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4~1 The &=-etlon of Oodlm in Tn"t by Softf D&Ukt 8 pp. GRM.o pwo - -.- -lb VOIL IN* IrOb 1959, pp 95-102 6 Dopt of MM M Trwo 3206 N~ PV K~ , C/ -j (D 5 e- -~ Q R L. I i~- set/)w Oct 70 -Significance of Tissue Globulins in the Development of Toxemia After Irracliation, by Yu. D. Balika G. M. LIvitsyna, 9 pp. RUSS M , per, Radiobiologiya, Vol III, No 4, 1963. 9222264 AM-Tr-5437 Sci May 64 260,029 THE EFFECT OF THE SIMULTANEOUS CHRONIC ADMINISTRATION OF RADIOACTIVE STRONTIUM AND THE TRACE ELEMENT FLUORINE ON HEMATOPOIESIS IN RATS., BY V. A. KNIZHNIKOV, YU. D. BALIKA, 5 PP. RUSSIANj PER,, GIG I SANy NO 7) 1962, pp 8-11. ,JPRS L5920 SCi-BIOL,, t,,ov 62 215,279 (FDD 26147) Astinating the Wet of Cmxtrwtion and Installa- tion Work,, by No 1, 274 Pp. MWIMj, - bko P] j"irovaniye Sebestoinosti Stroitel Montazbnykh Cni CrA/FM/U.7672 um 3'. 31, 7*~r &on constxUation Corductivity Of Malts in thc Fcr-xouta OxiG-~ - Titanium Dioxide Syst-em: by ky S. ll-.Ilkfiin; V. A. Beznichenko, '7 pp. RUIOISIAD; I% Ak Nswk SSSIR, Ctdell T-c"'In r~aul,,, Niet-~.l i Toplivoo io 41 i,.)61. R. Cygielski, B.Sc.) 110 :L/4/ 115, Brent Lane Daitford, Kmt - tIl-,nf-and ;iul - C41ftifl, winj ik~ietal iiov 61 S CUcri=-.ioa of Tin C=czatrartcs, by D. 11. Chizhilkov, G. S. RUSSIM, per, Tsvetnye Metally, No 8, 1937; PP 68-75. asuR L.Lti M.1-407 kloan) Scl - Min/met I ") z-, Aug 60 t"i X ) '-) 7 A~m-tjou of Gamma Chlorim on SmLpbldesp ClidaO and sulphates; of IMOV cap"Itt sil"r am Irm IhMUOU of TOMPratUfts bY Do No Cldzhikovs 0. S. RUGSWv pw., TavetaM MUI)7p No 4p 1935p pp 59-77. DSIR LLU M-1315 (loan) Sol- - Men 60 ~Abl-iographic index of Geodetic Literatum 40 Years, by Ye. P. Balikovo RUSSIAN, bk, Dibliograficheskiy Ukazatell Geodezicheskoy literatury za 40 Let, Moscow, 19610 SSS pp, ACIC Sci - Earth Sci & Astron malk mot Jun 63 C~3 LumSuescence of PhosVborm Having a Layer Lattice Structurep by 0* Ps D&Um., 9 pp. MMVJ,, tbrlce-w pas D& A Ilauk SURP Vol LWO Do It 19451j, PP 33-36- CTAIM/X-ilgB Scientific Cbmistry CTS/DIM qllf New Method of Recording Imges in Phototelegraphy, by L. N. Wlin, 4 pp, ID 2128222 RUSSLkN, per, Vest Svyazi, No 9, 1958, PP 11., 12. ACSI H-4951 B sci - Electron may 6o Increasing the Output of Steel at the Kuznetsk Combine, by V. Balin, S. Zaytsev, 3 PP. ' RUSSIAN, np, Sovetskaya Rossiya, 15 Aug 1962, P 3. jpRs 16212 USSR Econ Nov 62 Iwo, I.Abw if * va at 6 xWoov Vottl2a Plant p W 'r. kg 0 7 pp. 0 - ~Iuw ~ -- ismorsaimt Ito lap IMUNS pwo vRvwwmA&jw 1%ybnbw X962, IV 25-W- JW 26W Imm mm mm 69 z2 11. a ipf lavestigotions of the Increased Occurrence of the PoWer-post Zeet2e Igetus Linearis Goeze in Ha2pry, by 0. Balint. GEIM., per,, llo2zfoEE!gM und Bolzverwe!2~m,, Vol 26, so 3., 1964 pp 49-51. CSIBD/Wo- 7216 r sci Avg 67 334..903 OY-6440 DMIOPMat of the Economy end IwMtm=t a0alz I or the ue"d Five-year yl"; by Jbzaet 24 pp. IW MPJM# qws ftzaadscsi 8zaae.. Vol lvq No go 1962j, P-0 133--152- im 13M my 62 by I" Bgbt. p Val., Us 1961a pp W5~-Ui. 13SR.00/ 2'4 )-/J/7- July 1967 39"53 Wa WMK am to UNWTION w11" ft COMWOW, or x MOQAMA# VOL I I NO is-fiio' of d Effect of IASU,.UtdDmAw (A the U" of .00 GAd - . M-pao cmpmnb -vain as Owtooptheall of Chloropowademm" EftUawo I* A* M. allitabou, yo. N. mw&&tvA",p Ift. MMUNS p"', mumemaostyap, Val 21=Xwo los pr 193-199- 960M m4z43-mg Sol - Kol & Ned ftl .241 /42..- Jan 6k Vital Secretion of Reducing Substances in Microbial Cultures, by I. L. Habotnoval R. M. Balitakaya, M. A. Belozerskaya, 6 pp. -- RUSS.IATI, per, Mikrobiologiya, Vol XXX, No 1) 1961, PP 3-8. A'MS Sci 111 1~0 oc t 61 1 Wluenno of the It= of the Frequency Chumateristle of a Ek-loWire System an the D=aty of Pluatuatlow at the Oixtjout of the Receiverp by V. 0. BaUtskayao 8.49. R=M,, pw,, D=atlya VyosbM Whet Zaved WISSO aim pa Roddlu akwkas Vbl To so 60 119QS Pp 739-7424 ins 39kw 63 g31..615 emowabig to amotion at swaw awpu 'IF stumv -4000 Ir & 74 vdu~i T4 U 3p Iwo lb Irmadkh %who awlOW&O va ON am Sol mhw 62 (NY-7167) Diagraiii of Electronic Manipulator, by V. G. Balit 'a a, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Zaved MViSSO, SSR po Razdelu Radiotekh, Vol V, No 2, Mar/Apr 1962, WPJX pp 276-277. JPRS 15475 Sci - Electronics Oct 62 r3)q~ TT-65-27899 Field 6E BiJitskii, K. P. INFLUENCE DE CERTAINS PROCESSUS PATHOLOGIQUES 1. Centre National de Is SUR VETAT FONCTIONEL DU SYSTEME DU TISSU Recherche Scientifique, CONJONCTIF DANS LES CONDITIONS DE DECORTICATION Paris (France) ET D'UNE STIMULATION NON SPECIFIQUE PAR LE DIBAZOL. 7p, 5refs, CNRS-III 351. Order from ETC: $1.10 as TT-65-27899 Trans. in French of UkrayLnskyi Ptzychayt Zhumal (USSR) v9 M P497-500 1983. Also available from CNRS. European Translations Centre Changes in the Activity in the CardLio- vascular System and Respiration in Decorticabion, by K. P. Balitskiy; 1-1. V. II 'chevich, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Byul Rksper � Biol. i Med, Vol LI, No 5, 1961, pp 18-21. CB Sci 195,095 May 062 The Davelopa=t of tlw.Neopla4ic proeess -Dilring sugimu.. Bwzmologca- wd Rmuation lanuences on the Cautral'Am" Oydam.. bV X. P. EaUtWdy,, 23 pp. RUBBIO., bk.. qMWwleM PnAafte I NervnWa alstem., mavwr M.- 1958. OTS 60-218W FLJM Sei - Ned ALor 61 PST 3D 203 (SF-1075) ourA on t4e Biological Froperaes The Aeiiou of Ultvas bf T=orous Tiosuci by X, P,,t~ M. I, Gurevich, 8 pp. RUSSIM, per., Patolog rizioi I Bkoper Terapiya, Vol IV, No 3.- 19601 PP 31-35- Set - Ned oat 6o UD-441 (MY-1487) WDrk an Nedical ?robima in Abe AcadoW of Selences,, Ukrminian ON, by It a Ye. Kav*tWy, K. Po aftutanyt go ;96 mKIMIM. RMSIM,, bim per,, Vest Ak Wed lauk,BWR,, Vol XXlp Fe-5p 1957.. pp 55-0. 90 JM/NY-L-261 Antibiotics zfftft at as onma smog of go Utwoll Faft at vw"Aw ft QNWW C175tout bly T. IL abutmwwo mums =W& Ako Vbl 3's .1969F v9 ANo MW6& Of It 'A As No 9# IM AIM 70 Wp6ft FtWelcochemle4d character4qjlos of idnerallsing solu- tione as illustrat6d 7#~~pdlMta=c minenaisatiox in the x0itbWast ciucwuw"6,. IV V. S. I t aad'.TIO4* lomuteyevoo Of 8 HUSSIM, per, GookhIm. No 9. 1962. Geochem Soo 63 BJ415 (NY-2249) Tho Rols of the Suprarens3a In Dkintenance of Bloodl ftftln Cwpoltion and In Antlbody r?rmation, by Or. Bmtdito.. 1. A,-iU-s X. M*uniy; 1,11 ~ .3 ,vm 13 pp.I-, MWIM, yer, Patologlahashya Fiziologlys i Mperimentallusp Vol Ils No 5,P sep/Oct 1958J. yp 11-26. Sai - *d KaY 59 ,~ 006 Wgetation Period of Wite = N=*Chamozm SAIS) by V. 1. Baliu=* ELMSIAN.. per., Vest Sallskokboa Nmiki, Vol IV., no 4) 1959.. pp 23-334 CM 9045LIO um Sci a Biology Ix= 60 I ~ '6.1- ~ , ."-. - - : . .~ I-- - - - -77- Vl~ (DC-5903) S atq, XIV Congress of tre 16, b~ D. _P~ainy~ e 20 pp. MONGOLIAN, np, Unen, 5/6 Jul 1961. JPRS 11214 ' 11VOrtmwe of qualty in bAlUMj by To - R-IJInY=p 3 IV- MONGOLMI up, IdWwr, UlAm Bator, 22 My 1962., P 3- im 1%15 a15137~ vs - nmgala aeon Oct 69 GO=etrle CoWtrWtions in the Plamp by B. I. Arg=v,, K. B. BaU. RUSSM.. bkj Gemetricbeakie Fbstrowlya rA Plookosti. D.C. Heath Co., Pub. 285 Columbus Ave. Boston 16m *we. Per Merwt NSF 16 Dec 6o Measurement of the Wire Explosions With the Aid of Geiger-Mueller Counter, by 9~. Balk, 3 PP- GKRMA5 to FPXNCH, per, Naturwissenschaften; Vol XLIII, 1956, PP 511. CEA Tr A-276 SeP 59 ~NY-6450) FACTORS INFLUENCING THE QUALITY OF MOTOR- VEHICLE REPAIRS, BY'-YORDAN IV. BALKANDZHEV, 5 PP. BULGARIA, PER, TRANSPORT I SOBSHENIYAj VOL XIII, No 7, ig6i, pp 16-171 I JPRS 12100 EEUR BULGARIA ECON FEB 62 416o9 Av cl J F-.~ 5 1 L'_Q,, !4 Calculatica of the parawtm of a matipaint Proportdow Reiv Rowastor for im Objeat With DaW.f tV D. "pl, rs. P. SaDllnUwvp U pp- RMSWj. pwj, ImgtUn Vp*aft U*mbarkh 7avedMiy MVMO MR Vo Ruftlu PriborostroanUv, Val V3:, No 1,, 1963, pp 97-3T. JM 20221 Bel - MAmtrm Jul 63 237t3" Pavapertussis in Kinderamrtens and Nurseries In Sofia2 by D. Donchevi M. StQyQvOvvj No Grtgobavq 7. Nerilc,ov and S. Dumun.imm-q7 RU$SMfj, perj, Zhur.,Mikrobiol ftid=lol L I=uuob:Lol.. Vol rjlx,, No 50 1958., pp 69-74 Pergum Inst Sci - Ned F eb 59 61-18280 :Balkanski, M., Nazarewicz, W., and Silva, E. da. OPTICAL ABSORPTION DUE TO IME INTRODEJC- I. Balkanski, NL ITON OF CARBON IN THE LAT-nCE OF SILICON. U. Nazarewicz, V. [1961] [51p. 3 refs. III. Silva, E. da Order from SLA $1. 10 61-18200 Trans. of Academle des Sciences (Paris]. comptes Rendus (France) 1960, v. 251, no. 13, p. 1277-1279 0)ub. by Gauthier-Villars et Cie., Paris). DESCRIPTORS: *Silicon, Lattices, *Carbon, Impu- rities, *Infrared spectroscopy, Absorption, Crystals. A spectroscopic study of silicon doped with carbon showed an absorption peak located at 12. 20 � 0.05M. Infra-red spectroscopy of silicon doped with carbon, therefore, affords a reliable method of qualitative de- (Physics--Solid State, '17, rection of the presence of carbon; it can also develop v. 6, no. 11) into a quantitative method for determing the carbon OFfice of T"61 col Urvices content in silicon. The MachwAsa of InaW Trawfor, by_!t_~~kj,, (;]=Ws per PbysUm aa am"*W of SaI&O VIA VI.No 4, pp 4M.We. 1w cosolgiloot 4hu &A Ifty 60 - //..Aro qf (SF-1235) Flaming and Organizational Work Required of Bulgarian Unit Cowanders,, by T. 5 Pp. LMWW,,np, Waroana Armiya, No 3744, 7 Oat 1.960$ p 2. JM 4267 SEur - BulSaria Nil Jan 61 m (NY for the FmVara"On p.,chiF.,vements in and PrOOI*cts .tallic Minere_:Lv; by Use Andrel B&2kauY; 27 im. MAITIO, peril Revista- W0810rp VOI. :Buchareat,v ig6o,, pp 152-16j.. JM 5 9?~ 3 Mur - R=aula Econ Nov 60 oyww -a4mmAl 14 IV* mamom OW go lrat iK W.-M am Aaw Posearch cm Adwititian to Cold,, by a4U-D# " 21* Per, VALQ !JIOdIschrr. Vol X.Xlllv pp .iA~A IT F-!)%4 ,-ytitaal Physi=l Fmctioul cap~ty,, .. its k"Casurommt 4.4d chwim.- Due to '-~C~atioul Fatigue. by Y. Palkoj, per, Arbaits4siol!Lioo, '14D NL! 11-37-64 ~>CI-L'4-- ita &S fto Wear of Contacts on Alternating Current Relays,, by 11, Belo., , 7 pp. GMWM., per.. Elaktrotech.' Z.,, Val XMI, Dec 30., 1926,, PP BIA 57-3340 Scientific - EngineerIng 691370 La Protection Cantre Lee Fadiftious en Tewt qxw Socurite du Travid1j. b?~ ~Ba -s-13 Po GEEDIO to X79=j. per,, Atmvirtschafts 1958,, Vol in, pp i89-igit cm-tr-AA Sci Fib 60 Vol 20 110 10 Marlerube - A Joint Project by State and Blearled Balkep 45 ppe QZWX, per,, Dle Atoodrtxcbafts, No 121, Doe 1957p 391. C U#DD X-2W ingur - West GezmkW Pol Apr 58 6mngra og' a%,.qqarIcnaa.) by It. L. BVII:M-icb.) s. V. Goldberg, pew, Opugory., Na pp Bcm 5', The Anti-Madistor Activity of Midispedi and Vh=IdLzW Carotow,, by V. L Dioz6ovas SI C. FravoloYieb, D. R. 1"kina., 8, D. Balkh=jra,,, pp. HUSS103 thrice-mo per, Dok Ak Bauk OSSRp Vol No 2$ L957,, Pp 294-296. consultants Bmvau r) Ise I MOM Dec; R-u.-aer-pests, Mited by G. la. PaIrrin, pp. F,AI translation. RUMVXI~ bk 8 avochnik terl=nono Felldshem 1~318V pp 134- 37. MDAT r 2--tantific - Wdicine (Iff-6253), Electric Pover Requirements of Best German Agriculture, by W, BaWn) 4 pp. GMAN, per, Deutsche Agrartechnik, Vol X, No 12,; 1960., PP 547P 548. JFRS 94W vSur - Germany Reon Yun 61 "06-M-61-W sci is Aero I-P4'-?07 19 mmr 62 Omtenporary Means for Emorgency Abandmacut of ALreraft (SelecW Articles., by S. N. Aldweyw.. TEL. V. Balkind. RMLAH., PTD4T-&42D Sai 64 M,429 Investw1ol, of tim %mtrm of the spatial IteqURneleiS Of HIGA-FOBaUtIOU RWAUQ Interferometers Kth Accowt of the Tvo-Mwxudowa Chmator of the MroctIvIty Pattarf, IW A. bdkUy 95 pp. j_ 108UASO pup Mt Zo Vya*Akh U*ob Zond ftUoftzt Ifol VIP So 3o WSP PP 43TJM- AM 99M IWI ,ran Detendni% the Actual Matribution of Radio-Intensity In a Urge Source of Cosmic Radiation) tv A. BVIXUV. RUSSIAB,p per Jzv- Aw. ME*. LAk. M. Ber. fiz. tekbn. Nault No. 4p lg&.* pp, 4T-51 CSMI No. 8001 v Sai Aug 6T 33T-355 I*ex lastum of tto w"a nVomw bectm 0, an IlTemaw ftm utwfwmd*rt 1w A. bgklwv - T VP. IL=ln,o pw# Iz Ak U* laVVU SM XO Yp SR-96- ewpu U-195k NOT Ruamms To you= B&TIOMW i3o 62 MY Restoration in Radio Astronomy by Approximate Methods, by A. Balklav) 25 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh Uchebnykl-i Zavedeniy MMSSO SSSR po Razdelu Ratdiofizika, Vol V, iio 4, 1962~ 629-639. im 16917 Sci 220,205 Jan 63 V" of Digital Comptws for-ftstmation, by A. MSM, per. &JAIM *out Mtz. MR, ILMUyu ow.--yu. 1. . ~, io z, 1964, pp 46-5z. --Tqjm~ CSIRO/30- 7358 Sci - Aug 67 334AM Stady of the Spectrm of Spatial Preqwncies in a Phase-NOdulaticu RmUoiraerfermeter With NDm Man OneAnterma., by A. Wklavs. rATVIM, by, LatvUss. ME Zinstau AMqggjas Vestis Izvestlya em" nauk Latr1iskoi. SM. RD. 1962., pp 6T-T4 Cs T051 13,,g ~ k sci Aug 6T 335-737 TT-U-64105 Field 913, 3A. 17H, 3B Balk[av, A. E, UNU CF DIGITAL COMPUTERS FOR RESTORATION. 1, Commonwealth Scientific Tr. b~ P. A. Kazakov. 1965, 15p (foreign text Included) and Industrial Research 4refs. C,~IRO-Trans-7358. Organization (Australia) Order from CFSTI. SLA. or ETC: _I]C$1.60. NIF$0.50 as TT-~5-34165 Trans. OfAkiLdCmIya Nauk LitNltskoi SSR, Rip. Izvestiyi. Seriy. Fizichoskikh I Tek!micheskikh Nauk n2 p411-52 1964. Electrical Strain-Gauge Scales., by P. P. Bal-kov, T. 13. Dashevsk:Ly, 3 pp. RUSSIAN., per, lzmeritel Tekh, No 10, 1961~ .P.p 17-19. ISA. Sci jul 62 2o4jO73 ~~-Oscoi? ct Welding Cozif urence j, by D. S Balliovets. P. 1. Lipovakiy.. 'I pp. RUSSIAN, per, Svaroch Proiz, No 9s 1959~ PP 43-44. BrIL-bish Weldir- Res Aqsc(~ j c U;. Spot wA RoU V*341% of Opal" AMU u4 A220yes by 1), of solkoveu# Be ps ofamp Pe too 536 pp - . - RUMUMp bk* bnbmp L Reumvfts am*& 4stsiallma "Voys N"W*j, 19574, C- 1A 6 ff ?,~ 7 mm F-JU-059ft Sol - EW Air 59 0 7 1/ W. 1j. Dawjdov's Botwlaa Diation=Y iU Rawlau - amSugh - Owmn - IftWh and Latla. Edited by Prof F. Kb. Bskhtayev.? by 4- Z. _~! ~Owkly- masim., pars Botea Zhur3 Vol XLVI.. NO -6 19611- vp 105-105T. 9ORM USDA TV A-1329 Bla - Bota!IY 62 (SIF-185G) The Rractically Inexhaustibel Potentialities of a Clcaely Knit Economic Community, by -1 J. Balkaw., 5 pp. GUMN, per, Der Aussenhandel,.Vol XI, Rio 22, 15 Nov ig6i, pp 4-6. JM 13138 EE= - GermwW Econ- 16pq" OPJ ~1- x Ralks, R. and Wehrmann, 0. ADVA14CES IN AGRICULTURAL MEMISTRY IN DE- 1. Fertilizers- -Development TERMINING NUTRIENT REQUIREMENTS OP CULTF 2. Soils- -Cbemical analysis VATED SOILS. (1960120p. 14 refs. I . ~Mks, R. Order from SLA ml$2. 40, ph$3. 30 61-10555 11. Webrmann. 0. Trana, of Beitr9ge zur Agra rwiss6nschaft (West Germany) 1948, no. 3, Is. 26-31. (Agriculrurc--Plaw Cultivatlon, '17, v. 5, no. 11) Mm s by - Antoon ftU 3 go WrA yatent 00 TU956 go DW of comwco Paw% =Go 8" U~6m~ set - Bustacerlug -44~ *?N w 9 on a Way of Speeding up Instrument Correlation Analysis, by G. A. RiU&__6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Aytomat-i jamckbi, Vol XXIV, No 9, 1963, pp 1229-1235. Sci Apr 64 Instrument Soc of Amer 255,013 , on the jbti=te of as Rmw Cmeed by A Coutlnuom Ivola"Co in tbt Ddw Tim when maralag the : AutcowniUMm N=Uoao ty 0. A. ft DaUt 12 pp. 1 Rmmt pvt iffeaft" roshm I W pa RwAolu ftKatettmikes Vol 0 A M-ag. -1.---1- -1 N.- I . . . . . I SETBE (NY4183). Establishment of a Central Fishing Advisovy Council With tha Ministry of Agriculture by H. B&U; 4 ppe "ERMAN ld , per, Deutscbo:: ?I chert~i-Zeitung, Vol VII, 4, ig6o, pp .c2, 103- jpRs 5645 !,,'Eur -Germany 4) 7 Econ - AgrAculture, fishing ~-~Ut 60 'I'llic mess Gugeo.Particularly for Measuring Band FaMesoes in Rolling. L rvAuctIon and K-Ray T"eaj, byTH. detallo 9 I;pj, --`I- ' - G.Mu HANp per,, Arch, T!9." No 213 21MY- JW-Tr go 2064 Stieutiric - Physics.$ ftimeriVS Fob 5 A StruaWna Sad Chommiorlouco of tb* seanna oftledlate aw of Prlmtes.* br Te V. ,Dku"o V. V, porwaslawo To. o. siftlIWA-yarmf 13 -up slams 0 7bumal 12m, 1* ` Va XIVV No 4; kk4o " 7ID7-TI3 Me eyw USSR $CIL.*,.,4 to M3136 Cervical Chordow in a Dog., by V, Pdl,, L. Augerk Full translation. A 1932# , rpV)V3. CIA/nD/X-,890 Scientific /Nediclue., I I % Jun 53 ma, Removal of Cyanogens by Chlorination. I. B. Balla T. Bene. From Industrial Waste Waters Technological Investigations, Removal of Blood From Chickens and Chicks by Caxdiac Puncture) by L. Dalla., 6 pp. GERMANj per) Acta Veterinaria (Hung), Vol X) 19607 pp 61 -68. HI)i 10-22-61 / -/ 7, -~ ?.2- Sci - Med Jan 62 (X-59651 Pmblems of New TLcbniccl Mothods in the Opera. ti= of ore banes in 1962 lniC7,echoslavnldr-j I)y Ludis 3= Its.13 c4 pp. GOVEFXMW UM ONLY cmm, perp DAY., Vol Xj, No Ip 10., pp 1-2. JM 23W '"'ri~ - Czeaboslovakta -,- con iipr 62 -76:51 (NY-4514) Research in Ore Mining and Refining., by Wislav 4 pp. CPTICIAL USS a= CZ=, Pero RWY,*Vol V3:II,, No 50 1960p pp 172o, 173. JM 7451 Mur - Czeaboalowakia Econ kyan 61 capumaT