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Direct Ccurple=mtric Determination of . Zirconium with Pyrmstechol-Violet) by V. Baran, M. Tywl- CUM, per, Collection of Czech Chemical COMInications, Vol. 29, 1964, pp 2250- CSM/ No. T350 U. /2,q Rl~ll Sci - Aug 67 336-137 Me Reactor Period as a Panction of the Multiplication Factor in the Subcritical State, by -,vir. Daran, 12 pp. '?OLISII, par, IlWdeonika, Vol IV, No 3, 1959, -pp 250-264. AEC-tr-~152 PL-48o Sci m,a-y 62 193,211 The Relati=hip Between Reactor Period a Multiplication Factor in the Sub-Critical State, by W# fto Bam) 11 py. PMISH,, per.. MWaaculks,, Vca IVO 19,r-go pi) 253-264- AEC =I-Inf Bar'-31 Scl - Phya 17 Mar 61 TA~ AIX Tae ReWbimDhip Betvm the 18Mfaae MMMW of Livids end tho AccmwdatUn Coeftiolentep by H,, ~~anw~r; 13 pp- Russm,p per., ZIMP FIZ almo Vol =0 No n" 19390 2w 1634-1641. 9687266 Sol - klwlear Sol Technolow (urb 63 :L Yvi /V 0 3 I TI~RATION OF SOLM I, r mo tr. by Impbarg V. Bdw. 16 MY 6319b- 10 W& Pusac-M AD-4Dd 019 a.-&r imm M or SLA SL 10 63-19W3 Takm cg Moml Mcbm" KMOU 004 1946, v. 20. p. WOL &*dig, %N, %%Wd% ft~w- qxmpbftv. b"o "her""Ok yaw I Too vqdpwvL wwapmemme we= pm*c~d m the svw~w*m sclW phml, KU b~ ad c mpbw Vpbywj=--Tbwma*nm6mo 7T. v. 10. w. 63-1930 auto", iL K. aw-a M. AMY mmb OMM04 R~dMm ArmmL Ab. IV. AD-M 919 8 'R Oft d WO" 11-15 the Dimewlm of the Xftlmm Pulmti*nt in a 'Turbulat PUwp by 9. Ks Urmsm E. 9. 1 fl, Teverouklyp 3. L. TreVA)dv-&,, 13 pp. RUSSZW,, tbrico-w per DoIc Ak Ikuk SM., V4 1XVIs No 5$ U Jon log, pp WI-11A. cihj~m xx-a3 NM IOZAMM TO ?OTC= Imaum Jlla a 17,LL set - Pb"lcs; Memistry POP 56 uo a nammm = my (NY-4341) Synthesis of Coupled Controlled and Following Systems Under the Effect of Stationary Random Processes, by E. I. _Barswjz~8 pp. RUSSIAN) per, Iz Vy6shilh Ucheb Zaved, WO SSSRj, Ser Radiofiz, Vol II, No 5j, 19592 PP 802-813- MG 5439 Sci Sep 6o The Structure and TrawfOrMWOns Of WthYlarYl- N-Nitrotri=onos- 133. On Some Propeitdeo C)f jj3thyj=yj-N-x- otritoaws, Baran(:bjXj 1. V. Ginchev, D. Z. ZavQl'skiy., 10 pp. RUSSIM.9 per, Zhur Cbsbcb Mial Vol XXVM, No 5, 1958, pp 1340-13%). Consilltants B=au sci - Tmm Jul 59 '73, 310 v Stricture and Transfonatiow of N-Witrotiazenes. II. Methylaryl-N-nitrotriazenes, by No V. Baranchik,, I. V. Grachev) D. Z. Zavelsky, 10 1pp. WEPISM., per., 2J=r Obshch Kbimp Vol XXVII, No 1, 1957, PP U7-126. Conmatants bareau SeL - Chemistry jurl 58 6a-.~S7 Structure and Transformations of N-Nitrotriazineio 1. Dlaryl-V-nltrotrWlixtov by N. X. Baraochik# 1. V. Grachevp D. Z. Zavelww, pp. RUSS10j, perj, Ztnw Obahch ELimp Vol XLMp No 9) r MOR.. ft 1953.- PP 1572- 577- M D 151000 Conoultanto Buroau Scientific - Chemistry CTS 04/JeD 55 of t~e Collective of tize Gll)zc,~- LIET "Linc Tcchnical by T. I. Vestail". SvYazi, No 8, 1958~ J-T-'RS 1'013 -511, 7 7~3 Ozt, 6i D,-.rlvation of the Periodic Sodas in a controLlwd System Having NonliusarlUes With Rpteresies by E. 1. Baranchik, 5 PP. RUMM., perp Im VywsbM Debab Zave4 MM &M lp Razdalu PrIboxostmenle, Val Vp so 4., Xq62,, pr 47-53- JPRB 18629 EkIl Ai?r 63 MS059 Inv0stigation, of the Accuracy of Couplea Control and TrackIng Systems With stationary ijandom Inputs., by E Baranchut.. PP - Shkoly.. RMSIAN,# per, laucbnye D Ele!drawkh. I AvtomUka So 1,, April 1958, vp 165-70- Autmation &press Vol I'P NO 5 Intemat I I 'Phys Leal Index Jun 59 Ty -. mat4ption at Carta" FLvpa-uos m- a MM-WiRve 87*"*Am COU&Isti= Of -- Plam &0. Cimmftd by llalUp by S. L foi-aAdy's y, d. Suvabuk,, Pw, Is VY=&M Vabob Zawd WIM 9M, AdicnZ., Vil Vo ]b 5j, xoe.. pp mqn. JMV03 Bei - Moo ftY 63 aa p ,rho -T-,:.que of Two-Phaeo Asyaahrmom Motor Controlled b,- AXPIltuft Nio"atea yoltatps by ye. 1. SwavAhuk 13 pp. FMSSIANj, per# Iz -VysmhM Odiab Zmd XMW BOOR p0 Budelu PrI ev VbI v1s. so 31, 1963P Sol reb 64 To Traqking Systems of Alternate Current) by Ye. I. Baranchuk, Ye. L. Kovarskaya, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, p6r~ ., Iz Vyseh Ucheb Zaved,, Priborostroy., Vol Vii, No 3, 19641. ipm 26528 Sci oct 64 268,2oo 1 ,j 42 Cwouvlo~Zw 3toXiom rewly a plj4ltj, by rip: Uvodt4up 5 ;Cor a 6t--&toa*km - ot &I $eP Z3, P I- 44,~/sMaTAL11-C. -MI5 ft-ro ~21:1 65 The Therapeutic Use of Gama-Globulin in Bacteri:j. lnfections~ by S. Barandum, R. Kipfer, 23 PP. GMWAr, per, Schweizerische Medizinische Wochen3chrift, Vol LKWII) No 7: 1957) pp 155- 159. SLA 59-15730 Sci - Med Dec 59 vo! 2, No 4 "Protein Marrhea", Together With a Contribution to the Problem of So-Called Essential Itpoprotelnemia, by S. Burandua, J. Aebersold, R. Biwnchi~ 24 pp. GEMMt per, Schweizerisebe Medizinische Vol XCI NO 51, 1960, pp 1458-1467- NZ 4-5-61 Sci - I%d Jul 61 3 1,f " -r Tbo The.-rapaeuic Use of Go=-Globulin in Bacte .40 Wectionaj, by S. Bamd=., R, Kipfer., et al., 23 pp. GM4N,, per., Sobveizericehe Ned WooMnsebrift; Vol IJ=Mi No Tr 1957.- PP 155-159- MA 59-15730 Sci - Mdicine Oct 59 V61 11" No A~r ?ro4lv#mo in Uia&wtr*uo4 UottrIcal I~M;mztlvp by LUI* -I.44fatalte TOE 86C. oz 6S Same Regaw Fea~-urea of Chemica Weraction, Given IV the Law of Mae ActionIF by 1. E. starik.. M A-~ 1~~ 3 PP. IMSIM,, per., Dak Ak Neak SM.$ Vol C'AJ* No .3jr 1961s lip 6"-&T. 0B ad / VjW 62 cv-Acb-aWl Dwics for Collwtim m)d Aztomtic rAP-OdIXIC of lltfazlf&tiftl* tor P. ~0=02ko* Uo A* Patrm,, pp* 42M MOM 68 TI ie Conditions for the Formation vi the Arctic- Norwegian Sebool of Cods frov the,1959, 1960 and 1961 Generations in the first Year of Lifet J~y A , So Baranenkov,, N, S. Bokhlin. 26 pp. RU5SIAX, per, Trudy PINIZO, Val 16s 1964-s pp 19S-214, NAV/t~-OO/Tran-423-69 ct Sci-BUI Ucc 69 397,361 1) Abukdance of the Yomg of COO md Haddock in 40-- the samts Soas by A. So Darmseakeyat RWSIANI per& SOSS& 99A.Mmo senu PIM Do v L%41, So 60 M". ;p' 27'--;32*- *Dept of IntOldor Fish =a Wilafs Se"I= Bureau of Comscial ftshsries o \;;3 sci-B&H May 67 The Bea,,;Itc of Surmys oa Young Cod aad Haddock 5-A the Bar~:nnts P;Oa Duxing the N-riod 1946-19;-O~ by A. S. Baraii.eiAtcva-, Russim, ymq rpt, pp P-67-275- /7 6o Library Fisheries Roo Bd of Canada Biol Sta, St. Andrews, NB /VZ- L ill Sci - Biol Oct 61 Ohe Results of Sm-mys on ioung Cod and Haddock in the Barents sea During the period 1946-19599 A- 8- B:anrfaFnOTtkt2V,,I& k. WSSIMO W., Soviet Fisheries Investlastims in North European Sam,. Y"Cow.0 1960, PP 267-W5. Dept or Interior SM I RW No 345 Sai - Biol Apr 62 41 of ee VZO30finhan 0~, 'Ir nr pp &;33R, 'fol CXITY,, j-70 A. n ln3t O'l, Biol Lo~,,i Comparison of the Abundance of Year-Classee' of Cod and Haddock in the Barents Sea, As Made From a Queatitative Survey of the Young Fish and From the Commercial Fishery, by A. S. Baxavenkova# RUSSIAN, per., Trudy Poliarnovo Nauk Issled lost Morskovo Rybnovo Xbozialstva i Okeetnograftis No 10.9 1957P PP 54-77. Dept of Interior W301 C273j, NO 222 Sci - Biol XRCC C-3093 Sep 6o Vol Ill. -Ne% 19 Rcactio,uss of CYclopentadier7lides.' Bara , 11, Parass - .3 Pp netalcays. Z ~i,Tsssalq, per lz Tic I Naulc SSSR, Ot~el K-him Naukj; o i4o il ig6l; pp U) o-143. CB Sai Apr 62 The React-ion of Beazylyyridinium Chloride with Cyclopentadienyllithim) by D. No Kursamvp s. x. Baranetskaya,, v. N. setkims 6 pp. I RUSSIAN) perj Dols A Nm* 8=,, Vol C=j, No l?j pp M-119. Consultants Bureau s/- /q F - //0 4, Sci - Chem 4-7 Aug 56 1 ~ 10 9 Exchange and Cleavage Reactiorx of Quat9lary Ammonium Salts. Communication 9. Reaction of Quaternary Ammonium Salts of the Type I?R-O,:,. CH -K~t]X With Secondary and Tertiary Alcohols, b;2~. N. Setkina, 11. K# Baranetakaya, Do No Kursanov,, 6 pp. ------- rull traic~slation. 7 HUSSIO, bimo, per,, Iz Ak---Hauk.-OtAe1..Khim.Iiauk No 9, Jul/Aug 1955p pp 750-755, ciA c 41476 4 Consuktants Bureau Scientific - Chemistry Mar 56 CTS/dex SUelding a Gyrmtabilizer Which lo a Source of MectmmpeUc Intuftnucaj, by Ye. I. MW Play K. M. Odbolovaigdys V. 8, Barawtaklyp 9 pp. MUM$ bk$ IK Avkmtiobmkly Kontroll i Imerit4lWa %khAMS No 40 low# pp 102-108. 9673.151 scl - SW 23o at 61 . I Pam Sub praftcum of carat-pne UP# .35 by R~ Ifunswo L. Bauntao at IW6 12 w GERUMS per# Vol V4 1963# Ipp 489-0& 9223473 ABC-OPNL-Tr-10d Sd-NUCI scl Oct 64 267,819 oaltEwal RoUtims Betmm R=7 and WUs. t(r A, pe swiWMI)MV, Inestia 3.946*~ MA/FDDIZ-R475 u5sa - socia0gical India - SoaidLogical 1w 1951 oz /4 4~,3 Decomposition of Silver Halides and Determination of Meir Silver, Bromine and Iodine Contents., by G. 1. Bwannikov., 4 pp. A. par) Mur Prik Mim, Vo' =r., 1,;o 4, 1959P PP 791-726. Conoultwto Buremx Sci ,Tun 6o Actim of Mixtures of Rydrofluaric Acid and Rydrogen Peroxide on tbe )btale libblum and Tantalmp by 0. 1. Barannikov, 6 pp. RUSSIM., per, Zbw_ftIA-MiI&,VoI X=, No 8, Aug 1956P pp IM 1283-1286- Consultants bweau Scl - Chem 'z'-, 1 -7 7r Jul 57 Methods of Breaking Dovn Barium Sulfate in Order to Detect the Barium Ion in It Qualitativelys by Gu Ia Baranpikovp 2 pp. RUSSIAR., bimo per, Zhur Anal Khim Sm.-Vol xi, No 4t t9o'o pp 498., 499. Consultants Bureau Sci - Chemistry Mar 57 "e"c(acil tetucen the Biewth lon and Banzidene,,, Rar- mikov, 4yp. bino p-rt Zhur Anal Khim, yogi v-Li, go 4,1 pp. 239- Consultants Bureau cl=lstry Jan 50. c Iz / m e, 6 0 TW- FtliCTIO&U. SYSIVOI J" SAUM AT Of ERENT STAKS OF 'THE L WE CYMC* BY to A* OA"M#KOVAs 4 PP. RUSSIANiv Me M AR "K SSM, VOL CXXXVir NO 3v LOI& PP 730*133- AIIIS SO OCT 61 44*3a An Ecological and Histopbysiological Anelysis of the I" Preoptle-Hypolftswa Neurooemvtory ft-stm In the Sturpm., by I. A. Bararalkwa, A. L. Polenavy 4 PPS IWSSnN$ per,, Dok Ak Nm* SM; Vol so 3., 19603 pp 719-7M - AnS sci Apr 61 ohe PreoPtlqokY~iAl 1"Zowretm eptem In 13turi;eons by A. L. P02ewvp ~- A. BarmAkofts 5 pp. IWWrAN# pers Dak Ak Suk SMj Vol 111 rXI'll, No 69 1958v PP 1117-1M- I Amr Imt or BUa Sol Sci - Med 45p/0/ 14 3? 61-27255 Baranova, B. Z.. Deborin, G. A., and Oparin. A. 1. INFLUENCE OF DNA UPON THE EN7YNIATIC 1. Daranova, B. Z. AMON OF PAPAIN AND OF THE DEIfYDRO- 11. Deborin. G. A. GENASE OF PHOSPHATE. Ill. Oparin, A. 1. 119(111 [5111. 20 IV. Translations, New York Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-27255 Trans. of Akadjemlyaj Nauk SSSR. Doklady, 1960, v., 130 [nej. 21 p. 450-452. DESCRIPTORS: *Nucleic acids, Acids, Metabolism, 01?apain, Enzymes, OGlyceraldehydes, OPhosphates. 'I" ,~--IiydrogewLqcs, AldchydcR. Experiments with papain indicate that DNA retard@ the en7ymattc action of glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydro- genase (GAPD), the magnitude of this retardation being a definite function of the amount of GAPD added. The ferment reaction came to a full stop when 1. 55 mg d CNA was added. 1S43113 (Biological Sciences--Blo- chemistry, Tr, v. 7, no, 1) 0 [a" of T-66c.1 3w,1c.e or, the mzretim loptaft in stagoon by I. A. Buvmik*Mi 10 pp lj~ ti i; Vol 4., No Hgow per.. m - (33)., aj, pp ipBs 29452 UWR fti-B/M Apr 65 2T7..643 onfloo 4 PPO ROSIANO ka smt Vft ciumle , 4,0 .I ko It Mv%w Ales scl MT 61 1-2ai 03~ It -MOAW Wuunuj. t.;Qrre"_I~Ivu 1-fir vcmpre,ujalule DUDsQrao,x14Qwp, A. V. Barano .-J, ~ ~ fur Is 5 Jul 10,400 - S.L.A. Tr Pool Solentifte - Aerodym*sdac vontribution to the Question of Wave Propagation Along a Flasma -Rcd: by Levitakiyj V. S. Paranchuk, 4 pp. RUSSTAW~' pert 1z Yysfihikh Ucheb Zv-ved~ WIN, Radiof iz, Vol 111, ild 4, ig6c. JPRI5 7374- Sci my 61 Ram4ts"at lxporftsnts lu Orgmdslog the Stoplas kbg&40 AM%$ cm Va AR Lim XaMto - Odloslas by Dtd'OWO hrms !E~ 's oinymo lo pp. RUSS=s-~bks POU bY MMIUSAID AaadW of Sclemesp nov.. lj~6. CM V 6930 RWA OMP T-62 3 Z WGR Iftn - e6ustruction I 74,a A, f~po d M 77 6 AJ Aug 1956' I Rol== Opasto Mider CoWlicated Conditions. b* Ool Bmmr 5 ppo W 71MY, m RWUNj ups, "V~Suj 31 Avg 1956; p 2. c U s63)w ACS, 1, G-7622 usm 114 al Ae s XUltu7 j (fa-3000/4). Course of the Develognent of Naabine Bullding in the Republic, by A. Barsaov, R. Petukhov, 9 pp. --j RUMUN per, Harod Khoz Kazekbateam, So 5, 1959, .pp 18-24. JM-19652-N Um 1con - Tecb; Industry 7J' NOV 59 - -Y..;O~e (DC-2800/6). The Hunters Started, by A. tam~~ / ~ 'p , RUESSI.Ail, np, Sovet Patriot, 21 Jun 1959, p l. . r~RS - 9,:-? e - D U IS SIR Mil Autr 59 lift, onn ;a nd D Vre c t Iva a p by i~ tartmov; Ou) J.~.j I Sbornik Neuch4o-IMt i P.-oltypip', Awailo'ob! OR'R/Oeo Wr all A, MOM% mgm ODOM ;all IN 61 USSR .01t1w - 1962., by A. A. IX%=ovjo -n9 pp. Russwo bk) Atlas Smp jwe",p 1962p pp 1-165 - I JPFO/DC-83n USSR . Geog jaa 63 ,~ .2 t~; 1,.'% 7 Llnlutlon or rmphlte in Aumtenltvj, 'by K. P.' ~~Uaiuj A. A. roaramov ~~i RIUMM, per, MoUll I Mra Matiallov; ft 7; i958~ PP 15-18- Howy Bmtcher UT6 $4.25 Sol - Checa Jan 59 '~fl 4 3Z (DC-4668) Installation of Limiting Resistances in Filters of Rectifiers, by A. D. Bar 2 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Vestnik Svyazi, No 7, 1952, p 20. jpRs 6719 Sci Feb 61 (a -4719) Utilizing an Oseillograph to Twe YAdLum-Wave Antennas, by A. D. Barallor) 6 pps RMIO,, per,, Vestnik Svyasi., So 3 (240)., 1960. MS %29 5c1 - Electron sor 60 /S/,~ /-q~p St?ength, Hardness and Towity of Ceramet T=4pten- W,Cbbalt Alloys in to Their Cmposition Stmwture mid TestI4 ToWeraturep by NoA. Alkkseveva,. A. 1. ~0~ 0. 0 Kroymw. RUSSLO, per Iz Ak Nauk SM Otdel Tekh Imik., Met i TOPUvop No It 1959p PP 92::.zo CIA 9660855. ATIC MM &I Scl - min/Met; Chm VA,y 61 T60-17104 Val Ref DC-12 SiAmdar4jZ~Ltjon and NOXUaljZMtJOM JU MRChjae-i% Building, by A. It BMIUMOVO Ve V. KUZmiuo 5 PP-- ... ................ p3ESIM, per, Vest Nwhp Vol XXXV1, No 7., 1956, P'.D 89,, 90- CTA 650542 ATIc F-TS-9451/11I USSR Econ NOV 59, x urect of Nal7bdOM u,., MmIus,, mud Alum1mm = [Trwvvrse) Btrft~& of Had metals Boaud With Nickel or Cobalt,, by A. 1. Barmvp at 02. RUSSIM., pw,, Is Ak Houk 8M,, OWW1 Tub ft*j, $-w Nat I TQVIITQA 170 2., I"qp VP hi im 4736 -2;Z 59 Sta,ength, Hardness and Tewelty of Ceramet Tungsten- MKZCobalt AUop In PA"Moo bip to Tbelr CMwition Strwture and TsoUng T4pperature, by N&A. AlWweyeva,, A. It Baxwwp G.S irxepw, W3SIAN, per Iz Ak Nauk SMP Otdel Tekh Nm*, Met i TO]PUvo.o go 3,, 1959,o PP 92-0. CU 96W55- ATic mm 641 Sci - Min/Not; Cbem my 61 TO-i=4 Ref DC-12 Hardneso of Metal-Ceramto Solid Alloys of TmWteu Carbide-Cobalt Depending on Temerature and Grain Bizej, by G. B. Kreywrs 0,, Be Bafonovas A. 1. Baranov., 10 pp. RUSSLO, mo per Zhur Tbkh FLzj Vol xxvj, Ito Ip J-955j, pp 117-ige Morris D. Friedma $5.0c) Scientific - Physics OT6 73/()Ct 1955 ,T'r,e oo-ndeTii3er-Dir1-'-.n-z-f- 'T,;c1alng of rr=Tn;~ by Gtrodnovo A 1L. Baranov, .11~ pp-., RUSSIAN, perp Svaroch Proiz; ~o 7, 1959, pp 86-30. British Welding Res Assoc QCj Aug 60 B-z'"mit of Upper-.LLVor Glaujoxj by 3 I&ut I Gid, No 62 3,960., 2?p 25p 26. Pnox-Motoorol Sac Arl Cc=* rldT6 Fizz cmtnr /7 ON THE STRATIFICATION OF FRONTAL CLOUDS, BY A. M. BARANOV 10 PP, RUSSIAN~ PER: METEOROLOGIYA I GIDXROLOGIYA; No 8. JUL 1962y PP 11-15- s .jpRs 16348 SCI - GEOPHYS DEC 62 217,171 Clouds of the Upper Formation Above the European Territory of 'the USSR, by A. M. tki;~o-v, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geofiz, No 3, 1962, pp 438-442, AGU Sci Sep 62 210,596 l3w Tropopause mad Mot Coudltlcm 1n It., 'by A. Hs, vwwp Yd. N. VolkomkiYo 5 PP. :WWZW per, Vest Vos Flota., No 6,, 195t$,, pp 40-44. M9W ATIC Sei - Aerm=tles Doo 58 - Z Z 7 41 r,ovuieth Amivereary of the IgminMeem on Establisbment of the Rigter Geod~tic Administration., by A. N.' Barenovs 4 pp. RUSSIMS per) Geodes :L Owtogg so 30 1959j pp 3-10. Am Scl Jun 61 /16 z 3/ d"~r Yhe Zai.Z. Uj At the Niwteeuth Interfttioni Cowspucal Comwas aul this ftath Oemna issm*2y of the MaUrnational GowspWal Valft,, by A. N. Buww, 3 VN~ IMMU, lpr, "Wes 1 Wft3.,, No 2s 1961., pp Ce.61. AM Sol *r /oz The Tasks of the Geodetic Service ia FulfiLling the Seven-Year Plan for the Development of the Jktiowl &onmy of the UUM', by A. N. Barawv.. 8 py. W&MV4 RUSSIM, per# Iz VysW2ikh Ucheb I= Zaved, Geod I Aerofotos'xmksj No 10 1960, pp 9-15. JPPS 3478 sci - I Geophys oc t 6o ftablem Faced.bvbe Soilit Seadesists and Carto- graoers, by A Mara"V. RUSSD3,, per, Mx"Ik Statey po Geod Top--Aeft i o"Vip Vol XV121" 140scow" 1948V pp 39 3-7. Available CO/Geo Div ON Sirles A. No 30 USSR Scientific - GeopbpIcs Geo"ay and Cortogmpby During the Mriotic 161dr, by A. 6, Immoov. MWIANt SbomAik levchoo-Tekh I Proltvadifteanykb Statty po Geo4ezli Kert Top Aero I Gravi, Val II,, 19431 moscovi PP 1-43- Available ORR/Ceo Div OGU Series Ap.5o 4 scientific - Opy4sics O~j 0 7 Aqp2or br A-~ N. Busumv 24 MOSM,v Us ~mw- ti Goobddwdttp Abow mmowj, Iwo 0-20 GOWA G-hM2 sai4mtme - I"hi-allif Apr CTSAW World Atlas, by A. NO bmuov. RMIMP bkir At44*-Mira,-VUU by the Chief Aftftl Ion of GeWesy aW CartograpW,,- mosewo 190. Telebarg Book CaqWq SIxt.U Avenue -10 York UP.--R MOOD 93/ mwmeopwmc Air 56 The 60th Bh-thdoy M"veridry ol Al&sandr N"OrOvich 3arw-nQV, 4 pp. 1964# FLUSSW48 PEW pp 65-0, WkNW5412 MNOV ArMY MkV service VI A-/ -7 Vi 1122L~ 1/1-11- , , , , i . : -a' I eA- 3,wt ~,= Ala. w uo L smamu**. JL* -i's j9doomwo IMISU% I** - . I . jw We 405P .lu iW464W 4~ V. eopcl-t.~Ibv A .~bl*t %%"3 ,&Vg ec. 6. 2-24457, n r A. MCtYliF MICA I, GRQUND,~ AND WAY 7117 PRO~YXTYN ')r' NZI TAIC A(T-l, mt, j-~,jtjja p. 1,11-1mvc, - lui~ 61, 11t). %lallt~y kurliorl~v- wjj~-jn Dam, Ain. 64.1 14". -'re klinollogich, ~N) 111stiltut) jj~j,, ~tj,_,,sR) v i, p. 2.1- l,' rqt~)r -, Fool- 1), ratur on th- Sion r), O~i,ii ral thr cv? floc, a n Th, -,)f 'Ing th, op"I" t,g,ll (A wthly 17. no. 9) OL. o4 c 6 alfi- ~4 T-W-7 5... jaranov, A. V. and Krechetova, T, A. COMPARATIVE EVALUA71ON OF MET[iODS FOR PREPARATION OF NITRIC ACID FROM NITROGEN OXIDES, 1. KINEMS OF BUBBLE CAP ASSORP- 110,4, tr. by Bertha P. Kienova. 19 Feb 62, 12p. 6 Ws. TVA-3982. Ordur from OTS or SLA $1.60 62-24466 62-24466 1. Baranov, A. V. 11. Krechetovs. T. A. III, Title: Kinetics ... IV, TVA-3982 V. Tennessee Valley Authority. Wilson Dam, Ala. Trans. of Kh1m[ikoj-Tekhnol[og1chesk11j Inst[RUE] Dnepropetrovsk. Trudy (USSR) 1958, v. 6, p. 99-109. DESCRIPTORS: 'Nitric acid, *Nitrogen compounds. Oxides, Preparation. Towers (Chemistry), Bubbles, ALsorption, Reaction kinetics. nie method of the rising bubble was applied to the 131 4 at,ady of the relation of the coefficient of mass trans- fer to temperature. rates of gas and liquid flow, depth of bubbling layer, diameter of nozzle or gas bubble, and concentrations of nitric acid and of nitrogen dl- office 0 T"hslcal S-"icos (I-aglneering- -Chemical, TT, v. 8, no. 9) (over) (SF-2273) ON THE SUBJECT OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGYX BY A. V. BARANOV 11 PP. RUSSIAN, PER) VOPROSY PSIKHOLOGII~ VOL V1110 NO 2y 19 p PP 92-100. jpRs l4gol USSR Soc AUG 62 2o8,851 Scaling and Decarburization In Castinp Made by the Lost-wu hocess, by V. 1. xvawv.. A* VG Ba-ranovp 3 PPi BUSSLA-111; per,, Lit Fmiz, No 3., 1961t pp 19-21. Sci 11 Oct 61 Itecaption of Telwivion Broadeastat jW 0. 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Bamov, 1, E. Pavlatskiy, 3 ppe WISSIX-1,, per, DoL, A Wauk SSSR,, Physics Sections, Vol CLVII, No 4-6, Aug 1964p pp 1077-1079. Auer last of Phys Sov Phys-Doklady Vol IXA No 8 aci 278,524 Mar 05 Prepaxation of B=ogmeous So3JA Solutims in the AI8b-InSb Bystems by B. V. Bannw, N. A. Oorywom" 5 pp - IMSIM.o porp ria Tvardo(p Tolas Vol:= no 2., 19w) pp 2&-287. AV Scm Pbp-So3Ad State Sci - / 3 F .6',~; 40 Pe4 61 - (Dr,,-6475) Lmmwqu L ndscape Map W the Ural-W== Zter- fluvial ijualon an" ith Use Mi PIWalma-MOM GeoempbU ftionImp IW & V. BU=Wj, JL- A. WaunInap V. P. bk RMSIANi Wo TekatV D*Iad0vo 1%1* PP WT-W- im 1=4 USSR GOIDS /fz, J-7-/ peib 6p- of pocks Encjo:~.;-ng Hydro Tb.e Ss by E. N. DarruncV~ 4 ppisv talnxm~ A. RWSSTAN Vol V~ No 5 8 662-'433 - Sci mtLr 6j,