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Ro-dacca widths for Nuclaou Asao2iatfLona iia LhA by V. V. V. G, T;.. , - -~ I Um4i~achin, Yu.:.F. Sairnov, N. - Y n, 3 -vp RUSSIAN, per, -Zhur Ek'sper i Teoret Fiz, Vol YX(VTT NZ) 5 ba)" 1959, pp lj85-1389, - Amer Inst of F-hys Sov fts-MIT Vol -YXVIT F~o 5 Sci -7 jun 6o On the Phase Factors fbr Transpition ftom "ftrticla" to "Eo&' States :Lu the Nuclear Shell Theory., by V. V. Dalashovs 4 pp. RV85W p4drs Zhur iksper I Teoret Fla,, Val nX 65, go 5, 1959, pp 1387-1392. Amer lust$ of,phys Bov Fbya-Jw 301 Dee 59 Puclet~r Form eja L*Veu of the Lithitm IIsotmpes, by V. T. BalaShM, JV- u RMSIM, per zl=r,,.MMer I Teowt Fiz. Vol xw (95.1 No pp AM? SOV Fbys - Jl= NOV 59 GtU4 4 aw JUL 63 m . I I .. . ~ .; 15 An Operational Storage Wvics, by YV.' P, ilsl&sbove V. kusslkv" Pat"t 18OSS6 *nU-I IT-23-129N67-P '. p 13 azc,,,-4ftf - 7. Sop 67 &0 DesiVdng FAMMUC Llemato and Domdow of Electrmic Cmputm, br le. P.. B&Usbovo 2:64 pp. RUSSIAN, bks emwtov pt N"MLtSVkh ia: Datr,oyst7 gektE3MMIE~ ynM:LU Lrykh H _~W M,bk~, 19649 pp 1.4%. PIOM50068-V FTD-iMT-&-?l Sci-aeo Aug 68 36ls798 On Possible liethods of Constructim, Sotra-e I ~j Adders Actin- in Se(,uence Prom -Ferrite Cores, by Ye. P. Dadasho , 12 pp, _~~a Lashov nUSSTIIJ.! h, per, Izz Vysshil~i Nchev Zaved, Priborostroyeniye, Vol TTII, TJo 2, 1964, 1-5-73. J PITIS 26079 Sci Sep 6,1 Certain Principles Ooverning tho Desip of YA=7 Devices With Ferrite Owes and FuUoCmwW:, Retarding,, by Yo. N Reashoyx 8 pp. RUSSIM., pw., Iz Vyssbikk Vdw'b Wed ProUrostroy Val VIS no 50 1963,9 pp eo-a6. JM 23D33 Bei Feb & 02q-91, o g,4,o TT 45-6376 1 Field Gc Balnsllov. Yl;. QUA Mra's OF BLOOD INUSTED BY LXODID TICKS (AC.1 RINA, INODIDAE~ IN THE FEL DING STAGE (Koll- chesivo Krovi, lloglashch:,emol Iksodwynii Kleshcharni Nodictac) vq VretWil Pitulla), Tr. by 13, Ribush. 1.965, 1-111 (foreign Wxt hicludc(l) l3refs, Trans-7223. on loan from CFS-rl as TT-65-637G-, Trans. of Zoologich~skik Zhurnal (USSR) v43 n3 p-416-23 1964'. irae of Ticks of thu ~Akv rf-wi I ,'~qvrt Sby Yu. Sala3.vwv, at al. ,~IIMZIMS 'As Umthowtous lyphtm Infecticans ]Prom 7atm-a 'AdWj, .vdicatod to tI, e 40t4 XUM nuEZ ae Me Lenin"tiad Pustaur- lastitute or 1-31)idmio Oey ww nMm. 610,gy TIU~4. 15astiltuta 1701 MOZ, I i I iv! pastara (scientific I'vesti"s of ti* ftsu4m Inst af L~io Ofut tAcrubial2al, Vol XXI-1,P Leningrad, W65,, ISS-152. 2 a-, " I conuvxmm to tin or the MMO Ita gowbm or ATBUM ft'gas by TV, allubms To. 16 b--- =MAN$ ywo Vol lot IV^ MWO5. m SCUM We IS9 -rig of Lcodial Ti"'Im in )rder C.~Udy rheir M60ilizYs by RUSO 'Zhur3 VOc )QaATI._Lll pp 1028-1031- 1 -B i o I OV 6 ,rhe Change in lq~,jght Of the GPB=rl Shoep 'ric~- out BlooR Suckingo by Y.U,, Balashovp Ric:Lnue tl=ough M,S.kT zool n",a-,q v0! M~Kv, No 10561 p-P .pS, per; 29-31- csiPO-3513 Struature and Devolopwnt of the Gen1l,tal aystem in W* Superfamlly Izadoldea, by Yu Balashav. . HUSSUM, W-Aja4jLj&&WLML-mmjmLt abom.- Zool - so. L,2, 1964, pp 28.6o CS-TRO/30-7565 v , , t3 /,iL ~~:s A e~ 1) Sol - Aug 67 339-698 Special Peatures of the ftedlug Psmacas of Ixodidas Tickip by Yu. Balasbw, RMIM, perj Zool ImUtuts of tImP USSR AcadM of Sciencesp 19571 PY 3-19- C. S. 1. R.. 0. T45o6 my 6o 117 qumUtdLes of Blood IngesWi W Imodid Ticks (Acar1na., IxaMd ) In tbA J,'md4 9 StaMj, by YU BalAsh"S MMIM.v WS, t Mwgjj, Vol. 43j, No 3j, 1964a pp (CSIRO/No- 7M) Sci - ~u &,L is h", Aug 67 339,pW6 Oogenenis Periodicity in Arpsid &nd IzDdid Ticks.9 by Yu. Balasbov. XMIAN., per,--AkL:d Bai* SM Parazit Sbomik No 210 19631f ipp 351-43 csnw/t 7oB4 Y , MA~-Iqs~ou, sci - ju 67 334o956 Distribution of Uranium,, Thorium, and the Rare Earths in the Granitoids of the Susamyr Satholith (Central Tien-Shan), by L. L. Leonova,, Yu. A. BalashQy,-9 pp, RUISSIXI, per,, Geokhimiya,, No 11j, 1963, Scripta, Technica Sci - Jun 64 2629281 .,volu~Aon Df rare earth compo.-lition and content in intrusive phases of the Lovotero alkallo maself %Kole Peninsula), b~ Yu. A. Salashov, 15 PP, iIOSIO, per, Geokhim. No 3, 1962~ Oeochc.m Soo 17/ 63 -3 RARE EARTHS IN-THE EUDIALYTE COMPLEX OF THE LOVOZERO ALKALIC MASSI'Fj BY YU. A. BALASHOV, N. V. TURANSKAYA, A PP. RUSSIAN, PER, GEOKHIM, W) 12, ig6i. GEOCHEM SOC SCI FEB 63 223,732 Characig.ristics of Composition of the Rare Earth in Eudialytes and Loparitee of the Lovozero, Massif, by Yu.'A, Balashov,, N, V. Turaaskaya, 12 pp RUSSMI, per, Geokhim, No 2,, 1960 GS Sci 214,596 Aug 62 Regularities in the Distribution of the Rare Earths in the Earth's Crust, by Yu. A. Balubov. :RMSUNL, per., (leok]xLmiya,, No 2. 1963., pp 1071124. Scripts, Technica Sci may 64 258,569 Lanthanum Pkucimuru in the Rare-Earth Elements in Lamprophyllite, by Yu. A. 12! ~s , N. V. Taranslaya, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Geokhim, No 7) 1960- GS Sci Aug 62 216,208 77, 1 The Mfferentiation of'Raro-Ragrth Slemnts in rr ne lAzapatia P-rooess,, by Yuo A.-,Zala". al P. MSIM. bli, XhImiya Zemwy Koryq Vol. 1, pp352-365 1963- 9213T69- NAM TT- F- IT9 Bel - E&rth Sci & Pet. NOV 63 'Determination of SmeLIl (10~-4.10-'*%) Amounts of 'Thorium in Rocks by Iews of Arsenazo II, by S. B. Savvin, 11' Po VO1.vnGtS,, Yu. A, Balashov, 6 pp. RUSSIANq pars Zhur Anal KhImp Vol XV, No 4, 1960, pp "6-01. CB Soi / 0 1/ 5? Aug 61 lod Am memo, wr S* 31i 11111 roo mails fts MA MIWFMMM 332* VA hl 67 0; tile U.' rki ,e-r ,dater atlanm 4nd L~ftvicr of Yoaam Adatimm Ticks in D"Ort Areast IV lu. So BLUmhov. 'I & '(01 iio .3t PW& (Cnly on Lmi) Yt. Fob 68 Ito LitTucture 0:,f uiuastivo oruzabs Ott! Dload 01- i4 Ax~;a5i"W', it'r Lu, so 9"falasil", Baruzit ~~oxul Vol 200 ml, 4L # v -Nia ~P-i4-OL; c1 'ov TT-65-63521 Field 6C Balashav, Yu. S. ANA'rOAIO-II[SrOLOGICALPECULIAMIES OF MOULT- 1. Commonwealth Scientific ING OF THE TICK HYALOMA ASIATICUM (ACARINA, and Inclustrial Research LXW101DEA) (AnaLorno-Gistologicheskie Csoj*nwstj Organization (Australia) Linki Kleshcha Ilplomn Asiaticurn (Acarina, ixodoldea). Tr. by B. Bergmaftis. 1965, 46p (foreign text Included) l3refs. CSTRO-Trn)is-7083. Ordt~r from CFsrl, SLA, or ETC: IICS4.60, hlFS0.50 as TT-65-6'421 Trans. of Zoologicliv.81di Zhurnal (USSR) V42 n3 pM5-56 1963. Another trans. Is available from CFSTI, SLA. or ETC [IC$1.00, NIFSO.50 as TT-64-198D. 9 Fecullaittee lu the Diurml Rbytbm of &G=ged ,!--Zwaa BanwIcAdam Dming Frm Coves by YU6 So 'Ba3 'RMrAN., tbrLea-mo pars Dok Ak Iraut SWO Vol =nI# 1954# pp 317-329 - ------ Sal Tr VAmter PM-3736 ftlentific - SId3xW Jun 56/d= anck Cource of Spe=ptoganosis on I-kue Tielmp by Yu. S. BaWbov., 5 PP. MSIAN, perp Dok Ali Mm~i SM., -Vol CXp rio 6: 1956; :PP NIH 11-47 540 Dee 59 /by 9 Featurco of the Feediig, Fraecsq Iyadidae Ticks, by Yu. S. 3,,-'-.aKshoN, 30_pp. RUSSIAR, monograph, ()r,;cbc!nnc-.ti re,so6ovykh Fo~eehcbe,,,, !.;;'~-T. 2 ci Vol 'D, No 2 ; Cermin Adjwkwms to the Reqidon of Larp : Blood Mum In Indid Tidwit by Y-U. gLumagwy., ECUMA put Zool 224 Vol XXXVI; Iqo 6, 1957p pp 870-873. NIR 8-S4-U LOAN sci S101 & Mod Sel 61-1517t Balashov. Yu. S. iC_77VR__6nVM OF THE "TAIGA TICK" 1. Ticks- -Pbyziology IXOD PEPSUL P. . (K Vaprovu ob 1. Balashov, Yu. S. Aktivnykb Corizonml'nykh Penn edmmlwwyakh Tayezh- 11. CSIRO Trans-493D nogo K leahcha Ixodes Persulcatus P. Sch. ) tr. by 111. CDMmonwedth Scientific M. Slade. [ 196U]__(101~. -(foreign iiiF_induded) refs. and Industrial Research Trans. no. 4930. Organization (Australia) Order from LC orSLA mi$1.80. ph$1.80 61-L5171 Trans. of Meditainakaya Parazitologlys [I Parazit- arnyye Bolezni) (USSR) 1959, v. 27, no. 4, p, 481~ OFNCV of To0wed (Biological Sciences- -Zoology. TT. v. 5, no. 4) Feeding Pecularities of Ixodes Tickso by &losh*v. yt RUMUNp per, UWR Ac&dM of Scimpes zool2sicEll lastitute, 1957 NW/Ref - C-3526 - mi $0'.;65; ph - $3.60 0 Sci Jui 67 334,192 Iteeding Pecularities of IxDdes Ticks, by TV . 8 - Balubw RUBSIAN, per; USER Ag~M of Sclences., zool W cal Institute, 1957, NBC/Ref. C-3526 y.*' S. j~.q4.4SAaV Sci - Aug 67 335-T52 1 61-19234 CLASS CEPHALOPODA SLJPER ORDER NAUTILOIDEA; I. Aquatic animals-- NEW ORDOVICIAN NALMLOIDS OF THE USSR Classification (Novyye Ordavikokiye Nautiloidey SSSR) tr. by Ivan 2. Marine biology--USSR M[rtin. 1960 [321p. (figs. omitted). 1. Balashav, Z. G. Order from LC or SLA nil$3.00. ph$6.30 61-19234 11 . Title: New... 111. Geological Survey, Trans. of mono. Novyye Vidy Drevalkh Rastenit I Nnver, Colo. Beapozvonochnykh SSSR (New Species of Ancient Plants and invertebrates of the USSR) Moscow, 1960, IA. 2. p. 123-126, Offl".f T~61"l S.Mces (Earth Wencea--Omnogaphy, Tr, Y. 5, no. 11) 1 (ogy-6720) INVESTIGATION OF THE AFFV401T PWTION W UN-r CMITIOM REFLIX.M01 W IK AORTA amito ACUTE RADIATION SIOWN6 BY A. M. 80~~~ '17 PP- WSSIANs Mv W010610MIYAs VOL It ND 3., 196tv PO 365~-170- JM IrS87 scl mm 62 183^ luvestigp+Aon of the state of the aortic reneoc mv at vaAmm aUgm of radiation sicknws, 17 A. N. B!!Adw!-k 10 pp. m=in. per, Radiabwhon, va n, No 2, 1062, pp 2soW. 92Mn A=--*-5429 Jun 6) Some Features of the State of the Peripheral Blood and. Hematopoietic Organs in Dogs at Long Intervals After Single X-ray Exposures, by A. N. Balashova, 2 pp. RUIESIAN, Papers presented at the conference of the remote consequences of injuries caused by the action of ionizing radiation, pp 12, 13. Consultants Bureau Jun 57 On the Strwture.of Inte2mediate Statep B. M. Balashonj 15 &iparcoaftetors In the I?y 7U. V. abarviza and pp, HM3MU,, per Zhur Eksper i Tooret Flz lp V'a xKlnp No 2(g)., 1952,0 pp 222-228. SEA Tr 8 -1947 sel JU 58 (v Structure of the btermediate State of Super- conftctors.. b B* Me Balashm* Yu. V, Sharvins 6 pp. .1.4,~,? j~ Russyms mo per,, Zhur Rwr i Teoret Jriz Vol MM., No 1j, 195b, pp 40-44. 1 Amr Mut of Pbysicr, Soviet phrics" Jm Vol IVI so 1 Sci - Pbysies '74 Apr 57 MB On the MOrPb)0109Y Of Trilobites, by R. A. R-alanbova-. --fW-'ZTM.t POrp VOPrC*y P4eontologij, Vol Ijo .1-955, pp lt~--35- Dopt off Interlor 493 R5T NO 90 sci - Oeopbya -z 0 Aug 62 "'be Relationabip of Calls =d CapillAries or the -Ruclai of the Tr4padnal Nerve in the Pofftmtal Pericd of Dayclopmat) by S. 0. balmhoya.. 5 pp. HOW", mo per, Ryul Emper-Bloll Had, Vol XLI~ Wo So. Aug 19561. pp 66-,TO. CoaoultsmU Bureau sci b" Doe The Relationship Between 3ma Cells 9nd Capillaries in the Drains at Adult Anivaln$ by B. G. Daiashove, 6 pp. RUSSIAN,, mo per, ByukMmper Blol I,Wedp Vo=, He 7, Mal 1956s PP ~1-74- Consultants birem Sai - !td Dec 57 PeculiprIties of the DiastributIon of the Hydro- chloride of the Dieftylaminoethyl Thioester of Dipheny1hydroxy0doscatic Acid in the Body, by-.-E,. X. Bnlqehovn, 5 ppi RUSSIM, jer, Byul Eksper Blol I Yed, Vol XMI, We 12, A-M 199, Pr 6o-64. Coumlt!%uts Bureou Set - Med Jul. '59 ; 7he Twatioml St&U of the Oentral Nervous ~ system &1A MetaboMAim of the ~ Rmint by S. K. SWMkM X, 1. Mulovep A. N. Panrwwv.. T. 1. Itosengart, 9 a. c RMW per xokhft,, Vol Milo No 50 1900 pp i Fh." BOL - Blal Apr 59 /~ / '0 Op, d---10 The Bffect of Hydrolyeis Time on the Observed Acti,trity of Bye Amylase After Partial Thermal In- activationp by S. 1. Pronin and G. B. Balaqh2vlalp 2 pp. RMSIO.. tbrice-mo per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXIII, pp M&M. - Consultants Bureau Sci - Chem Mar 58 interaction of Oxygm and Anions Adsorbed on rlatlmmo by V. 3. Kazarlw7s 1. A. Thl glob 4 pp. RMLO., pw,, DDk A Xwk SSW.. Vol CXXMp No 3) 1961p o 641-A4. Cm Sal I HA., -V7 iWr 62 lothod for stabIlizIng the DUTenlm ()C ADaU WtaUo bV V. S. Outwba-DMOOmp 1. X. EaUsboap ot ais, 4 pp. ..b - .. . - " - - '.. ~. imsmN, Patent No 14o.,o67,, 19 Doe i,96o. 9677223 rM-"-470 Bcl - EW - Mln/Met .CO% J~M V4 Iq ?., HN.thcdc- for t1be 4pam'Jon of Lignovulfc,-Ac ovj Ca-vbabydmta Sulfonic Acidup by 14. N. TaypkiLa, I I., M.- Balashm~ 4 P. M==- ~, pvr, Zhur prik Mizo Vol =S., No 1: '11959, j~p 166-3.69. CB scl r- cib 60 RUSSIAN: Lar; :F~ml Mauch inTormatsild. Tnmd i no 12~ 1960, Of 61. TT-62-29110 Mashova, N.A., lvanofv, V.A. and Kazarfnav.V.E RELATION ENTRE UADSO~PTION DES CATIONS 1. Balashova, N.A. ET LE PO.-TENTIEL DE UELECTRODE DE PLATI- 11. Ivanov, V.A. NE (Zavisimost' Adsorbrsii Kationt:v ot PoEentsiala M. Kazarinov, V.E. Platinovogo Elektroda) (Adsorption of Cations as EV. CNRS-X 512 Dependent on Platinum Electrode Potential). 10p. V. Centre National d(: la (foreign text included) l3refs. CNRS-X 512. Recherche Scientifique, Order from OTS, ETC or CNRS $1. 10' IT-62-291101 Parts - Trans. in French ofA kademiya Nauk SSSR. Doklady, 19.51, vJ).5, no.2, p.336-338. DaSCRIPrORS: 'Mectrodes, *Platinum, Ions, Adsorption, Electrical potential (Chem[SLI-y-Physical, 717, V. 11, 110. 11) 08k. .4 T-hk.1 SvK., E-o". Tr*'.4U-* c-" The Adsorption-Electrochemical Separation of Radioactive Cerium and Praseodyndum, by N. A. Wm Balashova, !~. S. 1,.Ierkulova, 7 PP. RUSSIM, per, Radiokhim, Vol II, No 6, ig6o, ilp 704-710. AEC-tr-4578 FL-4-8o Ccj J. S Aug 62 2o6)336. PST 570 An Adsorption-M ectrochemical Method for the Separation of Radioactive Zirconium and Niobiwn) by N. A. Balashova N. S. M-erkulova, 5 PP. EUSSIAN, per, RacLilokhim, Vol II, No 6, 196o, I)p 6's-9-703. AEc-tr.4578 PL-100 Sci jug 62 2G,6,3,5 PST 570 61-23780 Salashova. N. A. ADSORPTION DES IONS BROME ET IODE SUR LE 1. Ulashova, N. A. PL.1,71NE [Adsorbtstya lonoy Broma I Yoda na Platinal H. CEA-cr-R964 fAdiorption of Bromine and Iodine Atoms on Platinumf tr. 111. Commissariat'st I'Energle by Mme. Slinon. 5 July 60 f2l1p. 28 refs. CEA Trans. Atomique (France) no. R 964 (text in French). Order from OTS or SLA $2.60 61-23780 Trans. In French of Zhfurnal] Fizficheskoij Khinjiij (USSR) 1958, ;,. 32, no. 10, p. 2266-2273. A Iranslation in English is available from MDF $6.00 as MOF B- 151 [19591 12p. DESCRIMRS: *Platinum elertrodes, *Adsorption, Bramine, Iodine, Ions. Fc,r ahstract 5ev. Technical Translations 3, 566, 1960. (Q'heinistry-Physical. 7T, v. 6, no. 6) IlLeatrochemical Behavior of Zirconium in SulAiria Acid~ by N. A. BaJaab B. We Kabanovp 4 pp. Vol CM IT UZA Tj 9_ RUSSIAN,, "ro Wk Ak Nauk SSW, No pp 126-128. Coasultants Buraw -phys Sep 59 ~7 7, ~( ;7 /7 L-,tj the Adso-rPtion of Iodine or, =Oth Flatinum and Its Dasoi-ption by a Tracer v, Mrazallmov.. N. A. Washoval 4 pp, RUSSIM er,, Dok Ak qauk ssm, vol am=,, No 4. 1900., PP %4-867- CB Sci may 61 Roution of the Aftorption et Cwtxat '7 tha fttinUa - at the Nydmos MUtitra-Su2i. t2~ V.. !tv Da"bums 9. A. tvawr " 1, 4. :;~marimov; 4 pp. RUSSIM,, per, Dok Ak Nauk SUR, Vol CRY.. ft 2o 1937~ PP 336-338- ,set - #v9 58 bow. VM I-Oolenowd.2). S&Inoo, IW yu. X. It. A. Noun) Pw nm ftbah gift." Vol umv 30 91 3.957, pp Oct BMW 49' low". ty 1- %* 4I" T. U -79 PRO 2# sp Ofom cm woo= The Effect of CMortetracycline and Tetzrac~alina on the Serum Iron Content, by A. M. CherwiiM, V. A. Balsab=,, 3 PP- =BIM., pu, Aatiblotiki.. Vol No No 41 1949, Rp T5-TT- CB Bai Aug 61 Low-Tempersture Cb1orination of Tertiary C1, and C8 B',;h~lenc Hydxocarbons fram. Pctrole=, by V.I. loarllulyap-tG, M. Balscho~~,- 6 pp. RTIC-31ju,", pr-,r, Zhur Pri"', KUM, Vol X)DU11, 110 1-2, 1 pp 2'(62-2'(68. CB SCI, / 7.? , -P ~, / 61 Expoxy Resins Based on Substituted Epichloro- hy~rins, by V~ 1. Isagulyants,,V. V. Balasholo, i20 _ pp S,-- RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Prik Khim, Vol XXV, No 11, 1962, pp '477-248L CB Sci R,411, ? 7,9 Oct 63 .substituted Epichlorohydrine from Petroleum rww Mattlerials,by V.1, leagulyants, V.V,, Balashova, 6 pp, RUSSIANP ~er, Zhur Prik Khim, Vol XXUV.. No 2, 1961, pp 424-429., CD Sci / ~:Z., ZV, ~/ I'lar 62 a, of a I" FOu the Feriodielty in the Variation. of Brightne0i Wiriable Ccph4 Btarj by V, B. Balasb&,.5 PP- RVSSLM., mo per, Iz Astronam. Observ., Od,,-ssa., 1949, Vol~.~I, 'It, 1) PP 59-65. Navy Tr 671/ONI 1135 Scientific - Astronomy,, Cephei Star 13trLwturv ;P' thu Aw.Aiw lAdustry sAd MtA Cooj*raUvuo, by U4js i~aigM 24 pp. i~asgus4asajl~ szowles, Vol kl,, Nv 11's LkA,, Vp 1272-i288. alvc C. vo ~7402691 .)j~ dio struetaira-I 17.1 Alton BAM,521 01--amp'n'. pa-," 10'. lqc-",~ !13~, 1-195-306, SEM (BY-4109). Some Problems of the Development of the Wchine Industry During the Second Five-Year Plarp by Akos Bg p 48 ppe ., _Wg WNUMIM, perp Kozpadasag Szemle, Vol VII, No 4.. 1966) pp 419-435- JM 5757 / 't X, ~5,9' &on - Manufacturing oct 60 Teath AmuLwraM of t1w Ratioual Hala lArectorate Of roviastry, IV i;r- Wula 2~alasza, IS PP. ~'-.MXZZMN, per, M, Lpkj Val 13, ~'io 10, cct 1964, pp 433-437. 8506 ~21 21 65 275,877 SLTM (NY--4176). 180)000 RqQctares of Nev Forests) by Gyula A, �'PP. HUGMIM,, per) Figyeloy Vol IV) No 10, 19601 p 1. JPRS 5757 ESur - Hungary Econ /,2 ~, ~ q oat 6o SME ( v Y- it it 180,000 Hectares of New Forest, by Gyula Balassa. HUNGARIAN., np., Figyelo, Vol IV, No io, 196o, p 1. *JPRS EL'ur-Hungary Econ-Agriculture 27 MAY 196o T 1,4:utia Uutiwroary of t~w liaii, iAmtorato of ~iJticraal 4aalassa. 15 2 7~,' 63 7 ~14 SiA ORR (NY-3976). Role.of Petrochemistry ia the Development of the Chemical Industry, by_~anoa Balewsa, Fereac Szaboj 21 pp. MMGARIM, perj Kozgazdaaagi Szemle, Vol VII, No 3, 19601 PP 293-305. JPRS 5347 83mr - Hungary Scon Aug 6o sates '0r-2597) Hatlormi Use of arm Coal In ust Geram" by ftV Miklm.ftUssap. 32'ff. per, DamMsatt Lepk, Vol UZI, e/3., JLr 1.959', iwk~wtt Jv 00-A.. JM 1728-1 nur cleripaw am 7=12 od pmert owww" rove ood*w Oul 59 lrsea~n-o-amma!,.-ion in k3odlae Bractftse., by R. VIWWol oloslzias Vol M,. No 3, .1 4!FA63. 11. Cao* of Introduction of Rplomms Pltmb*um,(Nnz) 1 795 (lmdidsa) by Birda into the TarritoxT of 1 by V. CeMs, 7- BaUts,-1.3 PY. CZWHp parp Zoologicks Ustyp Vol MCj go 1. 195'1p !V 81-83- MA 59-15895 Doe 59 Vol 21 No 5 VrAsr Wtmt Urcumstsmas wn Wild DucU and Gemw Infected with neb OW WW id the Epid"doolosical Import"= of Swb Was- tatifts by F* Ulats GEMM,# part -Schruena lands"t Naturs-Ch ion. 113-120. M HIH 4-31447 on May 67 3269922 A Calls of Introductim-of flyalam ~kpmbsm (N=) 1795 (Ixodid") by Birds loft tbe Territory of SRO by V. CwWo I. DaIatt 3 pp. . R=UN pwo zwi am Vol X10 so is 1957,, ;; 81-83. , /,,/- /~ I &,~ 7,-5- NIK 10-21 Sol - Biology sm % 1-7,4, 0 9 9' T-r; '03C TICIC (IXObO RUIMWL.) As & Bird P&rdaite In a NatuAl Focus, by Bolamir Rosicky,. Frantisek Balat, 36 ppo CUCH per Oeshoslovewks Pamoltoloalej 0l :0 V ' 1V 45-76. siA 6o-ihegg Bel. r, eb 6a lep%v.' OP4F~r Vol M., Ifo n ftwidity of ft lards 16 NOMI DevaloymMs by r. VAnvIUez, Bolatm L. Pujo, 8 p. M=s port JOW de PbAM sit do Wo) 1939o' Vol xuxjp pt. Is, pp 159-2(A.. MA 60-10605 SOL ma 60 Vol 3.9 110 Renciaity of Rog Lerd. II. ZxTerimiantal Productiou of rl=cidity, by P - Monrillez, W a-tre, L. Puj o, 7 .7t)p - ~ ~ FRENCH, per, J Pham Cblm~ Vol XMX~ 1939, PP 167-175- sLA 6o-lo6o4 sci - ,Yun 6o / / Y- '4 ~s to W I&%%% Us Me DRAW* Po I, UMM* V& T* Qls'llp;lm'N 1 0 - I bmft mosaft lavM& Ift mmma, go* k O-W (I-W) - -- - #Abft - v--- IMMA A by by Fi. ,~m,hhov -r I:ZU DIAGNOSTIC MISTAKES IN CANCER OF THE COLON PRESENTING AS-ANEMIA, BY D. N. BALATSENKO, N. M. PAVLOVA, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, PER, VOPROSY ONKOLOG, VOL VII, NO 11, ig6l. ELSEVIER PUBLISHING CQ scl FEB 63 221)614 )MUNUMIKUKKUNWOR ',.ic,'Llr Uative Transition in Heavy Mosic Atoms., 4 L. N. Koudratlyevp L. 0. Landabergj. Lcbede7s 3 PP- MMSIO, per., Zhur Moper i Teoret I?iz, vol xCM11, No 6, 1960p pp 1715-1T19- AV Soy Fbys-JW vol xi.. No 6 Sci Ahr 61 vl~. 63-22791 Balavadze, B. K. PROCEDURE FOR THE DETERMINATION OF THE 1. Balavadze, B. K. VERTICAL GRADIENT OF THE FORCE OF 11. RT-399t GRAVITY [K Mctodike Opredeleniya Vertikat'nogo 111. Geophysical and Polar Gradienta Si[y Tyazhescil. L Oct 63, 2Dp Researcb Center. U. of Order from GPRC $4.00 Wisconsin, Madison Tran& of #Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Izvestlya. Serlya Geofizicheskaya, L955, no. 1. p. 45-56. Another trans. is available from SLA as RT-3991. DESCRIPTORS: *Gravity, Determination, Geophysics, *Geo.desics. (Earth Sciences- -Geodesy. TT, Y. LO, no. 12) DIFIN 01 1 zuv(cn - ~ 7 7 "Now ~51e. Stn~w urc of tbe F~ij-.'"Wz Crust in Gco,-Zia According to Geophy.Acal Data, by B. K. and G. K. Tvaltvaelze, 6 pyi RUSSIAN, pet-, lz 1dr, Goolflz, Xmer G:wphys Uziua Sci (FDD 25074) Frocedure for the Determination of the Vertical Gradient of the Force of Gravity, by.�.~.,' Baluvadzep 25 pp. RUSSIAN, bimo per, Iz Ak Nauk 8518H, Ser Geofiz, No 1, Moscow,, Jan/Feb 1955, pp 45)46.. CIA/FDD/U-711.6 USSR Sci - Geophysics Jul 55