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on Caammist Odmibv laWLs Bamtm., 6,0 (25Z(-D) Report on Trip to Qklmal by 55 PP- MWO apt AUi Pm" aid Dis ha" viewav 930 30 sovedor) 50 7# lit At 25,0 Deca*or# 04. us im ~35-D Is - China Bcon) Plolo Boo rob 59 ,uazE~1~. and Bellanato, INFRARED SPEC7*RUM OF SOME VEGETABLE OILS. [19621 10p. Order from K-H $12.50 K-H 3710-c Tians. of Sociedad Espa-nola dc Fisica y Qui,inica. Arales (Spain) 1953, v. 491~ no. 9/10, 1). 557-564. D ESCRIVrORS: *Vegetable o1s, Infrared spectro- scopy. 62-17789 1. Barcelp, 11. Bellanato. 111. K-11-3710-c IV. Kre-Sge-jluoker SCIL11CC Library Associilfc-s, Detrou, Mich. C 2 02 3 001ce *I Tech.ical Urvices 13ti4y of Sulfur:NaUadto IW taftred Bpee- 'brolleowAp v Clara Otme so" 2, nrwst ~ pp. !BPAU=p perp ke Sepads 6* plalm qdaka ,Anala, 1956, Yet Uns No 5s pp 991-20. WA 9P-10%98 ohm OfOll 12 hl 59 3;r (Nr-~836) Inveatigation od! the Morphological Ccuposition Df the Peripheral Blood in Aged Persona, by L. 1. Barebuko, Ye. D. Geuiap 9 pp. RUSSYAN, per, Fiziol Zhur, Vol VI, No 6m NOYIDec 1960.. pp 801-8M. JaS 9037 Sci - Hed Aprr 6i A/f/lx/ Y'I-7d IP-0 i;,ffdct of Larre Of c-eTwo On a-aa Antiovarial CYtctO3gL , .11ju4tatg~j, by par 427. !;Ov-!)Gc (DC-4213) A StZk W.' Age -Aelated Chmoteristics of the Sagenerat-l-w Cagwity of Tisaiias in 9xplants, by L. 1. Barobanko, 8 pp. UIRADMI per,, Fiziol Zhur,, Vol VI., No 3p MaYMan 15"; PP 378-384. JPM 8073 act - Ned Apr 61 L4vgetty And pbyddWgW Old AS% . li. L WcberA*o )6 by Yu. I" - , at d. 53 iqp; I RUSM98 bko s=age Kwo 0 1 TWX n..W2D3. JPRS 2 W Sd~B SLM 267g2" Sep 64 X-3000 (DC-2800/4). Libraxy of Radar Equipmat) b~~- jsc~44w) 3 -)P- HUSSIMO apy Sovetrikly Floty 21 Iftr 1959,, JPM-MO-D usm Nil Sep 59 ? 7j J-xr Resolving Power of Scintillation Spectrometers, by 1. F. Barchuk Z. M. Galkin, M. V, Pasechnikp N. N. Fui rov, 5 pp. RUSSM, per,, Is Ak Kauk pqk- Serf'IsI-Vol XIXp No 3, 19!1, - --' Bcl Mus, Lib No. 56/4B5 A4,90ROS. Harwell Tr 656 set - Physics rot r Monocbromaldc Positrous of Interml Conversion by 6. D. WW~ebevj V. V. Gays, A. A. Bashilor wA 1. tz RUSBW,~Dok Ak:Md-63J.-No 5o lwo pp 5n-3 xatlocal See U~ptop,,,Xw Ym*,, State: Proakbom ~iim-w ~Uwml laborat%7,1' Gulda to flussion zcl4tific pa Ut, Vol 3, o 2-1 Feb 1950, Pq 3T-40. sci lbasm Llb 110 50/343 j-, Scientific T/~ x T,~4y spectra R=Itod in IMOUSUO B*Otterb* Af Pact Noutroos on lbopmes. AIWLQ=p Zmv 86"6p" TbA M A"3=wp W ,- ?- sarohnAk- it. V. 1hI#*dhmf To# As RWIA-90 pal, Atg=qu MOW*# VOI IVj, 10 21, 1958s, pp 1N-IV, Comultonts Dweau goi - Nuclear FbP Jan 59 C)f '~'Clwl tp o.,jutiona; b7 V. T. 5 vo-t 2%ur ion, Conf,ilitantr- 4padnTae CwjplW,, Diyds Jbmonb sad surier Of Ixtuml DDutim of the ylolocuu " "ndA*dk IftS lft Rmatiml by A. 1. LhL~jl A* JL Pz*W-hmvi 4 We lowwo "Lars %Uft -1 *"twdkqpl*,j Va Vs No 31 3.958.- IV 530-5 Sol am 60 TA M, So 5 Hicrmave lipectrm and Rotatioml Cmstante, of The C,)VI Mocule, by A. 1. Unbukoy,, T. M. MurIA/A. M. Prolhom.- RMBLAN jo par.. Opt i Speft 1958, Vol Iv., No 4,, pp 521-5211. MA 59-20860 scl N~a- 6o Oa2 VOL 3p 7 Eloctrwacbmlml Fmquency StabiUzer for Kl,vatrcns by A. 1. Bmhukovs at=sd o p 6 pp (AF 676553) RUBSUNj, bl= per; 0 0 x NO 3a Iftr 1955a -32. pp 29 ATIC P-M-SM/7 ,Sol - SUCUMUS Fdb 17,557, =/du 4 17t An Awmval, c,f der+Atd PMtW*N Of 'IL RMUMMUCKWO for a Waveltogth of 2.5-5 MKq by A. 1. Urthukay, A. V. Prowfi4epvs U pp. WiLoUth t %Uktroo., Vol IV# No 7p 19590 pp lxr,3"u?9. pp Sci 4//s oct 6o /,?~ / An MqorUwvjt4a Study of Disk PoNwmtors at MiUi- meter Wwrelengths, by A. 1. Barebukov, A. M. Prokhtwov. W,qMLN, per,, Radiotekh i Vol lVj, go 12,, 1959, pp 20*W. WSTA: 61-0-15 343 sci - cbem oct 6D Mothod of Keasuring Absorption Coefficients in blitrowave Radio-Spectroscopy.. by A. 14. Prokhorovv A. To Barchukov, 4 pp. RiMSM, bimo perj, Zhur Hka2er i Teorert Piz Vol XMJ- 1954, P 771 9- - Morris D. Priedmn $2.00 LISM Scientif ic - Physics M 65/Fab 55 (~~I/ corLtribution to the Casuistics of the J c - M. Morales., drom'2 J, by J Barcia) D. ~ E- An3t) 6 pp, STA-1,11sli, per; Fev Espan Oto-NeurO-Oftal-mol Y Naurocir, NQ 16, 1959, -oD 381-385- NO 1-33-~62 62 (DrC-6450) Creation of a Shipping Administration in the FedersJ. Republic of Croatia, by Ivan Barcot, 7 Pp- =k,'TIAN, per, Pmorstvo,, Vol XVI, No i9, 1961, pp 259-261. JM6 134.93 Mr .- IAIgoslavia .2" 4,05 &0n Apr 62 102 WZ9 rr-61-14707 ON THE PERCEITION OF MOVEMENTS AND OF 1. ftr4 L THBIR FORMS BY THE SENSE OF GYRATION (De Is Perceptke des Mouvemsete ot do Laws Forma per Is Sou do is GYMU*. [10 44 21p Order tr= SLA $160 TT-61-14M Tram. a( jfoum#A do] Physidlogiel (Fruce) L919/A I o v. 18, 70-92. (BICLGP*l SCISM"-Phystalga, Tr, V. 12. no. 3) Bard, Leopoldo. TN-Rco SMOKE r-ROM THE MEDICAL POINr OF VIEW. 119621 14p. Order from K 41 $17. 50 K-H 3247~a Trans. of Reviistal Wdlical Cubana, 1933, v. 44, no. 11, p. 1281-1291. DESCRIPTORS: Tobacco, Smokes, Medical research. 62-17790 1. Bard, L. If. K-11-3247-a 111. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates. Detroit, Mich. (Unannounced) Office of Tacimical UMces CAUSES Or SATUPATION Of JONACKS WIFAM VITH $AIM# By W, L LITVAMMOs. VU IRMIAMP rK 0 LIT MIZS, NO 3s log Pp 290 30. HIS 590 ISCI I - polw*T ,OCT 62 2128m TvGV.Lng the OperatiM CmUtion of an Fjdr&uUe Baos!Wo by 1, X, P, A. ftloving. 6 pp, MMUN, per, Vest Vot Aotas No 5p 1958j. pp 66-691 CTA (531387 Am Sal - Aara=tics Oct 0 Zr a / I Dewilopmnt crf production and ways of improving quality of reIractories at entaWlses of "Ogaeupornemlll Trust,. by 0. T. Sax*Worg 5 pp. MMIZO "r OPOMPM7,9 No 9., 10,P 39600 pp 43 W, I Aeta now" wdea 'lop Nor 62 TM Ikole at SOMODURS ft vw ~ -1hy 0 ~ of Triesbc, by Ilre. Ts. ftrdmft,,,96 vp. rU21 IGINIM. RUNWp! pw,. lbow kno Val Vv we 5t Noomp 1937,0 vp 19-90. N"r Tr NNW lark USSR - SOODMIC - 'IW 90 on i JT 6,?o cg C 1,4 D 63-12824 Bardarnava. M. I. MOPLEX FO NIA77ON BETWEEN ORGANIC 1. Bardamova, M. J. HA'_0GEN COMPOUNDS AND OXYGEN-CONTAINING II. ATS-79Q66R ORi3ANIC SUBSTANCES. (196315p. 111. Associated Technica) Order from ATS $8.0(] ATS-79Q6611 Services, Inc., EastOrange, N. J. Trans. of Akad[emiyal Nauk SSSR. Sibirsk[oel Otd[cluniel. Izv[estiyal 1960, no. 2, p. 71-75. 1)[33CRII'TORS: *Orbpdc halicics, *Oxygen, *Organic compounds, Halogcns, Chemical reactions, Complex compounds. (Chernistry--Organic, T7, v. 9, no. 9) Ofte o1 TecksU Seni"s Unsaturated E~vdrocarbws. X. Synthesis of 40 41~ RUmetbAdiPhenyl and 2-FhmWlmpUwlene, by H. S. Mm.rtsberg, N- T. L. K&.lyarawakjy,, 4 pp. 33MIAN per Ebur obwwh Mani Vol XD4 lio 2.F 19608 P.p 4i9:439- ' CB Sai /,5-3) S-~?/ A,w 61 Uamturated Wrocarbm. Vnl. Synthesis mid Som Conversdow of 3-PhoorlbspWlem-4,6-01-3o by 1. L. NotlYmMOIdYs X- L Butswfto M. S. Shvartaborgj 3 pp. 1=81#j; pv# Zbw Obabob XhIm# V01 M=# NO 10# 1959t vp 32902-3254. GB Sol Oct 6o 4 Mq)erlmiats in Reatoring PmLeMin-Sewitivity In Slaphylococei Iftistant to Peuie:Minj, by V. N. Mkrkov) Bmlartrr., Popov. MWWA., per., 2hur Mcwbiolo Ep~d~ol i Immmobiologii., No 4.p 1955; PP 76-82- CTA 9034439 USDA B(A - Naacine Nib 59 Use of a Mixture of Molten Halides as the ffLectro- lyte in a gUel Cell Functioning at Higb TemDer- atures, by R. Barde, R. Buvet, et al. FROCH', pez,, Comptes Rendus, VoICCLIVs 1962,, pp 16e7 -162 9. OSA TT F-8291 SCI Apr 63 US aOVIT OnY Inectraphoresis of Tears: Findinp In Sme EYIe Inseasess, by Ann& Maria Bardellit 14 pp. B)t :ETALIM,, perg Atti Accad Fisiocr Siena (NediODDfi- 1001 129 1963, ip 537-5519 561.574. I Dept of NM7 NIC Tr 3157 A N) t~ R rnq Q I A G 'A &4,e L L ; April 71 Tcrp Blowlug High-lbogbome Ira With Ovgeu- A New Slaplifted TeCWVO# by K. 0. Spaith., H. vom Bnde,,:P. Barde&euer. Gs m4op W., atahi und Buen,, 26 fty 196o2 pp 735., 736. BICTR Sci - Engr Dea 6o 0 safety Gutter for Mas, by 2u Pittro BardslIA., pp. 1-711"LLaIi. PLItent 'Patent, QM,ve sei Ub Sol - IkWl:mwriug Doc 56 Fluorosis, llfa~ z1f 0 pifticals pm~wl, jdGtOlR6Lwlp time and 04 ~Ucn Lgl =19=tw -9eLsw 66mg eow by P. BQtdaaq 84 Part no nums P06 Atu Veneto Vol X=1 B.L.16 Tr 966 3 yj 0/f AVr 56 Coummi% W14brim Cracks ftming Wring Brittle Tractm. The StabIlIty of lio.'ated emkA.. Ro2atlawhips with Ewrptlc Traorlea., 747 0. 1 -Bamews"o 20 pp. RMSIAN8, ywo, Prik Mstmat I lbkbo Vol MCIZIS so 50 1959p pp 1393-9W. Persamon Press Sol Apr 60 Spaedy Hathod of lYate=iaing the Buicity of Siamens-Mextin Slag, by H./&da, F. xm Dardeialic'!lier, van GM-WAIT, per, Arcl Risenlraettenwesea, Jua 1959, pp 391-397. cSim Sci - Min/metals //~' .5- ~7 v j~ . .../ jun 6o moul costiop into Buell by Mmllerg Vol xrvp 1932a Ifttch*r Tr 1353 /"-)" ?6 / $1.60 60-18855 .P. and Geller, W, Bardaqlieu~r THE BASIC PRINCIPLES OF THE I)MLPHURIZA- 1. Sulfur- -Separation TION OF PIC IRON AND STEEL.. (Nov 471 26P. 2. Iron- -impurities (4 figs. omitted) 42 refs. 3. Sceel--Impurides Order from SLA miS2 70, ph$4.30 60-18855 1. Bardenheuer, P. 11. Geller, IV. Trans. of Kai ser- Wilhelm -Instirit fUr Eiscnforschung, Dusseldorf. Mitteflungen (Germany) 1934, v. 16, no. 7, p. 77-91. (Ungnnounced) 016 ce of Tc6k.l Zw-A com Ntrdenhpuq,,&&qr_and Fisdier, Wilhelm Anton. THE EFFECT OF TITANIUM ON THE CREEP STRENGTH OF STEEL. Rept. no. 599 of the Werkstoffausschuss [Materialij Committee) of the Verein Deutscher ElsenhUttenieute. Duly 461 17p. (I rig. oinitted) 14 refs. Order from SLA m1$2.40, ph$3.30 60-18278 Trans. of Archiv fUr das EisenhUttenweaen (Germany) 1942, v. 16 (no. 11 p. 31-38. 60-18278 1. Titanium- -Metallurgical effects 2. Steel--Creep 1. Bardcnheucr, P. 11. Fischer, W. A. Ill. Title: Verein... 0f%- of T.&Wd (Unannounced) melts Influence of Slags on Cast Iron IMM,,.by P. Bardeahner. . . .. .................. .. .. GOWN, per, Die GiessereLs Vol XXXv 1943- - ---------- Inteber Tr 1780 scientific - kin/metals $5.60 MEN Gaaes in Netalsj by P. Bardeaheucro CIERW.. per, *tall, Vol VI,, No 13/14; 1952P pp 351-356. ,9V ~016i Brutcher Tr No 3440 Of'W/ of 7. r0 Scientific - Kim/Metals may 55 CA's at w4ralm'" OWN# ywo 07 --'~77-77777- I'M How to Avoid ]bee' of Nimpuese in Opaboarth Process,, by G., Beak& ad 'P. BordmMuer. QMWN, per, )Stahl wd Iftsen, Vol Us 1940. Brutcber -Tr SCI*Oific - min/w"Is. $5.50 Operation ol'Basle'llghl"quency Fumcep by W. Botteubtiv, P. We-67vi;r. GERMAS', I*r,, 8tahl und 21"up Val LWq 102, PP 7-13 -718 .. DMcber Tr 1389 MotallwSy of Crucible Meltln Procesiss, by P. Borden- hewr# We Mottanberg. ORMs pars Archly Ilsombuttemmonp Vol Mp 19A. sz%*.Cher. Tr lal Scientific - MLn/Ustals $3-40 /Cp,~ '736-- - i Manufactwo at Tool-8teel to -Coreless loductlon ftmaces by P. DordoWmerl W. Oottmberg. GEM". per, ArChLY RiftabottoMm2p Vol VMq 1934. Rratdwir Tr 183 i Influence, of TItealm -UP= Cmp Midt of Stools, by p. BvjjgWwmrj W. A, Placber Gmmxj per, Archiv Sisommusavoleas Vol mi 1W. Brutcb*r Tr 1431; 3cientiric - miame"is A6.7q Dxidatloz, of Titanitm hmm Liquid Stoel into Slag in ~3asic and, Acid Higb-Frequency Furnaces under Various Slags, by-F. Bardenheuer, W. A. Fiachers, 5600-mardft ~--tLRIUN, per, ArgUv- Vol XXV, No 11/12 -1.954, pp 515-521. Brutchor No 3-4?~Q ~11.20 ~*Aentiftc Minerale/metals Sep 55 Vartation In Analysis of lksic ;t4*1 Vult gold In Ladlep by P. DBrdodwmr,, A. IssM. J" OMAN Vol ith, k~ gh, Imteber Tr M5 SCIODWIC - NtIA/Mtgl$ 41.80 Thn Prin-ary C.7itallization ef Steel Ability -and Nucleus PormtIon In the Liquia Condition., by P. Dardeohmimr, R. USOL GMA.M. per., Mitt Kaiser-!41bm1m DMt 7KA-senforechp 193% p 201 BIB! 139-9 (L7 acI - HIU/mt; cbem an? J~~e Oct 59 ,ItIlm Investigations on the Innuence of CoMr an the SolubfilAty of low Carbon 8t**l In Acids# by P. Savemuerp 0. Tbanlwlser. 7- 7 - I K~ Wo lutitut Sleedbrechun& 1, 0 , -- 0 - -.-- - - _ Drutcher Tr 1423 Scientific - min/mtele 0.00 / o?,., 19 3 Depbosphorization and Desuphartration in the Coreless Xnduct:Wa ftrumciv,, by P. buideabowr W. Battenbergo OMM, per, Xittailupa X. W. lostItut lisonforacbmg, 'Vol x7o 1933- BMcber Tr 90 Prbelples of DesuI*IrIutWz of Pig Im and Steelp by P. D&Mmhmwr, W. Oaller. Omms illiti'.6ke Leer WIINL~ zusttt~t Einuftnch=s Val WE s -IMP " 7T-91. Hydnamadmittlamt of 8 U-61*4 rmtlao 6f Amnit of Mropa A by P. lkrdoabimwr, me 1180161~ TOIL Xn, Iwo Lit Imi, pp SMcber Tr 9" seteatirk - win/wtais Im.e.1gatigns Into motollow of Basic Open BOarth fte"so by P. butoohewr,, 0. WoMwimer. 0. 't tc, ,ttel 4 ftsvolftrr, Vol 3MI,,1935t pp'133-147. - PUtdor Tr 285 7 SclentIrle, - lulluence of Hydrops Abe~ In th* Jkltfixg of Stfel., by p. Bardsobwwrp X* Koller. mna Mittatimps K. W. Zosti%a Risoaforscbmgp Vol XMIO BMchor Tr 3W 0. by PMAd Ititut /attell ago I xx~ 0 grutabor Tr 667 scientific $3.60 Mechanical Proport too and stmtwt Of High Test SpecIaL Cdat Irons,, by P. Sardeubmr,, W. Drobl. Vol =j, U011=96n, K. W. = lftstift* Bmtebor Tr 0.60 1-,?e,FX5-7 63-14386 lkrdmhnm, Pewr wd Ostarnums6 Hdartch. bff-IWMwr OP ALKALIS ON IRON RAM 1. DuAsabsuer. P. R9631 51P. 35, rds. B. Osta"rWM6 H. "a tmm SLA $5.60 63-14N Trow. d Kaiwr-wubolm-lndm ft Eismemid." [Duffifeklorf~ Mimeikoom (OMUM) 1927. T. 9. p. 129-149. DESCRWMIU: Pundmoulaw. qm mftL &OW. A-478 90 *DwuUUrtndm. fly&=Ift, AftH afteb. - . mem"Mra. slap. 06omUwV--Veg. Mm* Tr. v. 10. w, 9) MA d ToddeW WAm Vold Cracking of Chromium4wWom steels,, by Peter Barlm*ouer,, Wormor Bott*W*rS. 26 pp. WMW, Roort .396 Issued W Materials Coomittes of the Vereim.Doutedsor Ussubuttooloute. ~~IA 0 Igo Arch. 2111subuttommosen,~ Vol Up 110 so 1900, PP 375-533. CIA 101209 40 0-7 -- 62-14406 QLajcnUcuar, P--ter and Bleckinann, Richard. THE PRIMARY CRYSTALLIZATION OF STEEL 1. Title: Underco0ing UNDI'MCOOLINC. A131LITY AND NUCLEUS FORMA- I . Bardenheuer, P. nON IN THE. LIQUID CONDITION. (1959][32]p. U. Bleckmann, R. 19 refs. Order from SLA $3.60 62-14406 Trans. of [Kaisc r-Willicirn-Insiltut fdr Cisenforschung Dusseldorf. Mitteflungen (Germany) 19391 v. 21, no. 13 [p. 201-212). DESCHIM'ORS: *Steel, *Crystallization. Cooling, kiciting, Nucleation. OPhase studies, Nut-lei, Therrio- dynaml-:s, Uquid metals. (Mctal1urgy--17,?rrous Metals. TT. v. 10, no. 2) Oft@ of rackkat Servius Ike C,11untiliative Daterml=,.I on of Mmpuritien In NOW Frcm -- trero& Aboorption Spectra) -IjQr -f. x. rQluw;6v, S. 2- %-wdAngktejn3 R. V. Dzh%iatapmvv--s 3 Pp. RMSTM., par.. Zavod Labp Yol XM) No 10, -,,,460,t PP J= 61 ~z '7 -~Paut L rlrv~ A,-~alwais of ...... vtiv::~ ~pcctxa, by Ir lofrared Abnox_ TL%:rderlshte Ito V0. itl-t~igats- MWE~ ITo 50 1960., 587-50). SC-7 AL ~,pr kylalysis of a Mixtue of Tomeric Trichloro- benzenes with the Aid of Infmrsd Absorptimm Spectra, by S. B. Bsrdpshtatn,,-,R, V~ Dzhagat- L. Zetldi- . spanyan, V. v 9-pp- -5-ml RMSTANs per Zavod Labs Vol XM,, No 2p 1960., pp 167-176 /elk A #7 - /-71 I" Sci- Feb 61 Ou the Aboaptlou ot 6-ftys by the Solutioup Coll pWop and ftepuslooss bW Z. CoWso R. IftrIgmal L...Sudet 7 pp. ftu tz FM31,, per, Amslos,; Vol JIp 19530 pp 5W eel - twice fty 07 0/4" s1- 4 70 Work wA W*ps In Worksbaps of qw Instrument iwd the M&ctric Bplpwut I by P. Bar-4' yr? 1,9 ,-41- )W. MMM MMUNIMp perp'Elam Pkd Mcr,, S Mckr-SApr 63p 2: 1V 68-75- 4~~-T,91 Speaba Mo&rnizecl lbdel of jUeetrophoresio o~ the Experbwntal ftetory of the Neftwa fti4moes,, UM USMp by X. N. M. Butior, P. I. Tseitlin., 1 p. wxmw~IkLl. Appamtas AcadmW of - P. Mockevich; TUSSUN., perj W Zkoper Biol i Ned., ft 4., 4r - dw1ting of Bavic Fig Irou When Using 0,Vgen- Enriched BlaBtj, by Bardin et-al. U*o=Wvft RUSSIAN., per., ,'!+Al.. Aug 1957., pp 673-684. 6 694 Sci - Min/met Nov 57 The Use of Ox4gen in Steelmking, e-ditor Bardin. RUSSIAH, rpt, 1955, Moscow go ap-ww-&"-Tr 537 (J2.0.0) Sci - Chem; Min/met J-7 4 7d Jan 56 ~ A BrMp Bet w . b Mmy " PlamMal, I : WWjMj zWp ftvw44s# iS Avg IMP YMO Bell Raw um I fto mp 59 59 ~ 1 .2 ~ 5~, A Medical Invest4ption In F=ch Samtorl=sp by G. Poix~ D. Bardljip F. Feret, 2 pp. 1~001& FMCH, per, Preme Iftd, Vol LVIII., No 16,, 15 Mar 1950., pp WA Tr 2588 Sci - Medicine Jan 58 Action of Plajyphyllime onGonads., by 1. Bardin. WJSSIAN, per, Wravookhrapenic Bc-lorusellY V01 8j, ND 3.1.1 1962p pp, ~8:73-9. CSIRO/No-7237 'C' Bpkj //,/ Sol - Jul 67 334)259 E-2398 (25W-D)." The Iron Ore But of the UBBR FwTmiv NotalluriW a" Us ftth of Its Orma In 1959-1965.. by 1. L)~~J' YS' YAWMI'XOY49 L Wuvbvp 17 PP. RMUN, lwr, Plu mms lb 120 Nmwsf IWO pp im WR M,011, Be= Todo3oloom1p Apr 59 ftysicel =d Process Vmtal-l.urmr and Yhyelcochemical. edited by 1. F. Berdin; 3'36 pp. Rese~arch Methodis J R-LWS!Ali,. bk., TruiV- imAitiCtm Aatallurg:~! iweiji A. A. Baikava., go 3,, blewLUurgLya, Mata.Uove&niet, ftziko- MdmIcheakiye Mody losledovaniyal 1,058. on 6o-5.*LOeT PL-Wo sci j~w 62 IF PST 386 rqc,j., Ways ,)f latenzifying 'ity RUSSiM, per, Iz Ak TIAuk SS.9JR, Otdel Tekh Naut, Toplivo, No 6; 1959; o 3-7. PTST 2083A Sci - Min/Ifet jur, 61 15* t77 p% Iron st the ri,ca-action of p. Bardiub, ,gnitwOrlsk Joe 1, by p ~V- 7, ton., 9 pp - S, R~--fifiov) .19600 pp 865-669. RljSSIA-Ti, perp StAli, 10 10-1 sci t,pr 61 Concerning New Methods of Intenoify-Ing PrcceBaeao by I. P. B~~,v 3 PP. RUSSM, per, Met.&Uurg, No 1, 196o, pp 4-6. Acta Met&Uurgica Sci jim 61. / 5. -3 A J 7 Use of OxMn In Oteel Produabiono (by 1. P. Bardla. FMSIMs bkp PrIonwnle Usloroda v Sta]API&Vil'- nom Prolaodstvap Moscowt AX SM.. 1955j, 180 pp. Suggested for Tr by Wted K4Wdom per memo frm OF (TbeobaM). - 13 Jan 1959 The Utilization of Oxygen in the Converter Production of Steel, by 1. P. Bardin, S. G. Afanasyev, M. M. Shumov, '.6. D. Efshtein. RUSSIAN, bk, Primeneaiye Kisloroda v Konverternom Proizvodstve Stal4-, Moscow, 1959, 264 pp. pp Sci - Min/met ,Ap r 6 1 T-he Third Metallurgical Base of the USSR,, by X~ Bardin, P. 1L. Slhivjmyav~p 49 pp. WILSIA bk Trat'','Y,-. Natalla''t'damya Daza BSVOR,, 1950.0 PP 3-47- m, 276o T88R Eu,on - Technological - Metallurgy Jam 60 Die Eisenhuettenindustrie Ostsibieiens) by I. P. -Bardin, (unpubl tr) ]RUSSIAN to GERMAN, publ in Die Presse der Sawjetunion, Nu u6, 1958. iDu 641 Institut fuer Dokumentation Ubersetzungsnachweis Berlin, W.8. Unter den Linden 6 Apr 60 Pmcevoet; (kaurring In tba Bosh ot Meet Furnaces Oppezatcvd on OMan-Enriched Blastp by I. P. Bsrdln, M. Ya~ OstrouMw. ziUS$V.'q,p per.. It Ak lba WMp Otftl TvXU ftuh, So 2, Fob 1958j, pp 7-14. 11mry Bmuhsr 4m $9.80 58 ~711 The latermtional Geophysipa Ymer; by Taco forn llg=cy Lntarviaw with Acua.. 4 Im. p ut.1 tr ZME Wv ily Sm"l-wa Airt go 153 (9711)o j= :L9571, p Ul - Spaco Research 65 1 p5m S? (FDD 24833) To Increase the Role of Loca Scientific Establiabnents.. by I: _~U"_q pp. RUSSIMp d up., Pmvft,, Moscow, 9 Doe 1954p p 2. CYA#M/U-7050 USSR Sci - Medicine CTS 69/jua 55 USSR Rocket and Earth Satellite Program for the IGyj bY L P. Bardin, - 7 PP- hV55IAN0 letteri, 10 Jun 1957j Brussels. CIA 90 C Reel 243 ,Hand Cory RM-1922 Sci - Aeronautics .5-16 Oct 57 .1 The Semi-Continuoue Casting of Steel in the German Democratic Republicj by 1. P. Bardin. MSIAN, mo per, Stalp No 5, VAY 1955a pp 472-- MM GB 12 HaY 58 6 S