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HYdrocaustion With CaUcidal PallwUum In- Pmeence of Inhibitors* lye lwir~tiou Of methylpbanyl- atl~ml Camuol., by Xh. V. uml~- 6 pp. run tranaution. HMSIM# no parl Zbw Obshch Vol MVv So 3, am,, Iftr 1954j, pp OWD ISL317 consult4au Bumu ruly ZOdadf -~by Mi. V. out is PPS Full tranxistim MSIANp RP Part Shw Vol 0 Ito 129 1"39 sip MI-v.,"OudDP-jLjln3DS 0 tMeAlfic - Chudetry - I= - Biographic my 55 078 Condensation of DIbMae With Certain Altpbxtic Ketonesp by Kh, V. BLIMA A. L. ObtansoMp 3 JV RUOSWO m0 bw M&bCb ihlxp Vol MVp No 2# USSR$ ,b 1510 C=SaUmts Bureau Scientific - Obadstry 00 671AWr Hydrogem'vion in the preeence of Colloidal PA22adium. IX, Hydroge t of Virwivropyl- and ,;Lou ML Vinylbutylacetylenes, by V, !EKPAR Z-AVX lerman# L. A. Markurlyevap pp. RUSSLAMp perp Zhur Obahch XhIms Vol X=jp No 1, 1958s, pp lio-ni. consulumts Bumu Sci - Chem Apr 59 Investigations In the Field of Conjugated Systems. CV. Teloasirization of Butadiene With chloroprene HYdrochloride (1,3-Dichlorobutene-2)., A. A. Petrov., Kh. V. ~~~n,- L. 1. Bunina- Krivorukova, T. V. Yakovleva, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per,, Zhur Obohch Xhim, Vol XXIX, No 8, 1959, pp 2518-2521- Consultants Bureau Sci Aug 60 7,4 Hydrogenation of Unsaturated Compounds in the Presence of Colloidal Palladium. XII. Hydrogenation of Alkylacetylenes " Pherorla6etylene,, by Kh. V. Ballyan, N. A. Borovikiovap 4 ppe RUSSIAN,, per, Zhur CYbabcb Xhim, Vol XXIX,, No 8.. 1959p pp 2557-2559. Consultants Bureau,' Sci Aug 6o 14211 Hydrogenation of Unsaturated Compounds in the Presence of Colloidal Palladium. XI. Hydrogenation of Viwllacetylene,, by Kh. V. N. A. Borovikwd, 4 pp. RMIM, per, Zhur Obahch Xhim, Vol XXIX, No 8, 1.959, pp 2553-2556. Consultants Bureau Sci Aug 60 /.d 61 7j r inirpntt,igratims il-p the ftela of Conjugated 5yai;e!ru,3,, IXOTx. The Synthesis of Geranyl Chlorido by the or, of 1:30prane 17i,*,,h its lr4--Ilydrochlorldo, -,n 9 Yu. I . lCher- I~h, V. Bnlqy~ T inn 01 T A Contribution an the Stmiurt. of CitTal, Obtained from syntbetle (k=Ml Marldig, by A. A. Petrovt shyarts,' T pp - RLIWIAN,p perp ZhUr Obsbab KhIM# VOI XWj, 10 2o 19,596 pp 445-450; Apr 60 Ylo? 33d laveGuialvol, in. the 7:1614 of cwjlzwt3d E~Mtww. LWI. lKmger-ation of VlayI&WIwatylonas In the Tivs=ce of CcUoidal Faladl=p by M. V. BM A. A. Petrov, 7U. 1. PoiTirymp ID pp. amp ;;UBSLIZ$ mo pe 9 Zhar Obahch MAmp Vol MIA go- r 57 On Saveml Dorlvatl*s of Pbosmdbroas# by Tu. 6. zom I xhl. mswf Pa. Zhur Prft P Vial xx* so 70 .J& Jul 1950" p Im. I -~~ Consult"to buvk %I scientific - Chomutry / 4"1d The Calculation of a Larp ftotor,,b.y R. K. Balyan. ROE;$V,N,, perp Elcitrichestvo, No 6s 1955., PP 25-32. ABLID (M 43 T 213,u Bell Aug 5b 61-18104 all'yan, S. V. NCMOGRAMS I ~ AND 8 ~ FOR BENZENE-WATER 1. Title: Nomograms VAPORS, (196118p. 4 refs. 1. Bal'yan, S. V. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-18104 Ilens. of Zhurnal PrMsdriol Khtmit (USSR) 1940, v.. 13, no. 11, p. 16 L2-1619. DII-SCHIM'ORS: 'Benzenes, Water vapor, Thermo- ct,emistry. Mmograms were constructed, based on rellable dais (cr benzexie, which may be used for determination o1 tt, e beat content and entropy of mixtures of vapors o.1, b,=ene and water, as well as partial pressures of he c,)tnponcras 7, different concentrattons and pressurtts. Examples of use of the nomograms are given. (Autnor) I.Chemls cry-- Phys Ical, TT, Y. 6. no, 7) 61-16932 Bal'yan, & V. TIVIRMODYNAMICAL CHARACTERLMCS OF IIEN- L kl'yW V. ZME, [196119p. 11 refs. Orter from urs or SIA $1. 10 61-16S132 Thins. of (Khimicheskaya Promyshiennost ](USSR) 11,41, v. 18, no. 17, p, 12-18. DESCRMRS: *Benzenes, Thermodynamics., Ibermochemistry. For the. calculation of chemical, technologictil and t!mw- mid processes involving benzene or benzene- contai aing mIxtures, thermodynamical data characterizing bettzene are necessary. 7hese data, as reported in the prownt article, are based on correlation, analysis w0 devel- opment of all existing theoretical and experimental data on benzene, and are suitable for practical employment. (Author) offic. of Tod.1cal semc.& (Memistry- - Organic, IT. v. 6. no. 7) 013 Us WebUUM at the Im"m AeWtlc Acid VWw the Xftecl of lact4rial Aspartic Deawbwylase, by So R. JWCObaws L.. A. Smlmj R. go ftllishcts A# Zo MalMimp#20 pps 0 RMVJ* par; Tot xv, No is 19490 pp 44 CM."A-593 Natlama Institut* Qf sealth The Wea ol do Cuban Cam .3!Wft of do DOMM at bi Hydt i n carbon-Sods- I IW Q L B&MUN6 I -* - A. L, 8 0 5 R * am. Lkh ii it NO 0 v pp 9'.0 Sd - Ma - May 64 257,128 Device for 'Subtraction of Dw3cgroujad (Noise) by 9. ;), B&IyamW and A. V. Vaitriyev., 9 pp. MI5SIM, per,, CeofftichaWme Pribol*"~~ 2.1M no 161V i9-640 7-TV-405- 1110OP-5.)*168-V M-RT-23-685-67 Oct L 366, 144 D--termination of the Conten-LEs of RfLdium, otlin, and Potassium in Roclus From an Airplane, by H. D. BalLasz:.,yy, L. I, Boltneva, A. V. Dipitriyev) ei-~l a7j~p- RUISSTAH,. per, Atom Energ, voi X) No 6~ 390"Ic c',6721 12 .i~!VD-TT-61-30 Sci - Kin/yetal 22 Aran 62 Experimental Determination the RaCl, ThV and K40 Contents of Homogeneous Gran.-.;.toids from the Gamnia-Ray i ectrum, 1/001 by N.D. Bal [snyy R.M. Kogan, 7 pp. SP 4USSIAIN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geofiz, No 5, 1962, pp 664-676. Amer Geophys :Jnion Sci Sep 62 214,503 131toatistics of Operations of lAfferential Counting Devices: by N. D. Ba2Xasny, :.:. M. Nazarov, 4 pp. IRUSSTJU-,', per, Prib i TeRh Eksper, 110 5., 1961) .PP 74-76. ~% MA Sci jul 6P 205,331- Utilizatiw ui Lloctrost,?.'Lic Laar,xs wW ~Icct rowa,.Jie tic Piolds 4;'ox Onisdii,.. of viuvr ~Iateri. I ais, by li, 64Yasov, 6 pp" Jcro 704stllou qj ilruo vol X.111, j)p ct7 Tbe Elaboration and Comparati-ve EmIuation of Meavures for Combeting Flieo in Animl Breeding Farm., by v. ,3. R!ISS-TAIqj blk, Voesoymayi Institut fteserimentallnoi Vatm-insrii, 1957. MS 60-51055 PL-J& Rai - Med mV 62 aA /7-1 MS T Clia-ages of the Structun of Qurtz Glass by Thormal DLffu3ion of Oold, Platinum, and Palladium ar L'/E. t!jygin eW B. I~ GIMIn pp., 5 RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Prik Kkim, vol w, No il, 1962, ppo 2558 - 2562 9q S Nei Oct 63 -Transf ormations of Amorphous Qjartz to Crysta.1line -Quartz During the Ubermal Dif fusion of Silver, by I.yE. Balygin, 4 pp. RUSSIAB, per, Yxistallografiye., Vol VI, 110 5~ 1961~ PP 727-732- AIP Sov Phys - Crystall Vol VI3 1110 1 5 S&i 203,94-9 23 jul 62 .-.,~Istratioa of Silver Into Amorpbous and. Crystalline ,-A-- z Subjectdd tV a L~)fiiu6iz inX Mr - -t - Field; by I *\/ E! .L. -~alyginp 7 pp. RUSSIAN., perj, Fiz Tverdogo Tela,, Vol III,, lo 1j, 1061 pp 156-166. AIP Bov Phys-Bolid State Vol III, No I ~ul 61 .on the aw4p cc Bat TCUOIW Utoottv Throu& IL Dlol*otric in an 220eu-u mout tar s. yo. DoWn. 4, 1V2wj.'xMT#--* Dft 60 30.97M w Cj--w-,p of Saver on the surram of cermic Me1eetricop by LYS. 5 I)P. 11MIAN, perj. Fir-I-Im Tft.14090 Plblaj VOI 11, v6 8, 1960, pp 172*13-1728- IL Boy Ybys~ Solid St-!~.ts Vol 11, No 8 ,/"V/- oaz lei Y.s.v 61 reaskdowll C-. 1, np Ivv I" elf, Vol 'A",j Fi POP .10V Phys-Telth Fr-ye Vol v Sri -DOC 60 Aging of Ceramic r-Jelectric Insulation at. iligh-rirequency Voltages, by I.yE:. Baly N.. T. PlashchJmklyp 4 pp. RUSSIAN,, per., Zhur Tekb Fizp Vol. XK=p .0 8; 1958., pp 1692-1695. 17 Awr Inst on' Phys Sov Pbys-Tech Ph~m Vol III, lio 8 S-A - Phys Mar 59 Reapxding Ionization Processes in Pores of Ceramic DielectrieQ, by 1. &ayginj P. S. Mikha;Uovt np. RTSSMT j , p--r,, Zhur Takh Fi-.,, Vol XMn, No 8., 195-8., pi) 1.684-1691. Amer Imit of Phya Sov Pby;-Tech ItyB Vol :Eli, No 8 Sc:L - Phyr, MAx .59 un tne Temperauu-e Dependence of -UA'e Diele, Stnz,n3t-h of F2.1-mroplast., by I.YB. Balyo- lay K ...... i,cvz'-' , 5 pp. I IVISSYDATT, perp Zhur T%-zkh Fiz,, Vol Tio 1(,,58. pp 1679-i683~ Awr Inst of Phyz Sov Pbys-Vach Phys vol iiij iic 3 S c i - Phyu V.'ar 59 Mactrio'Breakdom Behavior of "Mtra" PorceWn ;Subjected to Pulsed VoIbW# by Z-yR- Balaial. 7 pp. RIMSVIR pets Zhur Takh PUO VOIL )QMZV 5* 41, IgA PP 767oMe Amer lat of Me SOV Ybp - Tech fts Vol "III's 5) 4 myss suctron 74 W Jan 59 I Effects of Electrode HaterIal. and Shupe of Field on tho Breakdown Field StramSths of Ceramic Dielectricsg V. D. Yerushkinp 5 pp. by . RUSSIM; per,, Zhur Takh Mo Vol XKVMq go 4s 1958, PP 761;-766- Amr lot of Phys Sov Phys - Tvch Phys Vol Z110 No 4, &,-i - Pbpp Electron Jan 59 'OUctric DroaWmm of -a Tlt"Um Carmic Hav ing a Udm DIalactric CovAtent of W, by 1-~S- sainft, 6 py, IV,'68VS., pers Iz Ak Nauk SSSR,, Ser Fizj Vol XXCII No 4, 1958, py 429-436 ColuO:bk Tech Sci - Pbys., Zbmlrm Jun 59 0 _J &Dme Regularities of Electric Bredtdown of Liquid Dielectrics,, by-l?..Bawd; evp- RMSU3, per, It Ak Nauk s=. Ser Piz.. Vol XM) fib 4, 1958., vp 435-441. ~'Iolmbla Tech Bel - Pbysp Electron ,'fun 59 pr, 6 F Vt--tcri;m~--.f Sion-ice in KirghU SSR., by V. S. Bcaykirt. FAMSIM.* parp Yeterimftyao Vol XM* So 22, 1957s Py 43-50. CIA 9047318 USDA )br 6o p Veterinary Berwice In Xlljhft for tlw Imt rorky yol"s A -by V. BRI34dn. NNW., per, Sellskoe !bWastvo MrglSlyp Vol 111j, IR, U.- 1957,, VP 1,7-9L- OU 9C4739D scl - Kauai= ax 60 10 Electrical Conductivity of Ceramic materials in Strong Electric Fiel4s., by LVM- Pallaza I. T. Plashchinskiy, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, mo per, Zhur Takh Fiz,, Vol XXVIII No 1, Jan 1957, pp 138-146.----- Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phye., Tech Phys Vol 11, No 1 Sci - Pbys Jan 58 Some Aspects of Dendrite Growth on Rock Suit at 200 and 3000C I.~Z. Bulygin) 7 pp. MSM, per, Zhur Tekh Piz,, Vol XXVII, No 6, 1957,, Pp 1229-1232.- Amr Inst of Phys Soy Pbys-Tech fts Vol np No 6 Sci - Phys May 58 6.'00 Z Effect of Electrode Wal on Insulation Aging of Cammic Dielectrics, by I.r. Bal 2Z K. S. Porovakiy, 2 pp. R.U&31M~ mo per, Zhur Tekh Piz-, Vol xxvii, NO .ir 1957, pp 513-911x-----~ E4 Amer Twit of Phys Sov Pbyu, Tech Phys Vol Uo No 3 J1 3 9 F~E!b 1958 ~i,rw -i7a-zza-Itomm of Ceradc Specimew Ran to Mgb--I-~:~ewuezay Voltsom and by VIN. pp. 'MMS-ST-M, mo 3or, 9bar Takh Fivj, Vol =I.? C0 2.1,, rcv 1956., jm-_--74~ % Amr lut of RWs sov rhysp Tee# Phy-s Vol, I'l no J.1 sci - yaysics Nov 57 PradischaM Phenomena 1A LiVi(is by le~ Be Bai.ygiu.. 6 pp. m per, ng', Vol =1 67~--47 No 3y 1956: PP 41 M7 Amr last of Owsics Soviet ftyulaiss JW Vol M, NO 3 SOL - pkplan +z Apr 57, MSI Dependence of Dielectric Lo3saa in Ceramic Materials on Electric Field Strength, by L,72. Balygin, A. 1. Cibraztsov, 7 PP.- RUSSIM, no per,, Zhur Tekh Pit., Vol XXVIp No 9, 1956p PP 1917-1923-.--- Amer lust of Phys Saviet Phys-Wech Pbys Vol 1, No 9 Sci - Phys Oct 57 1. Ye. &KZygin Electrical graakdown of liquid Dielectrics (A RavieW) 13 S' pp. . -tcheafto, -92 RW SIAN. EUktz No 1, 1954,, pp 89 AL31FTD-HT-23-772-72 jan 73 jktal"s bv roll* 1104514i W PRO news w# 02 me WL mV, M~o 33T-WTO AP 96 m Gapsp by 1-VE. BalYgtat f Breakaovn of Small Air " 0 '77P& P-er !et -V1.Zt RUSSIAIIJ, bimo per$ zhur Eks -L Teoret Fi Vol M'I) 195-4p pp 9u--,,g. ABC Tr 2242 Assoc Tech Sv 'Tr Scientific - PhYsics 11,155 Insulating Liquids Breakdown with Restricted Discharge Channel Currents* bY I E. Balygin,, 10 pp. RUSSIANS pero Zhur Tekh Fiz.9 Vol XXVII., No 10, 1957 M? 2291-2302. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys-Tech fts Vol 11,, No 10 Sci-Phys Jun 58 Delay Tim in the Formation of Discharges in Air~ by Balygint 7 PP- r-" RUSSZM., mo per., Zhur Tekh Fi Vol Mvt 19%,p pp 3.187-1193- U-Z 11 AEC Tr 2241 Assoc Tech Sv Tr 54G6R Scier~;if ic - Physics CTS "(3/Oct 1.955 Achievements of the mrsit scieuttac Research Vater- iymry Experimental Station (On the TWenty-Fifth An- niversary of Soviet XUUUlu).. by 17, 13. gmlykin., 6 pp. 7,411 translation. Nual'i Veterinariyaj, Vol MM., No 6, Jun 1951p pp 62-6 USDA St USSR Scientific - Medicine Ifa7 11te Study of Bacterl#t9tic end Chmotherepuutic Action of the Antitu'berculoue Prepar6tior.1314 and Itis Morhydrate, by A. M. Chmwkh, M. A. Breger, 1. P, Balyn', 4 rp. RUSSIAN, per, Dvul Eksper Blol i Med, Vol XLVI, No 10, 1958, Pr. 34-37. Consultants Bureau Sci - Mcd Jun 59 7 Rkpid ~Ueromethcd for Assay of Antibiotien of Ah-, Oatmcycline Group (UmAtEdnp TsWomitebi I. and Riomitsin) in Biological Fluids'. by G, 'L'At. E.1vow., 11, A,, Berger., 1. R. NZSCS-14*11) Y-no per., BytOL .~2., Biol 2- 14--d. Vol XLI, I wrn.,- iqc;~j 1,0 J. tj I 56 Equipwnt Design for a hmceas to Obtd n Acetylene by the Cbddative Pyrolysis of *tlums by V. 1. Balyta,, Z. N. Zol:Eznyi,, et al; 8 pp. MSIM.. per Gaz Pr=j, Vol IV., Ib 9., 1959, pp 36-47 cF ATSAMR mar 62 Vol IV, Io 2 Rapid Method for Detemining iron Oxide In tbe., Presence of Chromiump by S. T. Balyuka RMSIAN, part Zavod lab Vol Mp No 3'r 100-101, "~rutcher Tr NO 2m Scientifie - Minerals/Metale 11141qf v-rjawas by U. T. - A 4 ~tvyzratiau OV Standdrd Scluticu 0~- (" .k:n I yWk. . j ZLigj61ti,j~# Zs-%r lab,, JrQ,b X1, 1941. BMtcb.,iz, lh"r 1070 1501 tD,! rection of Pro-file XXM Broaches, Y C P. G. ~7JSSIAP. stp,!I!,:i i Vol M-IIY To -.1 --) _ n):. . PERA Aac 208,070 GvindW Umita of the Teeth of Draw-Type Broaclifing MaaUnto and Calculation of Their Fitchs by P - G RIE61-00 per$ Stanki i Imatrument, No B., 195b) PP 28~i30- wy 6o Bialogical Chancterlatlas wA the fielwtion,of of Pkize in ReOms ot the Non-chernozem Bat, by V. 1. WM~,, RMIANj bk*-mdvj&=--T- . ykh-Aq-~-.-1955' pp 45-M. CTA 9004379 UMA Bat - sioloa Apr 1957 CS/&m p tl-v; Obtito and T-ru-~a "7- by F, V-. c,~~-jcu liaT A,-'tL.. - - ~t L~J u PP. o0 Pc-', 61, pq 5 -18 !.9 J,.Ogp'Q' sc; NInv (Nr-w) Rgerlence With th* U" of Extra- o.orpmwl cirawatift In - Qpen-Bewt &uvu7p by ft F. V. lb,13"Ixe- ju. 9. mmaftj, Buriutr-o,v.t 13 pp. H=IM, per., VestWk lblrttrgU IW=l 1. 1. Grokomp Val LXXUno No UP 1.961.. Iv 2k-30- im. 12W Sai - Ned mar a 62 AR7/ 3?d17 W11-- An ogtmatic pm ibc fPctm9mpbV# by (;uiatbw 135. M Imp, I - GMMf Wj AI=Wmp Vol )=I,, p 11 A , 0,LoA. Tr IS ~ /I ;j AM O-C- , - - aerAmm 3clentim '. pbwosm No The : Mdamm=nt ot the Madmalng cf 4eatral Lima vith the Bqv of si LogoMtbcdc GavawC,' mter ocalep by Owtbor N!L. 4 pp . =WP Pop AlUdDlUnt Vol XMP l*#wFP 343- SoL.Ao W 29 3 -.~ SclautMe - Pbysim Ift Spectrogngibia Dstmdwtim Of Smp-~Joawts or Zinc In Al)vdmvm and Its *AUopp by Giinther BaUs 9 PPA MWO# pwp Almdnitav Vol 10=.v 1940. SIPL*Ae TV 20 ~,a" ?a w scientific - Pbpiwp WnM%18/*IWA CEA-tr-A-1058 Uncl. CALCUL DE LA CIRCUIATION DANS UN REACTEUR 'A EAU BOUILLANTE. PARTE I]. (Calculation of Circulation in a Boiling Water Reactor. (Part I]). W. Balz and R. Sc,'.iwarzwaelder. Translated into -French by Z. Horusitzky from Atomkernenergie, 4: 469-73(1959). 18p. keactdr Engineering; Translations mc-8o C-80 NP NSA Dep.(mc); $1.60(fs), $0.80(mf) JCL N-5 a by 56 1540-0 T'0- scir ~kv CEA-tr-A-1057 Uncl. CALCUL D.E LA CIRCULATION DANS UN REACTEUR A., EAU BOUILLANTE. PARTE II. (Calculation pf Circulation in a Boiling Water Reactor. Part II). W. Baly, and R. Schwarzwaelder. Translated inFo-French by Z. Horusitzky from Atomkernenergie) 5: 1-6(196o). 24p. Reactor Engineerin&; Reactors-BWR; .Cranslations MC-bO (1-80 NP NSA Dep.(mc) ; $2.60(fs) , $0.92(mf) JCL N-5 .A., Type of Surfacing Based on Hydrocarbon Bindere s.nd Roalataat to the Solvent Action of:~Fwls and Lubricanta, by M. Balzano, R. WrIani. - MM :FkALM, parx'Straft,, Vol XMx- No 9., vp 360-365. DBIR 33534/CT Sci - Rngr$ rmds Var 59 0 'Reserpine and Glycogen Content of OrLpms, by H. Balzar, P. Holtz, D. Palm., 5 pp. GM%N., per, ExTerientia) Vol XVII) 1961) pp 3o4-305. HIE 11 -27 -01 171, S-9-P, sci - Tan 62 Med lite 1-440coarylpiperazines eW Their Derivatives.. by T, Prolog, Z. Baluke 3-1 pp. C=Hs Per,, C022 OvathoAlov Cbam Commm, Vol Vil DD?U-2233 M4. IF Aesoc Tech Serv.2173F Scl. - Chem AUS 58 V, 62-20240 kaJ2gr_Ji_and Palm, D. ON THE MFCHANISM OF ACTION OP RFSERPINE 1. Balzer, H. ON 714E GLYCOGEN OF ORGANS. (196212,5p. (figs. It. Palm, D. tables omitted) 38 refs. Order from SLA $2.60 62.-20240 Trans. of [Naunyn-Schmiedeberg'al Arch [tv f0r] Fxpler- lmen,elle] Pathlologie und Pharmakologlel (West Ger- man)) 1962, v. 243, p. 65-84. DESCRIPTORS. *Drugs, Pharmacology, *Reserpine, *Clyeogen, Brain, Muscles, Heart, Liver, 01soniazid. Experiments on mice on the increase of the glycogen conte-rit of organs produced by reserpine show-. (i) After the aubcutaneous Injection of 5 mg/kg reeerpine there is a rise of organ glycogen in skeletal muscle, the heart and liver after 12 hours with 100, 174, and 300% re- spvc:1vul I., and ill the brain ]%-T affvr 18 llour.'i. Oniv (81ologtcal ScieuceFt--Pharmacology, 17, v. 9, no. 9) (ove r-) ? I.- r - Tz""C-0 Blevatnts y int o:- B.,vo-M-le- r o~' Lon~sko PoIja "by 1. Z. CP'Lctnt pp, par2 Arhiv w PoljoptrVrA*e&la iwo lo; 2.962", pp 117-124, QQS 612-U755/1 8--1 - Agri jan 64 (N-Y-35o4A) - on Outer Xonplia. Me State Batik of the M)ngolian People's Raput)lic and Its Role !.a the Davelopment of the Country's Sconmy, by G. Wzhid, 14 pp. CZ=,. per, Fimmee a Uver, No 1,, 1959, pp 40-47, JFRS-190D-w Outer Mongolia flg~l 3con - Ifilmaciel Oct 59 (pc..3484). Of ConvortilIg ;led way Of L:Ifo by DFI-,,bLnayxn, 13 PPC i~%tor, Oct 1959., BUS l4ongpliya., uion ,.Pp 14-23, im" 3130 ~2 soc /M. 14-Ilay 60 uatons in Socialist coaat,-Iuc~ioll) r '011r, u! rns t G 3180 SCc C Spec'Talize.;ion a-ad Long-Range Planc :ror the- DDrielol-aeat of the Machine-Building ladustry of Chitlaskaye. Oblwt,. S. Coadim, 3 PP. RTeSIkN, bk, Ram-Itiye ProiE7rcditeI'nykh 11W. Vostochnoy Sibiri- %sh_tnostrayeniye,. 1959., YP 33-34. jpRs 46oo USSR Econ jun 61 on the 'C~'Pecificlt'y U'? 1:11n by E. B--=--n., j. llichl,, 19. .. ...... . .. per,. Biocbcmisclle ZeitschriM VOI CCCXX'~111, T), 1?-6-148. '1955, .? ITIR 6 -3 -61 301 - N,-, c 6 M-Pepti&W" In the B=an Orgmdws. 0K%1'8 Timor TbaoW =A rewb"4cal Awlyals Of pl.-Otains." ftptldms# by BWu Dwn=p OttO 46 Glow, per$ Stoobmdsww Wt .P, Vol CN=i CIA D 15u14 EM SaiLeatific - OMAstry 66/*r 1955 01 0~ The Dephospharylation of Coenzymes by Yetal lonsp by E. BawM H. Trapmann, 10 pp. GFJUWI, per, Arch 'L Pharwz, Vol XXVIp 1956, PP 338-343- - --- Niu Tr io-6 Sci - Mhemistry I 4~5-6 Oct 57 Determimtion of Certain Parameters of a High-- Froquerpy Ring Discharge By E. A. Bambarg and S. V. Dresvin pp 6 RUSSIAN,, Pero Zhur Tekh Fix* Vol XXXIII, flo 10 1962 pp Amer Imt of Phys Sov Pbys . Tech Php Vol VIII, No I sci Jul 63 &pplicatLou of Wrat#~ of Oftpavo mopwaas RUBSKAW., bkv Trudy VAas 6wf*Ax.-hsrA4-is p0 Mlkro- olamftamp Otdol Slol Iftubg Ak Nauk LatvAyokgl Imyt; v 19560 vp jvfl-.'vjc3. co-op Tr Sabaw % 475 7 7 :Do* J It-pbyM1 Benzlomzole (Is-pbeffl by E. Bomberger, S. Lia0mg, 4 PT - -- 7- GML4N, per, Ber DrA Chm Gas, Vol XIM, 1909., PP "L723-1725. SrA 58-76 Sel Jul 59 ?.?, 3CV1 evthing I~ppmrntivs for $elf .' " ODOM ..".zva Contezlwatod by live.,voirablo by -riodricil 'Ify, um 'hmie- '~~ol 'Idto G P 9 363,960 63 Procesr: -for Contro-1.11nor thu Opcration of Doiler 0 - Furnaces by Measuring the Carbor. Monoxide and CL~rboa T!jUX4 ele Content of the WastC Gases, by A. G. A3~juuiu- Carl il U. GERW-f. patent No. 496.,436. u63. Dapart of 00=10ree Patent Office Sci Library Sci-Engr Avg 60 3, 5/ sm mwftTm9swtlo Bnoutive QCPM for kdt=&tio cmfta Sptemp by A. K. Bod"t T. At t V. A. Sawrp 7 PP. Elwams PWI Avtam~t L TSIM~k)4 Vol zat so Gt 3.960t pp 907-917. Imtru Sm or Amer Tob 61 'FDD ZM5) ULU ~= the Machmilm Whweby Ami=:Ln Ftmatiorop by It. S. B=4", 0. D. GoM~o L. 1. TorA 0 A. P. Lovkcff. GO NO lg~oij 10 Us awmul 4 ", RMSUNp mo pwg Zbw mWv-zjr.--t L PA PeM im=L. G. S. Vol yp MAW U-M TOM Sci - Modicilw may 56 Sarkowin and its, Analogs - 1. Synthisis of P1hydrosarkowycin aW it$ Antipodes by X. M-. Sh"kin) L. A. Sbebukinev R. 1. Vjnogrjd"g~, M. N. K010130yp R. 0. vdawimp M. 0. FArapety"O V. Ya. Rodtonov, 0. A. Ravdel, Yu. B. Shveteov# E. M. PMALO., E.. S . chmm I K. M. ~ftwIayw) E. 'P. Semkint 6 pp. IrUSSIANO per.. Zbw Obahch Shist Vol Malt No 3s 1957p pp 742-T48. Sci - Cbem A~g 58 consultanu Bmweau Tin awletry of oka"Cots-I (Lomwcous). VIU. ~lw DepwAmce cC the Activity of an Its atim km t Poo md fte Ngohwdm of Actions bly U. IL shomwo, no U. No L*Tjt6To K. is ammeamo me G. Mm- yetymo Yu. S. Ohvqtwt and R. M. Baqftsa IQ pp. Tan tr =was, so pw: 2.0!lb. Emso Va =I.- No 3 19%j, 773-Ift Sol - POO- im m %wasarch In the Cbmdsta7 Obloroaratin 11. 1 at*-Of Iyubbouc Nwbbods ad of the Sptbodi -of q*toallr-AaUvv Aralop of ahlorwWooUn (L*VmqWLW 0. ty, IL' IL (3hompkins I Be 10 y1wgradoval lavotmo 5- a* JWJ.O#OV# A. S. Ebakhlovp T96.B. MMtwvt La A* Achukinsp 12 pp. -14 4A 04F Pan s3atJous / ~ pru RUSSM, so pm, Zlw Obabah Mftp Vol UM,, xa n, 1"3,, pp 1854-IM. CIL D. n216 Scientific - Chmllll~~ The Chemistry of CtaorQwcetin (Levomycetin) VI. Synthesis of Ifew Optically Active Analogs of ChloraWcetin (LeVouycetin) 14. M. Sheffqa- kin, Mob= M. No Rolosovo M. G. Khrapet- YWIJ go M Bamdan Yu# B. Shvetsov, Z. I. -Vino- gradava, 6 pp. RUSSIAN., mo per,, Zhur Obsbch Xhimo Vol XXV,, #o 6,* 19551 PP 1199-1205- Consultants Bt=eau ScientifIc - Chemistry, -J/4 56-1-5 of ChuWamy"t1u, (L"Weetin)- V. FAceldsmov ot With mz- sevout owmvj= ot 00. ftamte bito by N. M# D. pe vi .0 V. Ns Oralftdch Ao ..n6wamj, ytu S. mmtwvo Le A. 46 pp,. ftu tr IDOMI )NO Obabob Was VOL mavo 1b us, vp ommmitants Rarm M - ftal0a Avg 96 M Activity of mtu~~mv. the mechatia of its armts, bor M. N. M. 1. 903MOT A- -IL LOVIW# IL. I. Uollwmmp X. 0. ranpAito Yu. B. Blmtsov,, 2. N. MWIANO Urim-so pws Dak Ak Nm* 8=;~ .Wliw-i6 - I Vol Cu* so 19551 194= an SCI - K010a Aug 1w Froductloa of Sulfite Rap for Viscose,, by L.: E, Aki,--,., T~ Gjk&desL N. A. Mel'chak=a, et al, 7 p v p. RUSSIAN, perx Zhur Prik Xhim, Vol XXXXII, No L!60, pp 1867-1874. ;ALL 61 Nmworegenerative Effect of FMgenas b-y H. Bamerj V. Martini., 22 pp. foe V LL GWWs perp - em-~V, Vol s 1953s vp 308-31T. Scientific - )W&clne NIM 321