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I Cooperation of Czec"hoolovak and the tWRI In the Fields of Ore Mining,, by Ragr Ladis.Lav Ballap 12 pp. UMMMMID CZJWB, = per, Rudy., Val V,, No ll,, Pragtw,, Nav 1957o pp 369-372. - US JM/bC-L-266 UFAIR Egur - Czech Hem IrelescoplApPlaton Wdr*Aic Jwk, by gtie=e :5&!Ubey,, 4 py, YFEWIs Pateat go 80lo573- Dapt or owwroe Patamt Offlea Sci Lib (&M) Sci - M*Lmering 'Dot 58 7 j ~ X67 Moplen: Technical. Properties, by G. Ballubio. UMTOWIN, per, Materie Plasticbe, Vol XXIII, IQI57, pp 415-419. CSIRO Sci Mar 62 investigati-ons on Ache Ocular Inter- oceptor(3, by A. Willcnz, C. T. Bracarp 37 PP- PCLISH, paro Klinl3ra Oczna, Vol W!, So 1, 1956, PP 1-18. NIH 7-29 Sci - Med Be 58 an L 62-12098 R-11-k L Ya. IMMMENT waH smac ExpwaA-MoN rN 1. SAII&M. L Ya. 'XHH DIRECr SEARCH FOR OIL AND GAS U. A7S-36N35R DEPOSIT& [19611 41L M. Associated Tachulesl Order from ATS $6.50 ATS-36N55R Seryices. Inc.,, Esst Orange, N. Tru& ofAW(emlyajNaukSS5R. DokWy. 1961, v.~ 137. no. 5, p. 1174-1176. DHSCRUIMRS: *Geophysical prospecting. "Perroleurq INvural Ps, DwIts, OSelamic wave& 461 (Rarth Sclences-Goology, 7T, Y. 7. no. 3) Offies e1 T*"cel SsM me irricfatica, Ixy 1. 5y . . I - - 17 --L-, .. t~,, E."-; 3b-tJ,724 The Reactlau of Metallic Titaniumt Urcouiump, Wnium, and Suw1um With Acids., in Particular kvdrofluor:Lc Acidt by Me so SUSUMULSO J. Is Ballase, 6 ppe GEPJAN,, per.. Z Anorg u ALISem. Chem., Vol CCLUMI,, 1955j, pp LI 4 Ifico AM Tr 2M Sci - Cbemistry Concerning the Reaction of the Nitrile Croup vith Formaldehyde, by R. Wegler, A. Bellaufp 11 pp. r'ERMAB, per., Chem Der,, Vol LM'I, pp 527-531.. 1948- SLA 3282 Sci -, Chem Aug 9,.8 Studics on Casting of German 811"ro., by Balley --id R., lThAvyp 13 pp a Fft'KnCzi, perg Bull Assoc Tech Ponderiet Mar 19317Y pp !.~?--46. 1- -1 Erl~ 57-23n Sci pas 58 ~,7 / ' ~~ f, & _, 'The Magnetic Properties of Nickel Alloys (1), by M0 3"YP 9 pp. . per, Ind nectrique,(Paris).,p Vol ~XMX.. No 9220 25 Now 1930),PP 511-519- MA 57--V64 Sci 1 .2, VY' Aug 58 % .7 HiCkOl COM8112105 ROat POSIStize Alloyst by M, Ballays, F. ROMU4. FMCH, Pro Rom do Nickels, V61 TIj- 1935- Brutdwr Tr 220 Scientiric min/me"Is $11.90 Corrosion of A-Imain=,LUOYS in Superheated Steam, by L. Guilleus )J. W~D'q MMcR, per, Comptes Pandus, Vol 0=11, 1929, pp 551-553. AEC Tr 2375 Scientifio - xu/&tau Feb 56 OTS/dex al the rcopwtlw Ironp by M W., Ptuderie Vol-.UW=,v 2951j. pp 95894&*j, V401- L=.,.Wfjp2!VWW643652- bmtcw TAM m0 am lq:Lckel and abromiu6.Plating --, ProaTeac and Prasent Statim. ty ~7 ~ M. Mi Banayffl 12 P'O Vl=a., per; MeteUurgiaj, 1935p Vol ==0 so IQ; pp 494-5m. MA 59-15442 set Doe 59 Vol 20 No A Rapid Method for the Nicrodetermination of Fluorine by Distillation and Absorpticm, by R. . 41,gw, G - Doppler, A. L~-nik, 24 pp. GEPRAN to FROCH, per, NIkrochim Acta, 1957,' pp 3~r) -322. CEA Tr A-535 Sey E ~ plxitd Caliyvro, 'by Dmard plallema Facques Lora, a I - I er 12 a U Patent 71~o 6c,~81014. of Com---L-srta %t 00-P-4-A Patel. C 2, S, Dec, 5" .10 1 Zoolation of the Platelet Vasoconstrictive Factor I(Serotonin) and Ito Importance In the YAchanisms af Hemostasisp by He Dracco, F, Curti,, G, Ba11Oi:jmi,-- of PP. :MA=j, per, Boll e Mm Boo Piemontese Mir# 1701 )=: 19540 vp 6AZ9 SIA Tr 246o J~ 9'? r Sci - Bioloa Sep 57 )qOAVAMt9 an the Strangth of Thin, UO.rainforic*4 C~,Iiadora Subject" to $hear wis; LmritudlAal Forces# by No ballarstodtip fl, W.,VLIIwr* GUN.M. per,, Luftfahrt-faachum t1ol Xlllp ~~v 10,P 19360 9W;47* DOC -rlqLG 366 /S Nim 6S 2929854 Pjzolp" or MWMGAW --nndma -~ atom 1~ z subwb~- - - I Ed 94115. W96 V IL M= SM04 pW# Anift I ~ It me it. WHO v4 " J~ UK - W-, XPENO vam rnm or a" M. Ballester 3noft $a .0 abodAft no 6T Ihiderground and Submarine Telegraph Lines in Migland, by M. Ballet 46 pp. GOW,' per, Am. Postell) Vol IX, Mar 1920, P 37, SU 57-1546 Scientific - Engineering S Y A, Study of the Resistance of Cyclic Torsion of Some Propeller-Shaft Specimens, by K. Eallet. IWNCH, Assoc Tech Marit Aeronaut, Paris~ Paper Read 1955. ASM-017 Aug 58 Rise in Serum Iso-AgglutIn Titer Under the Influnce of Non-Specifte atimll (Combined Triple vwcine)s by B&14F and Christfteno, L., 5 Ila MWR, per,, Campt Read Soc Biol, Vol 126p 19379 pp 31-32. SIA Tr 3158 8cf. .Twk 58 CaUng and Cating a Highly Stressed Aircraft CompauM by Cho PvmdsIm Costing Paw"$* by 14 bollowaki, Gmmt% pot ciiamrst Vol so* no 23" W "' 1963. pp ZWW~" M 6783 may 66 saloon The Application of Mrsaouie and Sparkerosion Pimes"s for n= HICIdningo by 0. BaUbsusen, 16 P. I ... ....... GJWVx part VubtattsteebrO und Muchimbous Vol XLVO No 11, ypS57-5&- SLA 59-1720e Aw 60 Vol 3 9 No I ?94t/7 ContrIbution to the fteary arA..practic or a Pressing Pov4sred lktarlaUp by C. pallbails Mm". vervArOIT too BindwMalw"Ons Vol XXII, 10-3WO-mli vp IVY495., scientific min/Neu" BmtCh" Tr No 3393 Apr 55 as aft rop:: 0 0-1 Si ntr-,.,vc d ffard.-netaLK Alloys j.jcpj,cj.,;(!ijtod in a 'Cmip-nri-ooln Craph, by per, Stabi. und Keen, Val I.XXII) No 19~2, pp Drnknn ffill- Pron Co LVI 1)(21- ELI: 'Proper"Os or cemeaw caft"wu Itims aid TbeIr Relation to the Wwr Real (Imtw Discusim)p by C. I%" Oj NO 9F 199rof Bmtebar Tr IM sciestifte - min/metale 62- MR I=ICWL OF HARD LWAL AUDYS WrrHOUr L DAMAMMML Cl GUNDDIG - - - I dm (forop tou hwlud4 9 We. Order fvm SIA $1. 10 62-16051 Trom of StmM ulad) Rim (West Gftm=A 1951, v. W. am 21. p. L114-11M DESCRIPTORS: 9ACU426 *AIIoM OMwbhdv& fludlows. C 2 2 2 f"I"T jMCtAllUt9Y. IT, T. & NA6 3) ONWO of ToAmed urvkAa 61-16164 BaIlhausen, Car). CHANGES IN PRODUCTION TECHNIQUE OF HARD 1. Title: Hard metal alloys METAL ALLOYS. Rept. no. 10 of the Committee for 1. Ballhausen, C. Powder Metallurgy of the [Verein Deuts0er Eisen- 11. Title: Verein... h(ittenleutel. (19611 23p. (50 figs. omitted) 9 refs. Order from SLA $160 61-161(4 Trans. of Stahl fund] Eisen (West Germany) 1951, v. 71, no. 21, p. 1090-1097. DESCRIPTORS: *Powder metallurgy, *Tungsten, ing, "Refractor), materials, *Alloys Offi.. .1 T-W-1 S-ic.1 (1viciallurgy, 17, v. 6, no. 3) IMSUSA IOU CC the St=c-t4-g-rw and Omraater- Istlas of AUoys CU-111-Fai, by.D. B Ms Md M. 1. zakbarova 0 RUSSIU, parp Dokkaft Akm& N=us SM Vol =n, No 4,. 1054, PP 737-746. D" PMA33-Q 15 s Zk T 56 Aug 58 M.- Variabla Structure of tba Alloya CU-Si-PM,, I by D. BaM., M. ZeIrb-araft. RIJI-45VAII par, Dok Ak Nauk 859R, Vol XCVI, No 3, 1954s pp 453-456-.-UB--V5 UKBX IB 1435 9;ci - Wn/jbt , Feb 58 Mgavvewnts. in Alramft propaSIM System$ by M= ua4 6 99. MLM, pubsut lb WR&06. Patent off loe &d - BW fto 69 A I q, 1~ 0 Some Incidents Met in the Opera~ion of El-2 and FA-3, by M. P. Balli-andi, 14 pp. 0 1~? ,EI,TCH, np, Brussels, 21-25 Sep 1959. *AEC Sci - PAYS 10 NI'a y 0 0 Failures In Operation of EL 2 wA IAL 3 Between 1 An 19YI and 1 JU 1959j. by P. Ballipudt symposium on Higmuz Wterld4 Testing FAActors PRUM., ap, Brussels, 21 26 Sep 3.959J ff / Y V - .14, J., AEC TID-7584 ISci - Phys /JO e6 ft oct a* 6o Submarlim Under thelce Packv by P. Bal"gand. FROCH., perp Le. Revue Maritime; NO UO,, 1955P PP 737-752. Navy Tr i264/He 321 5 4,0 - Scientific - Geophysics im 56 CM/M 3 fte Waterim QLW= of the ftlento by Dnn W. 7 yps MUM* UP# Babodap 29 JU M6j, Rmv&=. n " chi= mutwr - ljGGTf4$Ac OP 0 foloomfoal w oAft tmmo sm % an- -- T , rOMAI .".,okiiiation Vwi,4,~otar ,!,ym ourris, ut al. -0 IU4 63-12750 Wiln" and Portolani, A. .vrXfu-REs a&SED ON COPOLYMERS OF OLEFINS, 1. Ballini, G. VULCANIZABLE BY MEANS OF ORGANIC PEROX - - it. Portolani, A. IDF-% AND ELASTOMERS OBTAINED STARTING Ill. Patent (Bclgiwn) 616 737 FROM 11-113SE MD=RES. [196215p. IV. ATS-03Q67F Order from ATS $7. W ATS-03Q67F V. Associated Technical Services. Inc. Trans. of Belgian patent 616,737 [19611. East0range, DESCRIPTORS: *Elascomers, *Pblyethyleneplastlcs, Mixtures, ~Vulcanizmion, organic coinpounds. *Peroxides. (Materials --ELastomers, TT. v. 9, no. 9) Mks d Ttck*.jd Sorkes 62-10063 SaHlo-Alessandm and Almiram, LAU[. - r-F-71C ACID AS A REAGENT IN THE PREP- MrA 1. U111% JL 1 p. 13 refe. ARATION OF PHENOLS. [ 19611111 Ho AIMIrGS4, L . AvAllable on k= fr= SLA 62-1M5 u1. Toc Kadmd.Wkk Tram. of =w. [ papal prownted at the conams of Indomm chemlary (00. 23) oQuon-wido Cho-I.] Congess (w~ 6)) [ b*W at) Ullamo, 17-23 Sep M DESCRMAS. *Pbmlo. Sycilwalk Acedc acW4 RespaLs. 0--14&Uou. Acompbgwoos. Pbmows, CbomIW-ruvAm&, Ad4s. (ChajniK"--0rpnlr_ Tr. Y. 7. am 4) ofol" f T.464.d swvk.. 1 61-1006S J&UU&_Aless&n&o sod Aludruaw LWSI. PERACETIC ACID AS A REACEW IN THE PREP- 1. kllkh A. ARATION OF PHENOLS. f 19611 (111 13 refs. H ~ Al=1ruM 1. Available on Im from UA 16-10065 TItw Nadwal-wUle Mraw, of mono. I papar) pnoented at the conMes ot ladmtrial Cbewlstry (no. 23) (Nation-wj* chemical Congmax (w. 6)) (bold ail Man 17-23 Sep 30. DMRMUR&- 4ftwls, Synthesis, Acedc scids, ACSFUU, OWAtim AcsWoenom, Pbano=4 Cbemical reactions, Acids. (Chemlotry-Orpatc, TT, Y. 7. no. 4) The Use of ManurIc - dblori4o in Oradic Syntbosis - F"pMtlao of CUbONWI Compowds by G. B. Vmr=4*ttolo* A. B&ULO G. BWomijo 2. pp.. 12ALIMs per I Gaxz Chem Italm Vol UMVMS p- 3010 nwf~ SU 3311 Scl - Cbem At,W 5a Polarographic AnalyBis of the Liquid Products Obtained During the Nitration of Alkanes, with Nitrogen Dioxide# by Aa Pa Bwallodc--jS' I. mol- ohanova, 1. V. Patsevichs 10 pp. RUSSUN, per, Zhur Anal Khim& Vol XIV# No 2, 1959" pp 168-197. CB sai Sep 61 .Adsorption of Boron Fluoride on Single and Mixed Metallic Oxides,, by A. V. Tbpchiev, A. P. Ballod. RUSSIAN., perp Dok Ak Nauk SSSR# Vol XC, 1953., PP 1051-10%. Consultants Customs Tr =-3.9P $21.00 Sc i - U, Chem ~hr 59 ,~sactions of Cyclobe as at Aluminosilicate Cata3,vsts -,f Different A3=ina and Bill= Contente Under Condi- tions Precluding Cracking, Beleativi Poisoning by ':,odium I=# by 1. V. Tophlefts kb-,.~a 1. V. i?ELtsevichs 1. pusbahm'I 5 pp. -~= traneUtIon. -,,UBSDSO bim pw Obdal KhIA llao I . . Is Ak Np* BMA CIA D 1%326 :~O 3# ~ UM* *YYQNM 1954p' PP 4'M-w3- 1 Cousatants Sure= f.cientific - Chw4stry an 68/May 35 The Nature of the Catalytic Action of Aluminum Silicates., by A. P. Ballod., 3G--V----TOpchiyeva':-- (AF 304AT)--O-~' M'Ir= RLMBIAN,q per.,.Uspekh Mimp Vol XX., No 2,, 1951j, pp 161-171. ATIC F-TB-8372/~ D Scientific Chemistry cTs 65/Feb 55 21j056 c... Z o L L o ~-P e- 6 To the Study of Light Sources in the Ax Ultraviolet and AppUcatlon to Spectrochmdcal Andlyzist by G, Balloffat FFMCH, per, Ammles do Avaln-U-00 Series 139 Vol 5 9 1960 j PP lVk3-=59 NTC 71-15493-20F .feb 72 &m~rmlon Source of a Continuoua Speetr= &tending Fra~i the Visible to the Iktreme Ultraviolati by Go = IbI I at.-J, R=and, et al, 5 pD. YREMM~, per, Cwptes Itendus, Vol CMoIIj 19611f Pp 4139-4141. 0668W5 It= T--'T~5q Bel - Pb7a ~ry /. 9~70 My 63 Use of SIW114 Oprkm for ftectrsl AmBlYS19 In US i ,p,3r Ultroviolet. po"ib:Luty of DeUction and Determ tion of slafurp ftospborugo. and Carbon in Steelop by Germine B01offetv Jacqws Rmnd# 4 pp. ffMo,, perp Le Joumal de" lque at la PUtdiums. Vol vis ime 1955* 1 pp., IM/X-3397 Sci 6 I-s Mar 59 Detormimtlou of Oxypu and Nitrogen in Mad= SaMles by *mne of a CWewe6 Spark in a Vacump by J. Rowndp H,- BaUoffet.. B. Vodar,, 13 PP. GERM, yers Spectrwbodca Acts, Vol XVI 1959, PP 40-40. SOL an 63 list 74 Campntive Studies-au -tho Addition at Z Zim ftge# LithWue,, Mac, ftuldep and titsuic Acid In T=-T&IW hvdoete VUICUI=d by the Bafur cumme JbtbAj by luddf Ditmer, wA I Oustar PP. MM, per, Guml Zeltags Vol I=# 190, pp 1303a 130h S. L. A. 2r 572/56 Bel - chem"try Aug 56 M/du (DC-6072) Diamealon of the Effect of Carbcn Disullidde on the Develvount of Atherosclerosis, bY J. V0ITC4-tj,' 0, D.GU.9ZW 9 pp.' CUMIAL USN ONLY CZECH Fmowd L4mrstvi,, Vol anp Ito 4.. .. 1V,',Ir;, MZR~. JPRS " Sai - Med / 73, /0 v oct 61 About the Plemm of the P%rty Comittees of Brethe, by Gj - Tmjani ~ A. Bp~lrQrm 8 PP - A~4~p per, Rrup a ftrtisep Vol 3:1., Fab 1956j, Tirsm,, pp 64-71. W JPM/DC-L-C& EE - Albania Pol 740 "1140 "4164illeal Cumunist organ USCUAWS I'lirst I fultiwkal, govisionismp NW LOU' cuiaa (1), Idewi and Works of the First I-atematiolial hu-mr,tals, vy WWqyrl aaLlvam,, 12 pi), AA'Lk%v-"~-JAU. por, 2ruga a partM, Vol KI, 1~40 ~ a.-6 . p 5' 7 v O-A Asi&i-cuiua Pol Tottl Effeetive Neutron Cross Sectiom for As., So., Sb and To in tho 0.0027-0.0100 ev Energy Range.9 by D. Ba3ly-a Z. Goor(;iu., 6 pN perp Atom Emrr~iyap Vol XIIO, No 6 s, 196re,g pp 52h-518. GB Sai Feb 63 :13 3 ,//J/ Utility of Indection romem, fOr AIMIRUM and Alumiam Alloysp by J, Belly* PF4=, per,, Rem Al=lnl=p Vol xxxt, 1936ok Dmtcbor Tr 415 Scientific - min/metals $5.40 ----ANmum--A. 8 t P 'a n T; ri I ri the Important sto - in the Irrain- Olt Military Phyf'lcian, by lo To B alm a s Ov. racc~ par, Voye,--,~,io Mad Zhur, "R) C) 03t PP US JPR3 1166-N e am-MmUmstim of omfta - the Jbit 31c"Ibs'l in lid a a b m AutmnUaop bw To. A. DRUWAM, WWM- vws, Vol 37., No lot 19% op 1143. ASS &T-W m Jay CIO 385PTff Tr-64-12062 ll"%.ZE Cr Aig OF dONTROL: MiE mosr im- L Balmisay, E. YlL PORTANT REQUISITE IN EXTENSIVE AUrOMAMN. ff. ATS-29Q72R [10316p UL Associated Tecbmical Or Jer from ATS $9. 00 AlS-28Q72R &TVIces, be.. EW OrsnM N. J. Trans. of Bumazhulayal Promlyahlennoet'l (USSR) 1962. v. 37, no. 10. p. 11-13. DESCRIMRS: *Automation. CMrol systems. 'I't,chni(lkicti antl (Rvsccll ch V. It, 11.). BMW @I Yodmkd lerft" 11 J. L. Dalmes 32kow aft - Dsolmou" ad VAOSMI slm~ AM61 CharacterUtics of the ReseUms or RabbIts to Irrtdisticu Depmdlna ca tb* Fu=tiaml State of :lLeJx Zarmuz Systmo by S.- B. W~~ 7 -m-o- IM100 Pero Aeut R"la0g, Vol lvt 20 7, 195% J.T 10-13. ,Sci - Wd the Of U11; PP- by B -'m 9 Vol jlqio -1 The Role of H6patttis in the Dwelopmat, of Cirrhosis, b:F,J. Balo, 1. Beanyak, 0. Kendrey, 8 pp. HUMARIAN., per,, Orrosi Ret1lap., Vol XLVII, Nov 24, 1957j. pp 2290-1293'.- - NM Tr 5-36 'falci - Med Hay 58 The Occurrence of Poemweptis Carinii in Hungary ancl Its Etiologicca Significance in :Cuterstitial Plasmeellular Pneumais. in the lk*orn., by J. Balo., D. Schul=., 12 pp. 1=4W.. per, Acta ~Mhol2gcs Vol lVp No 1$ L954j Pl) 3-7- Nm .Scieutific - Medicine 70/JU3. 55 R T513 Effect of RTP and Acid Swelling of Collagen, by 1, Bunge and J. Balos 9 pp. FW:~S'2'.M0, bimc per, Biokhim, Vol XXII, No 1p 2., PP 607-6~.--- conoultants Bureau sci - Chemiatry Apr 58 -mum 66-T-lo R-8993.-D 11 Dec 67 Depth Co3clUftwe of Melting OdIdde Amt gxcb=P *: V. T- BALGBAM prom: Seag=&I WItIng & PftexJLug of Mmi2d U the N=U Fmat Territwy of the US= pp 4T-56 10 IN) Rusidan - eat for vft: Please truamlate and type I Or19UULI WPY WIY- Dcameat caa be mt. (cut cue copy and return the other) ~Jtruliwr vi Static EUCtAr-it). iwlth 4y i. is Poli-raiiza. ~lo 4 1964 D-21, C, C J u b7 n Lni'Ariggm-ent of the ffights of Workers' Councils [Yug,co'lavi,m], by Dr Nikola Ba0e. CROATIO, per, Nova Administmaije.. Balgrade., Mr-Apr, M. 1959, PP 147-153- rmlsm z368 59 Our - Yugoslavia 'It'a cmaumv for Ftrtbw Dowobwm* of Coopentim in Agricatwes br HU03A JAI*89 pp per# 5-6o ,xy-am 1967* pp 2WW, im 42490 us"Yagw3AVU cev 6? 1*0. 738 .ne Study of the Location of ChoUwst=we ia Various Types of Mselep by To Kovacs: A. Kover., B Baloghp 11 pp. HuNGARTAN, per, r.1serlates Mwvkwtudo=Ayp Vol My No 3 1960, pp 296 -305. Nm 6 -16 -61 Sei i)ec 61 7S (EV-1083) "Sclf-Rescuo" Air Paid Shelters, by Endre Baloghp AMARW, per,, Magyar Lagoltalomp Vol 11, No Budapest: 196op p 15. JM 4UO Mur - Bungary Hil wov 60 (DC-58o6) Aatmatic &gulation an~ Con#rol EqUipmeat at the Blwt FU.-=eo of the Dambe Ironworks, by Sandor Balogh, .14 pp. HUNGARIAN, per, Kohozzati Lepokp Vol EIV, 1q0 3, 1961, pp 129-1344' JPRS 8762 mur Hunpry - lk= Principles of Density Owtrol in Matiple- Ef feet Rmporation Plants., bV T. Balch. GMM., per,, fwr Zudwrinduotrie., Vol IX.- 110 5j. 1959o m 939-241. 7u% Alp 62 Cb msqpo in caft" O=Ultlomd ad momaluo"d Veselau" Ref2sm is ftm at as - -R~mx ct balls Ows, Ow L ftkw.m~"A. S. uibk- jumno VMS flit swr am a 2, N. "dwww" fol- im, xoh-~a. - .. lkd - 4lw w Al sa ft loft MY 6T 3PA91 VDD 25953) LVeriame in the Operation of BlAst Fm=wa With Inorewmd Gas Pressures, by I.D..BiLquo I.E. fWtov, G.D. b'4guyev, 23 PP RUSSIAk, mo per, Stall,, No It Moscow,, Jan 1955, PP 23-31 Dec 55 CTS CIVFDD/tt-7637 USSR Econ (Coppight) Haloarylation of Unsaturated Compounds by Aromatic Djazo Compo=dz. XIV, Synthesis of4t-Methylotilbenas, by A. B. Dombrovskiy and Ta. G., Ballon,, 5 PP- HU1,531AN, per, Zhur Obahch thim, Vol XXXII, No 2, 1962, pp 603-.607. 0B Feb 63 ift. a IN ~1~ I - 0 - -4 sm a I - ,.~lw~=5016xw = Via- IIL -- . .0 , Mom WAIM Vd XXXO16 m so lok-W - - I ca ad NW" 204" j6i~i Z. P. and Makelmova, hl. P. 14ATIONAL ROENTGENOMETRIC STANDARD IMMLU., IONS AND THEIR COLLATION I Etazonnyc Nrtslaaalrve Rentgenornetricheside 1 ShOienlya Ikh). tl9621 18p. 16 refs. Jrdlcr fro-m. OTS or SLA $1.60 62-23692 rtanv. (if Kornitet Standartov, Mer i Imicritel'Ttykh Priborov. Trudy Institutov KomiteEa (uSSR) t961, no, 55(115) p. 42-54. 62-23692 I Balon, Z. P. 11. Maksimova, M. P. 11 Research International Aosoclates, Washington. -D. C. DESCRIPTORS: *X-ray laboratories, Tesat equip- .ment, 'Radiation instruments, Standardization. C" ;t) This article presents an outline of standard roentgenomerric Installations In a number of COUnErtes (the USSR, the United States, Great Britain, Sweden, France and others), also the results of collation. (Author) (PhysicH, TT, v. 8, no. 10) CaUbration of y -Dosimters by Mms of Djaphrup.Bews, by Z. P. Wo% R. F. KeUer, G- P. Ostrmukh0v&, 7. N. Tuehln,~ 5 PP. RUSSIM., per., lzmaritel Takh, No 12,$ 1959., Pq 4T-50. Instru Boo of Amr sci oat 6o Cardiac Conditioncd Reflexes in Variouz Fonas of Atrjovcnt,.-jcLt1ar Block., by L. Ya. Balonov, , I - A. V. Sc~boleva 0 p). 1,~U,SSMO, per, Zlivz Vysshey Uerv Dcyat-el Imeni I. P. raviova, Vol X, -vTo 5, 1960, pp676-6804. pp Sci iipr 62 I~r2,766 Ac cording to tbe New Curriculump by N, Balavp 12 m RIUI 3SIAN mo per,, Narodnave Obrazovantvep NO hp Moscow, Apr 95t, pp 51-557- US JPR.S/DC-L-102 US13R Bar - Polytecbnic Education (1374-19/0) The Rendering-of First Aid and the Extraction rm Of "I cured "'rou Membcrz Fr= ealf-11ropelled Artillery Mountlap, by 8, 1, Balovj 9 pp. RUS SIAN, perp Voym=4%4 Zhur$ No Bv 1959. 41 Nil Oct:, 60 j,j ~',hoice of Sc-, ctions foir the tktimum Shape of Thin- Walled Profilsaj, by; 0. -3, Bulomev.. Go So Trofimov, 3 PP. MBSIM~ pero Vast Ma&Iwatroy, Vol U., So 9, ig6o., PP 3-6- PM sci Aug 61 k 62-18744 MEMWD ~)F 1) ET ERMINING TH E BASIC PARANIETERS 1. 11:11wney, V. 1. OF A RULLD0728 R..ADE (Metodika Opredeleniy:i 0snovnykh PIrInIctrov Otvala Rul'do,erov '(v Poryadke 9bsu Adeniya)). 119621121 lp (foreign text included) I ref. Order from ~YrS or SLA Q.60 62-1874-1 Trans. of Stroitel'nye i Doro*ihnye Mashiny (USSR) 1960 Iv. 51 no. 1, p. 20-25. DESCRTF7013S: Determtnation, 'Bulldw!ers, Resisvince.1 Soils, Earth handling equipment, Wthemarical analysis, Earth -wgers, *Cutting tools. I (Machinery, P,ibrications and hrceRsory Equipment, 17, 04 TvAlkal v. 10. no. 1) 1 Bu~-,'.,ho3 i'or the Datermindtion of Certain Goomotric 'Oaram- I atcro of the Rotor of a Hatary Sma-r-Flough,- by V. 1. Balonev. UNCL RUSBY,M, perk StTolt Dorm Mich, 1957? 110 9~ pp 18,2213. DSIR 3.38w/af 59 M=Istry of Awtobuta. N. Amiw Acid C=- pealtim of Strea'Asatabacter 8pacles Omn on Different Soums of Uftragmp by A.- X4 S]dY.v 0. N. zaitseft., X. P. TSVIOnmip 6 ppe RWSI=s ywj, RUWUL4s V4 No 3,p 10., pp 7-21. Amw UA of Ual W SOL - Biology Jim 59 Fdl lx~r On the Problem of Substitution of a Thin Plate for Ube Keel of a Sbip for the Purpose of Calaulating As Resist=w to Frictim., by Robert-Jean Balqtietp ppo UNCLASSIFMD IMM110 per) compteo Rendup VOI ()Ms No 23j, 1960s :pp 3773-3773. InvY 273Wft 8n sci - M-13-g Feb 61 //,-.5 Physiological Role of tft Capea, of Poultry FovU; Pormtion of Vitamin DIV. by H. Simonimt,, Le Baaop H. 491RA-BalAwo 12 pp. FIMMp part C29a -d*.Zr&UcQp -Jlj~g~ Wad L Vol )=o 19352- IV ITs M-M- zM scientific - BI(logy Doe 54 CTS *%wo ? 5-3 T-LrlueLao of -xhiuctlc Aci& on Erperimental ralliEletoruria, by L. Pagliarop F, B31saDOo 5 PP& I,I!ALIM,, per, Doll Soc Ital Biol Oper,, Vol XXXIII No 7/8, 1956, _pp 7~7-~729. NIB Tr 3-2 Sci - h2dicine Ai)r 58 P,-ilvermetallurgie, 1954., by-M. lu.-Balschin Translated from the Russian edition., [19--] DSiR 6pi-762 Lending Lib Unit G. 11224/0 fl-ntirafl ion Agmt, by S. -,DqL~ ~vich~ T. Trilisser. ' ~,LmTAN., per,, Yad Pabot, 18 Aug 1961. Pm PimOVA ;ci - Cbem .2 /.2, 6 '14 ,ep 62 T. he Tbeary of the IlMrb* hvn" (Part K of "ContrIbutiou to tht story of sbe Power vletallwa Procceava")a by A. Yu. Balllablu.* EMSIM', I*rj, T"trAk Neu ablemostla Vol xyll Ito 170 19.*# pp 07-Ime