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Dtatgn ol' a Double-Beam Infra-Rad Spactrograph, by R. Utuden, S. Baldinger. or, Helv Pbys Oct, Vol XXVI* No 20, GERPM. v 1953, pp 111-12 DsiR/31196/CT Sci - Physics Feb 58 j-,~r Scalerg UnIng Omml Diodeop bV S. BaldlWrt Us Woberip et as 6.PP# COMNS PrS FAQV Vm4(m Aefto VOL XWO 1962p PD, W-M. ABCsAt-Tr-*k Sal a SWI &d jwg 63 3 q 212 q2 -pp' icat' oi ra ~' Trans iolors in Fuloe 'llochualo&v, L A. i L ~.:y E.-Baldingur, 11 pp. CT-FT-ti4M, per, 3allotin Sf-bveitz,--x Eloktxotecli 'v"croinr NO Is 1959.- pp 1-7. Dept of Cowor~;e Dr Beery Birnb--tm Natl Bur of Standr-rda Dec 50, CIA/,-rDD X -3766 Measuring I-Eatup for Recording Iufrared spectra, ._j E. (lent. by F. Zbirftno E. 2!j!!nAer GE&uAH,,Per,, Balv Phys Acta,, Vol XXII., No 4. 1949, ,sop hll 13. Dsn/31195/CT SCI - Ifty,211cs J- 17 9-6, a Feb 58 LarAing Ught for Poor Vlolbllity,7 Aerial Navigational Aldo# by A., R.- baldlao. Fmcul, Ro~~k.m franc Xigct, (96)p 25.6.1949P TPAVfM T 3M P 21651T Index Aar* Sep 1950 SclentIffe Aeronautics nm veCaPot.-tan iP- VPm='23a., bY J- 1- ~ ~A,) 7 PP. unmmo =46wmd-atted. SLI O.'r "frr! - ikL'-diralm- , J'j-(O vbv 57 AND I IM NJOKS& fll CWMW- L NNW. TIDW T10 WW CANCEL 111".0p Xnh L Tlft Ooorftdow oldw tm MA 1160 Tr-&-Im i Tow of Knim MWks Oda^ IOM v. 706 a% 96 8 0 Pklo&W$ckm=s-41WWWV. 7T, v. U. am 11) of yosb*Wl 4"Vkm - --------- Sun~ Of the IORP tow"lop LIOAg NOD-C~uuwt LLmst by Be B&I&D. a pp. M.DIIGOLM;p per Naqrn AmOdralp Ulan Bator, No 8p 1?64# pp 31-49. JM 27= Ada-Mongolia Econ Jon 65 272g138 Guided Misailes,, lftowwua-Ccatr~l Systems 1, by R 1, Nuaberows 7 PP, 017711CIAL OJILY 2 RU.I;SrANj, zzpp Krsanaya Zvezdaj, J* Mar 1955. CIA/nD/1-1637 Scientific - Aeroniutlen may 55 CTS The Crysmahattm od LJWW Meml In o8cmatory Cenalftipi Ceadnge by P. N. BUbLm4 A. L. HAWOL-- RUSMANs pu, Ut Eg 1& No 9o WSo pp 286 29. HB 6159 Iscl - M/M ,~"r 64 M787 I R=-erimental RowArch on Plastic Repair of Total Maybragmatlo Eventrat1cm With Perio- steal TramplArits, by F. Doldnitlj, R. bmuni, R. FKWni, 3 Yi-- rMIM., per I Um Ztel 41 MIr, Vol M=Vp IM) pp 117%$3- MM 2-27 Sel - tied MAr 59 Csteogenesis by TransplAnt of Cootea pwiostaml I *1 R. Tripaul, R. NldsuiA P. Dmiantio pp. ll.IALT-&3,, per, Soclatn lUllano al liologin simrimutau. ftaritim, voi =n,, Aim 1957t pp 327-330. MM 2-39 sai - mad Mar 59 61-20909 AgdraUL-r., Arcari, 0. aid otbers. _ "11OLOGICAL PROPER71ES CF A NEW ANABOLIC 1. Baldratti, C. STEROID ACTIVE ON ORAL ADMINISTRATION. 11. Arcarl, G. lime 61, 12p. 15 refs. CTder from SLA $1.60 61-20909 7rans. at Sperimentale [Arcb ivio di 111ologla Normal e Patologica (Italy) 1959, v. 1)9 [no. 4, p. 383-394). DESCRIVI-ORS-, $13rugs, *And:ogens, *Steroids, Phar- ancology, *14ormones, Growih, *Tostostarone, TDxicity, Liver, 4--Hydroxy-17 -methyliestoszrone is anew steroid active on oral administration; its myotrophIc effect Is 4 equal to 3.298 tirnes the myoc,-ophic effect of methyl- testosterona and [is androgenJc effect is 0. MS times the androgenic effect of meth~ltestovterone. its rel- aLive therapeutic index Is 6. 8(3. This new derivative its s no proges tational, e4 trogi nic or corticold eff oct. (BioloVcol Scionces-Pharma(Mogy. TT, v. 8, no. 6) (ater) Aore Recent Measiaemats of the Catalytic m 7 Cleava& of SthyL Cb1oride for Testing the Relatiowhip Betieen Heat of Activdtlon and :Activity, by Erlm Cremro Rudolf WWOaldt, 12 pp. GMIM, per.. Z. :Par neuarforschung,, Vol M, 1949, PP 337-341. SU 63-14816 sc"'.-Chme all'3) 1501D Vfov 63 About Faecucts Frm Ikothalene and the Orisin of IUS 3=00r9148j, 4,7 Wolfgang Bald% 19 pp. OMM, pet# rwEinsew ftnik. Vol VIj ftv 190 8 pp =o. = -,- S.L.A. Tr 41411W sci - Idw ftsics S C -6-7u4' ohm 1956 Measurements of Enera In the Hartzian MIA of Aeropiane Anton j, by Baldwj, awe, 25 pp. - ----------- =MAN,, peri iahft Drahtl Telegr u Telephonlep Vol xv) Hv 15M-9 -P-3-5V. ---- --- siA 57-2124 Sci WY 58 ~.P/ ca/'_0 Production of Heavy Hydrogen in a Large-Scale Rectification Plant, by W. Lebmer, A. Sellmaier, W. Baldus, 31 ppo WROM per, Linde Ber Tech und Wiss) Vol V, 1959, PP'3-14- AM NP Tr-417 Sci - Wic Pbyg Aag 6o The :3ffect of Cathode Sputtering Under High Vacuum on the Rectification Effect of Germniump by Ho CIMM-Affl, per Ar.6aw F-hyat 71-:A1 Vlp No 60 j~w 1954,, pp 24.246, COTJ Cn1j) SLA 57-3009 Sci Aus 56 IWAbitare ol! P613v= Virm La NW mmm Sao wA Orrmj, bF P. 8. odam, pp I.MALUN pwp Lo Val =.. ]b 60 19wo, IT W-456* NZ 7-5-63 I - Biel Ii Vied 1301 61-12638 SkIduzzi, F. HYPERIMPNTAL INVESMIATION OF SOIL FREEZ- L Soils-Freezing ING (Experimentelli t Untersuchungen fter den Boden- . 1. Balduzzl, F. frost) tr. by D. A. !)inclair. 1960, 43p. 18 refs. H. NRCC TT-912 Na:iotW Research Council of Canada. Technical Ill. NRCC C-3483 trans. 912. IV. National Research Orler from NRCC 12, 5D NRCC C-3483 Council of Canada Trans. of Versuchianstalt Mr Wasserbau und Urdbau (Dirichl. NUtteilunq jenj (Swimerland) 1959. no. 44. Offi- ~ I T.,"kM S-i- (Earth Sciences- frost. TT, v. 5. no. 8) 61-12867 Gnl'danaklY, V. I., And Rozenthal. I. L 1. Nuclear reactions- -neory KINEMA71CS OF NUCLEAR REACTIONS. Mar 61, 1 - Baldwin, A. M. 317p. 11. Gol'danskiy, V. 1. Order from PP $1. 50 Ill. R- thal, 1. L. IV. PergamonPresm, Inc.. Trans. ofunidewifiad Russian mono., n.p., n.d. New York ContenES: General principlus of relativistic idnemadca Effective cross-vections and their transformadon Induced by cham ge of the co-ordinate systern K Inematics of im cracdons involving two semadary particles Weractions invo iving three oecondary particles Multiple processes The scattering rratrix and its properties Applications of dw general theory of the S-matrix Collision of particles possessing spin A)Iarl7Adon of pirdelem in nuclear reactions om f T-61-1 5-1... Reactions involv mg photons. QWear Physics --Nuclear Powtions, 7T, v. 5, n6. 8) Flicromethod for the Isolation of the Blood- Plaleleto In Man amd Simll Mswmls,$_by A. L. Copley,, T. Balea, Vo-Vinh-Hoax 5 PP- PHENCH, per, Revue d 'HmtQ Vol XI __ Oau"gltk Jun, (Jul 1956, pp - 324 326. NM Tr 10-19 SO - Medicine j-'Z1 Oct 57 Uxt M:&,.Ua cC MAtvldml Cimod PartkUs in a HaVvtic FUM with Hd'(W Olmatryp tq V. M U7lebwmt S. 1. VbIL-No V. D. MudkDt A. L. Orod)GVp V. V. ftwe-sovr 3153m- ,tUZ=* part &Uz= u Rm a Vol 150 PP Alc 67 As v mm 0 "Sol" Cl WWd MM4" slolfto IV Vw me wambomwo, *-. 36 WOO% ~L, ~zw AO G~ 010-0ldbw# 140 V004 V4-MwwWMmm v4 304# W-41AC", SSW" lie open WIF bbtion of Separate Charged Pabticles in a Trap kith Itgnetic Plugs, by V. M. Balebanov, et al. FUSSIAN, Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled nuclear Atsion Research, Salzburg, Sep 4-9, 1961., IAEA-CN-23/124. *AEC Sci "an 62 11. Cantributica to th-a Zaov~ovrq *.Ia Tarad- aWqwo by-JW-4pa~~i~ SPJJ=j perj. Ravista 4* SlaloWA Warlmo Vol; ivo ft 1-3# WW"Sat ADS I lip pp 231-238. Dept of la%arlor smio ma" 183 sat - B101 XCIF lrg .2 -?6-3 krier Notes 013 td6ogmble and Stational Dis- " kribution, of the.Wrim Pl&atQA Of ArPnUzao bY IA, Delech, jjp~lt -ipro ftviqft an Dialogin Marina (Valpar- aiso, I V'*l ITs No is 2j. 3* U54 PP Dept of lut us so. nAh MA WIMWO Sam OW rIghM In"itigmt:Low Lib Galveston. ft 14 WO fici 7 ~?3 Z"pographic Division of the South American CowVt 111. 17 !.,salon SPAMBIj. perq RevioU do Old 1951s V(a IV$ Nol-31 pp IM-35-50 BIA 59-28323 SOL May 60 Val. 3$ IRO XCE-200 877 Field 7A Bak" STUDY OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL PRODUCTION OF 1. Balej. J. CHLORINE AND SODA ASH. 1965. TTIS NS-362. U. TTIS-KS-362 Order from TTIS. $60.00 as TTIS-NS-352 Ill. Translation and Technical . Information Services. Trans. of Cbemicky Prumysl (CzechcslovWal iffl9) .11 London (England) 267j:�1 IW"4. Tr-64-1&%l Wei, J.. Kowdehm. Y.. aid PUCU, 1. EFFECr OF BRDW &MMES ONAMALGAM-fLXG 1. Bflej, TROLYSM OP ALKAU METAL CHLORMSS. U.-- 11. Kowelka, V. EFFEcr op B?m Dowrm:; ow rau RATa~bp III. paseka, I. S?OwCrANEOW T)EC3OOSMCN OF UW?OLARIUD IV - Title: Effect of ... AMAIZA)a OF SCMN AM WrAWM. 22p-;:- ordw ftm SLA $2.60 -17-64-18ii1i Tnm.. of Cbewlickyj IN =7 1 (Cmcboollowakils) 19U, 1,04,39) m 3 1p. 113-1191. 04mlkmV, TT. v. 12. w 7) Study or the Electrochemical P14oduction of Chlorim and Sods Ash; by J. Balej. CZECH., per, Chemlcxy Dasr , PP 81-576 GB 255/NS 352 - a, rio lit., 1964 IT . G p / C -I, sci - Au3 67 336j,503 Inrauen4o of RM Impurities an the Aw4pa Electrolyals of AIWI Chloride, by J. Baej. CZECH, per 0=19& Pram. V*2. 14, ib. 8, 2964, pp 395-398 GB 391AS & GIAET 101) 3- ) ~ A '~- e- 'j 4.1 . X13 67 338-533 The Influence of Tetamon on the Condition of the Nerves ant Muscles in the Extremities of Rabbits During Ex- pe: rimental Disturbance of Circulation, by S. A. Balen, 2 -pp, RUSSIO, per,, Farmakol i Toksikol., Vol XX,. No 2,, 1957, pp 21. Consultanto Bureau Scl - Med A-Pr 58 Contact Transformations of Dieyclohaptyl in the Presence of PlatinIzed Garbon, by X//# 31. Mtr=ov, 1. M. Ku=etsova.. E. S. Dalankova, 6 pp. RUSSUN, mo per) zhur Obahch Xblmp Vol XXVIO No 12,, 1956t pp 3302-3305- Consultents Bureau Sci - nemistry- % jul 58 '7 6' J Contact Trunaffo=ntiovs of 1j,11-Dimethy1dicyclohexyl In tbePneence of Pletinized Carbono Iiy S. L Mwawvo D, A. Kondretyev, H. G. ZB&SQW, B. A. Kassusky, 4 pp. Im-no per, Dok Ak Wa ....OMR. Val CIXp _F~~ lb 1, pp 3-090-111, ~~ ~1956 Camultents Buremu Dac 5T catsaytIc In p"mou" of p2at- .InU" Gaboop by 96 Is suawr 0. T. Bmidup 2, as Saloclomp 4 $POO rau tr xu% Vol IV* ft .100 .1955's pp W.3,9", OIL-34m-c'. "Ol 3. W97 4046-ot comuluate &UMU Avg Contact Transfamftim ()r pronlWcldwptmm In this Prei3ence of PlAttivized Cwton by Se it MAUMVP BO Be Balenkpv% P. A. Ausbins Be 1. Kawwlg5 3 pp. FuU trawlstlane RWSIANg'mo per# Zbw Umbah ZMM, Vol xnvp NO 8 1954P pp 136 C 41477 Conmatanto Burem Scientific Chemletry Apr ~ =/~ 2h9 Ot P4 L3 IM - - vj'a" Bader the Md2Mft= at AiUdlin UU=Iftq. 3OV, I* or %VW --. - -P by. No Be TMV"Wklyd4 26 IL 5 W* mmms Iwo now embob Mktmlo WL mom$ No 6p IWP VP 1976-19ke - Contact Couvwul= of Butyl Cyclobeptaw in the Pmeence of Platinized Cbarcoal,, by a. 1. Khromovj, go 3- B34M"s- Be As EszWwkYi 14 pp. MSTAN mo per Zhur Obsbab RbIm, Vol MV,, No 9,, Sep 1.9;4, pp ~."F~NFE59- Sel - Chemistry 3.jr / (C 3 ,Iv= 195610ex Cie licats of vurzatiolj oj tile of Coilqller, by Daniel iialesdelit. . 0 -~t .-~LW cr Cal-, 241), 1955, 1884-18,47. The sto=tapod-.,,, br 1!. ~ajw. topoft. Brw=.. MA m C 01I b lAirmign. 1938, 175 TT 68-5D332 sci/ Feb 63 Adjoahemica optheslo ct Colmntat by F. ~Nqgsvr.., 14 Jbpto 15 ya. . RMUIS rpt, P20*04bv or the confe"U" (z Lcwp %4jatj= a=m in bhotty., $42 ft M9j. Vol III 1q,602 pp 149-163. 9a" AM-Trw,037 Gai - NMI soi ,.yen 64 0-~Aqoll 4& 3 S-qL.ud,y of IP Radiation From Uranium Rods Durtn~,, De.activation, by F. Bmleatic's K2 - - FCII, Etude du Rayormainnt"'T dc~z Boxrca i d'Ur-=i-u,n en Cours do Deactivation, 1957. AEC RW-Tr-ll Scl - Chem N,kcy 69 7; 3S,2- of the Uver aad v3duays In ;,C~Ato Intoxicutim rom, (blorofow" Marging Optem on a Righ-CaWity Blut Fumaeo by P. S. Balevichi 4 ippe MWIM.. mo per., mvt_m4l4m~ No 'v. Jan 1957., pp llp 12. consultante Bure.w Sci - x1nallas/metals sn 57 J-,2, Tho Successes of Blulgarim Statistics$ 1944- 1964, by D.-wo BalmId 8 pp. SULCAPJ,V,4,, perp Planovo Stopanstvo i Statistika, I i4o 7, Jul 64, pp 101-107, JPRS 26782 4U, ur- Du IF, Econ Jan 65 Effect of Alloyiri,~ Additives on the Solution of SLeels in IiLneral Acids, by S. A. Balezinj, 3'Jilov) C pp. 11-LIUSS191,1 ner Zhur Prik 111iiji, Vol XMrI, IT, 7, 1 A; 3 ;3, i)r~ 1477-11,82 - 3ci Sep '01, 566, 574 4-kcholnism Cho '10 '01'ma 11, by nor ~hxlx-,Ial Gbsh^hvy -W-nimll. ~Nj M-j A Study of Inhibitors of the Corrosion of Staia-less Steel in em Electrolyte. Ilydrocarbon System Containin.- f~ych-ogen Sulfide, by A. A. r ,cnilc, S. A. Balezjia, 7 1?p. IIUSSIAT,,T,, per, Zhur Prik Kh-.La, Vol XXXTIL, NTo 7, 1.96S3, Pr 1-536-IN,2. Sc4- Sel- '01, 56 6, 580 A Stucl~y of lakdULtors of the Corrosion of SW W ass Stool Im an Electralyte,41ydrocarbon Systan ContalniNr, f4,,dmgen Sulfide, by A* A* G*rdk, S. k. 13a4min, 7 pp, RUSSIAN, per,, ZbmLr Prik Dim, Vol XXM., No 1963, pp 1536-1%2. CB sci SOP 64 566s58O Sodium Phenylacetste as an Inhibitor of Corrosion of Metals in Neutral Media.. by E. V. BogstMvs., S. A. Balezin, 8 pp. - RUMM, per,, Is lysohikh Ucheb Zavedt Dim MAm T-ekhnals Vol 11, No 1, 1959$ pp 25-n. ATS-4fk37R Sci / ~, a., ", f d oct 61 Effect of Som Tahibitom on the Rate of Solution of Carbon Steel in Nitric Acid, by S. A. Balezin, G. S. Paxfenov. _-- ------ - MMXAN, mo per, Zhm- Prik Xhim., Vol XXVII, No 9, 19%, PP 93C)-938--------- AssoC Tech Sv RJ 317 4 Scientific - Cbemistry 34 a13 Feb 5-6 Study of the Effeats of Corrosion !&-ibitore on Corrosion fbbrittlmmt of l1Qa18X9 Steel In MgC12 Solution Boiling at 1530, by S. 1. Podobayev, 10 pp. ., per, 2hir Prik XhIm' Vol XXXIII, No 6, RUSSIAN i-96o, pp 13oo-ijw. CB !pv qq am 61 A Study of the IWMmom of Vhftow IWdblton on UA O=Twlcu QmckWg at UrWa., by $. A. AMII-844j- 'I. V. Rcmuwp 1. 1. POdabaWevp 4 pp. RUSSIANs pw., D* Alt NW& SMs Va MMo So 59 190.. IV 9w-- cowultauu Burma sci - 95%fts ~~, f1f : SOP 59 Influen-ce of Certain Inhibitors and Inhibited Lubrievats on the Resistance of Brass to Strese Corrosion Cracking, by N. I. Fodobayev, S. A. Balexin. .V. V. ROMMOV.. IMSIAN, per, Zhur Prik Khlm, Vol WITI, No 6, 1960, PP 13U-1318,, CB Sci -jun 61 The MwbanUa ok Dissolving Cqma in Nitla Acid in the Preo=6 or Certain Mibitores by 8 - A. Bales L% 0 - 0. Fwfewvj 6 pp - FMOXAN,p so per# Zbor Prik Kktlmp Vol XXVI., NO 8, 1953, PP '~954U-7 " Comultnts, Bureau Scientific - Cbomlstry CTGAM / S, 's-hLa ~6, 4hur l'-jk IWITA Vol A~!~~, Vile Wlue*,,c-- 6olution Fato S. A. Ralexin, fc=, Oroanoclettonto C=gwwAs Cn-- CWrbon SUlol in inorpnic AcIU7 A. Zgnatyevap 4 pp. RUSSIMT~ thrice-m per, Dok kk ftuk-WR.,-,Vol Ect h, Jul/j,.x2s 1956, Pp TT1-T73.. Mz=3,v Soleoldve Co=osUu of YAUIdedL Steel b,y ftMrio Auld OWbabina Ad4itAvwo by S. A~, ~Bmlaxlq wA V. D4 BRUmvp 2 pp. RMUNp ==Of Ofto-w pex~OD* A Nwk SM# VOI MXXj 3D 5p pp goh 4 0 - . -- - - - - a tolft B=V= Chm *4 :T 14.5 Jan 57 028 ;Of Effect of Promim UP* Rate of DIssobstion of Steel In iS Ifuric =I%= Aeldo by S. A. Baltzino Id A. 0. ?I y k C C- - PUS61W. parg Dok Ak Sauk S=p Val UMV111, So lo 1951p irp T5-7T,, Brutebor Tr No 2772 An Inveat4ption of So= Ouvosim Uhibitarg, by So At BmUzinj, S. K. Novikows, 7 PY, ---------- 3 RMD3,, p!r,, Zhur Prik -KhIx Vol XLTV., No Mar 1931. to ba4m also ft-ataba fi rA7 The Effect of Acid-Conce tion on the Rate of Corrosion of Corbou Stools, by Se-As DaUsIno To I. Mmeovitakays. RUSSIAN.. per,, Zhur Prik Rim# Vol XXIYp So 2j 1951j, pp 197-202. W Tr allo Assoc Si I w Jersey x 't Diffusion of HydroWn in Steel With Different Carbon Contents During Acid Picklings, by S. A. Paleginp D. Ya. Solmi. %I RMBIANp thrice-M 'Berp Dok Ak,Muk SSSR-.'. Vol imp no 6, 1931# pp 81AA. Wuteber Tr KhT Scientific - Minerkle/motals 0-80 q 5;2-- The Imbibiting Action of A14sbydeag by V. S. I I(emkbadze, S. A. Balazin. IWWU39 mo per# Zhur Obsbcb XhIms Vol XXII? No 10,, ',Lgr;2, pp 1848-1854~-- Consultants Bureau (Icientific - Cbemistry V '7e The i~cocurronce of WrWo Babrittlemat of Steel In I Aquem Solatiou'of HydrMa Bulflftt by 8 - A. Balesial I. V. Rik*] Iskiy,, Vpp. RMSICAN.,ver., Zbw PrIk Mat Vol XM,No 8,, 1%81, pp uel-UB3. A" 59 by 13~ V, Benmtymm., S. 7-hL--, Pi"k Malla, Vol U-:Z-!, 1i 1.959, 1071-1075. cona'a.twits 13ureau Sc:i ,iiin 6o i StWy of tb* CorKsion of Stressed 1 Cr-18 M-9 Steel in HydrodUaric wA SuUurio Acids in Pimserm of Corrosion Z&ibitoro,. by N. 1. Mobwv ~ W S. A. AQjIM? 6 pp. RMSM, pap Ow Prik Khimp Vol M=, No 12,, 1962, pp Y666-2673 17 7 Ncrf 63 Ufluence of AUoying Additives on Hydrogen Absorption cif Steelap by S. A. Balezia N. 1. Narushavich, 6 pp. POSSIAN, per,, Zhur,, Prik DIm. Vol YUM, No l1,, 1960l pp 2536-2540- C;ci CB /040 7, kAeep 61 ibi~ion o-' Corrosion of Ifitrided Steel in Sulfuric --Id by S. A. z ..Bale inp V. B. Hatinov. 12- ~5 1~ Spey. Dok A Nauk BSSHO Vol 1=,p No 2j. PP 36-j'-%3- Brutcher Tr Wo 29% rwitrideds Steels Sulfuric acids corrosion (NY-W56) lkperience in the Operation of a RGWCAtial fivattanded Automtic Dial System R01dLV9 100 Humbers.. by Sh. F. Ourvitz, V. A, va~!Znin 9 Pp. I,IUSSM,, per, Vestn4 Svy'azit No 10., 1959. JPRS 7005 Jan 6! The Antiviral Effeet ced by Cultures olaceousp by N. X. 0. 1. Artemnm and of Antibiotics of ActinomWces Purer, 1. P. FoutrAt IV. T. I. ~~!!z~ MSLAN, pw,. Antiblotikii. Val IVp No 3j 1959, P9 30-35. CB C/I 41