Automation, by 1. P. Baraa,- 3 pp. RUiSDINY, per, Zavad Lab, Vol X)av, r1o 6t 1.958p -171 659:-66,2. Iwrtim Soc of Amer Sci //J~ Apr 60 bc-lhu) mnervto Y'Ivm the 1=40 Due of 08 ftrromes UM b y4ftuwa wustry of the At y to Po 201 P.D. bu& chIn" Pal 5-6; 7-14; 05-76; 591. hIlf2; 476-541; 94-5 us im ix-393 7?1 3?ols UIV, 32mr5g (sy-1471) Iron Ores of China, the Degree of Their Prospecting Cind Their General Gbarectarluticis, by 1. P. PArdin, 17 PP- IMCLAWV= RUSSIARp mo per, Iz Ak fiauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk., No 6, Moscov,, Aug'1957,"'p'p 109-U9. US JPRS/NY-L-70 Sci - Min/=t MY 58 i~Al Ruslan DmloWnts to Anslylleal Cbesistry and the textUW of NbSerIals In the Year 19W,, by 1. P. Bardiu. JWUIj, pers.2avod I&bp Vol Xp No Ip 1941. ftatcher Tr No 1619 . 67.10- 0 Scie0ifte -'Cbmdetry $1.00 Ik Processes Occurring in the Bosh of the Meat F'urnace, by I/ P. Butin., X. Ya. Ostroukhov,* RTJSSIAN,, mo pers Iz A Nauk SSSR,, Otdel Tekh Nauks No 3, 1954a PP 4d, Brutaber Tr 3525 e r. fo Scientific - Min/metals Jul 55 m (NY-310). Ivm Pavlovich Bardin (75th BirtMay), 6 pp. RUSSM., Per, SW',,No 11, 1958? pp 961-963. JFRS-L-UO6-u Sci - -misc Jan 60 Introductory Remarks on Opening the Conference un Pliabe Diagram of Ji6tallic Systems, by 1, P, Bardin 4 pp, Ural. RUSSIAH, per, Zhur Woorgan Xhim, Vol 111, No 3, Mar 1958) pp 554-556. C14 Cja?~j~,6 ATIC 'P-7S-9531/V Sci - Chem Jul 59 use/Of QKYRW 181be Jbitim of st"I An 090- qn---A A ;. l1wrth Fmiawor by 1. P. P. L. &#Its** (reply by Vol- 1=sn3o per* Vol IM6 No 14, 206,p pp No., I" $4.90 The Use of a Rotating Miaro-Diso Eleo- trode in Folarographic Analysis, iny u- 1;. Yu. S,, Lyalikovs Ve S. ToWsAko, 3 ppe RUSSIANB per, Zhur Anal Ihimp Vol XIVj, No 1959, pp 24-27. CB Sep 61 Polarographic Determination of Gold on a Rotating Microdiec Platimm Electrodes by M. B. Bardin) V. S. Temyanko, 4 pp. :RUSSWp perp Mur Anal KhIm,, Vol XI:V, No 6p L95qj pp 677-681* CB Sel / "p, 7, 77,~ sep 6o 'I a -- N.K. ?shauitayns .e Po3.Arcg-r&,)ITj of J1 9 Noble Metala, lp~ A. Esser-~kaya, X.B. P~-rdin,~8 ". SIAN, ner, Zhur Anal Ybim, Vol. Xr, No, 4, 1959t 466-i?i. ' OB 6o 102 61 4zal Folarographic Determination of Platinum on Solid Blectrodee, I. by M. B. bardin., Yu. B. Lyelikov, 4:pp. ?ull translation. Hl"Wj, biwo per,, ZbAw Awl 41i!~L-Vbl X,, g 1955, pp 305-309. CTA C 41024 Consultants Bureau ,';cicntific-~~ ffary~ 32,o0 AI)r 56 CTS/dex Polarographic Daterminatioa of Palladium on solid- Ellcctrodes., by M. B. Bardin., Ya. S. LyaUkov., G pp. RUSSIAN, bim per 73=r Anal Khim- Vol XI, No 6.. IV J Nov/Dec 1956p pp -709. Consultants Bureau Sci - Chemistry 6-51)171 S c:,-! ~ 5 7 11 1.0olaroaraphic Datermioation of Platintm ca Said aectmlao. 3:1.,, by M. B. Bwdlns Yu. 13. Imaikovj 14 PP. :RMTM,o blw per,, Zhur haal Xbftt Val Xlq No lp lan/Feb 1956s pp c.. real 4. 13ci - Mxnldstr7 / :5 9-d F7 Aug 1956 Amperometric Titration of Palladium by Means bf Certain Organic Reapnts Using a Rotating Platinum iS .,lectrode,, by M. B. Bardin and Y%L. S. Lyalikov,, is ppe BMW, per# Zbur Anal XhImp Vol XIX, No 3# 1957j, Pp 390-594. Consultants Bur Sci - Cbem MaY 58 an the ~wm WMAOSI fisp bw vo I. ass'din- - Russuflo. bko ft- Adgmug Ahv/Nlc/nAm-wl-w Seconds and Minutes W'eat by N. Douidovich, i Yu. Bardin -6 pp. FOR TrFUMAi W13 014LY IMSSIX48, per, Aviatsiya i Koswnavtika, IRo 12, 1963. 9693189 - L71'D-ST-63-12 Isci - Jul 64 26-~8927 Cru9bing Stmngth of Coke at Various (High ] Temperatures, by L. V. Barding. - HMSIR,, per, Trudy lutMU Mmtolllm. A. A. Balkam,, Vol IV,, ig6o.. pp 5&66. RB PW Set ~ Ylin/lbt : clat 1 174 ~; 4 7 I -Ja at the Electradw; In !,.C4 j wn f I - ctustic ot lo A* l0fa# b Us lip;4'10 pz~ Me 14-achanism of Rectification on on Oxidized 21rconitm Mectrode,, by N. G. Bardim, P. D. Lukovtsev., 3 pp. RUSSIANp vw.. Dok A Nauk MR.. Vol Cn. No 5p 1961, pp 1102-1105. OB act .196'1-5-.2~ Nhy ~2 Electrical Conductiyity Alcohol--Zinc Chloride by R. G. Bardiraj. P. D. of the SyBtem Polyvinyl (Wmium Chloride)--Water. Liukovtsevo 4 pp. RUSSIM, per ?~ Zb= Prik Whim., Vol XXXIII,, No 10, '460a pp 2234-2237- sci sep 62. CB froct Of Crevitatloral ;trcss cm, .recrial Jbil, by Ix. A, bardinis G Dort ~IVIWWMCO IS,012911-1 -0 tI, Val XLVII, V JT'RS 2%76 i "eel Felf) 2 'If 3 DM=noe of D407 to the bftpitY Of the FTOMtAa Conbnl OWtex an the OaUtMl CirCUlAtICM Of tba ftn by R. A. Daraj"Ifts 4 VP- F= tr Rmulp -pup R"d awr ma I ma v Val =,p No Is, Jon 1956p Vp 67. ~ah mmiel Doe % 020 Bardina, R. A. ALTERAT1ONS IN ME N11CROSTRUCTURE OF TUE WALLS OF ARTERIAL COLLATE'RALS ["OLLOWIING DEAFF ERUXI-A-110N 01, 'nll--- CANLNE IIIND Lim. [1963*1 [321p. 62 refs. FASEB manuscript no. S 451-2. Ordel: from OTS or SLA $3.60 63-23848 ~. availableon loan from OTS f ig 'rran,4 of Arkniv Atiatornii, Gistologh i Embriologii (USSii) IL)62, v. 43, no. 10, p. 61-70. DESCRIFI'ORS: 'Blo~dvesselB, *Arteries, Legs, RiBto::Ogy, Excision, Nerves, *Autonon-dcnervouu symen, *Blood circulation. Reflexes, Dop. 63-23848 1. Bardina. R. A. 11. FASEB S-451-2 M. Federation of American Societies for Experimental M44ogy, Washington D C im., IV. Scripta Technic Washb%qon. D. C. i~ IsivostiLatim oi rAmtin,6a wed as Au", ;~"VWAS iu cAthwic iWtoctitwxj, .0y Vo P. iwdiuag 12 pv! , proomew Oi tow Cuntrul tuo worclImat i;avy/tXil Ir ~io 2062 Some Data Concerning the Structure of Trncheid Cells in CaLlus Tissue of Ginkgo Biloba L, by H. S. Bardinakam, V. E. Moskaleval 4 pp. MJSSW, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXXV, No lp 1960, pp 207-209. AnS Sai ju 6:L /~ 0./ '7 4 A Application of Ultraviolet Fluoresefince Microscopy to the Study of Lignification af Call We2laj by 1. Ya. Dlarokiy,, M. S. Bardinskaya, 4 pp. -La:STAr4j, lvr, Dalt ILVt Nauk SZ-1311, Vol No 1; p 443- ' - Sci Amer last at Biol Sci //Y, 9U j,un 6o 0+~, 4-he BioOutbaois Of i4pin 'a jsolev0d. ColTot Tionuesy by M- 5- V" Ll seonovs 51m- - Vol CDMIX ~IISBjot per, I)ok Ak HmAk SSSR) ilo 1959) PP 205-2C6' of Biol Sci Amer InDt 97 60 A StWy of-tAo ActIvity at. Ribosuclemse-in tho 11ra"=o of Ous Arable loy A. I.. izp K. 3 M.. S.- D" pp exx.,o NO 1958; v BUSSLUp per, Dok Ak YAA SM, sp 13U-1313 AM Ims st Rol &A 21cl - Dlolda* MAN 99 FO/ (Dc-6878) 1. STATIC AND PULSE PROPERTIES OF FERRITE CORES WITH RECTANGULAR HYSTERESIS LOOPS ANDMETHODS OF MEASUREMENTt BY V. V. BARDUH, 66 pp. RUSSIAN., BKI MAGNITNYYE ELEMENTY USTROYSTV VYCHISLITELINOY TEKHNIKly SBORNIK, moscow, i961, PP 3-30. JPRS Ago2 SCI - ELECTRONICS Analysis of the Static and Pulsed Parameters of Ferrite Cores With a Square Hysteresis Loop, by V. V. Bardizh, 122pp, RUSSIAN., per, Avtomat i Telemekh, Vol XXIV, No 11, 1963, pp 1551-1564. ISA Sci May 64 259,664 (DO-gpl) Static and M7qmlse Properties of Ferrite Cores Ath Rectanvilax Rystereeis Loops and Method of 1,basuring 2b=, k, V. V. -Lk~~zb~ 45 PP. WSSIAN,p N bkq BUticbmkiye I MVUI'M3"e Svqrstva Perxitovykh a priamm- 9011noy Petlay Usteresisa I SywdW ikh lzmerenly, 1961, X 62 3m. RES 12333 Sci - muc Mwldm Txvzuaatdm Feb 62 lanzewe of qvountw the Fwmtlm *of RUA an to Sot"* by J* F. zaan"=6 do ikadolUe M-acdo pwo am I%& an lfca 64, 19679 J tW-4t ;,Kw 63, of Ulm* aw 61-25M8 Bares. 1, Cerny. C. and others. COLLECTION OF PROBLEMS IN PHYSICAL 1. Bares. CHEMISTRY. Sep 61, approx 480p. 11. Cerny, C. Ordcr from PP $10.50 M. Pergamon Press, Inc.. New York Trano. of unidentified Czechoslovakian mono. (Uni- versity textbook) n. p.. n. d. DESCRIPMRS: *Physical chemistry, Quantum me- chanics, Atomic structure, Kinetic theory, Reaction kinetics, Gases, T'hermodynamIcs, Uqulds, SaIlds, Phase studies, Chernical equilibrium. Electrochernis- try, Molecular structure, Physical properties. Colloids. Surface properties, Czechoslovakia. (Chemistry- -Physical. IT. Y. 7, nm 2) MR.. .1 Tcw..l S""G Some Featur*s of the Assimilation of Substances Through,the Leaves After Foliar Application, by G. V. Barinov., E. 1. Ratnerj 8 p. MJSSIAN, per, Fiziolog Rasteniy, Vol VI, No 3, 195% pp 324-332. AIBS Sci Jan 6o 'I vrr Formation of Lignified Cell WaUs, by 14. S.. Bardinslmya, 10 p. RUSSIAN , per, Fiziolog RuBteniyp Vol VI, No 31 1959, . - PP 3306-346. AIBS Sri Jan 6o /a !~ a S=le Date on Thvertace Aetivity of Isolated Alfal Hoots, by M S. ftrdjoMu.. A. M. Smirnorp V. 1. Saonov.. A RUSSIAN ', p9r# DOk Ak Nank SSSR~p Vol CXXIV, No 2, 1959t pp 462-465. AM Scl - Biol clat 59 Corrosion Mavlor of Stainless Stools In OiLdizing solutions,. Corrosion In Chromic Acid Dolutionag by Me Me rAurtevoy, 0. V. Akimov, 1.. 1. bardiab Full translation. ,MIA11,,,3er Dok Ak lauk G~AA;-.Vq1 LXXXVU., No 4,p 1952j, Vp 625~9-.` Brutcber Tr No 3054 Jul. 53 CTS/M Scientifte - Muerale/ketals Price 41.90 Certain q%zestions of Iwressing the Reliability of a VhgmeticaUy Operating Kewryp by V. V. Bardith, 1. 1. Vitun., V. Kobelev.. 19 pp, HIM10p ];ert IWOg- J&t-s lust Toohnoy Mikh i Vych Tekhp 1956. MA Tr R-422 Sci - Eng Jul 57 I -- * at *scum ff 7 poams an wn of a *tau %W& aftau. *a 10 ~ MOM vwt LINOM a 4% IN "k-lou =I w J. Bardolle 3*tA6 ad - yAhMS&u AW 6T - -1 - I . ~ - . . ~~ - -.. 53 ~-. - 17'. 7 - 'i - ~;- -7 .1- ~.e, - . I TUn Films Paracd VurbS Surfacei OxidatiOn of 93 matalse by ii, gavdollea P. tokd1los4 FRUCH,, per,,. L"O!Zd&Uon des,90tstwL Vol 1+ pp SOM115 - BISI 5229 do Ile, m4y 6 7 3260,705 An 91metyoraDiffrmtIon Study of Nida V.LI= Pomed ,Dn an Yron Surftee, by Jemn Voremu,, Jeat Bardallep 3 p. RNMR, per,. Camptam Radusp 1955p Vol aaa~ No 5: -ay 524-526. BIA 59-20929 Sol C? 9 ftr 60 Va 3, Do I Ynvestigationa of the Mechanism of the oxidation ofV Single CryaWs of Drou, by Joan Dardollo, ;&aquev Benard, Ift M-E=, par., Pevua de; Hetallurst -~ej Val nIX' No 9, 1952, pp 613-6~. Havy Tr-1400/NRL 583 SOL - Min/hatals IDSO 56 m The njlvam Reactioup by Lubor Jq4zo-fokyj Zdanalk Bardodej, 13 PP. UNCLAWIM wm--Iw KE & 'Vp per, Priqwmk-14kmrzti~~ Vol VI, So 5. 1954 PP 301-305- ~C,9 ATIC IF-TS-10122/V Feb 58 (DC-1231) The Geolow of the Deposits of xUaBOX7.0 bY D. PaMoshi, 23 m. R==., mo per, Iz Ak Nauk SWR# bar Geolp Vol XXII., No 91 Moscow# Sep 1957) pp 3-18. us jm/bc-L-565 ;79f A New Method for Measuring the Redox Potential Proterties of Sedimentary Rocks,, by D. ~~o Me Bod) 6 pp RUSSIAN, per., Geokhim, No 3., 1960 GS Sci Aug 62 214,648 (BF-185T) Bawdte In the Smes Region, by Gyorgy )!~~s ~y 12 pp. HUNGARIM, lwp H&MMMU Ldpokjo Vol IcIvil No 7p 19as Pp OT71~3-- im 1w our - Rmwry soon If 7., (v -Z 7 mar 62 MLrd Fhoots In Fmdry Li&t Alloys. Thelr Formp t~~gltiwj Musee wA PreveAtion., by X. Budot.. 0. Daport, eg pp. ------- - rmoB,, per.. ftaftrie.. No 58.. 1948., p i478. Mem Sei - Kimrals/wtaas j -11~, 4 .4-z Oct 57 Experimental Determination of Heat of Activation for Diffusion of N In Alpha- Iron, by 1. garducei, 5PP. ITALIAN, par# ba Ricerca Scientifica, 26, 1956 'pp. 2080-20846 *144t. Bur. Stand. TT 70-59047 sci/chem may 70 Experimental Receu--b on Artificial Earo, by 1. Barftccl.. 11 pp. ITALM, pert Ricerea SaL e Wootrup Oct 1946p pp 1459-1462. 67A 57-1351 Bel Nay 58 6 'I'l V/ Noteb on ~he SP43cleG 'W"ati-vI-tcci in Ccbmbia,, by T. SkIA16SK,, per, Actas Congr Su&mzericazio Vol MY11, Apr 29, 1956) PP 133-141- MIA 58 ",73. About the Efficiency of the New Selections of Tanguis Cotton Obtained in Peru and Con- cerning the Methods used to Develop Thera, by Teodoro Boza Barducci. SPANISH USDA per NC State College JLm 59 An AeulfIeVa Far for the Calibration of' Talephone Rem Ive re p by Bardiv., c 1) De - g=o and D. Settep 7 ipp."'- ITALLIN, per# Alta Frequenza, Vol XXIV,, 110 3j jUrA 1955) PF 238-245, SLA Tr 57-2743 Sol Jul 58 Sudni Aelds at No GISONedn t*m IM OrlMM PUN (nms poleam zwb,)# t7 L I. 126 3 U22ZL Sol - Cbm Aug 99 Ord 5 .tbigtic Prid - A Primary Hosin Acid ol' thT Oleoresin 0 *the Cmmco '-~c (Finus SilvectrI3),, by 1, 1. IkudytrN~Y, L-d 1. Ullihixre2 Ddk JAk F4n% SEBRI Vol 1, Jul-Als 1556, PP D:: c 5; Nature of tho Paula Acids and Propertles of Hooln Prom the olowesin of PlmA MOBSCUISAMP by T. I. bn*&OT, Kh- A. Marches, zh. F. xowmwiya., 6 pp~ RMSM" Per.. PrIk Xhimp Vol =aU, No 4, 1960, pp 884-889. CD Sol /-I -q M vey 61 The Preisenge pf Cawj-,~t, 4n Rusalm Turpe!ltineap PPO RUMUNO mo pas Uw PrIk Map Vol p No 12,p 1953.- PP X=W Scientific - Chemistry 14W V BARDYSHEV, I. I. PMYATII,TS 3 A. L. BA..RDY,-,FZVA, K. V. CIEWAYTIA) 0. 1. THE COITOSITION OF DOMESTIC TTTRPENTRMS MDE FROM TIPE COM,!ON PINE pages., Imssmi) Prik Khim., Vol XY.M. No 2, Feb 1950 Consultants Bureau Translation /0 PIRYAMSKY, A. DAMSHEVA, K. CF.P=.A) 0* GO,MPOSITIOI~! OF JA CUSERCIAL SAMPLE OF DFZ-DISTII=, SKOVE TURPETITINE 5 Tage-erv, RUSISTIX ;Zhur Prik Khim, Vol XXIEE, No 5, May 1950 ~A Consultants Buremi.Translation Dehydralabietic and P81u3tric Acids -- C=-pownt FartS Of the OICDreslu o? the Comon Spruce Excelaa Link.)o by 1. 1. Bar P-bov., M. A. Cherche IT - RUSSIAN., Der Dok A Muk 858R, Vol W.I., No 6, 1957j, pp 959-960 - Consultants Bureau Scl - Mom Oct 56 DQlatlon of Fure Dextrppitaric Acid FrOM 511vestris Oleoresin, by 1. 1.,P~whev j A. G. Sokolov, 0. 1. Obem~myF~-ve, W. -WA* RUSSIM, per, Zhu Prik Kh1m, Vol XXXI., No 4, 1958o pp 609-612. consultants Sci - Cb,--m Jun 59 stwv of the C Ition of the Turpont1w =d the Prop m-ftes of Rcmin from the Qmrftin of US Bwbk plu (PIMM pithpfa Var. St4akowicxil Suk., Pinum 81"nkewlazil Fan. I by. 1. 1. ~a" _~" 3 PP- MMSUN,, por,, Zhur Prik M:dmj Vol MIp go 112 1958., VY ConsuItents Ika-aw Sal Doe -.a - A -A A- I. -.-- --- U. me 31 "a Oo-lowe -0 U~ 4 mam 0, 4 ank .~A --16 i. - -, - I 3 0 XWSM4 ow Ob" Sbize ~91 U=p so 9, W, ~ 03-*6 .. . Bcd - Cb= Sri**, 4 f t j AV 90 :00 Rosin A*16. 1. Th;v Notwe of d 4NWWo AdAl X-t I-. *-~~ .- - h 196 % =Blot imp'. SW Ch" WMj V041 WWJ HP 2p 19vt 0'. i*ogs' Sal - MAP AV 99 " 6 9;1 p- Th,orimal lsama~I~zatiun of Rosins by 1. 1.-Bardyshavp :k, G~ Soi:01 j 0. T. Tkachenko, 6 pp I -0v RUSSIAN, pers Zhur PrIk Kbimp Vol XXXII, No 11p 1959, pp 2560-2565 CD Oct, CIO 13 -7-, / Chemical Camposition of TurpentIne Obt-?inc~d by Dosti-uctivc Distillation from Pine Stamps after a Thousand Years in Peat Deposits, by LI,-3az4ysh3--'v A.I. Skrigan., L.V. Ramant 5 PP. RUSSIMi. per., Zhur Prik Khim,, Vol XLUV, No 2, 1961, PP 440-445. CB Sci 19,1- Mar 62' -S-avestiptiou of the Compoeltion of Dry-DistiLled Aukel.ort Tm-putim frm the Resin of Kom= Pine (Pinnue korsionsis sieb. at Zucc)j, by V. 1. Uvarove, ---a t. X. Sardy8mv, 4 pp. RUSSIU,, per, Mur Prlk,, XhImp Vol M.- NO 78 19371 'Op 1105-1107, rAmmatunts awmau Oct 58 70/ .0 / 1.4100 Noombietic Acid -- A Primary Acid of tbLe. Ole-oresin of Ficen ExceUa Lint., by I. L. BardyaL*v., Kh. A. Chorches, 2 pp. RUSSIO, por, Zhur Prik RhIm., Vol,=, No 81,1958, pp 1276- Consultants Bureau Bel - Chem Aug 59 Otz- gv -2 f -'~ grqportics ana Cciposition *CrUma-a Rine Turpentine, Bardp)wm, K. Bqdys4o yaj, 4 mo per# Mur PzU Wm) No lof 195 j 5-10 5-1097s ------ 9 Consultants Bureau ocientific Chemintry CTB/= Umpositiona of Austrian Pine TaWntine (Pimm Austriwo. Hosoj, P. Laricio Austriaca,# P. NW* Lk. by I. Edz~lyp4~vo K. B*rdjohqft, 4 Vp- RTJSSW,v; grg Zhur Prik Damo SM,, No 1l,, 1952,p pp 1231-3-032. Cmaultanta Bureau Scientific - Chemintry / 61 ~p sia LLa Oleoresin of In cr-lan -b ches, - - - - I f Kh. A. er Z-bur Prik iiai:Lra, Vol XXKrI, No CB Rooln Acids. Ill. Ihe Nature of High-Meltiu Abdotle AcIdo by 1. 1. DRrd , , 0. T. amchoWwo 6 pp. awsin't porl Mir Mobd mlinp va xmp NO 10" 1959" PP 349303W- cs Sel oat 6o /13 ()/ ~-S'6 Nwabletic A*L4 - A Primry Aald of the Oleoreolij of the Omma Pine., by 1. 1. V. V. Wd=MkeVa, L. 2. LW.~ava 2 pp. MSBXAVi, perj, Dok Ak Nauk NO., Vol CM.. No 4,, 19570 pp 653., 6~4. CoamatuAts Buraw Sol - amdstry Jul 58 /,7 A New MvtbA4 for the Isolatioft I&v"Ae Acid from Wtums of Basin Acids, by 1. 1. .pArdysbav, Sh. A. Chembno L. I. Ukbo"t 3 pp. RMSUNj per) Zhv PvIk MlImp Vol mm) So It 1958, pp 512-- comultante BM."a Sai - Chem Apr 59 ?14~ ~ f. y The Cow POSItIon of Pine Flotation 011, by 1. 1. R- 1. Livamfka, 6 UMUMITM. RUSSUR,, mo per; Zhur Prik Khimp Vol XXV,, No 12, Dec 1952, yy 128 ,9-1295. Consultants Bureau Z Scientific - Chemistry COMPQsition of Turpmtlw ftm aLecrealn of the BiberUm Fir (Ables SIbIrloa Left4s'Plpwi Sibirica Turez... Abies Piebta Farb.), by :E. 1. bu4pbevj, Ro Is IAV&itao 6 P]?* ' RMSIMp m per# ZMr FrI&OUp Val Wls So 12j i953.o pp i3o4-13w. crA DiW3 4 j J/ I coumatAnts BU"U Composition of TbrpentineTrm Sakbalin Fir Abiel- Fr. Scbm.) Oleareeimap by 1. 1. Bs~pbsvo X. V* awavmo 4 ppo Ptal RUSSUMP mo pert Zbor Prlk I MIMI volmns ND 10, 1954J. VP U-66;U-09. --da-C-W73 ComItants Awm Scientific - Chomiatry at 9 4 Apr 56 CTS/dex ' y w IsodextrqgMu4c -Laid - A Cwpmntq Of tho Rooft Acids of the Oleroroola of tbo Sibzrlmn Ceder .. PIm SDUUa (Rqr) Nqro by I. I - ftrd"hevj 1b. A. Chwebom, 2 Vp. 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